The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 10, 1897, Image 3

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    June io, 1897
Crawford bicycles
Have Seamless Tubing Drop Forcings, front and rear sprockets
detachable : either Black, Blue, Maroon, or Olive Green enamel.
striped in cold: any cear: Sacer Hygienic Saddle: three sizes frame for cents, twouizps
lor ladies, all for $50.00. Also complete line of 20, 24 and 26 inch two styles Tan
dems at $100.
I Bring Your Mechanical Friends and Critically Investigate at
TOffi 1 ISi.r143-145 SOUTH TENTH STBEtT,
We also have the Largest Line of Harness, Saddlery and Accessories in the City, write for Our
Prices, for they are right. Look for the Sign of the Horse.
filo W
iip M.
A Letter From Hoa. W F Porter, Stc
reury of the Sute Printing Board.
The State Journal and some other
papers contained a long article attack
ing and criticising the state printing
board for its action in rejecting the bids
submitted for elate printing. Mr.
Torter ban given out the following letter
for publication which sets forth all the
facts in relation to the inattor.
Lincoln, Neb., June - 3, 1877.-To the
State Journal and others in Nebraska
Interested in the public printing: 1 no
tice in the columns of the Journal of
June 3 a criticism of the state printing
board in regard to the action of the
board at its meeting held in this office
In reply permit me to say that after
the board had advertised for bids many
inquiries came to this office from those
wishing to bid, making such inquiries
as this: "What do you regard as reason
able or necessary blank space in printing
the house and senate journals?" as it
will appear that the advertisement stip
ulated that unnecessary blank spaces
would not be allowed. After talking
the matter over with other members of
the board and with all the prinws who
came to this office, which includfd a rep
resentative of the State Journal, ns wll
as a number of others, including Mi.
Sedgwick of York and one or two Omaha
printers, we decided that the best way
to get this information to the various
bidders was to prepare sample pages of
the kind of work we wished to have,
showing the kind of type, spncing, etc.,
that was desired, as well us the quality
of paper. Every printer with whom we
conferred agreed that this would be the
most satisfactory way that the matter
could be settled, and It was only for the
purpose of enabling printers to bid In
telligently that this course was decided
Accordingly, when the printing board
met we eg reed that each bidder, as well
ns the other priuters in the state who
were not bidders, who should .lend to
this office for the same should be given
fine of these sample, giving them the
date on which the bills would be opened
end the only renson that the bids at
ready In were otsuied was tcnus the
oicstion of the legality of the action of
the board In rafting bids without r)rt
ojieulmt them mid rxamiuinlug the same.
The State Journal errs in Its state
luettt tbtt this letter requires bidder to
conform to the advertisement In the
mutter ol printing, as the lttr simply
referred the styh binding which
was siiecihVd in the previous advertise
tnrat lor the seioii laws and senate
and house journals.
The state printing board has no te;
neither has any one beea favored with
auv lt.toruie.Uoii as t what anyone's
bid has tu, nor will they be from this
uittee. The board has acted entirely
air end lis only rou lor rejecting I lis
bids and resubmitting the sample ass
to tns all partM fairiy and Rite all an
equal chnue In bid bus:, The lowest re
sponsible bidder, when the bids are
opened nst Saturday at W n'rloh, will
be awatded the eontrnrt, unlee It ap
ear that there la collusion imu( the
printers. All bidders who bad in their
bids and those who did not.cun resubmit
their bids with the positive assurance
that all will be given an equal chance at
the work, W. F. Pouter,
Secretary of Printing Hoard.
If the Journal cannot find something
to criticise that deserves criticism, it
would profit it better to keep
silent. The people have very little
confidence in its statements already, and
if it continues in its wilful and malicious
mis-representation, they will soon have
none at all.
Herlou Ilenult Hoinetlme Follow Its
JCxcemlve I' He.
Common Soda is alright in its place
and indispensible in the kitchen and for
cookingaud washing purposes, but it
was never intended for medicine, and
people who use it as such will some day
regret it.
We refer to the eotunion use of soda to
relieve heartburn or sour stomach, a
habit which thousands of people prac
tice almost daily, and one which is
fraught with danger; moreover the soda
only gives temporary relief and in the
end the stomach trouble gots worse and
The soda acts as a mechanical irritant
to the walls of the stomach and bowels
and eases are on record where it accumu
lated in the intestines, causing death by
inflammation or peritonitis.
Dr. llarlandson recommends as the
safest and and surest cure for sour
stomach, (acid d.vspopaia), an excellent
preparation sold by druggists under the
name of Stuart's I)ysepsia Tablets.
These tablets are large, 20 grain lozen
ges, very pleasant to taste and contain
the natural acids, peptones and diges
tive elements essential to good digestion
and when taken oiler meuls they digest
the food jierfectly and promptly before
it has time to ferment, sour and poison
the blood and iiervous system.
lr. Weurth states that lie invariably
uses Stuart's Dycpsiti Tablets in all
cases of stomach drungemouts and
duds them a certalu curs not only for
stomach, but by promptly digesting
the food, they create a healthy appetite,
increase llesh and atrvug theu the action
ol the heart and liver. They are not a
cathartic, but luteiided only lor stomach
disease and weaknesses and will be
found reliable in any stomach trouble
exempt cancer of tne stomach,
AH drugtiiitts sell Stuart's dyspeiia
tablets at 60 ceuts r package.
