THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. April t, t8o7 m mm ems TWO ARE NOW BEFORE CONGRESS. REGULATE NEWSPAPERS Coowreesnssa Bar of Ifew York and Hepbara of lew the Authors Edi tor Maj Bava to Kaap a Coro ner oa Their Staff Pro visions of tba Meatnre Decidedly Novel. Wabhisoton, March 30. The bill ol Representative Bay of New York, to prevent the multiplication of aulcides, propose "that no newspaper or so- called police gazette shall be transmit ted through the mails of the United States which con tp Ins any picture of a suicide or any details relating1 thereto beyond the simple statement of death by suicide, giving name, date and place." lie adds a proviso "that further particulars may be given by medical journals in the interest of science," and provides further that "any Judicial officer of the town or county in which the matter is being investigated may order such particulars relating thereto to be published as shall serve the ends of justice." This last proviso affords a way out. Editors will have to keep a coroner on their staffs to order further particulars containing pictures of the tragedy published to "serve the ends of justice," or they may run a medical column and print the particu lars and pictures therein "in the in terest of Bcience." Mr. Kay gravely provides "that any person violating the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be punUthed by a fine of.not less than $35 or by imprisonment not exceeding ninety days." Mr. Hepburn of Iowa has introduced a bill "to forbid the transmission by mail or interstate commerce of any picture or description of any prize tight or its accessories.'' It provides "that no picture or description of any, prize fight or encounter of pugilists under whatever name, or any proposal or record of betting on the same, shall be transmitted in the mails of the United States or by any common car rier engaged in interstate commerce, whether in a newspuper or periodical, or in any other form," and further, "that any person sending such mat ter for transmission by the mail or interstate commerce, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than one year, at the discretion of the court, or by a fine not exceed ing 1,000; provided, that the provis ions of this act shall not apply to any person not engaged in the prepara tion, publication or sale of such pro hibited newspaper, periodical or pic ture." THOMAS RYAN NAMED. The Kansaa Made tint Interior Assist ant Evan Pension Commissioner. Washington, March 30. The Presi dent sent to the Senate to-day the nomination of ex-Congressman Thomas Ryan of Kansas to be first assistant secretary of the the Interior and of Ilenry Clay Evans of Tennessee to be pension commissioner. The President also sent in the fol lowing nominations: , Charlemagne Tower of Pennsylvania to be envoy ex traordinary and minister plenipoten tiary to Austria-IIung .ry; Anson Bur lingame Johnson of Colorado to be consul at Fu Chan, China; William S. llallenberger of Pennsylvania to be second assistant postmaster general. FEAR ANTI-TRUST LAWS. Labor Leaders Worried Over the Re- cent Supreme Court Decision. Kansas City, Ma, March 30. The leaders of the labor organizations of Kansas City have expressed fears that the Sherman anti-trust law, which has broken up railroad traflic associations, will be applied sooner or later to labor unions with disastrous effects to the unions. P. E. Duffy, secretary of the Industrial council of Kansas City and a leader in local labor circles, said to-day that lie expected that labor unions might be attacked at any times by their enemies on the ground that they violate the Sherman law. He refused to discuss the question at length. Kansas Hallroad Complaints. Tort k A, Kan., March 30. Citizens of lavenworth county and city have pe titioned the U to railroad connulmilon to change and