June 24, 1879 THE NERBASKA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL LAND LEASE CONTRACTS The Condition Upon which School Ltd Can be Purchased. At the recent semi an of the legislature an act was passed which does away with the sale of educational or school laud on.and after July 9th, the date it be comes a law. In an interview with the. state treas urer upon this subject, we learn that he has been instructed by Hon. J. V. Wolf, commissioner of public lands 'and build ings, that if holders of lease contract desire to purchase such land or any part of it, complete application to pur chase must be filed with the county treasurer not later than the close of the eighth day of July. By "complete application topurchase" it is understood, in the first place that holders of lease contracts are entitled to purchase such lands. Party desiring to purchase must file his lease contract with the county treasurer and sign ap plication for appraisement and sale of laud, and as soon as county commit, ioners or supervisors (the appraisers) make their return, there should be paid, leasfi rental to date of application to purchase, at least one-tenth of the prin cipal, interest on the remainder to th end of the year. Give six per cent (0 per ct.)note for unpaid principal. All must be done within the time above mentioned, in order to constitute a legal filing for purchase. Some have the impression that lease contracts iray be transferred into sale contracts at any time, and that the new law affects vacant land only. But this is not the case. Absolutely no school land shall be sold after the date men tioned except for church, school house, 'or cemetery purposes. Existing sale contracts are not molested. It is provided tnat all appraisements must be reviewed by the board of edu cational lands and funds, and if found to be out of proportion to the true value of the land, this board mast appoint new appraisers and the land may then only be sold on the basis of this new appraise ment. Hence commissioners should take care to set the price of such lands at the price for which they would be willing to sell, if they owned the land, and Com missioner Wolfe feels that it is a duty citirens owe, in protection of the school fund to immediately inform him of any errors in the valuation of such land. If desired, such information will be treated as confidential and highly appreciated. Two years ago the State Journal re ceived the contract for printing the House Journal at 2.10 per page and the Senate Journal at f 2.40 per pane. This year the populist board (Porter, Meserveand CornelHIet the contract at 51.00 per page for House and Senate ournal. The amount of saving to tax payers is nearly $5,000. Dontyousee? Can't you hear? Does this indicate re form? No wonder the republicans have such a man as J. W. Johnson trying to mislead and prejudice the minds of the people against such men as the above named gentlemen. You see some of these republicans are losing their chances for their large rake offs. Be honest and vote for reform regardless of name or party. Polk Co. Independent. SOME APPOINTMENTS. STARTLING FIGURES. ENORMOUS OVERCHAFSES FOR RAIL WAY MAIL. SERVICE. Officially Announced by Governor Hoi comb last Week. In accordance with the provisions of the new law Governor Holcomb has ap pointed the officers lo take charge of the Industrial Home at Milford and the Home for the Friendless at Lincoln. The appointments made were as follows: Home for the Friendless, Lincoln Superintendent, Mrs. C. S. Jones, Lin coln; physician, Dr. Lenore Perky, Lin coln; vUiting and advisory board, Mrs. W. M. Morning, three years, Lincoln; Mrs. J. E. Miller, three years, Lincoln; Mrs. A. C. Kicketts, two years, Lincoln! Mrs. A. II. Weir, one year, Lincoln; Mrs. L. W. Pomerine, one year, Lincoln. Nebraska Industrial Home, Milford Superintendent, Mrs. A. M. Edwards, Fremont; physician, Dr. Alma L. Rowe, Beaver Crossing; visiting and advisory board, Mrs, Norris Humphrey, one year, Lincoln; Mrs. F. M. Hall, one year, Lin coln; Mrs. C. W. Bain, two years, Sew ard; Mrs. E. A. Gilbert, three years, York; Mrs. M. D Welch, three years, Lincoln. The superintendent at the Home for the Friendless receives