May 13, 1897. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. SEE Iquit your 11 "- n 1 Jl W you jvant to know the Lowest TB La 104-106 N. LINCOLN, : : SCISSOKS DEPARTMENT. A Discredited Cougres. Congress has been iu session fifty days and has absolutely wasted the time. It is proposed to continue the waste of time, except when the Dingley bill may he actually up for consideration in either house of eoDgress, At the close of each congress a vast body of crude and undi gested legislation Is pushed through.and millions upon millions of dollars are ap propriated without adequate time for consideration. The excuse invariably given when items of appropriation are criticised is that there was such a pres sure at the end of the session that due consideration could not be given, and that the whole mass bad to be forced through without proper examination. The fifty days that have been wasted might well have been employed by the committees, if not in passing bills, at least In preparing and investigating the i ... :i . tl II. ,1 :ti u LIIIV .inrnr, nun",. foru iimvkp was a more discreditable .' 1 .. .1 a! tka f spectacle man ir iuw iiirmuonui mo two nouses 01 conirress n ue uqukiuk Around Washington drawimr their pay and absolutely neglecting their duties, when everybody knows that at the end of this congress millions will be wasted and a vast amount of bad legislation will be forced through under the pretext that proper investigation end prepara tion was impossible under the pressure of business. It is the duty of congress to spend all the time when It is in session either in passing bills or in investigating questions to come before the two houses for action. Failing in that, congress fails in a very plain duty. We say that the exhibition which con gress is now making of itself is not only disgraceful, but is actuallv discrediting the government and destroying the con fidence which the poopleought to have in their chosen representatives. Silver Knight. Will Not Call a Conference. Chairman Butler has appliee tho "Ref erendum" to the matter of calling a con ference in the nenr future, and out of ninety-five replies received from the com mittee, seventy-five are opposed to the proposition. By this decisive majority has the question been settled in an inex pensive way by applying one of the prin ciples of the party to the management of the party itself. -Nonconformist. '.'The light of love" Most any kind that can be turned down. State warrants were held at 99 cents on April 30. The credit of Nebraska pa per Is all right under the reign of "Hnl comb nnd his gang " Wisner Chronic! . Why do the republican leaders con- tinueto postpone the arrival of pros . vrity? Because they believe there is : , ore comfort in anticipation thuu rea ition. Silver Kuight. ' Why do the republican, after hnvinir spent five months preparing n tariff bill in secret, want the senate to pas it without rending? liernue they think the least said about it the better, Silver Knight. If Hartley is not a uood representative of ths rnpuhliciit party now, he was one last lull, nnd if it had not been for him their campaign funds could not have been swelled so raxiljr. Utd Cloud Na tion. , It looks ns if ths Sfwnll family were fixed In any ynt. It was "heads I win, taiU you lose" with them. II ths old man couldn't lis vice president, the son wilt to the Sandwich Inland as America., minister. ftr and Kaiimin. Why due th Hpnuish irnverninent keep Ue. Welywr In Cuba? Ilwau lis is the iiumI disttunlitig ruiiibiiisiiiiii of troerhsrj, falsehood, enwlty and ! liwrity thai has appvarsd mi earth, and Ihorouahly rejrwnt remain It tlviliw turn, Htlvor HaitiM, Itipwnl ( at tU stat uiyeriit ; tot rotrfuiToT mni innnrtnur .iimc t U a too narrow asusM matt to M'fU(' tiki lcllt MMItlll, wha h jiiih urs the dismissal ul a rfMor Is ' ttuM he is Hmre popular amotiK the ImJIs thaa the tl settlor aiwll. Wkbov tr ilrUultitm fahUr tsrfo.'w Ju hie a r list ate Hr his twei1use had