The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 03, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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Kill the Fatted Calf.
4 The Lyons. Neb., Sun ho these good
words to eay for the Omaha Dee:
"The Sun, in common with the repub
lican press of the state, has said a good
many mean things about the Omaha Bee
and its at'itude towards the republican
party. An open confession is good for
the soul and it must be admitted that
had the party heeded the Bee's advice in
the past it doubtless would now be in
much better fighting condition."
The Bee is highly elated at the compli
ment and under the headline, "Promis
ing Sius." the Bee reprodiiees the com
pliment and comment as follow:
"Amoug the moat promising sigus for
Nebraska republicans are the .growjjjg
aentimeiit of its preen and partisan iu
favor of discarding the leaders under
whom the party has been forced to re
linquisb control of the state aud the re
alization that to regain control wiii
require a retracing of mis-teps made un
der veious and irresponsible guidance
"Political parties, like meu, should
lear(n by cxijerienca. By avoiding the
mistakes which have in the past cost it
dearly, the republican party can and
should quickly re establish itself in the
confidence of the people aud build up
anew its old time popular majorities. If
candidates are selected solely for their
ability, integrity, republicanism , and
high standing as citizens, and no man
even considered whose reputation is in
the least beclouded, the men who have
been driven out of the party because
they would not submit to a reign of cor
rupt political methods will be drawn
back to their former associates and ac
cept the republican organisation as the
true embodiment of republican princi
ples, which they have never repudiated.
A party of principle must neces-arily
anneal to men stronger than a fusion,
fctioils-himtiiiir combination, which rests
on nothing but an ull-absorbing desire
to maintain a hold on the offices.
'Nebraska reoublicans can put them
selves in first-clsss fighting condition if
they will, by giving evidence oi goou in
tendons and taking full advantage o
evHi v ortnnrtunitv itrenented."
It 'requires considerable self-ussurance
for the Omaha Bee to poise as the advo
cate of cleanliness in the public service.
It is difficult to avoid tl. impression
that the affection of the Lyons Hun for
ths Omaha Bee has been awakened not
because the Sun lias become convinced
that the Bte was riirht when it bolted
the republican purty, bt rather because
the Bee has crawled back into the repu
blican fold bv demonstrating its willing
uess to support men for office regardless
of their black record. The Bee congrat
ulates itself and the republican party
that the g. o, p. is discarding old lead'
ers. The onl v old leaders whom theg
o. p. has shown siirus of discarding are
those who have already been booked for
the rwtiitentiarv. And others who ought
to be sent to that resort, still wield the
erne old time influence iu party councils.
The Bee talks about the K. O. p. re
establishing itstlf iu the confidence of the
neonle and intimates that the way to
accomplish this is by selecting candi
dates "solely for their ability, integrity,
republicanism and high standing as cit
izens." Are the people warranted in
helievimr these tirofessions to be sincere
when they come from a newspaper that
helped to elect the ex-district clerk to the
office f mayor oi Jinanaf
The Bee says: "No max should be
IN THE W5A8T BKCLOCDKU." Are the peo
rile warranted in believiutr these profes
sions to be sincere when fhey come from
a npwwrmner that sunnorted the ex
riintricr, clerk for movor?
The Bue says: "The men who have
been driven out of the party because they
would not submit to a reign of corrupt
political methods will fie drawn back to
their former associates." How? By the
indorsement bv the ir. o. p. of men who,
like the ex-district clerk, have shown
themselves faithless to public trust?
The Bee says: "Nebraska republicans
can put themselves In first-class fighting
condition if they will, by giving evidence
of good intentions." Did the republican
party "give evidence of good intentions
in tne selection of a mayor for Omajia?
Immediately following the state house
defalcations and the Uinaiia city tiens
urv shortage the republican party in-
domed for mayor of Omaha a man who
n as and is short in his accounts to the
school fund: a man who admitted
portion of this slioi tavtu by paying $ 1,
818.83 into the couuty treasury on the
Sunday preceding the date on which his
. , .. . rei.:.. ...
term oi ymce wa w oem. xuw omu
was nominated by the republican party
in the face of the fact that proceedings
had nlreadv been commenced in court
proceedings which was public notice of
this man's ineligibility. Aud yet the
Omaha Bee that says no man whose
record is "beclouded" should be nom
inated for office, supported this man and
now defends him from the effort being
made to call him to accouut for his
faithlessness to public trust.
