The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, May 13, 1897, Image 2

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May 13, 107
Crete Will Be Imuttil aad in Plan of
ftatonassy for the Island Agreed T
-Tvkqr Ma B Presented
Twm Innpealag Too vr
Cnndltiens The Crow
Ma' Censorship.
Lohdoh, May It Greece has for
mally consented to abandon Crete, to
recognise the plan of autonomy for the
island arranged by the powers and has j
accepted the offer of mediation of the
powers for the settlement of the com
plications with Turkey. Active meas
ures hare been taken at Constantinople
to stop the farther advance into
. Greece of Turkish troops.
This was officially announced in the
House of Commons to-day by Mr. A. J.
Balfour, first lord of the treasury and
government leader. It was generally
held to mean that the war between
Greece and Turkey was virtually at an
end and that Greece would be pro
tected from extravagant demands by
Turkey as the victor in the conflict.
The offer of mediation of the pow
ers provided that, upon a formal de
claration by Greece that she would re
call her troops and agree to such an
autonomous regime for Crete as the
powers in their wisdom should deem
best and accept unreservedly the coun
sels of the powers, they would inter
vene in the interests of peace. Greece,
in her reply, assented to all of these
London, May 11 The Athens cor
respondent of the Daily Chronicle
says: "The real and only cause of the
Greek retreat to Pbarsala was the
blunder of someone who mistook the
retreat of the enemy for a forward
movement designed to outflank the
Greeks, and therefore ordered a
hasty retreat ' Crown Prince Con
stantino left Larissa because he
believed the exaggerated reports
of danger to hie forces. It is a fact,
however, that on the evening of the
retreat Edhem Pasha, despairing of
breaking the Greek lines, bad ordered
his army to retire to Elassona, while
the sultan had dispatched a special
commissioner to the Greek govern
ment The state of the Turkish army
at the moment was simply pitiful, and
.. terror reigned at the Ylldlas Kiosk."
The Dally Mail's correspondent at
Volo says: "From the first day of the
war Crown Prince Constantino, in his
capacity as chief censor, blocked all
the news which the English corre
spondents sent from the scene of hos
tilities , They were obliged to adopt
a plan of posting all their mes
sages to Athens, but even then
many of these were not for
warded. The minister of war issued
official reports daily, which were in
corporated with the telegrams This
explains the inaccuracy of the service
in so many cases. The crown prince,
who understands English perfectly,
altered the news so as to make it fa
vorable to himself. For instance, in a
telegram to a Mew York newspaper
describing the 'cold' reception given
him at Larissa, the prince changed it
to 'enthusiastic' reception.- When the
correspondents went to him in a body
and protested vigorously, he answered
evasively. The Greek disaster was due
primarily to Constantino himself. He
destroyed the morale of the army
by ordering the evacuation of Kurtsi
ovall and the retreat on Tyrnova and
then he ran away in a shameful flight
from Larissa, when the dlsgraoeful
scene was witnessed of a Greek colo
nel shrieking with terror. All cursed
Constantino for deserting them, though
there were other reasons for the disss
ters which followed, such as lack of
discipline, the insufficiency of officers
and a general maladministration of
the nob-combatant branches of the ser
Missouri's Ok A. B. Baaampaaeat.
Warkkshbubo, Ma, May 11 The
sixteenth annual encampment of the
(I, A. It of Missouri will be held at
Pertle Springs to-morrow, Thursday
and Friday. At the same time the en
campment of the Woman's Relief
Corps, Hons ot veterans and Ladies
Auxiliary to the bona of Veterans will
also be held, and it Is expected that
the attendance this year will be fully
S.00O. There will be many social
Naaey Jea Mayas ea Trial,
Ot.ATHK, Kan., May 1'J. The trial
of Nancy Jane Mayas, charged with
the mnrdsr ot Anna Hello Williams,
11 year-old girl, In the western part
of this county last imoautber, was D
run In the district court ot this county
fo-day and will probably lol several
days, as many witnesses are In attend
bu- ImiH tthawttae sua IVmflM
A Haosaseat Vette tleliata
1'abis, Msy li The deputies trow
the snuatatpal districts la the uuarter
ut the Hue Jean lu-i ere promulliif
ft subwrlpUo list fr the erlU'e t a
taunviiueol outiiinraUT it luevhar
tty br are, HuutUv the loo.
