The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 03, 1897, Image 4

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    ELe Nebraska 3itucpcnucnl
IndBpsidBit Publtehiqg Go.
At 1180 K trMt,
$1.00 per Year in Advance.
Adam all communication! to, and mat all
draft, moaoy order, etc., pajrabi to
Lincoln, Neb.
Populist should be up and rustling.
Hit not idly down and expect good re
sult" for tbe reform work.
Btul Brother i Lincoln, tbe oldest
established firm of broker in the city,
are paying ar for state warrant No
comment in necessary.
Why does a populist olllee holder got
A betttT "alary than a republican? Be
cause under the rule of populism state
warrant are bh good oh cash.
It will require a long, long time for
the republican promt of thin state to
convince the voter, and taxpayer that
the republican party I a party of pur
ity and honesty of purpose.
Head the advertisement in this paper.
Many of them afford excellent oppor
tunism for you to ave money, Bead
them carefully, for saving a dollar is
equal to mixing ten bushels of corn.
During the campaign we heard great
praise of the foreign policy of the re
publican party, Up to date wo have
een very little of it in operation. Theory
and practice are two very different
s ' ' vGfuey ha discovered what many
others are dent! tied to discover, viz: that
it I a very difficult undertaking to build
a better party than the populist party.
All road to liberty lead to the people'
party camp.
Those contemplating the entable
ment of anew political party hou!d
consult Jacob H. Coxey for plan and
specification. Though several time a
millionaire he found a newpaper and
, new political party a load greater than
he could carry.
Hend a lint of ten or more name and
addresses of reponible farmer or busi-
ness men in your locality who would be
likely to subscribe for this paper and we
will send you a copy of 8. 8. King's book
"A Few Financial Facts" to pay for your
trouble. We will send , them sample
copies. ., : ft ., r; , v: '.
A savings bank in Kansas City failed
a few days ago. It owed 8000 deposit
ors a. total of over 12,000,000. That
means that at least 8000 persons in
Kansas City are in favor of government
savings banks. They have paid dsarly
for the lesson but they have been thor
oughly taught, and will remember it
until 1000 at least.
Wannamaker predicts the formation of
a new party. What is the matter with
the populist party? Why condemn all
purtie because of the rottenness of the
republican prty? The populist party
is not one of the "parties of broken
platforms who use nationul and state
patronage in payment of election con
tracts." If Wannamaker is sincere in
bti professions he will join the populist
The principle of government owner
ship of public utilities is gaining ground.
Perhaps it Is anarchy and (anatocism,
but it is fast spreading to our larger
cities. Mtiiy of them are endeavoring
to adopt municipal ownership of electric
light plants, water and gas works, etc.,
and that is simply government owner
ship on a smaller scale. That is not all,
wherever muuicipal ownership bus been
tried it has proven highly beneficial and
entirely satisfactory.
There are some things that do not
teem to Indieat that confidence has
been entirely rtured by the election of
William Mckinley and a congress in full
sympathy with him, It claimed
that la the event of his election the
bank would renew their loans, the
mouev that had gathered at tbe ceuters
ol trade would b put lit nrcuUilon and
busluea would revive. That ai 11 an
na' theory and prediction of the reult
otMcKiutey' tl.rtnn. Instead th r
tarn Irotn national l-uk how a Iu-
cr ia thrtr th holding me th
iklioi t HH,tHJ,H)it Th total d.
poait hv mIm) tttcrrowNt about f W
Ooo.tMsi which mean that there u
$ir.',,MMi10i Wtm lu t;ual rirtuUlio
at lb prMttl tlm than thr wo b
for th iWtitB. t'.vfryoit ksotbal
la Uurn th number id dollar in cir, u
latioa incr the dwaJlo ob dot.
lar, trr 1 amount ol jrurlj
intumt; to purvttM dollar, W
humm ior ytlvm and lrrd d
rsmio t bui- The revival U a
The present congres and administra
tion has gone into poser with great op
portunities before it. The country is in
a condition almost es bad as can be im
agined. If the republican party can
bring relief it will win the confidence
and support of tbe American people for
a generation to come. If it fails, it fails
forever. Grover Cleveland bad tbe same
opportunity to have secured tbe demo
cratic party in power for half a century.
