March 4 iSctf, THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. i . I ' rvi - ? -"' ' i I i ii I, i i. ... Id I 0'i'ii3C m n 1 S2 4 UK -r -: . - - - - - i,-t. Y i OUR ILLUSTRATION. The above cat is a view of the fifteen year old orchard planted by Crete Nur series, in Saline county. Six and one half acres were planted in the very dry, windy spring of 1881 without the loss of a tree. The soil is of fair quality, high prairie. 170 feet to water. The orchard was cultivated twelve times the first season. The crops of the first seven years were corn, vines and buckwheat, always cultivates the tree rows one way at least, with a single horse, from eight to ten times a season. The ninth and tenth years the orchard was in Continued from 1st page. to see you hew to the line, let the chips fall where they will. I also desire to con gratulate the chairman of the national committee on the position he has taken on this question as well as on the ques tion of United States senator in North Carolina. I am, yours for populist suc cess. J. H. ftdmisten. . NATIONAL COMMITTEE FROM MICHIGAN I heartily approve your stand for tie maintainance of all of the demands of the peoples party. The Omaha plat form converted me, and its silver plauk I deemed the most important one then, and I see no reason now why it should be disregarded. At tne St. Louis con vention we reaffirmed it essentially, and this seems to me to be no time to desert it. My greatest hope is that the Bryan democracy and the eilver party '"ill, in the near future, unite with us on the whole platform, for then our party will have achieved one successful battle, and shall have forced the American people to allien themselves with one of two great political forces for the battle of 1900. James E. McBride, member na tional committee for Michigan. HON. E. GERRY BROWN, OF MASS. The peoples party was organized as a protest against tne incapacity of botn of the old parties to deal with the po litical Questions pressing for settlement. As such the party will continue to exist and will grow in strength and influence just in proportion as the old parties serve monopolistic plutocracy and there by prove their organizations to be false to the interests of the over-burdened peo ple who are now awakening to a realiza tion of the causes which have created ex isting conditions. The political demands in our platform were originally formu lated by the representatives of organized labor. Planting ourselves npon these demands we urged men to work with us on the plea that the success of a principle was more to be desired than the success of a party and we secured the support of those not bund with partisanship, now then can we abandon our advocacy of free silver either directly or indirectly We taught that our principles were the demands ot Jenerson and Lincoln the essence of true democracy and republi canism and some of our leaders profess to be amazed because some of those who were enrolled under our banner have rushed to the democratic party to take part in the conflict between the gold and silver wings of that organization. Will abuse of Wm. J. Bryan and middle of road proclamations attract those men again to our ranks? Those converts however will labor for the success of our principles. Why should we seek occa sion to express any regret for our part in the grand record that was made iast fall? Do we appreciate the wonderful development of reform sentiment that was created? What is the necessity for a double meaning call for a national conference for independent action? Our party organization exists in every state; ana it is in tnis direction that men are so solicitous for its welfare and so anx ious to shine in national conferences and conventions have a great opportunity to devote their energies and exert their influence in creating a sentiment favor able to their interpretation of what the party policy should be. Next year our populists will take action in congres sional elections and in less than three years our Call for the national conven tion will be promulgated. Until then the St. Louis platform is the latest au thorized expression of the united popu lists, no national conference has tne right to emphasize one plank in prefer ence to other planks as the will of the party or to officially declare what is the issue or to "change the issue" or to make any other test of party fealty than that of allegiance to this platform pro mulgated at our last national conven tion. Middle of the road men said so in January, 1895, when Mr. Taubeneck called the St. Louis conference. It is as true now as it was then and our chair man, Senator Butler has exercised com mendable discretion in not issuing a call. It is stated in populist papers that our state central committee of Massachu setts at its recent meeting in "February endorsed Mr. Washburn's proposition to "change the fssue." That is not so. '"" - M a. -.if. FIFTEEN YEAR APPLE ORCHARD IN BLOSSOM, CRETE NURSERIES, CRETE, NEB. clover to throw it into heavy bearing. The cultivation each year since has been by disc pulverizing and harrowing, nine to twelve cultivations each season work ing the orchard both ways. The first heavy crop was in 1891, av eraging seven to eight bushels per tree. An exact record of the yield was not kept separate from . the other orchards until 1894, the very dry year. In spite of the severe drouth and small size of many of the apples due to lack of moisture, twenty bushels of apples were picked from single trees. The average yield of all varieties was nearly Beven bushels per tree. The yield from the six Neither did it listen to the reading of any letter to Mr. Edgerton, for none was read or presented to be read. It did however adopt a resolution offering its allegiance to the St. Louis platform and declaring it "it would recognize no other guide or authority." I am in full sym pathy with this position. E. Gerry Brown, member national committee, Massachusetts. Artichokes for Hogs- A great deal has been said lately through the press praising artichokes as a cheap and healthful hog feed. In myjudgment,from seven years experience in raising them quite extensively for my hogs, they are spoken of none too highly as a feed for growing hogs, I think that in a very few years artichokes will be found on every farm where swine is raised, especially in the west where we are subject to long dry spells. Artichokes will grow on any soil where corn or pota toes will and yield from six to sixteen times as much per acre as corn, and they have this advantage: They require less attention, both in growing and harvest ing, than any other crop that comes any ways near approaching them in value as hog feed. For brood sows and grow ing pigs they can't be beat, and for fattening hogs artichokes and corn will put a finish on them cheaper and quicker than any leed a farmer can possibly raise. As a supplement to our cheap corn and as a preventive of cholera regard artichokes as possessing a very high value. A variety is what a hog wants and needs, and this you will find in artichokes and corn. Respectfully, Geo A. Arnold, iiaydan, Neb. HARDY'S COLUMN. Continued from 4th page. necessarily. To be driven into the woods a second time was once too much. To him it meant no more school or spelling matches, no more sleigh rides or parties. All the friends and scenes of his child hood must be left. While it was yet winter, father and son must go up with the oxen and build a log house and have it ready for the fami ly in the early spring. 1 hey must sleep in the sled and cook their own food out of doors until a house was built and a roof on. As they started off their old home dis appeared, the school house, the Collins' house.and one after another the familiar objects of boyhood, till all was a dense forest. To add to Jim's sadness Mr. Collins had objected to Sue having any thing more to say to him. He is poor and if he gets anything he will fool it away as his father has. it was under these circumstances that Jim made three solemn vows to himself. 1. I will never borrow or run in debt as long as I live. 1 will pav as 1 go or stop. No sheriff shall ever sell me out. 2. 1 will not become surety for any man for any sum. I will never ask a man to sign with me and they need not ask me to sign with them. 3. I will not drink or taste of liquor in sickness or health. 