The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 03, 1897, Image 3
1' 1. 1 i ' June 3, 1S07 3L 1896 1 Bring ' We also have Prices, for 110 m An w -5' , "" - , . . -.; ' 1 . "i ' 3 v l HARTLEY TRYING TO ESCAPE ris Attorneys Only Attempt to Find Technical Irregularities. The attorneys in the case against Joseph Bartley examine every document filed by the state, in all its minutest de tails in the hope of finding some slight irregularity in the form or wording of the document.. They do not pretend to claim that Bartley is innocent. They have filed a plea in abatement in the Douglas county case to have the trial dismissed, setting up two reasons, first, that Bartley had not had a preliminary hearing before a magistrate clothed with proper authority to conduct the hearing and that he had not waived his right to such a bearing. The second reason is that there is a case pending in Lancas ter county covering the crime of which he is charged and on trial in Douglas county, and as both courts might re quire his attendance at the same time( he might be unable to comply with the court's order. The attorney-general had anticipated the defense set up in the second instance and has had the Lan caster county case dismissed without prejudice to a new action. The first con tention involves only the question of the jurisdiction of the Omaha police judge and the regularity of the proceed ings. Peculiar Poisons. GEMRATED IN THE HUM AH BODY- The lU.ult of Iiiierftit lHgestlua of Kouil. Every living thing, plant or animal, coutaius within JtsWi the germs of cer tain decay and dent li. In the human boily these germs of dis unite and death (calUd by scientists Pto maines), are tisuuily the result of ini wrttt digeetiou ol food; the result of indiKwtiou or dysiepeia. The stomach, trout abuM, weakens, 1im-s not promptly and thoroughly di gest the food. 'I lie result is a heavy, eoddeo mass a hicb ferments (the first process of decoy) poisoning tits blood, uiaklug it tblu, weak, and lacking in red corpuaclra; poleouing tlis brain causing headachee and pain in theeyaa, fad digestion irritateatbe heart, rati In palpitation and finally brtugiogoo diiwas of this very Important organ. 1'oor digeetiou Hiins the kidneys, rausiug lirtgbt'e diaeaae and (ali. And this ts eo U-auee every organ, every n.rvs depende upon the eloutaeh alone lor ouurUhmeut and reeeaal, and weak dtgellOH eboaa Itaelf lot only IB la luae ol appetite and flu, but la wak nrvs and muddy eompWiloa. Tkegrat KnglUh eeteBlMt, IhtWy, eatd Iks bet atari la his la t sound itomsfk, Weak etontacke fall to dlaael brad properly, beenuae tke lack Iks roper quantity ol durast" ani (lap tie and kydroeklorle) and neptorea prods la; tka moat sensible rvoiedy la all eaaea til tudiatia, la In lake alter aek aal, oaa of lu ol Mtaarl'a I'jrs. pepeia lable'a, because tktt supply la a S60 NO SUCH (llTFOflD BICYCLES strioed in eold: lor ladies, all for $50.00. Also complete line of 20, 24 and 26 inch two styles Tan dems at $100. Tour Mechanical Friends and Critically Investigate at nnniAii Hull -.'" the Largest Line of Harness, Saddlery and Accessories in the City, they are right. Look for the Sign of the Horse. pleasant harmless form all the elements that weak stomachs lack. The regular use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure every form of stomach trouble except cancer of stomach. They increase flesh, insure pore blood, strong nerves, a bright eye and clear complexion, because all these result only from wholesome food well digested. Nearly all druinmtg sell etuart s Dys pepsia Tablets at 50 cents full sized package or by mail by enclosing price to Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich., but ask your druggist first. A little book on stomacn diseases mailed free. Address Stuart Co., Mar shall, Mich. ONE CASE DISMISSED. Attorney-General Smyth will not lake Cbancea. v In proceeding iu the cases against ex- Treasurer J. H. Bartley, Attorney-General Smyth is exercising great caution. It is not bis intention to allow the courts that are in sympathy with Bartley any excuse whatever for releasing him. He has had Bartley arraigned twice once in Douglas county on the charge of embezl iug the $181,000 general (und warrant and Bgain in Lancaster county on the charge of embezzling the entire amount of his defalcations including the f 181, 000 warrant, in all 537,000. Bartley's attorneys in Omaha were expected to file objections to theprogress of the trial on the ground that he was to be tried twice on the same charge. To avoid this the Attorney-Uenerul has ordered that the Lancaster county case be dis missed without prejudice to a new action. Bartley will then be re-arrested on a complaint charging embezzlement of f5.'i7.000 less the 181,000 warrant which is included intliecborgeln