The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 18, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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    March 18 1897.
Suits from THE
that fit, feel easy
and at the same tine look as though
they were made for the man wear
ing them. You don't have to pay
fancy prices for "fitting clothes" at
the Hub, either,
(it never came from the hub. )
TUT IN ID The Great Mail Order Clothing
inn HUD
ion of the lower house of congress would
have been completely changed. Kear
ney New-Era Standard.
If the middle-of-the-road populists con
tinue to insist ou relegating the silver
Question to the rear of the procession,
they will soon find themselves squatting
in a mud hole on the nation's great
highway, while more practical reformers
are marching, dry-shod, over them.
Madison County Times.
Paul Van der Voort, the notorious re
publican spy and corruptionist, who has
done more injury to the people's party
of this state than ten honest republi
cans, was endorsed by the reform press
nt Memphis and all charges Against bim
whitewashed. There is not a people's
party paper in the state that has ever
upheld Paul and they never will. The
reform press will have to get along with
out any members in Nebraska when
they uphold such a traitor as him.
Stanton Register. ,
The monstrous effort now being made
by Chairman Washburn of the National
populist committee, aided by the notor
ious Paul Van der Voort, to abandon
the silver issue and change the base of
the fighting ground for 1900 is not
meeting with favor among western pop
ulists. The silver issue is the one issue
that will enlist more support in there
form movement than all others. It is
the rock upon which the party has built
a national reputation, and it muststand
as the strongest plank in our platform.
Custer County Chief.
This week we publish an editorial from
the Nebraska Independent written by
J. A. Edgerton, on "The Mission of the
People's Party." It is fine, and J. A.
is a man who ought have exclusive edi
torial jurisdiction over thestate paper.
O'Neill Beacon Light.
Governor Bushnell on Monday defi
nitely announces his purpose to appoint
Mark Hanna as a senator of the United
States to succeed John Sherman. It is
an appointment utterly and conspicu
ously unfit to be made. It is the out
come of a complicated political dicker
which unhappily involves the president
himself, as our Canton dispatches on
Monday show. Mark Hanna has no pre
tensions whatever to statesmanship. He
has neither learning nor experience,
neither an acquaintance with public af
fairs nor skill in their conduct. His soli
tary claim upon attention is that he has
raised and disbursed a gigantic cam
paign fund for the debauch ment of Amer
ican politics. Without that claim upon
attention his appointment to the senate
would be ludicrous. With it that ap
pointment is a blistering scandal. New
York World.
Populists in congress are opposed to
the proposition tuat the party give up
the silver question. They, with the ma
jority of the party, regard such a course
as foolish in the extreme. Seneca(Kans.)
Why do a few professional reformers
desire to belittle and subordinate the
silver question in the next campaign?
Because the reformers came so near
winning in the last campaign on the sil
ver issue that they think there is danger
of such triumphant success in the next
great battle as will destroy their occu
pation .Silver Kn ight.
Bimetallism is still the issue and will
be until silver is given the same right to
the American mints as gold. Red Cloud
bTATE op Ohio, City of Toledo, )
Lucas County. f
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is
the senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the ctiy
of Toledo, county and state aforesaid,
ana that said firm will pay the sura of
one hundred dollars for each and every
case of catarrh that cannot be cured by
the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. D. 1896.
seal A. W. Gleabon,
Notary Public.
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts directly on the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Send foi
testimonials, free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., j
Toledo. 0.
That Fit.
HUB are the sort
and comfortable
Our suits at 3.75$
$4.50 and $5.50 are as shapely as
our 17.50 and $10 suits. All are
cut right, made right and sold on
Basis of 10c Corn
No house on earth can beat our
prices. Remember also if you do
not often visit Lincoln, you can
buy of us as cheaply by mail as in
the store. We send fashion book,
order blank, and rules for meas
uring, also a lot of samples to se
lect from, free of charge to all
buyers of clothing, bend your
address at once and let us post you
on up-to-date styles at up-to-date
House, Lincoln, Nebraska.
The Law Passed By the Legislature in
- Thst State Will Be Obeyed.