1 be bar tender shall not have one cent of my eariiugs. These pledges were not surface work, but like indelible ink, they struck in and became a part of his very life. Three long years in the woods with his father only strengthened bis determinations. They were almost literally ground into his flesh and bones. March was well along, the house was well up, roof on and . one must go for the family before the snow was gone. J im E leaded until his father concluded to let im go. There were two reasons why he wanted to go. He did not want bis father to go in sight of a bar room aud the other was he wanted to see his old boyhood friend, Sue Collins, with the rest. The trip was made, Jim had two days visit and returned with a lighter heart. He learned that Sue told her father she was going to marry a man and not money. The three years rolled by, chopDimr and burning in the summer and lumber ing in the winter. Jim was back to the old neighborhood two or three times and Joe was up hunting deer every winter, aside irom that it was all work. In Sep tember, 1861, he was of age and his own man.. His father s new farm was paid for, forty acres cleared and every thing comfortable and out of debt. Stnl no bar room near. When the young man started for himself his entire earth . at and one-half acres wan 2,500 bushels. The fruit sold for $1,400.00, and aver age of 2 16.00 per acre. The crops of 1891 and 1896 were about the same, with smaller lots of fruit in other years. The anuual expense of cultivation since farm crops were grown has been $3.50 per acre. The cost of gathering a large crop of fruit has been about $10 per acre. The cost of trees, planting and cultivation for the first ten years was about $50 per acre. The orchard is now iu its prime and has paid more than 20 per cent per annum on a valuation of $200 per acre, for each year since plant ed. Apparently the orchard is good for ly possessions consisted of the clothes on his back and a shirt and pair of stock ings in a handkerchief. Still be was rich, for he had two strong hands and no bad habits. That night he slept with JoeSearla Before going to sleep, however, they de cided to visit their girls the next day and enlist before night. They did it and their company moved the da following. Sue's last words to Jim were, "if you are sick or wounded let me know and I will come and take care of you, and father won't hinder." To be Continued. An Example of Economy, A letter recently sent to the chief clerk of the house by the Keystone Bill File Company stated that the usual number of bill files used by the legislature of Nebraska at all of its preceding sessions has been 410, but np to the present time this legislature had ordered but 300, They expressed a desire to sell the re mainlng 110, and thought perhaps the clerk would use his influence with the proper parties to secure the sale, for which tbey would be extremely thankful The files cost f 2.50 a piece, and the sav ing upon this one item of 110 bill files amounts to f 275.00. The cominuni cation stated that in most instances they were able to sell as many as 600 files, and that the Nebraska legislature bad one hundred less than any other leg islature in tne united states. V Bryan Their Choice. The New York World, the largest denr ocratic paper in the United States, re cently sent the following telegram to all of the regular democratic committees and organizations in the United States: "If the democratic national conven tion met tomorrow would W. J. Bryan again be chosen as the democratic candi date for president?" The result was an extraordinary con census of opinion showing, with hardly an exception, that the democratic or ganizations everywhere as well as the democratic national committee was as devoted to Mr. "Bryan as ever. A ma jority of them believe that he will not only be nominated but elected in 1900 Forty of the state chairmen responded in favor ot Uryan as tne candidate for 1900. Never before in the history of this country has a defeated candidate so completely retained the confidence of his supporters. No Gold Contracts, House roll No. 154, by Mr. Wooster, providing that gold and silver coin shall be legal tender for the payment of all debts both public and private, thus mak ing it impossible, under the laws of this state to enforce a con tract to pay in gold alone, was recomnended for passage by a vote of 60 to 27, being a strict party vote, i nis Dili is designed to afford re lief to farmers and business men who have mortgages falling due from placing such a clause in the contract, thus in creasing the demand for gold and widen ing the breach between