March 25, 1807 THE N EBRASKA INDEPENDENT. .. in-. 1 Ull , 1 , , JLil 1.1 .1 I III II I" II ' iii.MM.,.M,.M,IMWl-MiMAaiMMMMWMMMMMMMW . . .. . I t : 71 'ft . - KKiV& tot I iff; f V f ;!.$& Wise Physician. BROAD OP OPISIOH. EE THE0W8 mJUDIOE TO THE WIND. Dr, J.L. Mmti Kndonet Dr, Wllltami' Pink Pllla BeUM H Du Found Tliam EfflcMlont. Hellave tli Flrit Duty of PliJilcUu U to Car Ulf FatlenU. From tht Capital, Bt, John, Kitiiiu, Hearing that Dr. J. L. Limea of St. Bt. Jotin, Kanvai, had used Dr. William Fink l'ill in hU practice with great uc cewi, a reporter called upon and inter Viewed him regarding the matter. Your reporter found the doctor a very pleasant and affable man of probably flftv vears of aire. We were very much Impreaned with hU manner, a it wai kindly and dignified. When we broached the subject of our call be became enthu siastic at once and proceeded to give us the following for publication: "My attention had been called to Dr. Williams' Pink rills for Tale 1'eople by several persons of my acquaintance who had been greatly benefitted or entirely cured by their use. I determined to give them a trial in tur practice and if they proved to be satisfactory I would adopt them and use them regularly. Since I began prescribing the.n 1 have never naa caUMO to regret my ueierminttuou. I have used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in u number of cases of nervous troubles, neurasthenia, rheumatism, etc., and in every case have been exceptionally well pleased with the results, and I can hon estly and conscientiously recommend Pink Pills for the above diseases. "I shall continue to uhs them and rec ommend them to my patients, tor I con sider there is nothing better for the dis eases they are recommended to cure than Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla. If you desire to use this tor publicattou you can at tach my name. I am well known in this part of Kansas and alsi in Payette county, Uhio, I a at secretary ol the United States Pension Kxamiuing Sur geon's Hoard of Stafford county, Kan sas, and chairman of the republican county central enmntittee lor the abovs named county." Yours faithfully. Jcr 1.. Li. M. D. We also aaoerUUHMl the doctor's atamt Ing In HU John by a t Interviews with promiuant people, which we herewith, publish along with the doctor's stat- Atnem ricr.!mtr 1'iuk rills: "I am wll acquainted with Dr. J. L v Lime and know hu to b aa tumorabto. itraiahlorwaM man, and what ever b ay say ra bt rli! anon. K. II. HicsiriKL, tinty uMrinttttft of athoola, Vr4 uty. Kanaaa. t JMM, Knuatu, July 11, IBM. known I'r, J. L l.utiM luraev r?Vra aal cab rueowmaw! him a a ''"M phtaU'tan, au-J a tua l i vktaity, . HovtiSH tlatT, CaakWf ( imiureial bauk. fcwmb.ria.aja Dr.J, I Uma wr a f ' J ln-as, sni as byai.MB k btwr aNst, aaJ bi rutatia t U aUrit are tmi wall atna lor aa IttaUat. II, J, Cowii i to g)tv M . vtamofeta Raw ad rKbsaM to tb v ... ? TYPICAL XEBRA8KA CHERRY ORCHARD, irr r-TTnr'i blood and restore shattered nerves. I Tbey are an unfailing specific lor sucn diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neu ralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the alter eHect 01 la grippe, paipuauou nf tha hparfc nala and sallow comolex- lons, all forms of weakness either in male or female. Finn ruis are soia Dy all dealers, or will be sent post-paid on receipt of price, 50 cents per box or six boxes for f 2.50 (they are never sold in bulk or by the 100) by addressing Dr. Williams' Mediclno Company, Scbnec tady.N.T. OUR ILLUSTRATION. Our illustration is from a photograph of a six-year-old cherry orchard grown by tbs Crete Nurseries. This orchard was photographed in May last at the age of six years. The trees bad already yielded in a single crop from thirty to forty-five quart of cherries per tree. The trees were planted 14x10, giving about 200 trees per acre. That particu lar season the fruit sold for three dol- ( lars per bushel, and the profits are easily reckoned. It will be noticed in the cultivation of this orchard that it has been cultivated with disc and har row, and grown tn an orchard without other crops. In this, manner most of the moisture that falls during the win ter season la conserved and sinks deeply into the subsoil, and part of