The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 31, 1896, Image 8

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rrJL cat t:":i.
. Greai
M Mere
I M tk
1 Ceetloa E"
t, Doe. ( When a com--:ir
I 1 ti collapsed
cf I .laoU called on
J. i tS--J lor a per
il rt'.rdlng the tank'
-"7-re locked and
to Mr. Eckels
ke a statement
ctlon with the
r u explain their
meat, since the
In 1895. ?
I ke felt confident
) it the bank had
tJ the director
Vt' l receipt of IZr,
repeatedly tried
( pr the sale of
Jl way, .but the
I lie country, the
i and the trouble
1 . toh company had
Jl, :e negotiations
Jted a desire to
i , power to aid the
' tie utmost from
k..' ;',,,:..
.4 upon the dl
' 1 expect them to
l effort to realize
li and at the best
i w
Termed the comp
ly I .1 no one to recom-
tad no protest to
. ointment of any
-My willing to co
j Jr. Eckels might
' A the directors
. it the affairs of
completely settled
vslve months and
l would be met,
probably would be
. i real estate dear.
) Ur. Adams of the
out the following;
r'easant interview
r. Our purpose
had tried to do
tion of the bank
. the comptroller's
Our talk wua main
JlSJhet Electric. We
'Viler will do all he
tat ean possibly be
vQutot, Bat, Tredl
noma Ooaerved.
; ;.The queen's Christ
lied very quietly at
of Prince Henry of
1 made all festivities
' s old traditional cus-
. Vis were unlnterfered
1 usual 'presents were
A baron of beef, which
A dish on the queens
i i cut from a Devon ox,
;.ltened on her majesty's
I in Windsor Great park.
' roasted at Windsor and
t j .'.orne Christmas eve,
-nr's head and wood-
. s 'ColonUts.
, joi., Dec. 28. Cuban
ter have formed an or
.'.oh contemplates fight
urjents without viol a t
SUites neutrality laws,
to go to Cuba f col
. Tage in "other oi vie
, t. iiecided upon later."
;ttri "bership of the col-
-Tot k than 100 nor more
I tie ae rship fee, to
( arriving in Cuba, is set
I colonists are to provide
. Uh fire arms at their own
1 fo ones of NcTada.
at., i: sa 28. It had been
.t ohn P. Jones would
sitioi i from the silver men
n i ut United States Sen
I fear Republican votes
" try jwould be cast against
ich from Winnemucca
, i eorge Nixon, banker
t the Silver State, a paper
3 r V strongly supported
t t for the seat
Minister Recalled.
J, Dec. 28. After seven
i Id Washington as repre
! V'i government, Alfred
s lielgian minister, pre
.al letter of recall to
:veland to-day and e.x--Tttt
he felt at being ob
. . the ties which had
-lerlca. The President
"able terms. Be has
, to St. Petersburg.
'AMOclatet Roleaaad.
' Colonel K, Gray
, Irth of whom
. ' eson to
! tfar-
T t r
1 '
trestara Cepltaltete Behind
t la ButM Cavatjr,
Great Behd. Kan., Dec. 28. F. B.
feoen, who represent a company of
Western capitalists, has completed the
preliminary surrey of the irrigation
ditch to connect the Arkansas river
with the Cheyenne bottoms and has
found no serious obstacles. A meeting
of farmers and citizens of this place
was held Wednesday and Eoen, for
the company, said that if he could get
the right-of-way free he would put 200
teams to work on the ditch at once
and that by April 1 next he would bare
it completed, thus securing the water
of the spring freshets.
- A committee .of prominent citizens
and farmers was appointed to secure
right of way for that ditch. So far as
heard from the farmers have expressed
their willingness to give the right of
way and it is thought the committee
will win over the undecided ones.
When this ditch is finished it will run
into an artificial lake with an area of
64,500 acrt's. The practical irrigators
all unite in saying that this will greatly
benefit this section.
a Ble
Cltr Craokaten stake
Haul oa Mala trees.
UajrgirCr?r, rta-'f. O?''
opened two tc:i ta C 57 7. 1.
Ctetilnj oor;:y, 1C:J liti I
aiJ cz c . " .zd Uilxtt t...
lrol..ry rta oea f i r
.1 -7 1- t-j r?rTumI Ij '
t. ji ri v Ubr-'"
bnieUr aUuayaMiia aji a..
by a Pinker ton detective. None
these were sufficient, however, to pre
vent the robbery, which, from traees
left behind, required an hour or mora
of hard work.
