The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 04, 1897, Image 6

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March 4, 187
At the sound of a football In the cor
ridor he laid down his pen and leaned
wearily back In hla big arm-chair.
Presently a hand thrust back the
curtain from the doorway and his wife
entered. She was gowned for the even
ing in her favorite color dull yellow.
There were diamonds at her throat and
In her gold-brown hair. She looked
radiant with pleasure.
"Shall I do?" she asked, coming for
rd and leaning upon the desk with
her hands, palms downward.
He Inspected her deliberately criti
cally, she thought.
"You will do very well." he said at
last "What Is it to-night, Amber?"
" 'Faust.' I am going with the Ken
dalls. Lawrence"
H took up his pen with a Blight
gesture of impatience that effectually
silenced her. Half the Joy died out
of her face. She stood a moment watch
ing him as he wrote; then she went
round and laid her hand timidly on his
"John" wistfully.
She hesitated, hoping he would look
up or say something more; but he did
"I I am going now. Good-by."
It was the tone, not the words, that
brought a sudden dimness into her
eyes. She lingered still with her hand
on his shoulder. Then she slowly re
moved It and stole out of the room.
As the curtain ceased swaying behind
her the pen dropped and John Sarles
. covered his face with his hands. He
heard a carriage stop at the curbing
and the front door close with a bang.
He heard a man's, voice and a man's
gay laugh both Lawrence Kendall's;
then there was a rumble of wheels and
he lifted his head with a jerk. Some
thing like a sob escaped him.
"Lawrence,", she had said. It had
come to that, then! Lawrence! John
Sarles knew him well knew how his
handsome face and winning smile en
deared him to the hearts of women
how he waa sought after, petted, ad
mired.. ' '
. Ah, well, It was something, after all,
to be born with a handsome face and
straight, strong limbs. John Sarles
looked bitterly at the crutch leaning
against the chair and thought that be
cause of It life had withheld much of
Its sweetness for him. Wealth and
even a powerful intellect which put
him in touch with the brightest think
ers f the day failed to make up to him
for that
He had been on the point of sinking
into the self-imposed isolation of a
proud, morose nature when Amber
cameAmber, the little daughter of
hla only Intimate friend, who, dying,
had Intrusted her to his care.
Soon the music of her laughter had
chased away the ghostly echoes from
the lonely old house and the light of
her happy eyes brightened every room.
Her books strewed the tables, her flow
era filled the long-unused vases, her
gowna made bits of color against the
dark ' vallB as she flitted up Btairs and
; down.
Gradually all became changed be
cause of her. New furniture replaced
, the old, new carpets covered the floors,
the conservatory blossomed with rare
plants and a grand piano lit up a dark
recess of the library with its polished
Ivory and rosewood.
By and by the little girl became a
maiden to whom every door was open
and whose smile was a favor which
men considered as well-nigh precious,
and all the time that Amber was grow
ing winsome and sweet and graceful
John Sarles was growlag old and wrin
kled and gray. But his heart was
young as ever and he loved Amber
with all the pent-up force of his nature
and he suffered agonies because of that
love, feeling that she could never, never
his. ,
f X oa aay a nanasome Doy or good fam
. . 5 ii:: ask him for Amber's hand.
PWXhicitHe gave his consent and
,hla blessing ia,,well. What else could
'he do, not knowing but that Amber
loved him? 'AMWhile the boy was
pleading his cause John sat in his study
with as bitter a heartac&e asever man
had. ; visjv
Presently the door openeaxfSit he
didn't look up. And then came a sweet.
cobbing voice and the pressure of twJp impregnated with antiseptics that
Ma. v Umh hla nntb VVfJI JAlAfntiMta AKtranlamn nrOinnli A
oft arms about his neck from behind.
"Oh, guardy, guardy, are you tired of
me that you try to get rid of me so?"
He was suffocating with surprise and
Joy and terror, but he managed to draw
her around where he could see her face,
which was rosy with blushes and per
sistently averted.
"Amber!" he cried. "Tired of you!
T7ant to get rid of you. Amber!"
And then, reassured by hit tone, she
turtt out passionately:
Tea, you must be, else you'd never
fcave sent him to me, when you know
I hate him hate them all but you!"
Ha drew her down on hla knee at
htt anil hnIA hoi- nlnaa In hla t ram
bling arms. Hla face was near hen,
but be did not kiss her. He could only
look at the sweet, wet eyes, and child
like mouth, the round, soft cheek, and
gold-brown hair, wondering, doubting,
hoping all at once he could not have
told which the most of the three.
