The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 24, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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June 24, 1897
Nebraska Mcpcnucn
Ctmlidatfou ""
Independent Publishing Go,
At 1120 M Street,
$1.00 per Year in Advance
Address all communication! to, and make all
traits, mono orders, etc, payable to
Lincoln, Nib.
To the Members of tbe state Committee of the
Feopel's Independent party ot tbe state
of Nebraska.'
Gentlemen: We, tbe secretary and chairman
Ol the state committee, do hereby announce tbe
official call ot each committee, to take place at
the city of Lincoln on Jnly 8th at I p, m, at tbe
Lincoln Hotel, (or the purpose ol fixing the time
and naming the place of the holding of the state
convention of the People's Independent Party of
Nebraska, and attending to any other bnslnees
that may come before It, Each member of the
committee Is owed to attend the meeting, as
matters of Importance will be considered,
B. It, B. WKBEO, 3, H. EDMI3TEN,
Secretary, 'Chairman,
Aa Bartley gats nearer to tbe peniten
tiary state warrant! get nearer to par.
A remarkable coincidence.
Oar ability to produce excels that of
every otber nation in tbe world, but as
for our distribution its bad. A few men,
with the aid of congress, get it all.
Statistics show that as our popula
tion increases the per capita expense of
government increases also. In tho face
of such a record should We pursue the
policy of annexation?
Some chapters in hsstory should be
carefully studied by custodians of public
money" Barrett Bcott," "Maxey Cobb,"
"City Treasurer Bolln," "State Treasurer
Bartley." Tbe next chapter that will be
added will be entitled "Eugene Moore."
The Wahoo Wasp, a republican paper
cites the fact that the treasury depart
ment coined f 1,500,000 new silver dol
lars lost month as an evidence of re
turning prosperity. If a little , coinage
brings a little prosperity, why not have
more coinage 0! silver and more pros
perity? . 1 tfl ' ' -;r ""
It would be a very proper subject for
the present congress to consider favor
ably a bill providing for a protective
tariff, and bounty upon the production of
republicans in Nebraska. It is aU in
dustry that greatly needs protection or
it may die out entirely. It has passed
through tbe infant and middhrlife stage
and Is now in its second childhood and
needs more protection and fostering care
than ever before. Senator Thurston
should prepare such a bill without delay.
A Washington News letter sent out
by the National information bureau
speaking of Congressman W, L. Green
Representative Green the brilliant sat
ellite of the plains, who even excells Mr.
Bryan in oratorical ability, has been
confined to the bouse by the sickness of
his daaghter. We hope to see Mr. Green
stirring up the auimals on trie floor of
the House before long, for at the present
time, it seems that tbe House is in a
condition of what Grover Cleveland
would call a state of "innocuous
desuetude." They do not even get up a
decent fracas.
If we remember there were certain re
publican papers in the state that were
asserting not very long ago, that the
attorney-general was not vigorously
prosecuting the case against Ex-Treasurer
Bartley. Wonder what they will
say about it now? Come, speak out
Tell the people when the republican
party ever elected an attorney -general
that performed his dut,''. fearlessly
and faithfully as has the Hon. C. J.
Tbe Independent acknowledges the
receipt of a large and very valuable
map of tbe United States aud a late
volume of the coinage laws, front Hon.
A. E. Sutherland, congressman from the
Fifth district. Tbe editor returns thnnkt
and hopes to be remembered again.
Sutherland Is the right kind of a con
gressman. He has a mind large enough
to remember bis friends in all parts of
the state of Nebraska.
In outlining the future pnlioy ot the
Holt County ludependeut, its editor,
Mr. O. F. Blglin very properly take a
broad and liberal view of the situation
that confronts him in Holt county. II
ays he will not recognise factions. That
Is correct, A people's party paper
hoald consider only the welfare ot the
populUt party as 4 whole. Factions
and cliques generally rvpreewnt the corn,
blned aelfUhfe ot a set ot Individuals,
organised to prey upon the community,
TWy hav no plae in ths populUt
party, and ar not eniilled to ths sup
port ot pcpuliat ajrs, Ths editor
ays: The ann ol the Holt County In
dpndtt vlll b to prvmulgat the
doctrine ot the people's party enun
ciated hf ths Omaha and Kk Laul
fJatfoftaa." Its a food Wit, stUk to Ik
It is a surprising fact that every t ime
the sugar trust succeeds in getting a
multi-million dollar steal through con
gress, the question of the annexation of
the island of Hawaii "bobs up serenely."
