The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 04, 1897, Image 3

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    4 V.
March 4,
A Pretty Younj Womu Brutally Mur
dered by a Negro Hired to Do the
Atrocious Deed Heir Suing for the
SUIT is now pend
ing in tbe Circuit
court at Hodgen-
Tille, Ky.. that will
excite a great deal
of interest The
f It Eg Messrs. Warner
and Willi am
Wright of Indiana,
and the heirs of
Ben Pickerell. The
former are suing for a piece of land
lying In the "Level Woods" in Larne
county, upon which Is situated a dilap
idated log cabin, the blood-stained
walls of which, were they gifted with
the power of speech, could tell , of a
midnight assassination, the atrocity of
which stands almost without an equal
In the annals of crime.
A short time before the outbreak of
the Civil war, there lived at one of the
little towns adjacent to Hodgenvllle,
a lovely girl, Just budding into woman
hood, named Mary Schader. Her father
was a German grocer. In the same
square with the Schaders lived Dr. Al
fred Hines, a physician of note, and a
man who stood high with all classes
of the community. He was advanced
in years, quite wealthy, and the father
of a large and Interesting family. He
was the Schaders' family physician, and
an intimacy sprung up between him
and Mary. When the truth was dis
covered her father arranged with Ben
Pickerell and wife of Larne county,
to take the girl and care for her until
she recovered from her approaching
illness. . They were to receive sufficient
remuneration for their trouble, and
Hines, it is said, footed the bill.
The "Level Woods" is about eight
miles from Hodgenvllle, and is an al
most unbroken forest. It is hard to
imagine a more forbidding and des
olate place. In the heart of this dreary
wilderness was the "home of Ben Pickerell.-
Here Mary Schader was taken,
and, after a few months a boy was
Old Pickerell was rather well-to-do,
owning a large farm and a number of
slaves. His family consisted of his
wife and several children, among
whom was a grown son.
After Mary Schader recovered, she
decided to remain with the Pickerells
in the capacity of a servant, and she
and her child were installed in a log
cabin some distance from the family
residence. Her baby throve and grew
to be a fine healthy boy, and Mary
herself was more charming and' pret
tier than ever. She was quiet and un
obtrusive and made friends readily,
and she and her baby became favorites
Df almost the entire neighborhood.
There was one who was particularly
attentive to Mary. This was Picker
til's son, a handsome young fellow,
lust arrived at manhood's estate. That
Mary reciprocated his tender feelings
was evident to all; but this attachment
was looked upon with great disfavor
by the young man's mother. Love rec
gnizes no discipline, however, and the
ld lady's opposition only increased
ihe affection between the couple. In
the meantime Mary Schader had made
It known that she intended to institute
suit against Doctor Hines, and that
gentleman was greatly worried about
it Thus Miss Schader's existence had
become exceeding obnoxious to two
persons. Mrs. Pickerell had repeatedly
urged her son to cease his attentions
to the "wanton," as she styled her, and
had also spoken to Mary about the
matter in no mild terms, but the lovers
persisted in their determination to
marry. After a time Mrs. Pickerell
appeared to submit to .the inevitable,
and withdrew her opposition, only ask
ing that the wedding be postponed for
a time, to which the couple willingly
Early one morning, in the latter part
of March, 1859, Mrs. Pickerell, return
ing from a neighbor's where she had
spent the night, stopped at the cabin
of Mary Schader. On opening the door
a horrible sight confronted her.
Stretched on the floor, in front of the
fireplace was the dead body of Miss
Schader, her head split in twain. On
the hearth was a bloody ax, the weapon
used in the murderous work. Dabbled
In gore, and clinging to the lifeless
breast of Its mother, was the helpless
babe. The walls, the floor and every
article of furniture was spattered with
blood, and there was every indication
that the poor girl had made a brave
and desperte fight for her life. It was
a sickening sight, and the murder is
regarded to this day as one of the tool-
bM. If A
est ever committed withm the boun
daries of the state. The alarm was
given and soon an excited crowd
surged around the little log cabin,
striving to get a view of the awful
spectacle it contained. Investigation
shewed that in the struggle tor her
life the girl had torn a bunch of hair
from the head of her assailant This
she still grasped in her stiffened fin
gers, and when examined proved to be
negro wool. This, together with other
evidence, led to the arrest of Cundiff,
one of Pickerell's slaves. He was
lodged in jail at Hodgenvllle, pending
trial. Mrs. Pickerell's brother, a law
yer of ability, volunteered to defend
him, but the negro became conscience
smitten, broke down and made a start
ling confession.
