on to v u The .Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. VOL. VIII. LINCOLN, NEBR., THURSDAY May 13, 1897. NO. 52. All Mi u n WOMEN GAINING Some Interesting Fi&urea Taken from the Report of the Department of Labor COMPARED WITH YEAES AGO. The Percentage of Women Em ployment Has Very Materially Increased Percentage Married or Single. A bulletin just published at Washing ton I). C. under and by authority of a resolution passed by congress gives Home very interesting statistics concerning the employment of men, women and -children in the various factories in the Uni ted States. The data collected covers two different periods, the present period and a period ten years earlier. In collecting data from the different establishments the proprietors were requested to make their comparisons of the present year and the corresponding month or week ten yenrs ngo. Reports were received from 1.007 establishments in SO differ ent states. Ten years ago there were employed in these establishments 42, 91)0 males, and 51,539 females, a total of 94,529 persons in all. At the present time there are 68,380 males, 79,987 females, a total of 148,307. It is from these reports that the tables are made up. Some of those reporting did not furnish complete reports, In 931 estab establishments where the information was complete, 20,479 males 18 years of age or over were employed ten years ago and 43,195 are employed at the present time. The male employes 38 years of age or over, increased 16,716 or 63.1 percent while the female employes 18 years of age or over increased 17,999 or 36.8 per cent. In other words the num ber of female employes has increased 3.2 per cent more than the male employes during the last ten years. Tbe report shows that for the present period, out of an aggregate of 79,987 women, 70,921, or H8,7 per cent, were sinitle; 6,775, or 8.5 per cent, married; 2,011, or 2.5 percent, widowed, 36, or less than one-tenth of 1 per cent, divorc d; and 244, or 0.8 per cent unknown. For the former period, "out of a total of 51,539 women, 32,801, or 63.6 percent, were single; 1,857, or 2.6 per cent, mar ried; 498, or 1 per cent, widowed; 4, or less than one-tenth of 1 per cent, divorc ed; and 16,879, or 82.8 per cent un kuown. The large per cent of unknown detracts considerably from the value of the figures for the former period for com parative purposes. It is not surprising however, that information as to the con jugal condition of employees ten or more years ago was not obtainable. The report shows that the proportion of females ten years of age or over em ployed in all occupations in the United States rose in its relation to the whole number employed from 1 4.08 per cent in 1870 to 17.22 per cent in 1890, while the males decreased in proportion from 85.32 per cent in 1870 to 82.78 per cent in 1890, fully corroborating the belie tbnt the females are to some extent en tering into places at the expense of the males. Looking at particular clnsses of occu pations, we find that the proportion of females engaged in agriculture, fisheries and mining rose from 0.47 percent in 1870 to 7.54 per cent in 1890; in profes sional service, from 24.80 per cent to 33.01 per cent; but in domestic and per sonal service there was a drop from 42.09 percent in 1870 to 88.24 per cent in 1890, and a corresponding gain in the proportion of males to the wbolenumber employed from 57.91 per cent in 1870 to 61.70 per cent in 1890. In trade and transportation the females show the luigt gain, it, being from 1.61 per cent in 1870 to 0.87 per cent in 1890. This is due to the entry of women into e in payment as clerks in the trade and transportation departments of business. There has also been a very large gain in the proportion of females engaged in manufacturing and mechanical in dustries, the percentnue being 14.44 in 1870 and 20.18 iu 190. The males, on the other hand, have dropped in propor tion from 85.50 sr cent in the former year to 79.82 jr cent in the latter. The fact is absolutely demoiietratcd, there lore, that the proportion of females taking all the occupation in the coun try into consideration, is gradually in creasing. The blanks sent mi t by t lis bureau of 'investigation vailed lor I lie reason for employing men or women ax the raw might be a. nt asked tor their opinion n tu whether the employ meat of womeu ami trirl aa increasing in His Industry t which their establishment was giu'i'd, ' I he riamir lor the prrf.