The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 25, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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These are days when it pays
to keep your eyes open. No
man can afford to sleep in the
daytime. The saving of $3
on your Spring Suit ought to
be worth while.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Begin Right Here, How.
New Family Record a Beautiffth L
Upon a Back Ground ol Solid Gold.
Tremendous seller; Agents wanted
We have hundred of other pictures; genuine oil paintinirs, water color, fac simile
pastels, chromos and engraving that sell in art stores at one dollar up to fifteen
dollars. Our agouti null them at less than half those prices and make money fast.
QstTinloC prop for 12 cents to pay mailing expense. Take your choice of
OullipiCO rlCC family Record, Marriage Certificate or Memorial Picture.
Names and dates filled iu by pen artist for 50 cents extra for each picture, lovely
work. This offer is made to secure agents. Triflers and boys and girls under IS
years of age need not answer this advertisement. We can supply new, quick-selling
goods all the year round. We refer to any Dank or Commercial Agency in the
United States or Carada. Address, AMBRIO A N SUPPLY H0U8F,
82 to 90 Wtst Seneca St., Buffalo, IT. T.
The Secretary of the State Ssye the
Count Was Fair.
t II.. (It tl.mi.ln-o nl utnts W I'1
Porter gave out the following statement
concerning the recount and Mr. Uedlund's
charges of fraud.
Office of Secretary of State, Lincoln,
Neb., March 20th, 1897.-To the people
of the state of Nebraska: In view of the
fact that Mr. P. 0. Hedlund, iu a letter
given by him to the press on March 19,
makes certain charges that the ballots
entrusted to my keeping as secretary ol
state in many instances have been tam
pered with, and in view of the further
fact that -Mr. (1. M. Lambertson and
others have charged the recount com
mission with holding star cnamoer sua
sions, 1 deem it my duty to the public at
this time to state the facts in the case
according to the best of my knowledgo
and belief.
First, permit me to say in regard to
the charge that ballots have been tam
pered with and insinuations that it
might have been done after they came
into the office of secratary of state, that
from the time the first ballots arrived at
this oliice uu til the present time there
has been some one contiuuully guarding
the same. Fully appreciating the re
sponsibility resting upon myself as the
custodian of those ballots, I immediately
appointed a guard to watch over them
during the absence of the employes of
this olllce, and there has not been a sin
gle hour to my knwlodge, that a careful
watch has not been kept, and I think I
can state positively that not a single
package has ever been tampered with or
opeued since they came into my ooses
ion except in the presence of the can
Rasing coiiiisaion.
II 101)1. L' Ml ItESPONHIIIl.E.
If, as Mr. Hedroiid chnrges, the tally
sheets will show that there have been
hundreds of ballots more counted for
the amendment in certain counties,
which he names, than the ballots them
strive will show, then I assert that Mr
lUllund more thuu anyone else, is re
ttjNiiixible lor this condition. That mis
tiwtei may sometimes hnve been made iu
counting niu.V be possible, but that such
matiikes us Mr. Medium! charges have
be,n made- I most emphatically deny.
1 ilk. not believe, that a single blank bal
lot nits ever beett counted ' jes" for the
uiiiUluient, nor do 1 believe that at any
tilii one ballot was counted more than
ou t, either for or agninst the amend-ifieuV-
Mr, Hedlund pus l thstneii
who kvpt the tally sheet, and as already
stated In a letter by 1 henna,
mission in yesterday's pnr, his tally
was always regarded as rorivct, snd
wlittler'dttreiiee twisted 1st In
and Mr. Blake's lut; rbreU, Mr. Wake's
sheet was made to eorreupxinl with Mr.
ib-diuhd's for the resent thai Mr. lltd
land 'lid ttfM utittUM the bn.IoU
railed and 'f,"",'t ' ' f,','.'t
mU in l.i i'lir. N iu Ur d in
.aavis-m b ird i Mr. Hllund
waver, to my kuowls dgv, MX Iu the
pe..itl ol Ik sheet., and I
i ),. .hwUshow a greater vol tallied
llf the am.iidMi.Mt ta count'.
tfvly rrlt.i."l i'Httn."! by
lh. ttwr.iwite d M"' twM
.rtrl.l a rlthst Mr. IMiuad and
Mr, Ib-dlnnl alubM i.iimiW M
t:,. condition
puiHti s i. not.