V- L-3 1 SIS 'H A IblLl MEN'S SUITS, new stjlishff Q AA patterns , 4JU JS Finer Suits, grey or brown O y K , mixtures O I J Special tubles extra quality A AK All Wool Suits..... I tO Fine Worsted and Cassimere K Suits worth up to flO.OO. J Tit Extra Choice Suits, worth up to $15.00, all colors, y AtL many styles lU Extra All Wool Prince Al- I fl flfl bert Dress Suits IU UU Men's strong and seryicablo Pants Men's Fine Fur Hats, all shapes ami colors Boy' Suits from 50c up. 76c 77c Prices in Lincoln visit or write bltltiq Tenth St. NEBRASKA. been discovered, wrote: "Death before disgrace." The sentiment was not so bad, but away behind time. If the In spiration had seized him before he got away with other people's money it would have been opportuuo Indeed. Auburn Granger. Some of our republican exchanges are denouncing the populist state officials because ex-Treasurer Hartley was re leased on $50,000 bonds when be stole $537,000 from the state. Don't worry, dear brother, Attorney General Smyth done the prosecuting and and a repub lican county judge bound him over York Democrat. State Treasurer Meserve has nirsin called in a batch of wurrants that have been drawing seven per cent interest. One $150 warrant had teen out so long that it had $42 interest upon it. This warrant could have been redeemed long ago if ex-Treasurer Hartley had used the money of the state for official business Fremont Leader. Prior to 1860 a good, heal thy young negro servant would sell for $1,000 spot cash. If any one d "sires to ascer tain how cheap white or black slaves are now, hang out a siurn "servants wanted" and yon will quickly learn that slaves, black and white, can be had for feed and a few cast off rags Southern Mercury, The four great departments of human activity are set out in the platform of .he people's party and never before so set out lund, labor, transportation and fin Alice these include taxation, money, railroads, combinations, trusts, strikes, suffrage, temperance, immigration, inter national reciprocity every subject of great concern to the people. Topeka Advocate. Sending food to starving Cu buns is not enough. What is needed is to prevent starving of them, by the removal of Weyler and the recognition of Cuban in dependence. There is no sense in letting Weyler devastate the island then paying out American money to mitigate the horrors he has wrought. The American people have stood his atrocities long enough. They won't pay for them be sides. St. Paul Press. 4 II ow the gold men are praying for a general European war to raise prices stimulate business for a time, thus effec tually killing the "silver ithjw" Such n war would ruise prices and stimulate business in America, but it would not kill the "silver craze" by any means The American people are getting their eyes open. Some of them at least know that a monetary system which will onlv give us prosperity when other nations are being drenched in blood and their industries destroyed, is not and cannot be a good system. New Era Staudard. Some 1 wools obiect to the action of Senator Thurston in traveling about the country at the expense of the rnioii Pa cillu railway company. Such criticism Is unkind. The laborer is worthy of his hire, and the I'nioti Pacific iIiwh not car ry a more devoted hired man on its pay rolls than U Thurston. It is true that he oivusiounlly neuliHits his railroad duties long enough to work for some oilier private interests in the Tinted Statesseuntr, but ou the whole he Is the briuhteot and ablest senator now owmd by the I'iiioii Pacific company. Pupil I urn Times. AH the uwv.iiurii s of life to tariff dutHwand purchased by the mass rM advancing In price At the snnin time the dispnti'liMt are announcing r ductloa ol -, strikes aud lot l outs in the factors. Ths larmers tut sell their produce iu ths oi u murkwtsof the world at gold standard pre Dd by ths spee uUtnrs ami at Hie same lime iy Mm additional viipeuM of a turif! elablihii for ths twuetii d tb