The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 31, 1896, Image 1

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The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
LINCOLN, NEBR., THURSDAY, Dec. 31, 1896.
1 ;
jLrllt;r Iloore Believes the Boua
s ties Oug'it to be Paid.
ft I ' 0ace-
.'ozciti up the State Depository
Lav and Recommends Economy (
A Ooodj , ' Scolding.
Two interesting biennial reports were
f'i on Christmas day inlthe: JVernor's jwere tnose m auuiw
v Eugene Moore andTreaurer Bartjey.
They are documents that command at
Nation. ;.
In hie report Auditor Moore urges the
tweseity of better laws for collection of
tie revenues of the state, especially as
expenditures are constantly increasing
and revenues decreasing.
"Assessors have been constantly re
placing values until the assessed value of
Nebraska for 1896 is 1167,078,270.37,
s against a valuation of $194,783.
121.73 in 189 v or a total reduction)!
rj7,655,054.ij,while the rate of tax
f-a haa innnMUUul from 6.49 mills . in
1S3 to 7.11 mills in 1896, and still we
fill far behind tne revenues 01 xovo. vur
laws should authorize the board to in-
crease Or decrease valuations, or greater
J latitude should De given in nue raw 01
"I 1 '"vy, or, what might be better, the sev
JrJ .ti counties should be charged with a
C epeclflceum to be raised and paid into
k I the treasury in cash, based upon the
l" actual values of the oounties, as nearly
jk-Uas can be determined, and then be dis-
S buted after it reaches the state treas-
There is a rapidly increasing dehn
lent list of taxes due the state, amount
2 now to 12,830.692.76,
. 1 ( Thorn urn now , out-
1 ',u Ktrum iu"" - . ,
t "tasury , belonging to the general
Vlan2i,e'(j589,870,39, which, less the
mountnow held by suspended banks
oa state depository bonds, will be
rromtly applied to the payment of Jthe
Loatiitg debt so far as it will go. The
expropriations of the last session of the
1,' iQlatnre were $2,784,684, while theen
tre possible revenue of the same period
is but 12.383,695,78, or 400,988.82
"The entire appropriations for the
state expenses for the ten years ending
' November 80, 1896, amount to $ 12,989,
85,27, and the entire tax levies, for all
S63l.665.19 less than the
appropriation for that decade, or $12,
558,020,08. .
jThe auditor says this condition is due
to many causes, and no individual or
party can bring-a material reduction of
the floating Indebtedness as long as pres
ent conditions exist It the delinquent
taxes could be collected, the floating
debt could be paid, and a balance of
f983.787.68 bo left in the general fund.
There are now outstanding $31,724.50
of warrants of institute for the feeble
minded youth fund, and outstanding
and uncollected tares due that fund in
the amount of $54,669.59, and $1,-
38.53 of cash on hand, lnere are
27,444.63 of the temporary university ;
md warranto outstanaiug ana aopaiu,
,nd the cash on hand in tnat tunai
iddut, to $6,220,44, and the uncol-
,Wed taxes are $118,562.82. In the
general iuna, xemporarj aii j.
naaiflautuwiui w
here ate a total of outscanaing war
ants amounting to $1,995,442.60,
.nt najih proiits nn hand in these
fnnds amount to $597,229.36, while the
dne and uncollected taxes in these rands
amount to $3,563,295.56, showing a
total of resources or fa,iou,oi!., or
an excess over liabilities of $1,165,
082.32. The above are theonly funds
thathave any warrants outstanding
that are not amply provided for by cash
in the treasury to meet and pay them
upon presentation. -on
The auditor shows that of the $589,
370 89 cash reported to be nominally
on hand in the general fund, a large part
is really tied up in suspended banks,
and continues: . At iL .
"It is very apparent that the depos
itory law, as far is the state, at least, is
-i has nrnven itself to be and is
i a disastrous failure. In many instances
financial institutions that are the least
on titled to credit file their depository
ionds and get state inuas wuen mey
are compeuea io bubjuu
hat ith n. certain delay, if not abso-
iute loss, to the state.
"After a careim aiuujr ui iuo uunnvo
Rlterablvof the ODin-
Ul iue owe w
ion that it is the paramount duty of our
lecislature to pro ide a better and more
comprehensive revenue code, and lodge
the authority i some board or commis
sion to not only levy but to collect taxes.
