May 6, tOg?. THE NEBRASKA 'NDEPENDtCNT. Can This Republic be Perpetuated. Continued from 5th page It in unnecessary for me to present the Tacts which hive go often, been presented and discussed by tuis club respecting the grasp inn corporation, trusts, syndi cates, etc., which has, as it were, taken possession of this country during the ehort period covered by this paper. You have knowledge of the power of each act ing separately in its own line. You hart had demonstrated the multiplied power of them acting together; whether the combination be made for legislative pur poses or for election purposes. Having thus breifly presented but two counts in my indictment against the governing power of this country mind I do not say the people; for the third and last charge which I am about to make is that the tights ot the people have been for the time being usurped, tripped from them by fraud, deception and intimidation. Thus placing for the second time in the presidential chair a man, and currying with him a party into power which has no constitutional right there. I imagine I hear some doubting goldbug call for the proof. The proof, though circumstantial, is strong enough to make a case and win a verdict of guilty. .- I do not propose to tire you with a long column of figures in proof of. the smooth methods by which voters were imported from states where they could be safely spared and colonized for voting purposes in doubtful states. It is known for a positive fact that hundreds of car loads of idle men were given a free ride from Pennsylvania Into the state of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois dumped into the larger cities, fed and lodged until election day, and promised permanent employment in ease McKinley was elected; poor dopes it is hard to say they deserve their disappointment. But let me prove my charge. In the United States census returns you will find one column givingtbe num ber of males of voting age in each state. These 1gures,ofcourse,include many who are not voters such as unnaturalized for reiguers, prisoners and insane, First I will read to you briefly from an article by Walter Wellman, a reliable statisti cian and a newspaper correspondent of a gold bug paper. Speakingot the largely increased vote returned from certain states, he says: "It is a remarkable fact that in some of the states named in the foregoing the number of veters in 1896 exceeded the total number of males of voting age re turned by the census of 1890, , "These are amazing figures. A vote of such magnitute in ratio to males of voting age was never before seen in this country. There is a suspicion that in eome precincts boys of from 18 years up were permitted to vote. Increase in pop ulation since 1890 is not sufficient to ac count for the increased vote." First let us examine the vote of two states whose political and geographical status was such as to rendercolonization Unnecessary and impractical, mat we nay get at a fair or normal ratio w here no importation of voters was attemptea. We will take Missouri's and Minnesota's vote. Missouri's vote for instance lack ed 81.992 of the number of males of voting age according to the census of 1890, in other words, was short about 5 per cent. Minnesota's vote was short -39,556, just about 11 percent. But these states being of the more western and nnscttled, into wh'ch a constant tide of immigration has drifted since 1890, would come much nearer casting the number of votes indicated by the census than those which I am about to name. (Votes cast heretofore have never reached" nearer than 12 percent less than the number placed in that column of the census.) But we will give the defendant the benefit of the doubt, and for con venience assume that 10 per cent less than the figures given in that column of the census report as the fair thing. Then we have in the five states whose votes exceeded the figures in that column. STATES. Vote Cast. dto" " Ohio l,017,Jtl 914,818 102,523 Indiana 637,255 535,560 101,395 Illinois 1,090,177 965,397 124,780 W. Virginia. 201,928 162,360 39,568 Kentucky.... 