THE NEBRASKA INDEPEDENT May 6 1897 EMU IN fl PIS BAZAAR. THIRTY WOMEN PERISH AND MANY MISSING, THIRTY-FIVE ARE RESCUED rir Breaks Oat In the Charity Structure Prelle Over by Noted Woman and a Terrible Paaie Follow core. Killed or Injured Man Trampled Upoa by the Crowd. Paris, May 5. Fire broke out at 4 o'clock thii afternoon in a crowded charitable bazaar, a temporary atruc ture of wood, in the Rue Jean Uoucron. above the stall occupied by the Duchess d'Uzes, while many leaders of Parisian society were present A terrible panic and crush followed and the weaker persons were borne down and trampled upon. The Inflammable nature of the build ing and contents caused the flames to spread with great rapidity and iu a very short time the bazaar was a mass of flame. Hod ies of thirty victims of the con flanration, mostly women, were after ward recovered and laid out upon the sidewalk. Many people, however are still missing and it is feared they are buried in the ruins. Thirty-five injured people were res cued and are being' cared for by phy slcians. GREECE TO FIGHT IT OUT. All Offers of Intervention Rejected Army ! la Good Shape. London, May 5. That Greece pro poses to continue the war with Tur key, at least until after a disastrous defeat. Is not doubted anywhere in Europe. The overtures of the powers In the interest of peace have been re jected by the Greek government and the king proposes to remain in Athens. On the frontier there is a tacit arm istice at present, so as to allow of the burying of the dead, but this, it is ex pected, will be ended at almost any moment - Intense feeling has been caused at Athens by the statement that among the Turkish dead at Velestino were found a German major and two Rus sian officers. Colonel Tosamedos, minister of war, and M. Theotokis, minister of the in terior, are said to be favorably Im pressed with the situation at Pharsalo both as respects the positions of the troops and the plan of defense. The army is divided into three di visions. Twelve thousand men under command of Smolensk! are at Veles tino to defend the approaches to Volo; 11,000 men are encamped at Pharsala and the rest of the army, with Prince Constantino, 10.0(H) in number, is at Domoko, south of Pharsala. These last will have to stand an attack of the Turks from Trikhala, which was occupied yesterday by the troops. The Greok fleet has just arrived in the harbor of Volo, and the panic which prevailed for the last three days is lessened. Three French, one English and one Italian, are also there, The consul have behaved splendidly, being the only persons in the town who had not lost their heads. ADMIRAL MEADE DEAD. the Dlitlngulthed Naval Officer Pane Away. Washington, May 5. Rear Admiral R. W. Meade (retired), U. 8. N., died at a private sanitarium to-day. Three weeks ago he was attacked by the grip, which was after- BEAR ADMIRAL M KADIS, ward aggravated by apiwrnlicttU. An operation was performed, hut he failed to rally from IU fffects. Mrs. Meado and Alls Patterson were at his bed side. The funeral will be held at MUa Patterson's hoin. and the Interment with military honors will be at Ar "ington cemetery. Has the King SreeaiMedT Paris, May ft. Hiaasayt the king f ireee tiwd tha erUls In the affaire of hU loui.try to eutat In (rek Hid TurkUh bond, with the re sult that his majesty has cleared U or seven million dollar. DEAD AT AN INITIATION. taelaf Kaaleeer Mailt of Haw leal eirttaea la twlga Ht. Jih, Ma,, May l.H. , Miilw. traveling engineer for the llauttit'Si A hi JiMteph railroad and on of the ht knuwn railroad men lit this ercV-fiM, MaUttnf at lt ItUlo In an L t 11, I'. lodge at trMkBld lst night when he tu4 rienty eseUUned; ttr, I am Ay ixxgr and t spired at one, lie w 1 vbm Ui and had imm with the Uur iniKU't Hijf fir nny ytara, MORGAN AND TILLMAN. South Cerotlaa and Alabama Senators la a Heated Wrangle Washington, May 5. Senator Tlll afan of South Carolina was heard from briefly and pointedly in the Senat yesterday, after a silence of many weeks, and, as usual, his remarks served to arouse a lively