The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 03, 1897, Image 6

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June 3, 1807
Row ftarjr Robs Industry Taa Ester
Who Never Ml the Iinner Horn-Hie
TrannportaUoa Qurstloo The lew En
riched at Expense of the Many,
Following is the greater part of un
addxesa mndo before the Commercial
elnb of Boston by Hod. IX S. Filigree,
governor of Michigan. It is reproduced
from the May Arena:
Tbe general situation remind me of
a keeper of a boarding bouse who bod a
colored gentleman aa a boarder who
wm afflicted with aa empty pocketbook.
He called him on tbe carpet one day
and told him bo couldn't board him any
longer. Tbe boarder asked him why,
and tbe landlord replied tbat he couldn't
afford it. "Well," aaid thedarky, "why
the debbil don't you sell out to Home
body tbat can?" I am aorry to aay there
are too many people in thia portion to
day, Wealth can be produced in bat
one way it must como from the appli
cation "of human labor to the bounties
of nature. Wealth must come from tbe
foil of the earth or from thing valuuble
foand in the earth. National wealth ia
ao produced, in tbia respect thia coun
try baa been fortunate. Nature, on
. touched by man 'a banda, bad the boun
tooua atoroi for our increasing popula
tion. The noil waa fertile, and the tiiinea
of coal, iron and mineral were aa oiigl
nally formed.
Our population waa recruited from
that claaa in Europo which waa uaed to
labor and eager under the new condi
tion! in which they found thcinaelvea to
work faithfully. For a long aerie of
year thia country gained Immensely in
wealth. In tho 80 year from 1800 to
1890 tbe per capita valuation Increased,
in round number, front $300 per person
to over $1,000 per peraon.
Our mauufactoriea incrcaacd yearly,
But for manufucturea there ia needed
capital. We borrow from Europe a large
proportion of tho capital needed, upon
which and for otber purpoaea we pay
annually for iutcreat a sum of over V
000,000 in gold. Tbia cum ia absolutely
loat to ua aa a nation, and yet it sboub'
not be necessary for ua to borrow from
oilier than our own people.
Under the new condition of com
merce and niauufucturca co-ojarratlon ia
eaaentiut No one man bua sufficient
capitul to carry on tint large tntcrprisea
of today, Therefore co-operation baa bo
come tho order of tbe day, and wo have
corporation in which many contribute
each a amall amount. Hut the business
methoda of our corporation have been
o dishonest that our own people do not
fool aafe to invent their earning in
them. Our lawa are lax and encourage
diahoueaty. If people with amall wean
felt aufo to loan their money to or take
utock in corporation uud were properly
.protected by law from those ou tbo
ground floor, we should not bavo to bor
row in Europe, and thia tremeudou
mm could be kept at homo, it la in ter
cet that ia eating up tbo wealth of thia
nation. We all know what iutcreat can
da Had Columbu placed f 100 at in
terest at 4 per cent compounded aa in a
taring bank, the year be discovered
America, ha would today have been
able to draw hi check for f 58,000,000,
000, or almost tbe wealth of tbo United
States. With tl loaned at 6l per cent,
which per cent ia not unuauul hero in
Boaton, he could today have paid each
man, woman and child in tbe United
States about $14,000,
Tbe opportunities to amass Immense
fortuuea ly met hod not atrictly moral
have been m preat in the pant 20 yeara
tbat the posacKMinn of great wealth baa
become a mania with m, Our reputa
tion for honesty aa a nation ha Buffered
severely in Europe, and aa a couscqucuco
theychargo tia more for money and the
interest upon what money we borrow i
.greater than it should bo. Yet ua a na
tion we are not diHhoucMt. A limited
number have been permitted to piny
duck and drakea with our credit and
have becoino tlangeroualy wealthy, for
a wealthy man with no moral principle
i a dangerous man in the state. We
have a few of that kind in Detroit
men who want valuable franchises for
nothing and whoso entire time ia occu
pied in bribing and corrupting aldermen
and city officials to give them some
thing which belongs to the people aud
which gift may then bo bonded for a
few million aud sold again at a profit
to omo "innocent bolder, " I aay, let
the state reform their corporation laws,
a I am told you have done here in
Massachusetts, so that tho small bolder
1 protected, and yoa need uot send to
Europe to borrow money and this tre
mendous interest charge will stay at
It ia said that what this country noed
is confidence. I agree with this. Tho
country needs confidence in tho business
method of our large concerns, and
money to carry them on will soou be
forthcoming. The best place to begin to
build up confidence in u a a nation ia
to begin to reform our municipal gov
truuient. Honesty must be our motto,
and confident will come, I believe that
all manufacturer in the west are think
ing alike ou the qutwtioii of prices.