gold and silver. fnL- ii . . . inis measure win prooaoiy oecome a law. NEBRASKA. REFORM EDITORS. About Eighty of the Free Silver Pencil Pushers Gather at the Lincoln Hotel. In response to the invitation of the Reform Press association for all editors in the state who supported Bryan and Holcomb last fall to meet with the asso ciation in Lincoln, March 2, about 80 of the boys, populists, Iree silver democrats and free silver republicans, gathered at the large room of ttu Lincoln hotel last Tuesday. Initiation fee was changed to 25 cents. The doors were thrown open and all reform editors were invited to subscribe to the constitution. Officers for the ensuing year wete elected as fol lows: President. E. D. Kellev. Fremont Leader; Vice-president, R. D. Scott, Uattle Creek Enterprise; Sec'y-Treae, Frank D. Lemon, David City Banner; Ex. Com.. Roy W. Rhone. Kearnev. New. Era-Standard; C Clinton Page, Hol drege Progress; Fred D. glassier, Pawnee Press. l fifteen years wore. The recorded yield of about IbOO per acre seems likely to be increased to more than $1,000.00 per acre before the orchard finally exhausts itself. An orchard of Winesap apple trees standing alongside this orchard, aged fifteen years, in 1891 made the following yield: Trees were planted 12 by 18 feet, or 193 trees per acre, yield in 1891, eight bushels per tree, or at a rate of 1,500 bushels per acre, the fruit selling at 30 cents to $1 per bushel, depending on when and where marketed. What business pays better? E. F. Stephens, A large part of the afternoon and even ing session was taken up with secret ses sion discussing business matters-. At the evening meeting two splendid addresses were delivered by Governor Holcomb and Col. L. C. Pace, for which the association returned . a vote of thanks. The body then went into exe cutive session that lasted until after midnight. Important matters were considered that may result in very ma terial good to the weekly reform papers of the state. The association adjourned ' to meet again in two weeks, viz, Tuesday, March 1 6, at 1 o'clock at the Lincoln hotel Lincoln. ( ' fust before ndinnrnmenfca resolution was adopted endorsiug the purpose of the new press association organized at Kansas Cfty to unite with the National Reform Press association and urging that a complete and speedy union be brought about between the associations, MUNICIPAL SUFFRAGE. "I" The House Recommends the Bill for Passage. House Roll No. 36, which provides that women possessing the same qualifica tions as to age and residence as is re quired of men shall be allowed to vote for all officers and all questions sub mitted to a vote of the people for any county, township, city, town, village or irrigation district,- was recommended for passage by a vote of sixty to twenty- seven. This is all tne privileges that can be granted thtm by the legislature until the constitution is amended, as section 13 of article 16 does not allow women to vote at general elections. The discussion of this bill consumed nearly a half day in which seme twenty members took part. The bill will now go to the senate and may not receive as favorable consideration. The women's suffrage organizations of the state are on the ground and pushing the measure as fast as possible. Important. We have received cash from the fol lowing persons who have failed to give their postoffice address, and those inter ested should write at once that we may give proper credit: Tbos. Barron ..f 50 B Pearson 2 00 Wm. Robbins 2 00 M V Runnyan 2 00 H C Crandell 26 S D Cole 1 50 THE SIFTING COMMITTEE Will Recommend Important Measures for Advancement on the File. When the house met Wednesday morn ing Speaker Gaffln announced the sifting committee as follows: Chairman Jones of Nemaha county, Moran of Platte, Hull of Harlan, Woodard of Hamilton Robertson of Holt, Wiebe of Hall and and Fouke of Gage. This committee will examine the bills now on general file and recommend the most important measures for advancement and passage. The stock yards bill which has been passed by the senate will be taken up, the city charters, bills regulating tele phone and telegraph companies and some of the important railroad bills. MAMMOTH WHITE ARTICHOKE Seed at farmers' prices. After seven years' experience in growing them for my hogs I pronounce them equal to Oil Meal at One-fifth the Cost. For particulars and prices address Geo. A. Arnold, Hay- don, Phelps County, Neb. 25CTS. WILL DO $9.60 WORTH OF WORK. flfind for onr Electric Soldering Piute. It will mend all kinds of Tinwar oxed In the noma, or about the furm. It In alwayn ready for use and doe the work, we want apent In every town to e)l our line ot 2tc. articlf-a, The HI 4. yulck eellera. immense prnnte. una 10 i;rnt ror m nampie i .1 i . .. . . i. i- 11 . 