Omaha. What the result of the trial will bade, penda largely upon the action ot the judges. They will have the opportu nity to convict the Honorable J, 8. Bartley if they so desire. That la all the attorney-general can give them, Uua't Tabaoaa sail awafea law Ufa Awar Ifyoo want to quit tobacco using ally and forever, be mads well, strong, magnetic, lull ol new bis and vigor, take No-To-Bao, the wonderworker, tkal makea k ma strong. Many gala tea pounda in ten daya. Over 400,000 curvdt Buy No-To-Baa of your druggist undr guaranti lo aura, 60a or l. Hook tat and sample ntailvd fraa, AddraM Htarllag ttemedy Co., Chicago or N Y. The propoaitloa niada by tba Herniary ol tna navy that the lowrumvnt eatab IUI a plant and mel. its ua ariiu lot Ha baltlaahtpe la erloualy aUriukug the armor plate maautaeittwe, laewe giant corporations bate bea Margin the government aarly laiceaa mack lor armor pUta aa they receive from loraiga ovtrauteHta, and tka secretary la back a4 by a large toaliagaat at tuagraaaniaa la ki tiaatr to make tka governuieat la dependant el prltala eat.rprMa la Ik la imiMiriaat maivr, pi ih wai gMi In tba world at our goferaiaaat gat hoi la naakiagtaa and sknuld easily make (ha West a wr iala II to a' greaa would aiaka tka aeawaaary apo priattoaa.-daaadata Cvaul i, .real. THE VALUE TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE Have Seamless Tubing, Drop Forcings, front and rear sprockets detachable: either Black, Blue, Maroon, or Olive Green enamel, anv eear: Saeer Hygienic Saddle: three sizes 3Be ESqLULSLlledL (n) g0 143-145 SOUTH TENTH MILITIA OF THE UNITED STATES General Barry Favois Its Mobilization at tba Exposition, The idea of making a grand display of the militia military forces of the United states at the trans-Mississippi exposi sition as one of the chief attractions is rapidly spreading. The Military Gazette has written to Adjutant general Barry for his opinion in relation to the proposed encampment in reply to which he has sent the follow ing letter: Headquarters Nebraska National guard, adjutant General's Office, Liu coin, Neb., May 28 Editor Military Gazette, Chicago, Hi. Sir: Referring to your letter of April 20 relative to the mobilMsation of the .National guard at Omaha during the exposition, and re questing an expression of ray opinion on the matter. I will say that not only my self, but all of the officers of the National guard of this state with whom I have consulted are heartily in favor ol the idea, believing that the concentration of the guard of the several states of our great country in a camp of instruction, can, as a matter of course, but result for the very best interests ol our citizen sol diers. The policy of our government has not in the pass, nor will It in the future, ad mit of the keeping of a standing army sufficient to meet a sudden declaration of war. Consequently we must rely upon the organized militia to meet emergen cies. To this end, it is of vast importance that the National guard should receive sufficient support, and Instruction in ordur that it may at all times be ready for mobilization at threatened points. The gathering together of the troops of tlu'l difftrent states In camps of Instruc tion carries mora with it than the mere routine of drill, guard duty and cere monies. The principlea of minor tactics can be better exemplified, strategical problems on a large scale can ! demonstrated and worked out, Olfloera learn to kuow each other, observing themethode of admiuistratiou, etc, possibly detecting errors, or It may be eveing in tba system of their comrades of other states better method, la fact, one might go ou and enlarge on Ihla aubjt until be bad matter vnoitiih to make a good ailed anphlvt. While I bava eiprvaavd ui)!l in Uvur of the mobilnatioii ol the National guard of the l otted ritatea at Omaha, I must also ex pra the opinion that in orWr to luaure tka beat raulle Irotn M b joint eneamptneata the praaeat militia law of tba I ailed Htte should Im changed ao aa to give tu the g-n.ral eomtuaading aad all subordinate onVere lull military eoatrol, equal la that auw aierviead by ulttcere ol tba ragalar army, axd ortWre ol tka Naltoaai guard over tbr eufcDande witkia tba boundary ut tkett owa staua. The eommaadint J(W oltke j.ilst seaaipiMl rould only command by loluslary agraamebt, ke kavlsg ao as tkorvty br law Uaaa aa order aad aa foraa tba4wae fcert, Tka paaaaga o tka BtUlU bill praarad at tkaaarda Kr taieat aad alrdaaa4at tka last ae NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. 