In It he stated that he was the as
sassin; that Mrs. Pickerell and Dr.
Hines had hired him to commit tbe
foul deed, promising him $300 in
money and immunity from punishment
by law in case he was suspected. He
said Mrs. Pickerell's brother was to de
fend him, and as compensation for the
lawyer's services he was to become his
property. Shortly after this the negro
was hanged at Hodgenvllle. His state
ments were generally believed and
created a great sensation, and public
indignation against the parties impli
cated was intense.
Old Ben Pickerell, his wife and Doc
tor Hines have long been dead. The
tatter's family is scattered far and
wide. The baby, the innocent cause of
the bloody tragedy, was raised to man
hood at an orphan asylum and is now
an honored citizen of Nelson county.
The old log cabin in which the ter
rible deed was committed is still stand
ing and the blood stains on the walls
and floor have never been effaced. .
Seven-Year-Old Child at Wooster Blows
0ft the Head of a Companion.
At Dalton, Wayne county, nine miles
east of Wooster, Ohio, the other morn
ing, Carl McElhinney, 7 years old, de
liberately killed Tommy Kidd, 14 years
of age. The murdered boy is a son of
W. K. Kidd, an attorney of Cleveland,
Ohio, and was stopping with the Mc
Elhinney family. The boys got into a
quarrel, when young McElhinney went
into a room, placed two shells into a
shotgun and fired, blowing off the top
of Kidds head. McElhinney walked
to a neighbor's, but said nothing of
the shooting. The body was not dis
covered until two hours after the shot
was fired. The McElhinney boy at
first declared he knew nothing of
Kldd's death, but later told all abouf
it. : :-
The Deadly Persimmon Worm.
William Smith, engineer of the Kel
ly Shingle Manufacturing Company,
was found dead In bed yesterday from
the effects of a bite of an insect known
as the "persimmon worm." This worm
is called by that name because it lives
principally on the leaves of the per
simmon tree. Mr. Smith was bitten on
the left hand, and he complained of
being sick within an hour. When his
dead body was found, the arm and side
had swollen immensely, and had turned
the color of tobacco juice. These
worms are so numerous that the trees
upon which they feed are almost de
nuded of leaves. Five years ago they
were quite common in this locality.
The people in this neighborhood hold
them in deadly fear. Some persons are
disposed to classify them as tobacco
worms, but neither the tobacco nor the
tomato worm, and really both are prac
tically the same, have horns or spikes
such as are possessed by the persinv
mon worm. Indianapolis News.
Harried Too Often.
George S. Horton, aged about 30, was
married to Miss Maude Smith ol
Liberty, Mo., last spring, and Just
afterward was arrested for living with
another woman, with whom he had
come in the spring. He was sentenced
to Jail for ninety days, which sentence
he is still serving. The other woman's
maiden name was Sophronia Collins,
and Horton was married to her at Mon
tezuma, Iowa, in 1889. He was afraid
to show this fact when arrested, as
It would have shown him to be a biga
mist It is said that Horton has been
married this year to two other women
Miss Maggie Ramey, of Carthage, and
Miss Nellie Desha, pf Neodesha, Kan.
Another marriage was to Miss McVey,
of Highland, Iowa, some time ago. It
is not known whether Horton has other
wives. He will be prosecuted.
Two Men Horned to Death.
Thomas Gorman and Matthew Carey
were burned to death in a log hut near
Lansing, Iowa, the other day. Both
were unmarried. The cause of the fire
is unknown, but the supposition is that
the men quarreled, fought to the death
and in the melee upset either the lamp
or stove.
Electric Shock.
Electricians aver that it is possible
for those inured to the business to re
ceive with impunity double the num
ber of volts that would kill one. who
was in mortal fear of the myrierJous
There are ten volcanoes In Mexico.
Mexico bas a coast lino of over 6,000
Mexico has vast deposits of onyx and
Slavery was fully abolished in Mex
ico in 1867.