It wouldseem that the Congress and Sen
ate were very anxious to divert the atten
tion of the people from their latest act of
robbery. li has been so in tbe past, but
will hardly work so well this time. Tbe
American people know that their repre
sentatives have passed a sugar schedule
that will enable the great trust to take
more than $ 53,000.000 from the pockets
of tbe sugar consumers of the United
States. In the language of Senator
Allen, it is merely "legalized larceny."
As for annexation the people of the
United States do not favor it. Their
reasons are many. It would prove to be
a very expensive luxury to control tin
island 2.500 miles from tbe American
cdast. The American people will not al
low foreign nations to increase their
holdings in the western hemisphere,
That is tbe Monroe doctrine, and should
be stoutly maintained. Annexation is
entirely different. It is a scheme of tbe
millionaire bondholders of Lambard
and Wall Street. Tbey hold tbe almost
worthless securities of the Sandwich Isl
ands, and desire to boom them at tbe
expense of Uncle Sam. It may be argued
that $4,000,000 is not much for a great
nation like this. Little or big a steal is
a steal and should be denounced. It
establishes a very bad precedent. There
are man v islands 'in the various oceans
ol the world. The bondholders will bond
these islands, one or more at a time, for
many times their value, and then with a
corrupt lobby secure their annexation to
the United States with the proviso in
the treaty of annexation that Uncle Sam
shall assume and: pay the bonded in
debtedness. It is a great scheme, but its
suicide for tbe party that dares to up
hold it.
The Chicago Tribune has been establish
ed for more than fifty years. It has seen
the rise and growth of the republican
party. It wnl probably live to seejts
complete downfall. Tbe Tribune has
been the most vicious of any of tbe Chi
cago papers in attacking and abusing
tbe populist party and its principles and
platforms. Since tbe Mast election it
seems to have made great advancement
and speaks favorably of many populist
principles. !
Republicanism in Illinois like' republi
canism In Nebraska, has decayed past
all endurance, Tbe last legislature,
Wbich was overwhelmingly republican,
sold out the entire state to the monopo
lists of Chicago. One of tbe most cor
rupt acts that ij passed was the Allen
bill, and the republican governor ifas
signed it. The bill, as ' orlginall intro
duced, contained a populistic referendum
clause, providing that tbe act must be
approved by a majority of tbe voters of
Chicago before the law would become
operative. This populist principle was
offensive tothe republican legislature
and it was stricken out of the bill before
It was passed. Concerning this the
Tribune says:
"Tbe legislature and Tannerhave done
their worst. The boodle council is pre
paring to do its worst. Tuesday night
Alderman Walker offered a rule provid
ing that when an ordinance is introduced
extending an existing street car franchise
no action shall be taken on it within
thirty days. This is to give tbe people
a chance to be heard the chance they
would have had if the referendum clause
had not been stricken out of the Allen
But though the legislature has sold
out the city and a treacherous governor
has betrayed it, and althoug a venal
council is already preparing to barter
public rights tor private gain, those citi
zens who have fought so long against
Yerkes and his imps should not give up
tbe fight now.
All is not lost. Something remains to
be done before Yerkes gets the lease of
700 miles of city streets for half a cen
tury. The council bos not acted yet.
The people must rally end see to it that
it does not act."
But the council will act and Yerkes
will win. Chicagoans and the Tribune
are in an excellent position to appre
ciate tho beauties of the referendum,
so long advocated by the populis
The Tribune abused Altguld in the last
campaign in every way it possibly could,
and supported tbe present governor,
Tanner. Comparing Tanner with Alt
geld it now says: ,
"Gov. Tanner has dons something
which on his election day no one would
hnv deemed possible. He has made
t'tiicagonns deplore tbe defeat of Altgeld
as a choice of evils. Violent, revolu
tionary ns he was, and shady In his otll
el ul actions as he was, he never would
In we digued the Allen bill; he would
rather have lnt his right band. Altgeld
two years ago vetoed street railway
measures which were not one tenth part
as offensive as the Allen bill which this
tegis'ature has corruptly passed. He
wn nut afraid to give his reasons lor
doing no. Governor Tanner has signed
ths rasrally Allen bill in detinues ol the
prntent til the whole inn of the people
ol Chicago, but bas not ventured as yet
to give his reasons lor doing so, if he
has any he -We exhibit to the light."