0. LKKC H CO., 1HS learborn St, Chicago, 111 They have Seen Their day and you should now give them to some poor man and dress up! We leaa all competition and do not propose to take a HA Off 0CflTforanyoneon earth. Dfiuli OLfi I Our SPRING l www i m. i raw 1111 k.MVV,t 11 I t I VJII sands of men we never we can please you if you our Catalogue enables you to ao very mteiigent ly. Send us your order at once and we will snow you how to save your hard-earned dol lars." . . v Tlir 111 ID The Great Mail Order Clothing I nil llUUj House, Lincoln, Nebraska. REV. MrMEE DE HOTTE After Testimr in His Own Case the Mer its of a Well-Known Medical Sya tem, He Commends the Same to the Pub ic. The merit of Irs. t'opeland cv Shep ard's profcHslonal worn is dally proven by the best of evidence. To day Rev. McKendree DeMotte, mem ber of the Nebraokii Conference and pastor of the Methodist Kplat-opul church ofTalmago and HrocU, adda his testimony. For five years these physicians have held the leading place In the treatment of chronic diseases. They have patients in every county in the state, and possess every equipment for treating the most stubborn cases, either at their office or through the malls. Read Rev. De Motto's testimony. He was treated by mail at his own home. If you want additional facts write him, inclosing stamp. He writes Dr. Shepard as follows: REV. McKENDREE DE MOTTE. ''Since coming out of the army In 1804. I had been greatly, allllctcd w t tli enlargement and displacement ol the heart with accompany! nit weakness of that organ. In later years 1 have also greatly suffered from chronic catarrh. Last winter a very severe sickness left me In an ex tremely feeble condition and wholly unfit for any work. After a course by mall with Dr. Shepard, It affords me great pleasure to state that I linvc found much relief and substantial benefit from his treatment. My vase was handled with excellent Judg ment and skill and 1 most benrlll commend Ore. Copeland ac Xhepar as courteous, honorable gentlemen, thoroughly qualified as specialists 1l their chosen profession." ltliclit in Town. Mr. George Spangler Is the creilt mat for McCord, Brady & Co., the wholesali grocers. Speaking of his relief and cur. from the horrors of dyspepsia, he says: "Catarrh of the stomach nearly ruine my digestion for several years. Almost in variably after eating 1 would have a dull heavy pain in the stomach and bowels, a though filled up with lead or putty. Th food would lie on the stomach without d. gesting, causing discomfort, distress an often nausea. A number of physicians trie to help me, but none of them seemed t hit it until I began with Drs. an Sheparu, aiid they cured me. I have neve had a sign of trouble since I finished th course about two years ago.'1 A MONTH to any patlen for any curable chroni disease, and all medlclnei furnlebed without a cen of additional com, K other tee. So other ex pense. Send for sympton Blanks. DKS. t'OPKLAM) te SHEP- Alii), Omaha, Neb. 99 PER CENT TEST Send five one-cent stamps to J. B. ARMSTRONG. Shenandoah, la., for 20 page book Hints on Corn Growing and 4 sample packages of best varieties. You cannot miss it in aoingso. uis varieties are Eakly Yellow Kose.Snow flake White, Piiiok ok the Nortb, and Armsthonos Mortgage Lifter, lne rreat corn season ot 18'.)6only served to add new and valuable testimony to the great worth of the Enrly Yellow Rose for Nebraska growers. I rices to suit tne times. Notice. To William Robinson, Non-resident Defendant: Ton are hereby notified that on the first day of March, 1897, LUile Robinson filed a petition against yon In the district court of Lancaster oonnty, Nebraska, the object and prayer of whlcti are to ontaln a divorce froin you on the ronnd that yon have wilfully abandoned the plaintiff witboot good canee tor the term of two years I ant past. Yon are required to answer aid petition on or before Monday, the 18th day of April, im. L.17.Z1K jriaintiu. By Wm. Leese A Owlsey Wilson, her attor neys. Dated March Sd, 1897. hi m CATALOGUE will tell you all about spring styles and post you on prices. 