A little book describing all forms of
stomach weakue and Hour cure mailed
free by addressing the Stuart Co. of
Marshall, Mich.
The effort being made by the goldbttit
deinocrsts to eflist o com promt with
the lr siler democrat will result in
one ul two things. Hither absolute fail
ure or a very sud.b e change ol iriuciple.
From alt apparne it will b the
former, If the goldbug demm rata want
on promise thev should ere the re
publicans at our. lby agree on every,
thing but Ike tariff and as they vary
only about 0v pr rent u that there
should be no trouble (a splitting the
dinVrvui I'supUs lUaavr.
Senator Butler Introduces a Resolution
to Amend the Constitution.
Senator Marion Itutler has Introduced
a resolution providing for an amend
ment to the constitution legalizing an
income tax. At the introduction of the
resolution ho delivered a speech fu favor
of its adoption a copy ol which wo
have been unable to obtain as yet.
We shall try and publish it in our next
issue. The resolution which Mr. llutler
introduced was us follows:
Resolved by the senate and house of
representatives of I ho United States of
America In congress assembled (two
thirds of each concurring therein.) That
the following article be proposed to the
legislatures of the several states as an
amendment of the constitution of the
United States, which when ratified by
three-fourths of said legiHlatures, shall
be valid as a part of the constitution,
The congress shall have power fo lay
and collect taxes on all incomes regard
less of the source from which the income
is derived or acquired; but all income
taxes shall be uniform throughout the
United Stutes,
Read Every Word.
Dr. Shepard this week on page five of
this pacr presents our readers with a
strong article upon the relation of
catarrh to consumption. Every one
should read this with care for what is
common catarrh today may in one or
two years from now be catarrhal con
sumption, which means the destruction
of the lung substance and a fatal Issue.
Not only the doctors, but the people at
large are getting to find out that it is
dangerous to neglect catarrh.
Mr. Fred I'ratt of Fierce, Num., Is a
farmer well known and resss-ted. !!
was cured by the mail treatment. Al
though he never saw Dr. Shepard he got
well at home, m had catarrh uud
threatened consumption but Is now en
tirely cured.
Miss Tillie Keutiinger, ol Council Muffs
was cured of chronic cnttaih happily 1st
fore it had assumed a consumptive form,
iiir readers may write to either ol thee
people anil find the facts in each case,
Thl disease incurable in the hands id
an expert, and while patent medicine
rniiuot cur It, and In lact, usually make
it worse, scicntitlc siicfiulists ean assure
patients that the whole disease can b
eradicated. The family doctors over
look this complaint although it is the
most IniKot ti,u known among clvilwd
pwiple. The liKl'KXlKvr calls the at
tention of lis readers to the fact thnt
Dr. Shepard treatment within the
rfmli o( all. The mall treatment Is
only f .1 r month, Including all medt-
riii, .u other lee, No other eiiteus,
!;(, lul attention is elld to the system
ol wkty retsirts maintalued between
Dr. Shepard and his patients. Thn plan
greatly assist treatment of chrottiu die-
enwefor Ko matter how far assy the
patient may live they rwtv tits bt
ol metltcnt dt m Iront a physician ol
highst ironiinn rvgulaHy oioe a
wwk. ThisM ailing should lor
Uterntureand eyteplom blank at one.
Julfe Murk at Work,
Tho Washington Fosfc has observed
th work of Nebraska's representative
from the fourth district. It say of blm;
'ltepresoiitutive Hta-k of Nebraska
is very much interested in two Ameilcan
Industries which have obtained a strong
foothold in his state, mid are benefitting
the agricultural sections, namely, beet
sugar and chicory factories, lie was
distributing among members yesterday
samples of chicory from cino of tho Ne
braska factories, with prlnbul directions
how to prepare it, mixed with coffee or
as a substitute for that berry, tine
large package of tho samo was intended
for Mr. Dingley, tho chairman of the
ways and means committee. This little
distribution developed tho fact many
members were wholly iuruorant of the
fact that chicory is made from beets, not
thasugar variety, but a peculiar kind.
known as tho chicory beet. '
Don't Tobeee spit and Mineke Yoor Llf
, SWlfi
If you want to quit tobacco using
easily and forever, be made well, strong,
magnetic, lull ol new Iiie and vigor, take
No-To-Bac, the wonderworker, that
makes weak men strong. Many gain
ten pounds in ten days. Over 400,000
cured. Jlviy No-To-Uao ol your druggist
under guarantee to cure, 50o or 1.
Hook let and sample mailed free. Address
Sterling Itemed v Co., Chicago or New Y,
Hard to l.ettm.