a salary of $800 per annum and the physician $700. The superintendent at Milford gets $1, 000 and the physician $ 1)00. The mem bers of the visiting and advisory boards receive only their expenses. PRACTICE ECONOMY in buying med icines as in other matters. It is econ omy to get Hood's Sarsaparilla because it contains more medical value than any other 100 doses one dollar. nOOD'S PILLS are the only pills to take with Hood's Saieaparilla. Cure all liver ills. So far McKlnley bas followed along in Grover Clovelanu'e financial footsteps, without once stepping out of the beaten paths. And yet lota of the fellows who put In their time abusing Cleveland for his course are now just as ardently sup porting Mckinley, Put a democratic fatal on a gold standard bank money policy, and it is everything that is vile tun! abominable; put a republics IaIm-1 on the same policy and it ia altogether glorious. What a I10I it makes of n man to worship a party.- SUr uud Uu an, MILWAUKEE, WJ?. Ahj- nonal iU'tibjr EJacstional eistiea. lint. llH.lt iK the round trip from I.imtilit via. 0 Ituiliiigtotu S.ilii data, July I and 5. rlxteimUin .' limit to .tuuut JJl, na RppllritHon to joint ant at lltlwaukx on or t'lf July 13, and t n imo' ft'l rtlit tepitl Urn, rivil train from Mm-ola July 5. Vor hrlli etc., t ply at U. A M. id t ot or ntv ot11". ornr loth and lr-(. a at tuo. w, inti.t.( e, p, a t. , The hntHHi'Srr gives a!) the news, alt the lime, It-, I it. Cover 11 men t Needlessly Pays Million Ev ery Tear Walter Clark of the Snpreme Court of North Carolina on a Defect la Our Postal System. "Go, my son," said the great Chan cellor Oxenstierc to his son, who was setting out on a grand tour of Europe, "go and see with what little wisdom the kingdoms of the world are gov erned." It is true today, as then, and of republics no less than monarchies, writes Walter Clark, associate justice of the supreme conrt of North Carolina, in the current number of Tho Typo graphical Journal. We need not take time to refer to Carnegie and the iron armor matter in which the govern ment was shown to have paid $520 per ton for steel armor which the same es tablishment was furnishing at the same time, laid down in fiussia, at $247 per ton. There are many similar incidents, though smaller perhaps in the amount of the frauds, to be found in other de partments of the government The ob ject of this article, however, is not to expose frauds it seems an endless and a bootless undertaking but to point out some of the maladministration of that great department of the government which conies nearest the citizen and visits him more frequently than any other, the tax collector not exceptod, and whose agents constantly go in and out among us and whoso tolls ore a daily tax upon our pockets the post- office department. The growth of this department is more phenomenal than that of the pub lio itself. Starting with 75 postmasters and an annual expenditure of $37,000 under George Washington, it had grown ia 1880 so as to report 53,000 postmas tersand $44,000,000 of expenditures, and this with a constantly decreasing rate of charges, which by that date hud come down to 8 cents for the carriage of one-half ounce letters anywhere in the republic. The ten years since 1886 have seen postage reduced to 8 cents for one ounoe letters and the postoffice depart ment increased to nearly 75,000 post masters and $92,000,000 expenditures. What it will be even ten years hence, if the proposed reduction of letter postage to 1 rent shall be made, and especially if telegraph or telephone offices shall be established by the government, with low rates, at every postoffice in the land, in town and country, no man can estimate. In the main, the subordinates of the postoffice do their work efficiently and honestly. There is no department or organization working a large force of men, scattered widely apart, which can show a smaller percentage of defalca tions or fewer derelictions in duty. There is no complaint of the working staff, of the vast mass of men who do the drudgery and the labor of the great machine which is so material to the comfort and convenience of the publio. If there had been shortcomings in them, there would have