;7 Jan. 7,1897. THE NEBRASKA TN DEPENDENT. V OUTPUT TOTAL VALUE AMOUNTED TO $653,311,468. A DECREAC E OF 3 PER CENT Total Production of MftaM 343,311, 81 Gre-tt iiu-oiie In Gold nd Copper L :tl l-rieuite In (Silver -t"S Iron Spi:tiT. I.ohiI, Coal, Coke, Etc., l'riln titn lit the Year. Nfw York Jan. 4. The Ens-Sneering and Mining Journal says the pro duction of mineral and metals in the United States for the year 1890 amounted to S0"3,311,408, showing a decrease, as compared with 1S95 of 824,C8y,-J(iC, or about 3 per cent This decrase was largely iu values rather than in quantities; in none of the chief articles was there any marked de crease, while in several there were considerable increases. The total productions of metals was $242,311,481, an increase of $1,694,111 over the previous year, while the value of non-metallic substances was $410,- 99fi,'J87, a decrease of $20,383,377 from J 1895. A large part of this was due to the lower values of coal, stone and a few other important substances, very littleVesulting1 from the smaller quan tities. The production of alluminum shows an increase of 400,090 pounds over that of 1895, the total for the year be ing 1,3110,000 pounds. The production cont nues in Uie hands of a single com pany. The increase in copper has been ex traordinary, the total gain amount ing to 07,763,150 pounds, which was made in spite of a large decrease in the domestic demands, but was ab sorbed by the extraordinary exports of the year, which are the largest on record. The gold production in the United States in 1890 reached the total of $57,000,000. The increase far surpasses the gain reported from any other coun try in the World and puts the United States in the.lead. This country's out put of gold was 26 per cent of the re ported output of the entire world. The production of pig iron was 8,769,809 long tons. The depression of business which made itself manifest in the latter part of the year had less effect than had been anticipated, the decrease from 1895 being only 677,439 tons, or about 7 per cent. The pro duction of lead from domestic ores amounted to 175,717 short tons, show ing an increase of 20,863 tons over the I preceding year. In addition to this 1' there was 79,000 tons produced from imported ores or refined from imported bullion. The quick-silver output was 83,012 flasks of seventy-six half-pounds each, showing a decrease of 960 flasks from the previous year. The produc tion continues to come wholly from the California mines, no new deposits having been developed to the produc ing point during the year. , The production of silver from do mestic ores reached a total of 45,465,175 fine ounces, showing a decrease irom that of 1895 amounting to 865,062 ounces only. The silver production has thus been maintained better than had been anticipated. Moreover, there were produced from foreign bullion by our smelters and other works no less than 40,000.000 fine ounces of silver, Baking the total quantity re fin ad or put into final marketable form in this country 85,465,173 fine ounces. This large production was almost entirely absorbed by the markets and the aver age price of silver of the year shows an actual advance which, having been 07 per cent, towards the close of the year fell about two cents below that point. Of the silver obtained from foreign receipts it is estimated that 38,000,000 ounces came from Mexican ores and bullion and 2,000,000 ounces from materials brought into this coub try from Canada, chiefly from British Columbia. The total production of spelter for commerce for the year 1896, amount ing to 77,084 short tons, showed a de- crease of 4,074 tons from that of 1895. The production was fully up to the de mand, however. Of the spelter 31,431 tons came from Illinois and Indiana districts, 30.331 tons from the Kansas Missouri region and 9,322 tons from i. i . i. . 1 . : 'in. - latter as well as the Illinois showed a decrease, a slight gain being reported from the Kansas-Missouri region. As was inevitable in a year of busi ness depression, the increase in coal was not large, in fact it is surprising that bituminous coal should have shown anything at alL The output in 1890 was 141,770,099 tons, showing a gain of 4,371,752 tons over 1895. On the other hand there was a decrease of 6,782,057 short tons in anthracite pro duction, this amount being greater than the gain in bituminous. The . total coal production was therefore 1 193.351,027 short tons and the total de- crease as compared with '.895 was 2,- 410,305 tons. With ordinary prosper ity and activity in manufacturing we would doubtless have passed 200,000,- 000 tons before this, and it is to be hoped that point will be reached in 1 897. The production of coke showed a gain of 44,46 