Thcitiina o! Chicago and Illinois
should follow th exampl set by ths
citiieus of Nebraska sod vote ths entire
republican gang out ot ol'lee and elect
populists to take their ptacsc.
The e'tiiens ti Illinois are complala
in bitterly at Cor. Tanner and ths
last WtiUlatart. They derv ao sym
pathy tor they deposited ths ballot that
ubsiUnwd Tranr lor Altgeld,
Senator Tillman ot South Carolina
when discussing tb tariff bill said, "And
I say plainly, if we are to have this
stealing I want my share for South Car
olina." Since that time the republican
papers have been claiming that Tillman
has been converted to the theory of
protection. We are aware that the
prevailing method among republicans in
making tariff converts is to offer to di
vide tbe swag, but very few of the re
cipients are so frank in admitting it as
Tillman was. We think tbey will have
to try again before they make a very
ardent protectionist out of Mr. Tillman.
He Is only "forging on the enemy" by
competing them to divide tbe benefits of
their iniquitous legislation.
Bixby in the Journal says: "A man
never knows bow many staunch friends
be bas until he gets in trouble and needs
their kindly offices."
We presume that Bartley and Moore
can testify to the truth of that state
ment, as they think back over tbe kindly
acts and favors which they have shown
to tbe State Journal and now read in its
columns its crylngs for their blood. The
Journal has suddenly been seized with a
spasm of honesty, aud will sacrifice any
of its past political friends in tbe effort
to have tbe republican party returned to
power in order that it may practice
again its nefarious schemes of public
plunder and robbery, Tbe Journal com
pany has fattened on the dishonesty of
republican officials and now in their
time of need it deserts them. Ingrati
tude is the basest ot crimes,
In the month of April last year the
sugar trust imported 388,381,830
pounds of raw sugar. In tbe month of
April this year it Imported 773,527,477
pounds. In May last' year the trust
imported 544,106,452 pounds. . In May
of this year its importations were 790,
324,053 pounds l!in the two months.
Tbe importations were made to avoid
the payment of the small revenue duty
on raw sugar. The duty allowed in tbe
schedule just passed by the senate is
about 91 cents per hundred pounds and
On tbe six hundred and thirty one mil
lion and odd pounds of sugar which
httve been imported during tbe last
two months over and above the amount
usually imported would net the trust
a profit of $5,745,395.25 for their two
month's speculation. The sugar trust
was operating on a "sure thing." Ttiey
owned the tariff committee and a major
ity of the senate and knew they owned
them. The trust can afford to dosble
or treble its contribution to there
publican campaign fund for tbe purpose
of "maintaining our credit abroad" and
preserving the existing gold standard
and other existing conditions. ' ,
McKinley seems to have fa Ilea into
Cleveland's practices very easy. 'While
he does not fish he spends his time boat
riding, and such work, that does not
help the Cubans whatever, His mind is
not on tbe Cuban question as much since
the campaign of last fall as it was then.
lie has even forgot the plank of his
platform that touches upon that ques
tion. Red Cloud Nation. 0.
If we are to have annexation, why not
liberate Cuba arid begin the policy by
annexing Cuba. Cuba is worth as much
to tbe United States as half a dozen
Hawaiis, whether considered in a
commercial or military manner. Its
products are greater and more valuable,
Its people more nearly civilized, and
from a military point of view Cuba com
mands the entrance to the Gulf of Mex.
Ico. The arguments favorable for the
annexation of Hawaii apply with three
times greater force in the case of Cuba,
It is practically a part ot this continent,
and is inhabited by people already fa.
miliar with our form of government.
As a national policy annexation is bad,
but the horrible war ot extermination
now being carried on by Spain in the
island of Cuba would Justify almost any
kind of action by this government, cal
culated to put a stop to the horrible
butcheries. ,....
The great republican dailies of the
United States are almost uuaniraous in
their denunciation of the proposition to
tax inheritances. It is well known that
the wealthy do not pay their fair share
of taxes for the support of the govern
ment. The proposed inheritance tax
would serve in a small degree to equalize
the burden. It is certainly a just tax.