I'rieea are at a standstill, aud a rlaa iff
fall await tba rise or fall of farm prod
del. Manufacturers of the west are
waiting. Large blocks of their custom
trt aw out of employ lueut They do not
clearly that employment will offm
toon. Hut should it offer m il summer,
a great deal of it !dng discounted, it
will 1 a year at least before the cut
tauter of oars can catch up. Kvu whui
Wt warn the peetney of tba tarn ins;
point tbora will still tw amuttibtuf thai
Must t ritinovrd lo basleu Ik
Ws hav born having bad times, and
tiiry ar itiii Ha us. Ytt w pay a
fcjj talaris) to fntblta n tvsjuu la bad
item U l fno4 Itutea, Tlw gputlemsa
wko aa bo avrrlng (a tba capacity o4
-midat Ihrnugh lb bad tiuxM drew
fc;j,eoo erery jrwsr, and, by tbo way,
Usal I Mid to U tb ldulloal auMual
2i ehortac which President Wa-Iiius;-toa
cimrged ro profit and loss at tb- u J
Df bis two term. Things. aarou vi.'l
perceive, are roiuewhat changed. It is
che people and net tbe president v bo
are short iu modern times.
Perhaps this is a part cf the so called
progress cf a nation. But if tbe United
State keeps on in this line of evolution,
or rather of retrogression, we may in
time return to our original happy condi
tion of indifference to boots and shoes.
I say in all seriousness that public ex
penditure is severely felt. Our price
may fluctuate, but taxation ia steadfast.
The condition of the farmers of the went
is not good. When I see the prices of
farms fall, I begin to think of working
down tbe price of boots and shoe. I
wish that I had the power at tbe same
time to work down public expenditure.
But large bodiea must move slowly, and
of all large bodiea the great body of tax
eatera is the slowest to respond to pres
sure and at the same time tbe quickest
to respond to tho dinner born. Were
trade and taxation a double thermom
eter you would see trade boot and
shoes inclusive -at the zero point while
taxation is still at 00 degree in the
shade. If you are not foolish, do not
talk of economy to the friend of the
wealthy man, and do not mention sal
aries in the presence of official or of
doctor of divinity unleaa yon mean to
raise them.
I eay to you men of Boston tbat
trade' customers must be taxed only
in due proportion to their earnings.
You have a wise man here in tbe east
who aay tbat railroad should be taxed
only upon gross earnings. Thia means j
that the railroad tax should take a slid-!
ing scale in proportion to the volume of .
business. I accept it, but I would apply i
the method to all His rule baa been in
force in Michigan for many years.
There tbe railroad have been taxed and
are still taxed upon grow earning, and
with thia result: Tbe farmers, the
produeera of Michigan, have puid four
timea their proportion of taxation com
pared with the railroads. The farmers
have no sliding scale. These farmers are
the customers of the manufacturers, and
tbe unequal tax restricts our market. 1
always like to see my customer in good
financial condition.
I am obliged to throw one grave
doubt upon tho gross earning system of
taxation. Under this system the rail
road assess themselves. The assessor
can find out what a farmer owns, but
he cannot verify the reported gross
earnings of a railroad. I do not know
but that Charles Francis Adams is
right, but Mr. Adams' conclusions differ !
from ttiv own fliru-rtetifn Tlinv rull tun I
that Mr. Adams is an advocate of the
taxation of the gross earnings of rail
roads aa a system, and 1 am surprised
that anybody in the eaat advocates an
income tax, for a tax on gross earnings
is an income tax. I suppose, however,
that everybody would bo satisfied with
an income tax, aa the railroads of Mich
igan ore, providing that, like those rail
roads, they bad no other tax to pay, and
that the bulk of taxation was tbs shifted
upon others.