been reform long since. Where the department immedi ately touches the people it is usually regular and irreproachable. Yet there are vast defects, criminal shortcomings, which, stupendous in amount of losses, prevent betterments and ameliorations in the service rendered the publio. It is of these that this article wishes to treat The two greatest defects in the ad ministration of the postoffice depart ment are the enormous overcharges paid to the railway service, amounting to fully $15,000,000 annual loss to the government, and the pevention by cor porate influences of the adoption of the telegraph and telephone as a postoffice betterment and facility, although they have been adopted by the postoffice de partment in 95 per cent of all tho post offices in the. other civilized governments of thu world. And first the overcharges paid the railways for mail service are such as to stagger belief. According to the post master general's reports, the govern ment pays 8 cents per pound for the transportation of mail matter, in addi tion to paying rentals of the postal cars, while the express companies, who make large profits, are charged 1 cent per pound and less for the same sorvice. And not only this, but while the aver age life of a postal car is 20 years, the government pays on an average 200 per cent on the cost of postal cars as yearly rental in addition to paying eight times the charge per pound paid by express companies for hauling the oar. To get down to details, Postmaster General Bissell's report for 1894, page 63, and Wilson's for 1895, page 31, show that the average price for carrying the mail wa S cents per ponnd. and this for an averngo distance of 443 miles. The Texas and Southern Pacific railroad carries caps, boots, enssimeresaud hard ware for eight-tenths of a ceut per pound from New Orleans to Snn Fran cisco, 2,500 miles, five times the aver age haul of tho mail fur which routs a pound is puid L ., the government pays fifty tiron as much. Ou an inves tigation before the iiitcmtnte coumtervo comuiimiiou Ueorgo It. Blaucliutd testi fied that the express companies carried Kills to New York, a dUtiiuoa of 890 miles, at a chorgti of tuii-iithcf a mil per pound, returning the cans free, and 11; At the dUtauc could be lwrn'd to l.uuu mili i, aud thrre would still be a profit of 0ti-iith of a wilt, while thu Kuvininirnt pays tv,f triiiirttUoa of tuulU or th tamo line i- ut fur an avcrni,'o of 4 IS mile, l !: paying for tlitf annual nuts I of thu caw Urgcly liar than VOJ r-r cent on tiiHr rt, Jtiavph. It Chimin who a prwnd ft r thu railroad at tho una tim.utfUi.tn, tetttftcd that st tiitt rata of one third of ft rnl prr pt'U id 011 4 auail vmt of uV.k there would M pn of 8o to 8l0 p r i-cot, Tho suiouut mid tie railtoad fur tho rental (4 hi at rar is t.Buu.w.ii auntMlly a tu,it uv than i ik iiIi to j build outright m a. .,v douU ,h uuutU-r 1 of postal cars in use, costing $3,500 to WEEKLY $4,000 each. These the government, could build for lees than $2,000,000, and the average life being 20 years it follows that, at the present rental of $3,600,000, the government is paying $72,000,000 for property it could ac quire for $2,000,000. On the Pennsyl vania railroad the government pays an nually $7,827 per car for the rent of 69 ears, which could each be bought out right for less than half the money. Thus over 200 per cent is paid by the govern ment as rental of postal cars which it should own. On the New York Central the govern ment does worse and actually pays $8, 500 each for annual rental of postal cars which can be bought for $3,500 or less, nearly 250 per ceut interest In this way $3,600,000 a year is spent for rentals, whereas, if the government would build the 500 cars at, say, $3,500 each a full estimate the outlay would be f 1,750, 000, being less than half the annual rental. Three per cent interest on this sum would be only $52,500 per annum. The life of a cur being 20 years, the an nual depreciation would, be $87,500, and the repairs added would not make the entire aimuul cost exceed $200, 000, instead of the present $3,600,000. Besides the annual $3,600,000 for rental of postal cars the sum appropri ated to railroads for hauling tho mail