March 18 1897 THE' NEBRASKA INDEPEDENT f I Eaaiaalaa. t CUM Hmmrm&unbf mrtl u4 SUU rVSaS, MW Vtitmut payVtatujua. VON MOHL CO., 304 B. late Ijiiln- arU. IMWL I V For busints in WWW V VW Furnaces Kitchen Furnishings. Job Work in any Kind of metal. Hall Bros. Co., 1308 0 St. Call on us or write for catalogue. pp. 8. KIBKPATB1CK, Attorney and Solicitor. Lav MlMaa TH E ELKHORN LINE Is the beat to reach the New Gold Fields in the Black Hills 011 st Office for Valuable Information. 1. 8. FIELDING, City Ticket Agt., 117 South 10th St., Lincoln. CALIFORNIA! CHICAGO, ROCKISLAND & PACIFIC RY. Gives you the choice of TWO ROUTES, one via Colorado and and the other via our the Scenic Line, Texas Line and the Southern Pacific. Our Texas Line is much quicker than any other line through to Southern CALIFORNIA FOR PERSONALLY .EXCURSIONS THE PHILLIPS ROCK ISLAND EXCURSIONS Are the most popular, and carry the ianrest business of any California Route. This Diamines that you get the best at tention and receive the best service. The lowest rate tickets to California are available on these excursions. Don't start on trio to California until you get our Tourist Folder, containing tnap showing routes and all information. For rates and reservations apply to any agent of the C, R. I. & P. Ry., or address JOHN SEBASTIAN, G. P. A., Chicago, Illinois. Prosperity. Do you know that in these hard times a lection of country fifty miles square tailed the Black 11 ills, has more material nrosneritv than any other plnce of the sani6 size yon can mention? $8,000,000 wan the 1SU6 gold product one-sixth of the eutire amount produced in the United States. Late last fall new discoveries were made that will largely increase the product. As soon as the snow goes off prospecting will be renewed vigorously at the new fields. There will be found a chance for men with limited means, as good ore is found at grans roots, and monev can be obtained for development from sale of ore as soon as they begin work. You can get valuable informa tion regardiug the new gold discoveries by calling on A. S. Fielding, 117 South Tenth St.. Lincoln, Neb, Notice of Chattel Mortgage Sale. ' Notice Is hereby Riven that b,v vtrtne of two chattel mortiraKBK dated June 1, lS9it and August 8. 1190 and duly filed In the office ot the county clrlt of Loncnmer count?, NeliraokB June 20, 1898 and Hmtemuer id 1M, nnd execufc'l by T. J. llaydn to the Lincoln Transfer Couyany to Been re the payment of I5 00 and npon which there is now due the eum of $45.00, Default liavlncr been made In the uavmeor. ofealdaum and no enit or other proeenllnir at law having been Instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof, therefore we will sell the property there in described: One potato cultivator. One sorrel horse eight .veers o!dv One Brown steel eight foot rake. One bay horse ten year old, at public auction at the corner of 9th and P streets, Lincoln, Lan caster county. Nebraska oi, the atlth day ot March 1897 at Zp. m. otsald day, Dated this 5th day of March 1S97. Lincoln Transfer Company. THE NEW YORK WORLD THBEE TIME8 A WEEK EDITION, AND NEBRASKA INDEPEND ENT, BOTE FAPEBS As useful to you as a great $ 6 daily ' for only $1.65 a year. Better than ever, i All the news of all the world all the time. Accurate and fair to everybody, Airainst trusts and all monopolies. Brilliant illustrations. Stories by great Authors iu every number. Splendid reading for women and other special de partments ot unusual interest. Thev stand first among "weekly" nutters in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of contents. We offer these unequaled newspapers together one year for $1.6o. , , For Sale. . XTm. LorrmbMa book on Ths EaD- tmsd Chiaation. If too want to be posted a tbla all Important subject send 88 Mtiud (it this book. It sontsJns 43 pares and usually tells for 80 stats. W WKtm so eense. Nxbbasu brDKPBNtnanr. tf ' Lincoln, lUb. DE. L. J. ABBOTT, SCPT. NEBRASKA HOS PITAL FOB INSANE. For forty years I have been something of an observer of public affairs and a close reader of the press. As