f April 29 1897. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. I -V. mm MEN'S AND BOY'S The best Great Clothing Sale takes effect will begin today with lay in a five year's supply. 1,000 and you can take your choice of the $7,45 and $9.45. We will also sell Men's neat ani stylish business suits at $2.50, and strictly all wool suits at $3.50. Many of the suits in the special lots have been sold at double the price at which they are being sold. Boy's suits as cheap as the Men's. This will be the greatest suit sale on earth. If you can use clothing be on hand. . THE 104-106 N. LINCOLN, : : ANDY rn)) to A 11 TA1 11 111 AWIA I. TV CU RE C01ISTI PATIO tl 10 k ! 25 so . I RUrtT TITPT V HTI S R 1 KTFrn t0 "ure nT f const ipntlon. Cascarcte are tlie Ideal faxa flDOUliUlllLI UUflRttlUljIjU ti. nTer erip or tripe, but faoseeaay natural result. Sam ple and booklet free. Ad. KTERMSO KEHKIIY CO.. Chirazo. Montreal. Can., or New York. sit. 6.00 fir . :h nn 'ft We Pay the FREIGHT For $5, we will deliver the following combination to any railroad station in Nebraska: COMBINATION NO. 93. 40 lbs best granulated sugar ?l 00 1 three gallon beg syrup.. , 1. 00 1 ten lb kit White Fish 75 1 lb Bent 50e Tea 50 2 lbs Best Baking Powder 50 6 lbs Choicest Rice '. 50 G lb Beet lUisins 50 1 lb Ilio & Juvu Coffee 2f. Every article warranted. Send lor our complete price list. The Farmer's Grocery Cc. efl-24 N. 10th St.. Llnroln. Neh. Send Ave one-cent stamps lo J. B. ARMSTRONG. Shenandoah, la., for 20 page book 1 1 in Im on Corn ('rowing and 4 sample packages of bent varieties. Yon cannot miss'it in doimr o. His varieties are Eaiily Yku. w Hohk.Snow, flake Whitk. I'iiipk ok tug Noiith, and Ahmhtkong's Moiitoaok Liftkii. The emit corn season i 1 HlMi only reived to add n'w nnd vuhmil testimony to the great worth of the I'nrl.v Yellow Hone for Nebrnska growers. Price to suit tne times. Don' Read This If you do you will take your meals at the MercliunU' dining halt, 11th and P etreet when in the city. They coat only 10 cent and up. Everything the bent and served nt nil hour. 0. E.H0UCK. Our motto To. please and not to rob you. Come and us. 61 Why pay profits to middlemen, i!nn , you ran bur your furniture diret from the great firm of ltude A Morrie. h vaddvertlmrnt Oil plU.1l 3. To reduce atiM-k wewill retail erriaue, urr'yi, Huggi, I'hnHoh. 'nmp-al, road-wngon ami spring wagon tit wboleeal price lor bir day. Hll.l.WlfcH H tl UK, 1135 M Html. 99 y Corn before the new McKinley tariff prices so low you will want to Men's Suits in four great lots different tables at 4. 45. $5.45, 3E3EXJ3B Tenth St. NEBRASKA. CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS INTERESTING FICTION - - ' We announce with pleasure that we have just secured for publica tion i n this paper the following list of new Copyrighted Stories by ' authors who are well and favorably . known to all our readers: HPaircf Players By Viola Roseboro Trar.k Ulinscerabe's fieroism By Percy Rossellj Pmmrance $ Pluck By Edith Sessions Tupper Cbc Green Eyed monster By Florence Marry at J Strange Experience By Opie Read -T," CDe typewritten tetter By Robert Barr t 1 Padre flmbresio's Beads v ! By Clarence Pullea .' RndelpD By Mary V. Shelley H Deal on 'Change . By Robert Barf Chicken Mite Exterminator AND Lice Killer. Lice, miteii and flea on poultry and took easily and thoroughly removed. No diiHting, greasing, dipping or hnndl. ing of poultry is needed. Send for cir cular that tells all about it. Audit wanted. One-half gallon, 50 cents, one gallon 75 rent, five gnllou. 3.00. M a n u I net u red by Jnme Cntneron. Hearer Cit.v. Neb. Bewin of OintmtoU for Okttnb that OvoUlo Mercury. u amirf III rlf ilaatrar tli mm ol imM aad riBiUllf 4rna ih waula mua wht nurlu It tkmacb lh kiiniM rlara. Ma.'k arilclM hoalil r ba Mi oa pf-ilp- Una trnnt rapaiabl bhrnii-tiia. m lha ilknui ik'f will 4i la la U4 In laa il fi a albljr J.na truia tam. Mail' Taiarra t ara, naaataclarwl br t.t. A , Tulwto, ., roataiaaao nareary, al la takca latraallf, na illflir apua lh bloo.l an.l HtaMiaaaar '' k iba a.ttM, la bun Ian liana lala'rk ,'vrah tar ma rt tbaaoaa1. Ill lakaa (liarnllr, a4 aiala la I ..i.le, Ohio, Uy V, i, i7ba A Cn. riMn,ll tn. by rafiaU, irtM It bottla, Tli patiniHlatl i!o of eipoaition biit.MiugM, npurt from ll gnveruMH'Mt And at.ita hull. 1ihk, in . U.OtHI, )a anx) that tne sum totiil of lb ro o( ripoaitinn LuilJina, of err kind, in rinding thoa of diflxriFtit aUle and of i:tjtHaaionari, will approiimat l, IMHI.tMH). HE OPPOSES A CONFERENCE Fully Sen Forth Hi Viewi in a Letter to tbo Southern Mercury. The Independent has received an ad- vaucecopy of a letter Ironi tjetural Manter Workman, J. R. Sovereign to Milton Park of thenatinual reform press association. Mr. Sovereign plaiuly op pose a conference at this time and gives hix reasons together with some interest ing political history. The letter is as follows: Sulphck Springs, Ark., April 16. 