455,850 405,713 50,143 Let us for a moment glance at Ohio from another standpoint. It is a well established rule of computation that of the population one in Ave are voters. Ohio in the late presidential election counted up one vote for every three and a fractiou of her population. Can you see any Ethiopian in the Ohio wood-pile? Oh, yes you can smell him clear out here iu Nebraska! Too many of those free riding excursionists to Canton forgot to go home to their own state till after election. The reduction in the vote of the large towns and cities of this state at their late municipal elections more than equals MeKinley's plurality of last November. j tie botley contested election for mayor in Chicago a week or two sirce, shows a decrease in the ballots et in that city aloue nearly equal to the re publican plurality of theentire'state of last November. What better proof do you want of a presidential election being carried bv stuffing, repeating, boodle and fraud? "Purity of the ballot box" where art thou? Had I the time, I could give many ol the methods by which this smooth work was accomplished. I will briefly show you on of the methods of relating as was carried out under the management of Marku AureHus llanua. Plee glance at th maps ol Illinois, Indiana mid Ohio, you will And a p-r-feet arid-Iron of railroads covering each, three or four trunk line touching the turner rttu and town. Over the mam line not Una than six piigr trains daily. The corporation we will say are ail liitrtd lu thue eewi of a certain tick!, Week More th election the floating poiiultuu of voter, hungry trni and idler art gathered up la squad taken to some city or large plain whe oheeur quar ter ''hii U obtained for lhm; they are ... and kind! treated, o rwlrtion da lhv art all regularly rtttrd. la a day or to they are taken to the tiit tttu and th" im voters m reir loiered there, and bfor eWtmn day ! emu voter nr r-nuUrlf frtfUUred la a taasy town a I her ar rrg'tar tram iaH over th l dally. Oa letiua day tby are.nrly voter uy at na end t lot line. They take the nrt ttaia aad stop off at th Mil pl hr they sr ritrd. and aiiaitt lhy V.ewUe (he high riv. U ! tlaail.M Miu th tri doe tot aalt tor Ibvin they wail for tha t traia and h tl ,; pa oa to th ' plao where tt.y are rWtrd. To yo tby repeat as many times as there are trains passing over the line between the hours of opening and closing of the polls. Who says Marcus Aurelius didn't earn his seat in the United States senate? Having given two thirds of my time to the dark side of the picture let us see if we can find a brighter side. But be fore passing to the other side, I would say that this same question of the unions perpetuity arose in the minds of f ha fnnnitnra nf thm cnvernmeiit. Wash ington's farewell address shows it plain ly, jeiierson piannea precautionary measures for its perpetuity. Salmon P. Chase a short time before his death Ai-nrAHDed fears of creak damrer to the country through the national banking system which is still npheld by the gov ernment. Mr. Chase's fears are today being as you may say almost realized. Judge Mason whom many of you re member and knew to be nlain spoken and sometimes a little profane, was asked a short time before his death (I think nn occasion of Graver Cleve land's second election) "what can be done, was asked to save Ibe country?" replied 'tne oia nunc is getting so Hnmnnit rotten it's hnrdlv worth saving." This, howfcver, was an answer given under the impulse of the occasion. I. think he had a better one in reserve. I once asked John IS. finch tbe great tomnornncH leader, a man nossessed of n more than ordinary logical mind "a: hot. nrna hi nnlnion Ol the stabilitV of this government. Said be it cannot in any sense remain stable, it must pro gress'onward and upward or go down. 11 aha ran ronnvor from the demoralizing effects of the war there is hope tor her but, said he sometimes when I think nf hep nennln'a worship o! Mammon in connection with their debauchery I think she must go as aid tne uoman empire, nothing but the enlightenment oi me iiiaaaou nn ffnvernmental. moral and economic lines can save ber." . In these last words my hope yea my faith is expressed! I cannot believe that this, tbe greatest nation, leading all others in her schools, professions, me chanics and arts can go back to a die solution and complete overthrow a tearing down of the irovernmental foun dations laid by our revolutionary tathora Thniio-h the clouds are dark and threatening now, and many of the people's rights trampled under foot yet I think I see a gleam oflight In the immortal Lincoln s ncneiy dm iruunm words, "you may fool all the people part of the time, and part of the people all the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time." , 1 - a i. .1. 