(kit i Mt WU4 the sveaa ut the
disaster, eu4 hitdrde tare Bawr
iver the high whWa the ftlAo
lite baie bni't nua4 the beiar ait.
Mwadatae Me4wllMt ae4
TttHttat, ILwdar, May It.-
The rvlstUia U a44 end the ema
U) I fteeefeU
Independent Telephone Companies Will
Continue to Fl(ht tha Monopoly.
Madisost, Wis., May 12. P. Tj Spoon
er, president of the Standard Tele
phone company, one of the largest in
dependent telephone companies in the
country, has this to say on the decision
ot the United States supreme court tit
the Berliner patent case: "My infor
mation is that the decision simply ac
quits the Itell company and the patent
ofllce of fraud and collusion in the is
suance of the Berliner patent. The
merits of the patents are not involved.
Advices from independent exchanges
all over the country show them anx
loas to try conclusions with the Bell
company. Similar patents have ex
pired in foreign countries, and follow
ing the decisions of the United States
supreme court in other cases the Ber
liner patent will finally be declared
void. There is no cause for alarm to
the users of independent telephones."
Vant a Larae Sum From Hawaii
Harriot- of Imnilrrants.
Hoxoi.tnx, May 4. The Japanese
ruiser Naiwa should soon arrive here,
having left Yokosuka on April 20. She
brings Coranulla Aklyama of the Jap
anese foreign office, two Japanese
newspaper correspondents and three
the immigrants lately refused a
landing here, who come now to serve
as witnesses in the investigation which
is to be held.
Hv Japan mail news comes to the
fleet that the Emigration company of
Kobe claims 370.60 yen for eaoh of
three immigrants turned back, while
the steamship Shin Shu Maru claims
320 yen per day damages for time lost
through the Hawaiian government's
raporters Adveooe Bates In Antlclpa-
' tloa of tli Maw Tariff MIL
Nkw York, May 13. The tea im
porters have not waited the passage
the tariff bill, with its proposed
duty of ten cents a pound upon that
commodity, but have advanced all
grades of tea from three to Ave cents
pound. The market which was in a
very sluggish condition a week ag6,
as been changed into one 01 great
activity. Speculator have not been
slow to take ad vantage of the situation
and at the rate prices are being pushed
up wholesale merchants will find them
selves compelled to pay the full amount
of the proposed duty in the new tariff
bill before the measure becomes a law,
Chicago Wheat Oradas Raised.
Chicago, May 12. Chicago board of
trade voted 48s" to 438 to dis
continue the use of No. 2 spring wheat
as a contract grade, thus placing this
market on an equal footing with the
other big grain centers of the country,
This leaves only two contract grades
of wheat for future delivery No. 1
northern spring and No. 2 red winter,
The effect will be to give the buyer of
future contracts a better quality 01
wheat. Some members think it will
reduce the volume of speculative trade.
The rule becomes effective October L
rort Seotl Paper Factor? Bold.
Fobt Scott, Kan., May 12. A $30,000
paper factory built here by the Fort
Scott Paper company as an experiment
to manufacture paper from the cane
bagasse from the Parkinson sugar
works, was sold at sheriff s sale yes
terday for 92,000 to the Hank of Fort
Scott. The plant proved a good in
vestment until the sugar works failed
and the supply of bagasse was cut off.
The Greatest of Paper Machines.
Rumfohd Falls, Me., May 12.
Workmen this week are putting into
place in the mills of the Rum ford Falls
Paper company the largest paper ma
chine is the world. It wih produce
paper ISO inches wide, fifteen inches
wider than the best previous American
mark and two inches over the world's
Tbeoeophlets Any More Land.