secretary ot the first congressional convention oi the republican party in what was the 4th district in Ohio, as a citizen of Ne braska prior to her ad mission as a state, and as a delegate to the state populist convention iu 1890, 1 think that I can ay that I have known something of the organizations oi parties auu tut? mnn rl of the times which called them in to existence. In Nebraska the aDsoiute subservience of the dominant party to rh cornorations (banks and railroads in particular) brought, forth almost taneouslv the movement of nun dredsof voters to protest at me ponis against the republican party being so used. The early- endeavors of many voters was to reform the republican nnrtv within itself. Championed by Senator VanWvck. General Connor and scores of others, and aided by an inde pendent press which honestly desired to see a party mat in its euny iubiui j uu heen the representative oi tne people, restored to something of its original purity, an effort was made to purge the party of its absolute subservience to monev and corporate interests. How vain the effort: and vet. the seed sown by those early reformers was like bread cast upontne waters mat iounu us mis sion "after many days." The J; armtrs Alliance, in its great movement to ao something for the agricultural classes and to awaken them to the importance and consideration which their numbers, intelligunce and votes entitled them, led still further in the right direction. Un trained in the arts of politicians, pa triotic as many of their efforts were, (even with despicable traitors in the .old) much was done in 1891 to give to the state better legislation and to impress upon the nation at large the lact that at least there was an arousing on the part of the masses to a realization of the dangers confronting them, rromi- nent among the cardinal principles of the new "peoples party" was the demand for fair treatment by the national con gress, of the white .metal, and the con trol in the interests of the people, oi tne great railway corporations. It was truly stated that the iron trust, and various other combinations of capital, were a menace to society. Almost without so licitation, the requisitions ot the masses found expression in what was known as the peoples independent party, The new party advocated the restoration oi the white metal to the place originally given it by the fathers at the ratio of 16 to 1. As it was In 1890, it is today, one of the major precepts of the organization one obviou to all students of political econ omy. To abandon it at thie time would be unnatural, unjust and uncalled-for. Uutil settled, it is now and must be the one prominent feature of the party Around it cluster many proper subjects for legislation, but until the silver ques tion is settled, it will be all-important and all pervading. Like the slavery is sue in I860, it cannot be side-tracked, and the peoples party without Keeping the silver question to the front, would be "tne play of Hamlet with liamiet leit out." L. J. Abbott. A Legacy of Disease. VETERANS OF THE WAR EEPAID IN SI0OESS. Abasha Risk Only Lives Because He Per severed. Suffered Since the War With Kidney Disease. From the Capital, St. John, Kansas, Every citizen of St. John, Kansas, is acquainted with Abasha Kisk, one of the "Old Veterans" of the late war and retldent of this city. A lew months ago he was a complete physical wreck, from kidney trouble and diarrhoea, almost unable to get around at all. Your cor respondent, who had learned he had found relief, meeting him on the street recently, asked if he wouldn't give him all the facts, as he was interested, were also all of his friends. Mr. Kisk said he was only too glad to let the peo ple in general and his old comrades in particular, (who he knew were suffering from complaints similar to nisj, Know what had benefitted him. He then made the following statement: "I had been suffering for years from a complication of diseases, among them kidney and liver trouble and chronic diarrhoea. The greatest trouble oi all, however, was the complete wreck