1 it 1 JnA 1 cannot Deiieve man we iarg uune ui deception the American people were trad fori .r in last eeneral election v vuivu a"w m can ever be repeated in the eternal fu- -r. ... . . I f f U ture. It will not lane lour years iui um nrnHiipinir mflaneaot this COUntr.V to learn that to place a higher tariff on the com modities tney nave to ouy, onu mwrr prices on what they have to sell, cannot bring to them prosperity. . I cannot Deiieve tne smau nuiiiuBr ui miilmnairns who are rulinit this people todnv with a rod of irold can carry their oppression much farther. When 1 see the political parties ren dered asunder to the extent we do today and the dissenting fragments forming around one standard for a principle which they declare to be right there is ground for hope, for it means discussion and enlightenment. When 1 see the various labor uaions of the entire country coming together and forminc "The Federation of Labor ' in that I have hope. I see one gleam oi nguuu mim na tive and referendum method of legisla tinn I nan another cleam ot light in the government ownership and operation of railroads ana teiegrapns. i nee an other gleam of light in the issue of money by the government directly to the people. These gleams of light must come to the masses as does the electric light which lights our streets. Jiy agi tation. , . . ... Agitation and discussion in clubs like this, and similar ones where the ques tions of the hour are freely discussed, I believe, will yet bring this republic by evolution to a higher plane of thinking, acting and governing. I cannot think that Byron's gloomy picture of the rise and fall of nations, referred to by your president at your last meeting are applicable to this re publicThese are Byron's words: "Here is the moral ot all human tales 'Tie but the same rehearsal of the past, First freedom and then glory when that fails, Wealth, vice, corruption, barbarism at last; And history with all her volume vast Hath but oue page." No! this cannot be the fate, I trust of a people ''whose public free school is the fountain whose streams shah make glad all the lauds of liberty." But tbe forum where free discussion lightens up thegloom ot despairing hope and gives fresh courage to sinking hearts must be maintained. "We must educate or perish. ALLEN SPEAKS FOR GREECE. He Prtfers to b Rdicl y R ght" Than "RdicHy Wrong." . In the senate, April 22, Senator Alleu submitted a resolution of sympathy for Greece, and aeked for Us immediate con sideration. The resolution was read as follows: Uolved, That the established policy of the l ulled States ot avoiding entang ling alliance with F.uropeau power 1 in no rect violated oy our sympathising with thel'hrUtlsa people ot llrrece In their present hernfe struggle against the advancement of the Ottoman Kmplre, and that lit lh Judgmeut of th wnale it would t a recognition o! the wohe of all lor the executive to expr-e to th ant rtiiniit o' lir the sympathy ol th American iwopl", Mr. Aihn ilr, Tre-ld-nt, More lt reeolutton I utinitt to the wnsl-lor It final i'.mldertion, I iletir lo offer a wvrd In it hhaU, ll ha b a th a ny id lh l aited Hlate la tba varfcm . trover Ihnt hav taken pine l Iwrea tbe king lout td tlrwvw and Hi Ottoman Umpire to tliid vnith) ! thelirtek iop: Iro n time to tun a deemed and prqr bv foiiaree The rnwKiluiioa Unot wiih.tyt prrtwdent. iw-,itr 1, hha war wu -lu ttetoeen Uremmaod Trlty,Mr.VV er. t of Maeearhitertl, Ih-a a HiemUr id hhuutd rpretrliv, iulrtidU' e hetilluluir roliioa; IteMtlvrd, That iivUlot ought to ! made by law In dlra.iria thipnM Undeal lu the aHitBt id an aaent or oiMniiioneT to Ureee w hur th president sba deem it expedient to make such appointment. And, quoting from the fifth volume of the works of.Mr. Clay, it says: Mr. Webeter said that he did not wish to commit the house of representatives in tbe political contests of-Europe, but the president of the United States, in bis message to congress, not only expressed tbe belief that the Greek nation in its struggle with this barbarous nation bad the good wishes of the whole civilized world, and also advanced the opinion that the Turkish domain over the coun try was forever lost. He thought that if such were the tact, it was important for congress to act on the subject. His main object was to obtain from the house an expression of sympathy for the sacrifices and sufferings of that heroic people. He hoped that they would show to tne world that there was at least one gov ernment which lUelf entertained a