1897. Hon. Milton It. Pauk, Chairman of Committee of N. K. P. A., I)'allas,' Tex. Dear Sir: Have just returned after a mouths absence iu the east and find your tavor ol April 1st on my taoie. You aek my opinion on the propriety of holding in the near future a national legate conference of the people's party as recommended by the national reform press association at its Memphis meet ing. .... In reply I beg to say that 1 am decid edly opposed to sucli- conference at this time. 1 can conceive ol no gooa resuu from a conference that is invited and de manded from the point of the dagger. Such a national meeting will necessarily result in a conflict instead of a confer ence. I would not expect a more kindly spirit manifested in the conference than has been manifested by many of those who are foremost m demanding it Manv of our so-called "middle-of-the. road'' workers who took the initiative in the demaud for a conference have not exprened the same chnrity for the opin ions ot others in our party mar iney an mand for their own. They preluded their noneul for a conference with vitu peration nnd abuse of certuin pnrty leaders nnd upon cluiruen of dishonesty to our nartv based their clamor for a Lconference. Some of us during the cam pnign of last year entertained an uneasy desire to see our poor our. deserving run lions released from the grasp of a merci less money oligarchy, home of ns may have strained a point hero and there with the hope of relieving our impover ished working people and our mortgaged farmers from the rule of the gold power. But if such nets constitute a crime against our party, necessitating a na tional convention, it is my opiuion, the conference, if called, will do much to di vide and nothing to harmonize there form forces of 1 his party. For my part I have no apology to make and did nothing during the late campaign that I would not do again Under similar circumstances. I cast my first vote for Peter Cooper and have been in the reform movement outside both old parties ever since. I wns a del egate to the organization of the people's party atJCinciunati, seconded Watson's nomination at St. Louis, cast my eh c toral vote for him in January and wns among the first to send kind greetings and congratulations to Hon. Frank Burkett on his election to the presidency of the national reform press association andassure him of good will and co operation. Yet for some little difference of opinion on party policy I am being held tip to scorn and abuse by the "Mer cury" and other organs foremost in pressing this conference meeting. I belong to the people's party because I believe in its principles. They were taken from the Kniirhts of Labor. But with me, my country and tii claims of Immunity are above every ptirty con eiderotion. V. J. Bryan may entertain some opin ions on public questions which I do not endorse. But he made the most gallant fight against the money powerever made by any American since the foundation of the republic. The combinations of capitnl that have opposed the people's party since the day it was organized were the same that op posed Bryan. He drew the same fire and incurred the same hatred against which the people's party have ever con tended. I love him for the single gold standard democrats who hate him and for the shy locks and bondholders who despise his very name. I think an Amer ican who cannot rise above party and take a high patriotic stand iu the hour of national distress is unfit to belong to a party, and no conference or conven tion can ever bind me to subordinate the welfare of the whole people to the perpetuation of party machinery. I love the people's party for the good it can do and for uo other cause. If the conference which you seek was called. I have no doubt some of our Texas brothers would denounce me as a traitor to my party Then I would hold up an Australian ballot which came to me from the first Texas congressional district. It is h-aded "official Ballot. Election November 3, 1896." On the ballot five tickets nre printed ns follows: Democratic ticket, republican ticket, na tional democratic ticket, prohibition ticket, independent ticket. The ballot contains no people's party