It can be easily and inexpensively col
lected through the probate courts. It
will yield a large amount of revenue, as
a little study' of the following figures will
show. Among the great estates that
would sometime be required to pay this
tnx, there are 200 persons worth $20,
000.000 each-f 4,000,000,000.
There are 400 persons worth $10,000,.
000 each-$t, 000,000,000.
There are 1,000 persons worth $5,
000,000 each$3.000,000,000.
There are 2,000 persons worth $2,
500,000 eneh-$3,00O,0O0,000,
There are 0,000 persons worth $!,
000,000 aoh-tl,000,000,000.
Twenty-four billion dollars owned by
O.floo person.
There are 15,000 people who own
$300,000 each, making $7,5tMl,oOO,000,
0O0, or uiore than one-halt ol the wealth
01 the United States, Can anyone glv
a reason why this wealth should not
bear a part ot ths burdea ot the eipeas
ot govern uat? If It cannot b
taxed, by aa income tax, whit ths men
ho control It are alive, why not tat II
after they are dead? It certainty ought
to b taied. -
Tbe special correspondent for the Chi
cago Record at Lincoln, Nebraska, who
ever he may be, should be awarded the
"liar's belt." He has written an article,
more than a column in length, for the
Chicago Record in wbich there is less
truth than many article ot the same
length ever published. The first sen
tence of tbe article is as follows: "Ne
braska bas something like 1400 desper
ate and healthy convicts that tbe
state authorities are anxious to know
what to do with." The next paragraph
reads: "This extraordinary condition
(1400 idle convicts) of affairs is one of
the consequences of the' views of tbe late
populist legislature on tbe subject of po
litical economy. The populist leaders
were of the opinion that the penitentiary
should be self-supporting. They so re
solved and seemed to think that settled
it, for all appropriations for tbe sup
port of tbe penitentiary, with the ex
ception of a small item for salaries of
employes, was cut off." The article con
tinues in tbe same untruthful manner to
the close, ,
The exact facts in tbe case as learned
from an interview with Governor Hoi
comb and Warden Leldigh and the rec
ords of the penitentiary show, first that
instead of 1400 convicts there are only
329. Of the 329 there are 165 that
have regular and steady employment in
tbe workshops and manufacturing insti
tut ions inside tbe penitentiary walls, S3
are employed in operating tbe peniten
tiary at such work as cooking, cleaning,
mending, etc.; 9 are females, 7 are in the
hospital; 15 are too old, crippled or
otherwise disabled; 50 unemployed. Tbe
fifty that are classed as unemployed are
those that the warden would lease to a
responsible contractor at a reasonably
figure, , The warden has furnished tbem
work most of the time in repairing the
penitentiary building, or on tbe farm,
gardening or attending to the live stock.
Last winter he had them put up a large
quantity of ice for the use of the prison
and the state is paying no ice bill as has
been customary under', all preceding ad
ministrations. The, next statement; of
the Record's correspoudeut, that the
last legislature made no appropriation
except for salaries is also false. It is
true that the appropriation t made was
$40,000 less than the amount usually
appropriated by republican legislatures.
It bas been customary to appropriate
$100,000. Warden Leidigh asked and
received $60,000, or 40 per cpnt less
than preceding managements bad re.
ceived. He is and has conducted the
penitentiary entirely within the appro
priations made by the legislature. He
has turned into the state treasury since
January 1st, 1 897, $5,700. The appro
priation made by the legislature in equal
to $2,500 per month and Warden Lei
digh bas not allowed the expenses to ex
ceed that amount at any time.
Some of tbe contracts that were made
before the change in administration are
not as advantageous as they should be.
Tbey will be cancelled, and new con
tracts at a better price will be made aa
soon as possible.
Governor Holcomb says the provis
ions made by the last legislature for tbe
support of the penitentiary are ample
for its maintainance as it Is now con
ducted, and if satisfactory contracts can
be made, or a part of the prisoners put
to work on the state's account, as is be
lieved can be done in a short time, there
will be a very satisfactory surplus ' to
turn back to the treasury at the end of
tbe biennium.
The figures show that the peniten
tiary is being conducted at this time
with at least $$j)00 per month less ex
pense to the taxpayers of tbo state than
ever before.
Tbe discipline at the penitentiary is
good. The prisoners are satisfied.
Health and Sanitary provisions were
never better.