Times'are exceedingly stringent and col
lections are necessarily slow, at Dest,
and especially is that true under a sys
tem that is as criminally lax as ours.
i Properties are in """'"
L-d at less than 10 per cent of their
f value and consequently the tax rate is
as high as It is possioie, unoer our mwo,
to place it, and yet entirely Inadequate
to meet tKaenand90, tne stare.
fsfled that the only equitable
"lams' it
8' jsne
rJ Jteia
and lust
to raise a revenue to wmcn
all contr
s to assess an properties
t-oAh value, as nearly as
at their
attach and enforce a very
severe penalty for the failure on the part
of any tax or revenue officer to fully and
I terally comply with the law. This pro
posed ' increased total of valuation
would inure to the benefit of the state,
county and individual, and as the values
increased the rates of levies would rela
tively decrease until each citizen would
pay a small rate of taxation on his pro
perty instead of an enormous rate on an
unequal, fractional Bhare of his properto
as compared, his neighbor.
EiocmItW pproprUtlon.
In relation to excessive appropriations
the auditor directs attention to the fact
that two years ago the estimate of ex
penses for the biennium just closed, not
including deficiencies. was $2,410,378.36,
while the legislature impropriated $374,
306.24 more than that sum! The es
timated expenses fc- the coming two
years are $3,064,37317, or $653,995.51
mora than the estimate of two years
since, which will probably exceed the
tax levies of the coming two years by
half a million and the actual revenues
by nearly a million dollars.
In a tabulated statement the auditor
shows the great expense incident to the
conduct of the twelve state institutions.
The average monthly pay roll for offi
cers and employes for the twelve institu
tions is $14,700,86 for the last twelve
months. During that time there was an
average of 2504K inmates, 47K officers
and 309tf employee. The annual ex
pense for salaries and wages was $176,
518.32, In addition to which all of these
officers are housed and fed by the state.
It appears from the statistics that it re
quires oneemploje for each 6X inmates
and one officer for each 52 2-3 inmates.
These figures do not include the Peru
Normal, the state university nor the
Milford Soldiers' Home. The latter has
an average of four officers and 6 em
ployes for 24Jj inmates, but is not now
drawing any money from the state be
cause the $8,000 appropriation to pur
chase, equip and maintain it has long
since been exhausted.
"It seems to me," says the auditor,
"that retrenchment must come from all
the state institutions, and that to be of
a very material character if it is hoped
to benefit the state by a reduction of
her expenditures."
The auditor says that those institu
tions that maintain their officers and
employes in all the necessaries of life, ex
cept clothing, pay more liberally for the
services rendered and employ many
more people than any private institu-!
tion could do and avoid bankruptcy. All
of the servants of the state in clerical
and laboring positions receive betjter
pay than the times warrant private or
corporate institutions in paying..
The report shows that there are 77 em
ployes in the state capitol building, who
receive monthly $7,103,23, or $85,239,
96 annually.
He Observes the Bash.
"AH legislative sessions," says the re
port, "are necessarily very expensive and
in my former report I urged the impor
tance of more economy than has been
the rule. While the session of 1895 was
a less expensive one than some of the
others and took radical steps in the di
rection of conservatism and economy, I
desire to call your attention to the great
rush for places with just as little labor
and as great an emolument
attached as possible that seems to
attend each session. The result is that
the list of employee is soon out of all
proportions to the necessities or require
ments of the legislature, and the corrid
ors, lobbies and halls are overrun with
a horde of time-serving idlers and super
numeraries, who do not earn a moiety
of the pay they receive. This is an evil
that should be abolished, and I call your
attention to it in the interests of econ
ony. The long list of beneficiaries and
sporadic and acute, if not chronic, pen
sioners of the state that biannuaUy de
velops at each legislative session will
well justify careful scrutiny and a very
thorough weeding out frequently."
. Inadeqatfl Insurance Law.
The report says that there are 260 in
surance organizations of all kinds au
thorized to do business in the state. The
fire insurance laws are so ambigqous and
imperfect that the efficiency of the
insurance department is greatly im
paired. The auditor says that he has
tried to exclude the Lloyds and similar
schemes from the state, but has been un
able to do so. Frequently large lines of
insurance have been written clandestine
ly by these organizations, but the in
surance department has never been able
to bring any of the offenders to justice.