is $29,000,000, an amount which many deem fully CI5.ooo.000 in excess or a fair and moderate churge. Not only this, but it is in evidence, that in the month set apart for the quadrenniul weighing of the mails, many railroads, if not all, are in the hubit of shipping large numbe rs of sacks of congressional ' mail, books and pamphlets to points 011 their lines and then reshipping them again and again to swell the gross weight on which they are to reoeive pay for the next four years, and so common Is the habit that, when some were canght red bunded, the excuse of their officers was "They all do it," and the department was not powerful enough to have any punishment meted out to the oonfessed offenders. So well known are these abuses that, when Senator Butler offered an amend ment to the poHtal appropriations bill that the government should not pay for the annual rental of any postal car more than 10 per cent of its value (double pay, if the life of a postal car is 20 years), nor more for the transportation of mails than express companies pay per pound lor like service, the senators did not dare to go on record upon the motion and protected themselves by re fusing nn "yon and nay" vote upon it. In tho discussion in the senate in February, 1897, Senator Vilas, former ly postmaster general, concurred in the substance of the above statements and the necessity of greater reductions. He stated that the rate for railway mail had been hurriedly tacked on to an ap propriation bill in 1873; that the rate was exorbitant -they, and though rail road charges generally had been reduced 40 per cent their charges to tho govern ment, which were extravagant even in 1873, hud not been reduced nt alL Sen ator Gorman, who has never been sus pected of being on unfriendly terms with great corporations, made the fol lowing frank statement: "I do not impute to the men who are in the postoffice department or those who preceded them a want of ability or courage to act, but the fact is, Mr. Pres ident, that the great power of those corporations, who control everything, who are powerful enough to dictate pol icies and make and unmake publio men, is so omnipotent that no executive offi cer has been found in the last 12 years, except in the single instance and to the extent I have indicated, who has at tempted to reduce tho compensation for mail transportation." Were the government to build and own its own postal cars and merely pay the railroad companies for hauling them, as the millionaires have their private palace cars hauled, over $15, 000,000 a year would be readily saved out of the present yearly expenditures of ! he postoffice. With this done, not onlj would there, be no annual deficit as now, and not only could letter post age be reduced to 1 cent, but even tho postage on books and newspapers and pamphlets could probably bo somewhat reduced. There could be no further at tempt by a "Loud bill" to stop the cir culation of free silver and autimonopo- ly literature under the pretext of a ne cessity to increase postal rates to pre vent a deficit. The way to prevent a def icit is for the government to own its own postal cars and pay the railroads the same rates only for hauling them that others pay. CROP BULLETIN. famished by the Government Crop Weather Birrau, and 0 0" Ei (Jtefr Jjff z-ks Lincoln, Neb., June 22, 1897. X he past week lias been a very warm one; the daily mean temperature has averaged 5 above the normal, the ex cess varying from 2 in the western sec tions to 8 in the Missouri valley. The rainfall bus been about normal in the central counties and below the aver age iu the extreme eastern counties and that portion of the state west of the one hundredth meridian. The past week bas been another favora ble one for the growth of corn; the crop has pushed forward rapidly but contin ues small for this season of the year. Much of the corn has been cultivated the second tims and tbe corn Holds are gen erally very free from the weeds. Tbe week has been rather dry for small grain in most parts of the state. In tbe greater portions of the eastern sections! except in a few southern counties, the oats have been injured by drought and u full crop will not be harvested. Spring