The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 25, 1897, Image 7

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    March i$ 1897
&Se iries,
Weak Men
All private Diseas
es and diMorders
of men treated
1 ii r
saltation free.
. Cared for life and the poison thorongh-
ly cleansed from the system. Piles, Fis
tula and Rectal Ulcers, Hydrocele and
Varicocele permanently and successfully
cored. Method new and unfailing.
' Stricture and Gleet Cured
at home by new method without pain or
ratting. Call on or address with stamp.
Dr. Searles & Searles.
119 S. 14th St., Omaha, Neb.
Seed at farmers' prices. After seven
years' experience in growing them for my
hogs I pronounce them equal to Oil Meal
One-fifth the Cost, i or particulars
prices address Geo. A. Arnold, Hay-
helps County, Neb.
Send Ave one-cent stamps to J. B.
ARMSTRONG. Shenandoah, la., for
; 20 DHge book Hints on Corn Growing
and 4 sample packages of bent varieties.
iYou cannot miss it in doing so. His
varieties are Early Ybllow Kose.Snow
clake White, Phidb of the Nohtb, and
Abmstiiomo's Moiitgage Lifteu. The
1 great corn season of 18SMSonly served to
add hew and valuable textimony to the
great worth of trie t-ariy jeuow nose ior
Nebraska growers. Prices to suit the
I times.
Sent Free!
To any person interested in human
matters, or who loves animals, we will
Bead free, UDon application, a copy of
tba "ALLIANCE," the organ of this so
feisty J In addition to its intensely inter
acting reading, it contains a!itof4h
valuable and unusual premiums given
, by. the paper. Address The National
Humane Alliance, 410-411 United Char
ities Building, New York.
legislative Gallery,
and '
m so. uthst.
Work Guaranteed. Prices Low.
1 i m (
i .
don. x'
Seed Cora.
1 1
u :-Af
LMr tAr M mJlarW Urn. -4 J
,f:' lottos of Ohrttd Jo'riss? SsU
ratitSTsTTereby ilven that by virtue of two
afcattsl mort erase dated JIM
aiiiwj jssei, im ana aurast
ft. ism ana an ly nita in ids omcs
flee of tbs eonnty
Wrk of Lancaster eonDtr, Nebranka Jane 20,
IMA and Hcptembcr 2d 1MH", and sxrantHd by t.
J. leylsn to the Lincoln Transfer Company to
eeorr the payment of 1 16 00 and upon which
Jiereis now das tbs turn of $43.00, I'efaalt
is.vtnsr been made la tbs payment of saldsom
ad no jnlt or other proceeding at law having
been instituted to recover (aid debt or any part
hereof, therefore we will tell the property there-
; One Dictator Cultivator,
v. One sorrsl bora eight yean old,
Ons Brown steal eight foot rise.
jOne bay hurt ten yean oid, at public auction
IA the corner of Hh and P etreete, Lincoln, Lan
'ater eonnty. Nebraska oil tbe MHh day of
, March 1807 t p m. of aald day. Dated this 6th
Zlj of March 1K87. "
I Lincoln Transfer Company.
f lottos.
To William Robinson, Non-resident Defendant:
Ton are hereby notified that on the first day
of March, 187, Llstle Koblnsoa fited a petition
asslnet yon in the district cour of Lancaster
eonnty, Nebraska, tbe object and prayer ol
which are to obtain a divorce from yon on the
ground that yon have wiltnlly ebenuouwl thi
',illt'n wunoot gooa eanrs lor ins term oi two
A ears issi past, ion at reqairea m easwsi
April. 11,
'By Wm.. Lease Owltey WUson, her attor-
Dated uarcn Id, 18BT
To ftmnha. Oiicago and point in loan
nttd lltinnix, the UNION I'AtlFiC iti'-nti-i.wiU'ii
.th lht C. 4 N. W. Ity. off.-r
the lt-t M-rvice and the fitM-! tiiti-.
Cull or write to me for time cnrd. rnu
rtO. ' k E. B. h'U'MOK,
(it'll. Atft.
sk . .
Ilk , X,
rCfKR A., tali
ittW t."li
!'" It . . SI. L .
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nincoin, Rscr.