The Kansas City stock yards com
pany at a meeting of its directors decid
ed to comply with the law recently en
acted by the Kansas legislature govern
ing charges for yardage and feed.
Hereafter the yardage charge upon
cattle will be 15 cents instead of 25
cents as heretofore; upon calves 8 cents
per head instead of 10, upon hogs 10c,
upon sheep 4c instead of 5. Hay has
heretofore been sold at $1 per hundred
weight and corn at f 1 per bushel. Un
der the new law the company may charge
for feed not over 100 per cent more than
the average market price of the preceding
Important Notice.
We have received cash from the fol
lowing persons who have failed to give
their postoffice address, and those inter
ested should write at once that we may
give proper credit:
Thos. Barron.....:...,....,.,... ......$ 50
B Pearson.;.....::.....;..........:.;.....;. 2 00
M V Ruunyan 2 00
H C Crandell 26
S D Cole : 1 50
W. H. Postlewait, P. M., for J.
M. Dean 1 20
Claims the Contract Against Public
Policy and Therefoie Void.
The Swedish American Publishing Co.
in Omaha brought suit against Edward
Rosewater for a balance due of $1,600
due on contract for supporting the re
publican ticket in the Harrison cam
paign. Rosewater admitted the con
tract and that certain payments had
been made, but set up as a defense that
the contract was against public policy
and therefore could not be enforced.
Judge Dickinson decided in Rose
water's favor and dismissed the case.
West Union, Neb., Feb. 25, 1897.
My little boy was in poor health and we
began giving him Hood's Sarsaparilla
which made him strong, and he now
seems to be perfectly well.
Mrs. Charles Howland.
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable.
Death of a Democratic Senator Makes a
Republican Probable.
The republicans have been unexpect
edly favored in the senatorial contest in
Kentucky. John P. Sayler, a gold
standard democrat from Morgan couuty
died suddenly at his home March 14th.
This is the third time that a death has
occurred in the Kentucky legislature
during a senatorial contest. Senator
Sayler though a gold standard democrat
would have voted with the silver demo
crats to prevent the seating of four con
testing republicans whose votes are nec
essary to the election of a U. S. senator.
Sayler's death gives the republicans a
a majority of the uncontested members
and they will probably seat their con
testants which will practically insure the
election of a republican U. S. senator. It
is generally believed that the joint ballot
cannot take place before March 23d,
depending upon the ruling of Lieutenant
Governor Worthington.
Wife Wanted.
Age 35. I have but little prop
erty; American widower; good health
no encumbrance, temperate, good stand
ing in the church and society.
F.'J. Price,
Fremont, Neb.
A Farmer Hangs Himself .
Ferdinand Tegtmeyer, a farmer living
alone on his farm near Beaver City himg
himseif to the stovepipe in bis cabin.
It was impossible to tell how long he
had been hanging when found as the
shanty is in an unfrequented place in the
south part of Furnas county. The body
was left hanging until the officers arrived
from Beayer City. The immediate cause
of the suicide is unknown.
Cascarets stimulate liver, kidneys and
bowels; never sicken, weaken or gripe lOo
Will Tbey be Allowed Tbcir Seats in tbt
In Kentucky, Oregon and Florida the
legislatures failed to elect U. S. senators
and the governors have in each case ap
pointed a senator. There is some'donbt
as to their being seated. Senator Hoar
and several other senators have stated
that in their opinion the precedent in
the Lee Mantle case would be followed
and none of the appointed men would be
seated. Lee Mantle was the senator ap
pointed by the governor of Montana in
1893 but was not allowed to take his
The World telegraphed the governors
of Florida, Kentucky and Oregon as fol
lows: "In the appointment of a United States
senator did you consider the ruling of
the senate denying the right of the gov
ernor to appoint where the legislature
had tailed to elect Inapplicable? .
Wherein does the case in your state
differ from the Mantle case?
By what date do you think the legis
lature will elect a senator?" 4-
Ihe following replies were received:
Frankfort. Kv.. March 8.
