,- em.H THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. Dec. 17, 1896 I nnnn n 1 mm buulm Mail Orders Filled Promptly. $4.00 Grandfather' Rocker; large, heavy; will last a lifetime; cane seat. Ton will be pleaded with it. $3.50. Gels you thin solid Oak Gent' Kocker; full fprinif seat; no pini on bark; u large, strong Kocker. $2.50 Huys .vou thin full iipholsU-rrd Seat, Oak Honker, without pud ou back. A strong, durable rocker. 1 v? Iff if Ml I 1 $L5 Our lurire arm wood Seat Rocker very strong. You can't miss it on this. I $1.75 $3.50 Solid Oak, Cane Seat, brace l our prjce on tbin large size heavy Oak arm Rocker. A great bar- Rocker; leather seat; a splendid chair gain. Order one. for the price. Send us a mail order for your Christmas furniture. We will sup ply you. $8,50 A full spring edge couch, covered in best corduroy. One of our best bargains. We pay the freight 100 miles on all our Goods. innrf Jp? ' wm $2.50 90 cents Our Christmas bargafn; well made A Solid Oak Center Table, good si and nicelj finished leather seat rock- and well made, er; solid oak. Order one. Hardy Furniture Co, $4.50 . J I JJ , ' , $2.25 , . Our regular $6 00 Rattan Rocker; foil A large heavy Oak Cane Seat Rocker sue, uesi ciass 01 worK. urcierone. B.jcely cnrved. Yon can't miss it on this1 75 cents $4.00 Centre Table; Bolid oak; a good strong Extra large heavy Gents' Rocker, wood article; aorth at least 1.25. ' seat. Very strong. 1124 O Street, - Lincoln, Neb Freight paid 100 miles on all ESTABLISHED 1871. Furniture. Insurance Department. Ooadtotad bj J, T. U. 8wtart.Corrssponclenc sottdud. We were in attendance at the Iowa mutual insurance association last month and had a very pleasant visit, to say nothing of the instruction, received. Various subjects were discussed. Re ports of companies for the rear and since organization some have no assess raents others have had a hard time of it but the average is wtiout as usual i. e., a little less than f 2.00 per $1000 an aver age for five years of les than $10.00 or one half the price for insurance in a ntock company. The secretary of the state hail insurance company was there and reported that the losses this year would amount to about $250,000. Thev have $11 .000,000 insured in hail com panies. 1 think that if we can get a favorable la w this winter we will organ ize a company on the Iowa plan and pro ceed to do business next spring if there is any show for a crop. The secretary of the State Cyclone company also made his report. They now have 'over $44, 000,000 insurance. Losnes paid $16, 2G3.34. Secretary of Town, Mutual (dwelling) reported that his company was 0. K. and proved his assertion by what they had done in the last three years. City residence property detached is the best and safest property to insure. Secretary of Business Block Mutual; re ported that his company was bueyear old and was prorperous. Now if the incoming legislature will give us a good law our people will be able to save thousands of dollars per year. Among the questions discussed was the utility of lightning rods and spontaneous combustion. The former was considered of great use. It was considered that the best and cheapest rod would be galvanized hog fence wire nailed down to the roofaud side of the house and fastened to the pump pipe wrapped several times around it. (No rod peddler need apply.) The latter was considered. Many instances were given where clover hayfwns set afire spontaneously, but it usually was fired from that part of the haymow that was put in damp either from dew or was not thoroughly cored and always where it was tightly pneked under the hay fork usually. The following resolution was passed, viz: Resolved, that it is the sense of this association that hay, and especially clover, millet and shreded com fodder should not be stored damp or in sheds or barns to the depth of over 12 feet. There w?r many other questions dis. cussed all of which would be of interest to any mutual insurance man. The mu tuals in Iowa considers that it pays to send their officers to this meeting and cav their expense while there because they Ret ne and advanced ideas at each meeting and wheu they go home they put into practice what they can. Now if these companies 20 and 25 ' years old, consider it a good investment to send their officers to a meeting of this kind would it not pay the new companies of Nebraska to get together and discuss mutu vl subjects? v I hope everyone who would like to have a subitct discussed at our next meeting, which is on January 20, 1897, at the Ideal hotel, Lincoln, Nebraska, 10 o'clock a. in., would put it on a postal card or letter and send it to me at ouce. It makeB no difference whether you are here or not if your query has any merit and pertains t6 insurance matters, it will be discussed and report ed in these columns. Who will be the first? If you are interested in any particular subject, and can't be here, please send a paper. We want to get up a good pro gram and print it in these columns on Jaduary 7, 1897, will you do your part. If vou intend to be nere ana want to discuss any subject, please write