Sax Diego, Cal., May 13. The The
osophlcal society s tract 01 land ou
Point Loma was Increased yesterday
by the additional purchase of forty
acres of improved lands, eivlng the
society one mile The oh
ioct of the inarease is to erect a large
hotel ana sanitarium.
Mr. Sherman's Annlvensry.
Washington, May 1:'. Secretary of
State John Sherman celebrated the
seventy-fourth anniversary of his birth
it night 1 he reception was a nota
ble one, the distinguished assemblage
of guests inuludlug dignitaries ot all
the foreign '"ptriex. as well as of
ficials ot the I Jted states.
K4 Maesey t'ouvlvtej.
Et'RKKA, Kan., May 1. E4 Huasey,
nntll rowntly traveling salesman for a
St Joseph dry good firm, and well
knowu to the trade la the Wast, was
found guilty at Howard ot entlo'.ug
twu Augusta, liutler county, girls
from home for Immoral purposes.
Netei Kansas Jolatltt Head.
Wichita, Kan,, May II. John
Schrtwilor ot liikUUrd, probably the
most persistent violator of the prohib
itory liquor law In Kansas, de4 early
this morning. rn-hnxnler ha cost
tHHttfwIrk evuuty ur litft'sjo court
Ieelrelle lite In Ulee, III.
yuvv, IU, May It. - Tire after
uidnltfht last night 4Woy4 the 4,
K. IVsytou Tahiti eviuyeny a plant, the
Vela. June su4 the ai VMr Job prluV
lug u;tua ami the Uruml'autfh !
lure, all in one bulU'-ng, I he Uriel
loss is ItiO.uoo.
lerfc a latere Heala.
CrMt, May II The premies
sai sUUkr wt fwrvif affaire, trv
MeedU Tauit, tendered the rlgaa
U if the ahieet tat Morale k4
tk king susaiuwovU ts-freiuW Mires
to Wtm M eafeluet
A Koiumrkeble Engineering real.
A great section of mountain was re
cently torn off by 10,000 pounds of
powder, lifted several feet straight up
and then pushed bodily forward 40 or
50 feet, trembling over the gorge below
the dam, and then failing with an awful
roar 125 feet, to remain hereafter for all
tima an the bulwark oftbe great dam
being built to fmpond water for tbe city
of San Francisco. The dam is forty
three miles east of the, city. For two
months or more prepare tions bad been
made for tbe monster bla t in com inon
with another blast that is nearly ready.
The plan was to cut tunnels into the
side of tbe mountain at various poiuts
above the bed of tbe creek and to place
in these tunnels, first, great stores ol
black powder which Ignites slower than
giant powder, and, therefore, has more
pushing power and less shattering ef
fect. On the surface and in places
through tbe mountain side were placed
big deposits of giant powder for tbe pur
pose of shattering the mass and lifting
it up. According to plans the black
powder when it exploded would hurl the
mass straight forward, making a bridge
of granite across tbe gorge and block
ing the stream. The plans were carried
out with the greatest care. Danger was
constantly feared from the great mines
of powder.butall went well and the blast
was finally ready. A lot of Insulated
electric wires, connecting with each de
posit of powder and attached to ex
nlnders. were Gathered into one circuit
in a tunnel across tbe gorge and above
tbe blast. Tbe signal was passed, tbe
switch closed, and a wonderful scene In.
atantlv followed. The side of tbe op.
posits hill, composed of great bowlders
and masses of granite in dikes, quivered,
rose from its bed of centuries; and shot
out thousands of little tongues al dust,
that ffuve the whole bill a peculiar, fuzzy
aDDearance. This was for a fraction of
a aecond. A arrow), like tbe angry diapa
sou of the ocean, sounded deep down Jn
the bill, and before tha spectators re
covered their equilibrium after the art!
ficiul earthquake tbe mass was falling.