UkiImii wsrd.d Mr IMIuml
nun eoaor aud ho w.
I l.le d trust woithy, but HnH
Stylish and desirable spring suns
Men at $3.75. Fine Black
Cheviot and Worsted ft Dress Suits
$5 Men's all Wool pants, "spe
cial," at $1.00. Men's Genuine
double-texture Mackintoshes at
$2.45. Stylish suits for boys at
jt. Doy's long pants Suits as low
$2.50. A Store full of New
Spring Goods at Money-Saving
Prices. If you live out of the city
send 'for Catalogue and Samples.
Sent free if you mention the Inde-
from the statements in his letter of yes
terday, I am constrained to believe that
Mr. Jiedlund has conceived within the
wickedness of bis own heart, a diabolical
plot to attempt to blaat the reputation
of the other members of this commission
by making a fruiiduleut tally, and say
ing nothing about it until the count was
completed, then, as he himself intimates
in his lettei to the governor, creating a
sensation by charging that the whole
count had been fraudulent from start to
finish and demanding an ivestigation
to prove his charges, citing as he did in
his letter, certain counties which he had
purposely tallied far in excess of the bal
lots cast for the amendment. It Mr.
Hedluud's statements were true then
every member of the canvassing board,
including himselff should be in the peni
tentiary, as they have committed an
outruge on the public, which, in rny
judgment, should condemn them to such
With regard to the evidence Mr. Hed
lund speaks of, that ballots from other
counties had been tampered with, I will
state that the only county to my know
ledge, where this existed was the county
of York, nud this was partially, if not
fully explained In the letter signed by all
the members of the commission except
Mr. Uedluud in their report to the gov
ernor of yesterday. I will also state
that one very important matter, as I
consider it, has not been stated, either
by Mr. Hedlund or by other members of
this commission in their letter of yester
day, namely, that in almost every
county we found a large per cent ' of the
precincts where the ballots hud evidently
never been counted, as shown from the
fact that they were still folded just as
they had been dropped into the ballot
boxes. I do not think that it is any
exaggeration to say that all precincts
so returning ballots, would amount to
from oue-quarter to one-third of tha
total vote so far as the canvas has pro
gressed, asd Mr. Uedluud was very free
to express his condemnation when such
ballots were opened at such proceed
ings on the part of the election boards,
saying frequently "there is no excuse for
such proceedings as this."
Now, a word to Mr. I.ambertson in re
gard to this manner he mentions, when
he says that, "The presumption is that
the count was right." Let me ask
Mr, l.eiiibcrtsoii, us uu honest mau (it
the term is not misitpplied) did you ever
know of a eauvitssiug board iu counting
ballots under thu Australian ballot sys
tem of large ballots, which we uow have,
to refold each ballot aftr eaiivasslug
tin same, just in thn same iimuner m
which they fu!de by the voter
whuu dropped into the ballot bo?
I, very intelligent eitueu knows that th a
never h end probably never wilt bo
done, aud tlx very lael, as it'rea ly
ttttcd, that fr.oo unw liiurth ttt one
thud of the priiict that havs Iweu.