nianulncluring Iruatswud comb' n.s, Kven hi surplus fruit tiiaot hunt a market in frve trade KuuUud, the ptiw ol whs h wilt fl tt. pru ul that sold in Hie honiM nmrUt, rrr.l(- ul hv tariff d'lly Hint as a liliuij,- it lrn . J u.Ik Si rods serins to b tUvotln (H!ittlrli Dais, tf ws ar In blaV4 ths rHs Iruiu b.sKtos. trylim to Kt ( apt. Pains tak on the RovsmaMUt pay-foil. he t rlly dmrous id srv ior th old soldir h touM alt niiHrs atislactioa by urtn H ap ola. 1 I ment of some much more deserving vet i erau from Lincoln, rather than that of a man who down I need the position, who has been a dieturber in party politics aud who for the past ten years has bt-en successful in fastening himself onto the public service almost continuously, lie should move ui and give another a chance Lincoln Newi.(r-p.) The Lincoln Journal is very nnhnppy these diiys. With a corps of the best telent obtainable for the purpose it is unable to discover anything to find fault about in couuection with the work of the late legislature that is anything that is realy worth mentioning. After having had to stand up for successive republi can legislatures that gave the people the worst of it from begining to end, it is hard luck to have the hated pops come iu and transact the state's business in a way that gives practically no opportu nity for kicking, when the poor old Jour nal expected to have a picnic in showing up their shortcomings. Madison Couuty Times. IliiAmt ....inv mnNi ft, luu tniutv conditions mid circumstances that go to t .1 1'. , . i ..C.I. muKeupiue nie aim experience 01 iiih American farmer, Secretary Wilson is now investigating why it is that we must import 1,000,000 dozen eggs euch year. 1 ntll we can procure aclnssof hens that will lay eggs through the winter season with the same .alacrity with which our present ones proceed to do business in early spring we shall have to get a lurge supply of our eggs elsewhere. At the same time there is a lartfe field always open for the resources of that man or woman who can coax the hens to lay a goodly number of eggs out of the regular season of flush su plies Nub, Farmer. The world's ingratitude to labor is the worst of its wrongs. Its toilers are ever upon the verge of outrage. The compensation it pays industry is aikery, low wages, coarse rainvnt, squalid habitation nnd mean sustenance a condition, the nursery for crime. The burdens of society rest heavily upon labor, Its greatest of benefactors and curses and lashes nro the result of its goodness. Why should this be? The compensation of that which places a palace above your head, a feast upon your table, a robe upon your back, and furnishes you with every necessity of human effort, is treated with contempt arid contumely. Labor should never be satisfied or contented until it receives its just reward. Columbus Argus. Nebraska is blessed with a corps of clean, able aud honest populist state officials who are giving the people an honest and economical administration. They have procured the arrest of an ex republican state treasurer on the charge of robbing the state of half a million dol lars or more of funds entrusted to his care, and of an ei -republican auditor who took $27,000 of the people' money and invested it in Colorado silver mines, Evidently here Is a republican who is not altogether stuck on "sound money;" possibly he wa afflicted with the"fiee silver craze.". Under the rule of these pop officials state bonds are being paid off instead of allowing the money jobbers to handle state money and reap a big interest therefrom. State warrants, that have in the past been trnfficed in by state oHlecre. with state money and pur posely kept at a discount, are . now at par and are being rapidly taken up and destroyed, and the interest on them stoptifd. If this is " populistii; damna tion" no doubt Missouri could stand a little of the sam kind of nflliction. Peo pel Messenger, Memphis, Mo. The gold combine of New York and London are at