The army of Mexico comprises about
40,000 men.
The area of Mexico is about 750,000
square miles.
Coahuila coal is exported to the
United States.
Mexico Is about ten times larger than
Great Britain.
Cotton factories in Mexico employ
over 25,000 people.
There are only 463 square miles in
the federal district
The "valley" of Mexico is 7,500
feet above sea level.
The traveler in Mexico is seldom out
of sight of mountains. ,
The rainy season generally lasts
from May till September.
The average orange tree of Mexico
raises 1,000 oranges a year.
There are probably 300,000 men em
ployed in the mines of Mexico.
Mexico is the richest mineral coun
try In the world, not excepting Peru.
Pearl fisheries still furnish employ
ment for many men on the gulf coast
The largest state i Chihuahua, with
an area of nearly 90,000 square miles.
The tax upon pulque in tfce city of
Mexico alone amounts to over $100,000
a year.
Great quantities of sulphur are mined
in the craters of several extinct vol
canoes. It is said that no country in the
world shows so great a variety of plant
life as Mexico.
The new banking law of Mexico
places the minimum capital stock of
banks at $500,000.
Mexico has a maximum length of
1,990 miles and is 540 miles across at
the widest point
Slight earthquakes are frequently
felt in southern Mexico, but they are
very seldom severe.
There are upwards of forty tribes of
Indians in Mexico, who speak as many
different languages.
The waters of the Atlantic and Pa
cific are only 140 miles apart at the
Isthmus of Tehuantepec.
Twenty-seven states, two territories
and a federal district comprise the
political division of Mexico. '
From an estimate after the election
in Mexico in July, there are about 14,
000,000 people in the Republic.
The active volcano Popocatepetl is
17,798 feet high. The extinct volcano
Orizaba has an altitude of 18,314 feet.
Mexico has expended over $500,000,
000 in public improvements within the
last fifteen years, besides meeting
other obligations.
Generally speaking, we say that the
curvature of the earth amounts to
about seven inches to the statute mile;
it is exactly 6.99 Inches, or 7.962 inches
for a geographical mile.
Llgtftning is zigzag because, as it
condenses the air in the immediate ad
vance of its path it flies from side to
side in order to pass where there is the
least resistance to its progress.
. Scientists say that no negro has ever
tamed an elephant or any wild animal,
though negroes frequently perform
with wild animals after they have been
cowed into submission by white men.
Snow appears white because it is an
aggregation of an infinite number oi
minute crystals, each reflecting all the
colors of the rainbow; theee colors,
uniting before they reach the eye, cause
it to appear white to every normal eye.
A sun dial made for London would be
useless for either Paris or Edinburgh.
The altitude of the pole star varies
with the latitude, and hence is greater
at Edinburgh, and less at Paris than at
London; and as the stylus must always
point to the polar star, the angle it
makes with the dial-plate must vary
with the latitude.
Dr. Burton Ward, according to the
Medical Age, declares that there "is
one infallible symptom indicating
whether one is sane or not. Tt. a per
son speak ever so rationally and act
ever so sedately, if his or her thumbs
remain inactive there is no doubt of
insanity. Lunatics seldom make use
of their thumbs when writing, drawing
or saluting,"
In the latter country it had long ob
tained, and it is said to be of Moorish
There is, however, an old Spanish
legend which gives a different account
of its introduction.
The custom of wearing orange blos
Boms at weddings is of comparatively
recent date with us.
It came to us, like most other fash
ions in dress, from the French, who in
their turn derived it from Spain.
The gardener's daughter was aware
of this and In order to privide herself
with the necessary dowry to enable her
to marry her lover, she obtained a slip,
which she sold to the ambassador at
high price.
On the occasion of her wedding, In
cognition of her gratitude to the plant
which had procured her happiness, she
bound in her hair a wreath of orange
blossoms, and thus inaugurated the
fashion which has become universal.
According to this, soon after the im-
Krtatlon of the orange tre by the
oors, one of the Spanish kings had
A specimen of which he was very proud
and of which the .French ambassador
was extremely desirous to obtain an
Merlon IteaulU Sometime Follow It Ex-
ceaalve l'e.