it remains until other seasons when the rainfall is deficient The varieties are Early Rich mond, English Morello, and Wragg. These have been found in Nebraska very productive, The view is from the north side of the farm, and looks across a ravine over into the old apple orchard planted in 1873. CAREFULLY PLANNED. Rainwater Had Tbreatanod to Kill All Bla TVIfa'a Family. Richmond, Mo., March 24. Crowds oontinued to flock to the Ardman farm, the scene of Saturday night's terrible tragedy, all day yesterday. Many also visited the Rainwater farm. Rain water had the tragedy carefully planned. Three months ago he said to a neighbor, W. D. Lloyd, that if his wife and her people did not take care he would "clean out the whole crowd." The murderer spared his blood rela tions, killing all others ou the place except his father-in-law, William Ard man. One of the differences between Rainwater and his wife was over re ligion. She was a member and attend ant at church, while he was not They were not well-to-do, but were nerer in want The murderer and his victims were buried yesterday morning. No services were held over the remains of the as sassin, either at the house or the grave, and not a doscn people followed his body to the cemetery. Mr Rainwater, her mother, Mrs. Ardman, her daughter, Ethel Gantry, and her brother, John Tburman, were interred side by side. The funeral pro ceaaioa was nearly a mile long. Rain water was burled In a remota partjof the cemetery. TROOPS FOR GREECE. The Aaalaal Kingdom Still Frapartag lot War Will tlUlory lla Mapmiad. Artissa, March $4.Th Offlclat Oa setta publlahes a decree ordering tha formation of ten new battalion of light infantry, fourteen batteries of artillery, one battalion of tapper and six bagsgs cooianU. The Tluallan army couita of two divlalun of two brigade each, and the army In I'plras of a alngla tlUUlan with two brigade. All prtvata hurw In Athea hava l-cca taken for tha army, twveral tullUonalrvs gav thalr atir atable. Th admiral have ordered the Omsk tttnlr aat K null Itattmo and CaaUia fifihwith, on tl f round that tha blta-katlo wmild pruve utU If thay wt re aUowa4 to cuatinua what tb adialrai rtti thalr 'iwtrlfwca Wba bihou or ettiva,eat a fVacarat easdy ewthartta,rnr Kuaraatad,IOSS ntpaat Ttula: for aeaf ttoMtiX PROPERTY OF CRETE NURSERIES. mi Ta Commercial Orcharding in Nebraska. It is conceded that western Iowa and northwestern Missouri, eastern Nebras ka and Kansas have aoil and climate better suited for commercial orcharding than any other portion of the United States. The soils are rich, the subsoils deep and fertile, the fruit is compara tively free from the most troublesome insect pests, and the fruit is of the finest quality, brighter in color and more productive in yield than in the greater portion of the United States, With this thought in view some large orchards have been planted in this state. A few of them may be enumerated: Isaac Pollard & Son of Cass county have the largest bearing apple orchard in the state, 150 acres. ' J. II. Masters of Otoe county, onf of the first to engage in fruit culture, planting his first orchard in 1856, has an orchard of 80 acres. 1 Hon. J, Sterling Morton, in the same county, has large orchard interests, ag gregating nearly 80 acres. E. T. Hartley of Lancaster county has 100 acres in orchard; also a 160-acre orchard was planted by Carpenter St, Qage of Jefferson county. O. D. Howe of Pawnee county, 80 acres. . W. J. Hesser of Cass county, 70 acres. Elias Beaver of Richardson county, 80 acres. Youngers k Co. of Fillmore county, 70 acres. O. W. Gregg of Folk county, 55 acres. W. P, Jenkins of Valley county, 40 acres. Wm. McCormick has a very large area in small fruits and 30 acres of ap ple orchard near Blair. Mr. Hart of near Fontanelle has 30 acres of apple orchard. Marshall Bros, of Arlington have about 50 acres of orchard and 15 acres of small fruit. ABDY 7n Kryn ft an X K CURtCOIISTIPATIOtl IRQAf I1TPT V flTTt t IBTlTn to care any auuuuuibUI UUnnaflUJEiUtWe.BeTet pieaaa aaoaieiiTW. a, htekliku kkkkiit t ithle st I. ( ur awd are well rrcommendtHl by thow who hart trM them. We ar Itt adquart'TS lor AKaKn, Seed Corn, Faney S--d tnta, Spring Wheat and Forng I'lttnt iweila which are adtiptml for dry rlimate. When in the market write u foi facial prU, tur vi'geiHble and flower eet-d rannottieextvlleiU Send for tmi Seet Tea collection; twelve uen anmed vnri4lh fur '.'