letter the train nor vice npon the Kansa City, Wyandotte A Northwentern railroad. The commu nion will grant a bearing. A Mtitlon was received from nhipiHm asking for the betterment uf freight service on the Santa r between Leavenworth and Argentine. The Santa te now has the case under consideration. till ha fhatea la Keatarkr. I'MAXhrour, Ky., March 3d. Sev eral pairs were announced in the first Joint weimtun of the legislature Unlay, and the senatorial ballot ru!te; Hunter , litaekburn 41, i'tivia I.', Ikijfla 7, Stone 1. A Cfela) I !. Br. Lovia, Mo.,, Match 31 l,x ls.n, frramt recorder of the ( hln I'm uaoat in Amariea, w buried hr. Ills olxniUU occupied wo blocks ot M lx-uta street h,r several hour, pro vMed eaUrUlnmrnt for s.iaw tla, and wared more horses than the polle hava any rv4 f. A Mtaefa fMriwaa fat s r Wesnaa. Utiiixt, M, March S'i M. Mary (III trap of tbi tmuaty has fall heir MliflM'f lh dtaih of l'arkk IV fculln, who was thought U We lu Brf r elrvutueUnota bliuaatt SIX CHILDREN DROWNED. i Waroa Overturned la Kaaaaa Creek The Mother Savea Herself. Seneca, Kan., March Jl. Last Sun- lay morning Mrs. John McGrath, wife f one of our pioneer farmers, living sixteen miles northwest of here, hitched up the team, getting the chil dren in the wagon, and started to visit a neighbor. The stream, Pole creek, which she had to cross, was greatly swollen by heavy local rains, but she did not think the water as high as it was. The iwlft current upset the load of six children and herself into the stream, and all were drowned but the mother, who managed to save herself. The lix children ranged from 14 years of age down to 8 months. Search for the bodies of the drowned children was begun immediately. Two were found in a short time, and three more were recovered yesterday, leav ing one still to be located. It is prob able that it has been carried far down itream. ' , Mrs. McGrath is in a pitiable con dition as the result of her terrible ex perlence and bereavement, and her friends fear for ber reason. John Mc jrath. the father, is a prosperous tarmer. GREECE BENT UPON WAR. Tba Situation in Eastern Europe Critical Turkey Quito Well Prepared. Constantinople, March 31. If to day's report from the Turkish head quarters at Elassona are correct, fight ing has already ocourred on the Turk ish side of the frontier at Macedona. The situation is about as critical i Is can be, and it is difficult to see how war between Greece and Turkey can oe averted. in is rumored in dlplo matlc circles here that King Ueorire has sent a message to the czar saying mat it is impossible lor Greece to yield to the powers regarding Crete and trial it is equally impossible to re call the Greek troops from Thessaly. ine is believed, greatly underestimate the strength ol the Turkish forces in Macedonia and Ep- irus. Edheni Pasha, the Turkish commander-in-chief, now has about 150.000 flcrhtinir men and 300 Krunn guns, ample supply of ammunition and a lair commissary. AH the strategic points on the frontier are occupied and well defended. To attack these it is understood the Greeks cannot muster more than 00,000 men, mostly irreg ulars, v Divorce Complication. Wichita, Kan., March 31 In the district court to-day eighty-six divorce cases were disposed of by Judge Dale, forty-seven being thrown out because they were not prosecuted with due diligence, and most of the others for non-payment of costs. It is stated that over half of the couples refused divorce, having understood that the decrees had been granted, had been married again. Frank Palmer for Printer Again. Washington, March 31. The Presi dent sent to the Senate to-day the nominations of Frank W. Palmer of Illinois to be public printer and Alex ander M. Thackara of Pennsylvania to be consul at Havre, France. Mr. Pal mer was public printer under the Harrison administration. The Old