The Omaha Bee is how being heartily
welcomed to the g. o. p. fold, not ns an
acknowledgment that the Bee was riht
wheu it boiled the republican ticket, but
rather that the Bee has demonstrated
i willingness to support bad men for
oflice if they uro only the Bee's "bad
Thu old tiit.rt i. publican lenders have
not been discarded; the old time republi
can methods havs not been abolished;
the republican party in Nebraska is to
day in a worse condition than it has
been in ths history of its orsiuuiiintUin;
and the Bee, that bolted that
receives a hearty wJwiuib because it has
demonstrated its rut hi to a front scat in
that party's councils by Its course in
Omaha's recent city campaign. -eWorld
lultUllts ami Krfirailm.
Ths great trouble w ith our govern
ment la that it I iMiimt out oi tom-lt
Willi tne ojile, Ths nutiiii Is too big,
ths masses ar too uiiildy; unity ol
pur po aud of action U too difficult,
ipoi-ruf tuttUlive in tli s.l at
large, is atntoat nothing. Individual
Hitrrvala tsar lli IniUuti. a I lliev
t of l .'nlliliiuitt t .; mil tttre ln
dinl ll lutereat prevail over thoawtd
ths euiuuiuuilf lor IS sitnpl n-u
t I tlir souirf una who li soim-lr
iMh'Htl ths lltd'VldUst IhlvrtsU, tl I.'
llO OUS W Mt-tlVei y Ufclllif Ids llilwre!
lf It.nctiiiuitilio'r. Tl whtdo i..iitilil
j,lly limr I i..''Hti'lild, but
n,u Thouassd may 1st iiruwlug
aid uruudil.urf but HotHidr acts.
And rsAa Is ' .Uluidt y
keo how to Nolo (jf kio wit I
to d
1 h jd ritsKi to ! WtfUUtitrw
aad !) what It al, Ths lrsla du
ikewise. The corporations are firmly
knit into compact todi-s, aud the power
of'i he initiative is tremendous.
But the public is uuorganix-d, is help
less; it knows what it wants but has no
power to go at it. The power of the
initiative is lacking.
Owing: to these reasons the public is
falling behind more aod more.every day.
Individual interests outstrip general
o teres t. Special laws outstrip general
laws. The classes move and get what
they want at the expense of the masses
who do not move.
The masses can elect men to legislate,
but the claswes biibe those men after
election, and the laws wnich the masses
want are not passed. The laws which
the classes want are passed, and the
masses cannot help . themselves. They
elect a a new set of legislators next time
to be sure, but the new men can be brib
ed as well as the old ones were.
Seeing these thiuKS the masses become
discouraged and lo h heart, in the
work fr ""tiering their governmental
condilr" ''
Will ift ihe Initiative and Referendum
give the masses ihe leverage they need
to change all this?
If we adopt a law Kivmg fifteen per
cent of the voters the right to propose a
law and to have it referred back to a
popular vote, will not themussesregain
the control over the law making machine
which they have of late years so com
pletely lost?
Cannot any active reiormer sur up
fifteen per cent of the voters to repeal a
law, change a law, or enact a new law?
It seems probable. Then if that is so
why will not the reins of legislature be
put back into the bands of the masses?
The more we reilect upon It tue more
the Idea grows upon us that when you
give the masses the power to propose
laws and have them submitted to a di
rect popular vote, you have armed said
masses with a weapon wtiicn tne classes
cannot resist.Tom Watson's paper.
It is u rare day in American history
when some republican official is not ar
rested. Independent lira.
Naturally there is a good deal of talk
croinur on anout orosoeriiy. uui worn
buen seen of it is nothing to speak of.
There is one power the supreme tourt
of the United states will likely not take
nwav from the Interstate Commerce
commission, ana
that is the power of
draw their salaries.
tlto members to
Missouri World.