By Telegraph to the editor of the World:
Yes, but the decision in the cases of
Mantle and others in 1893 is not en
titled to the weight which attaches to
an unbroken line of decisions by the sen
ate for nearly a century before holding
to the contrary. .
Especially Is this true in view oi the
fact that the. earlier decisions are in
plain accord with the provisions of sub
division 2, section 3, article 1, constitu
tion of the United States.
Am unable to give you any
thing like a definite reply to your ques
tion. ' W. O. BRADLEY,
Governor of Kentucky.
There was no session of our legislature
from the inability of the house to or
ganize. Hence there was no legislature
to elect a senator.
W. P. Lord,
Governor of Oregon.
Tallahassee. Fla., March 8.
By telegraph to the editor of the World:
The Lee Mantle case is not applicable
to Florida. The legislature of Florida
has not failed to elect and does not con
vene until April.
My predecessor appointed Senator
Pasco, March 4, 1893, under similar
circumstances, and the senate convened
in extra session, seated him .without
The Florida legislature will meet on
April 6. I hope the contest for senator
will not be protracted, but cannot an
swer you definitely on that point.
W. D. Uloxham.
Governor of Florida.
Peoples Party Conventlen,
The peoples party electors of the city of
Lincoln are hereby called to assemble in
delegate convention at Y. M. C. A. hall
corner 13th and N streets at 2 o'clock p.
m. Friday, March 19, 1897, for the pur
pose of electing a permanent chairman
and secretary and committeeman from
the various wards for the ensuing year
and nominating candidates for the fol
lowing tity offices, viz: One mayor,- one
city treasurer, one city clerk, one cem
etery trustee, three members of the board
of education and such number of coun
cilmen at large as the law at that time
permits and the transaction of such
other business as the convention may
deem proper.
The several wards of said city are en
titled to the following number of dele
gates, based on the votes cast for Hon.
W. J. Bryan for president in 1896:
First ward 10, Second ward 10, Third
ward 18, Fourth ward 18, Fifth ward
17, Sixth ward 10, Seventh ward 11,
total 94.
It is recommended that the primaries
be held at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, March
17, 1897 at the following places:
First ward Smith's barn, north of
Haymarket square.
Second ward Payne & Leeks' store,
corner 10th and K streets.
Third ward To be designated by
ward committeeman.
Fourth ward Lindell hotel.
Fifth ward Peters' store.South Seven
teenth street. ,
Sixth ward To bo designated by
ward committeeman.
Seventh ward 11. M. Leavitt's coal
yard office.
The committee recommends that no
proxies be allowed and that the dele
gates present cast the full vote of the
delegation. By order of the city central
committee. E. C. Rewick,
F. L. Mary, Chairman.
Secretary. -
To Trade..
For town or suburban property, a
good farm in western Nebraska three
i r j j. ' i ii j
mnes iroin uejou uuuu wen auu wiuu
mill, pasture 80 acres ,in cultivation.
Will trade only for clear property.
Mrs. W. H. Brim,
Dorchester, Neb.
Trans-Mississippi A ppropriation.
The bill that passed the house appro
priating $100,000 for a state exhibit at
the Trans-Mississippi exposition in Oma
ha contained a provision that before the
state money should be available for the
exhibition the managers of the exposi
tion must show to the satisfaction of the
governor, auditor and treasurer that
the sum of $200,000 had been paid into
the treasury of the exposition by the
stock holders. The senate reduced the
amount required to be paid in to $100,
000 and asked the concurrence of the
bousa. The house refused to concur and
appointed acommittee on conference'eom
posed of Messrs. Jenkins, Snyder of Ne
maha and Eager all of whom are bitter
ly opposed to the appropriation for the
exposition. If the committees cannot
agree and the senate will not recede the
bill will be killed. It is an interesting
condition and the only apparent solu
tion is for the senate to recede and al
low the amount required to be paid in
by the stock holders remain at $200,000.
