The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 25, 1897, Image 2

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March 25 897
-. . .. k Mk , : u.
f " Hi m n e
. - . !
jej C9MI. CO.. 04 B.
-to ta
For buaint it.
iob Work in toy
Und ol metal,
loll Bros, Co,,
1308 0 St.
CsJl on qi or write for catalogue.
irrjzzi tii Scli:it:r.
iCmHt la Mm tat
Cow Gold Fields
Inlho Clack Hills
Call at 0Bn Itof Valuable IgftiruMtlun,
L H. mLPl.lU.CUi Ticket Aft.,
U7 Haul 10th HI., Lincoln.
rwne eon tka eknlM of TWO ROUTES.
t Colorado nod the Sceiilq Lln,
C. th other vk onr Texas Line aad
Ca Kottaw PactCe.
Oat IVtaa Una la mac quicker thaa
rj otlwr Haa through to
.re tk hmI ppr, ud earrjr the
I -l lewaM4 nev l alllotulr. Hoot,
j .i'lslS. ba. yuti get the beat at.
I f 'i Bad Mda tha bntt Mirvicw. The
t :tt rate ttetst t California art
C .:Us en these etcuralous.
j I ,:i't start ims 11 ip to lait.ornia until
r:iC" Tuarlat Md. containing
' r -;i UoiB taat and nil information.
MldM and ivavr talloris niuil to anv
L.t til tbe C it, 1, A I', It J ,, or address
4.I.IN BKf-ABYIAN. O.l. A .
t kiwMfu, lUtaaU,
t r a laow time ta tbaee hr4 time a
trla at ani" eaib'a square
C-d tie lUaek Hills, has more taatwrtal
pue parity than aay tbr plc ol tba
lints ail yH (nebtion. 8,0OU,(HiU
Waa the lHt M I'ruducl u-iuh ul
IV tUr ftwuviit mHtutJ It lh I'mtvd
I Ul Ull w UiBoerii
aiad iUt UI twrip'tj1 lrnn tb
fttat, A tb o H
ttMwetlft ! fe rii'd vigt riuljr
at taa m eid, Ttnr nut I auBd
tan Mr t lib Dwtttd nwtui.
f od nrt b lw4 at atrM roo(.nd
IMftajr r a tiblfctn4 Urt dtif tvuwBt
tnw Mb l M m tby kwtin
mm, Ttm gtt UbU tutor ai
ttB rtr lim tb a ild dbimrri
ft tnt A, ri IVldiBf, UT Houtb
MMbWl, Lt,Nb.
Kaaf ta Daatttfi Buu
4 bJ It b Hr-
Ui KmiU b tbrvcbwl luur iuh
t).U "f bir iMtt Kt, It lutd IB MI
f4tti m Ktd i rtWr, U0
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brat if Wbmmi mllt!Mibnttil,
lit tlttiMt,a ttuttw iHMtrljF Shi
fMBU soiWWV al W tHl lt 1 3 BU
MlUiMf tiiB tb BWIMh1 BlU
VI M iM)4MdNtt ft lb tHi bl
,1. !, tl. I. A ftrUita H !,
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1 iimnniTv mmrr nrnnn
OItm tb Oroaodi of Thlf Oppoaltloa
t th I)la(Ujr Tariff BUI 'Will Mot
Offer BubttUat, Owing to
th LBek f Tlm Allowed
for Preparation of Ab
oilr HombtBi
Wabhihotom, March 14. Mr. Ilalley
of TaiBB preaenUd to the IIouho the
minority report on the tariff bilL The
report w&a iilgoed by all the Demo
emtio mumberi of the ways and mean
committee, and glvoa the grounda of
their opposition to the bilL It taya In
"Thla bill waa framed with the
avowed purpoite of protecting the iran
nfaotureraof the United btatea againkt
foreign comietltion, and It la perfectly
obvioua that if it accompllahea tbaf.