He railed. He chose rather to enrich
himself and his friends than to win honor
for himself and power for bis party. His
efforts were all in behalf of the aristoc
racy of the east. The result is knows
He was beaten in his own party and is
despised and bated by the masses of tbe
people. Will the present administration
and congress profit by the lesson? It
appears not. The presidont is following
the Cleveland course in regard to Cuban
independence in spite of tbe declaration
of hi party' platform. The same power
and Influence that controled Cleveland,
controls now. By the use of patronage
Cleveland controled congress. Tbe same
thing is being done now. Congress
though in session is not allowed to act.
Tbe president and speaker rule abso
lutely, Legislation is badly needed. The
volume of currency should be enlarged.
Anti-trust and autl-pooling laws are
needed. Banks are failing everywhere
and depositors are without protection.
Millions of dollars, the savings of the
poor, gone in a duy and government
savings bunk are no nearer than ever
before. Men pay taxes according to the
amount they eat und wear, the poor as
much as the rich. Wealth goes untaxed.
Sugar, wool and tea are taxed while
diamonds come iu free. The popr are
tried, convicted and sent to jail, while
the millionaire robbers of the east go
unpunished. Will the present adminis
tration change these condition and
bring relief to the common people? We
shall see.
When a political party has won a vic
tory it is entitled to the legitimate spoils.
The new administration is charged with
the responsibility of carrying out and
putting into operation the pledges and
principles of the party. It is proper
that it should surround Itself with as
sistants in full sympathy with the party
and its principles. Members of other
political parties should not be retained
or employed. They are usually jealous
of the success of a new party and gen
erally are tale bearers, if not directly,
indirectly through their former asso
ciates and friends, to the headquarters
of the opposition purty. As a rule
persons who have been active and inter
ested in building a political party are
better custodians J of its welfare than
those who have been active in opposing
it. Of course' all of the republican clerks
and ofllcer will use every means to bold
over. Many ol them will experience
sudden conversion. Others will point to
some distant relative who has some
time In his life been a member of the pop
ullst party. They will make any kind of
pledges and promises of future support
for the privilege of "holding over."
Others claim to be indispensable which
is about the thinnest excuse of any.
There are ten and more thoroughly
reliable and competent populists for
every appointive office in tbe state.
Others do not like to be "thrown
out of work." That is certainly
not a worse condition than "to be kept
out of work" by your friends. Those
who have held state positions ought to
be able to rest for a time without suffer
ing while there are many who have been
unable to get work of any kind in the
past five or six years to take their places,
We are opposed to all "hold overs."
Most of the populist state officers have
removed the republican clerks and the
superintendents of several of the institu
tions are getting along smoothly with
out any republican assistants whatever.
Governor Holcomb, Treasurer Meserve
and auditor Cornell have no republican
help in their office. Warden Leidigh,
Superintendents Hoxio and Webber
have the same record. Other offices and
institutions are gradually adopting the
same course, though there are yet ns
many as fifty good positions held by
A til A Mi K IN VOt.UY.
The republican party in all parts of
the country is finding that if it i to
nirii) aor lt jwMnl it mnaf change
it policy In regard to corporation,
They will attempt to be restored to
power by preteuditig to favor anti-corporation
principle. The Chicago Trib
une, one of the most radical republican
paper published ha suddenly taken a
stand lu defetiiM ol populist principle
aud populist officer. It i ottered by the
Tribuu a advice to the railroad but
it ha tiuitt a different ring from the lan
guage it formerly used in referring to
Knnn populist. It admit that th
pmipla hav been impowd upon bv the
railroad aud uphold the board of
transportation ia reducing th rwiv.
Amnion h the w la gov into fWt
th Nebraska Mitiitiiiun-r are xptt
l lo tk a similar course t'atbat'of
th KH(i eoiiiiuiuiutner. Th law
under hU b they il proed drawn
by lion. J, W, IMgi'Moa, how a mm
hr of th board, and l by th lost
(gwlatur, Th Tribuu ay tdttorV
I'y eoncerniug th situation:
MH.atmr am i at,
Th at! board et railroad vimti
loners of Kansas is about to send Ia discussing th failure of tbe Mer
le! ter to the Kansas rosd asking for I chant bank in Lincoln, tbe Evening
reductions in the ireiubt rat on certain
articles. They will be requested, for in
stance, to charge T per ceut Itws on cat
tle, la per cent less on grain, and 20
per cent lee on coal.