their old trick again. They want more bonds and they will endeavor to force a new issue or issues, under McKinley's administration, as they did under Cleveland's. They have had millions of dollars worth of gold lying idle for months in their vaults which should have been earning for lliem a fair and reasonable rate of interest, but Shylock's greed has been so great that the poor man could not touch it without too great a sacrifice if at all. Since May 1st 87,000,000 of gold has been shipped by these scalpers to Lon don. The game of see-saw has again begun. It will continue until the $149, 000,000 of gold now in the twasnrv shall be reduced to less thna the $100,. 000,000 limit, when McKinley will be forced to issue a series of bonds. When the crisis comes, as surely it must McKinley will be given an oppor tunity to meet it manfully and boldly or meekly submit to the syndicate. Will he befriend the people, or full into the clutches of the sbylocks? Itemainsto be sen. Secretary of the treasury Gage was feasted aud banqueted about a week ugo by the financiers of New York, Curlinle was also feasted nnd banqueted by this same soulless gang of vultures. What happened to Carlisle has just be gun with tinge-(lie drain 011 the gold reserve by the endless chain until the government is forced to issue more bonds. Oh, for an Allen of Nebraska a secre tary of the treasury, lie would soon npKass the hunger of the wolves of Wall street. ()' Neil .Sun. DINQLEY DISSATISFIED. Tho Amendments to tho Tariff Bill do not all Meet Hi Approval. Cliuinunii IHuuley of ths House Pittance Wnys ami Menus commit lee has givm n statement for publication, concerning the seiintw amendments to the tariff bill. In his opinion thsuate as 11 body will considerably modify at.d alter ths bill as reported by the senate com no ttw, and that eouidrtbt time will be required iu the dtwusamn of the iiieaure, Iuy this unlay wiilrreult Iu largely ttulldjlutf the menus qua), iliesol ths Mil tls flrit yiur throuuh imtirl itlun nf sool, sugar, ! aud ul tiff artieio Ittadw belurw th uaw duties become owrnti, Ol ths Ion aiiivntlaietif wot uitiis than ihi apply l-i a rhttiign In rats, ths iiihr spsi enti.i.t bt eorre". Hons ol grammar, wUom, pimetuatiou Iwtera. Ma ths wtuiln h drt Hut title! ths erliMtv f outwit k has lm pro4 the til. Ths treasury iiil.'ils rititm that the lull as rvportsd by the senate rotnatiHrs wilt ihim Uy as mutt revenue w the huuse bill. Jual try a Mm feu of Casarsmit I t I'm and UiwW rvfiiUu mm 4 HARDY'S COLUMN. Tarlrr-fiold-Trk'kt of Clerkt-ttulf Bead Th 81 Warn. If the amended tariff bill passes in stead of the Diugley bill, how will the eastern manufacturers get buck the money they gave to eh-ct McKinley? The changes made iu the senate are rather in the interest of the sent and that is not McKinleyism. The east do not like anything done for the west only to tax them and hand the money over to the east. How a western man can favor any other tariff only a certain per cent npou everything Imported we cannot see and even then the east would make dollars out of it where the west would tiennies. The Dingley bill like the McKinley bill will double the value of a days work in Massachusetts without raising the vulue of u duys work in Ne braska one cent, then ou top of that Nebraska must pay her share of the raie iu Musachuel ts. Thegoldbug paiers and the republi can politicians are all shouting that gold hus gone down since the Kold stand ard hus been established iu Japan, And there has been a decline, but not as much as when India knocked silver out. Every gold standard law that has been made hus reduced the price of silver. And yet nil the gold stundard republi can editors and stump speakers will swear by all that is left of high Heaven that law has hud nothing to do with the decline of sliver, Now the old line republicans laugh at us because some of our clerks tricked us out of several reform laws pussed by the last legislature. Of course those who