The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, May 06, 1897, Image 6

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May 6, 1807
To Chagea Made Against Him in tbe
Okolona totstengcr.
In the Okolona Messenger, of Okolona
Miss., which is edited nod Bubliehed bj
Hon. Frank Hurkett, president of the
reform press association appears a
severe criticism of Senator Marion But
ler the chairman of the populist national
committer. It charge bim with being
untrue to the party and attempting to
rule without regard to the wishes of
other member of the party. Senator
Butler in reply has sent the following
letter to Mr. Uurkett: .
Wahhington. D. C.. April 26, 1897.
Hon. Frank Uurkett. Okolona. Mi:
Dear Sir: Your quotation and coin
tnents in your iseue of the 21tupona
purported interview mirepreseuts my
position. I have Riven but one Inter
view with reference to the proponed con'
ferenc. In substance. I aaid: r
That the committee of the Memphis
reform press meeting bad requeued nie,
aa national chairman, to have the na
tional committee of the party to take
action to determine whether or not 11
national conference of the party should
be held at this time. That individually
I waa oonoaed to holding such a con
ference, but that I desired and intended
to act in harmony with the official or
ganization of the party, and therefore I
aubmitttd your request to the national
committee. If a majority of the com
mittee had favored such a conference,
that I wonld have called it la obedience
to their judgment and decision. Hut
that a large iniijoritof the committee
had decided that it wan neither wise nor
expedient to bold such 11 conference at
this tune, and that the reform pre
committee in proceeding to hold 11 con
ferenct? did no in disregard and defiance
of the judgment and decision of the of
ficial organization of the people's party.
These were the sentiments 1 expressed,
and if I was reported otherwise, then
the interview was to that extent incor
rect. I am aure that yog would not pur
posely misrepresent me. Therefore, I
will ask you to make this correction.
In conclusion, permit me to any that
1 regret exceedingly that your commit
tee, ufter requeating that this question
of a conference be submitted to the na
tional committee, should now refuse to
observe the judgment and decision of
the party organization. For your com
mittee to proceed to call a conference
under these circumstances is peculiarly
unfortunate. You could have very prop
erly and justly criticised me if a major
ity of the national committee had de
cided fori a conference and 1 had disre
garded and defied their decision. Then
why should not the action of the com
mittee be an binding upon yon as upon
me. Surely you have not looked to and
estimated tfce evil results to our party
that must necessarily follow the course
jfauare pursuing. Instead of uniting
the party, it will cause more friction
and fresh discord, When you call upon
those in any county ; and township who
may agree with you, though In the mi
nority, to proceed to organize and send
delegates, regardless of local committees
aa well as of the national committee,
you do that which will at once cauae di
visions and start a fight among our teo
pie in nearly.every county and township
in the United States, This will be de
plorable. v
'.- Since replying to. your tommittee of
ficially stating tb position of tbe na
tional committee'. 1 have rcivrl Rti
were from seven additional members
of the committee. Five of
these oppose a conference while two
faror a couference. This makes eighty
replies out of a little over one hundred
opposed to the conference. This makes
, more than a majority of the whole na
tional committee voting against the
conference, even if every member of the
committee who has not been beard from
houid vote in favor of it. Under these
circumstances, surely you will not per
sist in a course that can mean nothing
less than disruption and disorganiza
tion of the party, to a greater or less ex
tent . Mahio! Butler.
The Doctors Wanted Keren Hundred Dol
lar, to Attempt the Cane.
The following is a letter we received a
nhort time ago from Mrs. M. C. Hinkley,
602 North Mississippi St.. Indianapolis,
Gentlemen: While suffering Intensely
from piles, I became intreted in your
advertisement in one of onr daily papers
and procured a package of your Pyramid
l'ile Cure from our drugiciet. Contrary
to any expectations, tbe relief was in
ataneous. I used two boxes of the Tile
Cure and one of the Tills and am con
vinced that they are tho oiilfBqre cute
for piles on the market. I have been a
sufferer from pile for fifteen years and
have been confined to my bed about one
half of the time, expecting and wishing
for death for the puin was so great. 1
went to tbe college here and the doctors
aaid my case was a new one to them, the
great pain haviuj brought on a large
rupture, which tbey wanted seven hund
red dollars to cut. 1 waa very much
afraid that death would result Irom the
blood-poisoning which they said would
result from the operation. I feel as
though I can't praise the Pyramid I'd.
Cure and Pyramid fill too nighty, a 1
am convinced that they save I my life,
liefore aing your cure 1 neighed only
uinety pounds, aud now 1 weigh one
huadrw! and Wtti aud fuel a well as 1
ever did In my life. You nreat liberty to
use this testimonial in any manner you
may eee tit, a I want all sufferers Irom
thia terrible dias to know that there
haa at last been compounded a remedy
that will care ptl.e.
Mu. M. C. llivu kv.