Cruiser Vantlo Ashore. Montevideo, Uruguay, March 31. The old United States schooner Yantie ran aground yesterday at Port Neuva Palmira at the mouth of the Uruguay river. Tugs are at work attempting to pull it off, but it is in a dangerous po sition. . Heavy Snow In Colorado. Denver, CoL, March 31. There has been a heavy snowfall on the eastern slope of the Rocky mountains in Colo rado since midnight and the storm still continues at noon. A high wind was blowing, but it is not cold and much of the snow has already melted. Congress Provides Prompt Aid. Washington, March 31. The bill making immediately available 9125,000 for the saving of life and property along the Mississippi river has been agreed to by both houses and goes to the president for his signature. Fruitless Kentucky ltallots. Frank coin", Ky., March 31. On the sixth joint ballot Hunter received 60 votes, Blackburn 43, Davie 12, lloylo 7, Stoue 1. Necessary to choice, 63. Four ballots were taken without change. Aa Illinois Mank Kolibed. Gai.ehhi'ko, III., March 31. The On anl a state bank was robbed last night, the safe being wrecked with ni troglycerine. The amount secured was between f and $3,000. "Tho men escaped on a handcar. Two Miners Mown to Pieces. Winn Citt, Mo., March 31, A hor rible, accident occurred at lHrmoU & Gunning' mlue, at Oronogo, three miles north of here, which coat Hon lirewer ami Ion Gunning their lire, Ix.lli being llrertilty torn to pieces. They were miners, and while thawing out a box of dynamite it exploded, with the above result. Each leave a widow and several children.. t uaiplata at Too Mark lUta EuitntiA, Kan., Manih 31, Heavy rain have Well falling here nearly eiit!nuily fur the last twenty fuui hours, farmer complain of twlug utial't to ui In crops mi account yf tM uiucn wntiT. Winter whaal and fruit give prmU of splendid crop. t t-t waatvwwaaj t'oasarsa !& (VM-unt a, Ohio, March 11. George U ('onvirr, ev tttciulwr of Congress, died IimU. He Ma In ht TtHh year aud dtetl tu the county of U birth. A Wealth New taebee a MaWMe. Obmiv A, X, V.. Marrl U.-CharW A Houghton, prlnef) owner of the IWniuf lilacs cui)'njr and reputed .i I worth vo,uuo, aim I au4 killed Mutsvlf t lr. buffering- la Louisiana. Abcadia, La., Mach, 27, 1897. Mb. Eimtos: Please allow space in the columns of your most valuable paper for me to tell the general public that onr people in North Louisiana are living in a suffering condition. In many of the parishes our cotton seed did not come np nor oar corn mature. There fore we earnestly appeal to you for aid in this perilous condition. For the want of corn our horses are too weak to farm, our hogs are dying in great numbers from disease and starvation. The farm ers can't work as tbey should, for hav ing to spend two or three days looking for food and corn for. their horses. We hope the good people of this city will think of our condition As we were cut short in our cotton it left nothing; with which to boy clothes. We will appre ciate half worn clothing to highest or anything that will help a suffering peo ple. Who will take the lead in forming a relief committee? Think if you were in our condition how glad you would be if some one would have compassion on you. For reference, W. N. H. Whakton, (White preacher.) 0KEIN EVBRYfOUB- One Person In Every Four Suffers From Plies. About one person in everv four suffers from some form of rectal disease. The most common and annoying is itching piles, indicated by warmth, slight moist ure and intense, uncontrollable itching in the parts affected. The usual treatment has been some simple ointment or salve which some times give temporary relief, but nothing like a permanent cure can be expected frpm such superficial treatment. 