The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, January 28, 1897, Image 3

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    Jan. 28. 1897
Restore the old method
Politicians Propone to Appeal to Mr. Mc
Kinley to Abrogate the Requir
ing Civil Service Examination;
and to Renew the Fee Sys
tem Salaries Under
1'resent System.
San Francisco's Most Noted Cliinamaq
Murdered by Highbinders.
Sax Francisco, Jan. The mur
der of Little Pete, the boss of China
town, who was shot by Hiprhbinders
Saturday night, has created a sensa
tion here. Little l'ete was a power in
tsan Francisco nni'Mig both whites and
In many respects was a remark
able man. lie was born in China
about thirty-two years Hgo, and came
to this country wheu five years old.
His first employment was as errand
boy in a shoe store, where he earned
SlO a month, lie was ambitious and,
attended night school for several years,
lie then pot a position as interpreter ".
for firms do'.nff business with the Cus
tom house, lie saved a little money,
and started a small shoe manufactory.
The business grew, and at the time of
his death the factory was one of the
largest in San Francisco. It is known
Ldttle l'ete had S! 01.000 invested in
Lnina, and his fortune is estimated at
j from &1 50,000 to $500,000.
I Little l'ete, or Ching Fonr, which
' was his Chinese name, rs credited with
having organized the first llisrhbinder
examination to prove their qualifica- society in !San Francisco, lie got to-
tions, and the order of the secretary of Bother some years ago all the dissolute
Itate, issued October 21, which deprives uilinese, characters and criminals he
Bonsular officers of many fees which ??uld ,fin.(1, a umler his direction
Little Pete getting" most of the money.
Ilrt WHS Vfl'U KlirfiKufii1 ir C.innrmi' lilu
Ihe former order does not curtail adherents immunity from punishment
the patronage of the President, but re- . by law, but finally got into trouble,
lieves him of a great deal of respon- He was charged with attempting to
sibility and annoyance, and assists him bribe two policemen, was convicted
In securing for the consular service au( sentenced to five years' in prison,
men who are qualified to perform the ?.he suPrem(!. cjurt. however, granted
duties required. It will also attract to , ..VT ' and he Was ae'luiUed
these appointments candidates who ' . ?le 1.ete 11 was who gave Chris
"utmcji, lur uiuuy years a political
WAsniXGTOs, Jan. 20. Pressure will
be brought upon President McKinley
to induce him to revoke the order is
sued in September, 1895, requiring
applicants for consulships to submit to
they have been in the habit of collecting.
Ku. MuH eri? A
APPLE, S to 4 ft, !;
Hurry. s in 4 It, r:
Concur! frrHe tne!
WK I'AV 'I II K dviirlit
'ompVte I'rlii- I Imi
laiiHen Nur., ilaiiKen, N'eh
possess the requisite qualifications by
giving them encouragement to expect
promotion for efficiency and good be
havior. The President's order of September,
1895, was based upon section 1753 of
the revised statutes, whicb authorizes
the President "to prescribe such regu
lations, etc., as may best promote the
efficiency, etc., and ascertain the fitness
of each candidate, etc., for the branch
of servic into which he seeks to enter."
And it provides for a board of tnree
boss here, his name of "Mind White
Devil," and it was information from
him that caused Buckley to be indicted
by the grand jury.
The murdered man was credited
with being at the head of every shady
transaction in Chinatown. He owned
gambling dens and brothels, and
landed many Chinese illegally. He
was a true gambler, and the game was
not known that he could not beat. His
brief but lucrative campaign at the
persons, which, at present, consists of rae traek here surprised everybody.
Judge John Devis of the court of
claims, who was assistant secretary of
state under the Arthur administration;
W. W. Rockhill, assistant secretary of
state at present, and Robert S. Chilton,
chief of the consular bureau, to exam
ine such candidates as may be desig-
ment. It is not possible for every
candidate to compete for consular posi
tions in these examinations. Applica
tions and recommendations must be
presented to the President the same as
before, but the person whom the Pres
ident selects among the various candi
dates must .submit to an examination
before he can receive his commission.
This applies to all consulates that pay
from 1,000 to $2,5000.