controversy. It occurred during the consideration of the live homes bilL Mr. Morgan proposed an nuiendment giving a.l public land unoccupied by IS) 00 to the several states and ter ritories. Mr. Hawley declared this to be a startling proposition and Mr. Tillman nought to oppose it by a series of questions addressed to Mr. Morgan, home of the questions re ferred to the amendment as a proposi tion to "gobble" and "steal" the inter est of states in public lands. Mr. Mor gan in turn made sharp and sarcastic rejoinder, and for a time Senators and spectators were interested in the ani mated crossfire. After Mr. Morgan had protested against the interruption as a breacli of the privileges of the senate, the incideut was closed by a statement from Mr Tillman, dis-; claiming any purpose of being dis courteous to the Alabama senator. The Morgan amendment was with drawn and an agreement reached for a final vote on the free homestead bill at 3 p. m. to-day. Early in the day Mr. Morgan endeavored to secure a vote on the Cuban resolution. It went over, however, at the request of Mr. Hale of Maine, in order that speecbx-l in opposition may be made. Safer Company Goes Voder. Milwaukkk, Wis., May .The Wis consin Ileet Sugar company, which has just completed a plant at Menom inee Falls, and of which great things were expected, is in the hands of an assignee, with a gloomy prospect ahead for thtf stockholders. The as sets of the company consist of the plant, which represents an investment of 8;:;.r,000. The liabilities consist of $60,000 in bonds secured by a first mortgage on the plant and 939,390 due lor labor and material. In Becelvers Bands. New Castle, Pa., May 5. Ifpon ap plication of the Croton Limestone company, Judge Wallace appointed Edwin N. Ohl and William Reis of this city receivers of the big Atlantic Iron and Steel company, which owns the Atlantic furnaces and roller mill in this city, as well as having leased works in Sharon and Greenville. The court granted the receivers permission to operate the plant. Payment of Indemnity Recommended. Washington, May 5. President Mc- Kinley yesterday sent to Congress a message concerning the lynching of three Italians at Ilahnvllle, La., on the night of August 8, 1896. He rec? om mends an appropriation of 86,000 for the heirs of the persons, without admitting the liability of the United aiaies in me premises. , Chicago Gives Aid to India. Chicago, May 5. Four thousand people gathered in the Auditorium last night and listened to plans for the re lief of starving India. The Rev. Dr. Talmage was the principal speaker. Ten thousand dollars in cash and twenty-five car loads of corn were sub scribed. ' . Shot by an Es-Convlet. , Mansfield, Ma, May 5. John Bo linger of Norwood, Mo. , was shot and killed in his own corn field yesterday with a double-barrel shotgun by one Belsher, who was recently released from the penitentiary. Belsher is un der arreBt and heavily guarded for fear of lynching. Democrats Carry Chllllcothe. CntixicoTiiK, Mo., May 5. The municipal election yesterday resulted in a Democratic victory, that party electing every officer in the city. Or dinarily the cicy is Republican by about 100, but Uirsch, the Democratic candidate for mayor, was elected by about 200 majority. Governor Stephens Mot Well' Yet Jefferson City, Mo., May 5. Gov ernor Stephens arrived home yester day after an absence of three weeks at Hot Springs and the Tennessee cen tennial exposition at Nashville. He is much improved in health, but is still quite UL Kpauldlng; Cahqot Get HalL Chicago, May 5. All the indicted officials of the defunct Globe Savings bank, with the exception of ex-President Spanlding, gave bonds and were released from custody. Spaulding's bonds foot up nearly 8320,000, and he uouuut ?Ui nioli that amount of surety. Shot for MlttreatlnK III Wife. Natchez, Miss., May .V Dr. Alfred Holt wan shot and probably mortally wounded by Horatio N. Ogden. a com mercial traveller, a brother of Holt's wife. The trouble is said to have been caused by Holt's treatment of his wife. Mlveonrl