prop er view of that barbarous despotism which under tbe eyes of Lurope bad been permitted by a system of foul atrocities to attempt to crush an interesting na tion. Mr. Webster's resolution, at his re quest, was laid on the table for further discussion. In sneaking in the senate on the same resolution later, Mr. Clay of Keutucky, said: "Are we so bumble, so low, so debased, that we dare not express our sympathy for suffering Greece: that we dare not ar ticulate our detestation of the brutal excesses of which she has been the bleed ing victim, lest we might offend some one or more of their imperial and royal majesties.'' It will not be considered improper for me to incorporate in my remarks a few salient historical facts respecting tbe various wars between tireeceand turkey, and at the expense of detaining tbe sen ate for a moment I will do so. Crete is one of the largest islands in the Mediterranean. It is the most south erly portion of Europe. It forms the natural limit between the archipelago and tbe mediterranean as well as one of the chief lines of natural connection be tween the southern shores of Europe and Asia. Tbe island is of a very elongated form, being not less than 160 miles in length, while its breadth does not at any where exceed 35 miles. A large part of tbe island is mountainous, but the rest is of great fertility", and there is no doubt that under a better system ol govern ment it would become one of the richest and most productive islands of the Med iterranean. It seems that Crete was originally In habited by te Dorians, although settle ments ere later made by the Phoeni cians, and a large portion of the island was subject to them, uowever, in tne historical period they are not found there. The Cretans were always engaged in war with one another, and the history of the inland was one continued series of civil wars. The Cretans, degenerate and half piratical themselves, had formed nn alliance with the proffesional buccaneers, and defeated, off Cydonia, a Roman fleet that bad been sent against the latter in the year B. C. 71. They soon repented of the provocation they had offered and sent envoys to Rome to buy peace by beuvy bribes; but neither the penitence nor the bribes prevailed. Three years later, (B. C. 68) (juintus JMetellus ap peared in Crete with bis Roman troops to exact satisfaction, and two years were spent in overcoming the stubborn resistance of the islanders. In the end Crete was added to the conquered domin ions of Rome. The island was now reduced to a Roman province, and remained so until tbe ninth century, when it fell into the hands of the Saracens (823). It then became a formidable nest of pirates, but defied all tbe efforts of the Byzantine sovereigns to recover it until the year 960, when it was reconquered by the Byzantine Emperor- In the partition of the Greek Empire after tbe capture ol Constantinople by the Latins in 1204, Crete fell to the lot of Boniface, Marquis of Monuferret, but was sold by him to the Venetians, and thus passed under dominion of that great republic to which it continued eubiect for more that four centuries. Under the Venetian government, Can dia, a fortress originally built by the Saracens, became the seat of govern ment, and not only rose to be. the capi tal and chief city of the island, but actu ally gave name to it, so that it was call ed in the official language of Venice; the "Island of Candia." The Venetian masters secured to the islanders, external tranquility, and it is singular that the Turks were contented to leave them in undisturbed possession of the opulent and important island for nearly two centuries after the fall ol Constantinople. It was not until 1645 that the Turks made any serious at tempt to effect its conquest; but in that year they landed with 50,000 men, and speedily reduced the important city of Canea. Retimo fell, the lollowing year and in 1648 they laid seige to tbe cap; tal city of Candia. This was the longest siege on record, having been protracted for more thau tweuty years, but in 1667 it was pressed with renewed vigor by the Turks, aud the city was at last com- felled to surrender nSeptenib.