come over to us bring old party pro clivities with them, and unless we can discover some met hod of bleaching them, we may expect republican tricks and usage If we keep them under a half million it will be doing well. (Jive us time and we will wean them from wrong doing. We wont make such men bank receivers of other mens mouey. It is all right to talk about a "new gulf road" but unless it can be a gov ernment road it will do us no good. If eastern men and eastern capital ore to control it, it will lv controlled in the in terests of New York and we all know what that means, the west shake the tree and the east pick up the apples. Com has been selling in Mexico for one dollar a bushel and wheat in propor tion but the freight aud tariff just about use up the margin. The Mexicans have got the McKinley high tariff on the brain, and yet thousands of bushels of Nebraska corn has been shipped end sold there during the lust year. The European war seems drawing to a close. The unspeakable Turk will probably gain a good slice of Grecian territory. How the Christian nations can stand by and tee the most savage and uncivilized nation of Europe make a human slaughter house of her territory Is more than we can conjecture. All' Europe bows to the Turk because he holds the dardeunelles. They allsecm to prefer to perpetuate tho Inhuman Turk rather than run the risk of Idissia get ting the free navigation of the Block Sea outlet. The Cuban war still rages, Iet the Spanish tell tho story "all is quiet in Cuba" while at the same time the most outrageous treatment is dished up to the native Cubuns. The only reason why Samuel does not put li s finger in the pie is New York millionaires hold some of the Spanish bonds aud they would decline in price if Cuba should gain her independence of Spain. Money rules in this country from top to bot tom, The people no more govern thuu does the queen of England. McKinley is president but Wall street is president ol presidents. Tho six Nebraska wars are no nearer peuce than they were one week ago. The university studeutsdo notacquiessu. Wolf's dismissal still chafes. An armis tice has been declared in the Lincoln city war. The mayor and marshal! claimed the right to decide what laws should be enforced and what trampled under foot. The new excise board gave them the choice of enforcing all the laws or u chief with police to back him would be uppoiuted. They promised to clean up the dirty places and now all is quiet, waiting for court injunctions. The Beatrice feeble minded war is still raging and is likely to be a bad smelling thing. We have lived through several such at Nebraska City, Lincoln, Norfolk, Grand Island and so on round; we may live through these. The Omaha war begins to look red. The old mayor claims the new charter void and also that the newly elected mayor is void lscause he defaulted the small sum of fifty thous and. Court injunctions are anxiously waited for ou both sides. It is a violation of modern political faith for any Nebraskau to object to a maus taking an office because he de faulted in a public trust. If it should be decided that defaulters are not eligible w here would the republicans go to get men to (ill their ticket? Defaulters are all right for national bunk receiver. Hartley's bank has busted and why not make him receiver, though pcrh&isi there are not aets enough to tempt him. The prud. nt, far seeing republican leader t' l.' us that all that is needed to place .Vi-braska on the highroad to pros perity i to elect a republican judge this intl and a repub!lcau state treasurer next full. roffoalsi M iil-t ltlt la UMtty it n. (nil , like titis t'llniKt, rumiiug 4ir, tsuli, !! l lir urn iwl v:'"l'lf " '' tr4iua, HcaKrly Hutu sic illy lr lrm II, In sows f.MML II I'tltt irlwlutulf unlit llw Ul Vll l -tf ittu isMtaia r.liru! toss tit hiw4 ,)f Iikk SaitaiNtrill. 1 lMiiwl nf Mulibtf J . luit.iiiUU IcU ut u8 In total rolul eltra (lltl. I.UI ft.l-4 KwMt IrCMr'SMII. U l, f- t-ll) SH.I prlUMifUtl SUl4 if Garoaparilla las ism True blumt rnsr. AUikugtuit . I'tcimlviluhtf t I. H'4 I lk, t .iil. kU, . . . 