That was two years ago two blessed
VHM rt tMTv4Mjw. Ol0V
seemed to him like, a long delightful
dream. Amber loved him and Amber
was hit wife.
But of late a shadow had fallen be
tween them the shadow of Lawrence
Kendall. The fear that had numbed
John's heart when he first beheld the
young man's admiring gaze upon his
wife had ripened into fierce jealousy.
He had grown cold and a'ustere in his
manner, causing Amber many tears and
much worriment. Once he had been
positively harsh toward her. What else
had he been to-night? And all the
time his proud, sensitive nature was
suffering to Its utmost capacity.
Dear little Amber! He could feel the
tears In her eyes and the quiver of her
mouth though he could not see them.
The wistful pleading in her voice had
touched him to the quick.
How he longed to snatch her in his
arms crumpling the dull yellow silk,
if he must, and ruffling the shiny hair,
for she used never to complain and
kiss her over and over and tell her
bow much be loved her, and how sorry
he was to hurt her by word or look.
But no his , pride, his indomitable
pride, restrained him, and he had let
her go with her whole evening spoiled
because of It.
Ah, Just wait till she came in, tired
and cold and sleepy! Then he would
make it all right. She would forgive
him of course she would, the darling!
And they would be happy again aa
they had not been for weeks, sitting
by the fire together, she in the big
crimson chair and he on an ottoman at
her side, just where he could touch her
hand or cheek and kiss her when he
chose. " '
The firelight would dance on her hair
and bring out the soft color in her face,
and she would laugh and smile in the
old joyous way. What a fool he had
been how cowardly and unreasonable,
to doubt his innocent darling even for
one moment
It was 2 o'clock and Amber ought to
have been home an hour ago. What
was It made John start and tremble
and pale as he glanced at the clock?
Were his fears confirmed? Had his
doubts become truths?
Hark! Was not that the sound of a
carriage pausing at the curbing? What
occasioned this unusual confusion In
the hall below?
John Sarles seized his crutch and
limped a few paces toward the door,
but stopped as it was flung open and
the figure of an old Bervlng man ap
peared on the threshold.
"Master " he began.
John Sarles' lips moved, but no sound
passed them.
"Master, I have come with sad news
for you. There has been an accident
the horses ran away and Miss Am
ber "
He caught John as he reeled and fell,
and answering the mute, awful appeal
of those agonized eyes, he concluded
"Is hurt seriously, but not fatally.
The have Just brought her home."
Three months afterward, when burst
ing buds and freshly-Bproutlng grass
proclaimed that spring was at hand,
Amber was carried ihto her husband's
study and propped up by pillows and
cushions on the sofa there. Her face
had lost Its roundness and Its dainty
color and the beautiful brown-gold hair
was cut iclose to her head.
There was a great bunch of yellow
roses on the table at her Bide and she
touched them lovingly, knowing that
John was watching her and that he
had placed them there.
Presently he came and sat down on
the edge of the sofa all their differ
ences had long since been made up
and took her hands in his and held
them tenderly against his mouth.
There were tears in his eyes, though
Amber's were clear enough.
"You dear old John," she said, smil
ing. "I believe you feel worse about it
than I do."
He sobbed.
"Well, you needn't, you silly boy."
She was silent a moment, and then Bhe
said, musingly: "Do you know, I be
lieve I'm half glad "
"Oh, my darling, to be lame all your
life!" .
"Yes, for don't you see, we shall sym
pathize with one another more than
we ever have? And, oh, John "
"Yes, Amber."
"I never realized before how patient
and dear you were until I was hurt.
I think I love you better than ever, if
that can be, and I am sure quite, quitt
sure, that this has been a blessed les
son for both of us, aren't you?"
And John, in his newer and clearer
wisdom, dared not deny it
Hygienic Writing Paper.
Among the latest things in station
ery is a writing paper which is spe
cially manufactured for -the prevention
of the spreading by letters of various
forms of infectious diseases. Everyone
is aware that in receiving letters from
disease-stricken places, at home or
abroad, they run a certain amount of
risk. This stationery is said to be ren
dered contagion-proof. The paper is
weleterious organisms adhering to
Itawlrendered inert, even though a
fever-Swhkeu person write or touch
the lettei-NJanilon.
To LoeatoSunctnre.