purpose It must reault In compelling
the conaumera of thla country to pay
more for their manufactured gooda
and for thla reason we think it ahould
not pass. We rout our opposition upon
the broal prinoiple that Congreita waa
Invested with the power of taxation
aa a meana of collecting from each cit
izen hla fair proportion toward the
aupport of the government, and that
it la a groaa perverkton of that sov
ereign power to employ it aa a meana
of enabling favored clakkoa to levy un
lukt chftrgea npon the great boily of
the people. We believe that after
contributing hia proper ahare toward
the maintenance of the government,
very citizen of thla republlo la en
titled to the full pokkeaaton and enjoy
ment of all he can honestly earn; and
we deny the right of congresa to make
or enforce any regulation which re
quire one man to give any part of hla
honest earntnga toward enoouraglng
the enterprise or Increasing the for
tune of another,
"If the system of unnecessary taxa
tion ia,lndefensible because of the ex
travagance which It encooragea, It is
till more bo on account of the trusts
which it fosters and promotes. It is
not more certain that protection en
courages extravagance than It Is that
it breeds unlawful combinations of
capital. Indeed, protection la justified
upon the avowed theory that competl
tion ahould be restricted. True
enough, It assumes the patriotic pre
tense that foreign competion ought
not to be permitted against our home
Industries; but they don't understand
the selfishness of human nature, and
especially they little understand the
keitlshness of that human nature which
rellea upon the favoritism of the law
to Increase jta fortune, who suppose
that these men, having aecured them
selves against foreign competition by
the favor of Congress will fail to se
cure themselves against domestic com
petition by voluntary combination
among themselves.
"It is an old adage, and it Is aa true
as It is old, that 'competition la the
life of trade,1 and whatever tends to
restrict competition must tend to re
strict trade. The majority of the com
mittee seems to think it is an easy mat
ter for us to build a tariff wall about
our borders and thua prevent the for
eigners from trading with us, but they
forget that the same wall which shuts
the foreigner out shuts us in, and that
regulations that prevent the foreign
from trading with us must at the same
time prevent us from trading with
the foreign.
"We believe in the principles of com
petition, and we believe that the peo
ple of the United States can success
fully compete against all other people
of the world; and we denounce as a
crime Bgalnst the best interests of our
people any law which leaves the con
aumera of thla land subject to the ex
actions of reckless and corrupt combi
nations, forme to destroy competi
tion and control prices."
The report concludes: "We are un
able to offer a substitute for the pend
ing bill, because we have not been al
lowed a reasonable time to prepare
one. Congress convened in extraordi
nary session on Monday, March IS,
and this bill waa introduced the same
day and referred to the committee on
wbjb and meana, which met the next
morning, and on Thursday it waa or
flr4 to be reported to the House.
The majority of the committee had
peat the three months of the last ea
kiou of the Ut Congress in the prepar
ation of their bill, and yet they refused
to allow the minority three weeks in
whit'h to prepare a substitute. We are
uuv Itling to proptate a measure that
baa Bot ten t-refull.v matured, aud
we must, there fore, oouteut oorselves
witk pruUstiug against the passage of
the evMuiuiUee bill,"
HsjASM (Ms Utmim ! Live Btaek.
Mt 4 Wkt - K-4 1 IJiHti Na S, 74c;
. Mn'. Itjet l4 tks. ; KKrd, bhc
Hlu$ wk4l-N i, lutttii Ni ft, 7o
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twi b . No. Vkkii oHhA
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SA.4ko. I Mt M 1 U14I
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i-i e tJ
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tl fua
L iUa HKirr KlrUi.
Terrible Cjeloae la tbe Booth
amy Dostroyed.
EUF4LA, Ala., March J4.
waa swept by a cyclone
-Aa Aead-
-Tbia city
moraine, in which death and disaster
played a dreadful part Men were al
most cauirht up from the streets before
they could find shelter. Shutters,
roofs, etc., gave way and for two hours
there waa terror and desolation, when
the cyclone passed off to the north
wont, coursing along the Chattahoochle
The moat shocking atory of all, how
ever, waa that which came from Ar
lington, Early county, Georgia. It was
about H o'clock when the pupils of Ar
lington academy began to assemble.
There were about fifty present when
Professor Covington, noticing the com
ing storm, called them In for shelter.
A crackling noise waa heard and the
shutters and swinging doors were
wrenched from their hinges. Then
came a twisting and a careening and
the north partition gave way, falling
with deadly effect upon a group of
children who were clinging to the pro
fessors. The doors and windows gone,
the storm had full away within, frag
menta of timber flying in the air, the
children thrown helplesa, being caught
up and dashed against the walla The
crlea of the wounded, the groans of the
dying are described aa having been
heartrending while all thla was going
on. '
The people of the town, regardless
of the wreckage of their own homes,
ran to the school, where they knew
their children were, only to find many
of them dead, others wounded and
pinioned beneath the debria. Profea
kor Walker had his arnis and legs
broken and cannot live. .