The auditor cautions the people that it
is not safe to patronize any insurance
company that is not willing to comply
with the state laws.
. Valued Policy Law.
"With full knowledge that the political
parties'of the state in the late campaign
declared for the "valued palicy law, and
with equally full knowledge that these
specious declarations were mado as a
sort of political claptrap without any
consideration in convention, or special
knowledge regarding the matter, I wish
to reiterate in all possible Hincerity my
firm and abiding conviction, after hav
ing given the matter careful and delib
erate study, and having fnmilinrize my
self with theconditions surrounding the
law, as I have sought to, that a mag
nanimous and honorable people that is
willing to accord to each of our diverse
interests a right to exist mid main
tain an entity amonst u. cannot
consistently and knowingly uphold and
declare for a law that is as outrageously
unjust as the value in policy law. I
can't resist the conclusion that the en
thusiasm of the supporters of the. law is
attributeable to their utter want of
knowledge concerning its effects.
. "The bombastic resolutions of politi
cal conventions are no guarantee that
they are right. Has any one ever heard
of a great state convention ever declar
ing heretofore for or against any special
branch of the legitimate business of any
of onr respectable dtizenB? With equal
consistency why not have declared in
convention assembled for white sugar as
against brown; or for the fever instead
of ague or have done any other equally
absurd thing.
The auditor expresue his belief that
(he law should be abolished or so modi
fied that the insurer may have a few
rights under the policy, as well as the
insured. The valued policy applies to
stock companies only, mutual compan
ies being exempt, "hence the extreme
zeal on the Dart of some who profess to
be so ardently interested in mutual in
surance forite perpetuity. It is unjust
to embarrass one man while giving im
munity to another in the same business,
The auditor thinks it would have been
no misnomer if the "value in policy" law
had been entitled the "premium on ar
son" law. Insurance rates have been
increased and reliable stock companies
have continued to withdraw from the
state. ' The citizens are paying thous
ands annually to keep in force a law
that is of the greatest possible benefit to
the firebug. Were all men honest there
would be no occasion for such a law, so
that the only advantaoe there can be in
it seems to inure to the advantage of
the dishonest man.
the auditor devotes considerable space
and a great deal of strong language to a
denial of the charge that he is opposed
to farmers' mutual insurance, and says
that the charge, false and malicious as it
is, has grown out of an effort of the in
surance department to make one farm
ers' mutual insurance company comply
with the law. While he concedes to mut
uals and fraternals every right due them,
all foreign -and domestic joint stock com
panies are entitled to the full faith and
credit of the state. They promptly and
fully comply with the law and furnish ex
cellent indemnity at a rate that experi
ence has taught them to be sufficient to
enable them to pay losses And expenses
and earn a fair interest on Investments.
' The auditor recommends the adoption
of a standard form of policy. On the
30th of September last, foreign joint
stock fire and life companies had $24,
882,089.57 loaned on Nebraska real es
tate, and resident companies had about
$500,000 invested in Nebraska secur
ities. The assets of the 423 state banks
were over $2,000,000 less than the loans
of the thirty-two non-resident insur
ance oomoanies. while the loans of these
bank were over $9,900,000 less than
the loans of the companies. The inter
est rata has decreased until 5.9 per cent.
is the average on these foreign loans.
Sugar and Chicory Bounty.
; The report recites the action of the
auditor in the sugar and chicory bounty
warrants, recently invalidated by the
supreme court. The actual amount dus
for the 1895 sugar crop is $47,690,36
and $622,81 for chicory. The amount
for the 1896 crop is about $87,000 for
sugar and $13,000 for chicory. The
manufacturers have complied with the
bounty law and have paid out large
sums for weights and inspection under
its provisions, and are folly entitled to
their bounties, which the auditor hopes
the legislature will pay. He also recom
mends the appropriation of $50,000 to
pay bounties due on the killing of wild
animals and tho repeal of the law.
The auditor repeats his former recom
mendation tor a law for the definite in
terpretation of all fee and mileage ac
counts. The law for the printing and
distribution of blanks for revenue and
educational pnrposes should define the
forms to be printed. The law should re
quire township treasurers in counties nn
aerltownship organization to turn all col
lections into the county treasury to en
able county treasurers to settle in full
with the state for all collections.