-" rent, uat paid. Our 1HUT Se d Catalogue will lie mailed free of charge otia applientUm. The Nebraska Seec Go 520o. 1ft & CaEXSNURSERIES mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Reliable Treeo c Planto Trus to Natns, Rsmsrkably Well Rootsd, asd la Con.iiioa to Grow. aa rataUa ( V:T.VU I E. F. aM - ! 'Mm l4y vi jL-ail IP w . C. II. Barnard of Pawnee county has 40 acres of apple orchard. J. M. Russell- fe Co. of Gage county have extensive apple orchards, large cherry orchards, and the largest peach orchard in the state, Their yield of peaches in the year of 1896 was about 60,000 baskets. Mr. E. E. Sanborn of Springfield, Sarpy county, in 1895 marketed over 2,000 bushels of apples from 3 acres of Ben Davis and Winesap. The average price per bushel received was 05 cents. The yield per acre, $192 in cash. The fruit was marketed in wagons in Oma ha. Mr. Sanborn grades carefully and secures the best prices for his stock. He also sprays his orchard to guard against the coddling moth. Mr, Sanborn has a large farm and heavily manures his or chard of 25 acres. Mr. J. A. Hogg of Shelton, on top of a table between Wood River and the Loup, 200 feet to water, was quite suc cessful in the growing of apples, cher ries and peaches. He has 40 acres in orchard. The writer has grown 13,000 bushels in a single season; has picked 24 bush els of Winesap and 20 bushels of Ben Davis from 15 year-old trees as the yield of a single season. Tie has sold $229 worth of Duchess of Oldenburg from 35 trees standing on less than a quarter of an acre. He has marketed 500 bushels of Winesap apples from one-third of an acre, the trees standing 12x18. E. F. Stephens. For ft kIwl!liiiMid yon tea "OiIb.t" Oenoolonleal lor mil, which will enable yon to enslljr prepare and keep a hletory ol yonr family together with one "Levlze Qimntler" ctmrt, which ahowa at n glance your direct blood relationship. For SO Cent I will neno yon six 'Oxley" Genio1olcal forme which every one should have who renpect their fumlly connections. The above will enable nny one to prepare and keep a complete fnmlly record. No one ebonld lie without them. Send postal order or two cent stamps to Charles A. Uasa, 13J Nussnu street. New York City. CATMABTIG ALL DRUGGISTS ! rasa of ntlntlon. rascarat art the Meal I.aia- trip or aria. bat raM eaay aataral malts, hsai-t o., rairatro, woaireu, ia..ornew lura. an. v ': - iWlore planing your order for Wgntablt, Flower and Fiold rWls pleam vnd us yonr lit and w will give you our ajMoinl quotations. lou't rink the loa of time, lubor aud ground by f; anting awdsof un known quality. Th market i full of cheap, uiirwlt- STEPHENS. Crete. Nob. fc m. wicks. j iaarvM -vf." CHAPTER IL THE GOING. Miss Cherrytou took the loss of her jewels more calmly than most people would have done, probably because it was her nature to take events quietly and comfortably, just as they came. She also had implicit faith in the po lice and never doubted the speedy re covery of the jewels. . But, strange to say, she seemed real ly concerned about the loss of her pheas ants. She said repeatedly to Jack, "How very provoking!" and at last made up ber mind that Mr. Wicks ought to go back. Now, the truth of the matter was that Miss Cherryton disliked dogs ex tremely. She was afraid of them, and it was only on account of her great fond ness for Sylvia that in a wok moment she had allowed Mr. Wicks to be sent for, and the death of the pheasants gave her a tolerably good excuse for Mr. Wicks' dismissal. ' "Miss Druce will be dreadfully dis appointed, " pleaded Jack, who saw in his aunt's decision an opportunity for making some atonement to Sylvia for having punished Mr. Wicks. "There is, I believe, great truth in the proverb, Love me, love my dog,' " he said con solingly to himself. "Hylvia, dear," said Miss' Cherrvton a little later, "I am afraid Mr. Wicks is too young to be here, and and I am sorry to say that I think it would per haps be better if ho went back. " "Oh, Miss Cherryton!" exclaimed Sylvia, opening her blue eyes wide with astonishment. ,lI am sorry if he has been troublesome, but