It is generally admitted that the com
mittee appointed by the house will not
concede anything to the friends of the
VICTOR Incubator
Hatchea Chiok-ai kj Htaaa, AbwluMly
elf.rffaltlnff. Th limplMt, umI
4 0U. B 'V in the mark. UreaUn FHKK. Addraaa
reliant, and oheapaat nm-elaM uatoaer
Cata, P TP
An Kiplanatlon.
Valentin, Neb., March 8, 1897.
Editor Ixdei'KNDE.nt: Dear Sir: In
your issue of the 4th iustyou take the
undersigned to task for clipping a batch
of articles from the Independent with'
out the proper credit. I wish to say
that the articles were clipped with the in
tention of placing them under one head
ing with the proper credit but became
separated and the credit unfortunately
overlooked, which the writer very much
regrets. Anything worth clipping is
worth crediting.
As to complaint of flings at the Inde
pendent since our defeat for chief clerk
by Mr. Eager, we wish to most emphat
ically deny. We spoke commendatory
of Mr. Eager in the News before and after
his election as well as congratulating
him in person after his success in the
caucus and besides I always referred to
the gentleman in a complimentary way
to members while making my canvass.
I consider the Independent a good
paper the best populist paper in the
northwest but I am not one ot those
who consider it infallible in all things
and shall not hesitate to criticise as in
my judgment deem prudent for the ad
vancement and final triumph of our
cause. Believe me
Yours fraternally,
George II. Reinhart,
' Ed. News.
The Independent publishes the above
letter from the desire to be perfectly fair.
It seems a little strange that in making
clippings one should from a paper
four years old. It also seems a little
strange that if the failure to give credit
one week were an oversight, that the
same oversight should be repeated the
next week and nothing said about it.
However, let that pass.
So far as criticism is concerned the
Independent welcomes it. We are all
prone to err and a man's best friend is
one who honestly advises him of his
short-cominirs. The same is true of a
paper. We like those criticisms to be
open, however, so that we may know
wherein we have erred. We dislike in
sinuations. The Independent does not desire to
do any injustice to the editor of the
News, but in future respectfully asks him
when clipping the writings of this editor
to give credit. Ed. Independent.
Appropriations made by the last con
gress aggregate over $1,045,000,000.
Missouri's legislators adjourned to
celebrate the outgoing of Cleveland.
The negro and the trusts are the two
predominating elements at Washington,
demanding spoils.
San:Francisco and Chicago are follow
ing the example of Detroit and giving to
the unemployed the privilege of raising
vegetables on vacant lots.
So much corruption has been uncover
ed in congress, thanks to the populists,
that the government is seriously contem
plating making its own, armor plate.
1 he new civil service law reduces the
number of presidential appointive
offices to less than 2,000. Mckinley
has announced that be will make few ap
pointments until after the tariff bill has
been settled.
The Idaho legislatute has passed reso
lutions condemning two of its members
-one for trying to extort a bribe,- the
other ior offering one. Kansas has done
likewise, while three of the state senators
in Oklahoma have resigned, declaring
the senate too corrupt for an honest
man to remain.
Isaac B. Daggett is under arrest at
York for boot-legging whiskey. He
could not give bond and was committed
to jail.
1 be citizens of Grand Island at a non
partisan covention re-nounnated the
present city officers. The republicans
will meet this week and nominate a
straight republican ticket.
A banquet was given b ederal J udge
W. H. Munger by the Dodge county bar
in honor of his appointment as United
States district judge. About fifty of the
members of the bar association, together
with their frionds, were present. It was
a very pleasant affair that will long be
remembered by Judge Munger.
The women of Lincoln have the right
to vote for members of the school board.
An example of the interest taken in the
election is seen in the fact that at a call
to nominate candidates there were ten
women present. They adjourned with
out nominating.
Governor Holcomb has issued a requi
sition upon the governor of Iowa for
Charles Crick, held under arrest at Coun -cil
Bluffs, who is wanted at Omaha on
the charge of robbery.
A vessel in charge of Captain William
Lewis, carrying a large amount of arms
and ammunition and a ton of dynamite
has sailed from New York for Cuba.
Wilber F. Bryant was in the city at
tending to legal business during the past
J. M. Doyle of Hastings visited in the
city one day this week.