The auditor commends the usefulness
of county treasury examiners in stimu
lating better systems of handling funds.
Between the 14th of January, 1893,
and November 30, 1896, the office Issued
41,210 warrants for about $4,750,000.
Of McKinley Prosperity Falls To Reacji
' College View
College Tiew, Neb. Dec, 29, '96.
Editor Independent: But little of in
terest has transpired here since the elec
tion, The great prosperity boom which
republicans told us would surely follow
McEinley's election has failed to put in
an appearance, and the average republi
can is as restless under the steady decline
in prices and business as the much de
spised pop and popocrat.
This precinct (Grant) has until recently
been considered safely republican, but at
the last election jt gave a sweeping ma
jority for Bryan, the state ticket, and
the demo-reps have not yet recovered
sufficiently from the blow to explain how
it happened.
We meet on Saturday evening of this
week at the residence of F. A. Dewolf to
to reorganize our College View Silver
Club, and expect to keep up regular
meetings thereafter. Our public schoo
nnder the able management of Prof.
Hawes is progressing finely. Union Col
lege also has a good attendance, and the
instructors in this institution are doing
a noble work. v
The College View Sanitarium is au in
stitution the importance of which is un
known to many even in Lancaster coun
ty. Patients from all parts of the coun
try come here for treatment and usually
return to their homes entirely cared, or
greatly improved in health. Diseases
are treated according to the most ad
vanced scientific and common sense
and these, with the cheerful faces of Dr.
Loper and helpers, generally do the
I almost forgot to say that W, D. Mc
Laughlin is an applicant for thi office of
mail carrier to the Capital building. W.
D. M. is one of our bes citizens, also a
disabled Union soldier, and no man is
entitled to more credit for the splendid
victory achieved here at the last election
than he. He is worthy of the position
to which he aspires, and our citizens ir
respective of party heartily wish him
success. More anon. .
Banquet to Ho a. W. J. Bryan by
, the Traveling Men's Bryan
8ome Bemarkably Strong Speeches
by Strong and Eloquent ;.
. Advocates of Bimetallism.
Pride sits enthroned today on the
banner of the Travelling Men's Bryan
club of Lincoln. ' The organization haa
achieved distinction anew by tendering
to Hon. W. J. Bryan the most delightful
banquet ever enjoyed in Lincoln. It was
a semi-political, thoroughly social oc
casion that has had few If any counter,
parts in the west. The host and help of
the1 Lincoln hotel had exerted them
selves to fulfill their share of the pro
gram creditably, and they did it in such
a way as to fully meet the approval ol
the travelling men's fastidious taste.
The walls of the haudsomediniug room
were draped with two monster flags,
and a small one of silk was suspended
from the ceiling. All around the room
were swinging streamers of bunting,
which at the north end of the room were
wrought into various artistle designs
surrounding a handsomely framed pic
ture of Mr. Bryan, a lesser picture oi
the anma rjarson was hunff at the oppo
site end of the hall. The chandeliers
were entwined in smilax and bunting.
Potted plants were distributed about
the room in window sills and upon the
mantels Great clusters of chrysanthe
mums towered from the festal boards
and sinuous lines of long-stemmed car
nations lay along the centers of the
tables. Prof. Hagenow's orcnestra was
stationed in the balcony and enlivened
the interludes with stirring national
'airs. ..- '
, It was exclusively the travelling men's
banauet They projected it, the club
bore the expense and those who were
permitted to be present were In fact the
guests of the club. Before the hour an
nounced for the festivities the rotunda
1 - -9 : ' 1..4k.l
was crowaea, uiuuug vuuw gavuorvu
there being many to whom the club had
found it impossible to extend its courte
sies. There were many from abroad
anions the iruests. Mr. Bryan arrived
early and held a reception in the par
lors, where be was greeted oy many
ladies and gentlemen.
For Over Five Hoars,
It was 9:30 when the 170 traveling
men and guests were seated. Three long
tables spanned the room north and
south, connected at the north end by
another table, over which the toast
master, Hon. G. M. Hitchcock, looked
upon the splendid assembly. A de
licious menu was splendidly served in
a half dozen courses, the discussion . of
which consumed full two hours. Water
and coffee were the liquid refreshments.
Mr. Hitchcock was an ideal toast
master, and each speaker and each senti
ment brough t some - happy recognition
from him. He first introduced Hon. G.
