The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 03, 1897, Image 7

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Jtine 3, 1879
Will Ba Practically the Same As That
On Which Hilton Escaped.
The case of the state against ex-Auditor
Moore was reached in the district
court of Lancaster county last Friday.
Moore'B attorney filed a demurrer to
three of the counts in the information
and a motion to quash the remaining
six counts. By agreement the argument
of the motions was put over for one
week, until 10:30 a. m. Saturday,
June 5.
Moore sets up practically the same de
fense as that made by ex-Oil Inspector
Hilton. He claims that he was not
uthorized under the statutes to collect
oney for the state and practically
asserts that the fees paid to him by in
surant companies should have been
paid to the state treasurer by them,
lie alleges that he was not the officer
charged with the collection, receipt, safe
keeping, transfer and disbursement of
public money for the state of Nebraska.
ni iti.J.,fAnua in nilmlv a ttwh 1PH I
one and involves only the question of
whether fees should be paid to the state
treasurer and the treasurer's receipt
presented to the auditor upon which he
should issue a license to the company to
transact business in this state, or
whether the company cau pay the fee to
the auditor for the license and the audi
tor turn the cash over to the state treas
urer. Moore claims that the first method
is the proper proceeding although the
latter has been the practice since the
beginning of the state. It would seem
to ny sane man that Moore, having
accepted the funds and Issued the license
aud certificates required by the laws of
the state, had by the acceptance of the
money and issuance o! the receipt of the
state of Nebraska bound himself to per
form the rest of his duty, and turn the
cash over to the treasurer. He was an
officer of the state and accepted the
money for the state. To keep it for bis
own use was stealing, and he deserves
to be convicted of the crime of which he
is guilty. ' '
For Sufferers from Files.
Dr. Redmond, a specialist in the study
and treatment of piles and rectal diseases
recently stated that the Pyramid Pile
Cure, the new discovery for the cure of
piles, was the most remarkable remedy
he had ever seen or tried in one respect;
aud that was, the instant relief exper
ienced in all cases, no matter how severe
from the moment the remedy was ap
plied; this was the more surprising to
him. because be had carefully analyzed
the preparation and no trace of opium,
cocaine or similar poison could be de
tected. ' Physicians look with great favor upon
the Pyramid Pile Cure, because it is
rapidly taking the place of surgical
operations aud because it is so
easily applied and contains no mineral
or other poisons so commonly used in
pile cures. .
Dr. Esterbrook reports the that the
Pyramid Tile Cure not only cures the
various forms of Piles, but never fails to
give immediate relief on the first appli-
discomfort may be.
V ' Vi who have suffered from piles for
years are often astonished at the instant
relief experienced from the first applica
tion. Another important advantage is
the fact that anv one can use the remedy
without detention irom ousiiiess or nt-
a.. .-I !A.t- Jil UnlA
xenerence wuu uttnjr uaupuuu.
by druggists at 50 cents per package.
Send for free book on cause and cure
of piles.
Can Remove Federal Office Holders At
Hit Own Plesture.
The United States supreme court has
has handed down an opinion in the case
of L. E. Parsons, late district attorney
for the northern district of Alabama, ap
pealed from the court of claims. The
decision was adverse to Parson's claim
that he was entitled, under section 769
of the Revised Statutes, to hold his
office for four years, notwithstanding
the president's order of removal. Justice
Peckham said that while the appoint
ment was for four years it might be
terminated earlier at the discretion of
the president.
The determination of this case, has
been looked forward to with interest be
cause of its possible effect upon the re
moval ol office holders Incident to the
change of administration.
Parsons was removed in 1893, having
been appointed in 1890. He wrote to
the president, refusing to surrender the
place on the ground that as he had been
appointed for a term of four years the
president had no right to remove him
before the expiration of that time. He
has fought the case through the various
federal courts on this theory.
Prayer for Queen Victoria.
The authorities ot the church of Eng
land have ordered that the following
prayer shall be said on the occasion of
Queen Victoria's diamond jubilee:
"0 Lord, our Heavenly Father we
give Thee nearly thanks for the many
blesaiugs which thou hast bestowed up
us during the sixty years ot the happy
reign ol our gracious Queen Victoria.
W thank The for progress made in
knowledge of Thy marvelous works, for
increase of comfort given to human life,
for kindlier filing between rich and
poor, for wonderful punching of the sum
p in many nations; and pray Thee
that the- and all other Thy gilts may
tie long continued to us, and to our
tjueen. to the glory of Tbv holy nam,
through Jesus I'hriet, our Lord. Amen,"
ft Cannt b Cared
lets! t!tmttnM M UMV tan rasrh like
SUssmJ pull" el lb Mr, 1 Kr Is out M4
r III itsSfaMS. Mil ISSt It St WMtltkltuMSi
rsamliw . lMfaM t Maml u lUtU -tftliu
ot Um mm lining ! is Kuitltu
Tub kw Is Into It l&unt f fcr run
sttsf khiimi or imtirrt , 4 wsan II HI
atiralp Itnwi. iiwsrii l Mm tssalk mh! sales
itt tailjMuMt ft ! tt 4 Ik r
fc4 la It iwl mmIiU.i, SMriii' will M
ltt taiujasou) ft isksa wit d
wilrurwl ti.r, ktM imh vl l tss ra ess
? wis, kwk to sihis ksl IS nts4 e
Silkw f lit . Sit.