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alba N urChB Ml
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.'."T .tl a ., ,M5H tlritlyl alaiUny(umUU HtW
horn rkl Urdti,
I rrr'lJlW "War aoine aad tave
t tba bt yiv. mnt op tf lo
!. riiiaMad w nnT.e.V
A Saeetnet Summary of the Past Week's
Doings of the Nebraska Hoik of Rep
resentative A Strictly Xon-PartUan
- Review of Each Day's Session.
Wednesday, March 17.
The bouse today dispensed with the
reading of the journal of the previous
(Til A- 1 , . .
x no senate naving asKea lor a con
ference committee on tbe senate amend
ments to the exposition bill, a motion
naming as members of such committee
Messrs. Jenkins. Eager, and Snyder of
donnson, was cameo.
The house then went into committee
of the whole to consider the salary ap-
yruprmuun uiu wnicn naa Deen re'
committed on Tuesday evening.
xnm cnanges which were made were
in the salaries of the superintendents
of the three insane aaylums, which
were cut $1,000 each for the biennium,
or from 82,ft00 a year to $3,000 a year.
ihe salary of the superintendent of
the institute for feeble minded youth
at Jie&trice was cut from 83,000 to
11,800 a year, and a similar cut was
made in the salary of the superintend
ent of the institute for the blind at
Nebraska City. The superintendent
of the fish commission had his salary
cut from 81,200 to 81,000 a year.
The most important cut occurred in
the supreme court appropriations, the
hduse refusing to provide for the salar
ies of the three commissioners amount
ing to $15,000 for the two years. An
unsuccessful attempt was made to in
sert an appropriation for the salaries
of two extra supreme court judges. As
the bill now stands the pay of the
three judges only is provided for. As
compared with the salary bill of 1895
the appropriation is $22,475 less this
year than then.
After recess a motion was passed ' in
accordance with the request of the sen
ate to appoint a conference committee
to consider the matter of the recount
of the ballots on the constitutional
amendment. The committee consists
of Messrs. Fernow, Gerdes and Loomis.
Standing committees , reported. A
number of bills were recommended for
H. R. 552, for calling a constitutional
convention and II. R. 337, authorizing
appointment oi state printer, were
The .university bill, appropriating
$30,000 for a building on the campus at
tbe state university, passed at third
reading by a bare majority vote of
fifty-one. . Forty-two members consti
tuted the opposition.
H. R No. 19(5, appropriating $20,000
for the rebuilding of the dormitory at
tne rem normal school passed by a
vote of ST to 33.
The house then went into committee
of the whole to consider the claims ap
propriation bill, but after a short ses
sion rose, and a resolution was paased
authorizing a committee t o take forci
ble possession of the ballots in the
hands of tbe recanvassing board. The
resolution was offered by Mr. Sheldon
of Dawes and passed by a vote of 59
to . 26. The house adjourned at 7
Thursday, March 18.
In the house this morning a com
munication waa read from Governor
Holcomb, the substance of which ap
pears elsewhere, in relation to the re
count. The communication was re
ferred to a committee.
The Lincoln charter was read a sec
ond time as passed by the senate, and
discussion eusued as to its disposition.
It waa finally agree to refer the bill
Lio the committee on cities and towns
witli the understanding that it be re-
Frldav mornlnr mined iaf.olv
lifter roll call, when the house shall iro
,minitiii,nii,..uU . u"
rT,' j V: . . , .. .
the debate to be limited to two
ours. k
The next bill considered was II. E.
Droridinnf for extino-iiishmpnt. nt all
Uability of the mortgagor on any note
or evioence oi indebtedness se
curei1' by a mortgage on real estate
upon the sale of such property made
under foreclosure proceedings.
Atr. Hull offered an amendment mak
ing th bill to apply to present mort-
ilull aaid that the homes of Ne
braska people were being wiped away
bythe people who loan money. The
loalierv of money, he said, do not ad
vance more than two-thirds of the
value cf property at best and Mr. Hull
thought it was unjust if the property
at aale did not meet the principal, to
loaf the borrower down with a de
ficiency judgment which makes him an
abselule slave afterwards. Mr. Hull
contended that it was not lattice.