1 MPWInill mm sion of congress would obviate this dif ficulty. It seems to me there should be no trouble to get such a bill passed by the congress now in session. To bring about an enactment of such a law only requires tue united enorts ottbe adju tant generals of the several states who should call the attention of their con gressional delegatiouto such a measure and urge them to support the same. I am assured by each member of the Nebraska delegation that such a meas ure will receive their cordial support. I am very trulyyours. P. H. Babky, Adjutant General. Are the older members of the senate content to leave it to Senator Tillman to move an investigation into the facts and allegations that seriously compromise the honor of that body? Do they imagine tnat the old Sugar Trust scandal can be "hushed up" when a new and greater scandal is impending? The country hears a great deal about the "courtesy of the senate." Is it not high time to hear something about its honor1 -New York World. That was a nice bit of partisan hy Cocricy when Senator Thuston of Ne raska, speaking of the Cubun bellig erency resolution the other day, "re called the stirring seen when the con vention enthusiastically Inserted the Cuban plank in the platform, and de clared that this resolution was in prac tical fulfillment of thatpledgo." Topeka Advocate, , For Hale or Trade. Improved California fruit farm in Sac ramento Valley 100 miles from Sacra mento, three fourths of a mile from rail road station and town of nearly 10,000 inhabitants; 28 inches of rain; no irriga tion needed; 20acre in apricots, peacheM, pears, olives, prunes and almonds, Will bear next season. Property clear and title perfect. Owner select d and im proved it for a home, but chaiiKe In fam ily conditions prevents moviug to it. Will sell cheap or exchange for land adapted to fruit, southeastern Nebraitka preferred. Address A. C. Gaylord, 1230 G street, Lincoln, Nebr. In diaeuamon recently In the United Stalee evnata the facta of the true rata- tiuuabip batsreoa the Kovernuient and the I'tiion Tax'tle railroad waa brought out by Senator iVttlirraw, lla abowed the troverumeut of the United Statea had security on the main line aad all the property ol the Iniou ractfle railroad. The earuiuaa wara Uwl to construct the branch, and the company holds the locks ami loil ol the branch mm. Thena elot'ia and bonds are worth .10, iHH),(MH)or mora, T hay are put up for iiuratgbi miutua borrowed atoney lha proposition mow la tu aril those tot'ka aad boada lor what thy will bring and pa," tka tru.t aotea. The a ator aatd be propoeed that tka t atted Male govaraataat ahoald pat ap tka money and save tka props!, (or it tka b'aarh Itaaa oara aat eratl trow tka main baa tba road wontd be aJmoet wortkUaa It U aartaialy tka duty ol tka govern' meal to tirolM-t UmII. It laa bnlaaa irvtuaitio.rraNMaat ldr. The sniristiT give all Ike leva, all tka tiifa, Ud it. 7C 50 35, frame for gents, two sizes the 3MEoxd."7" ii'Ii'liSp STREET, ThU Mill made to adver tine our high grade of work, U snd is sold st ABOUT COST. DELOACH f.!IU MAr:URCTUfMKG CO. I. U STEPHENS, Pru. UARRT K. SUMMER TEEM BEGINS JUNE 1,1897...,. ! First class instruction in all Commercial and Shorthand branches. An excellent opportunity is afforded teachers and university students. Write for terms aud catalogue. .......... LINCOLN BUSINeSS COLLCGe Comer 1 1th and 0 8treots Telephone Hi. Tennessee . , Centennial International Fxposilion Naiivii.I K. Teaneaan. May 1, tvtlr 30, lfU7. For the abora oceaaioa atfanls ol the Mobil A Ohio railroad at wuwa th kat station alll sell th let lo Nnah. villa, TniMMe, aad rvturu, AT V I" It Y I.VV IIATIA TWkel III baa.ld daily until (WloUr 30th, I and i bear ample limits. For thkats,' raw and lull Informal too, H t any Mobile t Dbio TVket Agvnt. MOBILE & OHO Rtilrcxd Ccppmy, M mui Atk , Mv 10, nt. ,00 ,00 write for Our VARIABLR FEED saw mix, PLANERS and BHINGtE MACHINES, ENGINES and BOILERS, CORN, FEED, and FLOUR MILLS, WATER -WHEELS, BALINQ PRESSES, CORN 8 HELLERS, PEA HCLLERS, SHAFTING, PULLEYS and 'iHi.miiiiiiititui. imi'i rant iff MILL GEARING.' SAW REPAIRING A SPECIALTY." WPRICES LOW. Lakoe Catalogue Febb. ;.7Wt ATLANTA SEOKfilA. U. 8. L I WMturn Othc. ill 8. 1 Uh fit, St. LouU.Mo. WILSON, Sao. W. C STEPHENS, Traaa V LiiiOClu, Neb, nSLico Killer No handling ol poultry U need ed, simply paint rooete, imt boiee, cracka ia boards, aud Mile Exterminator will do the rent. V gallon ol Mita Kxtermmator will make 100 gallons ol a aolu tioa that will destroy alt kinds ol fine bug, such as cucumber, squash, pumpkin, cabala, toma to, ewUry, etc, Ageota wanted. Head lor circular that telle all about it. okit iiiiua.. it tie fit OaJttMM. ..,.....,. JAJIIH lAIIKOX, tleavtrUti,.), Witt a HatwMfOtta fma" tr rtMMitlw IUMfiMa f IM larf v atl aka Mnkm a m MMar. II you iataad buying varrtage, baa toa, aarray ot bnggff It oiil y tut t rits to IMlwaeyer A KadUr at UtHla, Nsbraaka, Tkay ka nat ewetrwl tlira arkuada ol as a tnhwU an-1 a?a tuakiag tpt tonally lo pkM. WrtU taaas. Tba Ixtirsbsst I year lSXk