The customary merawkpf locating a
bicycle puncture Is to TSiSqerse the
wheel In a tub of water, anaNnerever
the hubbies show there will beNbwnd
a puncture. On occasions, ho we
the air pressure is not sufficient to
create bubbles., in such cases smear
some thin soap lather over the tire and
a soap bubble will form over the punc
ture, no matter how small it it,
B landlord la Kan Who Took the
Medal for Being Obliging.
"I stopped at a very email town In
Kansas a few weeks ago," said L. M.
Martinez at the Raleigh. "I had been
in the town once before, and knew
where the hotel Was. It was late at
night when I got off the train and went
to the hotel. After repeatedly knock
ing and shaking the door the landlord
let niv In. The next morning breakfast
was not ready when I got up, but the
landlord was In good humor about it
saying: 'Everybody Is sick about the
house. You are the only guest, so I
didn't get breakfast ready.' He went
I found that my customer was out of
hour served a very good meal for me.
I found that my uctomer was out of
town, so- had nothing to do but to
stay around the hotel all day. The
landlord got dinner and supper for me
and I asked, 'Who is sick?'
" 'My wife, two children, the cook,
the waiter and the porter.'
. " 'I ehould think you would get ssme
one else.'
" 'Can't They won't come.
" 'Why?'
" 'They are all afraid of the small
pox. I'm the only one who hasn't got it.
and I feel the symptoms. I'll be in
bed to-morrow, but I think the porter
will be well enough to run the hotel
by that time. He is sitting up to-day.
"I paid my bill very suddenly, and
put myself under medical treatment
when I reached the next town." San
Francisco Chronicle.
The Wandering' Pish. .
The Baltimore Sun prints the follow
ing: "A skeleton of a fish Is prized
very highly as a curiosity by Mr. Au
gustus Benoit of the little two-masted
schooner Ernest Dacasta of Halifax,
which arrived yesterday from the
West Indies. "That is," said Mr. Be
noit while showing his prize, "the
skeleton of what Is known as the wan
dering fish, and there are not half a
dozen other specimens in the world.
The name has been applied to it be
cause so few have been captured. Its
wonderful feature is that on the front
of the skeleton there is a perfect out
line of the scene on Cavalry, The Sa
vior, with outstretched arms and with
His head slightly inclined to the left
shoulder, is plainly marked. Near the
left side of the head is a clearly de
fined heart Above the head of the fig
ure the vertebrae forms a crown of
thorns. Striking also," continued Mr.
Benoit, "is the reverse side of the
fish's skeleton. With arms extended, as
If invoking benediction, the figure of a
bishqp is presented. The ornamenta
tion of the vestments Is delicately
traced In the bone, the cross being rep
resented by seams running up and
down and across the back of the chasu
ble. . The bishop is bareheaded, but his
mitre Is supplied by a part of the skele
ton which is fitted over the head of the
figure. Another bone makes the cro
zier. Holding the skeleton up to the
lighi it appears transparent, with the
human form outlined within It." When
the skeleton had been exposed, Mr.
Benoit shook it, and from it came a
bell-like sound. The fish is sixteen and
one-half Inches long.
New Style of Canvasser.
The up-to-date canvasser now travels
In a bunch. Under the direction of
managers, and chaperons, companies
of lady agents will soon be touring the
country, judging from the advent of
such an organization here. They hold
rehearsals, just like their theatrical sis
ters, and each girl is thoroughly
coached as to what to say and how to
say It. Early in the morning they
receive their assignments and scatter
over the city or town, watched by spot
ters, who report to the manager any
breach of contract on the part of the
canvasser. The rules are of the early-to-bed-and-early-to-rise
sort, the hotel
bills nd traveling expenses are paid
by the manager, and the entire outfit
is an object lesson of the benefit to be
derived from discipline, drill and or
ganization. The female book agent
needn't be lonely and helpless any
longer unless she proposes to flock by
herself. New York Letter.
Twoj wealthy Hebrews of Bagdad
now own all that remains of the an
cient town of Babylon.
Three hundred thousand tons of
vegetables, valued at $25,000,000, were
sold in the city of Paris in 1895.
Six couples living within a circuit ol
one mile at Milford, N. H., have cele
brated their golden wedding anniver
saries. A florai bicycle was the funeral trib
ute recently made by a Lewiston (Me.)
hot-house for bereaved cyclomaniac
friends of a young man who had lived
A stranger in Manistique, Mich., re
cently engaged eighty men to work on
the railroad. They were grateful, and
bought him drinks for a week befon
they found out it was a trick.