W will itiiiiw tt4r IMtsrs K Ml ass
f !' ,t4 If MUtf last iwwl fta
! j II: 1 1 VMnrtk l'K. "4 M smsUra
f i, I'lIXHT 4 CO i TIW, O,
Buys you this full roll baby carriage. Ii
is a beauty and made very strong. Why
not order one?
" n f!
' '. . ' P--Ty?5!
1 3: .;.
aw Tl)is is our leader. Three piece bedroom suit. All
m hardwood. Full size in every respect. Mirror 2ox
24 in. g'd drawer w'k. You can't miss it on this suit.
a our nrice on this hich crrade carriace.
1 o
Rubber tire wheels. Fine parasol and
made up stylish all through. You will
like it. - ' .
Gets you this extra fine round
dining table, 8ft length. Top
when closed 4 ft diameter. You
ought to see our round tables.
they are all the style.
Established 1871,
Furniture Go
1124 0 St., Lincoln, Neb.
Our price on this white iron bed.
Full brass top rails and knobs.
Very strong. Order one.
?FTtn fr
Freight paid one hundred miles on
all Koods. Send us a mail order.
j' I
""awj MM M SSffJ Bw3 B
CIE A Is our price on this 6 ft dining
ji)0BuU uble-Solid oak and ftncy turned
legs. Top 3 i-2 feet square. ,
We pa ck all goods carefully
free of charge and pay the
freight one hundred miles. We
also guarantee safe delivery.
We offer great bargainf in White Iron
Beds. Why not get one for summer.
table. Top 42x42 inches. Extends M VW
to six feet. This s a very strong Get8 you' this White Iron Bed. Well
table and looks neat. u .. 3 , -
made and very strong.
OR fAets vou l's 60'd oak d'n'ns
Gets you this white iron bed, head
board 4 ia feet high. A very fine
bed for the price. Extra strong. .
Are the Best.
Is our price on this Depart
ment House Style of Re
frigerator. Full size and
well made.
mrt A A Gets you this good sized
OusUU Family Refrigerator. It We want your business.
T . is well made and fully
ranted. send us a man oraer,
Show the
ever bought in the
city. ,
You Should
Our Line
If you want a
ftif CA This is one of our good couches. It is covered in bes
jplDiUU grade corduroy and is extra well made and large sizj
HO Buys you this couch in best wide wale corduroy. This is
4) lUtUU the best value we ever offered and you will be well pleased
with one.
Standard Oil Company Oww the Gov-
rcor of New York State.
The Twentieth Century In the insue of
May 2D, 1807, concerning the hold
the monopolies have on the politics ol
New York stale aud particularly the
governor, says:
"The present row' of tine state la
a creature of the Ktaidard oil monopoly.
He has madalots of money by acting
as it attorney. Some ten du ago the
legislature passed an inheritance tai law
jirovlding for a 0e percent levy on in
heritaucesof pemooal property, Up 10
the taJueol r.0i,tmt and a further one
per oeot for every fJSO.OOif ad lttionst,
when the imx was to reach 15 per cent.
This propomtl law U nnxlIU um
tlioelH lore in iii't Kurojieao coiio
triee, aud Its priiieipie le )uti(lHl, at
uioet UiiiverwiMy,
tlovvrnor lllaek etu. the till. With
the veto he Irnnnitiittted a ineMiige
Imwlnx plainly H sortul insaheis.
The claim thet the rs h are roiim
richer,' he wrote, '4 the pf MMrer
lint true.' Thla is a iroott aUMiUnl (Hi
monopoly d.w tnue. Mr. Ilwileliruiul
thiui very UrMy ol a nu who
avows aentimeats like that, Toverty'
iid4 Mr, IUiics, .e liwreaeiog, tut
t ie wuitiuUlmus ol the lMtluiM..u are
ttm lha ifU.' This tiMt. la srolil
J ta4ar4 Oil dtwtrta, the unemployed,
the hungry rind the deetitute may open
their eyes at it. So may the men who,
la all parts of the country, find their
wages reduced or their occupations
gone. Got. Black attacks very fiercely
the theory that the rate ol taxation on
a fortune should increase with its great
ness. He does not think it fair to tax
a la.OUO.OOO fortune IS per cent when a
.j,t)00 fortune is taxed only o per cent.
'In this country' he says, equity Is de
manded In all things.' It may be, but It
is not obtained. L'quality in all things
would include equality in fortune.
.Wither is it true' declare Got. lllaek,
'that the rich receive greater protection
from the government according to their
projierty than the poor. The reverse I
probably true. This is illustrated la the
cne of Are aud police and school lacili
ties.' Let usee. The Ore department
doe more lor the real estate owner tba
It does for the property lee proletarian.
In New York it is nntriou that a few
men own all the land and buihbnir.
Hence the rich benetil moat Irom the tr
department. The tmliee are maintained
largvly for the protection l property.
