The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 18, 1897, Image 1

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The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
NO. 44.
A Verdict Against 16 to 1, but Not
'Against the Existence of the
The President "Will Let the Power
Behind the Throne Carry Him
Too Far.
Thomson! Ga., March 8.
Presideut McKinley's inaugural ad
dress discloses his danger. He is assum
ing that the election meant more than it
it did mean. He is going to let the
power behind the throne carry him too
Mr. McKinley's election looks more
like a matter of course now than it did
in October last. It is all very natural
for the general after his victory, or the
mariner safe in port, to think lightly of
victories overcome, but it is wiser to re
flect soberly concerning that critical
moment of the tight when the event
seemed to hang upon a thread wiser to
reflect a little upon that tremendous
moment when the incoming ship trem
bled and shivered in all her timbers as
she touched the bar.
In the opinion of many competent
judges, Mr. McKinley was more danger
ously Dear defeat than any presidential
candidate who ever triumphed.
Too much stiffne-s of neck on the part
of democratic managers at the begin
ning of the campaign; too much con
temptuous talk unbottled upon popu
lists; too much concealment and double
dealing on the part of the senatorial
coterie who had charge of the fusion
schedule; too much arrogance and intol
erance shown by the fusion populists to
wards those who opposed uncondition
al surrender of populism to demo
cracythese were the causes of McKin
ley's election.
There were sufficient. anti-McKinley
votea in this country to have defeated
him last November. There is a sufficient
number to defeat him now were the eloc
ution ta vbs held again. He succeeded be
cause the anti-McKinley vote could not
be concentrated.
The same thing might happen again,
but the more opposition he provokes
the greater is the probability that its
concentration will be effected in 1900.
Mr. McKinley believes that the verdict
of the late election was in favor of higher
tariff duties. In this he is profoundly
mistaken. It may be conceded that the
majority of the people of this country
favor the raising of necessary revenues
by indirect taxation, knowing that even
arevenue tariff protects the home man
ufacturer of the article which the for
eigner must pay a license to sell here;
but there has been no verdict 'ever ren
dered at the polls which can be fairly
held to mean that the majority of our
people favor tariff duties which create a
monopoly for the sole reason that they
do create such monopoly. Prohibitive
tariffs laid for protection only create a
monopoly, and the people so under
stand it,
If Mr. McKinley believes that any con
siderable number of our people credit
the statement that duties upon foreign
goods compel the foreigner to pay our
taxes for us, he entirely understands the
political intelligence of the average voter.
When his lieutenants on the Ways and
Means committee shall throw wide open
the doors of their room to the manu
facturers who demand the monopoly of
the American market, and shall invite
those manufacturers to write the tariff
schedules to suit themselves (as was
done when the McKinley bill was framed),
he will hear the thunder begin to roll
again , and the storm come driving on
as it did in 1890, and his monopoly
nursed tariff fall into ruin like a house
built on sand just as it did then.
If there was any clear meaning in the
verdict of last November, it was that
there should be no free and unlimited
coinage of silver at the old ratio of 16
to 1.
Mr. McKinley would be justified in
holding congress and .cabinet to this
view, but he certainly errs when he as
sumes that he is authorized to proceed
against the greenbacks. It was popular
clamor which put a stop to their de
struction in 1878. Popular clamor will
be heard again if the purpose is shown
The pretense that they , endanger the
treasury by affording to speculators the
opportunity to raid the gold reserve de
ceives no one.
It is well understood that Cleveland
could have stopped the raiders at any
moment by simply complying with the
statute which commanded him to coin
the silver bullion purchased, and to use
either silver or gold as he saw fit for the
purposes of redemption. There is no
debt of the government which in law or
honor could not have been paid in the
standard silver dollar, and the majority
of the people know it.
If the greenbacks shall be destroyed,
their place will either be taken in bonds
bearing interest or by nothing at all,
unless it be national bank notes.
If they are funded fn bonds, the effect
will be that a debt which bears no inter
est and which benefits the country by
furnishing a safe circulating medium is
exchanged for a debt which bears an
nual interest, burdens the country and
&empts more millionaire! from taxation.
And even these evils are not so great as
those which would flow from a contrac
tion of the currei-cy to the extent of the
greenbacks destroyed.