There Is no need of tbe luer, pain
and expense of a turn ical operation tor
any lrm ut pile The I'yramid IMe
l uredoee thork without at and is
tue safeat and bt. IUmtnttr aUo that
the I'yramid IMIs are a certain eure for
eonaiipaium, acting without griping
and restoring natural action to the
Tbe i'rraaiiJ jt Cure U atild by drng
ite at '.u ie as J ! asd the
fyrant'd rule at iltwt or by atatt
lrm i'yramid t o,, Album, Mien,
1 TO HIT .MlWiniM
The date at whak our ubv'ipttoa
tipired t ktarked on jroar paiwr
f the wrapper thu wk, Nu
IV a carefully, eud aad is the dub
lar H lau dvllr aa the eaae may rw
Send for our catalogue if you
need any Furniture.
Buys you this white iron bed.
Brass top rail and solid .brass
knobs. A heavy bed. Order
one. ,
Is our price for this first class
carriage. Order one.
A Bulb tin Issued by the Department of
Agriculture, Washington, D C.
llnth (he growing of sheep for breed
ing purposes aud the fattening of lambs
(or market are receiving attention Irom
farmers in some sections of tbe country,
especially tho.e having nearby markets,
and probably would be practiced by
other were they better informed a to
tbe beet foods and treatment. With
the td-a of advancing this Industry and
diwwutilnallng among the farmers getter,
erally the reiilie oi etrimeht along
this line, a fartner'a bulletin, (No. VJ) on
sheep John A.i'rala. I'rtifiwaur
of nimul bu.tiHiidry, In the (.'niverelty
lit, has lm-u prepared under
the super t UuuMd tbe OmVe ofthetli-M-rimmt
The way theeubject is treated btiudt
fatnl in the following table ttf con
teste: tWiliim breed) ig e winter,
apriHtf and lull leeding; fetnling I m be
intvuded for breeding ptirnwei feeibitg
ram.; lewdiug latnbe tor tnatket; la It fil
ing lor early aJ fall market; abeariwg
Unibe twbire (attaBg, lattealug lambs
to matuntv.
I'ader thm last bead there are details
of auMri.riiit.(, and diacua
Mia aa tit the kind id Uebivre and grains
beat suited to sheen (reding, ( 'iee of
Ibis bullet' raa be e srd front the
eeeretary of agrwuitare, VVaahlagtoa,,)!,
I'., tr bota m.nitre ufetiMgreea.
rem . M U CU 11 U. II 11 I J
9 WL9J$W--9$l
Buys you this woman wheel. First
class. Any style saddle or tire. Up to
date and fully guaranteed.
PZ ( ''' Gets-yo'u .this teautiful. Parlor. Suit six pieces.
Very best of make apd finish.' The best value
We pay
ioo Miles.
Buys this glass door combina
tion book case and desk. Size,
3 feet wide, 5 1-2 feet high, mir
rors 6x10 inches, finished in
Culnaae In Aril.
The roport of the director of the mint
shows that during tbe mouth of April
the total coinage at the United Btatee
mints whs lu,10,t)H0. Olthisamount
t.S,ri05,4tMM w in gold, 11,535,(100 in
silver and f 74,080 In minor coins, Ol
the silver coiiutpe f 1,400,000 wn ic
standard dollars,
liualitp to Uo to I'rlran,
l'.viJent Me Kill ley has divided not
to interfere in the cnee of Joneph Jt. Pun
lop, proprietor uf the Chicago Itepatch,
who was sentenced to two yer iniprie
iMimeQt bir aenduig obw'eus matter
through the hi ails.
A strong etfurt was made to secure his
txirdvin ou the around that bis life would
be plaid In jeopardv by Ins imprison
mut, but the trileiit decided that
hunlop inu.l serve hie term.
Casrareta etioialate liver, kn'aeyt aad
owela. never eickea.weakea or grtnw 10
Otadusl railing 0(1 la tk Valuiua at
ll-adetreet'e review td trade aoadiiloa
show that baiaeee la wot reviving a
waa hoid lor, It says:
"Tbe more eoatpxaoMs lturv of
Write us if you need a
wheel. We can save
you money.
by the pope
business for
f; m si
Lincoln, Neb.
K I , .. I r;t
. '1 .M
r rm
Buys you this China closet.
Polished oak and, very stylish.
trade are less satisfactory, iiiulutJinK
moderate reaction in prices of staples,
with fal limr off in the volume of trans
actions in varioua lines, continued slow
collections and less favorable conditions
In the iron and steel, cotton aud some
other Industrie.
There is leee demand tor staple varie
ties i4 Iron and steel, makers reporting
trouble in securing specification for con
tract on hand. Southern pig iron has
secured lower rates to points west of
I'ittsburu' and Huffulo, all of which infor
mation ha beeii itivea to the public,
The outlook is for the shuttina down of
some furiiiicea in the 1'itteburg diatrict.
Sale of wool have declined sharply, but
receipt of foreijin have brought out the
week sjitovement to a fwir total. Nenrly
a yeur's eupply lias been Imixtrtwd dur
ing the Bret Imir mouth of this vear.