This paper was the first to advocate
the nomination of John B. Meserve for
state treasurer, and we may pe pardon
ed for feeling like crowing a little over
his first apportionment of state school
funds. Stockville 1'aber.
If there is a man in your neighbor-
hood who is almost a populist, u talk
to him and convert him into a fullhVdged
reformer. You can do it and by so do
imr vou will prove yourself to be what
all nonulists should a worker. Peo
ple's Advocate. (Mo.)
Lord Chatham said: "You cannot in
diet a whole nation." A very few
moneved men who believe the world is
theirs because they have the most of the
money in ft, should remember the people
are necessary to keen it running, and
some day they may take a notion to all
v o ate the law at the same tune. Ut
tawa Journal.
Each individual , farmr may have a
small interest in the amount of corn ex
ported from this country as a surplus
product, but the overwhelming interest
with each is as to the amount fed out to
good live stock on the farm where pro
duced. It is the finished product that
best plays into the hands of the farmer.
Nebraska Farmer,
It must be humiliating in the extremo
for those republicans in Omaha whp are
trying to mainrain a defaulter in the
office of mayor. This course taken by
the party sn soon after the exposure of
the wholesale robberies of the state by
republican officials. i enough to damn
any party to everlasting perditon.
Polk County Independent.
The fools are not all dead. One of them
borrowed a newspaper the other day
and discovered an advertisement headed
"How to Make Pants Last." Me sent
fifty cents for instruction and in due
time received the following: "Make Ihe
coat and vest first." At last accounts
the simpleton was trying to recover his
money by law. Rising City Indepsndent.
Our views of the money question are
well known. As long as silver and gold
are used as money metals on which to
place the flat of law, it is an unwarnnt
ed and vicious attack on a great Ameri
can industry and an unwarranted dis
crimination against an Amrien pro
duct for our laws to depreciate the value
of either, and thus cripple an American
industry. Arbor State.
Government ownership of railroads,
telegraph end telephone lines, postal
savings hanks, the initiative and refer
endum, greenbacks ns a legal tender for
all debts and redeemable in nothing but
themselves, are the real Issues Isdore the
sopls. Sooner or later these principles
must be embodied into laws. They are
ths salvation of this government Bea
trice Tribune.
Holding biuk opiuious in important
caMes just because ths decisions have
leaked aoinhr des not ' remit hen
th supreme court with ths public. If tti
leks trouble ths Judges they should take
f to htvu llielll stOpHs, The beM
wuv to nvoitf Unks is to tutnottmw t!
dccUt.ui of tli cour t as soon as it is
rei-li-d and ths npniion prepan d and
npptove I, - lua,
Ths r-tn iil td lr H, K. Wo'fs from
hU iHt tuta n prul. -nr of philosophy
la llisstsia uiiuvr-ity 1,1 I I mint (m- Mo
(.'nit U-urs awry lad i-aiiott d haying
iva liia aouply Ix-cmum ir Wolf a
Hot rt publicsa or a iM bug d oios ritt
Ths iateatigrtlioH which the fms'tl of
regt r Ktvluc ll mallt-r brini; to
light only yfe-a ttl show Itiat t li'Xi.
IUr Mi .s4 is bv Isr too asrrow
ln!n.i.) i m ill ) Hail td great aud
tbrl tastktHlMU bka Ida v lwkN
I'r. WoKatli;.)4 W riii.UlPUu
CuttntJ Arta,
The gold reserve is decreasing rapidly.
Senator Ilanna is keeping faith with
the brewers by opposing the beer tax.
Ie Moines has added Iter name to the
list of cities that own their electric lights
aud water works.
0. D. Jones of Edina, Mo., populist
candidate for governor last fall, has
been lappointed by Gov. Stephens, as a
member of the board of curators ol tue
state university.
When General W'eyler was told of the
Morgan resolution he laughed and said
t was "jingoism." neyler was riKht.
evidently, for the resolution bas been
hung up by "tzar need.
According to Governor Leedy the peo-
tlleof Kansas are in a financial condi
tion to build their own railroads if
cheaper freight rates Are not given by
the roads in operation, especially to the
Gulf coitst.