A Topeka dispatch stales it is not ex
pected that this proposition wilt be ac
cepted by the roads. Probably not.
Ihey win not lower tneir rates until they
are forced to do so. There is no doubt,
however, that these rates are too high
now. That is tbe cose with rates gen
erally west of tbe Missouri.
In the Dakotas, in Nebraska, and in
Kansas the roads aim to charge all the
traffic will bear. Sometimes they make
a mistake and charge rather more than
the traffic will bear. That is one reason
wby the Kansans are seeking so eagerly
now for new and cheaper outlets for
their products. It costs so much to
reach the Atlantic that they are endeav
oring to reach the Gulf of Mexico. They
hop for a north and south road to
traverse their state, the Dakotas, Okla
homa and Texas, which shall give them
cheaper transportation.
If the people do not get relief from op
pressive rates in one way they will in an
other way. Therefore tbe roads should
yield gracefully. They should remember
what happened in Illinois and neighbor
ing states over twenty years ago. The
rates charged wen? too high. The roads
were offensively dictatorial. Thegranger
purty sprang into existence. It dictated
legislation which was far harsher than
the railroads would have been subjected
to if they had been only half decent.
That Congressman Stark is making
himself known and felt In congress is
well shown by an article which appeared
in the Washington news letter sent out
weekly to all parts of the United States
by the National Information Bureau.
His labors in the interest of the Omaha
supply were us fruitful as those of
any congressman in the state. He is al
ways on the lookout to protect tbe in
terests of his constituents. The Na
tional Information Bureau says of him:
"Hon. William Ledynrd Stark, of Ne
braska, had to be utmost pulled off the
bench to run for congress, but the
staunch old Pilgrim blood in his veins is
the best assurance of those qualities in a
man that should fit him for the lifo of a
It is well to listen to, and have in con
gress those brilliant men who liasn
across the horizon of our history, some
times for the better, again lor the worse.
Yet if it were not for the cool, analyti
cal minds of such men as Judge Stark
it would be most dangerous to the inter
ests of our country to allow the orator
to take full sway. It is the right kind
of conservatism that acts as the balancu
wheel to our ship of state."
We predict that before the session
closes the National Information Bureau
will have occasion to mention our judge
from the Fourth district again.
Tbe money power maintains its supre
macy principally by bribery. It takes
many different forms. In the time of
Andrew Jacksonville national bank at
tempted to secure d renewal of Its
charter by wholesale bribery of congress
men aud senators. Had it not been for
Andrew Jackson it would have been sue
cessful. Tbe method adopted in that
case was to make loans to congressmen
and never call for payment. The follow
ing figures taken from the records of tbe
bank after its close indicate tbe extent of
the practice. In flve years time the
bank "loaned" -
To 52 Member In Ihjio f KM.Ifll
' m ' IS'll 8M.11ID
44 " IS ; 478.MMI
68 " lulia 874.7
" 4a " 134 ,W
Totul $1,805,781
The total is greater than the combinod
salary of the members of both houses of
congress during the five years. None of
this was ever repaid. That, was the
method in vogue in Jackson's time. The
method at present is a little different,
tirst, place all important appointive
positions in tbe bands of the president
and speaker of the house. This done the
rest is easy. Electa president and buy
the speaker of the house and have them
refuse to distribute any patronage to
congressmen or uulsiders t-xcept for
value received in services. The plan suc
ceeded admirably under Grover Cleve
land, and apparently meets with the
same success under the present adminis
tration. The millionaire sugar kings allowed the
case of 12. II. Chapman to be subtnited to
a jury to be fairly and honestly passed
upon. As a result he was convicted, and
the judu could do nothing but pass the
sentence- required hy law, Of murse
he was given the lightest sentenee possi
ble. In the case of the millionaire presi
dent, Ilavemeyer; the lobbyists and
attorney took a different course. They
prevailed upon the judge to exclude the
jury from the ca by instructing them
to bring in a verdict of acquital. It Is a
little strange that other criminals must
submit their cas to a jury, but thsor
gttniier ol trust and monopolies go free
on an order f a court. There i uo
justic in it. "Kqnnllity before (he law"
i ouly a lairy tal.