wheat has also bueu somewhat injured. Oats and spring wheat are heading with very short straw. Rye and winter wheat are nearly ready for the harvest. Rye is generally an excellent crop. Winter wheat Is very uneven. The first cutting of alfalfa is nearly completed; an excel lent crop and generally harvested in good condition. REPORT BY COUNTIES SOUTHKASTEHN SKCTION. Butler Corn has made a rapid train in condition; rain needed badly for all Ownership and Control. It is now regarded a fixed certainty that tho antiKHiling decision of the Sherman antitrust law is to bo evaded Noue of the roads has yet beeu influ enced by it, and one railroad man says growing crops; a little rust on winter neat; spring wheat and oats rather short straw, . Cass Extremely ' hot weather has in jured wheat and oats to some extent and potatoes cannot make a full crop; corn bas made rapid growth but is still quite small for the season. Clay Corn mostly plowed for the sec ond time; rye is begiuning to ripen; fall wheat good; spring wheat is beading ont in good shapn. Filmore Cora growing finely; fall wheat looks very promising: cherrv cron unusually large, other fruit promising a gooa crop. Corn growing rapidly and small grain ripening fast; oats, timothy and wheat, all headed out: good corn wsather. . Hamilton Corn has made good growth and is looking reasonably well; some complain of thin stand; rye good; Harvest win oegin soon. Jefferson Most corn flowed twice, generally clean and growing well, oats would be benefited by rain; small grain looking well. Johnson Corn . has made good growth; some 17 Inches high; rye nearly ready to harvest; wheat damaged some by rust and wind. Lancaster Corn qmte backward: all crops suffering for lack of rain. Nemaha Good week for killinor weeds: wheat and oats look well but are need ing rain; corn growing well. rsuckolls Lorn growing fast: cultiva tion o( corn delayed by rain; wheat and oats doing well but some complaint of rust. Otoe Corn growing rapidly, mostlv cultivated second time; oats heading well; potatoes and smull grain in west part of county need rain. J'awnee favorable week for all crow ing crops. Polk torn making rapid erowth: ratber dry for pastures and meadows; wheat rusting a little; oats headinir short; big crop of cherries. Kicharuson hrnall grain needs rain but is doing well, some fields of wheat ready to cnt; vpry hot week. Saline Hot, dry week, potatoes and small grain have been injured somewhat; corn where worked has grown rapidly. Saunders Corn growing very fast and is unusually clenr of weeds; potatoes rather late; most flax sown; late cherries a good crop;strawberries below average; apples Diigrmng some. Seward Winter wheat and rye are suffering very much for want of rain; in fact everything except corn is being damaged by droimht. Thayer Rye turning some, harvest will commence neit we-k; corn growing fast, oats heading well; plenty of rain. York Corn has a good color and is growing fast; oats heading out quite ihort; small grain needs rain; cherries ripe and abundant. XORTHKANTERX SKCTIOJC. Antelope Corn growing fast; small (Train looks better; local showers in some parts of county with plenty of rain, that there are several ways to get " 1 .1 1 mt 1 . uiiirr uarin uuiiv, around the law. This shows how much . i.fSI1 .,i there is in the principle of gtwernuient ' nvather, but rain needed badly; wheat "control" rather than government own- will head abort; corn very small vet. crump, it win iicip to snow mo people that in ordtr to have control wo luuxt huve nwtitrliin, Nevertheless, there should be 110 lluute attached to the rail road manager for ignoring the law if they run. Da th bnm of our svlit ted progrttiuiutt it' wrong. If the railroad belong to the railroad roiupunti, they OUghl M be lutiiiagtd by tlo com panii th eoiulHini. ' til, without thu intervention f thi wki dt not own anything iu limn, ll out'ht to t onit tlitng r th PtVi hidivnlujliKiu or urtuiint fur Uhitg work out :t ewtiomU i-n Wu if It a r intwi.v lion f ttiitWtitnUtio and Mfuimtiit factor rati r ml Ut anything but COllfttKloM. ll,.l!f"Kt KluntllH-r. Hul -Ut ! ft J UiMHird 4 Turn iit, 1 ta h.