Mf. Kich said that the general fore
closure bill contained the provisions of
No. fcaad he thought this bill should
ntfitiered first.
. Yei.ier moved that the committee
nd report and aak leave to ait
immediately. This wat done to
adv.4ict! a bill relating to foreclosures,
not sVlvanufHl by the sifting committee.
tie then went into committee of
hole and took up II. K. So, 9l
la the prt'rient foreclosure laws.
rovkioa granting redemption
get after the order of sale Is is-
I lie dttnte ensued over the
of time to be allowed in which
to retdemu property. Mr. YeUer in
aUteU ' hat two years were neernary
for ri4tinptkn.
Mr. Iii'tt of Itouglas waa opponl to
the two year limit. lie Imlieved one
year to be auRicient, for, with the tune
luiuttlil stay, lliU would give twenty
one month. Mr l(ih beUeved that
toettrid thnreilt'inption limit to tliir-ty-three
monttia would Injura the
rredit s' Sfehraka. lie had fttihtititted
the bll Ut aL'rnW of several Ittan rom
MMiirs vht had favored the one) ear
limit and who strongly ri'Mimiuvndetl
the rtal of the rrwiit nine nion'.hs
stay whkih may le liken after the de
ere la finilrei.
Thek llwss lrflwith the one year
provUi And rtsmtmrn l-.! favorably,
The ttotauilttee ar.x, the Ihi sitopt-
e4 the
rja.rt and adiurnel.
rda, Maeekj tw.
tHtiiiilUhd by the hou
toxlay s) Iha ta . i.f the l.tnroln
ekarUri eeauieraili of whU h iveu
te4 laV attention ut the weUre
rMlr t-Mh at day.
Tte rui was read ta run witti the
asasabefe .Ufl Ihe house rW t'er,
It nil eal was rterd at 1 e rled aad
after al 'Mill of the hme Utl-f half
the i
sued. I
an hour the vote waa announced, 67
yeas, 24 naya The speaker deulared
the bill passed with the emergency
clause. His announcement was greeted
wiui cheers.
The special committee appointed to
take the ballots from the canvassing
board reported that they had them
saieiy in their possession. Tne report
of the committee was adopted by a
vote of 69 to 19. The same committee
io which waa referred the governor'a
special message reported the bill for
the appointment of a new commission
to canvass the votes and the bill con
ferring new powers on the attorney
general. The house adjourned till Saturday,
a motion by Mr. Eager to adjourn till
Monday being snowed under inglor
iously. ,
Saturday, March to.
A number of bills were reported with
II. K. 578 was recommended for a
place on general file. It authorizes
Douglas county to vote bonds for the
benefit of the exposition. Mr. Roberts
of Douglas moved that the bill be or
dered engrossed for a third reading.
The motion was withdrawn and the
bill went on general file.
The speaker signed tbe Lincoln
charter bill.
II. Its. 553, for a bird day, and 520,
for encouragement of beet sugar fac
tories, were postponed. Senate joint
resolution No. 25, for a ''bird day," was
recommended for passage, as was also
S, F. 40, providing for organization of
mutual hail and Insurance companies.
Mr. Pollard of Cass introduced a
resolution calling attention to charges
of fraud in tbe recount of ballots on
constitutional amendment, and direct
ing that the votes of Hall, York, Wayne
and Key a Paha counties be brought
before the house and publicly re
The resolution was discussed at some
length. The majority said there waa
a bill before the legislature' to provide
for a non-partihan board to count the
ballots and the resolution provisions
were unnecessary. The republicans
thought fraud bad been committed
and wanted an open recount. After
much debate the resolution waa tabled.
Adjourned to Monday.
Monday. March 9.
II. It. 492 was considered in commit
tee of the whole. The bill provides
that a receiver may not be appointed
where the mortgage indebtedness ex
ceeds tbe value of the property repeal
ing the present law allowing the ap
pointment of receivers when the prop
erty la probably insufficient to dis
charge the mortgage debt. The bill
provoked a long discussion.
Sheldon of Dawes offered an amend
ment that no receiver may be appoint
ed for property occupied as a home
stead. The amendment carried and
the bill was recommended to pass. The
amendment as it waa inserted in the
bill simply made more clear a point of
law about which some judges differ.