Feople are so apt to draw a decided
line between religious and worldly
wisdom that they lose sight of the
proved fact that the rule of conduot
which are given by the former to Its
followers have also a distinct worldly
value quite Independent of their psych
ic Influence; and yet those who have
attained middle age and are thereby
enabled to look hack and truce ef
fects and their causes In their own
lives and those of their friends and ac
quaintances see clearly that In most
cases the greater part of the unhapul
ness of life comes from the tares which
they have themselves planted. "As ye
sow, so shall ye renp,' tesches the
higher ethics. "He bus made his bed;
let blm llo In It," Is the world imrs-
phrase of the same Idea. "Honesty ts
the best policy" Is a nmxini that bus
been proved true over and over skuIii.
and "IK) unto others as you would
have them do unto you" bring its re
ward even In this world In short, It
all resolves Itself Into the nursery ad
e, "lie at mm and yon will happy,"
a truth tilt h "children of a lamer
Itrowth" find as hard to realixe as their
juniors,-New York Tribune,
V our Mills,
J l l'4.. - ,7- . rsM Mills.
Mi 1,1 i "1VB-
VarJ friction) J
rd Saw nra, I)
MdrkMMra, V
rYti Water Wheels, V
'4 Corn Sheflers ii
3 A D. . U..I- . V
ShaftiiKi, Pulleys v
Rf OWI D PttCf S. oo Ml Oearina. i
Eminea and
t DeLOACH MILL MFG. COMPANY, Atlanta, Ga., U. S. A.
V'-t W5Wshlsflte8t.,lewrorfcaty. Ill 5. Nth 8t, 8t tests, Mo. j.ty
llsuraatlim.Ecicim, Kidos anJatomiok
tl U toil tha truth t.i thai Ktiu.t.
ad ol (snipl suffvnutf trout above and
tner uiea aav ba eur4 or gratiy
net) fitted by the use ol the raedlemai
water at (lot Mpringa, H, D. II y are
latere!!, addre hr nrtkutar, A. M,
r toimntf.tiiy iifitgeni riorikweetti
Line, I IT ttoulh Tenth b, Lln-ela, .Sh.
t. U STEI'HEN.S, Prts.
lUltltT H. WILSON, Da.
W. 0, ITEPHEN8, Treas
First class instruction in all Commercial and Shorthand branches. An
excellent opportunity is afforded teachers uud university students.
Write for terms and catalogue.
Corner 11 th and 0 Streets
I rlrilllia iiftl.
Lincoln, Nafe,
National Edaoatioutl Auociatloa Meet
For the meeting of the National Edu
cational association nt Muflnlo In 1 HUti
(he excellent service given by (he Union
I'acific was commented on by nil those
who had the pleasure of using that line.
Tli i year our ettuctioiiul I'rieuds meet
m Milwaukee, Wneoiiolu, July flih to
'.llh, and members of the nelatioii
uud others from points wt of the Mis
souri river, should by nil mean take
the Union I'ncitlu,
The emir of th UNION PACIFIC via
Oinulm or Kansas City i. th vry sst
The nuipiiieiit consult ol haioUoin
day Cfin lies, Chsir Car, I'ullmati Hiif
let and Drawing (loom KUx-per, Dining
Cars and lluffet Smoking and Library
Car, I i-m r rluieut ttnn via any
other line, (tne fare, plus J.fitMof the
round trip will 1st the rale Iroui alt
point ant of th Mim.url l!ivr lor
tMs ini-eling,
For Hlu.trateil mailer, (older, etc.,
Kill on or w rite, U. H. Miio, Auent,
I lluolu, Neb. ft!
lilts bit unkind lor iliiHirnl rab
lican niitor to tlt pnstlv remark thai
"prnMty Will fione fctiin iw eoine,"
Don't k eaury. Hire yr will noo
slip away, liutivr C uuly 're.
No hniidlmg i 'I poultry Is need
ed, simply paint roosts, nest
boxes, crocks in boards, uud Mite
Exterminator will do the rest. '
gallon ol Mite F.sterniinntor
will make I (lit gallons of a solu
tion that will iletroy all kind '
of vine hug, such as cucumber,
s)uarh, pumpkin, culm.-, toma
to, celery, etc. Agent wanted.
Send lor circular that tell all
about It, '
Oft kail U alius M atat
ou iiilua. ..... , ., .......I taut
t l Kaliua. ..... l S
sw.etwsn v
JIXIH ( AMU10, Heater tllftk.
Mill wSit(ai'l0 !" ..)J tat
i,n.-Mll'if i.ills M Ik lue it M
all imrkhM. W ro (..f iii.
At 117 Pout rito Itraet
Is loeslnl the city Ik kst olltiVs ol th
NoribM cetrra lui tlia itreatcat rait
roal s)tem toitihing lJniHa, sith
shortest uiilvMie to Chlt-aoo ami Kt,
I'nul, and makiug quakeat IIhm. U
oar low rate In tourist o nwts Mm
tniiwif t Whets. A. , lis I Mfcu,
C I'. ! T. A. Mnwia, Neb,