-rence for wo lu. ii r variously given, the timet torn inua being their itreater adaptability for it or Is fur which they are ruipi.v,... ll is mU-i elated thai tl-y are mure re bat!; , a.ur easily ri.i.u..;.., rbraer, f uf tHt rme, mors eatly reurnble, lil-r, more ri., itr lailimtruiti, linrirvti;l, more imtite, We Iml.Ui to ink, learn to, ii raputly, ete. Httet. thee rvaeoas, t ln or nure combined, t ivu lor ecn eetahhHutenl. The report prevent many t itere.liiij (.rot. la rlfB lit the intree,M tf population nI the tw nut tauten, w oaten an I hlfrH engagi-d ia different occupations, lUnd mtr stry A IW ul I'laiw" to Utoaud m page ft ttiie a vet's , iMUe, Bold State Convention. The state convention of the prohibi tion party will be held in Lincoln May 26 and 27. National Chairman Dickey will attend and deliver an address. State Chairman Johu Dale of Omaha has issued the cull. In Golden Clutches. The Peruvian government in South America, after May 10, will cease the coinage of silver and will not permit the importation of any silver coiu. Director Preston of the United States mint was officially advised of this last Monday. Spain Will Ilorrow Honey. The queen regent of Spain has issued a decree authorizing the raisingof 8,000, 000 to be secured by thocustomsdutiesof Spain, to meet the cost of military oper ations in Cuba and thePhlllipiueislauds. The bank of Spain will undertake the issue. Struck My Llghtiilng. Will Butler, a young man employed on a farm near Fuirburr, was struck by lightning last Tuesday evening. The bolt struck him on the head and burned a furrow to his feet. Dr. Andrews who is attending him believes that he will recover. Mont I'av. An Indianaoditor was recently success ful in a suit against a delinquent sub scriber who "bad never ordered the paper" (?), but who, it was found, had regularly called for it and taken it out of the postoffice. for two years. Ube court ordered that the subscriber pay the subscription account of $ 3 and $16 costs pf suit. Award 11 Iff Damage. The Argentine Republic has allowed the claim of Joseph Steiner of Alton, 111., for $50,000 damages, Mr. Steiner was traveling in that country eight years ago and the train nn which be was a passenger was overtaken by a prairie fire aud entirely consumed. Several persons were burned to death. Mr, Steiner was badly burned but recovered, and filed the claim which has just been allowed. Drowned While Bathing. Andrew Anderson, a Swede 78 years old living near Gothenburg, Nebraska, was drowned in Gothenburg Lake last Sunday, He arose early in the morning and went to take a bath before break fast. The water was deep and Anderson was old and unaccustomed to swimming. It is thonght he fell upon some piling when he jumped Into the lake rendering ing him unconscious and resulted in bis being drowned. Mr. lluhn v. BouIdlnK. Mrs. Mary IJahn has sworn out a com plaint, against R. L. Boulding charging bim with disturbing the peace and cruelly beating her. Mrs. Hahn is ati attractive appearing woman who is suing her husband for a divorce. Mould ing has been giving her some attention and when he saw her ou the street in eompauv with nnother man he followed her home and squared the amount by giving her a good thrashing. It is of this that she complains. Numbered with the Nlaln, The Bradrihaw bank gave up the struggle for existence last Monday and closed its doors forever. Of course the officers and directors claim the deposit ors will be paid in full, although it may take a considerable length of time to realize on the securities. The oflicers of this bank had been putting in most of their time gazing at the stars and searching for the airship that was to bring that great wave rolling to their doors. It is reported that they have bad very little else to do for some time. Fell Down the Mhaft. A fatal accident occurred at the whole sale house of Min ten Woodward & Co., in Grand Island