vomited ' I" (hi time tiev Imm ii hi
tins roiulitiou Is prima but evident
that hse UiiloU were never count J,
and that f' ttittrtew have Ihu ntads
upu the silt book, winch in no in-
utio'x iorrpnd Uh (' ballots east
tor aud gtiit thSMUIVttdllleul lr thus
W ith rijtd to ths ilirsa in Is by
Mr l.t'iil rtH and ths htais Jourl
that lh ravs boar l iU its work
Istull i'ltiaetl tbmrw, which the lav
tU.d tr tit iintxr prM.M.uijs, I wilt
V thai Mr, l.wmtwrUun, ahe be
iiik a h si it. niei.ts. kaows tbat l
Is altering a dl lrwu la sslitMitf, as
diHer.T other -utUllua wh. Hks
adiuittsuea la when the euual
ws yoiti4 t'et wha Mr, l-umtwii
u akd that ts totittkt N r miUnl tt
place a man in the room, not to witness
count, but to take part in the same
and act as an umpire or censor over the
actions of the cauvaseing board, his re
quest was denied, as the commission had
no power to either add to or takefroci
ts numbers. Mr. I.ambertson, when
asked if he would be satisfied with hav-
ug his representative sit and witness
the count to see that there was no ir
regularities, replied that this wou'd not
satisfy him unless he was permitted to
take part in the eouut. it must De
apparent to every intelligent citizen of
the state that bad the doors leading
to the public, corridor of the capitoi
been thrown open to permit any and
all persons to crowd in and around the
table of the cunvassing board, tbat the
work would be very seriously impeded
aud no good could come from such pro
As stated to Mr. Lambertson, when
he requested an additional republican
to be added ta the canvassing board,
the only persons who had anything to
do with determining the result of the
recount were the two persons who called
off the ballots and the two keeping the
tally sheets, and as a republican was
placed continually upon each of these
divisions, the republicans had equal
representation with both populists aud
democrats so far as taking any action
in the matters pertaining to the recount
was concerned, it requiring the attention
of the other members of the board to do
the mechanical work, such as opening,
unfoldinar and preparing the ballots,
getting them in condition to be recounted
and sealing up the same after they had
been counted. I assert that no member
of the canvassing board, to my know
ledge, expressed any desire to count any
ballots for the amendment which were
apparently marked against the amend
To illustrate the plan on which doubt
ful ballots were counted, let me say that
when a bnllot was marked "yes at the
top of ballot where the intention of the
ballot was to have t he markings stand
for all of the amendments, and was fur
thor marked below on the amendment
which was being canvassed both "yes
and "no as was sometimes done in
rare cases, the policy of the board was
to count such ballots "yes," and in cases
where this was reversed, tne bollot being
marked "no" at the top and then both
"yes and "no" below for the amend
ment in question, the ballot was counted
"no" allowing the preponderance of evi
dence to govern in the matter. The
total number of ballots thus marked, so
far as my observation went, was not
great. If Mr. Lambertson has any criti
cism to offer to this kind of counting he
is the first man who I have met who has
not said thot this was the only fair way
to count such ballots.
I do not believe that there is a mem
ber of the canvassing board who has
bad any desire from the beginning to
wrongfully count any ballots or to de
clare in the result that the amendment
has been carried unless the same is cor
rectly shown by the plain markings of
the ballot. I certainly hope that, as
suggested by Mr. Hedlund s letter, the
ballots already counted may be re
counted. and that if the present com
mission is not a fair and honest commis
sion, a new one may be appointed whom
the general public have confidence in, to
do the work correctly and honestly, and
that the count may proceed until every
county is finished and the result declared
for I am convinced from the condition
of the ballots from counties already can
vassed that a deliberate plot was en
tered into by some person or persons to
suppress the vote on the amendment
and defraud the people of the right to
have two more judges elected by them
selves instead of three commissioners
which we now have, who are appointed
by the court and not elected.
I respectfully submit this statement
to the public, hoping that the papers
that published Mr. Hedlund's state
ments may give this as conspicuous a
place in their columns as they have given
to Mr. Hedlund and Mr. Lambertson
and not place it among the advertise
ments on the back page as did the State
Journal with the statements made by
the canvassing board of yesterday.
Trusting that this statement may be
fairly and impartially considered by all
fair-minded citizens, I beg leave to sub
scribe myself, very respectfully.
W. F. Pouter,
Secretary of state.
State op Ohio, City of Toledo, ) .
Lucas County. f '
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is
the senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the ctiy
of Tnldo, county and state aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of
one hundred dollars for each and every
case ol catarrh that cannot be cured by
the use ol Hall's Catarkh Cuke.
Fiiank J. Cheney.
Kworu to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this Cth day of December,
A. I). 18'JO.
seal A. W. Gleason,
Notary Public.
Halls Catarrh Curs Is taken internally
and nets directly on the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Send foi
testimonials, free.
F. J, Cue.ney & Co.,
Toledo, O.
There are but two Mutual Hail Co' a.
doing a state business iu this state
this yetir, vis- tho Nebraska Alliaum
Mutual Hud Insurniica Association of
Lincoln, and th Farmers' Mutual Hail
Association of Fnirtieltl.
Iist week thes company s r con
siili. titled and adopted the latter nam.
The company starts out iu good haw
nud will do htiiinM on t ns plan,
one that will t taken at iht, easily
e planted, thormiuhly reliable, easily
worked and nslei by svery farmer.
We want aueuts la every community
tu tuks application.