'Bfo Samples of New lor Men and Boys wear. We do bus iness With thou see, and are confident order by mail, which APPLE, t to 4 ft. M: 1 000 ash $ I Bos, Mulberry A Osage Hedge Cherry. 8 to 4 ft, tin; Coneorii grape rtnei$I vi f at tub freight Complete Price List Free, amen Kar Jansen, Nab at about name or. SIX MILLION' Pr.OPLEVOTED FOR Hon. W. J. Hrviin. His only book. "The First Buttle." is now reudy. Agents making Trom $25 lo $150 per week; the greatest seller ol III' ase; seud for outfit quick. IWiirp nf fraudulent books. W, H. Con key Company, sole publishers, Chicago. Send for Completa PricaList We pay freight to your railrood sta tion on the following special combi nations. Send the money by draft, express or money order and we will E repay freight to any station in Ne raska. Every article warranted: Special Combination No. 9. - 40 lbs best granulated sugar $1 00 8 lbs Lion or Arbuckle coffee 60 25 2 lbs fancy evap'd apricots... 4 lbs " peaches... 6 lbs choice raisins................. 6 lbs choice California Prunes 50 60 50 60 r 25 3 lbs beet baking p'dr.. rea 1 ID pure pepper., 2 lbs best tea 1 00 5 00 All the above delivered to any rail road station in Nebraska for 95. The Farmer's Grocery Co. IS6-984 N. 10th St., Lincoln, Neb. Sent Free! To any person interested in humane matters, or who loves animals, we will seud free, noon application, a copy oi the "ALLIANCE," the organ of this so ciety. In addition to its intensely inter-. contains a list of the valuable and uiiusiint premiums given, by the paper. Address The National Humane Alliance, 410.411 United Char ities Building, New York. FRUIT Forest SHADE AnVindsaf Small Fruits. Ornamental and Bhrnba. ETerythin tor the large or small planter at LOW PRICKS. Lanre ghade Trees for Street. Park or Cemetery. , Write tor Priee List. Address . ' YOUNGERS &CO., Oencva.Neff. To iintckly latroduc Into nrw localitln Dr. Hornt' New Im tmTt4 KlKtrie &tlla and AppliucM, THE BEST ON E A It T II , wtrrsnted to cut. without nwdiclae ll chronic ud weakening rllaMM of both tries, we ahaM Clva away F M K E Of ANY COST lor adTrrtlln porpoMa, on. kunlrnl Dr. Hrrrne't No. 4 lint .00 Elactrio Beluto.iir7ir.ri (ran an; ot tb. following diaMi! R!taBu.ll.ll, Lnaibiir,BclaUca,t'atarrh. A.thHB, H.tMi.rko, Rraraltria, raraljan. Halt..;, DmIMH, S.r.tNMBa. Dy.pep.1.. ieaatlaatlaa. Toralw Lltar, Tarsal Trouble, Kpllrplla flu. Spiaal Dlaraara. Heart TrrablM, SlMprruarM, Kottimm ItrbllllT, rnale Uplalata, tola Kf trarolllM, beoer.l Debility, klaaoy ioaplalaU, Paiaa la tka Itaek.llraa aad Umbo, aod all a-eakoeasM ot Maa and Womea. W t .ball not alva away more thaa ana belt to anv one penoaad not mora than on ha anv localltr, and aball irlre to' such person, aa think art worthy wiff.r.ra. W. mean just what w. aav, FU&b; OF ANY COST. Thera ar. noeharivaof any kind to be paid bv yon. H a art makha Ink) offer to Inlrodnca oar Electric Belts -arid Appliances into aew localities, believing- that H will pav na la tb end. If you are, in our opinion, a worthy aofferar wa will give you ana free. Send aa yonr name and ail 'I res. with your waist msaaare and state nature of vour disease. Answer at ones. All answers must be aent through the mail, and received by ua not lau-r than March 1st, ISM, as that la the data oa which we shall give anay the belts and answer all letters received. Address Dr. U.ras Kleetrls Belt A Trass to., Dipt. MX, e jfinfl Paviaril paid to any person proving this ndverttae tIUUU nB Wall II m.utlsnothoasst iasv.ry jtd It sautaias. rnv it enre frTlff W Wt W WW 1 llaaaaaai loriw nays in yoiirfwn iiunir aim i" save JMO toft. Somuiry liiAirriBt. AO Kwot4 for 2X $bO ArUnrton Mwhliir for Hlnvrfrr (Madti bv ana 7 otn,rw I VKYr At. A! 1 and O streets. Q. W, Boimiix. C. P. and Delivered Free TREES wPW TILL Arm 1 "Jj SI TW .Til . S S3 t'LA a, - " 1 I c . e ten T rol b. out ; ar R ' lUS 1 r. e r I : I p "... wt . te ?.'- ba at' . t t i t - r t oC ' y i - it t ft". in' : r L I tjsl . tt tttt ' rt rtilc ,' be, . PU ret ,, fair '. la JlOl Her " cs. ji ' i Jlc p ire - M Hi V t ' f. ;. Itl ' t . I a ,. ' n V8' x 1 ' ' r I V - ifti - if- -