If th Merchant buk at Lincoln had
bad a tew thousand ol th green-hack
w hah Treasurer I ma (lg I laying
aalil and Muting tt rr-bwue, it would
not ha lwtt nwMniry lor it to do
it dour. A bank eannot run without
cash, aud it w bur only ,ttlraah
circulating through tb country tu-
oot i-vt a hav very tttttsv ba ikt, II
th amount 4 tuoay gvt th unt
rt ol bank tloUg busiue w t! b mr
ponding! rd,
Wbw biliutt ir otiv.i a raiiawt
laaity MiftAlaMwi jiiAfat4,iO
"The immediate cause of the suspen
sion is laid to tbe hard times which pre
vents the collection of debts.
The result in Nebraska at the election
lost fall shnt off the tffiply of eastern
money that would otherwise have
been availa ble. Besides tbU there has
been a gradual withdrawal of deposits,
from $110,000 in '93 to the present fig
ure 1 38,000. Much of this money, Mr.
Crawford says, has been and - is being
used by its owners in the purchase of
warrants, city and school and state,
which has sent up the price of those war
rants and tied up in them the money
that formerly was at tbe disposal of tbe
bank and taking the place of eastern
money, which was formerly invested in
these kind of warrants."
There are Vsveral important admis
sions in the above article. First pros
perity bas not yet been restored, for
debts are more difficult to collect than
ever before. Tbe statement that the re
sult of the election .in Nebraska has
d riven eastern money from the state is
not borno out by the facts, for the price
of Btate warrants is controlled bv
their price in Now York and eastern
cities. Ihe demand for Nebraska state
warrants under the present state ad
ministration has been greater than ever
before. The withdrawal of deposits is due
to the depressed condition of business
Monep has been withdrawn by many
to be used for living expenses, by others
to pajr debts due In the east. Work b as
been scarce, business dull, prices lowi
and the people have no'inoney to replace
the deposits which they have withdrawn.
We would suggest to the News that
tbe present banking system, republican
system, "the best in the world" bas re
mained unchanged. People can deposit
their money in banks the same as ever.
The change of the administration of the
state's affairs has been from republican
to populist. If the News statement be
true, it simply means that people prefer
to invest their money in securities under
populist control than to invest it in"the
best republican banking system in the
world." '
The recent discoveries of frauds in Ar
mour plate manufacture should arouse
congress to some definite action in the
matter. It should not stop when it has
finished with the Armour pints thieves.
In case of war (however unlikely it may
be) we would confront a greater set of
robbers than the Armour plate men.
The great transportation corporations
would combine in exorbitant charges,
on the excuse that they were only levy
ing "war prices." We understand that
the army could and frequently would
forcibly take charge of railroads or
trains ond transport itself, but it must
be done by inexperienced men and the
risk of life and danger and loss of prop
erty would be greatly increased. Th at
is not ail. The government would be
compelled to pay dearly for it in the end.
Tbe railway corporations would make
out a bill for damages, many times their
actual loss; and by a system of lobbying
bribing and boodling would get it al
lowed by a congress years afterw ards.
Think how much ensier and more ef
ficient it would be to have the govern
ment operating and in full possession of
the great transportation lines. It would
double the effectiveness of an army, and
lessen the cost of a war to an amount
beyond comprehension.