The editor ol tins departiueiit is th
insists. at goiierul maiiifp'r and can give
yin) AtSfiiU siiiploviueitt at aluirinv
pay lor tMnw siit. If you want to
vwiitw for u jiImmmi writ for parta-n
Ure at unco n we must ut printing
dons litir the season toiiniini.
HUtS M I t tM.. .
In our fire and rjclone mmpaa we
wast atfvst tu uu tu Ike fea4 at
to m uu
Ihetw will l Iowa mutual company
urawui4il We . must who sav
ttir wwttWd li insure bat we w
mors aad also waal 4at tatwy
goial Iowa lu tee stats.
One of tbe Directors of the Fsrniers' Mu
tual Writes a Reply.
To the Editor of the Nebraska IsrE
PE.vdent Havingrepeatedly read articles
in your paper reflecting ou the Farmer's
Mutual Iusuranee Company and its man
agement I have decided to submit to you
an article in answer to one recently
priuted in your paper signed "A Subscri
ber," aud to state some facts along that
He begins by stating that our report
shows a surplus for the year of 1895 of
only f 561.57. This is not a fact as our
report for 1895 shows to the auditor a
surplus of 118305.61, and we have
never made any other statement. This
surplus consisted of cash, notes, amounts
due Irom strak companies lor Tiocarned
premium, office furniture, etc. The news
paper stated tbat Irom these assets in
our report to the auditor we had de
ducted all that we considered as ques-
tiouable assets and had not reported
them in the assets of '90 although the
companv holds tliuin in their posession,
aud much of this has now been paid.
The amount deducted was 7427.02,
and we report expenditures for that
year above the amount taken in for that
year, a little over til, 000;
in these statements of the report of
the company for 1896 he mis-states the
amount of the assets reported by the
company. In 1896 the company re
ported to the auditor, after deducting
all liabilities, li),D'
The report of the paper differs only In
failing to show the amount due from
assessments that had been made and in
process of collection, but only shows the
book roport and does not purport to bo
the report of tbe company to the aud
tor, nor to cover the grounds covered
in that report, and that report was i
vised up to the date of the annual meet
ing which was on the 14th of January
and consequently could not be the same,
but was simply a condensed form of tbe
book account.
He also states that through the paper
we show cash on hand M53.78. that
with the auditor we report but $155.87.
This is auothwr error as both accounts
show exactly the same; cash on band
and in banks $853.78. He says the
supreme court did a wise thing in dis.
continuing the taking of notes because
it had proven a great source of loss to
the company. We presume the supreme
court rendered the decision iu this case
by the construction of the statutes and
not upon the conclusion of this subsnri
ber of the facts in the matter, as these
notes which he says have been cancelled
and i loss to the company are being
auite rapidly paid.
With reference to his statement that
the report of the company shows the
opinion of thn supreme court to have
been ignored, we simply enter a positive
den is I as the order of the supreme court
has been carried out faithfully in every
particular by this company.
Aud it seems to ns unsafe for a man
en tirel v ignoran t of the business of others
to make statements for the purpose of
Injuring, or at least it would be unsafe
had he come out and attached his name
to these statements. The expenses of
the company for the past year have been
quite heavy, made necessary by the fight
brought upon mutual insurance in thi
state by their enemies, aud we are sorry
to say in this case there were among its
supposed friends the Judases which are
ever ready , to betray, hence made tbe
expense greater.
lie speaks of paying out over $11,000
to agents in securing over twelve mil
lions of dollars of insurance, and said it
would amount to $2.50 per thousand.
These figures are about as correct as the
others shown by him, any child by
figuring it can tell him that it would
amount to less than $1 per thousand on
that amount. Again by his own figures
he says the total expense for the insur
ance in 1896 was $4.72 per thousand,
which would amount to one and a half
the rate of stock insurance companies.
Now if these charges were true it would
amount on $1,000 of insurance for five
years to $2:1.60 This for fire, lightning
and tornado In a stock company, as he
can learn from any farmer, would be a
rate ol 4 per cent for five years or $40
per thousand, a diflerence of $16.40 per
thousand in favor of the Mutual from
his own figures.
Now it does seem to me that it is ap
parent to all thnt this subscriber is
simply trying to deceive and injure the
members of this company, and as a sub
scriber and a member and director of the
Farmers' Mutual Insurance company I
think it is time this kind of articles
should be eliminated from your coin ins,
as they not only deceive the people who
are not in a position to post themselves
on these points, but it will injurs your
paper with those who are familiar with
the facts aud interested in this company.