of my nervous system, resulting from my serv ice in the army. I was, in fact, in a ter rible and deplorable condition. I tried every remedy I could hear of without the least beneficial results, until 1 saw a tes timonial of an "old veteran" who was in the same regiment with me during the war (with whom I was well acquainted), stating that he had been cured of a Bim ilar complaint by theuseof Dr. Williams Fink Fills. I had almost given up hope, but concluded at last to give Fink Fills a trial, as they might possibly help me, I began using them and soon commenced to feel slightly better; my improvement was very slow, however, but still it was noticeable, and this was encouraging, In the course of about three weeks my condition was vastly improved. To the present time I have taken Id boxes ot Fink Pills, and can truthfully say I be lieve I am entirely cured of my kidney and liver trouble, and nearly so of my diahrrhcea. My nervous trouble, too is so much better that I am sure a cure will be entirely perfected in a short time. My wife also used the Fink Fills with great benefit. Her blood was in an ex tremely bad condition. Since using the Pills, however, this condition has en tirely disappeared. I consider Dr. Wil liams' Fink Pills the most marvelous dis covery of the age. I cannot say too much in their praise. Absba Risk, Dr. Williams' Fink Pills for Pale People are not a patent medicine in the sense that name implies. They were first com pounded as a prescription and used as such in general practice by an eminent physician. So great was their efficiency that it was deemed wise to place them within the reach of all. They are now manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medi cine Company, Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen or hundred, and the public are cautioned against numerous imitations sold in this shape) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams Medicine Company. When bilious or costive, eat a Casearet candy catbarticure guaranteed,! 0c 25c Rlpans Tabules: one gives relief. 110 FAITH CURE. IBOUrSTTJABT'S DY8PEPBIA TAB LETS. They Care Stomach Troubles and Indi gestion Anyway, Whether Ton Have Faith In Them or Not. Mere faith will not digest your food for you, will not give you an appetite, will not increase your flesh and strengthen your nerves and heart, but Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets will do these things, be cause they are composed of the elements of diirestion. they contain the juices; acids and peptones necessary to the di gestion and assimilation of all whole- Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest food if placed in a jar or bottle in water heated to 98 degrees, ana they win ao it much more effectively when taken into the stomach after meals, whether you have faith that they will or not. They invigorate the stomach, make pure blood and strong nerves, in the only way thatnature can do it, and that is. from plenty of wholesome looa wen ditrested. It is not what we eat, but what we digest that does us good. Stuart's Dyspepsia.Tableta are sold by nearly all druggists at 50 cents for full sized package, or by mail from the Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. FOR THE WOMEN. An Opportunity to Get Dress Pat terns at Less Than Half Price. 129 Ladies' Cape with Sectional Yoke Collar. 33, 34, 36, 38, 40 and 43 inches bust. HINTS BY KATE WALLACE CLEMENTS. An exceedingly dressy little wrap is this fashioned in Knirlish Kersey oi Liincoin Green. Silk oassementnc adorns tne high collar and yoke, and the free fronts of the crarment are outlined with a wide silk braid. The lininir is of tafieta m deep currant red, with an interlining ot light-weight Caroline to give a body The caoe. of fasbionaDie lengtn, is circu lar in shape and provided with a center back seam extending irom tne lower edge of the pointed yoke in soft, flute- like folds. The upper portion lncwues the yoke and collar and is shaped in sectional pieces that are stitched togeth er and well pressed. The closing is in visible in center Iront. ine cape may oe carried out in strictly tailor-made fash ion whea made of mt lton, beaver, whip cord or any other regulation cloakiugs, while for more dressy occasions biik, sat- , , - J l.l in, velvet or piusn are cwuiumuuaum. Pattern No. 129 is cut in six sizes, viz.: 32, 34, 36, 38, 30, and 42 inches, bust measure, and retails for 30c. OUR PRICE. 