The bodies of eight children have
been taken from the ruin of Arling
ton academy, and about a dozen othera
will die.
From Henry county, Ala., around
Abbeyville, there cornea stories of
death and wreck, but no names have
been received. A family of five was
reported killed near Geneva. A sec
ond disaster, that of floods, la now
upon the
ereeka are
i oounty. The rivers an,'
(swelling with rainfall wl i'?
tt.1mft4 M.umlilA. m ttrtAVn It. I HIOV
News comes in of the drowning of a
family of eight persona on the Ala
bama aide of the river, in Ilenry
county. Richard Manson, with his
wife and aix children, lived In a cabin
dn the river bank at the crossing of
the Central railroad from Columbia.
The water rushed In, surrounding the
cabin. In vain efforts to extricate
themselves, all were lost
Malvane la full Control.
Topkka, Kan., March 24. The To
beka Capital plant and good will was
sold by Master in Chancery II. P.
Dillon to-day upon an order of the
United States Circuit court, to satisfy
the mortgages upon It, David W. Mul
vane, representing John D. Mulvane,
bidding it in at 853,000. This sale
wipes out all the stock and puts the
title In Mulvane. The amount bid
about equals the mortgage indebted
ness. for Mayor of Detroit.
Dbtboit, Mich , March 24. After a
brief fight in the Republican city con
vention, Captain Albert E. Stewart
was nominated for mayor. Captain
Stewart was selected by Governor
Pimrree as Mr. Pingree's successor in
the mayor's office.
Ineendlarj Fire at Altoona, Kan.
Neopebjia, Kan., March 24. Al
toona, eight miles north of here, was
seriously damaged by an incendiary
fire last night The city hall, general
merchandise store of C. A. Stafford
St Co., and Dr. Dold's drug store was
destroyed. Buildings and contents,
loss, 82S.OOO; insurance, about 84,000.
Not Gllmort'i Aisallaat.
Atwood. Kan., March 24. The jury
acquitted Reuben Rinker of Bertrand,
Neb., charged with the attempted as
sassination of Ranchman George W.
Chicken Mite Exterminator
Lie Killer.
Lice, mites and fleas on poultry and
stock easily and thoroughly removed.
No dusting, greasing, dipping or handl
ing o! poultry is needed. Send for cir
cular that tells all about it. Agents
On-hall gallon, 50 cents, one gallon
75 nt, five gallon, 3.00.
Manufactured by James Cameron,
Bearer City, Neb.
A Dig Levee la Danger.
Rosedalb, Miss., March 14 The
river has risen along the extreme low
er eud of the second levee district at
Australia, Miss., twenty miles north
of here and the situation Is critical in
the extreme. A large stream of water
began coming in uuder the levee and
IncreaMed to such an alarming extent
that Major Sterling, the chief en
gineer, was sent for by wire. Should
the levee give way it would flood many
ot the finest plantations In the delta.
Wnen a tuau succeed, he does it ia
spite ot everybody, and uot with the
assistance of anybody.
Boat Africa Republic's A 11 lee.
Psbtobia, boulh Africa, Marvh 24.
The draft of the treaties between tie'
Transvaal republic aud the Orange
're State has beeu concluded, at
HloeoifouWin, capital of the latter re
public. They give the burghers ot
Bi b atato the franchise in either re
public, aud th two republics agree to
support ou another lu ttaeb,
footed With a Hva4va
tll 14, Mo., March ti. Logan
Klliott, agd IT years, aouMenUllj
shot and !ta,V.y wounded Eoley Haunt,
aged 1? years, at I a'elovk yeaterday
morning. Tbe young uta werw tUh
tngoi the Lamina river, sis miles
kuuiheaat of the eity, and at the tlma
of tb khiHittng they were) eaauttniug
a 41 ealiUr mvwlvtt by the light f a
aawiytUe, when It waa dWahavgtd
All the Cash and the Bonds of th
Dishonest Treasurer Oono Slxty
Vlve Tboasaad Dollar MUilng
Stockholder Baatralnod by
the Police A Cashier
Steals S)30,000.
Chicago, March 24. The stockhold
er of the Christopher Columbus Loan
association, the treasurer of which is
missing with atout 865,000, held a
meeting at which threats of lynching
the officers of the association were
freely made.