Governor Bradley of Kentucky has re
fused to either pardon or commute the
sentence of Mr. Walling who is sentenced
to hang on March 20.
On March lo Wm. A. Harris, the popu
list senator from Kansas to succeed
Senator Peffer, took the oath of office.
Henry W. Corbett the appointed senator
from Oregon presented his credentials
but was not allowed to take the oath of
office. The credentials were referred to
the committee on privileges , and elec
tions. The report of the chief of the fire de
partment in Lincoln shows a total of
114 tires during the past year involving
a total loss by fire of $93,981.05. The
total expense of the department for the
year was $26,010.34.
Ihe "republican labor prrty a slice
of the rapidly crumbling g. o. p. met
last week and repudiated the regular
nominee of the republican party for
mayor, the Hon. Frank Graham and
placed R. E. Doran in the field as their
candidate. His name will be placed on
the ticket by petition. It is expeeted
that Mr. Doran will put up a "great
fight" with great chances.
Three negroes who confessed to the
murder of postmaster J. M. Barfleld and
his deputy J. R. Turner, were lynched
near Blue Springs Florida.
A reduction has been made by the
Pennsylvania Tube and Iron works of
10 per cent on the wages paid to its
1,000 employes. President Joshua
Rhodes said:
"business nas oeen so auu, ana as
there seems to be so little prospect for a
betterment o! our trade conditions, we
were compelled to make the reduction
It became necessary to reduce wages to
hold our trade. Prices have beeu badly
cut in the market.
The condition of the dockers' strike is
mors fagsrarated than ?r. Man
ager Irapo, of the Flint Pere Mar
quette Railway has declared that ha will
uui -imciiurge asy oi me non-union men.
i ue sinners onerea to work lor 18 cents
an nour, out no reply has been received.
Mure than l.ftOO man hanu luvnn k...kt
, ... . . w wro WIK.
here and 1,100 have goue away again.
i ue new nanas were today cut down to
10 tnmfa nn hnnt
L. II. Carneninir nf fln.laitrh Ynvth Paa.
I n - - p. " , '-.. i. wm. -
olina has brought milt mm I nut finnirNwa.
man Harry Skinner and ex-Congress
man uuck mtcnen ior f iu,uoo damage
for libel. It Will be rnmamhAi-itrl that, at
the last populist national convention
Skinner and Kitchen were robbed and
accused Carpening with the theft." This
io iue cause oi ine suit.
Corbett is Knocked Out in the Pug
Tight at Carson City.
Carson City, Nev., March 17, Robert
Fitzsimmons today knocked out James
J. Corbett in the fourteenth round and
thus becomes the champion of the world.
Over three thousand people were at the
ringside. The battle was hard-fought
from start to finish. In the early part
Corbett seemed to have the best of it,
but the Cornisbman fought like a tiger
ana wore nis larger antagonist out.
Corbett was virt.nnllv hon tan a. ft at t Via
- WMfll VbLatvoU MS W KU V
tenth round and received bis knock-out
by a blow over the heart in the four
teenth. He only fell to his knees but re
mained in a dazed condition and failed
to come up in the ten seconds limit. The
ngns was men awarded to Fitzsimmons
I will (end you ten "Oxti" Gtnsologlcal
forme, which will rouble yon to easily prepare
and keep a history of your family together with
one "Levize Qnan tier'' chart, which ehowe at a
glance yonr direct blood relationship.
For SO Cents
I will aenii you ilx"Ozley" Qeneolofrlcal form
which every one ehould bays who respect their
family connection!.
The above will enable any one to prepare and
Seep a complete f cm lly record. No one ehould
be without them. Send poatal ordere or two
cent etamps to Charles A. Bass, 132 Nassau
street, new York city.
Thinks the Extra Session of Congress
Will do Its Work Speedily.