1 be only permanent cure for itching piles yet discovered is the Pyramid Pile Cure, not only for itchiog piles, but for every other form of piles, blind, bleeding or protruding. The first application gives instant relief and the continued use for a short time causes a permanent removal of the tumors or the small par asites which cause the intense itching and discomfort of itching piles. Many physicians for a long tune sup posed that the remarkable relief afforded by the Pyramid Pile Cure was because it was supposed to contain cocaine, opium, or similar drugs, but such is not the case. A recent careful analysis 01 the remedy showed it to be absolutely free from any cocaine, opium, or in fact any poisonous, injurious drugs whatever. Sold by druggists at 50 cents per pack age. THE DINGLEY TARIFF BILL. It Is Not a Popular Measuie Among Populists. The popnlists in the senate and con gress, in an address recently published in regard to the Dingiey tariff bill and the position of the populist party in regard to the measure, condemn it in the follow ing language: "We do not regard the Dingiey bill as a revenue measure. It seems to us de signed by the republican party to create such a tariff agitation as will divert the attention of the people from the misery tbey suffer from a contraction of money and the rule of monopolies." X be address goes further and states that the present lack of revenue is due more to the decision of the supreme court holding the income tax unconsti tutional than tho defects in the present tariff law. 3 Forl I will send yon tea "Oxler" Geneoloirical lorms, whlclj will rnaMe yon to easily prepare and keep a history of yonr family toKetber wltb one "leylze Qnantler" chart, whli'h shows at a glance your direct blood relationship. For SO Cents I will senu yon six ol.v" Geneoloirical forms which every one should bare wbo respect their family connections. The above will cnab e any one to prepare and keep a complete fnmil.v record. No one shonld be without tbem. Send postal orders or two cent stamps to rbaries A Bass, 13:! Nussan Street, New York City. Certificate ot Publication. OFF1CK OF Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Nebraska. Lincoln. Febrnary 1. 1807, IT IS IlEUliBY CEItriKIKU, ibut UiO Oaledonian Insurance Company of Edinburg, Scotland, has compli-d with the Insurance l.nw of thlH Hint nud Is authorlied to trnniitict ths busi ness ot Kirs liisuruuce In ibis Stats for the curr ent year, , Witness my Hand ana hkiuiium ol I'ablio Account the dny nd veer above wrtt- (gral ) Auditor 1. A. NAMCEL UCtm, Ins. Deputy. Certificate of Publication. OITH'tC OF Auditor of Public Accounts, Srare of Nebraska. Unroln, rhrei.r I. Itf, IT IS UEBI IIT t kUl lr U l'. I but Ue lirtttsh America Insurance Com pany, of Toronto, Canada, bit r,mi-4 ells the liisursare law IbM S!l end ( e'H" "' tt-M ul I'u nrutv In this Mt rikvuir- in', mwm m I I sl u! Ids As'liin id 'iitl: A.un! d . -! .B. J'Ml r, Hill 1. 1 i.. N.i am.i.iui r, 41 I t Ul H rV. I lt'' 0t rtiflcate rf FublicAtioo. Ol. at sJ'lr of I'sblls Atnotttu, aisle ul t iH, fltr t, lT. II I ksrsbt iVftKxI. Tksl Ik (terms lsfn toMpkf l Irsvfrurl, lllleuM, lttaA wills lit luillKS law wt this ll. ssd ts em S.Miml to If ! Ik M s l rir ls4isM Is 1st plate t tk . wiibM r ks4 ss4 Ikeswtl ol Ik Ak'lilu 4 lkkM ! Ik r ! f IV l. Jouk t. t'UKl!t I- i i Aituv I, a. kHt kLI.U'MTt,ls Pti. Certificate of Publication. office or Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Nebraska. Lincoln. February 1. 