The Chicago Record should devote
more of its space to exposing the cor
rupt and vicious acts of the last legisla
ture and the governor of tbe state of
Illinois, and tell the truth about Nebras
ka, that tbe populist legislature and tbe
present populist administration are tbe
best tbe state of Nebraska ever bad.
Explain to the people that the legisla
ture of Illinois appropriated more money
and passed more corrupt acts than
any legislature in tbe history of the state;
that the legislature in Nebraska made
ample provisions for the care of nil tbe
state institutions with about half a mil
lion ot dollars less than tbe preceding
administration. Tell them that the
greatest defaulter In tbe history of the
state, the republican ex-treasurer, J.S,
Bartley, has been prosecuted and eon
vie ted under the present administration.
Tell them that although there have been
many defaulting state olllcluls that
Hartley is the first that was ever con-j
vlcted. Tell tbem that there are other
cite pending and that more con vktiou
will follow. Tell them that two war
ago state warrants were worth 03 cents,
but that under th prewnt populist ad
ministration, despite th hatred and
prejudice existing in ths east, tbey ara
worth tSeir face In gold. Tell th truth
and deearv th rpect ol your reader.
TbeearulbM ut thetolmeco trust tor
th year Just cUmmhI loot up to $3,59.1,
179. All of the trusts eoutilbuM to
th McKlnUy raatpalgrt toad, and tbey
deaurv to b prosperous. Th IHngUy
bill will m that their prosperity dor
ot grow U.
The fire test of intrinsic value was the
jposie of tbe last campaign. Mr. Bryan
illustrates it with a story. Mr. Sound
money meets Mr. Popocrat and says,
Pop, look here. I have $100 in gold,
$100 in Bilver and $100 in paper in my
house. House burns down- Paper is
entirely gone. Silver is worth $50 but
gold is worth $100. Gold is tbe best
mouey. How do you get arouud that?"
Popocrat answers: "I go out fishing on
the sea. with $100 in gold, $100 in sil
ver and $100 in paper. Boat turns over
Gold goes to the bottom. Silver goes to
the bottom. Paper floats. Paper is
best money." One illustration is as
good as tbe otber. Money was not
made to bui n except by tramp million
aires like Berry, and only fools will go
fishing with anything inthe boat except
tackle, bait and Kentucky refreshments.
Published by the St Louis Journal.
The bureau of labor have more calls
for girls to do general house work than
tbey have applications for each posi
tions. If there are any who are out of
employment and desire a position they
can secure it by addressing the labor
commissioner. There is also more de
mand for stenographers and type
writers, and for farm hands than there
are applicants. Anyone " who Is out of
employment and desires work should
address Hon. S. J. Kent, labor commis
sioner, Lincoln, Nebraska, giving quali
fications and particulars of tbe kind of
work required. All information is fur
nished absolutely fiiee. It is a state
bureau and there are no charges, to
either the applicant or tbe employer.
Those desiring help of any kind should
write tbe bureau for information and
lists of applicants.
It is contended by administration or
gans that Hawaii should be annexed be
cause it is a nplendid winter resort.
What a convenience it will be for tbe
coal miners of Pennsylvania, Illinois and,
Iowa, the factory hands ot the east and
the farmers and merchants of tbe whole
country to have such a resort, only
2,100 miles from San Francifco. fn which
to spend tbeireuperfluoustimeand cash.
This would certainly supply a long felt
want of tbe masses. St.' Louis Journal.
The republican party promised tbe
American people that as soon as tbe
news of McKinley's election was flashed
over the telegraphic wires, that confi
dence would be restored, business would
revive, money would circulate, the mills
would open, there would be work for the
unemployed, wages would increase, in
ternational bi-metallism would be as
sured, our credit would be preserved,
the people prosperous, quiet, and con
tented. It seems that tbe republican party
was considerably mistaken. Many of
the people were fooled by their pledges
and promises, others Here frightened at
their cries of danger. In 1900 the
American people will not be so easily
fooled or humbuged. It will be a differ
ent story then but it won't go.
Tbe expenses of the government of the
United States has been increasing very
rapidly in tbe past twenty years, Tbe
per capita expense of conducting the
government in 1876 was $7.24. Last
year it bad risen to $8,22. Our popula
tion bas increased very rapidly but the
exp nse of the government has increased
at a greater rate. This may be ac
counted for in a measure by our system
of indirect taxation. The people do not
pay their taxes direct to the government
and consequently have no knowledge of
the enormity of the amount. Taxes are
levied npon the goods they buy, upon
tobacco, cigars, playing cards and the
like, in tbe form of internal revenue tax
and upon woolen clothing, sugar and
lumber, in the form of tariff taxation.