I am yours for mutual insurance,
N. Secou Hyatt.
Attorney-General Smyth Reviews
the Progress of the Case.
Early in the session the legislature by
resolution requested the attorney-gen
eral to investigate and report as to the
probable time a decision would bn
reached on the maximum rate case. In
compliance with this resolution the nt
tornwy.geiieral has submitted the follow,
log report:
"The law authorbing tlm appeal of
the maximum ratecu to the supretus
court of Ihsl'itited Htates was paused
and approved April 5, 193,
da August 3, four months thereafter,
thsrasea wers docketed in th supreme
Court ui tbs Chile,! hi ties,
tin I Win be r Hi, 1Mi, four mouths
ttller the iI m ki tmg, ami sight months
alter ths passags ol tits law authoruiug
the appeal, a in tit ion as tiled in tho
supreme court to advance th rases ami
that motion W'ts sjtaed on lweinlr
'J I, and ths ewe ! down (or hearing
Msh. lvjti.
Match 4 wad 5, I M1, argument WM
had ami al lbs rlo tha e
were submitted tu Ihs court,
ta pnl 'Ji, tit stains ywr, thsrasre
"e, ,t order h court, restored to
thib kl and a rwartfuimrwt ordeml.
M. ftit. Hoi lupreitMi court
.juiirn.l nm n mwhioM utile
ik i..lsr U. IU date on whka the tt
term tofuHtsttetnJ.
, .111, sit months aftr the re-
argvntsat hu orJ wsd, a tuuliuti for la
advancement of tbe cases whs (lied oil I
December 7, the same year, was over- j
ruled with the right to renew the motion i
on the third Monday in January, 1897.
On thttc date 1 expected to be engaged
in the supreme court of this state, and,
therefore, had the hearing on the motion
for the advancement of the cases post
poned one week. Ou that date I np
peared in the supreme court of the United
States and submitted the motion, which,
ou the following Monday, was sustained
and the cases set down for argument on
April 5,1897. It is expected that the
cases will be argued and finally submit
ted to the court on that date or very
eoou thereafter.
It is my opinion that if Attorney-general
Churchill, upon being notified that
me cases were restored to the docket for
re-argument on April 20, had appeared
on any Monday between the 20th of
April ami the 25th of May and submit
ted a motion for the advancement of the
cases, the court would, within a week.
have sustained that motion and set the
cases dowu for an enrlv hearimr. I do
not think that the court would have-per-mitted
a re-argument before adjourn
ment on May 25, 1896. but in my
my opinion it would have set the cases
down for hearimr on the
in October or very soon thereaftr. if
they had been argued on the second Mon
day in October, or within a week or two
thereat ter, a decision would have been
reached in all probability before the pres
ent session of the legislature commenced,
or at least durins; that session. How
ever, no motion to advance was made
until November 27, which, as I have
heretofore stated, was submitted, No
vember HO. Had the board of trans
portation and. the attorney-general liot
iiiutnereu Wiin wr. Webster that motion
in my opinion, would have been sus
tained and the cases sot down for an
early hearing, but. the board of trans-
portation, of which the attornev.iren
eral was a. member, unanimously passed
a resolution directing the attorney-general
to enter into a stipulation with the
attorney for the railway companies to
postpone said motion until the third
Monday in January, 1897."
C. J. Smyth,
In cse the supreme court should find
the law defective or unconstitutional, it
is generally believed that the governor
would call an extra session of the legis
lature to pass one that would be
W. B.Conkty & Co State that $16000 it
the Royalty for the First Month.
W. J. Bryan will give one-half tho roy
alties received from the sale of his book,
"The first battle" to the cause of bimet
allism, and has appointed a committee,
whose duty it will bo to properly expend
the funds reserved for that purpose.