In effects all other provisions of the
bill agree with the law as it now stands.
II. B. 6 was the bill providing for the
extinguishment of liability of mortga
gors on deficiency Judgments.
Mr. iiurkett of Lancaster offered an
amendment providing that that the act
shall not affect collateral security.
Mr. Hull offered an amendment pro
viding that if a holder of a mortgage
shall elect (o bring an action at law on
his mortgage he shall be ' deemed to
have abandoned his mortgage security.
On motion of Mr. Burkett the com
mittee recommended that a committee
of three be appointed by tbe houae to
draft a substitute bill.
S. F. 46, to compel street car com
panies to vestibule their cars, waa dis
cussed. After a running debate it was
recommended for passage.
11. II. 652, providing for a legislative
committee to recount ballots, waa re
ported for third reading by committee
on privileges and elections with an
amendment that the minority repre
sentation on the committee "may"
instead of "shall" consist of one re
publican from the bouse and one from
the senate.
Adjourned. j
Toesday, March S3.
In the house this morning the sifting
committee made a report and recom
mended quite a number of bills for ad
vancement. Messrs. Shull and Hull were opposed
to advancement to third reading of
important bills, as there was a liabil
ity of one or two getting through that
were unworthy, as had already hap
pened in the senate.
The special committee appointed to
draft a substitute for the deficiency
judgment bill reported same, and
reoummended a. I . 108 oe considered
with it. Adopted.
A resolution by Mr. Roddy, indors
ing Congressman Maxwell for intro
ducing a sugar bounty bill, was tabled.
A motion to change the rules so as
to require thirty members to secure a
roll call or call of t he house was voted
On third reading a number of bills
were pasted, chief among which were
bouse rolls 615. the salary appropria
tion bill; 630, the claims bill: 35, pro
viding for payment by counties of pre
mium on bonds of county treasurers
where ueh are executed by bond com
panies; and ,354, containing same pro
visions, but relating to state treasur
er's bond; 3;'0, providing state and
county o tllerr taay give guaranty
bond if they desire (passed withtmer
geney ch)usej; S. K. 47, providing that
the aigitutiires of both huoband and
wife shall be needed on chattel mort
gnge on houteliotit goods; H. t 46, re
quiring street car companies to vesti
bule thel.' cur.
tUtaaea rellri,
Hrl Tranp t ay. Miku tn fash.
Ion of gents like me an' yoa carrying
club Is a tbULtke,
See ad I Yeutulilt out? (Tuba
scare -'0,U Into being hospitable,
don't theyr '
Hrl 1 ramp--They neater; but w'ea
folk bejjan lo not our club they
began lr jI bl. l gi an' now It
lasoe all th cld Vltlle they ha Wf
lut'd Ui' dud, N. V. Weeklf,
Ml, Wlf Ileal la eleaea.
(h Trtait, Marrh id News froia
Hardest? soy that gray wolves are
eoniHtllltnf grtit depredattent to treell
Uk A piienlie well haul will labs
I'lare patenter. The auate-a will
number aer 500 fsrsser.
A Condensed and Cotclse Kon-Fartisea
Report of the Labors of the Nebraska
Senate for the Fast Week Action Taken
on the Various Measures.
Wednesday, March IT.
In tbe senate this forenoon a wran
gle lensued over . the report of the sift
ing committee which made an effort to
Elace twenty-three bills on third read
ig without consideration in committee
of the whole. The senators kicked,
and the lieutenant-governor ruled
finally that the report relating to
third reading of bills must be adopted
by a two-thirds vote.
The only change made in the report
was expunging therefrom the 8cotia
normal school bill, which the senators
desired to discuss or lay aside until
propositions could be received from
York, South Sioux City and other
A resolution by Senator Itcal for ap
pointment of a joint committee to con
fer with a house committee in regard
to recau vass of votes was adopted and
Senators Ileal, Feltz and Mutz ap
pointed. The senate then went into commit
tee of the whole and considered bills
placed at head of general file by sift
ing committee. All were recommended
for passage. 8. F. 133, reducing fees
for legal advertising, was so recom
mended only after a heated debate.