tons; chiefly due to the activity of the iron and steel trades in the earlier part of the year. The price of coal continues very low, the average for bituminous coal at mines being be low $1 per ton. An Actress and a Count Hetrotbed. Jersky City, N J., Jan. 4. The en gagement is atflounced of Carrie Ewald "431 lately member of Froh nan's iMdsueraders, to Count Julian Charles Rada of Buda I'esth, the cere mony to take place February 6, but the bride will not become the Countess Rada before the death of the count's father. A Groom of 89 and Hrlde of 97. Dekkfikld, N. II., Jan. 4. Jacob Witham. aged 89, and his housekeeper, ,rs. Brown, aged 97, were married re. Both are remarkably vigorous r their years RAILROADING IN (896. A Year of Many DUapputnl mentt and Urrat Lou of Capltnl. Chicago, Jan. 4. The year just ..losed has been one of disappointment and losses in all lines of business, says the Railway Age, and as the railroads cannot prosper when other interests suffer they have painfully reflected the general depression. The promise of increased earnings given early in the year was not sustained, and as a con sequence many companies which, if good times had begun, would have been able to meet their obligations, w,ere obliged to default and turn over possession of their property to the courts. Instead, therefore, of the expected decrease in the number of in solvencies compared with the previous year, we find an increase in both the number and mileage of roads placed in the hands of receivers, although the capitalization involved is considerably less. Compared indeed with either 1894, 1893 or 1892, the record of 189a is favorable, although at the best it is still bad enough, for it shows that dur ing last year thirty-four roads, with 5,841 miles of lines and a bond and stock capitalization of about $.,9.".0O0, 000, joined the list of railways opera ted by receivers. The five years of financial trouble commencing with 1892 have left a record of bankruptcies far greater than that of the preceding ten years and more. In that period 213 roads have been turned over lo receivers, with lines aggregating 50,403 miles, or 30 per cent of the entire present mileage of the United States, and a capital ization representing over $179,001,000, or about 30 per cent of the bonds and stock of our entire railway sybtem to day. These are apalling figures. Cer tainly no othr form of business in vestment has suffered such loss as the railways within the past few years. In 1896 no less than fifty-eight roads were sold for their creditors, repre senting 13,730- miles of lines, and the enormous capitalization of $1,150, UUO.OI.'O. '1 he most imparl ant failure of the year was that of the Baltimore and Ohio, with 2,094 miles of road an 1 over $124,000,000 of bonds and stock, h .sides heavy floating debt and arrears of in terest. The bankruptcy of this old and formerly profitable company was discouraging evidence of t.ie effects of unlimited competition. The other notable failures include the Louisville, New Albany and Chicago, 501 miles and $28,750,000 of liabilities; the six roads forming the Vandalia system, aggregating nearlv 000 miles and $24,000,000 of " bonds and stock: the Pittsburg & Western, involved in the embarrassment of the Baltimore & Ohio, 325 miles and $18, 500,000, and two related Eastern roads, the Central Vermont and Ogdensburg and Lake Champlain, covering 778 miles of road and nearly $17,000,000 of investment. The summary of receiverships for last thirteen years shows that 412 roads with 90,876 miles of track and nearly $5,000,000,000 of capital have gone to the wall. AN OATMEAL TRUST NEXT. The Mills of the Country Arranging a Combine High Prices Coming, Chicago, Jan. 4. The Tribune to day prints the following: "Nearly every oatmeal and cereal mill in the United States has just entered into an agreement that amounts to a trust to regulate the output and prices of oat meal, rolled oats and other breakfast cereals. The new trust is called the Cereal Millers' association. Ten days ago the representatives of the mills in the trust held a meeting in this city and another meeting probably will be held January 12, when it is likely, if the trade outlook has improved by that time, there will be a big advance in prices. The general manager of the association is George W. Brown of Sioux City, Iowa. Most of the mills that compose the trust are located in Iowa and Ohio. CHECK FILIBUSTERING. The Vesuvius and the Dolphin Added to the Fleet Off Florida. Washington. Jan. 4. The dynamits cruiser Vesuvius and the armed dis patch boat Dolphin have been ordered to Florida waters to reinforce the fleet of government vessels now engaged in the effort to suppress the filibustering expeditions to Cuba. There are now