The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 25, 1897, Image 3

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    -W'f " '
March 25, 1897.
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loo I
1 18 10
Special Low Faces Thi8FDo11 teges ani Goacies.
See Our Styles and Prices, They are Lower Than Ever.
Our New Spring Styles
in Furniture are far sttpertot to my
thing ever offered before berth in
quality, finish, style and lower w ptkc
TUFTED COUCatfholstef'tf I
ed in leatherette, t,, '
IR CO DTJROf , AT,,J!,", 1
Cerdnroy or VU,wl,,,,,,q
" ''lal "" I
PI,aTtf tBATBfcltBTt eiflJrw H rff 1 f SV
Thing for a1fico library lJfJU
... ...x. i
RUB3 & MOTSMm : CO.,
1118 to 1120 IJ St., Lincoln, Web.
Send for ojr Furniture and Carpet Catalogue. We
Pre-pay Flight on Shipments of 100 lbo 100 Miles,
CLOSING OCT t Mnaj te Mbmwi,
Berkshire Hoes
CoMfetingof 4 Wd tViry 2? Ut svyw,
th balan, boars ttf tor swrrw
entire herd of a lIdtriM tfc
Write for Catalog ut
9v4t P4 ,
i Rare we yttt f v-ts..
i ; r-rH DeliOACH I
4um J Ja iiMiMiiT miuM, ;
' y I rZ-, 1 H1K,1.K M H)M-, I
' if COKH, trV.VU, t4 I
; I Limi.M t'iJtt U. HiUM, '
I ' 1 KMJ. ,
' 4WiL H If Hi ,
; 1 II j Hiir u4 J
1 .11 SMw" HH'tlUtm
; ' . V ; .
' " j t" f (( 3 " ' - " rtKM Vi. ,
1 ' 4 , !.. !' ilu.i l P
PAlBiil 01 PASBONS !
1124 n St Lincoln; tlebraski
Stairs t&
, Climb,
YAwatms t&
AM items,
Great pteasufs
f 0 sfewwg; y&
TJae fe$t
I Cfl
Mm sXmt 19 torn of (Choice
(4 Utr iriig Urmm) 14 f&U mat
T-wm m ctww vwevM, Mf
pfm, Mmt&, F4Gu
fLtXMDKX tern City, C:i
tstfr - rw or, w, wkoau
Hard- .
rtVeiOM VlYi.ll, Upholstered tB bwt silk
gtrecwudle, redwood from flit to.....
Stock of Cbafiog Djshes
tn svvi
$3 10 ?i
rii. I supreme
Senate Agrees to AU the Amendments
by Committee on Foreign Relations.
Washington, March 24.The Anglo
American arbitration treaty was ad
vanced considerably towards final rati
fication by the Senate yesterday, and
before the long executive session closed
all the amendments recommended by
the committee on foreign relations
were agreed to without division. These
amendments are:
1. To provide that all agreements
for arbitration entered into by the
executive branch of this government
with the British government shall be
subject to the ratification of the Ben
ate. ,
2. Striking out the provision, consti
tuting members of the United States
supreme court permanent members of
the proposed tribunal of arbitration,
8. Eliminating the provision for an
umpire and therefore striking out the
provision agreeing upon King Oscar of
bwedeu and Norway for the ofllco.
Mr. Jtryea Is Liberal.
Lincolbt, Neb., March 84.W. J.
Bryan will give one-half of. the royal
ties received from the sale of his book,
The first Battle," to the cause of
bimetallism, and has appointed a com
mittee, whose duty will be to projmrly
expend the fund reserved for that
purpose. The committee Is comiMtHed
of Senator James K. Join s of A'rkan
aa, Senator Jleury M. Teller of t'olo
rado, Kvnator VVilliatu V. Allen of N
braoka and Hon. A. 3, Warner. prml
dent of the National Bimetallic union.
frank at Ibe While Ha
WasmioroM, March 8. 1 liarlet I
I .yuita, a man apparvntly tf itttbaUmvd
Milud, was arr-l-.l 011 the pni.Hi nf
the White I.oiim laul mylit an h wus
about lo tf IhUi the iiiiiiiKuiu, In the
litre m UIi iwUJ )w MMtU.l proton
tioii from Hie 'rU!iMtt, ami WUrd
tie b'l ln srrU'l on ttit'liu of
kUlU'ir hU In t in. imiU.