-r, 1669 ) ts fall was followed by the submission of the whole island. From this time the island continued subj-ct to Ottoman rule without inter ruption till the outbreak ot the Urvek revolution. Alter the couquest alargs part of the Inhabitants embraced Mo hammedanism, and thus secured to themselves the chief sham In the admin titration ot the island. But far from this having a favorable effect upon the condition d th population, the result u jiiat the contrary, and l'rt-t was said to I mi the worst iroverned province nl the Turkih empire. The regular aiithoritif ut trout Constantinople were wholly unable to foutrol the Mcew- - of jitniinrle, who exercised without ratr-mit every kind of tioleitr ami (ippreutou. ifeur when III iHJl lid here I the Important a r-pcU u twiirii g oh tin resolution th revolu tion broke out III colillnetitul til , the Cretan at mice rail Hi litnditrd id iitsitrrif tMi, and tarried on totitili- with ui h e'la-e titlht ihmmi mad ttiwlliewtv niHt. r d the whole op M country and drove th Turk and Mo hautMiedtn xipu!atiott to take rvlui: in lit tortlned rils, 1 he however, defied all effort lit the, and the eoaleet pro longed wllluiul defiaiv n-uli, nutd ill I a til His allied piwr ( i'rtii,,Ki'Uitd aid ItuesU), who bud llilemned I t the route! teae (irerr d Turkrv, rBifirrd Ih lUad t tt tolh llofi riwi.n! id Mehemet AH, irv id t grpi- This ih ot Htatrrbouiiht ion relief tit th eloilliti t'relan htatkt vubaaged the I ol local misrule for the oppression of an organized despotism. In 1840 Crete was again taken from Mehemet Ali and replaced under the dominion of tbe lurks, as it has contin ued ever since. The strong desire of the Cretans for freedom and uaion with the Greek monarchy, has given rise to two successive revolts, the first of which in 1849, was speedily repressed, but the second iu 1866, lasted for a considera ble period and required great exertions on the part of the Forte to put it down. It was followed by concessions of addi tional privileges to tbe christian inhabi tants and a kind of constitutional gov ernment which has placed the island in quite hq exceptional position among lurkish provinces. The inhabitants of Crete under the Ve netians were estimated at about 250,000. After the Turkish conquest the popula tion was for a time greatly reduced, but afterwards gradually rose again until it was supposed to have attained 2b0,000 at the time the Greek outbreak in 1821, of whom aboat one half were Moham medans. Tbe ravages of the war from 1821 to 1830, and tbeimmigration that followed, produced a great diminution, and tbe "population of the island wa es timated in 1836 at about 130,000. The islaud, It is estimated, now contains about 200,000 inhabitants in all, of whom less than 40,000 are Mohammed ans. It must be observed that very few of these are Turks, the Mussulman pop ulation being almost entirely of uative Cretan origin. Mr. President, 1 refer to the relations between Greece and Turkey somewhat at length, more especially fori the purpose of calling attention sharply to the fact that the present war between those na tions raises the old question of whether Christianity or paganism or infidelity shall survive, It is a question that has been considered by these nations throughout the ages, or for at lenst the last six centuries, and in every great war that has arisen between them dur ing the existence of our government we have .expressed in oue form or another our sympathy with the Grecian people. Weexpressed that sympathy in J.S24 by the adoption of the resolution to which I have referred and which I have read. I believe it is time the American people should express their sympathy with tbe Greeks in the struggle now being waged against the invasion of Turkey. A great and powerful nation like the United States should not hesitate under circum stances such as these to voice their sen timents so loudly and so unequivocally that they will be board over the entire civilized world. Sir, I do not desire to detain the sen ate from the transactions of its regular business, but I cannot refrain from di recting attention to the (act that the so-called greiit powers, as they are pleased to call themselves, and speaking in a parenthetical way, j understand that recently they have reached out in a tangible form in this country, have formed an ulliance, not for tbe purpose of repressing Greek atrocities, for none have been committed, not for the pur pose of staying tbe march of Greek in vaders, but for the purpose of repressing Greece foe making a resistance for her territory, for ber homes and for her re ligion. Mr. President, 1 have spoken bitter things against the Ottoman Empire and against the Spanish monarchy in this chamber, and if 1 live I shall speak still more bitter