The recent frauds and robberies of the
government in connection with the
manufacture of armor plate have start
ed tho thinking apparatus of the eastern
papers. They denounce Carnegie and
bis associates and defend Senator
Chandler in his position that the gov
ernment should take possession of the
armor plate works and manufacture the
plate for its vessels without the inter
vention of private individuals. This is
a healthy sign. It is right in line with
populist doctrine. It is public owner
ship of public utilities. Under existing
conditions, in case of war, this nation
would be robbed of millions and millions
of dollars by those who control the inn n
ufacture of armor plate. It is but little
different from what it would be to have
tho standing army owned by a set of
individuals. Mercenary soldiers afford
but little defense in time of war. They
are usually arrayed on theside of wealth,
for it is money they are after. A gov
ernment should have its own army und
navy and all the shops and manufac
tories necessary to build, equip, and
keep them iu repair. If Mr. Caruegi
will not sell to the government, and it
should seem improper for cougre to
takvchargnol the work undsr the law
of emiuent doinain.ther i another way
out oltliedinrulty. it can construes and
equip new factorle with the mot modern
improvement and in a hort time th
saving would more than repay th ex
pne ol construction. The pwoplm have
Imu mldied by th armor plat theivr
long enough. Il i tun congrv ram
to their rliif.
Th member ol th slate bord t
trnnxrtatton hv ben buitv .
gniit m examining into bhl and
AH-nef m-heduh-, A sona th
h law giw into (! t th-y will Iw
gia operation to bring th radroad
to tint. Th la bveuttf opera
tive July U
MnaatkMM; '3
to4 tl pAp ta tota trbtttl ia th
Tbe populist legislature appropriated
an amount equal to f 2.09 less for acu
voter in the state than tbe preceding re
publican legislature. Treasurer Meserve
has so handled the permanent school
und that the receipts from its invest
ment amounted to $1.03 for each child
in the state. Under the renubliean ad
ministration, it amounted to only QG for
each child. The board of purchase and
supplies, composed of Holcomb Wolfe,
Porter, Meserve, Smyth is not yet ready
to report, but we will predict that their
saving in the purchase of supplies for the
state institutions, when compared with
tbe purchases made by the. republican
board, will show a saving of a great
many thousands of dollars for the tax
payers of Nebraska. Populism is begin-
to bear fruit in Nebraska. The seed is
planted in other states and is rapidly
Congressman Cochran of Missouri bas
iutroduced into the House a constitu
tional amendment to place the legality
of an income tax beyond question. It
should pass. The wealthy of tbe United
States do not bear their just proportion
of the burden of taxation. The revenue
of the government is raised entirely by
taxing articles of consumption. The
system in force is unfair. Men should
not pay taxes accordin g to the amount
they eat and wear, but rather in accord
ance with the benefits they receive".
Every other enlightened nation has an
income tax or its equivalent. Why
should this country wait longer.
William A. Jones, commissioner of
Indian affairs advertised for bids for
supplying sugar for the Indians. He re
ceived seven bids. Six of them were
aiike, the price asked wus .0441 per
pound. They were from six different
firms doing business for the trust, and
sent in their bid as directed by the heud
ofllcersof the trust; Each of the firms
desired the contract but the trust would
nbt allow them to cut the price, not even
reduce the commission allowed by the
trust. If they were to get tho contract
they must secure It through other influ
ences than the price of sugar. The sev
enth bid was from Gustave A. Jahn,
a German importer, and amounted to
16 cents less per hundred pounds
than 'the bfd of the trust. The
cqmmissioner accepted Mr, Jahu'a
bid and a great battle is on. The trust
will try and secure legislation that will
enable it to crush him. This is the only
case known whee the trust has been
"turned down" by a government official.
Republicans urge that the acceptance
of the bid of a foreign importet is not in
accordance with the republican policy of
protection, and with that argument in
stock the trust will appeal the case to
Secretary Bliss.
Some papers are complaining at the
action of tbe state printing board in re
jecting all bids submitted for the state
printing. It is claimed by Some that
the board oughr not to have opraed the
bids and then rejected them, but that If
it intended to reject the bids it should
have done so without opening them.
How ridiculous. What right had the
board to reject bids before it knew what
they were. The board had reserved the
right to reject any and all bids if unsat
isfactory. It chose to reject them all be
cause of indeflniteness. Thesecretary of
the board, Mr. Porter, has sent a letter
aud a sample of the paper and quality
of the work required to be done to each
of the bidders and has asked thetn to
bid again, with the better understand
ing of what they are bidding for. The
only object of the board is to get good
work at the lowest possible figures. It
is not surprising' that the Journal and
other institutions that have been "hold
ing up" the state for printing under re
publican administrations for the last
quarter of a century should feel consid
erably aggrieved at the economical
methods adopted by the present state
printing board.