It is certainly unjust to tax men accord
ing to the amount of food and clothing
tbey consume, for it makes the poor
man pay as much or more than tbe
wealthy man. The one that works eats
more and wears out more clothing than
the one who is idle. If taxation was
direct, if men paid money according to
the amount of property' tbey bwfl, for
support of the government as they
do- for state, county, municipal and
school taxes, it would be a more just
and equitable system o' taxation. They
would have a better idea of tbe amouot
it requires to run the government and
would more carefully scrutinize and
criticise extravagant appropriations
made by congress. Congress would fear
public sentiment and would be more con
servative and economical in its appro
priations. The present system is unjust
and leads to extravagance.
Chairman J-H. Edmlsten has called a
meeting of the state central committee
to be held in Lincoln July 8h. We pub.
lish the call At the head of our columns.
Tbe chairman anu secretary are anxious
to have a full attendance by the mem
bers of the ycommittee. He especiall
urges npon every member the impor
tance of attending this very important
meeting. Those who cannot attend are
expected to write a letter giving their
reasons for not attending an 1 stating
their views as to the date and place at
which the coming state convention
should be held. Those who do not at
tend must not complain at any action
tho commlttoo may e fit to take con
cerning the state convention or any
other action In connection wittniU
affairs ot the party.
We worked through spring and winter,
Through summer and through fall;
But the mortgage worked the hardest
And tbe steadiest of all.
It worked on nights and Sundays,
It worked each holiday;
It settled down among us,
And it never went away.
The rust and blight were with us
Sometimes and sometimes not, '
The dark-browed, scowling mortgage
Was forever on the spot.
The weevil and tbe cutworm
Tbey went as well as came;
The mortgage stayed forever,
Eating hearty all the same.
It nailed up every window,
Stood guard at evey door,
And happiness and sunshine
Made their borne with us no more.
Till with failing crops and sickness
We got stalled npon the grade,
And then came a day upon us
When the interest was not paid,
, And there came a sharp foreclosure,
And I kind of lost my hold,
Aud grew weary and discouraged,
And the farm was cheaply sold.
The children lett and scattered,
When they hardly yet were grown;
My wife she pined and perished,
Ana 1 lound myself alone.
What she died of was a 'imysteryl"
And the doctors never knew;
Bnt I knew she died of mortgage, " 1
V As well as I wanted to.rt; si i
If to trace a hidden sorrow
Were within tbe doctors' art,
They'd have found a mortgage lying
Oa tbe woman's broken heart.
Worm and beetle.drought and tempest,
On a farmer's land may fall,- ttu 1 ; ...
But for first-class ruination f "ti .!
'Trust a mortgage 'gainst them all. '
? -" ' ' ' u ;-Ctning Salion;
In this column we will publish commoulcatiutie
of worthy and suitable character, received
from subscribers to this paper. No communi
cation should contain more than 800 words,
Manoecrlpt will not be returned,
By the Contraction Route.
Giltneb, Neb., June 14, 1897.
Editor Independent: Find enclosed
postofflce order for $1.25 as pay for re
newal for the Independent and "The
New Time" (B. 0. Flowers' paper.) I
would not know how to get along with
out such papers.
The gold standard avalanche is sweep
ing the homes of industrious Americans
into the valley of bankruptcy so fast
that the people are becoming alarmed.
It seems . as though they have to be
knocked down to get a lick of sense.
Why don't the money oligarchy demand
immediate payment of mortgages, in
stead ol keeping the people in suspense
trying to disentangle themselves from
the octopus? They will own all eventu
ally anyway, by the way of th', contrac
route. (The poor cowardly dupes.)
Yours to the finish,"
B. F. McDannel.
When bilious or costive, eat a Case ret
candy catbartic.cure guaranteed, Oo 25
The Dingley bill was a tariff for pro-
tAetinn with Kk,n 'in,A
Senate committee chanired it to . tariff
ior rooonry wiin incidental protection.
New York World.
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Lincoln Paint & Color Co., 9th & M Sis.