1UU. send your aaaress for this pattern to Nebraska Independ ent, Lincoln, Nebr. Material required 44 inches wiae: . , For 32 inch bust measure 1 yards. " 36 " " " 1 " " 40 " " " 1 " , ,. 42 " " " 1 " A Bogus Draft. :;c The First National bank of York ac cepted a draft for $700 issued on a bank in Indiana. The party offering the draft gave his name as John Sweeney, and the draft was deposited to his credit. The next day Sweeney called at the bank and desired to draw $465 of the $700 to his credit, claiming that he had an opportunity to make a loan of $600 and lacked that much of having the riirht amount. He stated that he was representing an insurance company and everything seemed right. 1 he bank paid him the $465. Later, Dy telegram, they learned that tne arait aepositea oy Sweeney was a forgery. Sweeney conld not be found and the bank will lose the money. too for S5.00 We Pay the FREIGHT For $5, we will deliver the following combination to any railroad station in Nebraska: COMBINATION NO. 93. 40 lbs best granulated sugar ft 00 1 three gallon keg syrup. 1 00 1 ten lb kit White Fish... 75 1 lb Best 50c Tea.... 50 2 lbs Best Baking Powder 50 6 lbs Choicest Rice 50 6 lbs Best Raisins CO 1 lb Rio & Java Coffee 25 $5 00 Every article warranted. Send for our complete price list. The Farmer's Grocery Co. fJO-224 N. 10th St., Lincoln. Neb. Ripani Tabules curs constipation. M'KINLEY'S MESSAGE. URGES CONGRESS TO PASS THE TARIFF BILL. Existing Condition Should Be Promptly Corrected Providing of Snfllclent Revenue to Meet Expenses Should Pre cede All Other Business. Washington, March 15. President McKinley sent rather unexpectedly his message to Congress yesterday af ternoon as soon as both houses had been organized. It was at once read as fol lows: To the Congress of the United States: Regretting the necessity which has required me to call you together, I feel that your assembling in extraor dinary session is indispensable because of the condition in which we find the revenues of the government. It is conceded that its current expenditures are greater than its receipts, and that such a condition has existed for now more than three years. With un limited means at our command we are presenting the remarkable spectacle of increasing our public debt by borrow ing money to meet the ordinary out lays incident upon even an economic and prudent administration of the government. An examination of the subject discloses this fact in every de tail and leads inevitably to the conclu sion that the revenue which allows such a condition is unjustifiable and should be corrected. The Deficits for Four Years. "We find by the reports of the sec retary of the treasury that the reve nues for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1892, from all sources were $425, 868,260.22, and the expenditures for all purposes were 4l5,53,, leaving an excess of receipts over expenditures of $9,914,453.66. During that fiscal year $40,570,4-i7.98 were paid upon public debt, which was reduced since March 1,1889,1259,076,890, and annual interest charge decreased $11,684,576.60. The receipts of the government from all sources during the fiscal year ending June 20, 1893, amounted to $461,716, 561.94, and its expenditures to $459, 274,887.65, showing an excess of re ceipts over expenditures of $2,341.