Evidently, however, the general pro
gram is to maintain the gold standard,
destroy the greenbacks and supply their
place with national bank notes. This is
foreshadowed in the selection of Mr.
Gage and in the inaugural address of
the president.
The "Baltimore plan" will probably
come forth again in its modest loveli
ness. The credit of the uovernment is to
be made available to a few bankers, in
order that these bankers may accumu
late fortunes by lending its credit to the
people to whom it belongs.
This is the real marrow of our present
national banking law, and it is the es
sence of the "Baltimore Dlan." A few
bankers wish to exercisea governmental
power for private profit, and they are
not content with the present system,
which permits the government to issue a
portion of the paper money.
The bankers want a monopoly in this
usurpation of the governmental prerog
ative of creating paper money just as
tlie manufacturers clamor for monopoly
in their province, the trusts in theirs,
and the railway syndicates in theirs.
The patience of the American people is
very great, and the power of party
names is still stronger, but in my humble
judgment the plutocratic programme
which seems to have been prepared by
Mr. McKinley and his councillors will di
vide the voters of the country with a
cleavaire unparalleled since Jackson's
dav into McKinleitesand anti-McKinley
ites those who stand for the trusts and
the privileged and those who combat
trusts and privileges. The majority of
our people are not yet ready to acquiesce
in nolicies and laws which will give to
our corporations (which do not die)
those special privileges and powers
which in Europe are held and exercised
by hereditary nobles. ,
The war which centralized and consol
idated political power in the national
government and radically changed our
industrial and economic systems ien ine
people shackled in absolute servitude to
two great political parties. Political
education closed. Letfders led and the
herd blindly followed. This Is no longer
so. Education in matters political and
economic has made marvelous strides
since the days , when the brave pioneers
of reform, under the name of greenback
ers, first flung down the gauntlet to
both the old parties, and cried, so that
it rang from sea to sea, "A plague on
both your houses." . '
': Fusion wrecked them as fusion lias,
perhaps, wrecked populism but the sen
timent lives;andthe principles donotdie.
Thousands of ournewspapers are send
ing back and forth the swift shuttles of
thought, and the loom weaves on for
ever. It was not written that this God
favored continent should fall back into
the cast-off systems from which our
fathers fled and against which they
It was not written that seventy mil
lions of people, born in freedom and nur
tured in the etrenght and inspiration
which freedom gives, should sit still and
let the cunning spiders of class legisla
tion weave about them the bonds of
commercial and industrial servitude.
That is my faith my unfaltering be
lief. And I have not the slightest doubt
that the voters of the republic 14,000,
000 strong who have been moving rest
lessly back and forth between the two
old parties for the last twelve years, first
trusting the one ana men we oiner, auu
being deceived both in turn, will in the
appointed time spurn the professions of
both and look elsewhere for a means of
escape from industrial bondage. Thom
as E. Watson in tne aew lorK worm.
Senator Allen Replies to the Resolutions
Sent by the House.
Sometime ago the legislature sent a
communication to Senator Allen asking
him to support the Torrey bankruptcy
act, and asking hira to urge the passage
of some measure that would afford re
lief to those men who become bankrupt
through no fault ol their own. The sen
ator sent the following reply:
Washington, D. C, March 9, 1897.
Hon. Frank D. Eager,
Chief Clerk, Lincoln, Neb.
Dear Sir: I have the honor to ac
knowledge the receipt of the resolutions
recently adopted by the Neb.aska house
of representatives respecting the pas
sage of a bankrupt law by congress and
in reply to say that I am decidedly in
favor of a judicious voluntary bankrupt
act, but I cannot support such an act
containing involuntary features which
will permit a creditor to ruthlessly push
his debtor into bankruptcy and dissi
pate his property without affording him
a full and fair opportunity to handle his
own estate and realize the full value of
his property for the payment of his debts.
1 am quite confident that the legislature
of Nebraska does not desire me to sup
port an act like the Torrey act, drawn
altogether in the interest of the credit
ors of the country, and whose chief sup
port comes from the "creditor's asso
ciation." A careful examination of the
Torrey bill will show it to be vicious
Very truly yours,
Wm. V. Allen.