The highest salaiy paid in the service
Is received by the consul general at
Havana, $6,000. The consulates at
London, Rio de Janeiro, Liverpool,
Shanghai, Calcutta and Hong Kong
J pay $5,000; Melbourne, ,500; Berlin,
Montreal, Yokohama, Panama and
J Amboy, Canton, Tientsin, Havre and
Callao, $3,500; the Samoan islands,
; Constantinople, Dresden, Guayaquil,
Frankfort, Ottawa, Rome, St. Peters
burg, Sangapore, Cape Town, St. Gall,
Switzerland, Prague, Antwerp, Valpa
raiso, Colon, Chin Khiang, Fuchau, I
Hankow, Chung King, Bordeaux, Bar
men, Nuremberg, Belfast, Rradford,
Demerara, Glasgow, Kingston, Man- -Chester,
Nagasaki, Osaki, Kobe, Vera
Cruz, Matanzas, Cuba, Basle, Switzer
land, and Montevideo, $3,000 each.
Thirty-one consulates in different
parts of the world pay $2,500, and
sixiy-iwo pay .',ouu eacn. ine re
mainder pay $1,500 and $1,000.
At nearly all the consulates named
vhat are known as unofficial fees have
been collected by the incumbents in
the past, those of London, Liverpool,
Paris, Hamburg and other large manu
facturing centers and exporting cities
of Great Britain and on the continent
being most profitable. The chief
source of these unofficial fees has been
notarial certificates procured by ex
porters, who were formerly required
to make oath to their invoices. In
London such fees amounted to $20,000
or $25,000 a year; in Liverpool and
Paris, to about Sl'J.OOO or $15,000 a
year, and in various other cities from
2.M)0 to $10,000. By the order issued
by the'secretary of state all such fees
have been cut off, which largely re-
nuces the value oi tne principal con
sulates in Europe.
two years aaro kittle l'ete com
menced to play the races. At first he
bet legitimately, but found he could
not win fast enoug'u. He soon found
means to work a sure thing, however.
Three of the best jockeys at the track
were secretly in his employ, and the
Chinese plunger commenced to win
heavily. He is credited with having
cleaned up $100,000 before his scheme
was discovered, and he, with hij
jockeys, was ruled off the turf.
Denver Is worth $69,512,000 and has a
public debt of but $2,053,000.
Milwaukee ia estimated to be vortii
$142,920,295, and owes $4,912,750.
The assessed valuation of property In
New York city is $1,613,057,735.
jersey city covers twelve and one
half square miles of territory.
Boston has thirty-seven square mileS
of area and 500,000 population. .
St. Louis is the largest tobacco Wan
ufacturing center In the world.
Jersey City haa $16,700,000 of debt,
and property valued at $85,000,000.
Albany, N. Y., haa an area of nine
square milea and a debt of $3,202,8C5
Indianapolis la well off, being worth
$103,000,000 and owing but $1,884,600.
Savannah, Ga., has 02,107 population
living on five square miles of ground
St. Augustine enjoys the reputation
of having the most equable climate.
The 300,000 people of Detriot occupy
twenty-nine square miles of territory
xsewarK, w. J., has eighteen square
miles of territory and 220,000 populiv
Helena, Mont, claima to be the rich'
est city, of its population, in the world
St. Paul, the capital of Minnesota, is
worth $124,408,205, and owes $8,442,100,
Philadelphia 13 said to have more
trees than any other city in this coun
Boston has more Scotch than live In
any city of Scotland save the four larg
Cleveland, 0., is said to have the
handsomest residence street in this
Lssf WgoIi LslsS Csl11!
A Woman Arrested for Murder.
Atwood, Kan., Jan. 20. Mrs. Han
nah E. Gilmore was arrested Wednes
day night on complaint sworn out by
her husband, charging her with being
an accomplice of her son-in-law, Reu
ben Rinker, who is now confined in
the county jail awaiting trial at the
March term of court for the shooting
of Gilmore, December 22. At her pre
liminary hearing Saturday she was
dismissed on account of an irregularity
in the papers. She was immediately
arrested on a warrant sworn out by
the county attorney, and her prelim
inary hearing set for the 27th inst.
Sensational developments are looked
for at this trial and it is expected that
more arrests will follow.
A Sunday San Echo.
St. Joseph, Mo, Jan. 20. There is
an estrangement in the family of
Eugene II. Sprat t, recently elected
county collector, his wife, a daughter
of John T. Chestnut, having left him
on account, it is alleged, of incompat
ability of temper. Spratt, it will be re
membered, is ex-sheriff of Buchanan
county, and was written up on more
than one occasion in the Kansas City
Sun, and was one of the parties who
arrested Preston when endeavoring to
evade the law in this city. The
estrangement is causing considerable
comment in the society in which those
concerned moved.!
Gold was discovered there In 1886.
Finished or in progress are 3,700
miles of telegraph.
Country has been enjoying its inde
pendence since 1852.
In 1884 a convention at London recog
nlzed the republic.
Two-thirds of the Christians belong
to the Dutch reformed church.