An examination of the safe in which
the money and bonds of the secretary
and treasurer was supposed to be was
made and neither money nor bonds
were found. Women who bad invested
all their savings in the society made a
rush for the table upon which the
officers were standing, and the police
had to beat them back. The officers
were blamed for the disappearance of
Secretary Sachel and 805,000.
After a fierce battle of words calmer
counsels prevailed and a committee
was appointed to decide which of the
officers ought to be indicted for the
shortage which made the society in
solvent The committee will submit
the evidence to the state's attorney
and ask him to take the matter before
the grand jury. The stockholders are
mostly poor Poles and Bohemians.
'm ti)'ue ot B
"co ";
Bethlehem, Fa.. Stole
No Bond on File,
Bethlehem, Pa., March 24. Discov
eries just made add 816,000 to the em
bezzlement of Cyrus E. Breder, cashier
of the First National bank of this city,
who disappeared a few weeks ago
leaving a shortage estimated at the
time at 813,000. He also stole 813,000
from a building association. His
bondsman died and his bond was not
renewed, so that the bank had to make
good the shortage of 830,000.
Breder is said to be in Denver, and
it is likely that steps will be taken to
have him brought here on charges of
forgery. An examination of the books
shows that he began his stealings six
months after he became cashier.
A letter from Breder threatens to
expose certain unnamed citizens of
Bethlehem, who assisted bim in his
Hong Jorle for .Bankers.
Pekby, Ok., March 24. In the past
month three presidents of wrecked
banks in Oklahoma have been tried
and the jury In each case has failed to
agree. The jury in the case of the
Rev. C. L. Berry, on trial at Pawnee
on the charge of looting the Bank of
Commerce there last year, failed to
agree yesterday after being out seventy-two
hours. J. J. Carson at - New
kirk and Richardson also escaped sim
ilarly. There are fifty cases against
these men.
President aloKlnley Save the Santa
Hnrderers for Ten Days.
Santa Fe, N. M., March 24. All
preparations for the hanging of Fran
cisco Borrego, Antonio Borrego, Laur
iano Alarid and Patricio Valencia for
the murder of Sheriff Chavez were
completed this morning and a troop of
cavalry and a company of infantry of
the New Mexico national guard were
ordered out to guard the prisoners
from the penitentiary to the jail and
to guard the jail, where the gallows
was erected. The hanging was to
have been private, only twenty-four
persons being permitted to be present
Just as the prisoners started from
the penitentiary, about a mile from
town, Governor Thornton received a
dispatch from Attorney General Mc
Kenna stating that the President hud
granted a reprieve for ten days to look
more fully into tbe case, press of busi
ness having prevented full considera
tion. Governor Thornton immediately
sent a messenger to Sheriff Kinsell,
and the prisoners were taken to the
county jail under escort
Just try a 1 Oo box of Cascarets.the fin
est liver and bowel regulator ever made.
BUY FREGH KAN8AG Sr?fs,frfiS,rt)a, Oanlrn.TrManitriawmSmMia.allMiMK'laHyeTowaiuiil VAwJ I C I II avZJ
aX-tl fur Weetern eoll and rllntatn. Alfalfa. Kaltlrcora a " 1 '
othar funur utant trv climat asureialtv. Our ttlmmnl 1X117 eata. lAIIAt
Ina-uob ready a wlllDaiallinoaa!ltcaUoa. Sax
but have ankl direct to Ike
ciinnumw lor M ynan, at
botvaai ytWmk. eavtiif
iihhu u waifrr pro
pa rxnp aniwuftr
ki eiaiutnaihia ba
kira aala. Kvarr
thine warranted,
kw lvle ot r-
mm Top lluagtaaaa
'aaV IDvkM
a la
Ba,RH- Barm
Kal WM'HH, Mn.
ac-XM. via.
1 U (U I
I I B7
t.ewiKMiMawtii. ax last a, rra latartaue.
C7EC14L Omit lot aOe we will sand, post paid. 1 pkg ot eabbagn, 1 pkg ot tor
aloe, 1 pkg ot bant, 1 pkt ol lettn 1 pkf ot onion. Any person eecdiag SOe
to tbe) above ooileetiot and ctvlnc tbe names ol tan or more of their tr tends wa
BraaM seeds wUl rewire lm 1 pkf Japanese ellnblag eucamber asd on pkc
ww,"B4 Cameron's Scsd Co.f
HMrr City Nob.