things about tbem unless they cease their atrocities; not because I have hatred or dislike for any human being who walks upon tbe face of the earth, but because I have an utter con tempt for a government that represses the niovment of christian privileges and is a deadweight in the march of tbe civilization and progress. . In this instance we have on one nana the Turks cutting the throats of the Grecians, and Greece held in restraint by tbe so-called powers, not because they sympathize with Turkey, but because they desire to maintain what tney are pleased to call the balance of power. To the south of us, within a hundred miles of our shores, murder, assassina tion, devastation by the torch and by the ax are going on without restraint, and we are absolutely quiescent and silent. I believe the time has come wheu all tbe forces of this mighty coun trv should be mustered to protect the christians fu Greece aud to maintain the libertv of the Cubans. Mr. President. I have been chargpd with being radical in my views of public questions, and tbe charge is to a certain extent correct; nut i preier to dd raoi cally right on great questions than rad icallv wrong. If I frequently err, as I doubtless do, I prefer to err on the side of the weak and defenseless of the human race and in favor of civi'ization and christiauity Of the 1,600,000,000 people who inhabit the globe, and the countless minions who sleep in the bosom of the earth. there is not one against whom I harbor au unkind feeling, or an unkind thought, and when I denounce the Ottoman Em pire and the Spanish monarchy for their barbaritv and cruelty, in I have done, and as I shall d i agum, it must be un derstood that I sis'ak of their govern ments and policies and not of the bum ble being composing those nations, and so speaking, I would rejoice if God in His infinite wisdom and rigliteoiHneM would blot hem all from the tnee of the earth. Fauaticism, srecution, throat cut ting.assassiiiKtiou murder, devastation, are'the weapon that have been used by them throughout thsir histories. In the grand march ot eivilization they have fallen entirely to the rear, and have lie corn plunderer and tree-booter and the sooner they are overthrown th better Ih world will be, and America should perforin her part In the great work. I trul, Mr. Prenldi-nl, the resolution will pa this morning without a diMet nt lug vote. Th resolution wa referred to Ih I'oniiniit.e on foreign relation. J ut try a 1 ') box of raecrt,the la t liwr od bowel regulator ever aaade, Cheap IUte to Tnnesea Contn nut and Exposition At .Sa.hville.Tfnn., My 11 to Ot. HO. iWginiiiK May 4lh, and n h Tu-diiy thereafter, the Mouri I aeiHe will II ticket from l.iiunln M SeihviH and re turn al 9 J.V13, iioid twenty Jlntn I'oi'i dttt id aal. 1 lie ksnt.t as t ,Vhraka limited e-HVillf l.lnvtilll t U itl p. It. Hia' better llnie hf from n to hoar i'U way than asy thr ime, W h pruve It. Further iiilriHtiin, mss tie, at edy Mirk! nm, I tfol O irt. t t'uHNri i , l l T. A, TO CURE NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA. To Gain Klenh, to Sleep Well, to Know Whet A ppetlte and Good IHg-eatioa Mean, Make Test of Ntuart's Uyspepula Tablets. Interevting- Experience of an Indiana- poll Gentleman. No trouble is more common or more misunderstood than nervous dyspepsia. People having it think that their nerves are to blame and are surprised that they are not cured by nerve medicine and spring remedies; the real seat ot the mischief is lost sight of, the stomach is tbe organ to be looked after. Nervous dyspeptics often do not have any pain whatever in the stomach, nor perhaps any of the usual symptoms of stomach weakness. Nervous dyspepsia shows itself, not in the stomach so' much as in nearly every other organ: in some cases the heart palpitates and is irregu lar; iu otner tne kidneys are affected; In others the bowels are constipated, with headaches; still others are troubled with loss of flesh aud appetite, with accumu lation of gas, sour rising and heartburn. Mr. A. w. sharper ot No. 01 Prospect St. Indianapolis, Ind., writes me as fol lows: "A motive of pure gratitude prompts me to write these few lines re garding the new and valuable medicine, Stuart's Dyspepsia tablets. I have been a sufferer from nervous dyspepsia for the last four years; have used various patent medicines and other remedies without any favorable result. Tliev sometimes gave temporary relief until the effects of tbe medicine