- 674.29. "Since that time the receipts of no fiscal year, and, with but few excep tions, of no month of any fiscal year. have exceeded the expenditures. The receipts of the government from all sources during the fiscal year end ing June 30, 1894, were $372,892,498.29, and its expenditures $442,605,758.87, leaving a deficit, the first since the re sumption of specie payments, of $69, 803,260.58. Notwithstanding there was a decrease of $16,769,128.78 in the ordi nary expenses of the government as compared with the previous fiscal year, its income was still not sufficient to provide for its daily necessities, ana the gold reserve in the treasury for the redemption of greenbacks was drawn upon to meet them. But this did not suffice, and the covernmcnt then resorted to loans to replenish the reserve, in February 1894, $50,000,000 in bonds were issued and in November following a second issue of $50,000,000 was deemed neces sary. The sum of $117,171,795 was realized by the sale of these bonds, but the reserve was steadily decreased un til oh February 8, 1895, a third sale of $62,315,400 in bonds, for $65,116,244 was announced to Congress. The receipts o the fiscal year, June 30, 1895, were $390,373,203.30 and the expenditures $433,178,426.48, showing a deficit of $48,805,223.18. A further loan of $100,000,000 was negotiated by the e-overnment in February, 1896. the sale netting $111,166,246 and o swel - ling the aggregate of bonds is- ... sued within three years to $262,315,400. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 189G, the revenues of the government from all sources amounted to $409,475, 408.78, while its expenditures were $434,678,654.48, or an excess of expend itures over receipts of $25,"203,245.70. In other words, the total receipts for the three fiscal years ending June 30, 1896, were insufficient by $137,811, 729.46 to meet the total expenditures. The Situation Not Improving. "Nor has this condition since im proved. For the first half of the pres ent fiscal year ,ihe receipts of the gov ernment exclusive of postal revenues 1K'7 Km RI19 7fi nnrl its PYTWTlfii- tures exclusive of postal service $195,-1 410,000.22, or an excess of expenditures over receipts of $37, 902, 396. 46. In Jan uary of this year the receipts exclusive of postal revenues were $24,316,994.05, and the expenditures exclusive or postal service $30,269,389.29 a deficit of $5,952,395.2 for the , month. In February of this year the receipts exclusive of postal revenues were $24, 100,997.38 and expenditures exclu sive of postal service $28,796,056.66, a deficit of $4,395,059.28; or a total deficit of $186,031,580.44 for the three years and eight months ending March 1, 1897. Not only are we without a sur plus in the treasury, but with an in crease in the public cieDt mere nas been a corresponding increase in the annual interest charge from $22,893, 883.20 in 1893, the lowest of any year since 1862, to $34,387,297.60 in 1893, or an increase of $11,493,414.40. "It may be urged that even if the revenues of the government had been sufficient to meet all its ordinrry ex penses during the past three years, the gold reserve would still have been in sufficient to meet the demands upon it and that bonds would necessai ily have tweti issued for its repletion. Be this as it may, it is clearly manifest, with out denying or affirming the correct ness of such a conclusion, that the debt would have been decreased in at least the amount of the deficiency and business confidence immeasurably strengthened throughout the country. Revenue and Protective Tariff, "Congress should promptly correct the existing condition. Ample reve- nues must be suppuea noi omy ior the ordinary expenses of the gov-1 ernment. but for the prompt payment of liberal pensions and the liquidation of the prin cipal and interest . of the public debt In raising revenue, duties should be so levied upon foreign products as to preserve the home market so far as possible to our own produc ers: to revive and increase manufac tories; to relieve and encourage agri- cultuie; to increase our domestic and foreign commerce; to aid and develop mining and building, and to render to labor in every field of useful occupa tion the liberal wages and adequate rewards to which skill and industry. are justly entitled. "1 he necessity of the passage of a tariff law which shall provide ample revenue need not be further urged. The imperative demand of the hour is the prompt enactment of such a meas ure, and to