The two safes were opened with bur.
glara tools and were badly . battered
ana scarred. There were no attempts
to drill into them. The combinations
were- broken. Alter the contents
were removed, the safe doors were
carefully closed and everything In the
office set to rights.
Shot Dead by His Daughter.
Rohinson, 111., Deo. 28.-fohn A.
Seany and his wife had been separated
and the 'daughter, Mrs. O. J. Tohlll,
had been caring for her mother. Wed
nesday Seany came here and spent thi
afternoon in drinking. On his way
home at night he stopped at the Tohil)
home and, finding Tohlll absent,
threatened his wife and daughter.
Mrs. Tohill loaded a rifle and ordered
her father to leave. Seany started
toward 4ier and she shot him througk
the heart "
Shot Dead by Mlmoarl Miners.
Leadvii.i.e, ' CoL, Dec, 88. About
two o'clock , this morning four Missouri
miners on 0eir way home from down
town, met Patrick Carney and hit
wife, who had been attending a ball,
and called Carney across the streei
and talked to him a few minutes. Then
one of them shot him, killing him In
stantly. Carney had a lease on tna
Star mine. The Missourians were all
arrested, but It Is not known yet
which one fired the fatal shot.
Declared Elected
It is now about definitely settled that
the two men elected as contingent judges
of the supreme court will be declared
elected and seated. It will be remem
bered that the returns show
that the proposition to increase the
Dumber of supreme court justices from
three to fire received a large majority of
the votes cast on the proposition, al
though not a majority of the whole
280.UOO votes cast at the election. 1 -
The vote on the proposition waa cast
in a separate box. It will also be re
membered that the two fusion contingent
candidates for the two new seats thus
created received a majority over their
republican opponents.'
The state canvassing board canvassed
the vote, but entered no definite finding
more than that the proposition to in
crease the number ol justices did not re
ceive a majority ot the total rote cast at
the election, giving the 1 figures for ' and :
against the proposition. ,7 t
It is learned that after investigation
Governor JiaJeoinb has prepared cer
tificates of election for the two -fusion
candidatesjMrt Secretary of State Piper
has declinedto sitfn, them." a '
' It has further been ascertained that
before Senator John Watson in
troduced his joint resolution for an
pmondment to the constitution provid
er t increase in the number of
' .:3Vln compauy with Hon. E.
L.zzlzr of the Omaha Bee, cousuitea
n:lrs of the supreme court aoi
j Lt rrmrted to have secured irea
:t i til c pinion that if the vote on the
:t were cast in a separate bo
would be required to carry t..j
.-;i:ti would be a majority cl tie
votes cast on the oroDosition.
It is also remembered that in or
1888 an amend nient was subr.'.tri to
increase the pay of legislator! : to ta per
diem and extend the legislative term,
which uassed iust as t: J amend
ment has passed. The lc-tlaturs
by vote in joint assembly djclared the
amendment to have pe:r.d abd the
legislature has ever since t:,i operating
. i& i i
It is probably the 4stxtion of the
legislature to follow tfcU republican pre
cedent. '
THE WHOLE 8TCHY Of the wonder
ful en res by Hood'a Lirsnparilla is soon
told. It makcH tlis blood rich, pure and
noui-mliing. Itcma scrofula, catarrh,
' HOOD'S P -3 f I barinoniously
with Utorid'a I ...:-z:..Jfc Curs all liver
ills. 2 b centi . . , .
Oeaeral Lee Back In Havana, '
' Havana, Dec. 28. General Fitzhuga
Lee, United States consul general.Mrs.
Lee and their daughter arrived .today
via Tampa, Fla. Joseph A. Springer,
the vice-consul general, the staff ol
the United States consulate and the
representatives in this city of Ameri
can newspapers received the genera)
Oa landing. ;
. Bx-Seaator Browa's Widow Dead.
Atlanta, Oa., Dec. 28. Mrs, Eliza
beth Brown, widow of the late ex
Governor and ex-Senator Joseph E.
Drown, died this morning at her home
in this city. " Sho was 70 yoara old.