Floods in the Booth,
The valley of tbe Mississippi river be
ginning at Cairo, HI on to tbe gulf is one
great inland sea. The water continues
to rise at the rate of about an inch an
hour. The gauge at Cairo shows a rise of
fifty feet, lbe inhabitants all along tbe
river are abandoning their homes. There
are reports of several drowned but
nothinz of a definite character can be
One Failure Cause Another.
Pabis, Texas, March 24. The Fann
ers and Merchants bank closed its
doors this morning. It was one of the
oldest financial institutions in the state
and had a paid up capital of 8200,000.
The failure of Martin, Wise & Fitzhugh
cotton buyers, yesterday caused a run.
John Martin was president of the
bank until yesterday, when he re
signed. Corbett Called on Fits.
San Fbancisco, March 24. Corbett
called at Fitzsimmons' hotel to-day, but
ine latter evaaeu nim. uorbett says
he will fight no one else. Corbett says
he may accept the management of' a
big athletic club in New York.
' From First Appointment.
Washington, March 24. Postmas
ters at offices which have been raised
to the presidential class during the
last administration will have their
four year term of office dated from the
appointment prior to the change of
classe8and consequent reappointment
The issue was raised in a number of
cases of this class, and the cases in
which several contests figure, have
been carefully considered and the
policy definitely determined.
The Bill Prepared by the Business Men
of Lincoln is Passed.
The people of Lincoln have at last se
cured relief from the arrogant and ava
ricious corporations of that city. The
populist legislature has passed a charter
drawn by the best business men of tbe
city and supported by all of the busi
ness interests. It will go into effect at
once as it passed with the emergency
Tbe bill provides that the number of
councilmen shall be seven instead ot
fourteen and that they shall be elected
at large instead of by wards. It is be
lieved that a better class of men will be
secured by electing at large than those
secured by ward elections.
It also provides for a fire and police
commission of three members to be ap
pointed by the governor. This commis
sion has the power to appoint and dis
charge members of the police and fire
departments. This is a good provision
lor the reason that it removes the police
and fire departments from tbe changes
and uncertainties of city politics. As it
has been tbe mayor of the city who con
trols the police force can and has been
known to make arrangements and prom
ise of immunity from punishment to cer
tain elements in tbe city iu order to se
cure their support for his election. As it
will be under the new arrangement the
police department can enforce the ordi
nances of the city in relation to all
matters of police, regulation without re
gard to promises and political deals
made by the mayor in his campaign lor
There is another provision that per
mits the city council to purchase or
erect a city lighting plant for its own
use not to cost more than $15,000. If it
is to cost more than $15,000, the prop
osition must be submitted to a vote of
tbe electors. -
It reduces the salaries and running ex
penses of the city and provides that all
fees shall be turned into the city treas
urer. The salaries under the old and new
charters are as follows:
Mayor $1,000
Treasurer 3.000
Deputy treasurer 1,200
One assistant 900
Each councilman 300
Each fire and police com
Each member excise
board 300
City clerk 2,000
Deputy clerk 1,200
Marshal, per month 100
Captain of police, month 90
Policemen, per month... 70
City engineer , 1,800
Ass't engineer, month
Street coin., per month 75
City attorney 1,500
Deputy city attorney...... 900
Water commissioner 1,000
' 100
0 Off. wrim
HE W disco veht. neves, fails.
A new, reilableand sarersUef foraup.
pi il, leenlTe, scanty or Baiafid
uiDHunuin. jiqw oeea oy over BO,vuv
uunpeiarparueaiarm. aM ky tjeal
IF.flarteldea Co.
run on Slow. MOUSE
liar -
aa low
waa - e, VJ
rwnd ka aa.
'e- aAan.a u.,. a
aaaaaam kav 4ta4aaa,aika
The planter's success depends most upoa Qoo4 and
FRESH 8EKDS. Usvlkg establish! avd gardens la
Fimaaeoooty, Nebraska, la 1393, we ar now ready to
turntsh needs dlreel to tbe burners. Our seeds, baisf
HOI I (J ROT, n, an trash and reliable.
Much in Little
I,epecially true of Hood's Fills, for no medi
cine ever contained o great curatire power In
so small space. They are a whole medicine
chest always ready, al
ways efficient always sat
isfactory; prevent a com
ours all liver ills.
sick headache, Jaundice, constipation, etc. 2BC.
The only Pius to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Consulting rooSa-TT-p "ID T3T,V'
Second floor X3U DLI1
GOB. 18th A PSts ,
0. D. GRIFFIN, Prop.
Full shorthand and business course.