this object I earnestly rec ommend that Congress shall make every, endeavor. "Before other business is transacted let us provide sufficient revenue to faithfully administer the --government without the contracting of further debt, or the continued disturbance of our finances. William McKinley. $1,500,000 ST. LOUIS FIRE. Stock of the Ely Walker Dry Goods Com pany Destroyed Three Fatalities. St. Louis, Mo., March 16. Fire broke out in the store of the Ely Walker Dry Goods company at 7 o'clock last night. The firm carried a stock valued at $1,500,000, with an in surance of $1,000,000. The stock has been destroyed, and it is probable that the building, which is valued at $200,- 000, will also be wrecked. At 11 o'clock part of the east wall fell, killing one fireman and injuring two, and burying a street car and an extension ladder truck. The street car had been caught between nose lines and was deserted. The casualties at midnight were: Dead: George Gutewald, fireman, caught under falling walL Iniured: Patrick (Jardmore, nreman, fell down elevator shaft; legs and arms broken; internal injuries; will die. Jerry McUahan, hreman, tnrown from a ladder; back broken; will die. One thousand persons will be thrown out of work by the fire. JBlv Walker, the head of the firm, estimates the loss at $1,500,000. This is considered conservative. GARY'S POLICY. Postmasters of All Kinds Will Be Al lowed to Serve Four Tears. Washington, March 16. Postmaster General Gary announced to-day that the administration, after delibera tion, had decided to adhere to the four-year tenure of office policy for all postmasters. Except in few cases where removal for cause was required on account of delinquency, incompetency or other instances of un satisfactory conduct or administration of the office, all postmasters, fourth class as well as those of Presidential appointment, would be allowed to serve out terms of four years. This official statement of policy, one of the most important so far deter mined on by the administration, has been awaited with great interest by the entire corps of postmasters and by the patrons of the 70,675 postoffices throughout the country., Not the Right Man. Fort Scott, Kan.', March 16. Sheriff Miller went to Sedalia, Mo., Sunday night and returned last night with Charles Baudrau, the supposed ravisher of Little Fannie Bacon. Raudrau was taken before the little girl at 12:15 this morainer. rruarded by twenty offi cers to protect him from the mob which had been ready to lynch him ever since it was learned that he was ! to he hrouc-ht back to Fort Scott. As I il 1 ,1 J soon as the girl saw Baudrau she de- clared he was not the man who as saulted her. Baudrau gave the officers imnortant information, whicn tney De- lieve will aid them in capturing the guilty man. Springfield Grocers Fail. Springfield. Mo.. March 16. The Headlev Grocer company, whole salers, have made a deed of trust to Trfferred creditors and an as- Rio-nment to Charles H. McCann. preferred liabilities amount to $65,000 and other debts of $35,000. The pre ferred creditors are the Central Na tional and Exchange banks of Spring- fiald. and F. R. Sheldon of JNew xorK. The nominal assets are $132,000. Stock and fixtures amount to $52,000, ac- to 845.000. and real estate to $35,000. Tramps Wreck a Train. -:t.ark8ville. Tenn., March 16. -In revence for being ejected from a train, tramps caused a wreck on the Louis ville & Nashville early this morning, a spiked switch derailing and demolish In a a freic-ht. resulting in heavy dam- o . : j now. "he tramps nau iuwsuucu t.h Chicago limited, but mis took the train. . Franchise Taxes Upheld. Washington, March 16. The at tentionof the United. States supreme eonrt was triven largely to-aay w me wi of states to tax the irancnises of corporations, such as express, tele- OT-nnh nnd railroad companies. Two Kentucky cases, involving the consti tutionality of the state law of 1893, one affecting the Henderson bridge and the other the Adams Express company, both decided favorably to the state. ; No Corporations "Influence." Jefferson