-M r4ttrd l,iwr ! ml. 1 1 in1 in 11 .it i ti put Iu tn inkiU ar i ?' If utwJ of ri.p; trut ra- avttiMl f t'ilit( fito.tato f vuMio : lf,' r.M. m-iKf l-ift f.H tb- mum tbittwa L UoU-tMraarowiaii f and look lag hT ri".ims asi intut small grain uii4, eoiua IW'd khh) other pm'f. Kntt-Vr U ifig ! but ft I'ttla toa dv te HiaU rn. Hurt Iry week, but evervtbinir la irowing well; early planted corn baing ultivatdecoud time; small grain need ruin to joint and head. Cedar W'hwat and oat never looked better; corn growing fast; rye aoiit full arowa and promiw full crop; potati good. Cuming Corn growing ftt; small irnin doing fairly welt, but will U rather hort of straw. lUoU Vry favorable wtk; sllglit JnmMgw from lii-h itit!e, tHiou !.'! shower and kol weatlirf bate improved rorii and all vwtahon; i'lltivalma t cor a nr( tune well ).; p'!e I tir. It.lg pry and warm; unts are suf fering mi.t fur aant of ram and rau tut tw lull rop; piutnr drv'n; . badly lmjgiit .lint Wtfo iU IM.itlW iiitf 1 li Ur.lit s r it r ainrv, r,jmhtf utid "eni .. " l't M Jkit li 1 1 ivUu4 Co- Madison More rain needed; wheat and oats very short in straw; corn though la to i doing well. Pierce Hot week; rain needed; com growing well but late and poor stand; small grain in northern part of county needing rain. Platte li ve is beginning to turn and will make about an average crop; some fields of winter wheat heavy, others poor; corn has grown fast, small grain needs more rain. Sarpy Spring wheat and oats head ing; corn growing well; early potatoes need rain bndly; apples blighting; cher riesripe and abundant. Stanton Ttie extreme heat of the past week is beginning to show its effects on crops; rain is needed. Thurston Good rain on the 18th, some hail but no damage to crops; corn poor stand; small grain looking well. Washington Potatoes need rain but everything else seems to be doing nicely; new potatoes are iu the market. CENTRAL SKCTION. Buffalo Corn is doing nicely; clover and alfalfa good and cutting in pro gress; small grain is ratber short and thin. Ouster Rye turning; fall wheat head ing; corn looks fine; all crop prospects excellent except in localities in north part where rain is needed. Dawson Cultivators all busy and corn growing fast; some alfalfa cut with bulk of crop yet to cut; pastures good. Hall Small grain fine and stands up well; most of the beet fields are a splen did stand; everything growing fast. Howard Fine growing week; rye ripening; spring wheat heading; corn growing rapidly; fine week for all vege tation. Loup Recent rain greatly Improved crop prospects; corn late but good color, cultivation begun; ryj filling well; potatoes just coming up. Merrick Corn doing well; small grain suffering from lack of rain. Sherman Wheat and barley beading; corn coming on finely. Valley Small grain and corn growing very fast and in tbe best of condition; alfalfa harvest commenced. SOUTHWESTERN SECTION. Chase Corn Is growing very fast and for most part is free of weeds; wheat looks well; first cutting of alfalfa in stack. . Dundy Wheat and oats beading out and corn growing well; rye good; no rain this week and it is beginning to be needed. Franklin Ia north part of the county crops need rain, plenty of rain in sooth part; tall wheat ripening in spots; corn small. Frontier Corn growing finely; rye ready to cut; first crop of alfalfa cnt; wheat doing well; a little rain needed for small grain. Fnruas Corn growing immensely, generally free from weeds; rye heavy crop aid beginning to turn; first crop of alfalfa mostly in stack. Gosper Warm weather and good showers have forced &11 crops ahead: never saw such prospects for crop of small grain before. Harlan Rye ripening; alfalfa mostly in stack, fine crop; corn growing nicely; wheat and oats improved; some culti vating corn second time. Hitchcock Wheat, rye and oats fine; corn has made rapid growth; grasshop pers are doing some damage in locali ties. . , , li: Kearney Winter wheat in most prom ising condition; spring wheat heading and needs rain to make it; corn growing finely, Lincoln Some grain burned; grais good; corn growing well. Red Willow Rye and wheat doing well; corn growing rapidly; mulberries and early cherries ripe; potatoes doing well. Webster Winter wheat doing nicely; spring