When the dust was cleared away It was
found that tbe blast bad dislodged a
mass of rock 400 feet up and down
stream and an average of 00 fret in
hehiht. completely bridging the canyon
Tbe mglneer estimated that the amount
dislodged weighed about J ou.uuu ions.
The rock was thrown exactly as tbe en
gineers bad planned. Hallway Review,
Chicago. W wmm
n Hundred Dollars Reward (or any
ism ol Catarrh that eaa not be sored by Hairs
Catarrh Care.
v i. f'HEMET k CO.. Proos.. Toledo, 0,
We. the snderslKoed, have knows V. i. Cheney
Inr ti. lut i& ttnrm and believe him perfectly
honorable In all badness transactions and finan
cially able to earr oat as obllgatlone mads
by tbelr Arm. ,
Wen A Truas. Wholesale Droits, Toledo, 0.
Waldluc, Klnnas A Marvin, Wholesale Drug.
.1.1. I'.UHn ft
UairsCatsrrh Care Is taken Internally, anting
directly on tbe blood ahd nneoae sorlsees of tbe
yiteio. Price. 76e per bottle. Bold by all dray-
lists. Testimonials tree.
6ome of the Western; Roads ' Ftsr
Action of the Federal Coutt.
It is reported that'ltbe promoters of
the new "agreemenf'Jbetween railroads,
to take the place of the WesternPassen-
ger association recently held to,; be an
Illegal combination,) are experiencing
considerable difficulty In securing the
signatures of some of the western roads.
1 bey fear that the Judgment of tbe rail
road attorneys may not be upproved by
too supreme court, and that the court
would be severe in its punishment for
tbe violation of the plain meaning and
intent of its decision. Tbe roads do
not want to orecioitate a rate war. and
reduce the freight rates, neither do they
wish to have a court war and be fined
and imprisoned. They are badly wor
ried and the course they will pursue is
uurertain. The eastern roads are not
so fearful of the courts. They have not
bud the same amount ot experience that
some ol the western roadshave had.
Don't Tobacco bpit and smoke KoorLlfe
a way.
If you want to quit tobacco using
easily and forever, be made well, strong,
magnetic, full of new life and vigor, take
No-To-Buc, the wonderworker, that
makes weak men strong. Many gain
ten pounds in ten days. Over 400,000
cured. Uuy No-To-Bao of your druggist
under guarantee to cure, 50o or $1.
Hook let and sample mailed free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New Y.
Th Result of A Terrible! iFire on Board
the Sbip Leona,
Tho steamer Leona of the Mallory Hue,
sailed from New York City Inst Sunday
bound for Galveston. It carried a large
cartfo of merchandise, eleven saloon
passengers, nearly 100 sttvruge piissen
iters and a crew ol To Iio.iuh. iw some
unkuowo cause fire broke out iu the
steerage roouis. The captain nnd deck
bands pumped water through the venti
lators on the fire below. It raged drcely
and 13 of the steerage pasangrs, and
three ot tbe crsw were burned to death
before the flames could be eitintsuished
As soou a the fire was extluguishsd the
boat put about and returned to .New
York City.
To California. Otmfortkll;.
Every Thursday afternoon, a tourist
sleeping ear tor Halt Lake City, Han
Francisco and lsAonle leaves Omaha
and Lincoln via the liurlington lloute.
Il is earpsted, upholstered Iu rattan,
has spring seats and bai-ks ami is prtv
?itt-d with rurtains, bedding, towels,
soap, ele, An vtpvrWBCett eiuurelou
conductor and a uniform! I'uiliuaa
Ixtrter accompany It through tu the
'm i He Coast,
While netlber so ipensivety
Bor ai fine to look at as m paU'-e leiwr,
It to just as good to ride Iu. rWond ris
u lieu are wtte tor passage aul la
prK ol ft beflli. wide HlttgB. Bud big
tough lor two, U only l-V
l or tUeet and further inforiustloa ap
ply at H. A M, uit elty mte, r,
rBlh ad O Street, t.itinuB, Nu.
tutu, W, IkiwiiMV l A T. A.