last Tuesday, prank Dunlnp, an employe, fell down the ele vator shaft aud was instantly killed, fie Mas standing near the shaft and when he started to fall he cauiiht hold of the sliding door, it was wrenched from its place and both fell to the bottom. The door fell across Duulap' neck breaking it and causing Instant death, lie leaves a wife and five children, r'rl erua! .tbwUMuiullual I'ay, Mr. Samuel I.lchty the insurance deputy of the state, auditor's olllce, has prepared a letter winch he Is sending out to Urn agent of Irati iUiil tidies and thvtr olhVer doiug busim iu the state m winch hs rails attention to the law )'lt punned at lite seKsiun Jt rloeed, lif (he terms of which t ! asaociatious er eoiiiH'ftit to pnv the r ttuiar fe J tor a certittcate trout the auditor "r inittliitf tin-in tit tin tuieo and t.U lur crunVitv br em it udi-nl who ! t'it lmiu or members lor () urgta- Mum. At trUtiiHI l railed tu the Wlhef I riiiiM lt IheUw lm leoitil ,rtMlU-e with their head oltf.e out ill)' ill lbs state t d retaliate the auditor as tfceir atturaey tor iMtriHMu-e l erkw. 1 here are heavy penalise r t.tenl tor ise ititure iuii.mi.iy tuft tluelaesu l all Iratermliee are e-pie led n rumeU.. M and uttl tip hd st ll.ee t lift- fa to, (Warete stiuirUte bver, kidaey e4 Ww4i utter sKksa,t;iUt gripe 1Q A STRANGE DEATH A Man Found Dead Between PUinview and Foster. The crew on the Elkhorn freight train last Friday evening found a dead man lying near the track between Plain view and Foster. The cause of bis death is not known. It is reported that he was seen in Piainview drunk the night be fore. When found he bad on no clothes except bis underwear, and it appeared that be bad been wading In a stream near by and had laid out by the track to sun himself. The body was taken on the train and taken to Piainview where the coroner held an inquest. TWO ANTI-TRUST BILLS Passed By tbe New York Legislature Are Approved By Governor Black. Governor Black of the state of New York, signed two anti-trust bills last week. One of tbe bills provides that every contract, agreement, arrangement or combination that bos for its object or in effect creates a monopoly is against public policy: illegal and void, aud pro vides that the attorney-general shall prosecute ah who violate tbe provisions of the act. Tbe other bill provides that all foreign corporations shall submit the same re ports to tbe state auditor as are required of corporations organized In the state, and puts them largely under tbe super vision of state oflicers. PECULIAR DOUBLE DEATHS. Spectator Falls Lifeless at Seeing a Young Boy Drowned- C'iiicaoo, III,, May 10. A peculiar fa tality occurred last evening before hun dreds of spectators in Lincoln park. While boating on Lake Michigan, Mat thew Roche and bis ten-vear-olii nenhew. Harry Flynn, attempting to exchange seats. J he boat was overturned and the boy drowned, although Roche twice succeeded in putting the little fellow on top of tbe capsized craft. While this was going on, Albert Mat tarl, who was in the crowd at the water's edge, suddenly pitched forward on bis face dead. His death is ascribed to excitement caused by watching the struggle of the drowuing boy. JUMPED INTO A WELL. An Inline Farmer Living Near Arcadia Escaped from His Attendants. Thomas Stone an insane farmer living north of Arcadia escaped from his home in his night clothes Sunday morning. He ran for about a mile, and when found was sitting on the curb of a well, which is eighty feet deep, with one end of a rope fastened around his neck and the other end fastened to a beam across the the well curb. When the searching parties were within only a few feet of bim he jumtied off into the well. How ever, it seems that he must have braced himseli against tbe sides of the well with bis bands aud feet, for he went down only about twenty feet. After much persuasion he was induced to come out of the well. His insanity has been caused by financial trouble and he has several times before attempted to take his life. WOULD GO TO WAR. Dr.R, E. G ffin of Lincoln Ofleis to Assist tbe Greeks. The following telegram which explains itself was sent to New York lust week by