The associated press has given out a
very erroneous report, of the Torrey bill.
The forcing of involuntary assignment
is certainly a dangerous procedure and
the senator as usual is guarding the in
terests of the man who needs the pro
tection of the law. His position has met
very general approval by those who
have examined the bill in detail.
Do not fail to examine carefully our
ssubcription proposition on page 5.
State Treasurer did not Obligate
Himself to the Banks.
Since assuming the duties of his office
State Treasurer Meserve has collected
and paid out over $700,000, most of
of which has been paid in from county
treasurers for taxes collected and due the
state. He has issued another call for
$50,000 worth of Btate warrants for
March 20th beginning with warrant No.
31531. The treasurer is using every
effort to reduce the debt of the state and
is saving all the interest charges possible.
In regard to his relations with the
banks in connection with his bond Mr.
Meserve said:
"I am not in the habit of making state
ments in my own behalf, but I hear it so
repeatedly charged by members of both
the house and senate 'that the state
treasurer's hands are tied because there
are narties unon hin hond who are inter
ested in banks' that I feel lik settling
this matter now and forever.
"I have collected and p-fd out over
700.000 since I came into office and not
one dollar has gone through banks whore
any of their people was on my bond, nor
will they until those banks get in line
with my policy, which I am glad to say
thev are trying to do.
"I refused signers on my bond to the
amount of $500,000 becauss those par
ties wanted conditions, and each' party
who went upon my bond did so with the
express understanding that h sign the
same as any other citizen and must de-
pend upon mv judgment for any court
sies extended him, considering capital
and other surroundings of the bank, and
that his interest must be secondary to
the state. - ; -
"By the time I have been in the office
one year those who have not done so by
this time will discover that the state has
no money to loan, but is simply a bus!
ness institution which pays its debts as
fast as it can and all the money it has
on deposit are its current balances which
it must carry from day to day.
If Mr. Meserve could get the money
from his predecessor due the state he
would apply it to the payment of the
state's obligations and state warrants
would not sell at a discount of 3 and 4
per cent. Since the change in adminis
tration the price of warrants has raised
from 95 cents to 97 cents on the dollar,
The credit po much boasted of by the
preceding administration seems to have
been preserved, in fact improved by the
election of an honest official.
A Business Corporation Organized,
About forty of the reform editors
gathered at the Lincoln hotel Tuesday
A close business corporation was formed
with about thirty members. The object
of this corporation is to provide for re
form ready prints, advertising, Wash
ington news etc. It is a practical move
and in the right direction.
Hon. W.'J. Bryan was present and
made a short address, which was re
ceived with appropriate enthusiasm
Mr. Bryan was elected an active mem
ber of the association by a rising vote,
R. L. Metcalf, editor of the Omaha
World-Herald and J. W. Cutright, editor
of the Lincoln Evening Post, were also
present and joined the association.
Thebusiness association formed yester
day will meet again on the second Tues
day in April. All reform editors in the
state should become members of the cor
poration before that time.
Republican Members of Congress Unan
imous in Their Choice.
The republican members of congress
met in caucus March 12th with 192 of
the 203 members present, and selected
Thomas B. Reed for speaker without a
dissenting vote. My. Payne of New
York placed Mr. Reed s name before the
caucus. Mr. Grosvernor of Ohio, the
chairman, called for other nominations,
but there were none. The chairman
designated Mr. Payne of New York and
Mr. Cannon of Illinois to bring Mr. Reed
from his private office and notify him of
his selection. Mr. Reed appeared in their
company and accepted the honor in a
short but grateful and appreciative
Chairman Dingley of the finance,
ways and means committee of the last
house explained his labors on the bill to
be introduced at the extra session and
expressed the hope that it would meet
with favorable consideration. He said
that it had been framed with two objects
in view, to raise sufficient revenues to
run the government and the encourage
meat of American industries.
A resolution was passed requiring the
chairman to call a caucus upon the writ
ten request of twenty-five members, after
which the remainder of the house officers
were elected as follows:
Henry Goudon of Michigan, chaplain.
Alex McDowell of Pennsylvania, clerk.
Benjamin F. Russell of Missouri, ser-
W. J. Glenn of New York, doorkeeper,
Son of Peter Burgess Smothered to Death
In a Strange Way.