No wan be as strong ttk Wl hie
life blooe tfrena out. Nettket van aft
tkia. prtf with one-ball Its uioas tfe
be4 by HisiattoM pul I or with lltll
It uld.')raa4 Island Uiuf at,
Some Interesting Figures As to the Num
ber Still Surviving. ,
Col. F. C. Aiusworth of the war depart
ment, has compiled some curious and
anoarentlv fairly reliable statistics of
mortality among the survivors of the
union armies in the civil war.
As published in the New York World,
he finds that there are now 1,005,628
survivors. This number will decrease as
1900 990.U39
1905 820.6S7
1910 .w 626,231
1920 , 251,727
1930 5,0H3
1940 340
)45 0
Therefore, according to Col, Alnswortb,
eighty years after tbe war and forty
eight years from tbe present time the
last survivor will do departing.
At present there are about 760,000
survivors on the roll. This leaves 335,
0OO who might be added. A good pur
centage of them probably will be added
under the present administration.
In addition to survivors there areziu,-
000 widdows, etc., on the roll to whom
goes more than one-tbird of the f 140,
000,000 annually appropriated. The
possibility of additions to this part of
the roll is not limited or iu any way In
fluenced by thedecreaiw of survivors. We
are still paying pensions to half a dozen
widows of soldiers 01 trie revolution.
And as fast as the survivors die off the
advocates of heavy taxes and liberal
appropriations will add tbe widows to
tbe roll, no that mere is no reason wny
we should not be paying as much more
for pensions ten or even twenty years
from now as we are paying toaay.
Coi. A ins worth says that the mortality
among old soldiers is not greater, but
much less than among the average men.
He accounts for this by the laws which
cive them preference in public employ
ment by the soldiers' homes where life is
carefully prolonged, by tbe posts ana
other benevolent oriratmatlons that iook
after tbe wants of the sick and needy,
and finally and chiefly by the surperlor
advantages bis pension gives the,
soldier over the ordinary citizen.
Claim That tbs Retroactive Clsuso in the
Dlngley Bill Was a Trick.
The retroactive clause has cost the im
Dorters of New York many millions. It
has cost them at least 300,000 In in
terest charges that they have been com
oel led to Dav to iret the money with
which to get tbelr goods out of bond
The large Importers are all very angry
at tbe tariff tlnkerers at Washington.
They will be compelled to advance the
price of great quantities of their mer
chandise is order to got back the enor
mous sums they have expended.
The New York World publishes on in
terview wit h one of tbe largest importers
In New York. In which he Is quoted as
savinir: "If the election were to take
nlace tomorrow Mr. McKlnley would
not tret a single vote in the entire im-
Dortinir and business district."
While this Is a very extravagant state
ment It serves to show what a change of
sentiment has come over the business
men of New York since the they turned
out 100,000 strong to inarch for Mc
K nlev and sound money on tne naiur
day afternoon preceding the last nation
al olentlon.
Most of the rnnorters have been badly
mulcted bv the action of the retroactive
clause, but the American Sugar Kenning
company bas been complacently ignor
ing the retroactive clause ana rusning
siitrnr In at the rate of from 50,000 to
100.000 bnurs a day. Last Friday the
trust ouid f 000.000 In duties. Its check
on one invoice alone amounieaio ",
. . A . 1 A - SB II S
725.16. Other Importers are wondering
how the Puaar Trust could so well, lore'
shadow the action of the senate, for wise
business men declare that no concHrn
even ns oowerful as the Sugar This
could have afforded to enter upon'such a
iriirflntic snecu ation without the ussur
ance that the Dingley tariff would not
become effective until midsummer.
OMAHA. NEB.. March 20, 1897.-I
have ariven Hood's Sarsaparilln to my
children and it has Improved their appe
tite and made them stronger and health
lor. I believe it to be uneaualled as a
blood nurifler. OhcaB IIkdvaM., 4511
Franklin street.
