May 20, 1879 THE NERBASKA INDEPENDENT GREAT SPECIAL SfllE W u 1 :ktv $: r&JBBISIKBi V gThis is the greatest Suit sale we have ever offered! tThe prices are at least 20 per? Scent lower than ever before.! The goods are first class. You! will be well 'pleased with any of i these . suits. If you will - need a! jsuit this spring : it will pay yon to Jbuy nowf ii I vlelWltfH 1 wi T $13.50 adstrbets TRADE REVIEW. No Visible Improvement. The Cubsn Question a Factor. Bradstreet's review of trade condi tions for lost week says: "Speculation in securitloebas become simply an exehangeof contracts between profeeaionol operators, and it I. also scmewhat evident that the lame class of atock market traders are inclined to wait, aud take little interest iu the gen eral proceedings. Uncertainty about the outcome on the tariff is the principal factor in inducing this hesllatiug spirit, 1-i -CI iWlTffM1 H Of f " K- IX "ViTl I - . and at the eud of the wwk the revi vnl of tbe Cuban question at Washington, iu a form which it is thought may reeult in iction by congress and the eieeutive, an ithe additional poeibitity lor em broilmeot with SMin had a further de preening and restrictive Influent. KIHOttim AVI Kll H AS KKCVMITU "The more cheerful ttne of the l.on din al market, on the be lief that the war bote tir and Turkey would be brought to su iiniu 1 dieteeitd by the pnwvr. was rHtm hreartyia mes. 11 im ni, no . evr, rwult In Improvement in the lAuii lntrl la Aintrk'Mii. aud 1- uwalriira thrnkl en fur f It) ntftl that the publie r!iul in Lotulou are lrlinl to Ignore our neurit ire. At the same time there hss wtir h sign bsyiiig here r a in a Uy fur conti ' 'f . W ' I: Our great leader. v A large size, well made 3 piece bed room suit, mirror 20x24 inches, double tops, good drawer work. We have about one dozen to close out. Bed Room .Agjra II 0 Is our great special sale price ' on this chdval suit. Antique color. Well made. A suit worth $ 17.00 anywhere. Mirror 17x30 inches, full size in every respect. Send for one. nental account which was mainly con fined to an inquiry for low priced etocks and bonds of recognized roads, Union racilic shares figuring more or less in this connection. WBAT WUULO KXl'ORTS SHOW. "The gold shipments forths week amounting to f 2,750,000, are naturally regarded las unfavorable, showing as th.r do that despite the lower level of exchange it is still possible for conti nental governments and bankers to at tract sNcie from this aid. "Among th. favorable factors of mo ment, the spring wheat outlook deserves the first place, and la apparently re epnimible for the show of strength made by the granger storks. Western rail road men are quoted as being sanguine over the prospective mngultude of the yield ned the "street cou.lee this fnrt with v. oelief that large foreign dmnnd for ji'tU tuffs will iwinlt in relatively hi ,-ier ifHV. and thus bruit lit the Hurl. cultural wet. ( HUM qt'KaTios caii: MovtvieiT. "The buying of stork has, however, been of a very limited drripttn, and eominlMtioa houwe are kept very idle, thus showing plainly thai the public is pretirlly out of the market. While the evl.tng an been mainly fur short ne eoiint, it Is also thought that the re vival nl the Cutan iution has brought nut quite an amount ot lung stock hVd lor "ix-rulslive orrnunt. "Kritlny the tnnriet was limited and, price deelialiig imi eniaU transactions. At the eloae there ess souurwbat better time aad slight re (MR Gets tliia square glass suit. Mirror 22x28 inches, swell tops on dresser and wash stand. Suit is very well made. Send us an order. All goods carefully, packed free ot charge and the freight paid 100 miles. Send us a mail order. You will be pleased. ESTABLISHED 1871, Ha 1124 0 Lincoln, st Neb. covery on intimations that the serious ness of the Cuban situation nas oueu exaggerated." An Army Bicycle Troop. General Miles has detailed Lieutenant J. A. Moss ot the 25th infantry U. S. A. to organise a corpa of twenty troopers to ride by bicycle from Miseoala to St. Louis. The trip which Lieutenant Moss and his negro soldiers will make begin Junel. The route to be traversed ia over th. most mountainous and diversi fied part of th. United States, crowtlug th. backbone of the continent at the Hocky moiintain.aad lying across great stretches ol rocky and sandy plains. Snew In iwmiIUimI. lottos, May 12. Very severe storms have prevuiled over th. counties tf llerkshire, I.lncoln.hir. and