Hank f'lneed. jKr'KHox Citt, Ma, May 5. Sec retary of State Lesueur has closed the bank of Linn Creek on report of llnnk Examiner V. O. Oldham. It la a pri vate bnfck. neg&uUed August tt, 1SU5, with an authorised capital of 17.000. Kt-Meaalor 'tebree Dead. Cakhom.toso Mo., My fl, Ex-Senator J. W. Sehree, one of the leading attorneys of this avetlon of the state, died at his home in this city at t o'clock yesterday morning, aed 1J years. I. I', . Itiarabura Wealed. Mtxlt'O, Ma. May fc,A effort will Hki ty lx in ile i.i -curw Jo ttlaek burn of Kentucky, toek In the I'iral eotirvaahiiiat dlelriet, ttow lhat W. J, ISryan has wrdUn announcing that he tan awl vUlt MMurl for that purpuee. (laotte t'eae Veil. Col oh 4 Im rmu, Col, Msy I The) batik ln(f hoMttif J. II W heeler 4 l, lth In Maaitoa and Atpen. wont Itti.i the hands f atne yesterday u. truing. SHITE TARIFF IIS. DINGLEY'S BILL VERY MUCH ALTERED. TO GO INTO EFFECT JULY I. Ontlee on Tea, Hide, and Coal Dntle. on Beer and Lead Ores Rallied Ex- tra tlntlee Againtt Forelrn Bounties -Many Changes In Wool Schedule The Lumber Duties. Washington, May 5. The Repub licans of the Senate finance committee secured a clear majority of the com mittee last night, Mr. Jones of Nevada declaring that he would support the measure, and under the agreement with the Democrats Mr. Aldrlch pre sented the bill to the Senate to-day and gave notice that it would be called up on Tuesday, May 18. The time fot the bill to take effect is made July 1, 1897, instead of April 1, as provided in the House, and the words in the first paragraph "or withdrawn for con sumption" are stricken out. SUGAR DUTIES-A TAX ON TEA. Under the sugar schedule, unrefined sugars of all kinds under 87 degrees polarUcope test will be required to pay a duty of 75-100 of a cent per pound; on sugars between 87 and 88 degrees, 79-100 of a cent per pound, and 2-100 of a cent per poiwid extra will be imposed on unrefined sugars above 88 degrees polariscope. On re fined sugars the duty will be 1.16 cents per pound. On all there will also be a duty of 35 per cent ad valorem. Mo lasses will pay from 4 to 8 cents per gallon. Machinery purchased, abroad, im ported and erected in any beet sugar factory and actually used in the pro duction of sugar in the United States from beets produced therein, within two years from July 1, 1897, will be admitted free of duty under such reg ulations as the Secretary of the Treas ury may prescribe. Maple sugar and maple syrup will pay 4 cents per pound; glucose or grape sugar Vi cents per pound; sugar cane in its natural state or unmanufactured 10 per cent ad valorem; saccharine, 91 per pound and 10 per cent ad valorem; sugar candy and all confectionery val ued at 15 cents per pound or less, 4 cents per pound and 15 per cent ad valorem. A duty is levied on tea at the rate of 10 cents per pound until January 1, 1900. After 1900 it is to be admitted free of duty. . . . DUTIES ON HIDES AND COA. The following is the provision in re gard to hides, Which are transferred from the free list: "Hides of cattle, raw or uncured, whether dry, salted or pickled, 1 cents per pound, pro vided that upon all leather exported made from imported hides there shall be allowed a drawback equal to the amount of duty paid on such hides." The word bituminous is stricken out of the coal schedule and all coal made dutiable at 75 cents per ton with a proviso added that the duty on coal and shale shall be 60 cents per ton and on coal slack or culm 15 cents per ton, when imported from any country, colony or dependency that does not impose upon coal, or coal slack or culm a higher rate of duty than those named In this proviso. BEER TO PAY MORE TAX. The internal revenue duty on beer is changed by changiug section 3339 of the revised statutes to read as follows: "Until January 1, 1900, there shall be paid on all beer, lager beer, als, por ter and other similar fermented li quors, brewed or manufactured and sold or removed for consumption or sale within the United States by what ever name such liquors may be called, a tax of 81.41 for every barrel contain ing net more than 31 gallons; and after January 1, 1900. there shall be paid a tax of $1 per barrel on every barrel of such beer, lager beer, ale, porter and other similar fermented liquors (the present rate is $1.)" The retroactive clause of the Ding .ey tariff bill is stricken from the Sen ate bill. 