W. Berge as the only man in the history
of the state who had been elected to an
honorable position without opposition
and had been denied the enjoyment of
either the office or its emoluments. Ihe
sentiment proposed was, "What are we
here for?" Mr. Berge discussed it
seriously, and declared that all were
there to honor one who bad made a
valiant fight for bimetallism and human
ity, and to pledge anew to their cbeif
their support and co-operation- The
speaker touched earnestly on the issues
involved, elicited frequent applause and
closed by predicting the overthrow of
plutocracy m 1900.
The "Little Giant,", Hon. W. H
Thompson of Grand IslanJ, was listed
to respond to "Travelling Men in
Politics," but being detained by illness,
the chair called upon the only representa
tive of the federal administration pre
sent, Postmaster narley, and created
some merriment by the remark that by a
strange coincidence he appeared as a
substitute. Mr. Harley responded that
he was present in his own proper person
and ot bis own free will and accord. Mr,
Mr Thompson asked him to read the re
sponse, and after reading it over he bad
been tempted to appropriate it as hii
own production, but since an early ex
perience with a neighbors orchard and
an unfriendly dog larceny had not been
one of his besetting sins. Mr. Thomp
son's letter was an interesting com miaul
ing of wit and sentiment that won the
favor of the travellers present and the
applaune of every one.
Dr. W. H. Dearing of Plattsmouth.
state senator-elect, responded briefly to
"The 'Legislature" with an assurance
that no man or interest need fear for the
safety of rights or property from the
coining Mission, which will comprise a
body of business men here for business.
He facetiously closed bis remarks by de
claring the legislature adjourned. .
Congressman-elect W. L. Stark was
not present to respond to "Shall we Live
or Die?" but had cent his response in a
letter, the reading ot which elicited ap
plause. It appealed to patriotism by
weaving the Boston tea party and other
revolution events into the history of the
late campaign, as also the war of the re
bellion. ; . ; " ,
Governor Uoloomb on Nebraska.
When Governor Uolcomb was intro
duced to respond to "Nebraska, .the
Gemot the Prairies," the toastmaster
related the story of a meeting of repre
sentatives from every state who vied
with each other in presenting the virtues
ot their respective states.
When it cams the Nebraakaa's torn be
told of a dream wherein he bad rapped
for admission at the pearly gates. St.
Peter had asked him whence he came,
and upon learning, he responded, "Well,
you can come in if yon want to, but I
think you are very foolish to leave
Nebraska to come up here."
The governor excused himself from an
extended speech by saying that he was
Iireparlng a set speech on the same sub
set. He protested against Dr. Dear
tag's adjourning the legislature before
he secured a chance to deliver that
speech. He bad been thinking a great
deal about Nebraska for eome days,
and thought "she is a daisy." Reftrrlnj
to a poetic sentiment on the program,
he said he knew as much about It as
the traveling man is reported to have
known about the Lord's prayer. One
of them had bet another that be
could not repeat it, and when
the latter began, "Now I lay me down
to sleep," the other had given up the
stakes with the remark that be never
suspected that his friend was , so well
posted on tho bible. The governor's
serious remarks were directed to com
mendation ot the guest ot the evening
and the part played by Nebraskans in
the national convention and the cam
paign. c -v . ..
Hon. Ed Smith of Omaha, who will be
deputy attorney general, kept the crowd
in an uproar for some minates by a
rattling response to "The Augean
Stables." His striotures upon the deser
tion of the goldbug democrats convulsed
everyone, and bis remorks tnat civil
service reform Is good enougn lor mug
wumps but a mighty poor thing for
democrats or populists to attempt to
thrive on touched a responsive chord.
Senator Allan Speaks.
"The Lesson of the Campaign" was
proprosedfor Senator Allen. He said
that in spite ot minor political differ
ences, democrats, populists and tree sil
ver reDublicans could all ioin in tne
chorus for bimetallism and Bryan and
march on to victory in 1900. Anotner
lesson was that Nebraska cannot be re
lied upon to give a 50,000 re
publican majority "on any platform."