The movement of umid l slow aud te
irh are low, buyer iur'hniiig in
t'i bits oiilr where ImliU'eiiieiiia are
ofhred. WtHiilen manulaelurer are
larly ettpplied for order aud are lu. lin. d
to k wu advamwoa new bu.iin.a. h
threw nuMitir reel net im it outiml ia
cottoa aHdha ended, and null now
runbiitg on lull time,
Kfporl of wheal, flour iarludd aa
htat, from both rtt of the l nltw
Miateaamoantlotinlv l.l'.a.Hhtt t.n.U
ha wrtk, Mtfamtt l,yH,iHNi la the week
a Year ago-
The current week' espor! of wheal,
fbtur lerludvd, re Ike eii.alleef since the
aeeiiad week in Mav,lati, l?pMrl n
Indian enra have to fallen off thtaewk,
antoaaMag la R,IU?,4l5 bu.keis.aealM.t
a.H'J.OOO buahela la afH.H
This man's wheel is fitted in first class
shape. Any saddle and tire. Colors:
black- maroon or green. Write us about it
equal to anv hich-crade
Manufacturing company. The
the money. s'
You get two of
we ever -offered.
.the small
Write us
ing a Bicycle,
save you money.
We pack
Free of
0 ST.
" -i .
18. 50
Is our price on this combination
book case and desk. Finished
in mahogany. Size, 3 feet wide,
51-2 feet high, well made and
Enlarged Joints from
Rheumatism. .
Surha t uudUloa ladleatea a Chalky !
tl and la Srl.lom ( ur.Th.r
Ullnie la Some a... However,
Froui aa Kuril hluV f lha Hlood.
from h. IWr4 aa4 talua, llwanir. Minn.
Mrs Kliiubeili I'mtt, wife of Mr. John
I'ralt, one of the i, aettler In Clint,
stead county, Minueenta, for mnny
yearahne len painfully allbctml with
rheumatism In it moat ngaravating
and liiioiivenunt l.irm. Mr. I'ralt la
well known in the vkiiuty .( V !, ha v.
lug dtirlnir on." adnonielrstiiMi held the
repottlbH piill of Mtit,Uf reea,
HhebHa the late ol ier atlluju.ii an I
utr,e.nt rtiraliiii d health, which
i priatrd la order that lli. ra 'iiuUrlv
eunVrmg may Valued adopt the .sine
reimdy eie a d.
Vht.,JHuistead Co,. Mma ,
Aug V. IRUt.
"A bit W over teaear at di.eov.
vfetttlial the)oittlaol my Aaaer Were
ealurgitig, and verv eoie, cinalli
Miae pit a. iaa, with nume silghl r.itaj
at tin... from pain, bat the u ale grew
larf and Itu-er, and aiv ae. shout.
Here aad limb an at iff that I could
not mov Iheia wiikoal great paa. Mr
tine tn.i wateewmba out of all hnia,
e 1 my a i gore were eo
tlre, and the
wleel marl v
best value ever offered in the wheel
if you intend buy-
Is our price on this iron
bed. Brass knobs. A great
bargain. Send for one.
Gets you this roll carriage, full
size and strong.
muaclesso contracted that I could not
iisathent. I had given up all boieof
cure, when my attention was called
about three years ago in the wonderful
cures effected by the 11 e of I)r, W'iltitinia'
Pink 1'ills for Tale 1'eople, nud I pro
cured a supply.
'It was not Ions after I began taking
them More I experienced conslderatle
relief, and I continued using them ao
cordmjr to ilirctions until I hare taken
altOKether about three io.n boiee.
My ngera are now atrnlaht aud fb'Xibl.
and the joint reduced to their normal
ele, tht, rheumatic naius sr almost
'!:'". though itilway keen
I ink J II by me, I .v,r u. ,t1Btll U
leealesb lieold, or get Wet through. I
am willing that this leaf imonial ahnll be, order that the eitraordl
nnryeuralue power nl I'r. Wilbaia'
me.t,cii.s mayU known to rheumatic
(Sitrneili Mil K. A, 'a4TT "
Vr, Williaum I'.ak 1'lits enntnlu. in a
condeiiard lorm, ail the element u.
ty to Kite new hie and r( l.a, to the
t.l..H and re. tore ahattered a.rve
I hey at sl.o a speeltii for trouble oe
euliar to trmaie. uca a auppraaaiua.
Irragularitiea, and all forma of aeakneM
' '-"'hi t the bloml. and restore the
kIow i. health opalaandalii tik
In mew the t fleet a rae'cal cur la ait
a-aariiugtrom menial worry, nvr,
work trnaol whatever atm. I'm.
I'ltla areaold la b.iir, (,
el tl",5?,V '' tor
I i M, aad may be hud ol all druggtet
or directly ia, f r,
otopany, Hcheotf t,f , ,, t