Thursday, March 18.
After taking action on several bills
this morning the senate went into com
mittee of the whole to consider the
special order. 8. F. 30, by Senator
Uondring of 1'latte, which repeals the
anti-trust law , and enacts a more
stringent law on the subject. The bill
defines trusts and conspiracies against
trade or in business, declares the same
unlawful and void, and provides means
for the suppression of the same, and
remedies for persons injured thereby,
and provides punishment lor violations
of the act.
There was no discussion until aection
10 was reached. This aection exempts
farmers and labor organizations from
the application of the law.
Attention waa called to the fact that
the eight hour law was declared un
constitutional as class legislation be
cause it exempted farm hands and
domestic servants, j
Senator Murphy of Gage offered the
following substitute for aection 10.
Section 10. Nothing herein contained
shall be construed jto prevent any as
semblies or associations of laboring
men from passing and adopting such
regulations aa they may think proper
in reference to wagea and the compen
sation of labor, and such assemblies
and associations shall retain, and there
is hereby reserved to them, all the
rights and privileges now accorded to
them by law, anything herein con
tained to the contrary notwithstanding.
The amendment waa adopted and
the bill recommended for passage.
uovernor llolcomb a message asking
for action on the matter of a recount
of ballots waa read. Senator Talbot
of Lancaster moved that it be referred
to a committee of five to investigate
the aubject matter and report to the
senate. Senator Ransom of Douglas
aaid tbe houae had referred the measage
to the joint members who were mem
bers of the joint committee appointed
previously to consider the matter of the
recount of ballots and he moved that
the senate make the same reference.
Friday, March 19.
In the senate the sreneral aDnronria-
tion bill for expenses was referred to
committee on finance, ways and means
a. t . 2, to prevent combinations be
tween insurance companies was made
a special order for Monday afternoon.
On third reading of bills Senator
Dundas' state vault bill was passed bv
a vote of 20 to 8, the vote in detail be
YEAS 20.
Feltz Johnson
Fritz Lee
Heapy McOann
Howell Miller
Jeffcoat Muffly
Graham Spencer
Murphy Talbot
Haller Ransom
tiro than
II. B. 15, for the relief of Boyd coun
ty for cost of Barrett Scott murder
trial, passed 28 to 2.
8. F. 108, Senator Beat's bill abolish
ing deficiency judgments, was passed
with some difficulty Several members
passed on roll call and when the list
had been called the bill had only 16
votea, or one less thn necessary. Sen
ator Dearing, who had pissed, then
voted yea. Senator adas changed
from no to yes. Farre, Hen cast the
nineteenth vote Siiatot Felts, who
had been absent, voted for the bill
and Senator Howell, who had paased,
voted aye.
Under a call of the house the vote
in detail waa:
Graham JoSnlon
lirothsu fce
llrapr Mrtlano
ltwa Mlllnr
Joftrosl Mumcy
I aiisitut
(liimlrlnt Itanonm
lUIIrr Km bis
Murphy hpeueer
I 'una ay
The senate eonfereuee committee on
the eipoKitiou bill reported that Ihe
Joint committee waa unable to agree.
Senator liomlrlng of I Matt moved that
the senate recede from its amendment
relating to the amount of ttnrljtttu
which the exposition shall oil led he.
fore the stale appropriation oftlixi,.
0iJ shall be available. ( arrled.
enator Jr?Ti-ii waa voted pay for
the full session,
In tha aftrriKam among the bills
passed were II. U. Ail, fur lualateuauee
of public M-les; henale files, IU, re
iilr!ii(f raiirad right of way be
mowed ea.-U yeart iioi, to prevent aje
elfU' gold or allrer rotttrat'ts; tJT, lo
1rohFtiil iwrviiis or iraUun frin
rtty onier, their aervtae or r-nstiirl
for tews tne regular price charged
tl her eunttitiirr.
eelardey, Mtnk te.
Only I) members of the seaale were
present today,
f he new rratta bill and Ihe bill
enlarging the powers of the attorney
general and governor in tbe matter of
diapening of salts already in oeurt or
hereafter filed In court by any person,
were read tbe second time and ordered
engrossed for a third reading. The
special bill amending the Omaha char
ter bill was ordered engrossed for a
third reading.