I'eee Weal MaallW
Wisiiiaiito, Marih It The rtn
lut mewl re t Mm lloue hse hM a
t'suuus li iliu'UM the kHty of the
I arty lu eourvssau l, an a t vuil, hare
n nl to Mii,ir ti-l a llitr, r' l
in that they lm r.-ionW.-l In tiulate
aiul thiotiirh iiinMtitte aM'litm uU
d.t)ia t fu. t r i the ititiniiy,
B:iu Tallin (art 4UtasM,
Continued from lat page.
Thayer, Thomas, ' Thurston, Wayne,
Wheeler and York, aggregating about ono
flfth of the total vote of the state.
The keeping of the tally list hat not
been so engrossing but what I could keep
my eye upon the vote ai actually counted
and called off by torn members of the
board, and In some cases I have recounted
the ballots of several of the precincts for
the purpose of verifying the call of the
I expected at the close of the canvas
to make you a full report of the transac
tion and doings of the board, and In the
event that I could not agree with the ma
jority of the members of the board as to
the proper return to be made by the board
of canvassers, it was my Intention to en
ter my protest to the manner In which the
vote had been counted, and to notify you
fully as to the results of my observations.
Inasmuch as an Injunction has already
been placed upon the board by the district
court of Lancaster county, forbidding us
to Inspect or count the ballots or declare
the result of the canvass, and Inasmuch as
the house of representatives now In session
on yesterday by resolution sought to take
the ballots from the members of said
board of canvassers, and the same have
been locked up in the vaults of the secre
tary of state, and Inasmuch as on account
of this injunction and the action of the
house of representatives of the twenty
fifth session of the legislature of the state
of Nebraska, the members of sold board
are unable to proceed further with the
count and Inasmuch as you have sent to
the legislature a message recommending
that the legislature take such action as
will provide for the count of said vote In
some other way than under the act creat
ing the present board of canvassers, I
deem it my duty to acqulnt you as fully
as possible with the manner in whioh the
count has been conducted, .as by your
message you assert that no one toss sug
gested or intimated that the count had
not been fair and honest, I dnem It proper
to state the facts in regard to the can
vass. Many of the ballots when opened and
counted and canvassed by the board bear
upon the face unmistakable evidences of
having been tampered with, and many of
them substituted for the ballots cast for
the voters. It Is difficult to say whether
thlse tampering with the ballots was made
before the ballots came Into our hands or
afterwards, but undeniably such tamper
ing, changing and substituting of the bal
lots has been made. There has been un
doubtedly a considerable legitimate In
crease of the votes cast for the amend
covneni. out noi equni 10 m vow an cuuniea
and I speak from actual knowledge that
thousands of blank ballots which were
voted neither yes nor no for said constitu
tional amendment, have been counted
"yes" by the said board of canvassers and
hundreds of ballots that were voted "no"
by the voters of. the state have been
counted "yes." In some cases a single
ballot has been counted "yes" as many
as ten or a dozen times. On an average of
every ten votes counted for the amend
ment at least two were not cast for the
amendment In sight, but were fraudulent
ly counted. I unhesitatingly assert that
this fraudulent count of the ballots has
been made In all of the forty-one coun
ties so far counted, but the notable fraud
ulent count was In Hall, Key a Paha,
Wayne, Phelps and other counties. In
some of these counties the vote for the
amendment has been thus fraudulently
Increased as much as four hundred votes.
I make this report to you at the present
time because that I fear the evidence of
these frauds may be spirited away or de
stroyed. If these ballots are not tampered
with and the tally list can be preserved,
It will be found upon an examination of
the ballots and the tally list that my state
ments and assertions are absolutely true.
Since the ballots, poll books, abstracts
and tally lists have passed out of or are
about to tass out of our hands into the
control of other persons, it is Important
that Immediate action be taken to protect
the ballots and the count and tally list
In Us present form and In the state it was
at the 'time we were enjoined from pro
ceeding further. As the members of the
legislature and the party In power are
largely Influenced by your recommenda
tion and wishes I suggest In the Interest of
good government and for the protection
of the ballot and for the purpose of ob
taining a fair and honest count, that you
take immediate steps to guard these bal
lots,' tally sheets, poll books and abstracts
so that I may be assured that the evi
dences of this fraudulent count will not
be concealed, covered up or destroyed.
Respectfully, P. O. HKDLUND.
We Pay the FREIGHT
For f 5, we will deliver the following
combination to any railroad station in
40 lbs best granulated sugar ft 00
1 three gallon ktg syrup 1 00
1 ten lb kit White Fish 75
1 lb Bwt 50c Tea..