He especially urged that every interest
will have its rights secured to it under
fusion government. Railroads are es
sentials of modern civilisation, but they
muet obey the law. They must be public
servants rather than engines ot oppres
sion. Senator Allen intimated a convic
tion that after all, Mr Bryan, of whom
he spoke in terms of highest commenda
tion, may have been elected president,
and cited the largely increased
votes in ; certain states as
ground for the assertion. He bad
introduced a resolution In the senate for
an investigation, and republicans must
either vote for it and court investigation
or vote against it and plead guilty. It
had been charged that $16,000,000 had
been spent to secure the defeat of Bryan
and bimetallism. Bimetallism is the
cause of the people and of humanity.
The use of corruption funds in elections
threatens the perpetuity of republican
government here and everywhere. If
the charge Is false it is due the republi
can party that it be disproven. If it fs
true, it is due the cause of human liberty
that it be shown to be true, to show
that self-government is not a dismal
failure. In conclusion the Senator said
that bimetallism is not dead. It haa
just begun to live. When the Savior was
suffering upon the cross between two
thieves the voice was heard across ths
waters announcing'Great Pan is dead"
out of the seeming suffering over the de
feat ot bimetallism comes the cry, "Plu
tocracy is dead." The speaker closed
with an eloquent recital of the casting of
the great bell ot Attica, the sounding of
which so appealed to the people that for
six centuries the people withstood the
encroachments of the strongest nations,
and typified it in the casting ot the sac
red memories of our fathers and our
families, oqr impulses and aspirations,
into a great sacred bell, one tap of
which will bring forth every American
preserve the honor of our country.
An Eloquent Kansan.
Hon. John H. Atwood of Leaven
worth, Kas, responded to the toast,
"American Citizenship." He began by
picturing Hon. W. J. Bryan as
the ideal of the sentiment and the
grand . past master of the art
of oratory. The sonorous tones of this
polished speaker, the beauty of his senti
ment and diction and his ardent ex
pressions of admiration for the gifts and
character of Mr. Bryan ' set the ban
quetters fairly wild. In his characteriza
tion of the president as "the bond broker
from Buffalo," and "the fat pharisee
resident at Washington," and bis sug
gestion of the propriety of "such a bird
as he roosting at Buzzard's Bay,"
evoked frantic applause. He closed with
a tribute to his own state, drawing a
poetic sketch of it. "Its lullaby was
freedom's battle song" and its
proudest day was the 3d of lost Novem
ber, when it took its place beside Ne
braska iu declaring for Bryan and hu
manity. He predicted that the rising
sun of the nineteenth century will sea a
silver star in the heavens of .blue aud a
grand hero enthroned on that grand
throne of the grandest republic on earth,
the hearts of his loyal countrymen.
The Honored Guest.
In introducing Mr. Bryan. Toast-
master Hitchcock said: "The cause of
the people is never beaten the hero
ot the people is never vanquished.
After the gloom of Valley Forge came
the glory of Yorktown. After the dis
appointment of 1896 will come' the
joyful triumph of 1900. Tonight we
entereain a guest whom many millions
love and whom all the world respects
Gentlemen, I propose a toast to the
great guest of the evening onr candi
date that was, our leader that is, and
onr tr-":it 11 f (
Je-sSjri I-Tra cf t i C
Evrryrrrarrutit''. .
Cila as J rr-J. ' I '-- t
sayizjc if kseosM t.:..: t t "i
share ot&aeom;". tJt '
were merits j, be wr tj i l l)
were he not vcia. Let- 1 c i a
from too mach rt:;-i (I r ' !'
Tiction that la wlzt t 1 1 1 1 '
he had earriai ez. V t I ; :
hearts of thoct t.a I .:
kindly ot tia, iz J t" -1 ta I '
but prsiiiav tie r.l. "ift
impulses. Vfcatr-r.
they see:e i to k vt ' .
be said and woe! J djj. n . .
he would do. Us c:.: - v I
him where be exa djvt"v t i.
of Ms -Bis. to taC. :at:
J c
questions, a priv" i c: 1 1 -
much piissJ, and t-l If r i t j
if his frteniU ever brr 1 1 :i ,f 'a
path that met Uc C'z-'TorzJ i. 7
would oppose kist citj til r f 77-.
tast bad rcarksd tl;!r l'.L . -.
"I am c'-ad to aav tie trxv. .. j r l
interested in blati::;-3. tz:zz t
are always able to la J try rx-
taken, and are travel KJ3iaaxr li
behalf of any cause tiey cry c 1 t.