Common soda is all rigbt in its place
and indispensable in the kitchen aad lor
cooking and wanning purposes, but it
was never intended tor a medicine, and
people who use it as such will some day
i egret it.
W refer to the common use of soda to
relieve heartburn or sour stomach, a
habit which thousands ol people prac
tice almost daily, ind one which istraagt
with danger; moreover tbe soda only
gives temporary relief and in the end the
stomach trouble gets worse and worse.
1 be soda acts as a mechanical irritant
to tbe walls of the stomach and bowels
and cases are on recordwhere it accumu
lated in tbe iutestines, causing death by
iufiamation or peritonitis.
Dr. iiariandson recommends as the
xafent and surest cure for sour stomach
(avid dyspepsia) an excellent prepara
tion sold by druggists under tbe name
of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Tbese
tablets are large 20 grain lozenges, very
pleasant to taste andcontain the natural
ncids, peptones, and digestive elements
essential to good digestion, and when
taken after mea Is they digest the food
perfectly and promptly before it has
time to ferment, sour and poison the
blood and nervous system.
Dr. Wuerth states that he invariably
uses Stuart'B Dyspepsia Tablets in all
cases of stomach derangements and
finds them a certain cure not only for
sour stomach, but by promptly digest
ing the food they create a healthy appe
tite, increase flesh and strengthen the
action of tbe heart and liver. They are
not a cathartic, but intended only for
stomach disease and weakness and will
be found reliable in any stomach trouble
except cancer of the stomach.
All druggists sell Stuart s Uyspepsia
Tablets at 50 cents per package.
A little book describing ull forms of
stomach weakness and their cure mailed
free by addressing the Stuart Co. of
Marshall, Micb.
The Bevel on a Curbstone ' Finally Ao
oonnted For. 1 '
There Is a beveled edge, perhaps a
foot in extent, on the curbstone In Ful
ton street, says the New York Mall and
Express. The meditative reporter, who
walks with his head down, because of
a preponderance of frontal brain, dis
covered this beveled edge some months
ago, and the discovery troubled him.
He saw it every morning and evening
on his way to and from the ferry. He
could not account for it nor divide the
cause. The line of the curbstone else
where in the block presented a right
angle edge. Examination showed it to
be from no fault In the stone sawing
and from no flaw In the stone. It could
not have been caused by friction from
wagon wheels. His geology could not
account for It, and the meditative re
porter was perplexed. The other morn
ing, as he approached the place of his
perplexity, a man without coat or vest
with his sleeves rolled up above his el
bows and carrying in his hand an 18
inch butcher knife, hastened from a
doorway to the curb, stooped low and
began to whet his knife along that bev
eled edge on the stone. " Aha!" ex
claimed the reporter to the man, "this
accounts for it" "Accounts for what?"
said the man, looking up under his
arm. "Why, for that worn edge on the
curbstone.. You've been whetting your
knife there." "Course I have. What
of it? I'Te been whetting my knife
here for years, and it's the best whet
stone I ever had. You see, I used to be
always breaking my whetstone, and
when I wasn't breaking it I was losing
it, but I've got one here I can't break,
and I always know where to find it
Good scheme, don't you think?"
When bilious or costive, eat a Cascaret
candy catbartic.cure guaranteed,! Oc 25c
BU Officer Taught Him That Be Had
No Bight to Be Afraid.
At Sebastopol, during the siege,
a Captain Samolloff, wishing some
wine, ordered an officer to send a man
after it. The man, a young soldier,
took the money and started to do the
errand. Just then, however, a French
battery had concentrated Its fire on the
very spot where the young man must
go outside the works, ' says the San
Francisco Argonaut. He stopped and
then turned back. "I wouldn't go out
there for the world," he said. The offi
cer, of course, reported the act of dis
obedience to the captain. The captain,
In a rage, ordered the man into his
presence, and demanded why he had
not obeyed his captain's order. "I beg
you to pardon me, captain, but I was
terribly afraid."
"Afraid!" cried the captain. "Afraid!
A Russian soldier.afraid! Wait a min
ute. I will drive 'the fear out of you.
Come iwlth mc."