HOOD'S PILLS cure all liver ills. 25c
Forest rires in Wisconsin,
There are great forest fires racing in
uorthern Wisconsin. Thousands of
acres of good timber nnd millions of feet
of sawed lumber have already been con
sumed by tbe flames. Tbe under brus
nnd timber in the marshes is burning a
n tremendous rate and nothiuir except
heavv rains will prevent luculculnbl
damnue to t he lumber and furmiiiK In
terests ol the northern part of the ttte,
The smoke from the fires is so dense over
Lake Superior as to seriously hamper
navigation. At Ureen liny and all
alonir the tracks ot the Cbicniro, Milwau
kee and St. I'nul railroud the fires are
spreading rapidly. Thousands of ho-
pie will be left homeless.
Meeting of the Supreme Council
Catholic Knights of America . . .
MuniLit, Alavaua, May 11 !.", '97
For the above occasion agents
of the Mobil k Ohio railroad at
tloket stations will oll th-M to
Mobil and
Fabk Fom tub IUii-no Tltll'.
TU-ketewill b sold May Oth to
13th Inclusive, Untiled r return,
passage to May 1, 11)7.
Moiui.K A Ohio IL It CoufAMV,
llu, I'twSKrr liimrtimt.
Mobil, April flO, IlT,
HMei ftte Vt lave.
About thtrtj negro landed at Nat
diet, Mlesiaslppl, last week. They had
Iweaoearait with Hoists to eat far
lour day and night. Thty Wl bee
eowplelelt lost and nut til sas I ol land
iwoet l I e time. No sooner Bad lory
rem bed lattd tft ta J dn
and worshiped It. A ihir4 Hp
tint nreatW Msg BMtr by, oflvred hi
arf v ice) and began at ob. to hptt
thehoktrow4. They rb4 l l
or We the river ek valit Ike baptism
a ttimpWted. They Mid Ot Ru4
a tlaiutioa ol iti wrath.
Van Fert Chicken.
There was once a pretty chicken,
But his friends were very few,
For he thought that there was nothing
In the world but what he knew.
So he always In the farmyard
Had a very forward way,
Telling all the hens and trukeys
what they ought to do or say.
Mrs. Goose," be said, "I wonder
That your goslings you should let
Go out paddling in the water,
It will kill them to get wet"
I wish, my old Aunt Dorking,"
He began to her one day, ,
"That you wouldn't sit all summer
In your nest upon the hay.
Won't you tome Into the meadow,
Where the graBS with seeds is filled?"
"If I should," said Mrs. Dorking,
Then my eggs would all get chilled."
"No they won't," replied the chicken,
"And no matter if they do,
Eggs are really good for nothing,
what s an egg to me or you"
"What's an egg?" said Mrs. Dorking;
'Can ft be you do not know,
You yourself were In an eggshell
But a little month ago
And if kind wings had not warmed you,
You would not be out today,
Telling hens and geese and turkeys
What they ought to do and say,
To be very wise and shrewd
Is a pleasant thing no doubt,
But when young folks talk to old ones
They should know what they're
about." I , , Selected,
Probably Hon p.
Please Inform me through the Farm
ers' Review what ails my chickens.
They will swell up on one side of the
head, usually the left eye will swell shut
with a sort of thick yellow matter or
canker, the tongue, mouth and as far
down the throat as you can see is cov.
ered with thick chunks of yellow cank-
er. They dump around for about three
days and die, I have a good 'warm
hen-house well ventilated. I feed corn,
oats, millet, ground barley and oats,
Please inform me what to do for them.
Some of tbe hens are laying, I have
fed them some Venetian red, which
thought helped them, G. II.