I thought you liked him a little, and he does love the country so. Won't you let him stay Just a little longer?" "My dear, such pretty pleadings ought to soften my heart, but mine is a hard heart." "Look here, aunt, I'll guarantee that Mr. Wicks eats no more pheasants. I will take him under my special care, if Miss Druce will allow me. I'll lick him into shape. No, no, I mean caress him till he becomes the best, most obedient, tractable, delightful dog in the world. Tou positively mustn't refuse, aunt. Think how Miss Druce will mis Mr. Wicks." "And how Mr. Wicks will miss Miss Druoe, " added Sylvia. "And, " continued Jack, "though he has devoured young pheasants we shall all miss him." , But Miss Cherrytou shook tier bead and remained firm through all these ar guments. "Never mind, Miss Druce," said Jack cheerfully after Aunt Matilda had left the room. "I'll try again. Mr. Wicks mustn't be bauinbed if we can help it." "Thank you," said Sylvia demurely. "Mr. Wicks will be grateful. "And now, Mr. Cherryton, if you have really nothing better to do, come and give me another golf lesson. " Jack ran into the hall and seized his golf bag, saying that it was the best thing he could do. "Not quite," retorted Sylvia, laugh ing. "The very best thing that you could do would be to persuade your aunt to let dear Mr. Wicks stay." "And so I will," exclaimed Jack with great earnestness. "How serious," said Sylvia, glancing quickly at him, and then there was a pattering of feet and panting behind them. It was Mr. Wicks. "How nice 1 We shall have an audi ence. Mr. Wicks has come to look on, " said Sylvia, holding out her clcek for the dog to jump over. But Jack thought differently. "I'm afraid we shall find it quite impossible to play if he does look on," he suggest ed. "And why?" ' 'Oh, because he'll stand behind you just when you're going to hit, or come in front and get killed, and many other things." "Very well," said Sylvia, with a shade of annoyance in her voioe. "Rath er than that Mr. Wicks shonld lose bis walk I'll give up golf, and please, Mr. Cherrytou, will you take my clubs baok to the house? Thank you:'.' And at that moment Jack felt that he positively hated Mr. Wicks. "Come along, Mr. Wicks, dear," cried Sylvia gayly. Jack fluid never a word, but stood taring after Sylvia ns she walked away with Mr. Wicks by her side, and his old enemy jealousy -raged within him. Two or three days passed by. Sylvia seemed just as devoted ns ever to her dog, and Jack became more aud more gloomy and silent "Mr. Wieks niuat really go tomor row," said Miss Cherryton, looking at her morose wphow. "My dear Jack, for goodness' suko suy something, du something," she cried, jumping up and bustling about the room. "But don't it there so solemn and sphiuxtike." "Send him away, aunt, send the dog away. But what am I saying? Kevp hint, I mean, oh, keep him. Mu Druce Is so devoted to him. " And Jitek flung himself outtif the room. v "Well," laughed Mi Cherryton, "young men are atrange creature, es pecially when they are in love. Never thelewi, I shall ltd the puppy away." Jack strolled out of the hiuj in tha cool of the evcuiug. lu hi atnto if Uilud thtt riu M-cmed t'reaiveiy hoi Aifaiu and witnin he himself if Sylvia cared fur htm, but he could find no answer, and the Ul! tre.-, wv Ing their tranche in the night I rwe-i, eeiuetl to sifc'h in ytuutttiy with ttiiik. II wtld sl ly at-rtsra the stft, velvety Uwa and out t4 tte grlen la ta the )tg r4 f the park. He . d up at tha Urltl heaven and it lb flut I'tuk light jul ils tt th h iiiiti, but tlut at U nt U uiy t( Ilea veui'4 Bit him lui nr m4 Al thi tumiiiiit them shari Utile Ivitktf deliithJ, a ru:luig I mix grA and Mr, Wu kcame daw lug al Ja.'k'auU Oo home," cried Jack, pointing to the bouse. "Go home. What are yon doiKg out here?" Most dogs would have slunk awai with their tails between their legs, but Mr Wicks looked np solemnly at Jack and almost scciiied to speak the words, "Why are yen angry with me?' then held up a little paw, as if to ask for giveness, and a stump of a tail wagged pleadingly. Presently, without any apparent rea son, Mr. Wicks began to growl- Close hy, on a slight rising of th ground, were three old oaks, veterans, gnarled and weather beaten. Toward these