Senate files 111, repealing some dead
statutes relating to fees of masters and
registers in chancery; 04, authorizing
county treasurers to invest not to ex
ceed 75 per cent of sinking fund in
county warrants; 85, relating to juria
diction of justices of the peace, were
8. F. 133. Senator Dundas' bill for,
reducing rates for legal advertising!
and county printing waa slaughtered,'
only six votes being cast for it
8. F. 267, by Senator Dundee, reduc
ing salary of state veterinary to 13 a'
day for time actually served, and fixinirl
Dav of live Stock iwmmlulnn a S3 neri
day for time employed, w as declaredl
passed after Senator Talbot changed
xrom no to yes.
several other bills were caued up
put no action taken owing to tne ab
aence of several senators.
Adjourned to Monday.
Monday, March 99.
Senator Heller's insurance bill' to
prevent combines to fix rates, was this
afternoon in the senate thoroughly
discussed in committee of the whole.
An amendment to exempt Omaha and
Lincoln irom Its provisions waa defeat
ed and the biil recommended for pass
age. The new recount act which createa a.
board to be composed of seven mem
Dera or tne legiHiature was passed, aa
was also the special act amending the
umana charter bill.
The third bill passed was senate
file 383, enlarging the powers of the
Senator tiondring'a general anti
trust bill, S. F. 330, was passed with
twenty-seven votes to its credit and
none against. '
. F. 3S1, giving to medical colleges
unclaimed dead bodies, was passed.
I hree or four other measures were
passed and the senate adjourned.
Tuesday, March S3.
The first thing the senate did thle
morning when the preliminariea were
over waa to legislate backward on a.
if. 196, appropriating 830,000 for a dor
mitory at tbe l'eru normal. Under
suspension of the rules the bill waa
recalled from tbe houae,' the vote by
which it had been missed was recon
sidered and after all this bad been ml
fected the measure found itself buried
on general file, ita only hope of resur
rection being tbe sifting committee,
which Is said to be unfriendly to it.
a report waa read from Attorney
GeneralSmyth relative to the causae of
delay in the progress of the maximum
rate caae in tbe supreme court.
benators Jieal and Mutz were ap
pointed by Lieutenant uovernor liar'
ria to aerve on the committee to in
vestigvte state offices and state instl
8. F, 239, extending terms of county
officers to four years, waa a special or
der. After eome debate it waa reoom
mitted .lo.tandlng committee for
several Dine were passed, among
wnion were:
S. F. Z, anti-insurance combine bill;
261, placing telephone, express and tel
egraph companies under control of
board of transportation; H. R. 186,
legalizing certain actions of Buffalo
county officers.
In committee of the whole tbe tea
ate considered 8. F. 371, taxing net
earnings of express companies 2 per
cent. Tbe bill was amended to tax tbe
earnings 8 per cent.
Senator Talbot moved to amend so
aa to tax business men, profeasional
men and farmers.
r Senator Howell moved to strike cat
the word far mere.
Both propositions were voted down
and tbe bill recommended for passage.
The committee arose and reported
Tbe senate then adopted tbe report
and adjourned.
That Is the Qaestlon Now Agitating the
Members of the Legislature,
The bill 'introduced in tbe senate
which repeals the recent recount act
and createa another recanvassing
board to be composed of members of
the legislature, was ordered engrossed
for a third reading and will be paased
Monday it possible, ihe talk about
an extra session of the legislature, to
be called for the purpose of declaring
tbe result of the recanvess, and rumors
of a recess of two or three weeks ao aa
to give the recanvassing board time
to complete its work, carries some
weight with the fusion leaders, but
many of tbe lawyer members are of
the opinion that the legislature ought
to remain in session until the work la
done. They fear to adjourn because
there la no provision in the new bill
for a recanvaaa of the vote at an ex
tra session and they do not think it
advisable to take a reeesa, for fear that
members of the legisltture will not
be exempt from actions of the coort
while the legislature ia not in aeaaion.