'i in.o Auntie iu.iir.n. 1 The entire House provision relatine , - " " to reciprocity has been stricken out ..... ami me loutjwiujf section suosiuuieu: "That whenever any country, depen- fUnitV .H nnlntl,, Vi u I 1 .. I ... ...... directly or indirectly, any bounty or grant upon the exportation of any article or inerchandim, from such coun-1 try. dependency o.- colony, and such article or merchandise U dutlahie un- der the provision of thk act, then upon tho importation of any such article or merehandU inli ll.Ylt...l States, whether the ..., shall I- Im-! ported directly from th country c production or others Ue and whether such artioU or merchandise l Import ed in tho name condition when mooted from the country vt pro ductlon or ha Wen changed in condition by manufneture or oth er i tli re li.U t levied and paid In all surh c .., lu addition to the dutle Oirie I m ,.,! by thU avt, iil ad tiutf equal to tit net amount of ut'h Mi.iy or grant, however the atne I pUI or betovd. The net auwiui.t of all ui K bounties ur grant mU ! from Hut to llu a'ertind, determined and declared by the eerUry of the Irvaa rv, hu shall tuekt ad nvedfat rgtt latum for the IdeattfieatUm uf auvh rtlelet and mervhaiidlta and for the MMUMt and eultiKtkHf td etii'b 4- d.ttoasl d title" Th Hons roUott la the Urtfl oill keeping in force the Hawaiian re ciprocity treaty is stricken out, the ef fect being indirectly to abrogate the 1 treaty and impose the same duty on Hawaiian sugars as is imposed on sugars from other countries. LEAD ORE RATES INCREASED. Lead ore is increased from 1 cent, which is the house provision, to i cents per pound. LUMBER SCHEDULE CHANGES. The lumber schedule is changed by adding after the word timber the words "hewn, sided or square and round timber" and the duty fixed at the rate of 1 cent per cubic foot as in the house bill . The rate of $3 per ton on all sawed boards, ete. is retained, but when planed on one side, the ad ditional rate is mad a 35 instead of 50 per thousand feet board measure; when planed, tongued and grooved the ad ditional rate is made 7u cents per 1,000 feet board measure instead of SI; if planed on two sides and tongued and grooved, 91.05 per 1,000 instead of 81.50. The house proviso for nn additional duty of 25 per cent ad valorem up on lumber imposed f.-i.ui any for eign country whimi Lupuses an export duty is changed so as to add the amount of the export duty instead of any fixed sum. The duty on kindling wood In bundles is stricken out On shingles the House rate was 30 and the Senate ?5 cents per 1.000; on man ufactures of osier or willow, the House rate was 50 and the Senate 40 per cent ad valorem. On toothpicks of wood or other vegetable substances the House rate was 8 cents and the Senate 1 cent per 1,000 and 15 per cent ad valorem; butchers' and packers' skewers, House 40 cents per 1,000, Senate 20 per cent ad valorem. Placed on the free list are poplar and other pulp woods, heading bolts, stave bolts and railroad ties. MANY CHANGES MADE IN WOOL Many and important changes were made in the wool and woolen schedule as passed by the House. First class wools were reduced from 11 cents per pound, as provided in the House bill, to 8 oents per pound and second class wools from 12 to 9 cents, whereas the duties on wools of the third class were raised. The dividing line in this lat ter class was placed at 10 cents value, wools under that value being made dutiable at the rate of 4 cents per pound instead of 32 per cent ad va lorem as in the House bill. Wools val ued at more than 10 cents per pound were placed at 7 cents per pound in stead of 50 per cent ad valorem. The wool growers failed to secure all the changes which they desired in classifi