Tbe committee is composed of: Henator
James K. Jones ef Arkansas; Henator
H. M.Telier of Colorado, Senator W. V.
Allen of Nebraska and A. J. Warner,
president of the Notional Bimetallic
In answer to a .eommuoicntion from
his publishers, Messrs, W. B. Conkey &
Co., Chicago, etating tbat $16,000 was
due him as royalty on the first month's
sales, Mr. Bryan at once instructed them
to forward $4,500 fo Mr. Jones;
$1,500 to Mr. Warner: $1,500 to
Mr. Allen, and $500 to Mr. Teller, and
certified checks for these amounts were
sent to-day. Mr. Jones is to spend bis
portion in promoting theeauseof bimet
allism through tbe democraticparty;
Mr. Warner is to diisburse the money
received by him through the channels
afforded by the National Bimetallic
Union; Mr. Teller will expend his portion
for the bimetallic cause through the sil
ver republicans, and Mr. Allen will em
ploy his poition In advancing the inter
ests of bimetallism through tbe populist
party. : r -
The advertisement of Itudge & Morris
great furniture store will be fouud on
page 8. Everyone should read it and
send for catalogue.
One Firm Owns More Good Land Than
Four States.
The following table prepared by Mr.
Miller presents some startling figures on
land monopoly.showing the lands owned
by the firm of Miller & Lux, the well
known cattle kings.
Read the table and study it carefully:
Area in Area
Location of range. square in
Miles. Acres.
Santa CI araCo., Cal 64 40 960
Monterey county 168 107,520
Stanislaus county 2 1,280
Merced county 792 506,880
Fresno county 1,440 921,600
Tulare county 64 40,960
Kern county 2,400 l,5:!6,0u0
Kttu Benito county 70 44,800
Lyon county, Nev 54 34,560
Lyon county 1 640
H'tnboldt county 3,000 1,920,900
H'mboldt county 2,000 1,728,000
Grant A Harvey Co'
Ore 5,400 6,456.000
Harvey couuty 6,562' 4,200,000
Totul 82,7I7!T"hiM,J,300
Ihe above is a computation of the
lauds owned by the firm and is exclusive
of the laud they hire or rent.
It U nu area larger than the four
states New Hampshire, Massachusetts,
Rhode Island nud Connecticut. The po
ulist platform is the only pUtloriu
that contains a plank calculated
to prevent the monopoly ol bind.
It rends as follows: "Laud The trus
policy demands that the national and
stats legisltttlou shall bssueh as sill ul
timately eiiabls every prudent and in
dustrious vttiien to wecurw n horns, and
thnt laud should not be lmuoKiSuti, lor
liwiilntivs pur 1 .. AH lauds now
M4 by railroad and other corpora
tions in excess ol their nctunl ioh-Ij
should by lawful ineaus m reclaimed by
tit government nu I held lor netiia'
stiiers, nnd privets land monopoly n
well ss aie u ownership should b pro
aibitetl." Tti populist party will vr to
slgbt ol this priiHij l. t U Uvonung of
mors liuoruw tvry ytwir as the nrwsi
land tHottopuiisu tucrM in nrrKiHv
and powf,
Why fv I'wnte Iu intddlsiusn, bn
yoit ran buy your lurMturw il.iwt Irom
lhegrt firm ol i Jt Morn, rW
nMvMttsvmsat on page iX,
The Dakota Ruralitt Publishes Soma
The Dakota Ruralist published at
Aberdeed South Dakota states in its
issue of March 11, that, "On theevenin-
ng of the day in wLich Kyle, by republi
can votes as re-elected Uuited States
senator, the free silver members met and
unanimously adopted the resolutions
given below. The publication of these
was withheld until the adjournment of
the legislature but they are now released.
and are given to the public
wnereas in joint session of the lcgisla-
tur of the state of South Dakota this
day assembled, James K. Kyle received
Da republican votes, y populist votes,
and four democratic votes for United
states senator, and '
Whereas it it is reported that James
K. Kyle has made certain pledges that
he will vote with the republican party
upon certain republican party measures.
nun iiiBrBioro u 11
Itesolved by the undersiarned free silver
members of the legislature that the said
James K. Kyle has not been elected bv
the free silver members of the legislature
of South Dakota, and that the free silver
forces of this state ere not responsible
for his election and we do not consider
him a representative of the free silver
The following are the senators who
signed the resolutions, and the counties
they represent:
J. S. Stewart, Brule; F. W. Webb,
Brown; W. 8. Major, Hand; M. E. King,
Hanson; L. Bothum, Minnehaha; C. 8.
Palmer, Minnehaha; Wm. Bradley,
Meade: J, Sickler, Jerauld; Rufue Wnea
ley, Moody; I. A. Keith, Kingsbury;
Louis N. Crill, Union; 0. A. Sehlund,
Davison; J. P. Buck, Pennington; U. 8.