On the cattle ranch of J. K. Baker
near Shelton, Nebraska, Peter Burgess
had charge of a power feed grinder. The
grinder was located in a basement, over
which was constructed a large bin for
receiving shelled corn, and from which,
by means of a trough, the shelled corn
could be run into the mill hopper. Mr.
Burgess noticed that the corn was not
feeding into the mill in a proper manner
and thrust his hand into the corn to
find the cause. To his surprise it came
in contact with a shoe and he idealized at
once that sameone had fallen into the
bio, The side of the hopper was at once
torn out and the body removed. It was
the 13-year-old son of Mr. Burgess, He
bad been suffocated by being ouriea in
the corn and could not be revived. It is
not known how long he had been in the
corn or how he happened to fall in.
Both Parties Against the Men Appointed
T '. by Governors,
Washington, March 11. Conferences
held by senators of both parties render it
certain that the men appointed to the
senate by the governors of Kentucky,
Oregon and Florida will not be admitted.
The republican managers say that it
would be a fruitless waste of time to
bring the cases before the senate, as even
after a debate, of which no one could
predict the duration, it is not at all
likely that a favorable vote could be ex
pected. -
Banks Holding State Funds Must Pay
The State Treaaurer,
An interesting question was presented
tq Attorney-Gen'l Smyth for his decision
by the Lincoln banks. Ex-Treasurer
Bartley had deposited money in those
banks in his own name, J. S. Bartley or
Joseph S. Bartley, The question pre
sented by the banks was as to whom
they should pay the money, Bartley or
the present treasurer, J. B. Meserve. The
attorney-general replied that all moneys
deposited to the credit ot J. S. Hartley of
right belonged to the 8tateof Nebraska
and must be paid to the present treaS
orer. The same instruction was sent to
all of the national banks in Lincoln.
Any other course would place the great
er part of the state's funds in the hands
of the ex-treasurer, who is already under
arrest for defalcation in bis ollice.
Adopted by the Lower House of the Im
perial Parliament.
London, March 12. A dispatch to the
Times from Yokahaina states that the
house of representatives of the Japa
nse parliament has adopted the gold
sMnuard currency.
The Committee on Asylums Makes Their
Report to the Legislature.
The committee on insane asylums
made a careful investigation of the
charges preferred against the manage
ment of the institution for the deaf and
dumb located at Omaha, by those who
had been formerly employed in the insti
tution. They submitted the following
report to tne legislature, wnicn seems to
indicate that that institution has been
conducted in a very creditable manner,
There seems to have been no corruption
and the errors in the books are certainly
small when compared with the usual
the report.
Mr. peaKer: lour committee ap
pointed to investigate the deaf and
dumb institution at Omaha, submit the
following report:
Charge 1. An addition was built to
the house on the superintendent's farm
in the year 1883, by the state employes
in the amount of $12.00 which was not
credited to the state until February 8th
1897, which should have been credited to
the state December 1st, 1893, the super
intendent does not deny the charge, but
claiming it an oversight.
Charge 2. In the spring of 1896. one
of the employes was sent by the superin
tendent to seed his farm, which was not
credited to the state until February 8th,
1897, the amount being one dollar.
Charge 3. Other work done by the
employes of the Btate in different depart
ments which the state has no credit for.
Not sustained by the evidence.
Charge 4. Money has been drawn from
one appropriation to pay deficiency of
Another, we find it was no loss to any
person or the state. " -
Charge 5. Your committee find where
contract has been entered into for dry
goods specifying amount and quality
the same has been approved by the
state. The Matron purchased a very
superior quality of table damask and
napkins, and took enough less in quan
tity to make the amount.
Charge 6. We find on the book that
the matron owes the state a sewing bill
of $129.00, one hundred and twenty
nine dollars, which has been an open ac
count for over two years which we be
lieve should have been settled up, and
the state given credit for the same.
The committee finds in the children
account book where some children hav
ing accounts with the state have left the
deaf and dumb institute, showing credits
to such children on the book, which has
never been called for as the law does not
provide for disposition of such money.
Your committee resom mends there
should be some rule adopted by the
board of public lands and buildings
whereby children having such credits.
said money uncalled for shall in certain
length of time become as escheated.