iiereeford .hire. Ia Scotland there have been heavy snow and hail storms and the weather ha been as cold as during the month of November. There was a sharp ft'0t in this city and ia the inland rouatte during the night. Sl'IUVU III' MOK, eruption., htre boils, plmpWe, sum. ar (wrWity and permanently .urel by llcud's Hsrsa- t unlia, tii (wet sprtng nieaictus sit l Oue True HIihhI Pnrtner. HOOll'S PII.UM ar ev U Hk, sy to oirate. Cure iaJ'g'.tue, biliou. rdy Furatittti Go BED mm $17 e tftJk A A Is our price on this dresser suit. Mirror i) 14 11111 WX24 inches. flie A A Buys you the cheval suit, with mirror iJlDtUU Wo inches. These two suits are strictly first class and are great bargains. You can't miss it on one of them. Standard Cyclometers. 75c Is our price on this standard bicycle cyclometer. It is the No 2 size made by the new York Standard Watch Co. and retails everywhere for $1.50. Each one fully warranted. Send us a mail order for one. PEOPLE'S HOME SAVINO LEAGUE. It the Name of a New Society Organized April 6, 1897. There has ut been published aeon stituMon and by-laws of a new society known as the People's Home Saving League that is destined to prove an im portant factor in the education of the common people. It hns for it field the entire United States. The officers as given in the pamphlet at hand are men wuHy and favorable Known, lion, I.. II. tiillette of Dee Molnue.lowa, law part ner of (Jeneral J. H. Weaver is pridat, J. Burrows of Lincoln, Nebraska, Is sec retary and general orgnniier, aad Hon. J. ii. Power ot Lincoln, Nebraska is chairman of the executive committee, Hon. II. (i. Stewart of Crawford, Se brska, is orgnniier for Nebraska. The objects ol this orgsaiiation a set forth ia th. preamble to the constitu tion are declared lo be; "To promote JutiA equality and fra ternity among men. To serure the Uane of all money by th government only, in a it aad roastast volume, which htt!l be a h-g-tt tt.dr for all debts, and red amble in goveruinat du only. The uwurbi,"t and operation Lv th gnverutnKt, or the tMiile. at w.t, for th. ole, ol all railroad, telegraph and leiephoM, and other pib'e mH of riimiiHiUK'itli.iii. The iltrtn bv asy ls.l.l and U-gitlmate mean., ot Uad moaupuly, .4 SUITS- j'r "'Ji1 S rHiiir tt niHnaiiiinBuM. Buys this cheval suit. Three pieces well made and finished. Mirror 18x40 inches, antique finish Gets you a great big family Refrigerator. that every American citizen may own his own home, where none can molest or make him afraid. The establishment of the principle of direct legislation through the agency ol the initiative and referendum. It is understood that the organisers will begin the work - at once. Those wishing further information, blanks etc.. for the organiiatioa of leagues should write to Jay Burrows, Linoola.Nebraska. Bow'lThti? WitleOM R.asree Doiltr. BeH for .ay mm t i auut fc that mi set be tsn4 by HaU's Ceta rk t'.i. r.i. nlCMIT A CO- rnH. T.Mo.'O. tor Ik. Im IS twi sad Mlave klai MfSMtty kaa.ll Is ail kMlacaa trMMtlo aJ laaa ttmiif mM to rty eak say eMIf.Uvs. iV era. e ! 4 Traat. Wk Preentala, Toleda, 0 WkidtttS.fc.iaa. MMtts, Wkvtoaeie P(S M, 1 ulaUu, O. tuii'.t .rr Csr. Is Uk. tatoraallv. atiae Slrarily e Ut kinw ak4 mu MrtM ut ifca ,. Vtkm, iu ft kUb ki ail dris- T nua.a ay. An N room hou and lot ia Lincoln. Nebraska, to trade fur land in Ksssas or Nebraaka. J. It. Ilnyok, M. trl. Linroia, Nl. The ImrritnKvr I year II 00, PsMiaa LiMitnTonrj c r prnw tir tus Vn. 0.t,UlUrV, Eye.Car.Nase and ; iiusth Throat a. Lincoln, Mi Iluuf'rom 80t4 IJ 30 Ato; 3 ta3knt, if 'M I: ' " '' 1 1 I . 'SIZOO THE BEB BEATEN. Court Holds that th. Ai&ocimted Pres. Most Supply News to All Paper. The suit of the Omaha Bee against the I Associated Preaa to prevent the Joarual and World Herald from wearing tele graph new. on the ground that the Dee had a contract for the exclusive right to the service in Omaha and for a radius of 60 milen around waa decided adverse to the Bee. The court holds that the Asso ciated Trees must famish news service to all of the paper on the sume . terms. The decision ot the court reads 84 fol lows: , "That under the contract with said plaintiff and the said Associated Press and the by-laws constituting a cart of said contract, the said Associated Press was authorized and empowered to fur nish under contraet with said defend ants, the World Publishing company., and the Nebraska State Journal asso ciation, its news