Mrs. Marrilla M. Kicker of Dover, N.
II.. is an applicant for the position of
envoy extraordinary and minister pleni
potentiary to tie United htate oi
Columbia The salary is ten thousand
dollars a year, .
"IThe Texas papers report a small at
tendance at the reform press meeting
of that state, but the few present have
issued an address to the people of Texas
calling on thpm to endorse the Nash
ville "conference." I'aul Vandervoort
and Milton I'arks are signers of te ad
dress. Senator Aldrich.'in defending the sugar
schedule admits, flat-footed, that the tax
is levied to keep out German sugar. He
claims that it is of' small consequence
that the American refilling industry is in
the hands of one company, but insists
that an extra tax of $70,000,000 on th
American people will assist in bringing
prosperity, ,
Carnegie and llockfeller have combin d
in a new field. The latter is to furnish
all 1 he iron ore,5.000,000 tons, which Car
negie wil need in us foundries. Ihe lor
merhasbui t a railroad to carrv an
supplies from Couuaught. Ohio, to Pitts-
laircr. i n s roaa practically sins me
oriirantic scheme for a ship canal from
Lake lirie to Pittsburg.
The Annual Sax of Self-Bir.dcis Is
The number of sell-binders that are
bought each year in Lancaster county is
amazing. There are many dealers in
this city besides the dealers in each of
the smaller towns in the county. The
furmers of a locality are quick to di
cern a good article, aud as a rule will
spend tho.r money conservatively. In
general they are more careful iu making
purchases than any other class of peo
pie. The man who keeps a good article
and deals fairly in the long run secures
the farmer's patronage.
The J. Bhanip Implement Co. have
been in business in this city for many
years and have built up an excellent
trade. During the season of 18f0 they
sold fifty-one self-binders to the farmers
in this county. They bave pursued the
nobcy cf keeping a good article and
wiling it at reasonable prices. They
handle the Jones Lever Binder and that
it is all that they represent it to be is
shown by the following testimonial from
those who purchased from them last
Tub 1'lano Manufactuiuno Co , West
I'ullman, Chicago, III.;
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 9. 1897,
Gentlemen. We. the undersigned, res
ident farmers of Lancaster county, Neb.,
hereby certify that we each' bought
through your Lincclc r.racy, J. Bbamp
Implement Co., one of your Improved
Jones Harvesters with Lever Binder.and
tako great pleasure in recommending the
same to be the very bet Binder made.
Its mechanical construction and Bimpli
city rt-copimeuds it to the consideration
of all farmers, and for lightness of dralt,
it has no equal, it having gone through
the harvest of 1890 with entire satisfac
tion in every particular, and we cheer
fully recommed it lo any farmer con
templating ihe purchase of a Binder:
W 11 Taylor, box J. Lincoln; F 0
Martin, College View; .1 1 Klwood, Lin
coln; R .1 Campbell, 1144 Rose, Lincoln;
John Watson, College View; John Dnn
ley, Raymond; L Brant, Bennett; I
lloge, Cheney; A Morton. Cheney; Van
Derslice Bros.. Cheney; Pe'er Grass,
Koca: George Bohl, Sprague; W J Dal
ton, Woodlawn; Geo. Stuart, Denton;
James Reed, Lincoln; AV P Ward, Den
ton; C A Leach, Firth; Win Mo A tee, Kl
wood: K K Spencer, Woodlawn: W L Cot
trell, Normal; Abbot und Wilhelm, Have
lock; E II Sliumbnrger, Raymond, Louis
Kamm, Rokeby; 0 W Simpson, Saltillo;
Albert Francke, Walton; J A Johnson,
Dnvey; Hans Hanson, J'.-nr.itt, Joint
Neylon, Raymond; Geo W Mcssinger,
Rnymond; Gust Larson, Raymond; Wil
helm Kayser, Bennett; GeoFLipman,
Crounse; Tl.os Crawford, 1 1 irk man; I D
Howard, Malcom; Fred C Herter, Ben
nett; John Fletcher, Raymond: John
Hoxie, Raymond; 1 I) Hoxie, Raymond;
J II Cuuniiiirhaiii, Attuew; Thomas Bar
rett, Airnew; John H Jelsmn, Cortland;
J V Wolf, Lincoln; F Cunningham, Mal
colm; Geo Peters Jr, Princeton; C C
Swimey, Lincoln; C B Camp, Cheney; J
II Fauuaii, Walton; W L Anderson,
Cortland; Win Brand, Raymond.