2 Um Best Baking Powder.
Oil ChoiccMt Rice
G lbs (to, lUinln CO
I lb Bioi JavaCoft.
13 W
F.tfry article warrantet). 8enl lor our
complete price I int.
The Farmer's Grocery Co.
- I N. Ida Mi 1.1 win, Na.
lniHirlaiil Nat Ira.
We have rviva) rnh Irom I has f l
lottinif arMn who have fWtJ ti(tiv
thflr iatirtl-w llnw, oit't thua lti-r-ltl
should write at ouce that a my
art irnwr rredil:
1 tttMt Il''lOBaiinmaaaMiaa. ftl
M V Hukayan
M U f.... t .Ml
Maaae aaJ sarsr Mi4.
Ntw aa, Maeh tt A MiaUli bat
len arranged Uwrrn Matter and
tiharkey. It will probably W brtgtit
off lu May t th tirU r New rk
AlHIti I'leU In Brnklja. It It Ut a
tur of tl'MMM wilt Hhi ftlakea.
The Other Six Commissioners, In
c luding Republicans, Say all
Was Regular.
A Signed Communication to the
Governor Refuting Every Charge
Made by Hedlund.
Besent His Unprincipled Attack,
JJ, The following communication la eelf
explanitory and effectually discloses the
baseness of 0. P. Hedlund's charges of
fraud in the recount of ballots:
UVCOLN, Neb., March 1, 18J7.-TO
His Excellency, gilaa A. Holcomb, Oov
ornor of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Sir:
In Justice to ourselves, as members of the
commission appointed by your excellency
under the provisions of the law to recan.
vaas the vote on the constitutional amend
ment providing for an increase of the
number of supreme Judges, we deem It
proper to make a statement concerning
ur connection with the recount.
Prefacing this statement, wo degir to
ay that to the best of our knowledge and
belief, the recount has been fairly and
honestly conducted, and that no member
of tMs commission, with possibly the ex
ception of Mr. tfedlund, has ever con
nived to change or interfere with an ac
curate oount of the ballots. On the other
hand, we have faithfully endeavored to the
best of our ability to ascertain the vote
cast and accurately recorded it. When the
commission appointed by you met at the
office of the secretary of state to open
the ballots and make the count, we or
ganised by the election of Mr. Campbell
as president. The packages from the dif
ferent counties were usually opened by
Mr. Campbell or Mr. Porter, secretary of
state, and invariably In the presence of
the other commissioners. The vote was
called off by Messrs. Oberfelder, - Ross,
Bevlby, Campbell and Porter, and at all
times, at least one other commissioner
watched the ballots as they were being
called by one of these commissioners. The
tally sheets were kept by Messrs, Hed
lund and Blake. Sometimes Messrs. Por
ter and Bowlby relieved Mr. Blake, but
Mr. Hedlund kept or tally sheet without
While it is perhaps unnecessary at this
time to enter Inte detail, we unqualifiedly
state that no package opened by us has
shown any evidence of having been tam
pered with while In our possession. The
eals of the county clerks were not in
jured, until broken in the presence of this
We have been particular to have at least
two commissioners watch the ballots as
they have been called off, one of whom
was a republican, and whenever there has
been any doubt as to the Intention of the
voter, the ballot has been submitted to all
the commissioners, and the intention de
clared by unanimous agreement. At no
time did Mr. Hedlund ever vote to have
any ballot recorded differently from the
manner In which it was recorded. When
the vote of any precinct has been recorded
the ballots have been at once, and in the
presence of all commissioners, sealed up
in an envelope, used for that purpose, and
whn the canvass of a county was com
pleted, all the poll book' and ballots were
securely packed in boxes, ur wrapped in
heavy paper, tied and marked for return
1 to the county clerks.
Mr. Hedlund has at all times checked
eft orally as he recorded the votes, sad in
very instance where there was a differ
ence In the tally sheets, the record kept
fey Mr. Hedlund was accepted as conclu
sive. In this connection, w desire to say
that very frequently there was a differ
ence in the tally, yet Mr. Hedlund's score
vaa always accepted, even though the dif
ference amounted to five or ten votes, on
account of his superior clerical skill in
the performance of such work.
Now, in view of several suspicious cir
cumstances which we will herein relate,
we verily believe that an attempt has
been made to make us the victims of a
conspiracy In order to violate our canvasa
and destroy the integrity of ie ballots.