Citt. Mo , March 16. The Mouse took another whack at the cor porations this morning by passing a bill by O'Bannon, secretary of the Farmers' club, to prohibit corporations from contributing to campaign funds. There is a penalty of $500 to $5,000 fine for violation No Hall Terms for Good Convicts. Jf-fferson Citt, Mo., March 16. The bill to discharge penitentiary convicts at the expiration of half of the time for which they are sentenced on good behavior, failed to get a constitutional majority in the House this morning. Gjo ripe When you take Hood's Pills. The big, old-fashioned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to pieces, are not in it with Hood's. Easy to take and easy to operate, Is true "' of Hood's Fills, which are I Ql 1 1 A up to date in every respect 1" III Safe, certain and sure. AH druggists. 25c. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Fills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla- Windmill Cheap- We have on hand a good new windmilL iteel tower,, with anchor posts complete, irhich we will sell at a bargain for caahr or will take a cow for part payment. J. Y, M. Swig art, Lincoln, Neb. F- D- SHeRWIN DENTIST.... LINCOLN - - - - NEBRASKA. McNerney & Eager ATTORNEYS AT LAW, itllT- Lincoln, Nebr. CAPITAL CITY COMMERCIAL ACADEMY HALTER BLK., COR. 13th & P Sts., LINCOLN, NEBR. C. D. GRIFFIN, Prop. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING. ' PENMANSHIP. BOOKKEEPING TELEGRAPHY, ETC. Full shorthand and business courses. Special aetention given to preparatory work for high school and university. Before deciding what school to attenav write for full information or call at Academy. Take elevator at f street entrance. OtJBED- 'Rheumatism, Eczema, Kidney and Stomach Troubles It 1b but the truth to say that hund reds of people suffering from above and other diseases have been cured or greatly benefitted by the use of the medicinaf waters at Hot Springs, S. D. If you ar interested, address for particulars, A. S. Fieldmg.City Ticket Agent Northwestern Line, 117 South Tenth St., Lincoln, Neb. , L. STEPHENS, HAHBY E, President. W. C. STEPHENS, Treasurer; WILSON, Secretary. This school Is giving Its students eood work and is up-to-date. Instruction given in the fol lowing branches: SHORT-HAND, BOOKKEEPING. W A Am. :-: BUSINESS PRACTICE, Tl i K W KITIING, MATHEMATICS, PENMANSHIP, Rend us ?he n nines of. 12 yonng nersons vho want to attend a business college and will send yon onr ''Business Stndent" for one year. Lincoln Business College, llth and 0 Sts., Lincoln. Tel. 254. 10 ok. to 1 lb. QnH, SHfropCnrrenry HUTS tn best Scale. Runt at lowest price. 9 xtflTf'Sffl Don't be hurabnirsed lij Aj,-tt.f , .it, ui Ui utuiiHuiu a h Trust, fitijr of tbe Manufacturer!. i ladri-Unf Hpst-tftltieu at lest than wholesale prices vti. 'utt .ilftflkitie. Hl-veles, Mnrnii., Plnno,, I mrr M'll.. . itrriuci-.. flirts, KiiSL'lt'm HsmeiM, kftfe., Pn,ie Mills, .-tier rpi-ws, vwffi, iriirtis, anvtit, n:tvrmier. 'r.'seiftti'l., Mi'U, tovrs, Drills lln'iii avrn Mowers, CoflT-e tflils, Fruis, Lsllrps, )"Miit('nrt, ,rn Slit-tland f iirts, Kn?!nes, limu, re retire, Anningr Mills. (!row Rii-h, It'iilers, Wutejtel, ('lolhtu? Ae, .or, Slo-k. Elerntor, R:i1tiii!. Pln!frm am! I'onnfer hCAI.ES. Heed for rre fatal wtte hinrlo Kane Monev. - J-rs"n St. cj)f(io soai.B 00.. III. y;OVEtl;V!RE:FEt:CE ten OS Kartn. jir-ni", nan- i stroni.Plir anJCIilekeo-tlghU With our BI!PI,KX AlTOStATIC Haclilne 1 youcanniake60 rodaa dav fori 2 to 20 cts. a Rod. Oter SO irtylea. Catalntme Fi-ee. KITSELMAN BROS., ! Box lis. Rldgeville, Ind. ...FARMING... FOR SALE CHEAP ON THE riiiDCDcr. mime 1 imDLIlbU LimUO and MICHIGAN PRAIRIE LANDS .fflwoi"' FREE HOMESTEADS on Government Lands in North Dakota. LIGNITE GOAL, ttK. tions at $2.00 to &li5 per ton. HALF FARES F0T.le?,e.ker, HALF RATES on Household Ooods, Tools, learns ana harm stock. ILLUSTRATED LAND PRIMERS Nos 21, 22 and 14. mailed Jr REE to aoy address. Addrotw, T. I. HTJRB, Land-arid Industrial Airen' "So" Railway, Minneapolis, Mian. P) ! w rr UPLANDS 500 Railway