cation, but it is understood that all the rates fixed on wools themselves are satisfactory to them. Skirted wools of the first class as imported in 1890 and prior to that date are required to pay 1 cent per pound in addition to the rates imposed by this act on un washed wools of class one. Para graphs 263 and 363 and 364 are all stricken out and substitutes provided for them. NEW TARIFFS ON WOOL GOODS. Upon clothes, knit fabrics and all manufactures of every description not especially provided for, valued at not more than 40 cents per pound, the duty is to be three times the duty imposed on unwashed wool of the first class valued at above 40 cents.andnot above 70 cents, four times the duty on un washed skirted wool of the first class and in addition on all the foregoing 50 per cent ad valorem; valued at over 70 cents per pound, four times the duty on unwashed skirted wool of the first class and 55 per cent ad valorem. Women's and children's dress goods, coat lining, etc., valued at 15 cents per yard and less are rated at 5 cents per yard instead of 7 cents as In the house bill, while articles of this class valued at more than 15 cents are re duced from 8 to 6J cents per yard and 50 per cent ad valorem instead of 20 per cent as the house bill added on all of them. The above ap plies to goods the warp of which consists wholly of cotton or other vegetable material. On women's and children's dress goods, etc., which are composed wholly or in part of wool and not specially provided for, the duty is reduced from 11 to 9 cents per yard, with an ad valorem of 50 per cent added. The lute on webbings, gorings, suspenders, eta, is reduced from 60 to 40 cents per pound, though the ad valorem addition of 00 percent is not changed. The blanket paragraph is changed as follows: 1 Blankets and flannels are increased r an ja A , . . from 2(1 to 40 pent nur rwmrwl uml It u ir i.. i, 1.,. 1 is a iso pro vi j the same as i . . ' that imposed upon one and one-half pounds of unwashed wool. An additional duty U allowed 3V ceD ."i in8Vttd, of I art.eles valued at J" . cenU,nn!1 n? m7e U,ttB ! 50 W.n 'r "T fUty Uttl to l,wond hflf ,llnw" U,at V"nA ' uiwhed wm.1 Instead th?tJ th,,t- provided la th ,,OUM bm "m "J valorem of 33 Pr"prn Instead of th IU.iinU rate, on niankoi valued at more than 50 cents per pound, the rate I tnndt three times lhat of uuwathed wool, and an ad valorem duty of 40 er cent la added. Twt Merare la lltaaatt. CiiisaM,OMo, May VUie tiu Tafol wm elected mayor t aiieeved laUtwelt last iii nith he qualified, but l"aM refused t, Muru over the oiUoe. claiming that h e term did Hot iptr MtiUt July 7, IViiding a de cium of the tiiiperlor iurl both are siting a Uiiyor and making tioint menu. latdweU and M aptiointeee hat o4Uu of I he eity hall. Wetwte lel Heave Vi iuQi, May l-Theealy nom Illation art tu tl.e Miate W.lx by i tha prtdt ouUUte wf a few army hMrrituviMott wa lhat f M .Mayor Velwier twvi .f Hawt llty ! N I liy auUisat aeeivtaiy t partiiMint, the tiiWrlor de Much in Little Is especially true of Hood's Pills, for no medi cine ever contained so great curative power In so small space. They are a whole medicine rui InJ chest, always ready, al ways efficient, always sat isfactory; prevent a cold or fever, cure all liver ills, Pills sick headache, Jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. SHAW. STIGER and JEWETT ... PIANOS Farrand and Votey ARE BOLD BY THE Matthews Piano Co., 130 So. 13th St., LINCOLN, NEB. THE FAMOUSj . KIMBALL" PlftNOS j)RGftNS Received the Highest Award at the World's Fair. Endorsed by Patti, Nordica, Danerosch. Seidl, Arditi, Gilmore, Sonsp., DeRezeke, Alvary, Leiblina, Kunkle, llem enyi, Musin, and over one hund red of the world's greatest musi cians. They are the lowest priced high grade instruments made, and you are cordially invited to examine them at 212 8o, 11th 8t. LINCOLN MUSIC HOUSE T. J. CURTIS, MGR., KASYTER M 8. I N Mm Legislative Gallery, Portrait and 129 So. Uth St. : GALLERY ESTABLISHED IN 1871. Work Guaranteed. Prices Low. - r Dr.Reynoldw Will visit any part