The superintendent usually visits the
school every day, but not so often the
cottage school. He is very kind to the
children and in our judgment the educa
tional departments are conducted suc
cessfully and the children seem to take
great interest in their studies.
Peter Uerlino,
D. S. Woodard,
S. S. Tan Horn,
James Casebeek,
George U. Jones
The Legislature Appoints a Commit
tee to Take Charge of the ,
Considerable excitement in the house
was stirred up on Wednesday afternoon
when Mr. Sheldon introduced a motion
in relation to the recount of the ballots
for supreme judge. The motion as read
was as follows:
Moved that the committee heretofore
appointed to confer with a like commit
tee from the senate relative to the re
count of the ballots cast for the consti
tutional amendment, be and is hereby
authorized and empowered to at once
proceed to the office of the secretary of
state, and in conjunction with htm, the
said secretary of state, take possession
of and hold until further order of the
house all the ballots, poll books, tally
sheets, abstracts now iu possession of
the said secretary, under and by virtue
of an act to recount the ballots cast on
the constitutional ameudment relating
to the judges af the supremo court and
their term of office on November 3d,
1896, to compare said ballots, declare
the result and fix the penalty for viola-
ion of the provisions of this act, which
act was passed by the twenty-tilth ses
sion of the legislature and approved the
20th day of Fepruary, 1897. Said com-
mittee is hereby authorized, empowered
and directed in case of resistance to sum
mons to its aid the aergeant-at-arms of
this house, and to use all force necessary
to iram possession and hold possession
of said ballots, poll books, tally sheets
and abstracts until further order oi mis
It had been reported during the after
noon that the mdee of the district court
ol Lancaster county had issued an order
to the csheriff directing him to take
charce of the ballots and poll books etc.,
and this motion was introduced to have
the ballots in the hands of the legisla
ture before they were secured by the
sheriff and in this way beyond the reach
of that officer. After a short and excit-
insr discussion the previous question was
moved and prevailed which brought the
house to a vote on Sheldon s motion. It
prevailed by a vote of 59 to 26 and the
committee retired to take charge of the
ballots as directed. What disposition
the legislature will make of the ballots is
as yet unknown.
Appropriation of $30,000
Construct a Building for"
Mechanic Arts.
There has been great interest mani
fested bv the citizens of Lincoln and
friends of the state university In the pas
sage of house roll 203, providing for the
construction of a uew building on the
university campus for the school of me
chanic arts, and the appropriation
$30,000 for that purpose. That
buildine was badly needed none denied.
but there was strong opposition by
those who argued that the state s flnan
cial condition would not warrant the ex
penditure. The bill came up for final
passage on Wednesday airernoon. ine
roll was called and a majority had failed
to vote for the bill. Two more votes
needed. The friends of the bill
moved a call of the bouse which showed
three members absent and unexcused
Messrs. Wiebe. Jenkins and Rouse. 1 be
sergeant-at-arms brought the three be
fore the bar of the house and the. roll
call was completed. Messrs. Jenkins and
Rouse voted for the bill making tne
necessary five votes and the speaker de
clared the bill passed.
A Plan by Which You Can Easily Secure
Your Reading Matter With
out Cost.
You can get a ticket good for 5 cents
in subscription to this paper for each
one dollar you trade at the following
Herpolsheimer & Co., dry goods, de
partment store.
Tne Hub clothing store, doming,
Frod Schmidt & Brother, dry goods
boots and shoes.
Webster & Rogers, boots and shoes,
Hardy Furniture Co., furniture.
H. W. Leighton & Co., books and sta
Humphrey Brothers, hardware and
When in Lincoln call on the above
firms and do your trading. Ask for sub
scription tickets and they will give you
one ticket lor each dollar you have
traded. These tickets are good for 5
cents each in subscription to this paper.
Five tickets will pay for three months
subscription, ten tickets will pay for six
months subscription and 20 tickets will
pay for a year.
In the same manner you can secure
subscriptions to any of the papers con
tained in the following clubbing list up
on presentation of the number of tickets
The Nebraska Independent together
with tickets
The Silver Knight, both one year 35
The Nebraska Farmer
to get
cost, by
The New York World " "
The Nonconformist " "
The Weekly World-Herald "
The Weekly Bee " "
The Semi-Weekly Journal "
Your local paper "
This is a good opportunity
your reading matter without
trading with the firms named.
all communications to the Nebraska In
dependent, Lincoln, Neb.