1ST, IT 18 HEREBY CKBTIFIFD, That t! North British and Mercantile In surance Company of . London and Edinburg, England, baa compiled wltb tbe Insurance Law of tbi Stat and la authorized to transact the busi ness of Firs Insurance la this Dtot for tbe curr ent J ear. Witness my band and tbe seal of tbe Aaditor ol Public Account tba day and vear abpve writ tea. JOHN 7. CO UN ELL, (SeaJ.) Auditor P. A. 8A11UEL LICBTT, Ins. Deputy. Certificate of Publication. OFFICE or Auditor of Public Accounts, State oi Nebrush. i Lincoln, February 1. IS97." IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, 'liiut tbo Palatine Insurance Company of Manchester, England, bas compiled wltb the Insurance Law of tbi State and Is authorized to transact tbe bust. of Fir Insurance in ibis Htate fur tbe curr ent year. Witness my hand and the seal of tbe Auditor ol Public Accounts tbe day and year above writ-ton- ,. JOHN F, CORNELL, "eal.) Auditor P. A. SAMUEL LICHTY, Ins. Deputy. Certificate of Publication. OFFICE OF Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Nebraska. Lincoln, February 1, 1807. IT IS HEREBY CJSKTIFIKO, That tbo Queen Insurance Company, of ' North America, of New York, In the State of New York, bas compiled with the Insurance Law of tins stat and Is aotborlted to transact tlie busi ness of Fire insurance in this Htate for tbe curr ent year. Witness my band and the seal of tbe Auditor ot Public Accounts the day and year above writ , ' JOHN F. CORNELL, f8"1-) Auditor P. A. BAMUEL LICHTY, Ins. Deputy. Certificate of Publication. OFFICE OF Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Nebraska. Lincoln. February 1. 1897. IV IS HEREBY CERTIFIFD, That tbo St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, of St. Paul, In the State of Minnesota, bus complied with tbe Insurance Law of lliis State mid is authorized to transact the busi ness of Fire insurance iu ibis Stat lot the curr ent ear, VVH nee my hand and the seal of tba Auditor ol Public Accounts the day and yeur above writ ten. JOHN F. CORNELL, (Seal.) Auditor P. A. SAMCEL LICHTY, Ins. Deputy. Certificate of Publication. OFFICE OF Auditor of Public Accounts, Srare of Nebraska. Lincoln, February 1. IS97. IT IS HEREBY CEUTIF1FU, That tho Continental Fire Insurapce Com pany, of New York, In the State of New York, has complied with the Insurance Law of thin State and is authorized to transact the busl nem of Kir Insurance In this State for the curr ent .eor, WltnHs my hand and the seal of the Auditor ot Public Accounts tbe day and year above writ ten. JOHN F. CORNELL,' (Seal.) Auditor P. A. SAMCEL LICHTY, Ins. Deputy. Certificate of Publication. OFFICE OF Auditor of Public Accounts, Srare of Nebraska. Jnro!n, February 1. IN87. IT IS HKIiKD i CElim iFU, That the New York Plate Glass Insurance Company of New York, In the State of New York, has compiled with tb Inaurssr Law ol this Mtat and Is authorlied to transact the busi ness ol Plata 0las Insurance la Ibis Slat for tb current year, Wiine my fean-l and tb -! of h Aadltnr ol Public Accounts tb day anv vear above writ !. JOHN F. n)ltEI.I (Meal I Auditor P. A. AUl'EL LICHTY, Ins. Ueputy Certificate of Publication. turns or Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Nebraska. Manila, rtrr I. IT I IIKHfctlY I kill II II l, Ikel Norw'ivli Uiiiou Insurance Com pany, ul Noiwicli, l-'ngland, vowibjM el ' !' law t Ikt t 4 h aelkiMt ii Ik ksl m rtr ! Ik t MIIms " fid; mt Use d U. mi of tk. tr,kM lmus ,h " Voir rT.rM'r i.ei Al4 f. A. kiwi r.L i u:m, ua tvt. Certificate of Publication. orricz or Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Nebraska. Lincoln, Ffcr:arj L 1897.' IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIFU, Tbat tb Mechanic's Insurance Company of Philadelphia, In the State of Pennsylvania, baa complied with th Insurance Law of this Stat and Is authorized to transact the busi ness of Fir Insurance la this Stats for tbe cur eat year. Witness my hand and the seal of the Auditor ot Public Accounts tbe day and year above writ ,. JOHN F. CORNELL. (Seal.) Auditor P. A. SAMCEL LICHTY, Ins. Deputy. Certificate of Publication. OFFICE or Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Nebraska. '". Lincoln, February 1. 