In an interview recently published in
the New York World, Senator Henry M,
Teller gives it as his opinion that the
tariff measure reported by the house
committee and passed by that body
would receive very little opposition in
the senate. Many of the silver senators
while not supporters of high tariff from
principle will vote for the measure in
order to give the present administra
tion the opportunity to frame the tariff
according to its own liking. The demo
cratic senators will make short speeches
in opposition to the bill, to preserve the
time-honored record of the democratic
party on this subject. In reply to the
question as to the necessary time re
quired to pass the bill, the senator
thought it should pass by June 1. lie
gave it as bis opinion that the senate
would amend the bill but very little. In
reply to a question as to the sugar scbed.
ule he said, "it seems the general im
pression that the sugar schedule would
be fixed at 1 cents per pound." This
will probably increase the revenue by
nearly $25,000,000 per year if the con
sumption of sugar remains the same as
at present, but Mr. Teller added "it
sometimes happens that an increase of
tariff is followed by a decrease in the rev
enues through a falling off in importa
tions. If times improve the consump
tion of sugar will be just as great as it
is now."
We shall Bee how an increase in the
price of sugar and woolen clothing to
consumers can bring prosperity to the
country at large, ; - "i j
Small Men.
The populist party will stand by Chair
man Butler and Secretary Edgerton no
matter what the little Beven by nine fel
lows who call themselves the "reform
press" have done at Memphis. Three
fourth's of the populist editors do not be
long to this organization and never did.
The Memphis meeting did not represent
the party neither did it represent the
populist press. '
These are the same fellows who set up
the idiotic howl before the last national
convention met about Taubeneck,
Weaver, Allen and other true and hon
ored leaders being traitors. They never
tired dilating on how Weaver, Allen &
Co., wanted to destroy the Omaha plat
form, but when the great national con
vention met, it honored these same men
by putting them to the front and heed
ing their counsel.
The St. Louis convention made only
one mistake, and that was in nominat
ing Tom Watson for the vice presidency.
It should have nominated a level headed
man with brains who would have tiiado
an honorable campaign in defense of the
party and the grand platform. Instead
of this it nominated a turbulent old
"fish woman" who spent his time airing
his grievances and exposing his political
posterior. His late telegram congratu
lating Pitchard, a gold standard repub
lican who defeated a true blue populist
for United States Senator in North Car
olina, by the votes of brother traitors
like Watson himself, shows what man
ner of man he is.
The populist party has grown too big
and too brainy to be controlled by such
small men.
Coxey recognized this fact and had the
decency to step out. It must be a source
of great gratification to the reform press
association to know that Coxey has
taken it under his wing. Creston, Iowa
Chicken Mite Exterminator
Lice Killer.
Lice, mites and fleas on poultry and
stock easily and thoroughly removed.
No dusting, greasing, dipping or handl
ing of poultry is needod. Send for cir
cular that tells all about it. Agents
One-half gallon, 50 cents, one gallon
75 cents, five gallon, 3.00.
Manufactured by James Cameron,
Bearer City, Neb.
APPLE, S to 4 ft. t
Rub, Mulberry A
Cherry. I to 4 ft. SIS:
Concord grape vtaesti
Usage Hedge
WE PAT THE irelckt
nt about mini pr,
r omaiete rnee iahi Free.
JJansen Nor., Jaasea.Nek
Nebraska's Trio Cannot bs Equalled Jo
the Union. ,
Central City, Neb., March 9, Editor
Nebraska IvokpdndentI see that a
great majority of the leaders of the free)
silver party are opposed to Mr. Wash
burn's idea to drop out apart of onr
platform, and I have ask 3d many of the
farmers in this vicinity as to their idezs
relative to the points at issue, I do Jte4
find a farmer who is favorable to drop. "
ping off any part of the platform of 1833.