Special aetention given to preparatory
work for high school and uuiversity.
Before deciding what school to attend
write lor full information or call at
Academy. Take elevator at P street
Bheunatiimi Eraema, Kidney and Stomach
It is but the truth to say that hund
reds of people suffering from above and
1 I JtT , , 1 A,
otner aiBeases nave oeen curea or greatly
benefitted by the use or the medicinal
waters at Hot Springs, S. D. If you art
interested, address for particulars, A. S.
V ielding,uty Ticket Agent Northwestern
Line, 117 South Teuth St., Lincoln, Neb.
President. oecreiary.
This school Is Klvlnir Its Itndanta nod work
sod 1 up-to-date. Instruction slvcaia the fol
lowing branches:
BnaiNEfOk. pr AfyrifR!
.. w - - w i
Head ns the Dames of II yoane; persoss who
want to attend a bnsiaeas eoUeire and w vtll
sand yon onr "Boslness Student" (or on year.
Lincoln Business College,
llth and 0 Sts., Lincoln. Tel. 254.
beat SrAltta BHHilwltl locn.i
t-rwriiirivitp uuya bus?
RTriuli Biij sf tb Mevnufuiarera
(undri'linf Spclltl- at latt than Vholaaalt prli-e, t .
win HiM-klim. Bl.rl, OnrmM-. IInhm, l'Wr k'M-.
I'iip-, Riirvli. Hurnna, R.r . Vnm M;H
ll.r IV-s JwkTt, Tr.i.k A't, lln, I niirr-,
.mAmtv lV MI'K KiAwt, D.illv Hinll'-wi
.on How.ra, . r..r-Rlil, litrm, kilhiv, II al.rls
r kr llrs Hnii.l ( rl. Kn.ln.l. I W r. VrarZ
tinlft.lllll. IV-wkniN. IVHpps kiil.h, f'lnllile.
y, atf. Kkintw, I'hiir 1 mull .uni" M.l
H-n.irnFrpr-riiRlotiPfinflMili.iwl Mfimi.
J..r,oa Blw tKICA'lO B04IB CO., ChloatcIU.
To California.
Yes, and economy, too, il
you take the Burlington
Itoute.s personally conduct
ed once-a-week excursions
iwhich leave Lincoln vrv
Thursday at 6:10 p. m.
tourist hlwpers clean,
ibriffht, comfortable thro'
to San Frauciaco and I ,a
Angeles. Second-class tick
eta accepted. Only $3 lor a
double berthwide enough
and big enough for two.
Write for .older giving lull information.
Or call at the I). & M. depot or city oflle
corner Tenth and 0 street, Lincoln
Neb. U. W. 1Uskeix,C. P. A T. A.
Is rompltasre allh the ataialMi ol the etale el
N.bra.ta, la avn-h caw wada aad pro..rf,L
sall la krtf ita taal Mtitl prvuuaal alii
be n-a.vl at Ik oie.fa ul U. Ma,,Wl)M . lead and tiMke salll I a. St alarab
i. IT. I,ir turalafcinat nart'lun IW U ua,.M,
a.llJaa JO, lw.', k.r laa kuarMal tur Ike
a , !."''. la.., aal Sk.
tk aal la.laaini ,fc al k-arar i
H'ta' l.a,l,ial hcvut st Ua., lK,tm.
.iitalalHMr M .a4 dk at oaaa IU i
ite kvr kbo-a,iaJl .. B,lm,
U.l" '" "" h at oaa.l lalaad
aad Miltord.laa koa,. .4 Ik. fr.adiaaaai Tlja! 1
ula.M immi laJiMlnal hue. al M"t.,rd
aad la aiaM aiWaiia' al .iif, .,,
aa aad iMaak -..H- w .aa ka fua,a.l kr
am. in ike ,- .4a. wl ike ilisvwak
laalitsiwaa, im aua .,M u mui
K.4 l k, a,. kv kr..., i.,.M
AH ktd la h !, a.a-kaka. aad
ar a.,-T,-(..,.r- u.n.atu...- j..
Ul be Ma aakaata lat- Ikaewai,
laiealu. al ka. aa4a a.4 aM4ia aa r ka.
I-M. II. !. .., . . . . . .
4 ka4ksaaitaejl la Ike ki4 -kail
i a aH kt4a.
aa k im j v
I,,., aa, Mrk r, m.
a. a. wianaa,
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