Mr. Wicks trotted slowly; then h stopped, put his head on one side, lis tened and growled again, and, scamper ing toward one of the oaks, barked fu riously. Jack whistled, but Mr. Wicks seem ed engrossed in gazing up into the tree. Then a strange thing happened. The branches of the old oak were pushed roughly to one side, and a man, leaping down from the tree, looked rapidly around him and ran with might and main across the open ground. Like the wind, Mr. Wicks, followed by Jack, wai after him, had reached him, and then there was a yell of pain, for Mr. Wicki had used his weapons with good effeot With a volley of oaths and curses, the tramp dropped a square parcel he had been carrying, and then the stick thai he held in his other hand fell with a heavy thud, and with just the faintest little cry Mr. Wicks relaxed his hold and rolled over on his back. The burglar ran for his life. Jack knelt down at Mr. Wicks' side, called the dog by his name, and the re covery of the jewels seemed nothing to him now. Mr. Wicks opened his eyei slowly, and very feebly he tried to) lick Jack's hand. There was a world of un derstanding in those glorious eyes, then the light flashed out from them, and Mr. Wicks' merry, brief career was over. Two figures were walking slowly to ward the three old oaks. The twilight was deepening, there was the same pink glow on the horizon and the same soft breezes whispering among the trees ai on that evening when Jack had walked alone, jealous and miserable. But now there wa. a change. "Yes, Jack," murmured Sylvia, "1 was very fond of my dear, heroic littls" Mr. Wicks, but all the time" "Yes, and all the time?" asked Jack eagerly, while he drew nearer. "I loved far, far batter" And the three old oaks caught th words "Ml. Jack." Argosy. Don't Tobacco spit and Smoke Your Life Awv. If you want to quit tobacco using easily and forever, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonderworker, that d makes weak men strong. Many gain I ten pounds in ten days. Over 400,000 ' cured. Buy No-To-Uac of your druggist under guarantee to cure; 60c or $1. ",m Booklet and sample mailed free. Address - Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New Y. KENTUCKY DEADLOCKED. Congressman Hunter finable to Secare a Majority for Senator. Fbankfobt, Ky., March 24. To-day was the first on which separate ballots' could be taken for a United States senator to succeed Senator J. C S. Blackburn under the ruling of Lieu tenant Governor Worthington. At 13 o'clock the two Houses balloted with the following result: ' In the Senate: Blackburn, free silt. 18; Boyle, Republican, 3; Davis, sound money democrat, 0; total, 36. In the Bouse: Blackburn. 3 lj nuntes, 53; Boyle, 3; Davis, 5; .W weary, i; Jiuckner, l; hloane, 1. ' The result shows that Dr. Hun;e cannot win in joint session to-morrowl BERLIN'S PARADE. Forty Thousand Feoplo March In Bono of William L's Centenary. Berlin, March 24. The weather wai bright and warm to-day, the last o tne celebration or the centennial the Dlrth of Emperor William L Thd procession was about three miles iH jeugbu uuu iv is estimated mat overt 40,009 persons took part in it. ! It paraue was reviewed by, tha emperor, the emoreRH. the nrin nnJ the royal guests from a pavilion at ili iooi oi tne vvunam I. monument. Killed Himself for Love. I Garpex Citt, Ma, March 84. most shocking affair occurred thl morning near the residence of Mr ii U unaerwooa, three miles north ) Garden City. Mr. Underwood f is prominent farmer and banker of Ihi place. Being awakened by a plattf nnuv, ii a ncui uut 10 aiscover ine aauM nuu luuim i.uiutT Armstrong m nephew, a vounir man m .. k.i lying on the ground and groaningliiti pain, cauned by a bullet baring pttt! through hi abdomen. Refusal! young lady to marry him waltM cauae ut tue auieiue. I t I 'V. 2103 Will to WORTX Cf win; tut nor rtwttt N.i.lorln flat. ttalUBMnrt ait tiitiu tlitnar hmh tu th few., Ht lt.twi t t.lji liit m tu il m la Una i t . llil, Th Mia . (( aailtir. In.HM..,! a far naaai.t I - M.Hiawa uut i,ihr a-ats, M.U.Laai MA4U., Mlwwl4Mat. ku,tit FRUIT Forest SHADE Alt tliuli l aWall Vntll OniuabW . ik.altiW I'M KM. UMlsll f.4 atlMi. I a IHI t attwlatf , S itl U fit tw (' i UtM)l R A CO., (kva,Nk m ? sea fii j... . F v J 1 JU1