of the state to perform opera tions or in consultation with your family physl cian. PHONES 685 AND 656. OFFICE KOOM3- 17,18,19, Burr Blk., Lincoln, Neb. UNDERTAKERS Ills. 11th RU Lincoln, Nebraska. Telephones Ofllce, 410, ltesM4Tt. A. D. Ot'ILI .T. KORKHlt P. D- SHGRWIN DENTIST.... Cotiliiiiir riMim Vttoor BUR BLK lierlll LINCOLN gi"lll''!ilpiwWW'i.lii'';!P'tii' NEBRASKA OP RE D. lUamiilia, retviut, IiJb; m4 lums lnttblev It b but th trvih to say that baad de ol )wopl uRrnaf from aho asd thef ilieeaaee ave Uwaeured tof Ifreatlf swueliied bt lea im id tbe MiedwiaaJ enure at lt Mprlane, K, U. If yuv an lalefeeltd, addreea to Mirlluhv, A. H, Ii lIiM,l'liy wk , arts ! (, i IT (tou'li Tenth ., Ur-a, ,S.b, I The Elite Studio Will give you Five Per Cent OB ii you clip This Add Out AND BRING IT ALONG Tho Most Popular Art Establishment in the City. 226 8. Eleventh St,TUQ rito Ground Floor. I "C LIIIC SULPHO-SALINE Bath House and Sanitarium ConsrMth AMBts., LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Open at Alt Hours Day and Night All Forms of Baths. Turkish, Russian, Roman, Electric. Vita Speelal atUnUoa to the applleatlea el NATURAL SILT WATER BATHS. Several tlm troaeer taaa see. vawr. ' amatlem. Mkia. Hoi and Nervooa Die laeae. Liver aad Kldoev TrosMee aad Oareaw are treated ecee.fsllr. auSea Bathlngg) aj se ealored at all eeaeens la ear large SALT iWlMMINa POOL, Mtl4f leet, I to U feet deep Seated to aatforai teaperatare of M daerees. Drs. II. H. & J. O. Everett, Maaaftaf rvllaa Comfort To California. Yes, and econnmy, too, it you take the Burlington Route's personally conduct ed once-a-week excursions iwhich leave Liiicoln'eviry Thursday at 6:10 p. m. f Tourist bloerc clean. briirht. comfortable thro' to San Fraucisco and' Los Anireles. Second-class tick ets accepted. Only $5 for a double berth wide enough and big enough for two. Write for folder giving ' full information. Or call at the B. & M. deoot or citv office corner Tenth and 0 street, Lincoln. Neb. ' G. W. Bon nell, C. P. & T. A. I ox. to l lb. i w bMl Hruta minim I Iuhv.! frtate. HI VI W IUIIUHI H . Irul, Biif of Hnuofuiiinn. ft -j-i,'-o.71,--I-.i.V1 H ndts Af SpeUltUt; at lec than, M bolaale pri- p tV-MlHlKHd.t Fi'i-l Ml lS rtTBS tr'H , urn Voni, Cttff-tMI'h, K'trw. 1.- ar, toinh. R1nfitf. K-'l-ii(l, Pl .tt - wiiti Hr MAI.KSe H'-ni far Trt-1 tnltn nni hw ( Si. .U.mi-v, ' B. Jef arson B4 LH.CA'0 BOAl.S rrt . Ohtcicm. TU SteelTanks j Galvnnlzu.i. in all E. B. WINGER, (A") 1 hlracn. Every TlmrKduy viiinjjr .a tourit Hlwepiiigciir lor Suit l,nkn City. Smu Friisu'ifco uml Iiih Ani'li'i li'iivc Omn tin iiii'l l.iui'iilii via ili Itiiiliiiirion rmit'-. It i cnri. ti-il, ui'liiilxictvil in riiltiin: luix Hii'insr wni mill ImckH. nnd in .rii nlnl uith rurlii nn, IhmIiIiii -toUf'fi, im , "li', An i'Xiwiiicitl t ciirMiuii ciMiiliii'tor mid n iititfoi ,.ir 1'ullmtiii i'i! trr urcuiiipiiiiy it llironU tO tllM I'lll'ilU' I'llllHt. Wliiln ii.-it It.-r mi -xftiwvi"ly ltirnihd unr nn Huh to limk nt nn u .iilic tifH-r it 'in jttiet iim iriiod to rt li in . Shi'oiii cIuiim ln ki ln ii r hoiinri-d, mui ! jiriin ol a erili, iill' HUMtull Mini liijj fliOUKh for two ia only f . Kuril IuI'Iit yiirinu fu l mrt ritliiia cull at ili It. Si M it.-put ori-ny nilUi-, cor ner 'IV ii III Mini (I tr.' t. . U W. l!o.M,i.L. C. V. mid T. A. LAMB ADAM 8 Attoroeyt at Lw, Liaoeta Kib. I.KU4L Mines .l fklllipe. J iM.. Ii fhitlis A llwl ('. J. till. IS He B. ..!,, , ,.,r m ,b,, l;.r.i.'. !.. .-I, l m,mUt Ant t""mml '". I"- . I , loan. .( at, ii.,-. I to.w UH4 II al, M.lBt.. .1,1 lu.. lklull,. . .U t wf, Wi n. II. la ih i'.iiiv .uml ,.l 1 , .,! (odidrt, loua ... ... , .. Bk.i w, a.r. u.e ,1. ..e m i,.i. , 11 t( Uitmi j,,.; a aas ....,...., ,,. ,,., j,,,4ll aea ialet alaw.alaaia i.i,.wi, , la a4 ik...e i....i, iM..K,. ! tH I ..... k ., 1 . k.t,e 1 ... the .i o., ,., s,j 'l Hi a at kiAm. u j.ia . wv J... a,......, fcj , 11.,., nZm'mlT: Ik. MI4 M 18!, eivej m m. afewhw, utkm4 J .S ne h lu .4 eeiiliwe a. u. e ll.i e ul . " lai.4 Ikw titi 41 mi . i tmt , ii. .!..,. 1 tz IV av.--Ja