We are firmly convinced that Mr. Hedlund
has been made the willing tool of a set
of political pirates, extending from tnea
occupying the most exalted positions In the
state, to a disreputable-puppet, who has
spent his time and talents In the past In
besmirching the reputation of honest men
First, we would call attention to the con
duct of Mr. Hedlund on the board. Th
only Instance In which by word or act
any Intimation at fraud was ever made
eras when Mr. Hedlund remarked one day,
"Boys, be careful when anybody Is In here,
and I will make 4t up when no one !s
present." Mr. Bowlby at once asked,
"What do you mean?" Mr. Bowlby and
thers, then told him that they wanted
hlra to understand that they were endeav
oring to honestly and correctly count the
ballots, and would not permit anything
In his letter, Mr. Hedlund says, "he has
recounted the ballots of several of the pre
clncta for the purpose of verifying the
coll of the ballots. We denounce, as an
unqualified falsehood this assertion, with
out he has done so by breaking open pack
ages already sealed, and at times when
no other member of this commission was
present. Never In our presence did he re
count the vote or any part of the vote
ef any precinct. We wish to say that we
have had no knowledge whatever until the
publication of his letter, that Mr. Hedlund
had tampered with the ballots seeled by
this commission. If he did so, he hoa never
uggex ed any correction, nor has he at
any time Intimated that the count ot any
precincts was Incorrectly made,
A guard has been employed constantly
te protect th ballots durlnv the abaance
f the commissioners at night. Invariably
Mr. Hedlund has been the first to arrive
at the oftu-e In the morning, and upon his
arrival the guard has left his post of duty,
presuming the ballots to b safe In the
hands of a eotnmunliMier. We do not re
call a single morning In whlvh any of us
arriving at the offi have not found Mr,
llsdlund there. Wt assert that he could
not have recounted the ballots of any pre
cinct during our rUn without our
tiowMi, and have evry roortdance
In the guard, and are satuned that be
has not alluaro-t Mr lltfdluml or any one
elM to tni.r the ptm-lnct park-
age drmg tt nijeit The enlr vme that
we can (Mic)"'tur irui Mr. Ilfeltunl h4
n opportunity U etn e4!nl -ia.vsa,
nd f J lhrih tN btikiU, ha bn In the
early mrfi!i ur arrival, whn
the guard h . g W with iii'itlil
If le state tt I I a u(itckMi a le
Mr, lU'liuud t n. (.. t 'iti ftr the re
tars, abov yno - t. 1 .;( tun pubilfatinn
f fcts lei i'r i-Ut N other iMtbr el
KfevylHMly tart a.
faarareU Candy Cathartic, the moat
ouderlul medical tltaeowr of thea,
lil-a.Mi.1 ati.t -f ) - Ia .. ft
gruily and MtUily on aidttya, liver
aad boaU, rlaanstug the entire yatetu,
ti,e mid, rare keadarh, Kvr habit-
aal eoaaupation and bt!UuM. I'Waaa
buy and try a taa tl t t C, to Jar 10.
8 S, 60 wata, Hold and auafaatsad te
re by all druggist,
ttke commission than Mr. FlM'und '
over been alone with the ty!kH;. i
suspicion as to lit existence of a i
piracy were first aroused when ope'
the package containing the vote of 1
county. The seal had not been br
and the package had certainly not I
tampered with after leaving the cot
clerk's office. Mr. Bowlby called off
vote of this county; assisted by Mr. I.
TU country precincts showed unit
gains for the amendment, and in some
stances there were more votes cast for
amendment than the total vote at the I
clnct Mr. Bowlby's suspicions w
aroused and while canvassing the vote
the words in York, he looked on the bt
ef th ballots and found that many did r
ha -the signature of the Judges of 1
eleeeian, evidently having been blank t
lots marked up by some person after t
election, and before received at the
of the secretary of state. Mr. Bowlby 1
once declared that somebody bad put '
Job on the commission. It was the f
orally expressed opinion of the eomi
sloners. And w especially call atten
to the fact that It was concurred In by 1
Hedlund, that some person or persons t
York county bad wilfully and maliclour'
and for the purpose of discrediting t
commission and the recanvass of the vot
deliberately falsified, altered and d is tor
the returns, by injecting ballots whi
plainly show that thsy never had be
folded, as Is necessary preparatory to pt
ting them Into a ballot box. For this rt
on, It was agreed not to say anythf
about these ballots until later, and that t
commission would go over th bolf.
again to make sure that no fraud u'.
rotes had been counted in precincts e
vassed prior to the aiscovery of the t
algned ballets. The fraudulent bal'
mentioned were not counted, but v
rolled up separately to await a more tL
ough investigation.