She had just returned from a tour ot
Europe and the Holy Land lasting a
year and a half when seized with her
fatal illness. ,
Noted Musician United. ,
San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 28. Gus
tav Hinricha, the musical director, and
Miss Montgomery Fleming, contralto,
were married at the home . of his par
ents in Alameda, Deo. 17. There were , the factory, testing less than 12 per cent
j 1 , ,
Beat Sugar tZ :'-trm Ask the Grow
era to Pu3 for them. '
The anthdttaa of jtbe Oxnard com
pany have sent out tl following letter ;
Gband IsXaJlD,-)ec. 19, 1896.-Sir:
The late der.;!oa llbe supreme court,
rendered T-.vnZrJ 16, 1896, having
made it lr "Prthe factory to re
ceive the V s for sugar made un
der an attzzz J by the wgixlature on
the 29th x. 1 u L.areh, until a
sbeeiflcr .rriation shall be made for
the payf. t of sail warrants, we beg to
call yocr ( ' " " tloi to the clause of your
contrar ' i as follows:
"Ina V as the state of Nebraska
passed I on the 23th day of March,
1895 j . ..' Jzj to existing beet sugar
factor. i ..:tae state of Nebraska a pay
ment ci ;eighths of 1 cent per pound
on "-:- ot ninety test made in this
statu .. 1 sets for which f 5 per ton was
paid, V c'.eet of such bill being to se
cura .-J ti grower the price of $5 per
ton, arl, inasmuch as the Oxnard Beet
Surr CJUipany, in consideration of the
saM fifx-eighths of I per cent per pound
oa suar of ninety tet, raised the price
ot beets from $4 to f 5 per ton, it is of
coarse understood and is a part of this
aXfeemeiittbat should the factory dur
to life of this contract be in any
way deprived of any of the rights guar
anteed by the bill of March 29,1895,
then the beets delivered under this con
tract shall be paid for at the rate of f 4
per ton for all beets that shall contain
not less than 12 per cent sugar to the
weight of the beet with a purity co-effl-eient
with 80."
As there are beets already com'nsr to
- Doing Scxa Bosintsa
The state association of st: .2 k-J
an interesting meeting Sat- " y t"r
noon at the Grand hotel, ar ' Cla tallo?
ing officers were elected: P. Ll.xt f "V
nel Startzer, Papillion; prz? ' t,
John Trompeu, Lincoln; t: zz7T, ' . L.
Ackerman, Stanton; t ;xt y, --
Lewis, Omaha. An ad.L..-j -' ;;at
was left as it waa last J : " " ; I m
uel Startzer, N. T. Jci j, i . j, Jahn
Trampen, John Lull ;r:!j4t
was authorized 107;-!zt V-Jitive
committee of five,
Some discussioa xz hti over the
action of the lati r rstar cl the asso
ciation, H. Rokit.'j, wlo la bow in
Butte, Montaax It a;i ttat be issued 1
sight drafts n Ct rae .va for various
sums and tb t soma of the r't8 were
honored. 1 1 money ' is allcred to have
been blows U terirx the legislature,
when the e?tJ acted a lobby. No
accounts r :rt let and when Rosen-
weig's sr.: ::r into the office he
found lot of unpaid bills,
amoniTto swwraifiaidred dollars.
BefdW t meet'.BZ adjonrned some dis
eased"! rr,s kid over what is wanted
fron t. 1 "J-Ature, bet this was not
mil r-i-i
t i
rr.l'.rr tn Una Holiday Batei.
i xt 4C"daya" excursion tickets
I t aoU December 24, 25, 81, and
Xxxaxry 1, 1S37, a t bne and one-third
:re let te ronni trip to points witnm
it':taceof 200 miles. Final limit Jan-r-ry
4, By this lint all northern and
.itheastera Nebraska points are best
rsctid, also Iowa points through Mis
souri Valley and Sioux City.
Depot corner 8th and S, city office 117
south 10th street. A. S. Fielding city
ticket agent. V tf
present only the parents of the
and groom and Carl Uhlig, who
as best man.
A Sedalla Woman's Quest.??'
Portland, Ore., Deo. 28. Missllary
Ellen Thaxter of Sedalia, Mo., is here
endeavoring to obtain positive evidence
of the death qf her father, Everett
Thaxter if he is indeed dead to ex
pedite the distribution- of a- $500,000
eat&td lu St, 1-OUIS, in W"icr am i m
tores ted to the extent of $250,000. i(
Burled la His Institute.
Paws, Dec 38. The body of Pro;
fessor Louis Pasteur, who died Sep
tember 28, 1895, was removed to-day
from the cathedral of Notre; Dame to
the I'asteur Institute, where it waa re
ceived by a gathering of distinguished
men. - . . - '
: Efflcy Hansjlna-s In New Jersey.
Ksw York, Dec 38. Effijiea of
Captain General Weyler of Cuba were
banged in two New Jersey town last
night, citizens 'of Cape Mt v and New
Brunswick celebrating .Cnrktmas by
demonstrations in favor of Cuban lib
erty. ,
The Rev. Richard Wake's Atabltlea.