report, without the con sent of the plaintiff, the Itee Publililu(r company, and that, independent of said by-laws and contracts, toe said Asso ciated Press wonld be compelled, nnder the statutes nf Nebraska, and the law of the land, to furnish its said report to the said World Publishing company and Nebraska State Journal Association without discrimination. Dialogues. Washington D. C. DIIAMiriS PERHONAE. . Father, small boy, congressman. Hon Father, what is a populist? Father Oh. a wild-eyed, long-haired, loud-voiced crank. S rather, who is that big man with the close cut hair and quiet mauuer who is speaking now? t That is Allen of Nebraska. S Who is he father? F On, he's a populist. 8 Where is the man who won' we - socks? F He is over there: the one with the clerical look and the sharp tongue. ' H-Wny wont be wear socks, ratnerr F Hush, boy; he does wear socks; that was only a Joke. He told these fellow that lots of people in Kansas were too poor to wear socks, and the people her l thought tnat was luuny ana cauea Dim "Hockless Jerry." S-Wbydothey call Beed "Czar?" F Because he is a "little father" along the road to despotism than any of his predecessors, u roiuur, nuai pivbUivB at v bumt F Those, my son, are pictures of the Revolutionary war. 8 What war waa that? F Ob, a war we bad with England about taxes on tea and other things. 8 What ore these congressmen here tor Father? F Ob. they are trying to arrange to tax everything we eat, drink and wear. 8 Who la to pay these taxes? F The people. Now shot up. 8 Why did the Americana fight Eng land for taxing them and then tax them selves? F Hush, boy, or yon will grow up to be a . 8 Why do tbey call Washington the capital? F Because iu is the capital. Ob. I thought it was because the law makers made capital here, bad capital time and deserved capital punishment. 8 Does McKlnley go banting, tatnerr F No, my son the office seekers art bunting him. A Terriblu fihugnter. ' . The victorious march of th? Turkish army through the blood of murdered victims is appalling; but the terrible slaughter of prices, on men's clothing, by 11. U. leech & Co., 183185 Dear, born street, Chicago, causes us to shud der and wonder why this Arm should sacrifice such excellent values. Never in the history of merchandising have suits been made from the same quality of goods and sold at such low prices. Why tnts awiui slaughter 01 quality, workmanship and price? Following the law of "cause and effect' we return to H. C. Leech & Co., for the cause, they answer "We are determined to increase obt business by giving quality, style and service, with fit and finish equal to any tailor-made garment at prices be low ine reacn 01 competition." iveed we add that the effect is apparent? Already many are taking advantage ot this special order and we advise every reader to send to this reputable firm for their clothing. They have large facilities; tbey nave large quantities of goods; bat every garment they make gets the ut most care and attention. The mult m that all their goods in style, fit and serv ice are positively guaranteed to give satisfaction in every respect. Write to them for simple and be convinced by your own judgment that, excellent qnal- ltyanaa veryiow price, are combined in this special offer. Their ad appears on page 8 of this issue. Kverybody lavs . Cascai-eta Candv Pathartifl. tka mmt wanderful medical discovery ot the age, Dleaaant add refniahinar ta th taata ant gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire aystoa, dispel colds, cure headache, fever habit ool constipation and billousnssa. Please) buy and try a box of a C C. today 10, 25, 50 cento. Sold and guaranteed to ear by all dmgsriats. OTJKED. la(aQatifm,csais, lidn.j andStonaak Troablaa. It U but the truth to say that haad eeda of people suffering from above aad ether disease have been cured or greatly beaefltted bv th nee ol the mediciaal waters at Hot Springs, a D. If yea or Interested, addreee for particular, A. ft. FMding.tlty TkktAgat Northwester Line, 1 IT South T.sth St., Lie , Nekv Meellng ef the Sanrrne laanrll Catbatie Aaiglita f Akierlra , . ,, Alamu, May '91 I'oe thalHie orrusioa agent, nf the Mobile A Ohio railroad at ttiket station wilt eU tiWt la Mutiiln en eotttraat raUii'tt oa iis ttoi-Kt Taif, Tarts will b hiU Msv Via to 1 3th Intluaiv, lil.ll. tor r.turt peaeage to May If, lu. Mouit X Ouai IL It CoMeAr, tiea. l'awwagir iHofmrtiat at. Mobile, April do, lot) 7.