The captain led the way to the ram
part, mounted It and there with the
bullets raining round him began put
ting the man through some military ex
ercises. The lookers-oa in the fort held
their breath. If a hat was put on a
bayonet and lifted above the walls the
bullets came that way on the Instant.
Not many seconds elapsed before a bul
let struck the captain in the arm. He
did not wince, but kept on with the
drill, while the blood dripped down his
hand to the wall. Next a bullet went
through . the tall of the soldier's coat
and another through his knapsack.
Then suddenly the firing ceased. The
soldier begged for grace and promised
to go wherever he was sent Still the
captain ""continued his drill. When he
thought the lesson had been learned,
or, perhaps, when his arm grew too
painful, he dismissed the soldier and
went himself to the surgeon and had
his wound dressed. The French ex
plained afterward that they ceased fir
ing out of sheer astonishment at the
sight of the two men exposing them
selves so recklessly.
IF YOU WISH to purify your blood
yon should take a rondicine which cures
blood diseases. No other medicine has
such a record of cures as Hood's Sarsa
parilla. HOOD'S PILLS are easy to to tuke,
easy to operate. Cure indigestion, bil
iousness. 25c.
Rlpana Tabules: one gives relief.
m mm
m m i A M
The picture shown above is from a photograph of corn grown
from seed procured from J. B. Armstrong. He has had re
markable success with the Early Yellow Rose variety, as the
following testimonials, selected from a long list of several
hundred that Mr. Armstrong has received in the last year, will
show: W
Ames, la., Feb. 29, 1896. Mr. J. B. Armstrong, Shenandoah,
la. Dear Sir: The Early Yellow Rose corn made a yield of
85.3 bushels per acre for us during the past season. It shells
out 62 pounds per bushel. We have not had a large acreage
but it is evidently a good yielder and a promising variety.
Our report will be published soon in the station bulletin.
Please send me one bushel of your best and most carefully se
lected seed for further trial. Very Truly yours,
Assitant Director Experiment Station.
Olive, Neb., Jan. 23,1896. Mr. J.B. Armstrong, Shenandoah,
la. Dear Sir: Thinking that perhaps you would be pleased
to hear how the Early Yellow Rose seed corn did that I got
from you last season, I will say, that I put out about 500 acres
of corn last season, using eight different varieties of seed from
five different states, namely, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and Da
kota, and I must say that the Early Yellow Rose beai them
all, making a yield of over jo bushels to the acre. This being
considered a short crop year in this country, I consider that ex
tra good.' Yours truly, G.W.ANDREWS,
We advise any of our readers, desiring seed corn, to write Mr.
Armstrong at Shenandoah, Iowa, before buying.
OraM, Field
elected for
otber loracre plants for dry climate a specialty. Our
logue 1 ready a will be mailed ma on application. Burn
Garden, Tree and Flower Seed, all especially grown and J J
Veatern soil and climate. Alfalfa. Kafflrrorn T . .
25 so
pie ana domim me. a. btkkmnu bejikui
Reliable Trees & Plants
True to Name, Remarkably Well
Rooted, and in Condition to Grow.
Rend for Catalogue of
Choice Stock A Low Prices
E. F.
J. L. HODGMAN, n n. a .B.5 0st,Li.a.ia.
..... PBICES REDUCED. ....
Alloy Fillings..
Gold Fiilines
Best Porcelain Teeth
Beat White Teeth
Extracting Teeth Without
tCT Remember the name HODGMAN.
CLOSING OUT I Going to Missouri. Haw about 70 head o! choica
Consisting of 4 herd boars, 22 brood sows, (bred for spring farmers) 34 gats aa
the balance, boars ready for service. This to ehoice stock. No euU. My j
entire herd of fine Holsteins same price. Must sell. For Genuine
Bargains write at once.
Mentloa Ixdbpbadbkt.
Write for Catalogue.
WaM Seed, Flower Seed,
Garden Seed, Field Seed.
elegant 1
roa omk now.
i;u., vmeaco, aonireai, taa. , or new ion. tit.
STEPHENS, Crete, Neb.
$1 OO UP
eeeoo e
4 OO
8 OO
Bring this with you.
i7oata! IAKIAI I F. Barteldea m Co.
Berkshire Hoes
H.S.WILLIAMSON. Beaver City, K:l
SID 00.$
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