Transvaal means "across the Vaal,"
or the country north of the Vaal river.
The largest town is Johannesburg,
with a population of 15,000. Pretoria
haa 5,000.
There are about twenty thousand
farma, wheat and tobacco being the
chief crops.
It is there that the famed tsetse fly,
whose bite is death to oxen and horses,
la most prevalent.
Population is 679,200; the white num
ber 119,128, and about half of these are
of Dutch descent.
The area of Transvaal , ia 121,854
square milea, or about that of Illinois,
Iowa and Massachusetts combined.
In parts of the country the climate
resemblea that of Colorado, and is re
garded as healthful for consumptives.
The legislature consists of two bodies
of twenty-four members each, one-half
retiring every two years. The presi
dent's term is five years.
February 1 will wind up Browning, King & Co.'s
1 ; .. i
uusmess m ijincoin.
Hats and
Furnishing Goods
Must be disposed of by next Saturday night at i2 o'clock. Greater
bargains than ever may be expected. Now is your chance to buy
Browning, King & Co.'s fine merchandise at less than your
own price.
by February ist. Nothing reserved. Do not miss this opportun
ity. It means many, many dollars saved. Every article in our
big store is a bargain proposition in itself.
Oeath of Mrs. Ilungerford, a ProllQc and
Popular Fiction Writer.
Dublin, Jan. 26. Mrs. Ilungerford,
the novelist, known as "the Duchess,"
Is dead. She first became widely
known to readers of light literature
by "Molly Bawn" and "Phyllis,"
pretty tales of the joys and trials of
lovers, told in a light, ch'atty way.
She lived at St. lirendons, County
Cork, was married young and early
left a widow with three small children.
In 1883 she was married to Henry
Ilungerford of Cahirmore. The first
novel, "Phyllis," was written to keep
the wolf from the door. More than
250,000 copies were sold.
Canada Will AnnUt India.
Ottawa, Ont., Jan. 26. At the sug
gestion of the governor general the
Dominion government has opened a
national India relief fund with the
deputy minister of finance as treas
urer. Lord Aberdeen heads the list
wiih $1,000.
Colored People's League.
Chicago, Jan. 20. A number of
prominent colored people of this city
and state have organized the "'Civic
League of the State of Illinois." The
object of the league is to get the
moral support of the North to enable
the league to educate its kindred in
the South and to endeavor to get
trades unions to raise the bar thev
have placed against the admission of
colored men. The league also expects
to make the members of their race re
spected Dy the white people m the
communities in which they live.
Boys Dormitory Burned.
Council Bluffs, Iowa, Jan. 26.
Fire yesterday morning partially de
stroyed the boys' dormitory of the
Christian Ilome orphange. One hun
dred boys were sleeping in the build- '
ing when the fire broke out All were
rescued. The firemen had a terrible
combat with the cold. Chief Temple
ton is badly frozen, and Captain Auley
and Driver Jones are also laid off by
reason of frosting their extremities
while attending the fire. Damage to
the building 3,000, with no insurance.
Died of Friendly Advice.
New York, Jan. 26. Miss Lillian
Templeton is dead, as a result of tak
ing a prescription of a friend who
meant no wrong. Miss Templeton had
been suffering from a cold. A friend
gave her a prescription which called for
equal parts of spirits of camphor, pep
permint, laudanum and balsam of fir.
A Bank Liquidates.
w Topeka, Kan., Jan., 26. The bank
ommissioner has been notified that
ii . fry , v , .. .
tne xraaera Dante oi nirwin, capital
130,000, has paid all depositors and
cone into voluntary liquidation.
Stock Suffering Severely.
WicniTA, Kan., Jan. 20. The bliz
zard that swept over Kansas last night
continues with unabated fury, and re
ports from many points in the western
and southern counties show that the
temperature remains at zero. Stock
on the ranges has suffered from the
intense cold, but not even an approxi
mate idea of the extent of the damage
can yet be obtained.
Death or Hall Kiddle.
Lawrence, Kan., Jan. 26. Word
was received in Lawrence yesterday of
the death of Hall Riddle, instructor of
mathematics, university of Minnesota,
and whose home is in Lawrence. He
was injured in a collision between a
railroad train and a street car a couple
of weeks ago, and never regained con
Prominent Physician Dies.
Santa Barbara, CaL, Jan. 26. Dr.
Richard J. Hall, one of the foremost
surgeons of the coast, died in this city J
yesterday morning, an operation
j Thursday last for complicated in
1 testinal trouble failing to save him.