ticket, not even the name of a atson elector on the whole ticket. But under the repub lican ticket nnd immediately following the names of the McKinley and Hobart uoldbug electors appears the name of Jerome Kearby for governor nnd II. S. Ash by far lieutenant governor fol lowed by the balance of the people's party state ticket. With that ballot and other equally strong evidence in my possession 1 would have little trouble convincing a part of the convention, at least, that what the "Mercury" cnlhi a "middle-of-the-rond" ticket Is really u disreputable fusiou with the Mark 11 mi ll it combine nnd the gold gamblers of the world. With such question before n national convention both the party nnd the cause would suffer incalculable injury. , Lnst Hummer I ns introduced ton "liliddle-of -th-rod meeting by ft presi dent ol n single gold stnndiird Hub who woreu McKinley lindir and whs it ca, per nnd n Hunker for Mnrk Mniini. Tli corruption fund ol the Kold combine was freely ud to stimulate the "niiiKlle-ott'ie-rtutd ceinpnign and middle of the roilder ere givwil tree railroad tu kela to travel over the country In ork up !iord and disruption In our party, and while at Washington, D. ('., a few diva nau i found tulddl of the rondrrs plend Ing piteously lor r-eounil'on t tl, rounder of IVaident MrktnUy. With tlu-w fact Mor hm I mil ol It opin ion Hi it it would be well tor u to wait until Mr h little Uttr ifnnMtd bt'lorw liAV a foiilereniv, defend the action ol ( lintrmnn Hutler I , it I think is right. II supported I be a lira - pie's parly tu ki and you did not, 1 wr no HI will toward th-u-ple o( 1 ia nor ol any other omluri Ktate. They are as honest and patriotic as ever enlisted in the cause of reform in any country. But in eonie of the middle of the road leaders 1 have little confi dence. They do not want a victory for the people and would not have it if they could. Keeiiectfully yours. J, 11. SOVKHKIGN. THE VOICE OK THE PEOPLE. Id thla column we will publliib communication ot a worthy nod nultnlile character, received from nuliwrilwrB to thin paper. No communi cation should contain more than 300 word. Mannmrlpt will not be returned. The Line of Daly. Cambridge, Xeb., April 16,1807. Editou Indepkndent: In my eetlma- tion, a note of warping by the reform press should early be sounded against any affiliation or any conference what ever with that undent and traitrous ele ment who sail under the name of na tional democracy. It is that element in it and in all parties ' who bring ruin and poverty to all of that class w ho do business under the name of thegreut middle class, which includes all retail merchants, small manufactures, those who toil by the day, month or year, in cluding forty-four per cent of our popu lation the funning olemcnt. these ele ments united constitute some eighty per cent of our entire population whose in terests nre ignored und wholly bo, by tho Other twenty per cent. This selfish, hogish, traitrous creed tins dominated our entire governmental policy for the last fifty years or more. Through secret combinations entered into tor control of our entire productive enpacities by this single noli! standard element who regard not the name of party only us a means whereby to control legislation and have the judges of our courts forepledged to maintain their supremucy. I judge from just utterances of our true independent leuders nnd such true relorin men as William J. Bryan that-any attempt at conciliation compromise or other name, will be a failure on the part of Clevelaud &to. But nisny honest reform men may be blinded to their true interests by silence on our part by ignoring this new movement in New York, who sail under the piratical flag nnd name of na tional democracy. 'I bus it has ever been a thief or a thug always ap proaches under cover of right as a name 1 he outcome 'of the Chicago convention conducted uccording to the ancient usuoges of its party left this trnitrous element without a leg to stand on. In order to be enabled to do business at all a new name was ndded to catch the un wary or idiotic while this class referred to went boldly over to their friends of the old combine and are the originators of and members of trusts and all combi nations who toil only with their mouths but gather tho profits of all legitimate labor into their rapacious mow. In the campaign of 1900 no mistake must be made in wasting our work or means cant of Ohio The other fellows have too strong a grip east of that state with their wealth and cry of pro tection to the interest of the wage earner