Topic ir a. Van . Dn 98 Rev. Rich.
ard Wake, formerly president of the ?e,'e'
State Temperance union, avants to be
a member of the state board of chari
sngar, with a purity coefficient of 80, we
shall irom this date until the clow of
the campaign test every load of beets
that shall arrive and pay for them under
the conditions and under the terms of
theon tract existing between us; but
with a view of protecting your ' interest
we shall retain at the factory all state
official until the close of the present,
campaign, and should the incoming
legislature provide by the passage of a
specific appropriation sufficient to pay
the factory what they would be entitled
to receive under the act of March 29,
1895, then we will immediately pay for
all beets grown that shall be received at
the factory under the terms of this
year's contract,1 the difference between
price pain and o per ton.
We pursue this course becaune the
amount of beets that will ruu nuder our
test of 80 and 12 will be small in propor
tion, and to avoid the necessity of mak
ing a separation. '
We enniHstly hope that the -farmers
may get together and insist upon the in
coming legislature promptly making the
required appropriation, thus enabling u
to pay them the entire amount of f 5 per
ton. We also invite your attention to
the fact that we shall be pleased to have
you employ a chemist of your own selec
tion at our laboratory who can check all
! teats made by our chemist of beets re-
ceiveu. ve are now maxiog up our ac
counts for all deliveries to December 1,
and check in full settlement will be mail
ed you within the next few days.
Debs to Help te4vtir Aetkevs.
Terre Haute, lad., Do (tl Eugene
V. Debs has promised th'' president of
the Western Federation of Miners that
he will go to Colorado is first of next
week to help the Le ivilte. strikers.
via speak
la Co
rado cities, be-
No fits after first day's use of Dr
Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. Free $2
trial bottle and treatise sent by Dr.
Kline, 931 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa.
New Horse Collar.
A horse collar has been patented
that has this advantage, that its size
H t-? - ,tt fVf-7,'l;i-vvX.i
W. L
H. A.
Go to the Metropolitan Dining Hall for best meals In & (
' at Lowest Prices. Oysters served in any style day or nfx'
Everything first-class. i
Don't Forget the Place. 936 P St. ?
Ston. 'h Baily & Homolto:
"V. "
Cemi-Annusl Appropriation Equal
Sixty .Seven Cents Per Capits.
The semi-annual . apportionment
school funds by the superintendent
public instruction distributes $231,
958.80 among the 346,200 school
children in the state. From the total
there is deducted $24,624.58 lost in
state depositories, and there is added
0501 received as dividends on a $5,000
deposit in the defunct Buffalo county
national nanx. , rne amount on hand
allows a distribution at the rate of 67
cents per capita for school population.
Finer del Rio BebcU Declared HeVpten
No Cruelty to Thou Who Surrender. .
New Yobk, Dec. SiV-rA dispatch" U
the Herald from Cam p Arroyo Grande
foot of the Bangel Hills, Pinar del Ri
province, December 25, via Havana
Cuba, says: "In an interview with your
Correspondent, Captain Weylersald: 'l
have twenty-six battalions, ranging
from 800 to 1,000 men each, occupying
all the hills of the province These
columns have destroyed everything in
sight and have been able to subsist on
the cattle of the insurgents, whicli
were found grazing in the hills, and
with whose destruction died the re
maining hope of sustenance. They
must either starve or submit and som
may prefer to do the former, owing to
their remarkable apathy.'
" 'But why are there so few presen
tados, general, in ot her words, persons
willing to lay down their arms?'
'That point is easily cleared up. I
know that they have held meetings
with the idea of cominjf in as presen
tados, but have been told that I mur
der them all, which n absurd, is it
not? Certainly I shall not harm them,
knowing that they hope to throw away
ieir arms and pose as pacificos.'
"You can tell pretty well by tb'
number of arms given up how mry
have been concealed, caii't you?'
" 'I am not sure there are mora
arms than there are insurgents. Thep
show their desperate condition. ' I can
tell you that 1 know positively that
Maceo himself went three days with
out food before he was killed.' '
- " You still believe him dead?
, " 'Beyond a . doubt, certainly. We
even know where his body is, but we
do not like to disinter it, as it would
savor too much of the profanation of a
" 'Why has Arolas left the troche
with 8,000 men to take part In the ac
tive camDaitrn?'
"'Because the necessity - for the
trocha as a defensive line no longer ex
ists. There is, however, it considera
ble force there still amply sufficient
lor all nresent mirooses. '
" 'De vou expect to ciipture Rius
"'' " 1 dont think Rivera will show
himself at all,' said General Weyler. !
We never hear from him. but some
times do one of the Ducasse brothers.' "
John Drake Towtuend Dead.