The state printing board will save the
state several thousands of dollars in the
expense of printing. They have taken
the matter in hnnd and will regulate the
style of printing und will demand that
the charges be reasonable.
.Lincoln Paint &
The citizens of Lincoln have another
illustration of the beauties and excel
lencies of "the best banking system in
existence." The Merchant's State bank
failed last Tuesday. The depositor
will be paid ia full, as usual.
Florida's new senator is for free silver
aid against the trusts. The corpora
tions of the state were united in their op
position to him. He is a young man, a
little past forty, and fearless in his de
fense of the rights of thecommou people,
Do you suppose the prosocutig officer
expected to couvict Searles, thesecretary
of the sugar trust? Four of the jurors
that had been ordered by tho court to
return a verdict of not guilty in lh
Ilavemeyer case were allowed to sit as
jurors in the Searlescose, Of course it'
made no difference as the court ordered
them to return a verdict of not guilty as
in the Ilavemeyer trial, but if the prose
cution had been anxious to couvict, we
do not believe they would have accepted
jurors from the Ilavemeyer panel. Such
trials and acquittals only lessen the
respect tbe people have for the courts
It appears that Attorney-General
Smyth understands the prosecution of
a criminal case, Bartley and his attor
neys have been beaten at every turn.
Smyth has piloted the case through all
the preliminary intricacies aud has it
set down for trial iu the courts of Poug
las county. Bartley preferred to bo
tried in Lancaster county where no pub
lic .thief has ever been convicted, but
the attorney-general would not have it
that way. If the courts will stay with
the attorney-general, Bartley will soon
be doing duty under Warden Leidigh,
where he will receive the same, but no
more courteous treatment than othercon
victs. Warden Leidigh treats ail comers
alike. A burlesque imprisonment like
that given to sugar broker Chapman
would not bo tolerated in the Nebraska
penitentiarj. . ,
' In tbl column we will publish communication
of a worthy and ult,nl,l character, received
from uuscrlbeni to this paper. No communi
cation honld contuln mor than S00 word.
Manuscript will not be relorne.l.
rcrUt In Pervert I off the Facts,
Editor Indkpkndknt: I notice that
the State Journal persists in misrepre
senting the factsabout tbe new law gov
erning the Milford industrial home. Its
course is perniciously false und mislead
ing, and its editors know it, for they
have been personally presented with tha
facts and also with an article stating
the facts for publication, which they re-fused
to place before its readers, but on
the contrary the columns of the Journal
one day last week contained the follow
ing; "Under the law passed, by an un
scrupulous gang of mercenary partisans,
this home comes under the control of the
board of public lands aiid buildings, and
no hapless girl will be admitted until
she has gone before men and published
ber disgrace to tbe world," If the writer
of this has examined the provisions of
this bill, then he deserves the condem
nation of every woman loyal to her sex
who labored earnestly and honestly for
its passage for a willful misrepresenta
tion of the facts therein contained. On
the contrary the new law provides for
the appointment of "a visiting and ad
visory board of five women who shall
formulate, recommend and submit rules
for admission to said borne and by-laws
and regulations for its government."
The law further provides that this boord
of five shall recommend one woman m
euch county in the state to whom appli
cations for admission may be made, who
shall correspond and give all necessary
information. The intention of the pro
vision is to relieve the applicant from
appearing before tho county judg (as
provided for applications to the Geneva
borne) or any other man or board of
men. It further provides for the ut
most secrecy us to name and identity of
applicants and inmates, "which shall
not be divulged except upon require
ment by a court of justice upon com
pulsory process."
We trust the public will withhold its
verdict as to' the merits of this new law
untiiits practical workings have been
tested, knowing that the object of its,
advocates was for the best inteibsts of
i 1 u iinfrtrtiinnta ,,,,,., , l e
................ ...... ,r-o nui 0r
furnishmg a palatial home for a eusr.
intendent drawing an exorbitant sslnry
at tbe expense of the tax
state. Miis. I). G. Kino.
Head the I.MiKfKNPKNT I year, fl. 00.
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