for the reform element to overcome, Another matter of importance to us a as retoriners is not to nominate any man east of Ohio or to trust them in any capacity where harm can be done, It is i rue that this rule has its excep tions but in so few cases is it true ou int. rests should not be trusted to thorn Washburns attempt to side-track silver should be a lesson to us forever more We have enough such men ns VauDer Voort Dech & Co., to guard ngainst as it is, no need of any more. Their vote is as uncertain as their work is plain. All praise to William J. Brvan and such as he in purging the democratic party of its leaders, its thieves and bangers on. It wns a stupendous undertaking to put the spirit of life Into a party so nearly dead, by!the hand of this trait rous crew, as was done under Bryan's leadership. It was unparalleled in our history or in the history of the world and by jieaceable mums. I have care fully watched our legislature through the columns our paper and while it is true that many reform measures were made into good laws, (if executed) it is also true nsn whole, that they fail short of our rensonable expectations ns to in comes and it is also true that as a whole we had the most capable and honest set of men ever convened within the state's history. Here we feel proud of Wins low's fltiht against a large appropria tion for the Omaha corporation show his fight for the 10 cent corn raiser against Bosa Oxnard &Co., and his vote as a whole. The senate cured its defect to a certain extent on its first proposition in favorable action on the corn and hay steal at South Omaha stock yards. Tlmnks to Meserve. WTe who knew him had no doubt of his promise being kept to do his duty as the law directed. Our duty is to keep such men In office as Allen and Holcomb and so will we pros per as a party end so will the people who have been long suffering. William II. Allen. GOVERNMENT 8AVINGS BANKS. The Successful Manner Thry are Oper ated in Austria and Hungary. Kmitoh Inpkpkkpknt: In volume 1, pages 121-122 report of the comptroller of the currency for 18W0, will bo found the following Interesting report of the workings of the postal savings banks of Austria-Hungary, by Bartlett Tripp, ln it I'd States mluister, and is ol much importance to the people of thiarountry, eesciii!ly so since the savings banks are gradually going to the wall involv ing hundred of million of dollar of theenvinir of the tple and inhere prt-wntwl in full for the catvful eonetd-r Htmii of nil is-raons who nr interested in the etiihlialnnut of postal saving in Oil country. "The poatrtl diMumit nnd saving bank U n government Institution nndr ts control of the poatwl department, with gftiieral olflc In Vienna end brsheli others at every pot ottU-e throughout the monarchy, On oiiih an si.-iinnt the depositor U ttlgud trtaln urbr, whkh, together with hi name and h-tdrtwa, nprr upon tt checks, deMlt rumple, etiit'tiieet of account, and all pnp'ra relating to tb trtma Mi'llutia id au-h depositor with tha liHiik. The diHaltir purr baa from tha bwi k this b.iok crmting about ft pf hun dred rhcrke, book id dintait bUn, coating UiU'. 40 rrnt per bundled bin ti a a, lha same, ftddree nod number ESTABLISHED 1880. Bafaranoa, thia paper. 174 SOUTH WATER of the depositor being printed on encli check and deposit blank; in addition to these the depositor is furnished with en velopes addrpssed to tlifgpneral malinger of the bunk of Vienna,at thecost of about ten cents per hundred. Tho depositor uses the postal bunk not only us an ordinary bank deposit which allows the depositor 2 per cent on open acconnts, but also as a nipans of puying all hills and collect all indebtedness in everv part oi. the eity or country, free of nil postage or charges to the depositor. The system in vosrue, which is both simple nnd practical; is briefly as follows: if a depositor wishes to pav a debt to a cred i tor i n any part of Austria-1 1 u ngn r v, he simply nils out n postal chock to the order of his creditor with address of same together with the date and amount incloses it in one of the special envelopes addrcesed to theireu'ral offlcnin Vienna, and the post office nuthorities find the pavee, pnv the amount and tnke his re ceipt for same. Within twenty-four hours the depositor receives through the postofflce, from the central office of the bank in Vienna, a statement show ing the transaction. It contains date, name of deponitor, number of the check, amount nnd iifimo of post oftlce where it hns been pn id, also cush balance of the depositor. These statements