Dr. R. E. Giffln. surgeon general of the Nebraska national guard: Lincoln, Neb., May 5. To Consul General Botassi, Actinir Grecian Min ister to United States, New York. Dear Sir: Knowing the need of surgeons iu your army in your war of liberty and right, 1 offer your government my serv ices in tiiecaput'ity of surgeon and stand ready at a moment's; notice to go nt once to the front. I have consulted his excellency, Governor llolcomb, of my state, and he bus expressed bis willimr ness to grant me leave of absence for the time needed. R. K. Ulr KRN, Colonel and Surgeon General, Nebraska National Guard. Dr. Gillln ia one of the foremost sur geons ol the west aud enjoys a very ex tensive and lucrative practice iu UiU state. THE INJUNCTION SMAS1IKD. Mooret Entitled to the Otllce ren ding Quo Warranto Proceedings, r'rauk K. Moore has been declared the mayor of Omaha . by the jutfcr of (he district court. They hold that he is en. titled tu the otllce until ousted bv quo warranto priMiwdinge. la aunouaciug their ilevKu.it the julg made this point dietmt tlr t i.r dictilinij only that hav ing the pr.. r eerliAfate til election, bav Ititf tiled hie li.uid and taken the oath i l olluv, Mi.nive was u titled to the (he (itfu until minted bv a eourl til rout ite juridrtloo. 1 he court tral-d Viieire application lor writ td mead nut, ((match sad liiealluriieyeeeHr.il the e- rttic ul paiwr and Mated thai tin-J nut. tura ti'.r ltiiiin.e tu Mmiixe tm veM.i, Mr. MtMwa a It mi aMor- bevs the prirv.l tu lit mayors uHi.-e an formally mk eUia. taw warranto prt-wdmx i;l ptoU ably be fMaUiee, Iu Iff, )Uin nueled oa aeeomit . hit laebgblbty by roa l lts dehvhaUoas, WEEK WASHINGTON The Retroactive Clause of the Ding ley Tariff Bill has .Been Stricken Oat. NO MORE RECIPROCITY. Mien Secures A Favorable Report From the Conference Committee ' on the Supply Depot. The Exposition Appropriation. The tariff bill was reported to tbe sen ate by the committee lost Tuesday. All of tbe committee was present when tbe bill was submitted. It excited consider, erable off hand , discussion in which it wus developed that tbe democrats and populists were opposed to tbe bill in most particulars but that Hen at or Jones of Nevada would vote with the republi cans on the final passage, Tbe senate committee has stricken out tbe retroac tive clause and the reciprocity provisions, Including those now existing with Hawaii, If the bill passes as reported, Hawaiian sugar must pay the same tariff as that from other countries. The following clause takes the place of tbe reciprocity provisions that formerly existed: "That whenever any country, depend ency or colony shall pay or bestow, directly or indirectly, any bounty or grant upon the exportation of any article of merchandise from such country, dependency or colony and such articles or mercan- dise is dutiable under the provisions of this act, then upon tbe importation of any such article or merchandise into the United Htates, whether tbe same shall be imported directly from the country of production or otherwise, and whether such article or merchandise is imported iu tbe same condition as when exported from tbe country of production or lias been changed in condition by manu facture or otherwise, there shall be levied and paid in all such cases, in addition to tbe duties otherwise imposed by this act, an additional duty equal to the net amount of such bounty or grant, how ever tbe same may be puid or bestowed. The bet amount of all such bounties or grants shall be from time to time a seer tained, determined and declared by the eecrotary of tbe treasury, wbo shall make all needful regulations for tbe iden tification of such articles and merchan dise and for the assessment 'and collec tion of such additional duties." The senate passed an amendment to tbe Sundry civil bill revoking the order of President Cleveland in relation to the forest reserves, An attempt was made to refer the matter to the president but was unsuccessful. Tbe bouse was noti fied of tbe action of the senate but re fused to concur which leaves the order to President Cleveland still in operation. As finally passed the Sundry civil appro priation bill carrys with it $53,000,000. On Saturday the confeience commit tees on the Indian appropriation bill agreed to Senator Allen's amendment directing the secretary of the interior to establish a branch of the Indian supply depot at Omaha within one year from this time. The Iowa men have been persisteut in their efforts to secure the location at Sioux City and failing in that always favored maintining it at Chicago. It is due to Senator Allen's labors that Omaha was . successful. There will be a government superinten dent with about 30 bands constantly at the depot. The New York members In tbe bouse have combined with the Illinois mem bers in opposition to the appropriation for the trnns-Mississippi exposition. When the action of the senate in in creasing the appropriation came up for consideration. Mr. Dingley, chairman of the ways and meaiiM com mil lee, made the direct state ment that it was his understanding that the representatives of the Omaha expo sition would be iwricctly satisfied with f 300,000, and that had an amount above Unit figure bi-cu asked for and preened, he Mould not have voted to favorably report the bill. All sorts of foinbineM were attempted to save the amendment, but the house refused to concur. When the question nit the sen ate amendment to make immediately available the sum named came up, wp nuenlative t'unnon moved to non-concur, ami it was carried without any at tempt to exact a division. This action of the house was not unexia'Cted, but ait effort will bo made on tbe part of tbe senate eoulwree to retain the amount appropriated for the expoeitioa in the suutiry civil Mil. THAT WAVEINLIIy- One of tbe Oldest Hardware Firms la the City rl. H VV. sndO. 8, tlauie.it, d.iinj buni tnutu lUKUm !fo , lutriUure lie.-!-ere at tl street, yate the loHowiae; rhattwl ninrttiatrv Ut v-k mi the etoes lit their eture- t tubk, K, i rtpy, ;ii.l.. At; Mitrab K. IWdeiw ol I'tMiiUm, N. V. ejjirt MiJltt.t.ard, fettiM r, iUrtlett A I ., t.o to. I .V I iiltimbt Nation) Unk, Lincoln, SJ.WtHi, bill i sale naeaimt given lit t. in ma and Vuv lUMwin, ma Jtil the tnueehold tarn tore and bed duiil ia tee bUuSi at l'iw ( stret wad aletH pwexnat prop eiv nt ttsi. II ttreet, the noma id ti. H, il.ia. Tbe fir hi h boeti la buiv here to a ntiiuU uf j ear and only rcellv was repotted In dtitWUy, The Kansas University. Tbe following taken from tbe Star and Kansan published at Independence, Kan sas, sets forth tbe facts iu relation to the charges of wholesale ' dismissal of professors on account of politics; Among tbe acts of the populist state government In Kansas that have been most severely criticised Is the action of the board of regents of the Agriculural college in making some changes in the faculty of that institution. The idea has been industriously circulated that there was a wholesale discbarge of the faculty to make room for populists, without any regard to tbe interest or efficiency of the institution. I am in re cti pt ol a letter from Hon. C. B. Hoff man, one of tbe regents of the college, in which he shows bow baseless all these charges are. In accordance with the state law, and to give deflniteness to the terms of the professors and other em ployes, a resolution was adopted by tbe board declaring that the term ''school year " should be cosstrued to mean a period beginning on the first day of July and ending on the 30 day of June, the following year, and that the term of employment 'of all present employes should terminate June 80tb, 1807. This because a very lax and careless sys tem of employment had grown op and it was deemed best for the institution to make terms definite and certain. President Fairchild declined to ben candidate fd re-eleetloo. All tbe old professors exctpt four were tendered the positions they lind been holding. With the exception of Robert lluddleson,who was employed as engineer, all tbe old force of employes was retained and no one outsido was employed. Among the teachers and employes thus re-employed ninety per cent are republicans. This, as regent Hoffman assures us, "not be cause the board preferred republicans, but because the Incumbents were repub licans and thoso who bad filled their chairs properly and