From the description we would in
cline to the belief that the trouble is
roup. You say the pen is warm and
well-ventilated. That may be Juet the
trouble, We are not fn favor it. ven
tilators at all. We have seen too nucb
trouble arising from cold draft of air
in warm pens. We have known large
numbers of fowls to die from no other
apparent reason than this. Better
have the pen cold and draftless tbn
warm ana araity. Here Is what one
authority says on roup: "Almost all
forms of chronic catarrh fn fowls go by
the name of roup. It usually begins
by a severe cold, caused by exposure
to cold, wet or damp. There is die
charge from the nostrils, at first of
thin mucous, and the entire cavity of
tbe nose may become filled up; froth
and mucous fill the inner angle of the
eye, tbe lids are swelled and often the
eye-ball quite concealed, and In severe
cases the entire face Is considerably
welled. It is said to be contagious,
but is probably so only in severe and
virulent cases."
Prof, Law describes roup as follows
"Dullness, sleepiness, neglect of food,
ruffled feathers, unsteady walk, quick
ened breathing, with a hoarse wheeze
and an occasional crowing sound. On
the tongue, at the angle ot union of tbe
beak, or in the throat appear yellow
ish white films (false membranes) firm
ly adherent to a reddened surface, and
raw sores where these have been de
tached. The nostrils may be completely
plugged with swelling and discharge so
that breath can only be drawn through
the open bill. Tbe inflammation may
extend along the windpipe to the nerlal
cavities and lungs, or along the gullet
to the intestines. In the first place
death may take place from suffocation,
and In the latter from diarrhoea."
Treatment, The same authority
says; "Disuse raw grain and feed on
vegetables and puddings made of well
boiled oats, barley and Indian pudding.
Dissolve carbonate or sulphate of soda,
or chlorate of potasaia frtely in the
water drunk. Remove the false mem
branes with a feather or forceps and
apply to tbe surface with a feather u
nitrate of Btl'er lotion. If diarrhoea
supervenes, give a teaapoonfu! of quiu
nla wine thrice a day. It Is all-Important
to change the run of tbe chick
ens for a time at least,"
We ourselves have never had fowls
afflicted this way. for we have always
kept them In tight pens, but i t too
warm, in fact In pens where a slnRle
Inch wall of boards is the ouly protec
tion from the cold.
Housing Hens. It will not do to
keep a lot of hens In a dark or un
comfortable building and eipecl them
to be busy and Uy. They prefer a
light, dry, roomy place, where each hen
ran eiari-t) freely and without hin
drance from the other. They will nev
er car to scratch, however, If they are
fed every time they appear huuiry,
They must be compelled to scratch o4
work fur thrlr food. W da not sa
tis lb Itintttng ot the food, (Uv
them plenty, but only In the llttsr,
where lhy must work and evraUa for
ach groin. Throw lb grain la leaves,
cut etrew, cut hay er say kind et III.
Ur, a4 at Mini give tht a good
feed Id is Hough, rompo) et ft hIi
lure, bnt during ih day intake thsw
work n4 vera o'4. At first they may
tot Im tcMa4 t ft t euh eonJU
Urns, but ! ty scrsuh Ut tbu
hCtiry. (Matching tilt, for
It ktepe teem l hsaltb.-Ka.
The Kaipneory.
W. C. Freeman, at a Missouri Hor
ticultural convention, told how to grow
tbe raspberry- A deep, rich alluvial
loam the best If this la not to be
had, the ground must be enriched by
well-rotted manure.
Location. A northern slope pre
ferred, deep plowing best.
Planting. For Reds, set In fall or
early spring in rows three to four feet
apart, and cultivate thoroughly as long
as weeds appear. Allow no fruit to set
the first year. Cut back the canes to
about one foot the first year. Tender
varieties should be cut back near tne
ground. Remove all the old and dead
wood. The nearer tha ground the buds
appear, the better. '
Black Cbds. Set three to seven reet
apart, treat much the same as the Red
Caps. Setting in the fall preferred,
but may be set in the spring, if great
care Is used. Cultivate and hoe first
year as late as October. Crops be
tween the rows a hindrance, oniy
thorough work will pay. Top the
plants eight or ten Inches high, and if
a large number of canes is wanted, top
the canes.