Insurance Department.
TsailsMod by J. T. U. fl1rl.f oriapoail.a.-
inn .
Our new plan for Hull iiooirum-s is a
taker. A!l nu agent has lo do Ik to si-
pluiu it in a neighborhood of tnxt gear's
bail atoriiis and theii w rile tli. applica-
We iiKur.t iMitboiiaaud biiaiivla id any
k hid ol it rain for flf'V lulitl and wait
till m iot-r t oa e 1 grain mid hc in
b r 1 i-a corn.
Tli" hail season is so abort thatw
alldtll I hse i-iiiii. of SK'Mits Htssth
poloftW-s and II t'i-,v d not go lain ths
Md nt iiiirw a wsiil morn, (hir com
pis U iiu urponOrd uildir Ibatiewliw
and bid fair to d nuir )miaM thsu
a nay doss trbsr lit th aiulo.
It W lh iioly iuiH-rj-ornlnd IU I Co. (u
ttts atalo. Addixas J. M Hntt'ord, l'lr.
"v '
REV. B. NEWTON, LouinilU, Nab., Mathodi
putor. Carad by Dr. Shapard of Catarrh aaf
Nemou Proftratioa.
Cs-SIIErARDand bia associate physftum
have been eatabllibed iu Omaha six years and
bave the muni ex Iciikitb ollicua and practice Id
tne went. The Uuiaba liue aayg:
Tim Bhepanl MkiIIibI lllKillile Is ontlrvU
-eliaiile in a i'rofsional and bionm-u war I)r
i he iurd ha gained ami fully mairitalDa a lead
itK piacii iu ma uraiiiieni ol cnrunlo diai-ase
I' he puhllt uiar mfi-ly trust htm." Writ)- tisla;
or nr. Mieianl a lioek ana t uii-iiIuhk Blanks.
fhejr will tail you all about It.
IS.00 A MONTH. Thit la ths total soit of Mall
fraatmsnL NotharFaa. No othar Expanaa.
6rEClALTIE.-Catarrb and all Chronic Dla-ast-
of ths Lui:;, Btomacb, 6k in, Kldneyi,
ili-art and Nerroui b'atem. Special blanks foi
nen. Special blanks foi women. Addreaa,
Shepard Medical Institute, i
ill iZ f3S.Y.L!fc. CWAHA. MEa
field, J. Y. M. Swygart, Lincoln.
The cyclone season is here and every
farmer should get into a mutual cyclone
company before his property i destroyed
Several mutual men are desirous ol
orttunmuir a dwelling house mutual with
nominal fees. We would like to boar
from more before we take any steps iu
tho mutter. Write us. "
Just try a 1 0o bos of Cascarets.ths fin
est Hier and bowel regulator tvsr mads,
Let's see. Is the Illinois legislature
iiooulist? Gmens not. Is it republican?
Yes. Well rai last Friday in the Illinois
legislature semes were enacted that were
tori distrniceful for any populist to coin
niit. It was riot mid anarchy. If the
Kansas Lledslature did like that well
there is no telling what would hapisjn
But with a republican legislature it is
different. It was all right for the g. o. p,
There are worse fellows than thepopu
lists, sure. Seneca News. .