reach the depositor after every transaction. If there have been several transactions iu one dsy, they all'apppar on the state ment of the day. The depositor is thus kept informed ns to the condition of his ti ceo u nt every twenty-four hours, pro vided he hns drawn or made a deposit during the previous day. 1 The check of the depositor forwarded as above, thus becomes a postofflce order without in curring the trouble, time and expense which the latter system involves. The depositors pay all their bills in this man ner, whether in the same city or in dif ferent parts of Austria-Hungary. The receiver of the money sends his usual re ceipt by mail to the payer and in addi tiou the latter has the daily statement from the postal bank that such a num bered check for such an amount was paid on such a day. Furthermore, if the creditor, to whose order the check is paid, is also a depositor in the postal bank, as it is the custom for all business houses who are depositors iu the postal bank to have their deposit number printed on all their bills, statements, re- ceipts and business cards, the debtor fills in the check with filename nnd deposit! number of his creditor, forwards it in t he same manii'T free of postage to the general office in Vienna, nnd the creditor j receives his daily statement that his ac count has been credited by so much from depositor No. (giving number of debtor) and likewise the debtor or issuer of check receives his daily statement that hisaccount has been debited by a like amount paid to account of depositor io. (giving tho number of creditor.) : Thus an enormous nmount of trans action takes plnce without the cash be ing withdrawn from the bank. , The deposit banks consist of two parts, each containing the name, address and number of depositor printed on their face, in addition to which each blank contains its epecial number in its order in the book, which number appears on both divisions of the blank. The blanks are used in two ways: If a depositor wishes to make a cash deposit, he fills in a blank with the amount and date, presents it with the cash in person or otherwise, at the nearest postofflce, (there nre 125 postofflces in ,Vienna alone.) The postmaster or his deputy receives the deposit, places the date stamp of the postofflce on both portions of the blank, separates the letter, affixes his signature to one portion, which he gives to the depositor ns a rewipt. The other portion is turned into the general office with the cash at the end of the day. Within twenty-tour hours, the depositor receives his daily state ment, showing his account credited with the obove transaction and enclosing the other half of the deposit, blank.' If a depositor semis a bill to one ol his debt ors he usually encloses one of his deposit blanks; the person receiving the bill fills in the amount of the bill on both portions of the deposit blank, adds his name and address, aud presents it or sends it with the money to the nearest postolllce, receiving half of the deposit blank, signed ond stamped as above, which he attaches to the original bill ns a receipt. When the depositor receives his next daily statement from the bnnk, he sees at once that his uccount hns been credited by the amount of the bill he has sent to his debtor, and with the statement he receive the other half of the deposit blank which whs presented by his debtor at the postolflue when the I iwded y poor, tired mth-t, ili bltiUted and run ituwn lirrauno el ., thill lkd. Il tp I itrr.li'il ly the Im-oiiih suRerrr, tit lis il and eoiiH-n ltur-d with rln-iiiialim. neurjiU;. dw'iii. senifuU, raturth. JMp roiiHi oai. kly ls n IPssl's trvsrd!t U vnt l rn. rit-lt. purity ami tltitlUe tli tsl met it til l alius. IMXittt,lll,, IIOmelalitMl l.-4iil l 11 tlw Mtrs, munch and wgait id th !(. Garoaparilla UttkOMT1tttlk4l,tM All W. l. t-ft4 sl kt I'" U9 ' , st k em Itwr lltt W IlOOil t I'll IS UM,ft)Wwpwta, p. Mr. U fitvi iu makkit, it u tlie only way to get tti true value provided you have a good respouitUe house to handle It for you. We offer ourselves as auch to all who would like to ahlp to this market and who desire to have their wool sold PROMPTLY at Us FULL VALUE. T.e.SlkePU,C!SFRSAVES Md QUICKER RE TURNS lor wool than any house In this market. In this way we have succeeded In pleasing our shippers and hold ing their tiade, until the year 189T finds us on top . By our quick sides and prompt returns we have to some extent REVOLUTIONIZED the wool trade in this market, we Invite correspondence from all parties who have wool and especially those who have shipped to this market with unsatisfactory results. Bend us your samples If you want to know the grade and value of your wool before shipping. Write for our WOOL REPORT wlU give you the range of the market and Information of value, LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE. SACKS FURNISHED ?PS5s JUifi!