two warsHips, the Newark and the : Raleigh, .helping the revenue cutters , in this service, and it may be that the cutter fleet also will be reinforced. This is taken to mean that the govern ment is determined to leave no sound ground for complaint by the Spanish government. A New Kansas County Wanted. Lincoln Cestkk, Kan., Jan. 4. Pe titions are being circulated in Ells worth, Russell, Osborne and the west end of Lincoln county for the creation of a new county by taking a portion of each of the counties named. The petitions call upon the representatives of these four counties and iSenator Helm to unite in the legislature to ac complish this. Already Sylvan Grove, Lucas and Wilson are aspirants for the county seat of the proposed new county. Fresh Cuts on Coffee. Toi.F.no. Ohio, Jan. 4. Yesterday the Arbuckles met the one cent reduc tion in package coffee made by the Woolson Spice company, and this morn ing the latter cut a half cent lower. The officers declare that they will keep prices under that of the Arbuckles at any cost An "Old Tennessee" Company Stranded. Atchison, Kan., Jan. 4. The "Old Tennessee" company, wldch left Kan sas City recently, is ded here, its effects having bee 1 ..iched for a $42 hotel bill. Tiie sctors claim that Henry and Thomar Tralle, the man agers, skipped out last night, taking all of the funds. The twenty-two members of the company have no means to get out of town. Heavy Siiotr at Larned, Kan. LARNf.i), Knn., Jan. 4. Snow is fall ing heavily here to-day and pilling up in drifts that will make travel difficult if it continues a few hours longer. WJJIIIDAffil. WRECKED ILLINOIS NA TIONAL BANK. DROWNED IN THE LAKE. Traced by Papers to the Lake Side In EvauBton Generally Held Responsi ble for tlie l(:ink' Failure Charged With Speculating and Misuse of Funds Omaha ttauk Cloned. Chicago, Jan. 4. V. A. Hammond, the late second vice president of the defunct National Batik of Illinois, called on Percy Palmer, his old friend Bnd confidential adviser, at 8 o'clock last evening and talked gloomily about his future prospects. Palmer talked encouragingly to him and about 11 o'clock he went to his home in Evan ston and about 11:30 retired for the night. He and his wife had been in the habit of sleeping in adjacent rooms. Early this morning Mrs. Hammond noticed that the door connecting the two apartments was open, looked into the room and found that her husband was not there. His night robe hung over the foot of the bed and his watch was on the table, but his clothes were nowhere to be found, and he had not taken his shoes and stockings. The police were notified and soon found a well-developed trail in the form of numerous scraps of paper, which led to the lake. A federal life saving crew at once began a search for the body, and at 12:50 o'clock this drowned body was found at the foot of Dempster street pier and taken to the Evanston police station. CHARGES OF IHUEGULAKIl'lKS. Hammond was the vice president of the National Bank of Illinois, and was ictive in its management, in fact, he is said to have been the responsible head, since President Schneider was too feeble to do much work and the large loans to the Calumet Eleetric company, particularly, and to others, which re sulted in the closing of the bank, are understood to have been made by him. The first open charges against the business integrity of Hammond were made only about ten days ago. Then he was accused of enacting the charac ter of a "kiter." He was accused of deceiving the directors of the bank and the depositors and deliberately violating the national bank law. His alleged irregularities were said to have begun many years ago, when, it Is alleged, he began to use the money and credit of the bank in outside spec ulations. This was done in such a manner, it was generally reported, that not only were the directors de jeived. but the bank examiners as well. Even old employes, thoroughly familiar with the inside workings, were said to have been unaware of what was going on under their eyes. When it was openly charged that he bad falsified the bank accounts an in vestigation suggested that the irregu larities must have begun at least four years ago. At that time he is said to nave interested himself in the now famous Calumet Electric railway. It Is now believed that the first over drafts to this railway, amounting to 17'5,000, were made at that time, when the comptroller of the currency imme diately called for a statement from the bank and Hammond disguised the ir regularities by designating the over drafts "foreign exchange." This alleged irregularity only came after many years of diligent service in the institution, the wreck of which proved disastrous to many. In these years ' Hammond saved money, and