Aailroads are not anxiou to show
their books. I tried ouo time to get the
street railroads of Detroit to show up.
I told them that, if they gave mo free
access to their books in order to ascer
tain tbe cost of construction, cost of
rolling stock, cost of maintenance and
cost of operation, I would allow any
rate of fare for a generou profit. They
refused, I then asked the circuit court
to oblige them to show up, und tho
court refused,'' I take tbe position that
the public ore partners in all systems of
transportation und aa partners have a
right to know all. Transportation is not
a private business by any means,
If the gross earnings system is right
for railroads, it ought to be right for all
cIuhmcs. If tho gross earnings of rail
roads are (tccepted without investiga
tion, as they alwaya havo been, then
whatever tho farmer say bis gross earn
ings may be must bo accepted with
like trustfulness. But this is uot busi
ness, aud wo all know it. Tho only way
is to assess all alike aud under some
equitable method. All I waut to do
with transportation in Michigan iu the
way of taxation is to have it pay its
hare iu due proportion to values. I
want to seo fair play for my customers,
and incidentally for yours.
I dure aay yon havo read of tbo wild
lushing of railroads by your humble
servant in tho way of ratea of faro.
Here toe the fucts in brief: In Michigan
for many years somo of the roads huve
been opcruting under what is called the
general railroad act, .other under old
sjiooial churter. Home, under tho gen
eral railroad act, aro confined to a faro
of 9 cents per mile. Those under tho old
special charter are taking I) cent per
mile, Thia condition of affairs existed
long before I expected to become gov
ernor. You may inquire if theso differ
ence were caused by density of popu
lation through which the vatious rail
road run, aud I answer, uot at all.
Tbo fact is, the Chicago aud Oraud
Trunk, whoso local fare aro 8 rents per
lnil", runs through lens population than
tho Michigan Central, whoso local fares
are 8 cent per mile. The president of
the MJchlguu Central soya that tf you
comparo tbe fare hi the densely popu
lated ciut with Michigan Central fare,
yoa will find that Iho Michigan Central
ia entitled to double the farw charged.
If that t there must U aomethiug
wrong iu the east. Hut It I ovr a
fourth of century ago sine the Mich
igan Central fare wo establU.ied, with
th con nl of tbe company, when ther
Wa one-half lira population of ttMprv
mil tributary to thl railroad. Talk
about tbe tUntatty of population Is in I ha
nature of rubbish. The buslue f l la
that ay railroad which la only making
apDUaea or lea as only 4i rewuiau
to wake money, aud that U to lower
rata, and stockholder and bondholder.
Mght to knew It. Wer thl plain bul
ft principM put In (urea, thera would
be) no u( b. thing a a remit if Hton
agar war hone W di not rua tb
aild afto) busiueaa uu I ha ptrpelual
b'ta pile ayaiitiu Wauaa w do Hot ll
WtOorvd tvx k;t,
Tho fall in railroad passenger rates
aos not come down, how ver, with tho
all in other price. In 1865, when I
left Boston for Detroit, it cost me
19.2"), first class ticket Yesterday it
ost mo 617.65 to come here from D
Jroit, only about 8 per cent cheaper. A
pair of shoes which sold in 18G5 for
S Cr;CSpcSiZg
of 50 per eent. Tbe cheapening of ma
terial and labor which go into a pair of
shoes has not been greater than the
cheapening of material and labor which
go into the construction or maintenance
of a railroad. .Railroad rates are indi
rect taxes levied upon commerce, con
tributed by tbe many to enrich the few.
Just so long as the foolish capitalists of
the yist persist in buying watered
stock, jual so long will your customer
in tbo west remain too poor to buy your
manufactured goods, and I sincerely
trust that the time will soon arrive
when tho purchase of watered stock
will be regarded in the same light aa
highway robbery.