Thomas Zukansas, of Baltimore, was
recently driven insane by a fire In his
In the private schools of China
teacher is paid about 1 cent a day for
each pupil. v
More than a thousand bales of cotton
were sold at Rome, Ga., recently. The
day was the busiest of the season.
Thomas A. Edison is said to be one of
the most liberal givers to charity. He
seldom refuses a request for assistance,
The Austrians are great smokers,
The daily consumption of matches In
that country is twenty for each Inhab
A married lady in Calhoun county,
Michigan, teaching a district school at
$10 a month, boards herself and does
the janitor work.
Within the last decade the popula
tion of Europe has increased by about
30,000,000, of whom Russia contributed
12,510,000 and France only 67,000.
Russia is trying to increase the speed
of her railroads. The journey from St.
Petersburg to Moscow was recently
made at tht rate of forty-six miles an
Barney Lloyd, of Charlestown, W.
Va., is the last surviving member of the
grand jury, which, In 1859, Indicted
John Brown for invasion and inciting
A free aciiooi for teaching the Ru
Bian language has been established at
Seoul, the capital of Korea. It has
forty-six pupils, ranging in age from
twenty to forty years.
Beer is being bottled now In Germany
in siphons that told fifteen, twenty-
five and forty glasses. When drawn
the beer Is said to be as fresh as If
drawn from the wood.
The farmers In the vicinity of Lin
coln, Neb., are wildly excited over the
prospect of turning their farms into
gold mines. Gold has been discovered
in the sand on several of the farms.
The old adage that lightning never
strikes twice In the same place is most
effectively dispelled by the fact that a
large elm tree near the depot at Eaglu
Village, Wis., has been struck at least
eight times in the last five years.
Those who regard the sultan of Tur
key as a heartless, blood-thirety mon
ster do him an injustice. What tw
is of cruelty about his nature has lt3
origin in nervousness. A more coward
ly creature does not drag out a miser
Able existence on earth, saya a Constan
tinople correspondent.
Galvanised, In all !,
found oblong or q tiara
(J?) Chicago.
A Kansas woman has become a
The salaries of the queen's household
amounts to 131,260.
Metz nas a larger garrison than any
other town in Europe.
Drunkenness decreases nearly 3 per
cent per annum in London.
Birmingham, Ala., is shipping pig-
iron to Birmingham, England.
England has 85 per cent of the
wealth of the United Kingdom.
This year's mustard crop in Califor
nia amounts to 16,000,000 pounds.
Sixty pounds was the weight oi i
beaver trapped at West Branch, Mich.
It is 6tated in a fashionable journal
that 1,000,000 bonnets were sold in
London during one week recently.
'ine speea or tne rastest Atlantic
steamer Is now greater than thpt of the
express trains on Italian railways.
Professor Huxley says that an oyster
Is a far more complicated piece of ma
jhinery than the finest Swiss watch.
i ne greatest tax-payer is tobacco. In
the last twenty-seven years this prod
uct has paid a tribute of $1,000,000,000
to Uncle Sam alone.
By washing clothes at the undertak
er's the second wife of a Bangor (Me.)
man is paying off the bill for the bur
ial of her predecessor.
Kansas City has copied the "white
wings" idea from New York. Its street
cleaning force has recently been out
nto white duck uniforms.
All Irinds nt Small Fruit. Orna
Shrubs. Everything for the liirrn or small
planter at LOW PRICKS. Laree Shade Trees
for Btreet. Park or Cemfiterv. Writn f.n. Pr,
Liisi. Address
YOUNQERS &CO., Geneva, Neb.
For business in
Job Work in any
Kind of metal.
Hall Bros. Co.
1308 0 St.
Call on us or write for catalogue.
Brown's Restart
194. North 101 h Street,
Lincoln, Mcb.
Largest, Best and Oldest Established.
Everything the Best, Oysters in any Style
Prices to Suit the Times.
Open :-: -2L11 :-: 2STit.
J. G. RUSSELL, Proprietor.
Special Rates to Members of the Legislature.
Alloy Fillings ggc
Gold Filling 1 oo iip
Best Porcelain Teeth a rr
Best White Teeth o QO
Extracting Teeth Without Pain , sqo
Remember the name HODGMAN. Bring this with you.
1105 O St., Lincoln.
CLOSING OUT 1 Going to Missouri. Have about 70 head of choice
Berkshire Noes
Tf ,
Consisting of 4 herd boara, 22 brood sows, (bred for spring farmers) 24 gilt and
the balance, boars ready for service. Tnia ia choice stock. No culls. Aly
entire herd of fine llolsteins same price. Must sell. For Genuine
Bargains write at once.
Mention Ihdifindint.
H. S. WILLIAMSON, Beaver City Neb.