I expect them to te of rtzt tzni t C
In j Use aext laar yean In prtrntlr ? t J
meritsoffres eolar to t-t tz j
men of tblseosatry.
Ths travtllsj c:s cn b a pc
to measure tie rroL--s bit! ly tie r
publican party with tU fc!i:iit cf
those prorata; ia c:l:r wcr.j, tiy tr '
prepared to eazrpxre te coois ijIIvtrcJ
since the slacaa tietaefla shows
during tie eampaJja."
The public was toli tlat repnfJcta
success would restore eazlwa, tie
only thin lacklnj. VsU, coclljnoe has ,
been restored, and yet procri ty ss
not come. The speaker nLrni to tit
ardent promise of Dunn's eomicrrc' J
i;acy just after election, bow a !:::' '
later it beaa tor '.cad for patlcacs tsJ
how it fire oat ct e!t wss '.zt$ ilz
tion Drainers fcllarei bars ken rtcri
numerous tian for the same re ts L t
year, amountlnj in the s';i weils WiS
more than last year.
Mr. Bryan showed how Nsirsita ti 1
made history. Had the iimocrfa tzt
aided in the election of Allan and Ed
epmb, there would have been no fuejoa
last tall. It was in Omaha in 1?3 ttxit
the first national platform, tie
form of the populist party, was writi i
in favor of 16 to 1 and it was in ti!j
state that the first democratic pb'.'rm
was written favoring that ratio wMiczt
waiting for the aid or consent of c7
i V a. , . '
outer nation, tie was proud cl t l
part he had played In tese i:
meats. - -
Letters of r -ret wers read L s 11 ;
R. P. Bland, Hon. a A. Towns, IZzi. t '
S. Thomas, Governor Altld, E;a. V.
S. Fowler, Hon. Darid Ovm?-:?, Cca.
C. J. Smyth andothers. It was 8 a. ti.,
when the toastmaster bade the gzzzli
Senator Thurston's Office Daily EscicJ
' , by Anxious Aspirants.
Omaha, Dec. 30.- There is almost a
continuous crowd of applicants for . fed
eral positions hanging around Senator
Thurston's offlce,and all are persistently
urging their endorsements In a way to
embarrass the senator as much as possi
ble, i Sere are many applicants for
every federal position that will be at the
disposal of the Nebraska delegation. To
secure a semblance of relief from the re
lentless Importunities of the hungry as
pirants for federal sustenance Henaf or
Thurston has essayed the following
"I am receiving the applications and
indorsements of tfre various candidates
for : federal ' positions, and holding
tbem for consideration, assuring each
applicant that I have given do pledM.
Then, after giving each candidate care
ful attention aud consulting with the
republican members of congress Irom
this state, I will make recommendations
for the various positions when the
proper time arrives. It is my desire,and
I believe it to be that of Mr. McKinley,
to make no appointments until the com
missions of the present incumbents have
expired, unless for good cause. The
commission ot the United States mar
shal expires in March, and. that ot the
collector of internal revenue in July, and
that is about all of the positions of
importance in 1897.. There will be no
vacancies in the land offices for over a
year. I will not announce any recom
mendations until after Mr. McKinley ia
inaugurated." .
Prosperity Engulfs a Department Store 1 "'" v
snd the Proprietor Goes. ; rS "v--X
Hastings, Neb., Dec. 31. The volnn
tary failure of M. B. Rollins, yesterday " '
was a surprise to Hastings citizens. Mr.
Rollins has conducted a department
store which required three rooms upon
the ground floor and two room upon
the second floor to hold his stock. He
carried dry goods, notions, crockery, '
wooden ware, hardware and other lines.
Yesterday he confessed judgment to
the amount of $5,895 in favor of Louisa ';t
Todhunter, $8,849 in .favor of Mrs. J J
Viola B. Rollins, his wife, and for $1,978 P'M
iu favor of Frank L. Smith bis father-In-
law. ... l 'v.
The failure - was precipitated by a v
scare. An agent for a house to which he
was indebted for the sum of $8,000 came
here and, after looking over the condi
tions, became satisfied, and was to have
left with an assurance to Mr. Rollins
that the showing was satisfactory. But
the investigation scared Mr. Rollins, .
and upon the advice of his attorney he
made a voluntary confession of judg
ent as above stated.