So positive am I that plain business
doe not enter into tbe conduct of rail
roads that I would venture to guarantee
the best returns on the stocks and bonds
of our Michigan railroads, even to the
present limit of watered stocks, if the
railroads were operated on half tbe
present rates. The earning capacity oi
tbe railroads of Michigan ia not baii
developed, in consequence of uwbusiuess
like charges and methods. Where the
earning capacity of railroads ianot fully
developed it ha an evil effect upon the
earnings of the state, aud as a conse
quence there aro less boots and shoe
worn. But all I am after in Michigan
is to proceed npon tho lines laid down
by the action of my predecessors'. I act
upon the principle that no business
shall get ahead of my business if I can
help it. I want all to have a fair share,
but I see where shrewd corporation
are getting more than their share. I do
not want to see my customers taxed
poor. I want to seo them wear more
boot and shoes, especially shoe. I
know I have tho sympathy of all manu
facturers except somo who ore getting a
bigger rako off by connection with some
unreasonably protected corporation.
Speaking r.bout protection puts me in
mind. Wo all want protection. But do
we get it, even when tho tariff is
raised? In order to got it we must watch
transportation rates. Under a decision
of the United States court we are partly
at the mercy of transportation. A case
was brought at New Orleans some timo
ago, and the facts as disclosed showed
that tho railroads carried boots and shoes
at different rates to San Francisco. For
boots and shoes and other merchandise
manufactured at New Orleans or sold by
Jobber there the rate to Sun Francisco
was $3.07 per hundred, but for im
ported boot and shoes and other mer
chandise of similar class the rate was
$1.07. Tho supremo court sustained this
method of transportation. I do not know
tbe reasons for it. I do not care to know
them. My care is to point Out tbut the
principle or expedient of national pro
tection is defeated In part by the de
cision. But if there 1 to be internation
al reciprocity of rate of transportation
wo ought to know something of it, and
o should congress, to regulate it proper
ly. We have abolished the lottery and
we are engaged in stamping out tho
common kind of gambling, but tho
higher form of gambling are un
touched. Taxation must be placed on those
who can bear it or there is an end to
successful business. Our customers nro
loaded down with taxation. From ex
tortionate rates of fares, freights and
charges of all kinds, computed by the
companies, down to the oleomargarine
spread on bread, tho evil descends, in
creasing as it goes iu an enormous bur
don of excessive indirect taxation, and
tbe far greater share of such taxation
goes to tho increased concentration of
private wealth aud not to tho public
benefit. Tho tariff operates to tho man
ufacture of consumers. We have a land
that can fully support at least ten times
tho present population. Iu tho interest
of manufacturers I say that sound busi
ness should not be silent in tlie face of
gambling methods.' Manufacturers,
should bo active as agniust tho imposi
tion of unjust taxation, either direct or
indirect, upon their customers. All of
our higher political efforts havo been
along tho line of tho manufacture of
consumers, but we have stood idly by
when those consumers have been fleeced
by stock and bond jobbing. Wo havo
stood idly by when transportation has
levied blackmail and when state legis
lature have imposed excessive rates oi
fores and freights and when common
councils of cities havo been parties to
open robbery of tbo men and women
who aro our customers uud wbeu wealth
escaped taxation.
Hold on to Oaa Speech.
There is much disposition of late in
tho Mugwump aud gold bug press of tho
United States to attack aud vilify tbo
senate because it does not subject itself
to tho sumo dcsiHitio rule a that which
prevail lu tbo bouse of representatives
under the nafue of tho Heed rules,
which absolutely gag the minority and
make freedom of (-ch iu that branch
of rougrvM a thing of Iho past.
Tbi dclr ou tho part of the mouth
piwv of pluHs'tncy to choke oft public
debate and di'uioii of the ruwnlly
legUlntlon which tbo money (Niwer I
trying to force through (tuigtt I quite
natural, Th w mime defend r of uio
ttopoly, who ai am lout to ihoke of?
frwdoiu (if detmto lit b M ntl, Would
choke off ftwdom of srx teh. tn lb pub
lic rostrum If tbry dared. At tlrovcr
CUrvvlaud Mid iu hi Nvw York apvech
lat Halurdoy, "none ran frgr tl
doubt ami fear of that UiHUrtw raiu
paign," uiraulug In lal tut, whu
tit km fuller and fmr and healthier
tfiacamtou of palllo qooattuu than vrr
twfui, Tn rut will do wll on no
aeoouul to V tiiAueuimd by tit clamor
of theaa t ixm of fne govwrunwul.
bat gn atwadlly ou lt way and Ut u
all nuwr (ally and fwly. KulgnU
of Labor Journal
BJindroided, Could Count Kfery he a in
When Walking Across a Carpet.
i canttal, HlaU. Mo.