wore off, I attributed this to my sedentary habits being a bookkeeper with little physical exercise, but 1 am glad to say that the tablets have overcome all these obsta cles, for I have gained in flesh, sleep bet ter, and am better In every way. The above is written, not for notoriety, but is based on actual fact." Respectfully Vours, A. W. Sharper, 61 Prospect street, Indianapolis, Ind. It Is safe to say that Stuart'a Dyspep sia Tablets will care any stomach weak ness or disease except cancer of the stomach. They cure sour stomach, gas, loss of flesh and appetite,' sleeplessness, palpitation, heartburn, constipation and headache. Send for valuable little book on stom ach diseases by addressing Stuart Co-, Marshall, Mich, All druggists sell full size packages at 50 cents. ; Snow in Ohio lu May, ' , At Cincinnati and generally over tbe southern part of Ohio there was a con siderable snow storm on May 2. There had been a continuous rain for 24 hours preceding the fall of snow. Considera ble damage to crops will result. Ibe rivers are very high ind any further rain would cause great damage by over flow. IAKECHEESEATIIOME UI Send One Dollar to E. C. II Kittinokk. Powell. Sonth Dakota, and receive by mail ten Rennets with plain printed instruction In making Cheese at home with such apparatus as every farmer now has. Fall cream factory Cheese the kind made, and your money refunded if you fail while following instruction. Three pounds of cheese can be made in place of one pound of butter. - able m eds. Our seeds are well recommended by those who have tried tbem. We ar headquarters for Alfalfa, Seed Corn, Fancy Seed Oats, Spring Wheat and Forage Plant feeds which are adapted for dry climate. When In the market write us for. siecil prices. Our vegetable and flower seed ran not be excelled. Send for oar Sweet Pea collection; twelve new named varieties for 25 cents, poet paid. Our 1897 Seed Cnialogue will be mailed free of charge one application. The Nebraska Seei1 Co i TW DehORCH 1 , grade of work, I JW . , VARIABLK FEED S ndUanltt I -J qmma2Tt SAWMILLS, J ABOUT COST. I , eJL PLANERS and I "1 SHINGLE MACHINES. ' 7 , ENGINE! and BOILERS. , , 1 CORN, FEED, and 3 "1 FLOUR MILLS. I 1 t WATER WHEELS, , , fj J I I BALING PRESSES, ' U ' " CORN 8HELLERS, OV ' PEA HCT.LER3, , , P"" V i-v SHAFTING, I I PULLEYS and J I I MILL GEARING. 4 - j V SAW REPAIRING J I -' ' - PRICKs LOW. i , - ... -r7- LaokCatalouv Pa. !; 'l .. ATLANTA. 60R(iiA, U. I. A : apMIPjpejaa Write for Catalogue Wae Seed, flewe 4. Urlea e4, et4 . V SOM MR HO It VIS. I CO. wiirvai roa rTiM ap i41h -r. law 4rMuVM ml l iimae Iwi f afSt. f).,Mie. ' e l44 11, a, Rlsta Tabalta era mitipatWa. FIRST-GLASS Hair Cut 10c Shave - - 10c Seafoam 10c Shampoo 10c Best Tonic 5c - Thi sis what you get for your money at TOM RUSH'S, 1323 0 Street, - LISOOLH, IE3 unA Atfa tfiavAanf tiimni'ln 3 . R. prini IH r- r i W7-v f -" f- we aaww ARMSTRONG. Bhenandofili, for 20 page book Hints on Corn Growing and 4 sample packages of best varieties. I ou cannot miss it in oomn u. w eerioliiui ore KABI.Y Yellow Rose.Smow- rxAKE White, Pbipk or rum North, amd . . V , TLa ARMSTHO.NO S MOItTOAOB 111. lllf t .... aaaarm nl IHllftonlV terVed tO add new and valuable testimony to the nfk nrhu Pni-lv Yellow Roaa for ira, nui vii vi B..-..J - " Nebraska growers. Price to suit tha times. . , Don't Road This If you do you will take your meals at the Merchant' dining ball, 11th and P street when in tbe city. They eost only 10 cents and op. Everything tbe beet and eerved at all boon. 0.E.II0UC1L Our motto To please and not to rob you. Come and see us. 51- FABT TIKE, THBOUOHOAES. To Omaha, Chicago andpolntsln Iowa and Illinois, tbe UNION PACIFIC in con nectlon with tbe C. A N. W. Ry. oCara the be-t service and the fastest time. Call or writ to tne for time card, rate, etc. & B. Blossox, Geo. Aft. The date at which your ubtcrlptlon expired is marked on your paper or on the wrapper this week. Notice it care fully, and send in tbe dollar or two dol lars a tbe cass may require. Before placing your order for Vegetables, Flower and Field Seed please send us your list and we will give you our special quotations. Don't risk tbe loa of time, labor and ground by planting seed of un known quality. The market is full of cheap, unreli HUNCOLN, NEB.! Kl'VT-PttOor OAT, pauia RAT, PB3A or tata at vv uiw raara. rsHTK K l.lMnBTiri J C rt tUii4M Ol TMS I"" Threat. awlli:::!3tt:;:: Utfr(ruwO.HOu 13.30a,iitkinBn. 11