Uovernor iloiuorab Is aaid to be of the
opinion that the vote oau he counted
n ten daya. Saturday waa the fifty
aeventh day of the session and some of
the leaders anticipate trouble in keep
Ing the members in eeWon after the
sixtieth day la past The new bill
places no limit on the number of clerks
that may be employed by the proposed
hoard, and If a large anny of assistants
U railed in the eount may be finished
in ten daya Koine object to this kind
of a count bevauae It would be entrust
ed to elerka almost entirely.
Malesa laaeesare.
Mlaa Primrose I o ton know, mr
brother Ned told me the other dav
thai Tom Allison said I was N. (2.
Xilsa Violet Why. wnatevvr did
Tom Allison mean by saying tuoh a
thing a that
M hi tu rose I ru sure I doa't
know. I've Uen trying n make out
ever slnoa a hat . It steads foe
and all Iiaa think ot la ulee girl
tHttneriUla Journal,
Aa Isistaase M CeavtelesV
IfaNirdsa, Mi., Marvh M.-Ir. W,
IJoaFotmh. who hail beea its trial IVif
several days at lajk'elh. Mi,, vtarf4
with the uturder of ( hsrte T. ttwwert
la order lo obtata the tntnrseee ee
Mewert a life, ha beta aeeieneed
be banned on Ve4uea4iy, Mav It
Hatl fltvMlKi Shtmieft C. O. IlL
any-wherv to ftnyooa with
prmietttt to oitvuiiuc t low.
leMt wholesale privm. tiuaiw
pntefxi ft reprema or
tnony rfnnl4Mi, hiid for
fllartrated ratal tram! fttt
monievie) KitM. Addr.Hn fuit.
Ci&H It IMS VJvlOM, IM We Va Vvti U aKUIC4U
Will visit any part of tha
atate to perform opera
tions or In consultation
with your family physi
cian. PHONES 085 AND 65.
Office, 470,
Be 471.
B. T. BOBUtn
Bath House and Sanitarian
Corasrlfta tKlts.,
Open at All Ilouri Day and UIJ
All Forms of Bath.
TcrklsSi. fi::ib, R::n, El::!,-!i
witt peetal ettnttea te tks aeftteaMea ef
svsral Umtm ttreaaw tfcaa ata vats.
IkranaMsH. akla. Bleed aad Vsrveea Ma.
esse, Lver aaa aiasejr Treersas aaa Cat
Uuaeaai era Vested saessSsfaUy.
$8ea Dathlnrr.o
v be "terse at aO saaeeas la ear laiwe SAM
tWlUUl4 POOL MsMS net,! to la tMEm
wle4 te eexena t swater at M i
Drs. II. IX. 6 J. O. Ercrett,
Drop Us a Card
rom cATALoctn amb
On High Grade Piano aad Or
gans. $100.00 new Organs,
48; $400.00 new pianos,
1185. Eeliabl.Oood.
Easy Tanntv from
the only whole
sale mssis
- boats
Qen'l As A.. HOSPXDeJr.
1518 Douglas St., Omaha, Ifebr,
Will givo you
Five Per Cent
Off if yoa clip
This Add Oat
The Most
Popular Art
Establisbsnt in City.
226 . riemtk Rt,
tirsaad lloer.
Kvery Tkaraday avealaf a ioerlee
aleevlaa; ear lor Aall Lake Oty, Baa
freest) aad Los Aaceles Waves Oata
sa aad Uocola via tba Barliaetua
roste. It te earpeted, apSototered la
ratlaai baa aprinc seats aad baeba, aad
Is provided eitb tartaiae, betitic
towels, soae, eta. Aa aspertsasad as
wraloa soadnetor (aad a laitonaei
rallmaa inirtet aeeonpaae Urosa
to the rai ioesoaat, .
Wbile aettbet aa espeaalvelr faralaMi
set aa see to loob at as a paiass aWf
It Is lust as seed lo mia lav Cea4
staas Ikbtie are kosorwd, and tat !
l a keria, side eaoagh aad bla Z
tor lea la oaly 4.
For a (older irtsf tat partlntait 3
at tbs U. a bl. diHt ot aiur eU, so
aer Taatb aad 0 sUeeta. . .
11 tag
i Jr I xi
A. I i 3. o
if Vl o3 A
a ht r o
U. W, U cm as t4a C It axl T. a