worked early and late, and the posi tion he came to occupy was the result of his years of frugality and merit. Some of his savings invested legiti mately in mining schemes brought him a good profit, which he im mediately put into the stock of the bank. After he had served as cashier and became second vice presi dent, it is said, he began to personally Interest himself in many corporations which were applicants for loans and in this way. in course of time, he drifted into unwarranted speculations. Where these turned out badly he is now ac cused of sending "good money after bad-' and disguising his over-loans in various illegal ways. TIIK FIRST SUICIDE. The suicide of Hammond recalls the cuieisie of Otto Wasmansdorff, the banker, a few days ago. Wasmans dorff's death was the direct result of the failure of the National Rank of Illinois, the collapse of that institution pulling down the firm of Wasmansdorff &. Heinuemann. Omaha Bank Failure. Omaha, Neb., Jan. 4. The total lia bilities of the Omaha Savings bank, which closed to-day, arc 8890,000, and the assets exceed this amount by S200, 000. The securities are excellent and no loss will result to depositors. The bank has been in existence for fifteen years. It has no connection with anv other bank and will not cause other Omaha institutions any inconvenience. A (old Wave Strikes Oklahoma. Pf.rkv, Okla,, Jan. 4. A blinding sleet storm with the wind blowing twenty-five miles an hour struck Perry at 9 o'clock this morning and the mer cury went down 40 degrees. Abbey's Widow In I.onilon. London, Jan. 4. -The Strand theater Is being redecorated for the new les see, John Sleeper Clark, who has se cured Florence Gerard, widow of the late Henry F. Abbey, of New York, as h is leading lady. The opening plays will be "The Prodigal Father" ami "Home, Sweet Home." Ovations for Mr. McKlnley. Ci.F.VF.r.AND, Ohio, Jan. 4. President elect McKinley's trip to Cleveland this morning was a succession of ovations. At Bedford, Newburg and other sta tions crowds of workingiuen cheered the President-elect. TIGHT LACINO DOOMED. The Venus Waist Is Constantly Gaining Popularity. That English authority, the West minster Gasette, pronounces the wasp waist doomed. It says that while the news came from Paris, the accepted fountain head of all such information, as a matter of fact the fashion cornea from the west end of London. It is really no very new thing in England, this desire to emulate the outline of the Venus de Milo, with her waist of generous circumference. "For years the doctors have been decrying the evils of tight lacing, and it only re quired the excuse offered by cycling for the ladles who set the fashion of England, and often of the world, to de clare in favor of a return to nature. Gradually the Grecian waist has been gaining popularity. A Regent street ladies' Jailor, who has sold, he declares a thousand cycling habits this season, stated this morning that his books un doubtedly prove that the standard is increasing. 'They are letting them selves go more and more," he said, wax ing enthusiastic on the subject, 'even those who are Inclined to be stout. Would you believe that a lady came in here not long ago and was meas ured for a morning gown with a twenty-five inch waist? When she came to have it fitted her waist measure ment was twenty-seven inches and we had to alter the gown accordingly. We are glad enough to notice the chang ing fashion and we encourage It all we can. It is much easier for us to give a stylish cut and a perfect fit if we follow nature, by which I mean nar row sleeves, a flat back and 'a ' large waist' The buyer in the costume de partment of one of the largest and most fashionable west end establish ments, who has Just returned from Paris, stated to our representative that the change is not very perceptible there at present either on the street or in the shops. He agreed that the standard was steadily increasing, but doubted whether any sudden revolu tion in form could be expected. It was a matter in which the costumera were at the mercy of the customers, an interesting reversal of the usual ar rangement." pjooau BindiapBimj -paJBaddBSip pun jaajja eq; oj paduosa B-seqio eirj nq 'B-iaSuas -SBd en jo amou Aq paiM sJbj eqi jo aajqj, 'pajurej irenvre raaqi js euo 'A'.mj eini peureajas jCaq esanoo jo pus 'j bo eq uj uaraoM. reiaAas ejaAv eaaqx uoon ottt J3ao n pai-unos sbj eqx 'ino paddojp monoq eqi pun 6o eqi ib 2uji eqi A"q dBJ eqj dn paspid A"ssaajTO en 'SO a8 o; ota eq eaaqM. E'9jsnAioi-uop 9 paqoBaJ jbd eq m -tin jiqijDoins Snore )U9M. Suiqi&aAgi araoq joj Juo ;aaj?s qjuax papJBoq eq naqx 'puq aq uqA Sujaas mojj onqnd enofjna oo) v )uaAaad b; jadud qiM pajaAoo eq qajqjA 'dBJj pauojqsBj-pio ub ui maq nd en raaq? jo uazop