Shows a Decrease of $22,475 From
The Amount Appropriated
Two Tears Ago. -
The Bill Passed Nearly as Recom
mended by the Ways and
Means Com.
Superintendent's Salaries Reduced.
On Wednesday afternoon the house
resolved itself Into a committee of the
whole to consider the salary appropria
tion bill. The bill was read through and
Mr. Clark, the chairman of the finance
ways and means committee, made cer
tain amendments agreed upon by the
committee since t'u-ir report on the
bill. They all related to the reduction of
the salaries of the superintendents of the
different state institutions. Those insti
tutions when the salary had been $ 2500
were reduced to $2000 per annum and
those formerly $2000 were reduced to
$1800. The salary of the superinten
dent of the fish commissioner was re
duced from $1200 to $1000 per year.
There were other minor reductions.
When the chairmanof the finance ways
and means committee had submitted all
the agreements agreed upon by the
committee, Mr. John A. Robertson of
Holt county introduced a motion . to
strike out the $2500 appropriation in
tended to pay the salaries of the supreme
court commissioners, lie made a good
argument in support of his motion
and was supported in his position by
Mr. Hull. The motion prevailed and
there will be no fund from which to pay
the court commissioners and their
services will be dispensed with. If the
state cannot have real judges it will
have none at at in preference to
republican makeshifts.
Thefollowing comparative table shows
the appropriations of this year compared
with those of 1898:
Governor $ 15,400
Adjut Gen - 2,000
Com of Lab..
- 9,600 tv.
40,000 ,
Sec of State
; 18,400
, 0,200
Supt Pub Iustruc'n.
Attyenl. .
Com Pnb L. & Bids.
District Court......... 224,000
Supreme Court 5d,000
State library
Banking Dept
Home of Friendless
Board of Trans.. ...i
State Normal i 83,500
Lincoln Insane As... 10,400
Hastings " " ... 8.000
Norfolk " " ... 8,000
State board irrigat 9 600 .
State Uni..... 196,295
Kearney In. school. 20,400
Geueya " " ... 10,400
Omaha deaf &dmb. 26,500
Beatrice Feeble M'd 13,000
Neb. City blind inst 15,600
Fish Com. 2,400'
Indus Home.Milford 6,500
Grand Is. Sol. home 9,880
Sol. Home, Milford.. 1,800
Total ...$808,475 $786,000
Decrease ., 22,475
The largest furniture and hardware
firm in tre west have an advertisement
on page three. You should read it and
write for their catalogue.
The District Court of Lancaster Count y
Issues a Restraining Order.
The republicans are desperate in their
efforts to cover up their acts in relation
to the constitutional amendments dur
ing the last election. Now that it has
become evident that the result of the re
count will be to seat the two populist
judges they have had the county attor
ney of Lancaster county, a republican,
make application for a restraining order
against W. F. Porter, C. J. Bowlby,
Frank M. Ross and J. N. Campbell and
prevent the further progress of the count.
The application was made before Judge
Charles L. Hall, a republican district
judge in Lancaster county who issued a
temporary order preventing further
count until a bearing can be had, and
set Monday, March 15 as the day for the
hearing. If the restraining order is made
permanent the count cannotproceed.
Lambertson and Whedon are the attor
neys who have the matter in charge for
the republicans.
The canvassing board is composed of
secretary of state, and two populists,
two democrats and two republicans, ap
pointed by the governor. It is con
sidered a fair and impartial board, rep
resentative of all of the political parties,
and there is no valid reason why the
count should not proceed.
The farmers of this state should exer
cise care in the selection of seeds of all
kinds to get that which is free from
weeds and of a quality certain to grow.
A little care in this line saves a large
amonnt of cultivation and replanting.
The Nebraska Seed Co., located at Oma
ha, Neb., the oldest and largest seed
house in the state, exercise particular
care in these lines. Farmers and grow
ers should write for their catalogue bo
fore buying elsewhere. See advertiee4
ment on another page.