Prairie schooners bound East are th
spectacles to which Nebraskane around
Arapahoe are treated now. The peo
ple are being forced away from the
Southwestern country by drought
Seaweed, though not the diet for an
epicure, is, when dry, richer than oat
meal or Indian corn" in nitrogenous
constituents, and takes rank among
the most nutritious of vegetable foods.
The Japanese are now getting used to
glass. At first, glass in a railway car
riage window had to be smeared with
streaks of white paint to keep passen
gers from poking their heads through
It. .
Hessian graves at Bennington, Vt,
ere decorated recently by a 10-year-
oumMrl whose family is summering
that anyxJtowers have been strewn
... ;t.
ferocity of the Reptile and Birds
Alligators That Are Not Blow In At
tacking Hen The Deadly Caribflsh
roll of Fierce Animals.
OWHEREelse have
I ever seen tin ani
mal life so fully
provided for offeuse
and defense as
in . the Orinoco
swamps, says the
Alumni Journal of
the New York Col
lege of Pharmacy.
This statement ap
plies to every class
of the animal kingdoms, but with spe
cial force to Its smaller members. The
tigers and tiger-cats, notwithstanding
that they were frequent visitors to the
camp, entering the tent and even dur
ing he last few nights of my stay the
house Itself, will endeavor to escape
from man on most occasions, but the
Seas, jiggers, golofas, goropatas and
mosquitoes know neither fear nor rest
in the region where we spent the most
of our time.
Reference has already been made to
the abundance of serpents as seen when
they are disturbed by the inundation of
their meadows. The forests are equally
full of them. We would encounter them
In the pathway; they climbed upon the
trees and bushes, especially those over
hanging the water; they were constant
visitors to the camp, entering the tent
or house, and then even lived in num
bers in the palm leaf thatch. Nine
coral snakes were removed in replacing
the roof of the house next adjoining
An erroneous idea exists as to the
harmleesness of the alligator, and it Is
strange that this should have been
largely promoted by writers on natural
history. Not only are these creatures
large and numerous about the delta,
but they are very ferocious and, espe
cially during the hatching season, they
are not slow in attacking man. Even
the smaller members of the lizard fam
ily are In some cases reported venom
ous and certainly do not lack the dispo
sition to attack human beings, as we
ascertained by personal observation.
No one is, of course, surprised to find
ferocity among the reptiles, but it does
appear strange to see the birds, armed
with sharp and powerful spikes, upon
the wings and even with horns upon
the head. Although the latter may not
be used for offense the former certain
ly are and constitute very formidable
weapons. Birds of prey are exceed
ingly numerous in this region and have
good reason for being weel armed, for
the objects of their attention are in
many if not most cases fitted for mak
ing a desperate resistance.
Although these visible evidences of
warfare are so conspicuous about the
lower Orinoco, it is beyond the reach
of our ordinary observation, within the
various waters of this strange region,
that the moet desperate conflicts are
waged. Surely nothing can exceed in
Interest the combination of provisions
for rapid and changing movement and
of offensive and defensive armament
possessed by the animals of the
streams and pools. The maricot, the
principal food fish there found, has a
pair oftusks like those of the wild boar,
some two inches in length, sharp and
powerful, and these are supplemented
by a set of powerful molars for heavy
grinding. The "scissors fish" has a
cutting under edge to its pectoral fin,
which closes down by a succession of
notches, each holding the cutter at the
point reached by each successive mus
cular contraction. The waters swarm
with electric eels, though these are not
nearly so dangerous as are generally
believed. The caribflsh, or piranhau,
with interlocking triangular teeth,
massive head and jaws and a ferocity
which for vigor and persistence is
equaled only by that of the bulldog in
the entire animal kingdom, swarms In
most of the pools and renders death
practically certain to any one obliged
to make his way by swimming for any
considerable distance in a pool where
they abound.
A Conscientious Grace.
In "The Hutchinson Family," which
has just been published, Mr. John W.
Hutchinson tells this story of the Rev.
Humphrey Moore, years ago minister
at Milford, N. H.: "On one occasion
he was asked to officiate at a Masonio
celebration where a prayer was consid
ered germane to the proceedings. All
his denomination were opposed to
the mystic order, and at first he hesi
tated, but finally complied, and at the
appointed time and place made his ap
pearance and offered the following
prayer: 'Oh, Lord, we pray for we
know not what; If it is good, bless It;
If It is bad, cuss it World without
end. Amen.' " !
For Feather Beds.