v pajnoas puB 'Sjq puB injnueidJB sjbj 9-ieqAi umo dn esnoqdJBM Sq b sdaaif oqM puapj b 0 uaA. eq os 'aun )Bq uj AHuqB Mop eq; aAOJd 0 paUBA leuMO Aau eqx Soi B jjo 9uihbj sb sBa SB s)bj ui? Pinoa j Bqi A)treaBn3 uaniJ b q;iAV mq o) naAjS uaaq pBq Sop eqx A"Bpjtj no jbo jaaxjs q?uax jo 6ja3uassBd eq Suoure uontfuaajsuoo pBaids pnoad AJ3A sj oq qoiqjt jo J9j.ua -JBI B BUM.Q OqM UBIU u"A0-UMOp V 'S3 )sax;g Si s?2 Contagious Yawning;. Two young n.tii uouided an Oidtown trolley car one afternoon this week to settle a very peculiar wager, the one having bet the other a $5 silver cer tificate that he would make six people out of ten yawn anywhere without say ing a word. A well-filled car was se lected for the purpose. The young man who had proposed the wager had not taken his seat many minutes when he opened his mouth and gave a fear ful yawn. He speedily followed It by another, and then awaited results. A moment later a middle-aged lady promptly put her hand up to her mouth to smother a cavernous yawn Almost everybody In the car after thaf seemed in a desperate hurry to follow the lady's lead. Out of the nineteen people In the car there were fourteen who were seized by the affliction. Ban gor News. BLOOD IS LIFE and upon the purity and vitality of the blood depends the health of the whole system. Experience proves Hood's Sarsaparilla to be the best blood purifier. HOOD'S PILLS act easily and prompt ly on the liver and bowels. Cure head, ache. SILVER ORGANIZATION. Unversity Place Bimetallists Get Into Line for the Battle of igoo Ukivebsity Place, Neb., Dec. 31. The cause of silver has not yet been ex tinguished in this place. Last Thursday evening seveial of its advocates met here and fom ed on organization known as the University Place Bimetallic Un ion. The i flicers elected are: Presi dent, Wr. N. Sarver; secretary, W. C. Keek. For Sale. Wm. Larrabees book on "The Rail road Question. If you want to be posted on this all important subject send 25 cents and get this book. It contains 480 pages and usually sells for 60 cents. Our price 25 cents. Nebraska Independent, tl Lincoln, Neb. Miss Stella Douglass, who has been ill for the last ten days is improving and her many friends will be glad to learn that their geniel companion is in a fair way to speedy recovery. We send tho French Kcmedy CALTHOS free, (nC o.h ti u.l It'iMl guarantee that Calthos will STOP ll-hurff. and F.mlulolm, t'l'KK fcpcrmiuorrlM'M. Varicocele and KKKTUKK Lo.t V'lgur. i Ute it and pay if satisfied. VON MOHL CO., 304 B, Bnl Awrifu imb. Cinriaaatl. Ohio. FIRST BATTLE Hon . J. Bruar s lrGZii !;oor$ jLill bo rcada ion deliverer about Jar! f,-187. ' 1 rT.ZZ IT will contain: An Account of is Famous Trip. A Review of the Political Situation. His Most Important Speeches. The Results of the Campaign of 1896. His Biography Written by Wife. This Magnificent Volume contains 800 pages, printed from large, clear type, on a superior quality of paper, with 32 full page illustration. It will be hand somely bound in cloth, with a portrait of the author forming the design upon the cover. MR. BRYAN will devote one-half of the royalties received from the sale of the book to furthering the cause of bimetallism. The Evening Post and Nebraska Independent have secured the exclusive right for the advertising and sale of this book in the city of Lincoln, Orders will receive the prompt est attention and will be filled as soon as the book is issued. PLACE YOUR. ORDERS WITH US AT AN 1SARLY DAY AND THERE WILL BE NO DELAY IN THE DELIVERY. Do not trust to unknown agents. They are probably frauds. OUR TERMS Single copy of Bryan's book (by mail (postpaid) ..The book and 3 months subscription to The Nebraska Independent, - . The book and 6 months subscription to The Nebraska Independent, - The book and 1 years' subscription to The Nebraska Independent, - - The book and 5 yearly subscribtions to The Nebraska Independent, - . Five books and 5 yearly subscriptions to The Nebraska Independent, - CASH Must Accompany ALL Orders. Beware of unknown agents. Send your orders to a responsible institution. Remittances should be made by Postoffice Order, Express or Bank Draft, made payable to the INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING CO., Lincoln, Nebraska. GOOD SAMPLE ROOMS. IM p J. G. RUSSELL, Proprietor. Special Rates to Members of the Legislature. CORNER ELEVENTH and Q STREETS, ss.oo. BEST J. L. HODGMAN, D. D. S no5 o st, uncoh. FRICFS REDUCED. ... . Alloy Fillings Gold Fiilings Best Porcelain Teeth Best White Teeth Extracting Teeth Without Pain., ("Remember the name H0DG MAN. I . - -.Xl.: IK "'HVi''.. i,- 1 14 y $1:50 $1.60 $1.80 $2.10 $5.00 $9-5 lUNn D X-IrLcoln, ZbTeTo. u TEETH 50c $1 00 UP . 4 00 8 00 .... 5O0 Bring this with you.