Humphrey Bros, Hardware Co. offers
the following bargains in second band
buggies, carrisges, surries, phaetons and
hugiiies: 1 at f 15, 1 leather top
buggy, new, bankrupt stock, $55; I road
wagon, same stoek, 1 at $15, 1 at
t22, one at f 1'2; 1 laundry waiton, new,
first clsss, $124, cost $225, bankrupt
stock; 1 eitop 8, II. carraige, cut under,
$45; 1 3-spring delivery wagon (Stude
baker), cit under, $50; 1 low top deliv
ery wagon with svnshade.all sound, $65;
1 stake dray, tons, platform springs,
in use six months, $100, cost $175; two
spteding sulkies, new, fine prade, weight
75 pounds, $75 each; 1 extension top
carrake. iiw. $9(1. cost $125; i exteu-
sion top surrey; lamps and fenders,$HO,
cost 160: 2 Shetland pony carts, $45,
cost $05 new; all the above goods must
be sold, u-oods that we bave taken back
or traded for; we have also 1 top Stude-
bakennilk wasron, glass doors, new
$125; our regular stock consisting of
Rockwav carraiires. traps, phaetons,
buiruries. spring wagons of the finest
styles and grades, manufactured by
Studebhker Bros.. Wilson, Molme Buggy
Co.. Kalamazoo Carriage Co. Wo have
120 vehicles standing on our noors, tne
largest stock in the state. We have just
unloaded 2 cars ot A grado und war
ranted Wilson-Moline carriages, pha
tons, buggies, traps, road wagons.flnert
work, lutest styles for the least money
that we have ever hnd. Will buy or
trade new work for old at the'r cah
value; 4 floors, power elevator, no trou
ble to show goods. We have one , one
Wilson-Moline top buggies. A grade
with rubber tires; uncut in tin: city, we
have also a top buggy at $.'15aud freight
the same which it so exteimively adver
tised; we have a full leather top buggy,
evtra B grade for $55 and warranted.
Bankrupt stock: New and standard
goods; t px tension top carraige, $9o;
price $173, 1 top buggy ?M, price wu;
1 road wagon $'10. price $40; cut under
laundrv wagon $125, price $22; one
buggy $15; 1 $40. 1 open $10.
Lincoln, Neb.
Spain can dowhat she pleases to this
country under this administration. In
dignities and insults to American citi
zens in Cuba by the Spaniards, continue
ues right along and no action taken by
the great bead of this nation to prevent
them. While ths Uuiied Slales aud
England do not care to become involved
in war themselves, we believe they enjoy
hearing of the blood letting in other
countri . St. Paul Press.
Do icfiie buy llmxl'i 8ariariii In prefer
ene to sny oilier, la fiu t aluswt to th i'lii
out of all (libera?
Bocauao know that iixrH.irvu.
rill.i i iiri wIm-11 ullii-ra lull.
tlie qiientl -a nt bt l Jiftt S iM.illlvely il
el.l. d In favor of llixMl'a hriutiurilU, the
qiH-slSni( eumimrative aslct. Ili iiu inln r,
tl. fm Tiwa ll.l l"Mrm.-r. All iln.rfil. tl
l irixt wttf ir I', i. nt a i '., Imwii,
,. ritra I mrr 1 IU s ta
IltMKl S I'lllH wk.-t t.i.iis. m
mmii-. m-1 m-.
a- 'j
' " l- f
Will be Bargain Day
Here this Week . .
Read the Bareain News:
LadLs' Shirtwaists ...
Lot 1 A large variety of pat
terns and are worth 50c; this
week they go at 83c
Lot 2-75c and 81.00 Shirt
Waists, good patterns; to close
them out quick, will sell at,
each ,Vc
Just Received ...
Another case of Standard Prints,
beautiful styles; wiling price
everywhere is c; b sure and
gt some; gale price this week Is
only 4!fti
WashlDress Goods . . .
25 pieces Rosebud Lawns, reg
ular price 3,'ic, this week, a
yard 3c
80 pieces Scotch Lawns, a bar
gain i at 5c, this week, a yard..,43
15 pieces Cardonot Irnnrime.