They aide with corporations attains!
labor ia every strike. They msaa the
street ears In th event ol lockout,
They do vert little for the poor, but they
eiclu'l people Irom the street wha Mr.
tiradley Martia wive a aike bnll. A t
lor erhtMit taoilitW, tn Htor maa eaaaot
keeokl chtljrea at their txtoka very
long. Tbuppr grade la the public
cho4l a. very Uwlul i th well to da
bat the ptor nave an Kpportuaily lor
tiluia I hem. I.t Governor iitark t
amiae Ua statiattc ol thiltl I Ur la
New York and ae will eve what Utiiiti
for schooling. are enjoyed by the poor.
Hut Governor Black knows perfectly
well that his veto message is an issue of
sophistries. He was put where he is to
look out for the Interests ol the rich and
he is looking out for them very well
He knows 00 which side his bread is
buttered. He must be aware that the
bill he vetoea is but au application ol a
principle ol taxation that la aoiversally
sanctioned by the ablest thiakers os the
subject. The inheritance tax in England
is even severer. Today the vast fortunes
of New York millionaire pay altnnat
nothing in the way of taxes. It isadis
grace that this should be so. A member
of the governor's own party proposed
the bill. We refer to comptroller ltol
brts. And Mr. Black get hi cue from
the millionaire who own him. They
paid his election expense. They ud
money with the delegate to the conven
tion that nominated him. And Mr.
Black know thai if the bill were sub
mitted to a papular vote In the etate it
would be approved by au Iwtnsaee
majority. But Mr. IHiukdoe not be
lira la submitting suck things to i
ularvote. Ilia great supporter, "'IUI."
l.suterbech, denounced the proposi
lion t J submit the queation t! municipal
ownership ol street railways to a poia-
tar vote. It I wall. The principle ot
direct leglalatioa by all the people mut
be, lnl-d. sound waea toe Gov. Blacks
and "lid" Lauterbachs spaak and write
a they do. Mtaawhii the MtaniaM
(Hi Monopoly t to b eongratnlafed
epoa Us wwaershU ol the Governor of
the state ol New ori.
Cay jour sabacrlptios.
Ursdstreet's Review ol Trad 8howi No
Impiovsmsnt in Busloesa
Bradstreeta in their review ol trade for
the past week find no improvement in
trade conditions. They say:
"Result of the spring trade In Staples,
which is now over are disappointing.
The volume of seasonable merchandise
distributed Is less than expected, without
taking Into account an Improvement in
business compared with a year ago.
Nearly all the central western and south.
em trad center report buslne wry
otiiet. lirr tfood continue uepreeaed.
cottou production selling with diffi
culty, some varieties only oa mnceaaions.
The announcement ! ricJ or peaeea
cotton null dividends, and that several
establishment will shut down to allow
consumption to overtake production,
when coupled with tit comparative la
ditfereat ol eoneumers to the lowest
price en record lor iron and steel, would
appear ta ee,tn-lniiy cnaraciertia m
actual eoodit.v-n o.' jeeerai trade,
The wore favorable testers arerela
llv satitil stuitmr wiMilea oots mU
nlaeturers, who r working on old or-
il re, improved demand lof snoewanvl
iMihsr. a eoHliausitos tit the eowiain-
live aeUvitv oa tha general demand at
Hvaaa,Meiftia, tuK "Omaha,
Hiuai fails, Miaexili as. It. I'esl.
Ik tsller demand Kf lumber the
wvt, and In the trade aliook In 1.04
ana, Mississippi ana Arsansus. in
creased exports are reported from Paciflo
coaat ports, but there is comparatively
little gain in domestic trade here.
Among twenty 01 tue more unportaor
staple products only two, bidet and
wheat, nave aavanceo, wane one-Dan
the number cotton, lumber, coal. Bes
semer pig iron, steel billets, steel rails.
print clottts, sugar, port ana cone are
unchanged, although there is a nominal
advance in the asking price ol pig and
steel billets. Now that wool manufac
turers have storked op wool to off, a
are cotton goods when sold in quantity;
rosin is lower, and among cereal, flour,
Indian corn and oats, to which may b)
addsd lard and petroleum.
Export ol wheat (flour included as
wheaOtrora both coasts ol the I'nlted
State and from Montreal thia week,
amount to bushel compered
with li.OfH.OiH) bushels la the week ft
year ago, KxpoM ot Indian corn also
show a tailing off, amounting lo'J.l W
H:i;t bushels this week.agaiast l.T'.'U.OUO
bushels la the week a year ago.
There arV57 busiaes failure through
out the 1'nlts.t riiate this wa, cum
par with 'Mm vear ago. There are
twenty busts failure reported front
ths Canadian dominion this aeek.agatoet
S5ajfr iktw
U jri'U lntea.1 buvldf a carrukgw, pkae.
ton, surrv or buggv it will pay yon ttt
writ to Billmeyer AMJIra IJie'!.
,t.iaXa. They have just meived
rwrittads ol aw vehicle and are making
plially tew prn-w. Write !.
fiend tbUppt evie trie4 tft U