New Yokk, Dec 58. John Drake
Townsend, eminent lawyer and poli
tician, diedv suddenly at Christmas
dinner. ' - ; -
Bratal Jetteraon City Warden'
. Jeffibsoii City, Ma, Des. 28. The
body of a 12-year-old colored girl was
found in the rear of Stamflis' furni
ture store with the head crushed and
the abdomen cut open. '.( obe Lana
han, a negro, was arrested, but thfe
evidence against him is meager and
circumstantial. A lynching is possi
Reynard Got the Best of It.
A queer fox hunt is reported from
Barren county. Kentucky. A farmei
going one morning to open the door of
his noultryhouse louna mat me piace
had been raided by a fox that was still
inside. Reynard appeared to havt
worked up the sliding door until h
effected an entrance, when it dropped
and made him a prisoner. The farmei
and his son concocted a plan for hli
capture. Turning a dog inside; th
. noultrv-houae. they held a bag firmly
over Che opening, and on the slide
fiss U3ft there waa a swift rush inU
J. G. RUSSELL, Proprietor.
Special HatC3 to Uembcrs of tho Legislatr
X-ixicolaau, IT".
CLOSING OUT I Going to Missouri. Have about 70 head of choice
. ...,
.AND i - - .i-
Ocrlisliiro lions
Consisting of 4 herd boars, 22 brood sows, (bred for spring farmers) 24 gil"i ani
the balance, boars ready for service. This is choice stock. No culls. Uy
entire herd of fine Holsteins same price. Must sell. For Genuine
Bargains write at once, . ...
Mention Ihdepindent.
H. S. WILIIDSOU. Zzzm City, Z:
mo eimne u hmht.
. ii , kill
- 1Vr" - '
Cripple Greek Bold ;
We advise the immediate purchase tf tbefol
lowing stocks, for either a speculatlracrinTC
Just South and within 300 feet of tfca trrrU-fzx:
Independence Mine. Write for prices.
A Tunnel sight through Bull Hill, running unrfe.
many shipping mines, at 3c per share.
The Mutual Benefit Mining & Leasing to.
Has a three years lease on the oldest tunnel sit
' Cripple Creek, containing 100 acres, between
Anchoria Leland and C. O. D. mines, also
T Alia min. containing 10 acres; 700,000 shares
1,100,000 still in the treasury. Ift000 Piant
. machinery, etc. This stock is now selling at
Write to us for further information. ;
Colorado Sprinso, Co,
. . . . . PRICES REDUCED. . .
1105 OSt., LiJ
Alloy Fillings. 'siVfSCiJP
Gold Fillings S ! 2 UP
Best Porcelain Teeth 4C3
Best White Teeth 8 C 3 :
Extracting Teeth Without Pain...... -
IQ-Remember the name HODGMAN. Bring this with you. -
Ho For Colorado.
Would you like to own a Fruit Farm,
- -vr. J - Dnf.fA
a Kerry Farm, a vineyara,
Farm, a Melon Farm, an Alfalfa Farm,
a Stock Farm, a Dairy Farm, a Bee Farm,
a Farm or Country tiome, ior
health and Independence, with the Dee
soil, best climate, best irrigating canal.
best water supply, Dee ---ties,
best markets, best titles, and the
most rapidly growing country in Amert
ca? The Colorado Immigration
velopraento., loai Vur .'.Il'ZV
Colo., is a state organisation for assist
ing people to just such locations. Write
thenVfully and receive by return mad
handeomely illustrated literature telling
about the climate, irrigat on andv won
derful profits to be made In Colorado by
growing fruit and other farm products;
Prices on fine irrigated farm and orchard
lands were never so low as ttody,
those who take advantage of the oppor
tnnitina now existing will never regret
Every Thursdajr evening a
sleeping car for Salt Lake Git
Francisco and Los Angeles leav
ha and Lincoln via the Bui
route. It is carpeted, upholsv-
rattan; has spring ssats and bae
is provided with curtains, b
towels, soap, etc. An expert
enrsion conductor and a v
Pullman porter accompany, it
to the Pacific coast.
While neither an expensive!
nor as Sue to look at as a paW
it is jast as good to ride in. N
class tickets are honored, amij '
of a berth, wide enough and-
for two is only f 5.
For a folder giving full
at the B. A M. depot or o.
ner Tenth end O streets. J
. . ' Baakroyt Brtt''
A peer Ttabecomf'
r -rts T.
"S, t'sugr.
"?1 f e t:
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Usite Karkef I
There an 1C3 licensed
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la Londo
v t-r r c:.."Jx ti rts