worth 70i
tb ih, week only, a
18 pieces Violet Lawns, our
regular price 10c, this week, a
yard .....Kc
12 pieces Chatlllion Ktriis-s, a
bargain at 15c, this week, a
yard 12Jic
10 piece Windsor Clairette,
regular price l2!ie, this week,
a yard , Wfi
Lappet Mulls, worth 18c. this
week, a yard .....,. ...15e
Here is where you get ReliableGoods tn
nr At LOwsTlpRTnF"a A
.Fred Schmidt i
921 O St., Opposite P.O., Lincoln.
owe Sooto E
To the Wqnderful Fruit Lands
of Utah, situated in the Famous
ExcnrslaiiH Kvery first and
U A MAN desiring a peaceful, happy and contented lira tinder his own vine
and fig tree, where winter's blizzards and the scorching summer's hot
winds are unknown; where gentle breezes ladened with the delicious per
fume of apple, peach and cherry blossoms prevail, where Mother Larth pours
into the lap of Ceres the most bountiful crop; where the murrnering ripple of tba
cool mountain streams softly flowing
Moore's enchanting Vale of Cashmere,
There the Hear Itiver Irrigation &0gden Water Works Company at an ex
jenui of f. '1,(100,000 he constructed a canal nin&ty luiiea iu lngtb, with
more than sixty miles of lateral ditches, watering thousands of acres of the
most productive lands in the world, which it has put on tba market for
hoina-aeekers at remarkably Low Prices, with guaranteed perpetual water
rigbt.Tbese lauds are for sale in the raw, or uncultivated state, or in bear
ing Orchurds of Fruit Trees, iu tracts to suit purchasers and on the Most
Favorable Terms.
thoKH Fruit Lands and Orchards
they are offered by this Company. The Company is backed by
millions of capital invested in ths best security in the world, the
liest of farm lands; and it guarantees lo every person purchasing
that if through misiortuns hs should ba unable to complete his.
payments. It will HFFCM) To HIM TIIK MONKY llti HAS
l'Alli, WITH INTKKKHT. What safer or better Investment
could be wished lor?
the i
- " " mm
greater than iu any
imrmi m. ne,v i wini n our lamia are situated tliers are ft 0OO
people With Ifl.OOO . res uudr cultivation. Ogdeu, H mi of
lM.lH O Inhsbilants is only twHily miles diatanl, and Halt Uks
Clfy, with fla.lKHl inhabitants, about fifty n.ih. from tl.s lauds
Two rsilroads, with stations at foiiveuimt dialnnes, psrs through thsa
lands, and slth ths si eial, t du tii.niil and rl'uious ndvimlsires sflnnlinf
bv ths nuuieroua M hiHils and i himhe., and lbs rapid ttleinriit tlf ths
Valley, it is deaimed to I, and in 1st I now is, the rlt f.Jt-n td Aa eru-a.
Vor lurlher Inforiiistioii roucarnlfg (In.. I. ml. l.uura uu liatrs, writs
JAS, JJlIf SMITH t CO., land Immigration lgtsn
204 Dcatbom Btr.M. giUCAOO, ILL.
of sii s. , A4,u,., UNION PACIFIC 8YQTCM
J, C. McNIRNCY, Agent, 102a o stbi t t, K:trb.
100 dozen Children's colored
bordered Handkerchiefs will be
giveu away at each ,
100 dozen Cbildrens' fast black
and grey Ribbed Hose, 5 to H
this week they go at only ..5c
Shoes, Shoes
$1.50 Boys' Lace Shoes, 2 to
6V this week $1.85
$2.00 Poys' Lace Shoes, 2 to
' different styles; this weektl.89
tl.OOChildrena'Shoes, in black
painted and square toes; this
week 89c
$1,25 Misses' Bhoes, in black,
pointed and square toes, thin
$1.50 Misses' black and tan
pointed aud square toes, this
week ...,.,.... $1.84
A nice line of Gents' Finn Bboes
from $1.50 to $4.50.- only solid
goods carried in stock.
Straw Hals -
An immense variety of Mens'
Boys' Misses' and Cbildrens' Hats
at lowest nrlccs.
Third Wednesday of Each Month.
through tbe valley gives a realization ol
that roan nted look no farther than the
or better paying investment can be found
for a man of moderate means than in
under the terms upon which
is far surpassing California In prod&etfvs capacity and1
xw llent flavor ol its fruits. The average yt,.d ir'acr-
tiini - r eereais in to near ISivt-r Valley Is
other part of tho I'nited Mtate. ! iK