1 4rmttiMUy wait IIOOU IMIU ll.aMfcif.U. D A DOCTOR MAY EMP-OY BUSINESS METHODS. 1 1 1 n 11 1 1 Low Fees Are Possible Only in a Large Practice Dr. Shepard's Undertaking a Success, and the People Reap the Benefit. , There Is no good reason why a phys ician should not rmplov the rules of biiiliii'H In his practice. The people Judue n doctor's skill by the 'results ol his work. It he Rives proofs that his work IslcKHlmate aud thorough lie will not' lack patronage, llurlna the pant Ave years Dr. Hiepard has presented to ' the nubile many hun dreds of statement from reputable men aud women, showlna the excel lent re 11 It he obtains. The public accept this evidence as entirely re liable alter yenrs of Investtuwtlon. Now that his place as a reliable spe cially is well established, he will extend, as lully as ever, to all who come, a free coimultutlon In nmi'i fotnlna within the range of his work. It V VT V UK. 1 CI.,..,.. ...I .. , 1 1 f ann1 tn unv u,l,!riu. free a pamphlet on Jlernls ami lis new trmt merit. A specialist in this line Is In cliari. 10'fereiice Is ottered to many cured case. , MICK AND SOKE. Mrs. Margaret TJernan, Dunlap, la., Is sixty years old. Hhe came to OiMHha and was treuted by Dr. Mhep- ard for llronchlul Catarrh, Asthma sud Weakness, ishe bail tried the old. fashioned wnysor doctoring, with no heneilt, and wanted something newl As soon ns she did this she got al. rlulit niiulii. Ahesaysi '1 urn fio vears old and when I Wf.nt to Dr. fciliepsrd liist Hifpiember I llioiifirfit I r'niM rw.l llvo two WitIim. 1 was t)ru8M'at(xl by a tt-rrll'la coukIi and sore luims. and wllh wlu-zliiB from anllitna WKiit anil any. I was sick, sore and weak, with no appe tite, and my veins sctmed bursting with slMKKish blood, Dr. Hhcpard's trcalmont inliHl mo rhfht off, and I am practically over the whole trouble." r. it. W. Jioseberry, son-in-law of Mrs. Tleriian, with Klrkeoduil's BILLC1YER & WHOLESALE Phaetons Buggies Traps, Spring Wagono, Road Wagons and . Harness Just Received from Manufac turers five car loads of vehicles on which we will make Prices that will ASTONISH YOU! Largest and most complete Stock in the State - - - - - - 1133-35 KlSsUcB Killer 1.W, Mites sml Ileus on I'oultr ami HtiH'k Hily ml ttioroutitily rcinnirwf. No iltistiuir, Krviimiirf ilippiun or liHudliua u INiultry Is hmhUiI. rl lur circntur tiist till ftll about It, Abl SBIhI. Ilhl li ail iu ,..... ...,,,,. M im uailu., ,...,....,.,....: -i (') UaliHM W wwseyws J: l'.UU, li.i-r (II), Jrh, Will nlaal'llwS utiiin'' i4 hit .iill' ul.ftii. t II, lrv vt II M irM, A l ytuii. Hie araii! Jer in Hgln, Mien., kss ruturiKnl mh isilH'tiiMst Aottiui t lrnr I . JuiM, wttii r.ltWr uf the lrl .Sattunal Isiik wf fsifinaw, Kuiltjr ol ftiasiiitf tsl nlfn-m the biitikS u Iks UAH., Je l l ass a pf.imiiwnt Walr la t ssrek ami caaritabi autk. ID 1IOICIS M 1 1 MRS. MAHOAUKT TIBHXAN, Dunlup, Jowa. 1 wholesale house. )mnha,',wlll verify at any time iliebo. )TJT OF TOWN. Distant patient are welcome to our famous Symptom iilanks, that cover all chronic diseases. Write for them and art m free and carelul opinion from p .yslcluns who treat liuudrcds of caae every month. 0'' C. M. KIIKI-Altl), M. !., 1 onaulllmr aud AssocliiO s, ) Flij oKMiins. iiooms sn, 312 and 31s new york hlb-& UUIbDINO, OMAHA, NEU. Ontoe Hours-9 to 12 a, m.i 2 to 5 p. rrt. Kvenlrif?s Wednesdays and Saturdays only- to (. Biinday-19 to 12 m. SADLER AND RETAIL o o o S-.??v.T. Mm urireys o o o o o o o o E3 STREET. IAKECHEESEATHOME hi .s,.,nj one iHilUr tit t'm V. VI Ki-rriviiks. I'owall. Ktiiith I in sot i, unit rrive tr mail ten ItsnnrU with -lsm priiitml iutriit tli)i n making I list Imiu with such n)arnta every farmer uo bit. J'ull ertni Isi lory ( lies the m4 matle, ami jruur niuusy relumM tf jri hil ftillowi'iit iunlructkin, Tbrw hiuiii uf e cm m in id In ut iti iMimi l i f built r. . i