1897, IT IS HEREBY CJBRTIFIFU, Tbat th Milwaukee Mechanics Insurance Company of Milwaukee, In the State of Wisconsin, bas complied with tb Insurance Law of this Stat and Is authorized to transact tbs busi ness of Fir Insurance in tbls Stat for tbe curr ent year, Witness my hand and the seal of tbe Auditor of Public Accounts the day and year above writ-tD- , JOHN F. CORNELL, Is-) Auditor P, A. SAMUEL LICHTY, Ins. Deputy. Ripans Tabulea cure biliousness. Sal 1 B"':'N i'1' r.vj-wr a 11 . f - I M DeLOACH MILL MFG. COMPANY, Atlanta, Ga., U. S. A. W Vj)V. 165 Washington StH New York City. HI S. Iltb St., St Louis, Mo. ..Cjjr Write for Catalogue. Wass Seed, Flower Seed, Garden Seed, Field Seed. WS HAVE SOME HA HE NOVELTIES IN COIt.Y. KDST-PUOOF OATS, SPRING WHKAT, SPECIAL MIXTURES FOB PASTURES AND MEADOWS OF GRASS SEED AT VERY LOW PRICKS. ANDY lU.TA- J 1 11 Af Jl l CURtCOIISTIPATIOIl 10 2S SOl -gs", ABSOLDTELY GUARANTEED 1? cur nj eof """"tlP"". Cascarebj are the Ideal Laxa ttJJOUUUlLUl UUananiribU tire, aerer aripwr gripe, hut rsuse easy natural results. Sam ple and booklet free. Ad. STERLING REMED Y CO.. Chicago, Hontresl, Can., or New York. in E able w ed. Our Heeds are well recommended by those who h ve tried them. We are headquarters lor Alfalfa, Seed Corn, Fnncy Seed Oats, Spring Whent and Forage Pluiit feeds which are adopted for dry climate. When in Hie market write us for Kpi't'iar pricfs. Our vepetoble and flower need cannot be excelled. Send for onr Sweet Pea collection; twelve new named varietiee for 25 cents, post paid. Our 1897 Seed Catalogue will be mailed free of charge oue application. The Nebraska Sum? Go.nffi'a NURSERIES Reliable Trees & Plants True to Name, Remarkably Well Rooted, and in Condition to Grow. w4 for SlWwV'rWM I E. P. ( kulv Utovh trirm. nrrrR.i.p 9n .in ...i ao,.olbt.l.kf .f Mtnel yig )ltutt. a t tm,l?n IZVl Z f ti abwte eoileetwa .( tint the nam) ul tree r tiu.r 'j o,.,. tntaAmmiH anrrhaa wtll nwwire lre i pkg J.aeia tUmblim u.gar anj o,, J! Cameron's Seed Co. lloHvnr City iyK Certificate of Publication. , OFFICE OF Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Nebraska. Lincoln, February 1. I&97. IT IS HEREBY CER riFIFU, Tbat th Farragut Fire Insurance Company of New York, .u Ct.ia n( Vein Ynrk. t bas compiled with tb Insurance Law of tin state and la authorized to transact the busi ness of Fir insurance iu this State for tbe curr ent, ear. Witness my hand and the soal of the Auditor ol Public Account the day aud year above writ ten. JOHN F. CORNELL, (Seal.) Auditor P. A. SAMUEL LICHTY, Ins. Deputy. Certificate of Publication. OFFICE OF Auditor of Public Accounts,' State of Nebraska. Lincoln, February 1. 1897. IT 18 HEREBY OEKTIr'Ir'D, Xbat th Delaware Insurance Company of Philadelphia, In the State of Pennsylvania, has complied with ths Insurance Law of this State and Is authorized to transact the busi ness of Fir Insurance in ibis Slat for the curr ent year, Witness my hand and tbe seal of th Auditor ol Public Accounts tbe day ami rear above writ ten. JOHN F. CORNELL, ' (Seal.) Auditor P, A. SAMUEL LICHTY, Ins. Deputy. , Ripans Tab ilea cure dizziness. DeLOACH Variable Friction Feed Saw Mills, Shingle Mills and Planers, Engines and Boilers, Corn, Feed and Flour Mills, Cane Mills, Water W heels, Baling Presses, Corn Shelicrs l If Vi l '5:T .'',.iti,7' and Pea liullers, Shafting, Pulleys REDUCED PRICES. and Mill bearing SPECIALTY. SAW REPAIRING A LARGE CATALOGUE ERtE. LINCOLN, NEB. CATHARTIC ALL isiswr DftUGGLSTS Before placing your order for Vegetable!, Flower and Field Seeds'plense send us your lint and we will give you our special quotations. Don't rmk tbe !osn of time, labor and ground by planting need of un known qnality. The market in full of cheap, unreli- STEPHENS, Crete, Neb. The planter's wueeeM depend must opu Qood and miXIISEKlW, .ublLM gttrd.0, l! FuroAeeoiiBty, Nbraka, la . oow tQ furnish twiU dir. to the Our teed. Uio ...... ...u s.l. . .! . .