We were of the opinion then and 1
bow, that the returns from York coo.
were tampered 41th for the purpose I
giving an opportunity for a charge I
fraud in our reqanvass In the event f
results showed that the amendment t
been carried. . i
If fraud had been perpetrated by BM
bers ot this commission other than hi
elf, Mr. Hedlund undoubtedly coesmu
cated it to other conspirators against
Integrity of these ballots. If be did j
why have not the other eminent gen!
men who connived with him disclosed t
Information before the issuance of the 1
junction T If he knew that any .rregulf
tles were being practiced by any mem
of this commlsMlon, why did he I
call attention to it at the tlr
Why did he enter upon the I
sheets the votes be claims were erroneet
called? Why should he wait till the 1
elusion of our work, as he says In 1
letter he eipeeted to do? Was he nr
party to the fraud, If one was commit
as he alleges 7 No honest man, no t
with an atom of eclfrespect or any rer
for personal Imparity or manhood wi
It by and watch in perpetrating frt
and offer no pryet. He knows that 1
count was fair and honestly made. He 0
states the facts, at the behest of his s
besmirched aljles, when he says be t
tooted fraud. '
We sincerely hone that the efforts of I
Hedlund and his conspirators to dlaon.
us, will not result In the object sousht 1
be obtained by them, viz: In prevent'
the ascertaining of the vote actually e
on the amend ir.ent. We have every cc
dence that a review of our work will X
the falseness (f his charges.
If your exc(!ll-ncy desires any further t
formation from this commlrxlon, we sU
ready to annwrr ary and all Inqulr
When relieved cf the restraint placed ur
us by an orili r cf the court. We are, .
great respect, very truly yours,
GEO. W. BLAKii, j
Y. M. llOSS, I ,
Governor Consider Him Hot a lit Fee:,
to Serve on the Commlaaloa.
Governor llokotnb has addreotai t
following letter to I'. O. Hedlund ;
response to Mr, llediund's letter !
which be charges i mud in the recce
of ballots on the constitutional amn
ment creating two new supreme jud-
IdJiCOLK, Neb., March 19, 18871
P. O. Hedlund. Lincoln, Neb. I,
Your communication of the 18th r
banded me by messenger shortly b
fore 11 o'clock last evening. The 1
formation contained therein would
tartling indeed were its value not !
Stroyed by the disclosure that you ha
been cognizant of the frauds you spei
of without any attempt to redresa i
expose them u-itit by force of circui
stances a cor t ory course seemed be
auited to your purposes. You say "y4
expected at the c .sti of the canvass j
make me a full report of the tranar
tions and doing? of the board, and
the event that you could not a?
with tb majority of the members ,i
the board It was your intention to e
ter your protest to the manne
which the vijte had been counted.? i
I do not ttnilcrtttrind by this wh I
you expected at the close of all it
work to agree with the majority of tl
board to a false report which would
a crime agahiht I he people, or whe&
the majority of the board should trr
with you Hint all had beeit guilty cJ '
groKs ofrenHe ngalnst the law, and tl
report would be the evidence of tl
fact. You will pardon me if I txrt
skeptlcinm respt ctltig your inteatl
In tnis respect. By your communlc
tion the principal work done by y
haste n keeping the tally list.
there tire any fraudulent votes on tl
list recorded by you knowingly, y
era responsible fur the wrong above,'
In view of your statements bo 1
easiness on your part regarding t
safe ke ping of the ballots and ta
heeta I required. In appointing i
eommiiniiin 1 relied onlho honay
Integrity cf each of them. I t !
I have been so grlevoualy itilstak 1
your ease, which ft ling Is aggrai '
by the empbiille tleeluratlona
other membrra as to the Inte .
their action whMe )erfortnlug , y
ilea impoaed nNu them under lS:.
creating the routiiiksioii, j
la the light of your wn atataa"
I deem It m v duty to hereby r 4
you from further aerrice a n .'
of thebi ard to l.leh you fr ,
polntel .rs, rte., fi
Nil t ' t.IB. Oo"I
. t , s cv.
lei mmt aassia n 'jr
firDHulilAUlit u
W. The im and Upal jf ia
MuiutiLAiin lU'IftU a"1
tHKta. write at SliiB'
Si4 AilMfc- y.W
If rUl aT
AiJHii&ft ifeM -W
A'Ji"JJavTIP- a 1
1 nsa's