efficiently were re- retained.' Indeed he declares that not a single professor has been let out on account of bis political views," In view of these facts, the attacks by the repnblicon press upon the conduct of this institution appear unwarranted and baseless. But to find fault with populist methods and management in Kansas is about all the republican poli ticians of this state are living for now, and it would be idle to expect them to confine themselves to the truth or keep within the bonds of reason in their at tacks. Tbe Old grttlers, It Is the desire of the present member ship of the Old Settlers Association.that all tUaold timers of Lancaster county, become members of the association. ! - Men and women alike are eligible when they comply witb the following eondi tions: A resident of fourteen years in tbe county and the payment of twenty-five cents will give to tbem all tbe rights, privileges and benefits of the associa tion. There are no annual dues, no assessments, twenty-five cents pays all, and for all time. There are enrolled at tbe present time about seven hundred names. We want to make it one thousand, before the date of our annual picnic which will beheld this year about the middle of June. The exact date will be determined by the executive committee at their next Saturday meeting. Give your name, post office address and the date of yoilr coming into the state to any of the following gentlemen: The president, John M. Burks, Phil Hacker, J. C. McKesson, William Rob ertson, or the secretary ti. T. Roberts aud be on the lookout for tbe date of the picnic aud make your arrngeinents to be there with all your family early in the morning and spend one whole day v. siting with those who with yourself, heled to pave the way of advancing civilization into this great trans-Missouri country. Grand O on pel. It tv&a the good fortuue of the writer to be one of the listeners at G. A. R. hall last Sunday evening when Elder George K. Iligelow preached from the words "open thy mouth, judge rlghteonily and plead tbe cause of the poor and needy,'' it is tiot often the good fortune of church going people to listen to so prac tical a sermon and one a fraught with plain, consistent argutiu againut the wrongs to the poorer cL jea by those who by cunning and trttud nave a massed colossal fortune and are to-day liviug in luxury upon their dishouest gnius, while others toil fur naught or wander about the eoutitry in quest of an oppor tunity to earn the bread 'hey must have. Mr. Iligelow did not preach what would be ealU d a popular sirinon, In laol 1 doubt if there is a pulpit in the city where he would Is allowed to preach the saute ei'riituu the second lime; not tea. raiieethespealter was rude aad bolster HIM, or his eayiuus couched iaiudiceot Itingiitin', but tvaue the declarations he made and the facte he stated a.e ia )!l harmony with the pract.iv of church iticmliere l the day and not In hue with what ia laubl by the preacher whiHie bread and lmltr depend m the manner Iu which Ihcy avoid tramping tin tbe lie id the wealthy Htiuhrbtu J. I. Coaitreeeman Mrk has oaiiaated a cadet to Wee I I'oiat i bom. Miuatti ol l ieirue, Ka iaibr eiuu , aluraate, Jwm V, I r!4 if It.'ae r.priu, (U eoaalv, trs. ba seventh apple.- lion fur lu enttiitvitiou, rtn. tacit elided wa act'ouat el lii n brk boy bs bit tit, bora ta the duUrbi trout hah be tM nominated. It fieMttp lor nsratnuttita r bow aett Jane, THE MISSOURI MAN WINS. Colorado Second, Minnesota Tbiid in tbe Inter-state Contest. Tbe Interstate collegiate contest with represeutative contestants from tbe states of Missouri, Iudiana,Obio, Wbcon sin, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas and . Colorado was held at Columbia, Missouri, last Thursday. The representative of Missouri won first' Klace, the Colorado man second, and linnesota's representative third. The names of contestants, their sub jects and the states they repsesented are as follows: Iowa Miss Alice Starbuck. Penn col. lege Oskaloosa, "What Is Mind." Kan sasWilliam A Brown, Baker university, uaiawin, "I lie klngliness of Man:" Illi noisJesse 8. Dancy, Illinois Weslyan university, isioomlngton, "The Destiny of