wheat coming into full bead; rye ripening; corn has grown rapidly; good week for killing weeds. WESTERN AND NORTHWESTERN SECTIONS. Banner Corn growing well; wheat and grass needs rain. Cherry Corn small and growing slow-! iy; smau gram needs rain. Cheyenne Good growing week; corn is doing well but wheat needs rain; alfalfa being harvested aud a full crop. Deuel Full crop of alfalfa being har vested; wheat needs rain; corn doing well. Keya Paha Needing rain badly; corn growing well; wheat and oats good where grasshoppers have not injured the crop. Kimball All crops growing rapidly, but rain is needed. Rock Corn cultivated for the first time; early potatoes in bloom. Scotts Bluff Corn making a fine growth, beans coining up well; alfalfa hay being etit and tbe crop is a very heavy one. Thomas All crops need raid badly. G. A. LOVELAND, Section Director, Lincoln, Neh, EVIL SPIRITS. Queer Ceremony That Frightened Ba varlaa Villagers. In the little village of Egmanting, in Bavaria, ft curious nocturnal exhi bition has lately taken place. A few minutaa after midnight there sud denly appeared in the village ft party of ISO armed men, mostly peasant pro prietors, driving apparently some im aginary spe?ter before them. Pres ently everr man diaehargel his fire arm. Many of the inhabitants who wera Indixtra, behind strong' barriers, trembled at the thought of the car nage that must have ensued. Then a apevialty appointed person recited the "Uectird of Deadly 81ns" by way of exoreUIng the spirit of evil uppod o be hovering about A ft rula, nobody dared ventur out; bu oua mora bold than hi fellows did open ht door aud expotulstt against such, unwarrantable disturb iuos of the night But the flrin party beetled hlia not. '1 M voteiuouy of emrcUinf the evil spirit from t)i villafe continual for art hor. And a m.Metkly a IU party bd arrived suKtn!y did they disappear. Thrre wa 4 ttronjf wwii of p"dr In the air, but not a r-v of brbut'.oa. Th Uu lo'.ar that the eartk ( grtdiaUy drying out so.t thai wiuup ?" ettai Pry drop Oi ,Ur Will ha 4ppere4 foa tiur plaurst. will i-nv;tun la tiit ato.i.'iuit that the waur Itr St ri.u f04 fj t all aryuaj t'tatfuifof XK'twi liHt 1WV SHAW, STIGER and JEWETT ... Farrand and Votey ORGANS ARE HOLD BY THE Matthews Piano Co., ISO So. 13th St., LINCOLN, NEB. SULPHO-SALINE Bath Housa and Sanltarlus. OsnerUthftllltft, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Open at All Hours Day and HlgUA , All Forma of Baths. rurklsJi, Ritxsto, R:-:a, El::.r!2. wltt Spestal atUstlea te tke aaaHsaft f IITUMl SILT WITEX MTK1 Several Mai etreager than sea water. ftfc.anattsm, ftkta, l4 aad Verve M mats, Uver aad Klansr TreaN aa4 Careal Ulaaat era treat afaUr. L8ea Bathing, "p .j Vt tnlorel at an la aw Ian fllyf tWIMMIMa fOOU sill tm. t U 4 W mmkU to aalf em tapratr af M tsgwi. Drs. ZX.Q.&J. O. Everett, FIRST-GLASS Hair Out 10c Shave - - 10c Seafbam 10c Shampoo 10c Best Tonic 6c 1u"if h"""i"VJ This is what you get for your money at TOM RUSH'S," 1323 0 Street, LINCOLN, SEB HtSlsStolffiff M.ehsnloally oonntraetMl and alnipls. awarded World'. Fair Di ploma and Medal. Tank., Regulator, and OHnd n. SC. B). WUULi. wood TtwraoihCliieaae. mx3 o-ul Ut KM P. D- SHeRWIN DENTIST.... Consulting jjom TOTTDD TDT V Second floor i-UiVi uLiIi LINCOLN NEBRASKA n HO. 8. KIR I PATRICK, Amrnsy and Scl::it:r. National Eductionl Association Meet For th meeting of the National Edo rational aHNoeiation at Kuffalo In the Mcellrnt service given bv the Union Paviflc wa commented on by all tho who bad the pU nsiira of u.uiir that line. Tlii rear our eduratioual (rind nwet in MiUuuki, Wirconnin, Juiv flth to (Hli, ini member ut the aMwiation and other frmii point .t of th Mia ouii river, atioul.J by all nieau take the I'ftiot PiMMliit. 'a ikvvm-w .i tb rsiox p.uinc vift Omaha or Kaua Ctly is lit vwry beat. The rpitpHHht ronsist of Ktuxloxn dny eon.,. Chair Car, Pullmao 1'u, (el wad lrwui IUhmu Me. Hr, Inula? Car and MufM Sinwlilujt d bbrat j tar. Kr thnttr thna vi r.ny oflrlia. t'l wlore, plu f J.&OfurtU round trla.!l b the rut lroa all ixtittt ! 4 lb Mimhi tr Hirer for tfct Hireling. 1'ur Illustrated matter, ft!i5rn. etA, ! on or atit t. i, Mi.o, tUwat, f.uVlo, Ntt & ) ' I