An unusual way of treating 1 ft&ber
bed Is as follows: Place it upon a pi
azza roof, If one is at hand, or, if not,
upon several boards, so as to raise It
from the ground. Leave it exposed
to the drenching rain until It is thor
oughly soaked, then turn the bed sev
eral times. Dry it In ihe sun, turning
first one side and then the other. When
one aide is perfectly dry, beat it up
with sticks until perfectly light, and so
on, until the bed is in perfect condition.
An Old-Fashioned . Bed.
A lady remarks that, old-fashioned
though it may sound, there is no bet
ter bed for a baby than a bag of clean
oat chaff laid In the bassinette, which
should be emptied, aired ami refilled
once a month. This, she says, g cheap
and clean and sweet
- Th Bleyele Tat.
The bicycle girl
Is all In a whirl
As she rides o'er the roads lB the
park. ,
And the bicycle man,
With a suit spick and span, .
Is with her from daylight till dark
The reason this fad,
Which we've certainly had,
Has been able eo quickly to rise,
Is because the bicycle makers
Believe in newspapers,
And in the good ones advertise.
Excited His Admiration.
Boy Any hickory nuts in these
Farmer Yes, lots of 'em, and I've
got a dog that eat a calf yieterday.
Boy All right; then I guess he won't
be hungry to-day. Don't let anybody
know how you scared me.
Farmer (after being left alone) By
gum! I wisht I was startin' in life agin
and had that boy's chance! Cleveland
Leader. ,
. i
Almost Betrayed Himself.
Johnny Pa, gimme a quarter to go
"o the Bashy Bazooka.
Pa No, my son, you mustn't go
there this week. The show ain't fit to
e seen.
Johnny How do you know?
Pa Ain't I been there every ni I
mean a friend of mine told me so.
Cleveland Leader.
Miss Scorcher Darkly How Is de
whltewashin' industry, Misto' Kal?
Kal Somine Oney middlin', Miss.
Some days I does nothin', and some
days I does twicest as much agin.
. The Proper Attitude.
"There's Just one thing about this
financial question," said the confident
young man, "that I don't understand."
His father gazed at him and ex
claimed: -
"There's no use, my eon, in your
coming to me for information. Ii
you've gotten that subject mastered to
such a degree that there's only one
thing about it that you don't under
stand, it isn't my place to say a word.
The thing for me to do is to drag up
a footstool, sit down on it, look up In
to your eyes and drink in wisdom."
Washington Star.
Question What is a politician?
. Answer A politician is a man who
flnderstands politics.
Q. What is politics?
A Politics is the art of getting 9
$700 man a $3,000 job.
Q. Is that all there is to polities?
A. No.
Q. What else?
A. The man has to study out a way
to get re-elected to his $3,000 job with
out spending $2,900 with the boys.
Chicago Journal.
He Invited It.
He I fell in love with you the first
time I ever saw you. What "did you
think of me? t
She I thought it was a pity you
were so thin that you would never
look well In knickerbockers.
Then he wandered out into the moon
lit night and kicked six pickets off the
fence. Cleveland Leader.
The melancholy days have come.
And saddening are the sights
That greet the eye, but the days are not
A marker to the nights.
'Neath cotton sheet and counterpane
You shivering cry: "When .wilt
Thou, O, thou haughty landlady,
Put on that winter quilt?"
Detroit Tribune.
Pleased the Boys.
The New Parson (in Arizona) Mr.
Roundup, may I ask if my discourse
yesterday created a favorable impres
sion?: Coyote Jake Parson, I've heerd
more'n four dozen of the boys swear
this mornin' it was the dangdest best
sermon that wuz ever pulled oft h'yarj
Chicago Tribune.
Would Stay on the Safe Side.
Young Wife I always thought you
the bravest man In the world while
we were courting. You wouldn't go to
Canada In case of another war, would
you, dear? ,
"Not if the war was with Canada."
Detroit Free Press.
Worked like a Charm.
"Sawyer, I've cured my wife's in
somnia". "How did you do It?"
"Had the maid get up and ring the
rising bell in the middle of the night"
Chicago Record.
Nobody Blames Her.
Queer about that woman who sings
m her sleep."
"I don't think so; Bhe ehowg her
sense in shirking the responsibility."
-Chicago Record.