Pruning. First year cut back to foot
or eighteen- inches, according to
strength of plant. For weak plants
cut back to ground. Top the young
shoots twelve or fourteen Inches high
until laterals fill out the rows.
Picking. Prepare in advance crates
made and filled with boxes. Secure the
pickers, one-third more than you will
need, aflBlgn them to certain rows and
see that they work only there.
The FrlghtfUy Awful IMleinma of a
Cblcago lllityolUt.
Guests o( the Stamford hotel, on
Michigan avenue, were horrified Sunday
at an accident to a young lady which
occurred right in front of that famous
hostelry, which has become a kind of
headquarters for those bicyclists who
make use of the magnificent South side
boulevards, says the Chicago Tribune,
At about 4 o'clock in the afternoon a
very dashing girl, with a little cap set
Jauntily upon her blonde ringlets, came
speeding down the avenue. She was
dressed in a very natty blouse and the
latest style of riding bloomers, which
reached well down toward the ankle.
Just as she reached the hotel ope of
the bloomer legs caught in between the
chain and sprocket of the machine and
In an Instant, going at the scorching
pace she was, the entire bloomer was
stripped off her shapely right limb. The
spectators were for a moment paralyzed
at the extent of this catastrophe, and
two or three young ladles who' were
Just about to mount their wheels
blushed as red as a rainy sunset, but
the dashing damsel whs equal to the
emergency. With a dextrous hand she
disengaged herself from the mangled
bloomers and stood before her admir
ing and astonished audience arrayed
In an extremely becoming pair of black
tights and trunks to match. Thrusting
the'bloomers Into her blouse, she vault
ed lightly on her wheel and the next
moment was vanishing southward over
the hard roadway at a two-minute gait.
English Clergyman Object to Marriages
on This Day of tb Week.
One of the latest developments of the
strike movement is by tbe English pro
vincial clergy against Sunday mar
riages. In London the use of the first
day of tbe week for weddings is now
almost unknown, but in the provinces,
especially in tbe counties close to the
metropolis, Sunday remains the favor
ite day tor rustic unions, and it is the
number of these celebrations that has
called forth a protest from the hard
working clergy of Aylesbury. Their
grievance is embodied in the following
passage from the local parish maga
zine: "There is one thing we poor par
sons rebel against very much indeed,
and that is the growing practice of
'Sunday weddings.' As if we had not
quite enough to do already on Sun
days, we are constantly requested to
perform the marriage ceremony over
couples who ought, In most cases, to be
ashamed to come to us on Saturday
night begging this favor. We ask.
'Why must you be married on Sun
day of all days?' 'O, because I can't af
ford to lose a day's work,' says the ex
pectant bridegroom. What utter non
sense! Surely it standB to reasou that
it a man cannot afford to lose a day's
work, then, certainly, he cannot afford
to be married. Anyhow, wha we waut
our friends to understand is this, that
we object strongly to 'Sunday wed
dings,' and we hope that intending
bridegrooms .nd brides will humor u
In this matter. There are six days in
the week; let them choose one of these,
and not a Sunday. As for the stock ar
gument of not being able to afford to
lose a day's work, the sooner this Is
dropped tbe better, for It carries Its
ftwn ron.lomnatln Uh it." .
1114 of lllial.
Come and have a trout with me,
Why are you celebrating"
My rival i dead."
-Hlval! I thought you were raar
rled!,, So I am. but I've had a rival nev.
ertheles. H's gone, though; died
this morning In my wlfo arms."
iral t'tt sar! Am you the kind
of ft man to stand that?
I've had to."
Well! 1 never! Who In goodness'
am was hef
"Mie loved him before w were
married and hn w went to hau
keeping eh brought Mm to the house,
II was nompluta u-aiigr t, n
then, and we've never bu ,ry gcod
frlnd l any time, Yi fc' gen
ftu4 I t fftad of IV"
WtA I'm Uiowed! If r not
the ui iaiot-.hs ve. hi
TahieaA K Yolk rv,
Head Ikl lalke la aoiiia IrknJ la tka