There is probably no one better known
in Sedalia, especially among the mem
bers of the Firnt Baptist church, than
Mrs. Wollie b. lloe, the wife of Mr. Hoe.
the nurseryman, and nothing is better
known among the ladv's acquaintances,
than that for t lie past four year she
has been a physical wreck from locomo
tor ataxia, in its severest form. That
she has recently recovered her health.
strength and normal locomotion has
been made apparent by her being nm-n
frequently on the streets and in church.
and this fact induced a representative of
the Uipital to call on Mrs. Koe to in
quire into the circumstances of her re
markable recovery. Mrs. Roe was seen
at her bouse at the corner of Ohio Ave
Due and Twenty-fourth street and
seemed only too glad to give the follow
ing nixtory of her caxs for publication
"Four years ago," she said, "I was
attacked with a disease which tbe physi
cians diagnosed aa locomotor ataxia
aud I was speedily reduced to a mere
wreck. 1 had no control of my muscles
aud I could not lift the least thing. My
flesh disappeared until my bones almost
pierced my skin. 'I be sense of touch be
came so exquisitely sensitive, tbat I be
lieve I could by walking over the softest
carpet blindfolded, have counted every
seam, so it may be imagined how I felt
when trying to move my uncontrollable
Tbe moat eminent physicians were con
sulted but they gave me no relief, and I
was without hope, and would have
prayed for death out for the thought of
leaving my little children. All thought
of recovery had gone, and it was only
looked upon as a question of time by my
husband aud mends when my troubles
would end in the grave.
''One day while in this condition I re.
celved a newspaper from soiiih friends in
Denver with a news item marked, and
while Ireading it my eyes fell upon an ac
count of a remarkable curs for locomo
tor ataxia by the use of Dr. Williams'
l'ink 1'ilis for rule People, and the case
as described waa exactly similar to my
own. 1 at once made up my mind to
try the remedy, and began according to
directions to take the pills. The
first box had not gone when 1 experi
enced a marked improvement, and as 1
continued I grew better and better until
1 waa totally cured, 1 took about four
boxes in all, and after two years of tbe
most bitter suffering was us well as I
ever was. ot only my leeiings but my
appearance underwent n change. I
gained llesh, and though now forty-three
yeara old, I feel like a young girl. You
cuu aay that Mrs. Hoe owes her recovery
to Dr. Williams Pink Pills, aud that she
knows there is nothing in the world like
(Signed) Mollik E. Hoe."
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 24th day of August, 181)0.
(jKoiioe 11. Dbnt, Notary Public.
(heal.) Pettis Co., M .
Dr. Williams' Pink Pill contain, in a
c mduused form, all the elements neces
sary to give new life aud richness to the
blood and restore shattered nerves.
They are also a specific for troubles
peculiar to femalus,such as suppressions,
irregularities and all form of weakness.
Taey build up the blood and restore the
glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks.
In men they effect a radical cure iu all
cns"s arising from mental worry, over
work or excesses of whatever nature.
Pink Pills are sold iu boxes, (never in
in loose bulk) at fifty cents a box or six
boxes for a $ J.5U and may be had of nil
druggists, or direct by mail by address
ing Dr. Williams' Medicine, Co.,Scheuec-
t(1y. N. Y.
Content Ut Tell the simple Troth.
Leroy T. Carkton of Wiuthrop was
swapping yams with Captain Sargent
the other day. "Now just for a mo
ment I want yoa to listen to a truo
story," I said. "I can spin a yam on
great occasions, but this is gospel,
Whilo I war a boy we lived up in the
town of lYillips, pretty well over to
WeldlinOj.under the lea of tho old Blue.