We would do the cause a great injury
to eliminate any of the essential parU,
and the great central plank is t!9
money question. Six and one-half mil
lions of men expressed their ideas , tj
November for for silver and if the vote
had been fairly counted I have no doubt
free silver wonld have won, and for, tu
to throw aside the platform that was -sneered
at, slurred at, fought against tr -two
parties united by boodle, would lV
an acknowledgement that we an not
sincere in our professions.". Aaotfrt ?
thing I learn in my convass of voters, -
and that is: That Mr. Bryan is tits .
man we want in 1900. . No otherraaa
is thought of and no other issue to
talked about than free coinage of sti
ver. I cannot find a man who he J
gone back to the old parties, and man7
of the other side are coining over to
our side to get into good company. '
Many say that our side told the trnti
concerning the hard times, and they
dont take much stock in toe err, "pros
perity is coming." We were called anar
chists, but it the republican party in
Nebraska are not anarchists 1 owns
know the meaning of the Word. PabSr?
offloials sworn to perform their dot 7
as specified by law, have robbed t'.:
state of nearly a million dollar asi
when a non-partisan board appoints!
according to law to count votes csii.
for certain amendments tbey are east
fronted by the party, who wisheJ
these amendments to become a parte!
the state constitution, with all tz
petty quibbles a set of rascals can in- ;
vont. There must be something wroor
in the election relative to these amend
ments or the officials would not try
to prevent a recount.
it Mr. liolcomh and tne present stat
officials had all been defeated, yot
wonld have seen the two suprsnV
judges counted in, bnt it wonld ht
been the republican candidates mu
would have received- the pie.
We dont want any change in tr
platform. We want the fight to gtxott,
and every man who can writs hisidV"
should send bis little article to sotc
silver paper. If he cannot put bis ids:
in readable form then he should n
his tongue whenever be meei,a jwif
bor. We want Bryan and we are got
to bave him. He dont rattle in t
box. He will keep for four years. 1
dry rot in such brains as that. t I,
one need blush when such men- t
Bryan, Allen, Holcomb and a host i :
others from Nebraska - speak C'-
Scratch any other state of the unic3
over with a fine tooth comb and yci
cannot find the equal of our trio. 1
change of platform or of candidate t.
us former.-' s T - -Remectfalljnr"
M. M. Hallkck,
Cartas tn Children ot Disease Tt
Strikes at Nine-tenths of Our JUtt
Chsru Gray, 19 years pid, and a v
briaiit lad. Is the son .of 3. W. C
caahiar of the Kxchanc Bank, 1
Iowa. Three months ao this chlM v
wilting under the bllhtlnc aa
tts-locted Ca.Ui .-h. . ,
lus latnar, m wnnif h w. -
' "Our Charlie is as healthy and sound to
day as any child could be. when we placel
him under Dr. Shepaxd's care he ws
badly afflicted with Catarrh and hay-feve
He couldn t Dreatne uirouKn nm muso iu
was always trying to clear the paasagesl ,
hawking, spitting and coughin-. Jh
Catarrh had bothered him for a ) i
and Inst seemed to rob him
natural vitality. He was run dcipve you
and emaciated. Alter traveling
the west with him in hopes or reip p--.
health, I became discouraged an -eui
your office last ran. i most neai ;
you for your kind and thorough I you cllD
kl. aqu) A. a rpstllt flf vfur WO a
is as healthy and well as any be ...
Your Home Treatment, through Q1 UUt
has cured him completely, ana v
small cost to me."
Intending patients, or pniONG
children who need "the trc
that cures," should writer
Gray, Cashier of The Excha j'
Kxlra, Iowa, and ask If '
statement Is really true. . js4,
will take pleasure In replying, .if
nr. '
Dra, Copeland A Spepard
oared to treat suitable eas
Chronic disease by various fO'jf
electricity. This department,
charge of a physician thorcljtn
competent In this field. RheumHlG
ueuralela, nervous prostratlo.
male diseases and low vitality
in en mid women are among the mi.
conditions that readily leld to thy
wonderful agency. Patients from"'
broud rccel ved at the Institute fua
treatment, with or without board .'ma
W. II. COPKI.ANH, M.D. (Consulting "
C. . stUKjeAKO, M.J).. ( PuysiclansKl
Office Hours 9 to 11 a. m., 2 to B p. rtd
Evenings Wednesdays and Saturday L
only C to t. Sunday 10 to li m. "J
Copeland Medical Institute
a vl
Rlpana Tabules cure flatulence.
i C. .
rtne wi
'ea. (iua
Hrnd r
ix.dn ful