the Common Man." Missouri Perl I). Decker, Park college, Parkville, "The Basic Law of Progress." Colorado Chauncey F. Bell, Colorado university. Denver, "Ntatesmen and Nations." In diana Edward K. Plonnette, Hanover College, Municipal Problems." Ne braska, Ralph C. Roper, University of Nebraska, Uncoln,"Tbe Author Hero of the Revolution." Ohlo-C. 15. Gregory, University of. Wooster, "Arbitration." Wisconsin IV P. lliucley. Beloit college, "Tbe New Prometheus. Minnesota Lawrence N Booth, University of Min nesota, Minneapolis, "Tbe Neeeded Ele ment in Present Reform. Ralph C. Roper, tbe Nebraska repre sentative received fourth place. This is tne Highest place Nebraska baa ever re ceived, at tbe interstate contests. One Of the principal blows to Roper's mark ings came from President Angell of Michigan one' of the judges of the manu script, who marked Roper eighth. This can can be explained only from the fact that Roper's subject "Thomas Paine" may not have met the approval ol the Reverend Mr. Angell. ' A PREPARATORY SCHOOL, A Private School for Preparation to Enter the University of Nebraska ' The recent decision of tbe suprome court holding that tbe free high school law was void has brought into existence a private school for tbe preparation of students to enter tbe University of Nf braska. This school will teach the same subjects that were taught in the prepar atory department of tbe University. Tbe enterprise baa been launched by graduates of tbe university wbo recog nized tbe weakness, or gap, In the ednca tianaj system provided by tbe state. Under tbe existing conditions it ia neces sary for students entering the state university to pass an examination in the brancnes taught In the high schools of tbe state, or present a graduates diploma from some one of the accredited bigb schools in the state. Tbe system is satisfactory so far as tbe city students in cities where the high schools are accredited, but It is incomplete from the fact that there is no method provided by which the sons aud daughters of farmers can secure the necesary preparation to enter the university. It gives a great advantage to residents of cities. It is to fill this gap that the preparatory school, of which C. W. Wallace of Lin coln, Nebraska,fs director was organized. The tuition .charges wilt be reasonable and from the published listof instructors it will cover all necessary studies to pre pare for admission to tbe state school. There is a movement to secare the restoration of the preparatory depart ment as a part of the state university and the matter will come up before tbe regents at their J nne meeting. BARTLEV3 BANK CLOSED. Tbe State Banking Board Hss Tskcn Charge of the Atkinson Bsnk. Last week the state banking board made an examination of Kx-treusurer Hartley's bank at Atkinson, Nebraska, and found it in an unsafe ' condition and closed its doors. The last examination of the bank showed a total of $71,000 in deposits of which f 00,000 . was to tbe credit of J. S. Hartley. This is supposed to account for a little ot the treasurer s shortage. Since that time Mr. Hartley has withdrawn fd.OOO, which would leave to his credit $34,000. AUorney General Smyth will commence suit with a view to recover this mouey for the state. As the state has nt yet secured a judg ment against Mr. Hartley, the attorney gi'Ueral cannot proceed by attachment prtNeea but must rouiinence suit Iu the rvgwnr manner tq ine uismci court. Mr. Hartley was not expecting thai tbe bank would ta closed so suddenly or probably be would not have been caught with so much to hujvdtt. MUST ArPEAR IN COURT. Henry 0. Ilaromsysr and JohnE, Roarles to be Tried in rederal Court, The president and secretary uf the sugar lret, Vlr. II. O. Ilafemeyer aad John II. rWarle nave bu summoned lo afpear in tderkl court at Vhiiistoa It. May IT l answer ta a tear ul rotutiua tit furuuh iu(oititaii.M ta an tttiestigatintf stint BAttlew duy aa'at. Mf d by lh l att4 Mat eate. The iaviiaUttM al wb they riie4 U luralea it. tafarivation was m.e dur Iti4 I'l"! A. 'Miar, J W. Mi t arlavy, J. H. rbrtev aad K. J. 14 want, orreeuindeaU watt pabUeSed artleWa oarwhiaa the lavlitrtt ac aa santaiiHHKl to appear