I Clnthinsr .....t&OO Suits for $4-95
i j
Harness JIO-OO Harness tor 55-25 V
. u k:..l3SHicli'iiic...i
aewing mauiiii" lor ,u
Watches lio.oo watches for $5.25
A catalogue fall of the best values ever offered
at factory prices. 4 eenls In lmp
tor this valuable book and buy your supplies di
rect Iron l19 manufacturer. Address
Ipt. , 183-1MS Dearborn Street, Chicago, HI.
One Who Ought to Know "ays Good
Horses Are as Much In Demand as Ever.
From the St Louis Republic CoL
Ed Butler is authority for the state
ment that there are more horses In St
Louis now than there ever have been
in the entire history of the city. Ac
cording to his figures, there are any
where from 20 to 30 per cent more
now than there were during the palm
iest days of the horse car or before
the bike came into use. "I am better
prepared to know how -many horses
there are in the city than any other
man living here. The reason is that
I catch them coming and going. I shoe
them while they are living and haul
them off when they are dead. I know
that the average citizen believes that
the advent of the trolley car and the
bicycle dispensed with the use of horses
almost entirely, but this is not the
case. The bicycle dude and the trolley
car patron never owned horses. The
only horses the trolley car knocked
ont were the plugs that nobody else
would care to own, and there were not
half as many of. them as is generally
supposed. Good horses are as hard to
get now as they ever were, and proba
bly harder, for the reason that not so
many of them are being bred. You
can't hire a -lg at a livery stable any
cheaper now than you could ten years
ago. The trolley car has killed the
market for scrub horses, and they are
cheaper, but a scrub horse is not cheap
at any figure. I have been trying to
get a first-class team for three years,
and am willing to pay any kind of a
price for them, but I have not been
able to find what I want. I predict that
within the next five years the breeding
of good roadsters is going to become
one of the most profitable businesses
in the country." ,
Puzzles and Games to Be Opened' at Sta
tions Along the Route.
Last week my sister was constrained
to send her youngest son a long rail
way journey. She was greatly puzzled
to know what to do to amuse the
child during the weary hours of trav
eling, as he was too young to entertain
himself by reading. Moreover, the
boy was an irrepressible fidget, and an
elderly relation had very kindly un
dertaken to take charge of the child,
so that my sister was naturally anx
ious to provide him with some occu
pation with which to employ his mis
chievous little fingers and his busy lit
tle brain. This was her device which I
thought was so ingenious that I would
record it for the benefit of such of our
readers as are mothers and guardians
of little boys about to travel back to
school. She bought a number of lit"
tie cheap puzzles, games, etc., and she
fastened each little gift in a separate
sealed parcel, and wrote outside the
name of the station after leaving which
it might be opened and played with.
Then she acquired a Bradshaw's map
of Europe and mounted it on linen,
and drew the boy's journey in ink on
the map, making an X at every station
where he was to have one of the mys
terious parcels. I am afraid in fu
ture that my nephew Bobby will now
associate the chief towns in the north
of Europe with the contents of that
fascinating bag, and will ever remem
ber Leipsic as the place where he ob
tained two fish and a magnet Han
over where he unwrapped a box of col
ored chalks and a picture book, and
so on through all the major and minor
towns along his route. The little par
cels were so arranged that there was
one for every three-quarters of an
hour till 8 o'clock at night, and one
for every half-hour between Queens
boro and London the following morn
ing. Gentlewoman.
Ex-President Harrison's Objection to the
Mode of Selection.
Ex-President Harrison writes of
"The Judicial Department of the Gov
ernment" in the Ladies' Home Jour
nal, and says with reference to the gen
eral mode of selecting Judges in the
majority of states: "There has been
much discussion as to the proper ten
ure for the Judicial office, and the ten
dency as Expressed In the later State
constitutions, has been in favor of
limited terms. The earlier state con
stitutions gave the appointment of the
judges to the governor or the Legisla
ture, but along with the demand for
limited terms for the Judges came an
other for their election by the people
and In a majority of the states they are
now nominated in the party conven-'
tions and elected by popular vote, Just
as a Governor or Sheriff is chosen I
do not think that either 'of these
changes is a reform. Limited terms, If
they are long, may be supported 'by
many considerations; but short terms
combined with popular elections, havo
not, In my opinion, secured as high a
judicial standard as prevailed before.
A judge who must go at short inter
vals before a political convention for
a nomination, and before the people
for an election, cannot have the same
sense of Independence and security
that he would have if his term were
long or during good behavior. The
Judical office should be bo organized
that men of the best abilities and at
tainments would enter it as a career
and give their lives and their am
bitions wholly to It."
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est hver and bowel regulator ever mads.