Cook, Aurora; A. J.Kellar; Fall River;
D. W, Jackson; Miner, John Colvin
speaker house representatives.
George B. Daly, Brown; L. M. Benson,
Brown; W. E.Kidd, Brown;IIenry Alwea,
Minnehaha; Ole P. Oleson, Tankton; A.
H. Oleson, Lawrence; Henry Court
Lawrence; J. Power, Lake; M. II. Hegdal,
Lake: Moses Moseson, Miner; 8. J. John
son, Brookings; Peter Peterson, Brook
ings; L. E. Blackstone, Kingsbury; (1.
W. Anderson, Kingsbury; F. 0. King,
rotter; hd Hrusseau, Union; C. W. Dean,
Union; P. 11. McManus, Hanson: Otto
Anderson, Pennington; Zach Holmes,
Pennington; B. F. Wright, Moody; O. D.
Anderson, Aurora; Irving A. Weeks,
Brule; Ole L. Hanse, Day; D. 0. Bruce,
Fall River; II. 8. Mastick, Meade; B. N.
Oliver, Custer.
The senator will be closely watched by
the populists and free silver forces and
the developments of time will be the
best evidence as to whether there waa
any corrupt methods or promisee made
to secure his election. It is a serious
charge and the future must reveal the
accuracy or the falsity of tbe accusation.
The gold reserve has reached $150,
000,000. The legislature in Kansas reduced the
tax levy from 4.25 to 4,1 mills.
During the entire session of the Kan
sas legislature there was not an appeal
from the decision of the populist speaker
Mr. Street.
The U. 8. senate is composed of 41
republicans, 84 democrrts, 7 populists
and 6 silver republicans.
The legislature of South Dakota passed
a bill to prevent the desecration of the
American flag for advertising or politi
cal purposes. ,
Tbe appropriation for the state of
Kansas for two years running expense
amounts approximately to $2,817,755.
A few figures are here given to illus
trate how the people are being robbed
by the three great trusts: The profit
last year to tbe coal trusts were $71,
695,000, the sugar trust $24,000,000,
while the coffee trust came out ahead by
$14,850,000. Thie money was made
directly out of the necessaries of life.
"Sugar" Havemeyer, in his testimony
before the Lexow committee said tbat
one of the objects of tbe organization of
trusts was to prevent "illegal combina
tions of organized labor" The world ia
a little curious, no doubt to hear what
such men as Havemeyer, Rockfeller,
Searles and Bpreckles consider "illegal
Governor Leedy, of Kansas, has
signed over a hundred bills with more
Tbe iniative and referendum bill was
defeated in Kansas by a vote of 76 to 41.
The United States supreme court has
sustained Kentucky's law to tax fran
chises of corporations.
The poputists of Kentucky will hold a
state convention, April 15th, at Louis
ville. A graduated income tax law has been
passed in South Craoliua.
The Missouri legislature has passed an
anti-trust law.
The Oaestlou or Tariff Duties on Foreign
During the fiscal year ending 1894,
when the McKiuley tariff law was in
force, with duty on cattle at $10 a head,
1,459 animals of that class were im
ported Into this country from Mexico;
and in 1895 under the 20 per cent ad
valorem rateol the Wilson law, the num
ber ol eatiln Imported Into this eoiiutry
was 148,431. t he next year, 189(1, the
number reached 210.913.
This rapid Increase was doubtless en
courngml by the lower rata ol dullest
under the present law, and a good deal
of complaint is ma ! on account ol "t.
Th com plain: is well (hhhI), yet, wheu
ws taks ,'utn account th fact that thus
cattle were most l.r brouuht to Kansas
n. I other st -itcs to b te, on mir eoru
It 1 debatsblM wheihi-r ws have lost or
gained bv th importation. Topekn
Ad vocals.
T rrlt tH4 CilMr,
Wssuixaro, Marett t.V A b
compel rpetfal treetment 1 1
I lilted State, flag wm Intro
the housa by KeprwenUUv p
New York. It provide thru""
la th employ of tho r fleet of
vtio thwll tlr word HrVa
eat reproach no th a th
thsrwbf hewing 1Wo wntah tf"
sad lb foveraaient, t .nU Vss J1
dsrive tUlr livelta. urito
u4Utly dlaiUd '