-51311" KAY GRAIN aai GENER AL SUMMERS. MORRISON 5 CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. STREET. CHICAGO IIX. later made the deposit in his favor. In order that the depositors may enjoy all the abov-privileges and conveniences, together wit h free postage and 2 per cent, interest, on deposit, each depositor is required to keep a constant balance of 100 llnrins on deposit unless he expresses a desire to close up his account; there fore the daily statements are most use ful and necessnry. An v check he may dra w, the payment of winch would re duce his lin Illume to I k rentier Imlow 100 florins, would be refused payment; there fore all payments are made direct from the one central office in Vienna, though they mn.v be made through any post office in the monarchy. As there are upwards of 1,000,000 depositors, h government has the use of 10(1,000.00(1 florins permanently, and it is not nn ex'iirirerafed estimate to cal culate the nversge balance for each de positorut l,00(t florins, so that the iioveriimeiit has an average sum of 1,000,000,000 florins constantly at its disposal." ? LewbJ. Ihm, ( ) tiiahn. Nebraska. 2811 t'nss street tnSi That fltrlkM alPUuMmtkm rt Ow lAttlm One. i Charlie Ofay, M years old. an4 a wr rlsrht lad. is the ot J. W. Orsjr, , sashler of the Exchange Bank, Bxlr. Town.. Thre months asro this child was wilting; under the blighting effects of nf ected Catarrh. , . Ilia father, In writing to Dr. Bhepard of il treatment, says: CHARLIE GRAY, EXIRA, IA. "Our Charlie is as healthy and sound :oday as any child could be. When we placed him under Dr. Shepard's care he was badly atllicted with Catarrh and hay fever, lie couldn't breathe through his loso and was nlways trylns? to e'ear the jassagree by hawking, spitting and -coughing.- The Catmr'n had bothered him for i, lonfj time and jut feeincd to rob him jf all his natunU vitality. He was rua lowo, wpflk arid (Emaciated. After travel- -ir-r thronnit the west with him In hopes jf' restoring his health, I became dis couraged und called, at your oilice last fall. 1 most hesini:y thank you for your Kind and thorough interest In his case, tn a result of your work my boy la as healthy and w tl as any boy In lowa, Vour Home Treatment, throufth the malls, has cured Mm completely, and at a very small cost to me." Intentlliiur lintlents, or parent. of etillilreii who nvvA "(lie treatment (hat enres," should write to J. W. Gra', Cusliler of The Exrliansre Hank, Kvlrn, Iowa, nnd nsk If the above etntenient Is renlly trne. Mr. Gray will tnke pleasure In rt plylnsf. UY MAIL. Those living away from Omaha who suffer from e-bronle disease may have a sppelellut" opinion without chnrue. The syHcm of mull. treatment pur sued by us erunrnntees the seme ef fective result to those who desire to submit their euses tlirnuuii corre spondence ns to those who. come to the olllce. end nt the some price. Symptom Illnnks sent to nil iippH eunts. Mpeclnl ntanUs for men. J Sprclnl ISInnks for women. , I . j 0 3K J c. s. nnd siirrpvitn. Associate. M. f ? 1 f'nnaiiltififf I Conn ( Physicians ROOMS 311, 312 AND 913 NEW YORK UPE UL'ILUINO. OMAHA. NBR Otflce Hours to 11 a. m., I to p. in, Evenings Wednesdays and Saturdays only to & Sunday-10 to U m. DOOS ARE NOT PROPERTY The Supn m Court of the United Butt to Decides. In a cane taken to the l.'nitetl Htatee supreme court front the state of Loul. sinnii Involving the vnlu of a dog, Ju. tice Urown ileliverej the opinion of the court. It refused to allow damages and stated the law in relation to dog a lul'ows: "Th very fact that they are without protect-on of the crimlusl law, show (hit property in dg i of an iniMrfec' or fpixlifted nature and that they stand a it were, tweti nnwirtU frerae na turne, in ehii h un'il uteiied, there i uo prois-rty, and domestie animal in which lh rltfht of animal is nun piste. Titer ar nol conidtrvd a hing upo the nie plane e itH dointMlki amtiisl. hut ratlcr in th category ot animate kept lor pleeeure, cnrioiy r eapfMi. i ni k dometie animal tltey are uetul ni t her a Ueawt of bur J.e, for draufbl nr for fHid. ThNw York legielalur ha pmh1 a Ull to aiitkorUe the ahlmkment of ferui erhtHil for the Uy it of New York city. ' ' m fit ) : Mm 1. rv x