Just to the went of our house was the
valley leading up to the notch in the
mountain ra'igo. This valley was a reg
ular thoroughfare for wild geese going
north in the spring and going south in
the full. We used to shoot quantities of
them iu fact, one full I alone shot
But as this is a true story we'll lot that
"In the fall we had very sudden
changes in temperature, and when a
chill northwester set in there was a sud
den and alurming drop in the mercury.
One night I hourd n great 'honking'
down on a mud pond neur the house.
Once or twine I beard it in the night.
Next morning it wr.a freezing cold, and
those gecKO were still making a racket
"My brother und I took our guns and
went dow n. , Creeping up cautiously, we
fired. Two bird tumbled over, but the
rest only squawked the louder, but never
moved, doing down on the shore, wo
fouud that suddeu diop In tho temper
ature bud a whole flock Into tho
mud around tho shore. All wo had to
do wus to go up and knock them ou tho
"We t;ot 133 aud hud roa-t goose all
wiulcr. ".-I.evi,iton Journal.
A tlrah fraa.
Wa at th name and addira of
reapouxibl farmer aud busuiMui men to
hoiu may aeud umihi roiiitta ol
tlii pn r itb soma cbanew ol getting
Idem to uhverih.
In orWr In gel such a list wa hv de.
eUM lo wad a ropy ol K, H. King'
Itimk. entitled M Fw Financial Fet."
lo every iwranu sendm? In a list of ten
or niiir name and addr.
It i a vahiwbla book wlla ovr Ul
it!utrUr ttiaurani and retail at 33
ent r ropy. Hrnalor Allan say ol
lha book, "it iHiiaea araut inwlt and
should ha lalW road by alt who
daalr in a rtlorm la our tnoawtary
All I kal I awaarr tor you to do to
get a top m to Bd laalut of th
nam and addraaawa of Ian or mora
larwara of buiiea la ioi,r ka)
III, WUa yo toiunk naaaguod
alert ion aa roitl. Tha auwM ol mi
allai a art ablaaad itkalr lanb-
wnfc tor thia pcr art pralar r4,
A Mappf la a atawaalty.
What IUoUe Will lo.
Merely as an indication of how ex
treme wealth and what one has to go
through to pontoon it will do for a man,
the following item is given in these col
umns. It is from an nssociated prem?
dispatch dated Joliet, III., May 18. The
dispatch says:
"Mrs. Elizar Sage, the wife of the roan
trho obtained a $50 loau from bin uncle,
Kussell Sage of New York, last February,
has attempted to commit suicide from
worrying over the debt. Klizar sage had
saved $i toward lifting the mortgage on
his botnetitead and his wife had $5.
Brooding over the affair caused Mrs.
Sage to lose her infiid and last Saturday
she was found hanging to a rafter in the
shanty upon which New York's million
aire, Sage bad a mcrttratre for $ 50. She
was found in 4ime to save her life. Tbe
money to cancel the mortgage was eent
last nmbt to .Mr. huge."
hen a man's wealth so warps his
manhood that he does not hesitate to
rob his own family by the relentless and
never-failing mortgage, although worth
millions of dollars, it is time something
was done to urotect the beloless poor,
And it is almost impossible under pres
ent conditions, lor anyone to be. a mil
lionaire, and at tbe ha rim time be a
worthy member of society. Denver
HEALTH MEANS a perfect condition
of the whole system. Pure blood is
essential to perfect health. Hood's Bar
aaparilla makes pure blood and tbua
gives health and happiness.
HOOD'S PILLS arethe favorite family
cathartic and liver medicine. Price 25c.
By the meeting of thi "sound money"
eaugue in Chicago on last Friday, which
was composed, the dispatch say, of
'men of niony,'' we find tbat a deter
mined fight is to be made for maintain
ing the gold standard in the United
States. If any one in this country ho
heretofore believed that there was any
intention on the part of the so-called
sound money" faction to promote any
other form of money metallism. be
ought to have the Hcalea rudely scraped
from off bis optica by the information
that tbe above named league "laid plans
for the dissemination of trold standard
literature throughout the country".
Dons that sound anything like "inter
national, or other kind of "agreement"
favorable to to bimetalIism?--Cortland
EhenniatlBm.EciwnH, Kidney and Stomach
Troub lea
It is but the truth to say that hund-
ads of people suffering from above and
oiuer uiaeases nave oeen cured or greatly
benefitted by the use of the medicinal
water at Hot Springs, 8. D. If you ara
interested, address for particulars, A. 8.
Fielding.City Ticket Ageut Northwestern
Line, 117 South Teuth St., Lii-o, Neb.
Loan your paper to your neighbor.
Perhaps he will subscribe.
Hair Out 10c
Shave - - 10c
Seafoam 10c
Shampoo 10c
Best Tonic 5c
This is what you get
for your money at
1323 0 Stmt, - LTN00LN, NUB
ma raara at It waa 11 "It T. X.
was a fttmilur aiaa. It r(efre-l io
Iht ttva at a aa4 uae4 to!
aaiul I Mi ir wartl r h a ru trota
ua 4liar' eaplial t million. Our painl
tf u l a ax-It l I Ml a Waa
KKMY MIXKU t AlNT-Tha tletra'
till O Brat
33 v VI
f ' CReftAU
Sweet Gream
Phone 630.
Special Prlraa Whole
sale ou ICE CKt AM
181 0 S'rse
IWl Sd One Dollar to E. C.
Ill KlTTINCEM, Powell, South
Dakota, and receive by
mail ten Rennets with
plain printed instruction
n making CheeHH at home
with such apparatus as
every farmer now has.
Full cream factory Cheese the kind
made, and your money refundnd if you
fail while following instruction. Three
pounds of cheese can be made iu place of
uoe pound of butter.
Phoue 474.
Burr Block.
124 North I2th St., i Lincoln, Neb.
Galvanlied, in all leea,
lound.obloiiK or nquar
(?) t hlearo.
T. A. Carothers,
25 Pound Dully to Any Part
of the Clly, $3.00 Per Month.
Telephone, 478, : : Ofllce 234 E St
Hail! Hail! Hail!
Insurance at Cost.
Fairfield. Clay County, Suite of
Nebraska, is the only llAILIn
8UUAXCF. COMPANY chartered
by the Htnie. It is absolutely
undercontrol of the Policy Hold-
More than 100 agents now in the
field. 100 more agents wanted
on good commission in the next
ten dnys. The Nebraska State
Insurance Asxociution for Fire
end Cyclones is run in the same
office. -I
Agents wanted for either or both
companies at once. Address
Fairfield - - - Tebraska
Joint office corner Eleventh and M
streets, Lincoln, Neb., under control
of J- Y. M. SW'IGICHT,
Asw't Gen. Mxuiifrrr.
Ofllce, 470,
Ke. 471.
The South'a Grrat8hirt Line Reaching
And all points In Florida end the.
Southeast. Connecting nt Mobile
with steainohip bins for .South
Florida, llavnnn, Cube, and other
Went India Paints, Mexico, Cen
tral aud Soiuli America.
Kt. Lou i Mud Mobile, carrying
lejjnnt Pullman Palace Sleeping
Cur with drawing room and
buff'i. Also flfnii,cit,v riding day
eouehea uu all trams, making
Uuirk Timand8urtVmieetioii.
raatfHt Freight service iu the
4 .0. ram ATIIKS ol Ilia finest farming
' i n.wnd timWr lands ia
tho South in tr icu to lit purchaser
lor Al rt Low priera and upon euy
Term. Ttlla rfee. iiipntre. uud
unimproved larin. AUo aoverument
lenda aut'l'ft to hotneatead entry.
Moat debgktiul climntatn Anxfiea.
For daertr.tiv wm tier aud fail l?for
niaiion apply In the Alabama Land
k lhveUiputnt Con puny, Mubile,
For rata, tUketa, time table, ao I
othf Ittlnrwntina npplr to n.v lUllmad
lgt, or V, II, IUnmiiutoi, J a..
U. P. A., VJO lib at.. leaMiilia, la. U, KK, INajav.
(lea'l Maaagaf. Ileal IWl AL
I'm H, lUaaM.i., It Va 'ralrflt,
Mubiia, Alabama.
9ttWrtb fat tkkj oapar, Ktap pot&
"p to da'a M
. LLC p