it to me at once bo that others may have a little time to think on the subject. We con template a good ueeting as there are several members of the legislature who are merabtrs of muuals and no donbt will attend. We have made arrange ments with the Ideal hotel for a dollar a day rate. We will try to make this department interesting during the legislature and have made arrangements to send it to mutual men from January 1, to April, for 20 cents. If any one gets an extra copy please hand it to some one who does not take it and ask him to subscribe. DlflM Rinnnt 1ia CnMil br local Itnnltcatlnn a t.hv rannnt .i-h tha mneaned portion of the ear. There is only one way to core deafness, and that Is by constitutional remeuies. ueamoss is causea oy an inflamed con dition of the macons lining of the Eustachian Tube, When the tube is Inflamed you have a rum bling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed, Deafness is thu result and unless the inflamatlon can be taken out and the tube re stored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever ; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but the inflamed con dition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars tor any case of Deafness (cansed by catarrh I that tannot be cored br Hall's Catarrh Cur. Send for circulars free- P.J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O.. WTSold by Druggist, C SENATOR PEPPER'S TARIFF. High Duties on Luxuries and None t all on What tba Poor Cocsume As a great deal has been said and writ ten about what Senator Peffer believed on the tariff question, he took occasion last week to state them in the Advocate as follows: As was promised last week in response to an inquiring reader, we now give a brief statement of Senator Peffer's views concerning the tariff. First He never was in favor of high-' duties on any articles except luxuries, as his writings in t he Kansas Farmer abun dantly testify. Second He has long favored free sugar, free salt, free lumber and free coal. This fact, also, appears in the col umns of the Kansas Farmer, extending as far back aa ten years ago or longer. Third He would lay high duties on all articles of luxury such as fine dress goods, fine laces, embroidery, etc., costly carpets, fancy fowling pieces, wines, liquors, cigars, high-grade cutlery, and all articles used only by the rich and fastidious; and . he would admit free of duty all articles of every day use among the poorer classes of our people, such as sugar, low-gradeclothing,common shoes heavy gloves, cheap hats, agricultural implements, common furniture, rough lumber, fence wire, nails, etc. r Fourth If the gold standard is to be permanently established he would favor free trade absolute in all classes of arti cles except such as are used only by the wealthy and the profligate. Cbamring conditions have materially modified the senator's opinions on the tariff question.' . He believes in good wages and fair profits on the products of labor; and, until the effects of the gold standard policy began to show tbem-J selves in falling prices, increasing immi gration and rapid development of agri culture in other lands, he had believed in the Jackson theory of protectionthe laying of revenue duties so adjusted as to encourage domestic industries And protect them, as fur as such revenue leg islation could aguinst foreign competi tors. ' ' '' But this sharp competition . that our fanners now have to meet in foreign markets and the deadly .rivalry of the foreign laborer in onrown country, have put a new face on things and have brought new questions to the front. v The farmers' uecessary isolation makes them the prey of speculators and the servants of organized capital. They now need the aid of friendly legislation, and a tariff lr.w that does them no good ought not to exist. They have to com pete in a free trade market with pro ducts of cheaploreigu labor; the home price of all they have to sell is regulated by the price of what they sell abroad; hence they must be permitted to pur chase their supplies at free trade prices, or tbey cannot hold their own. And to talk about protecting the American laborer while admitting his foreign rival freely into the country and employing him in our shops, factories and mines side by side with our own peo ple, is absurd. It is for these reasons that Senator Peffer favors free trade in all articles of every-day use among farmers and work ing peoule generally. For revenue--he would Siibxtitutea graduated tax on large landed esta es and on incomes. If the rich people are to rule the country, let tbem pay the taxes. Wanted Situation- Tirst-class printer who has managed a $10,000 plant wishes work or to lease some good office, location no object. If you have a plant you are not getting what you ought to . get out of it, will do well to answer this. M. Upborn, Marion, Kan, Who Paya the Freight. , It is truly a lesson to study when you understand tnar. corn is iz cents a bushel in Kearney and coal $7 per ton, while at the coal mine corn is 50 cents a bushel and coal $1.50 per ton. Who pays the freight. Kearuey Democrat HHrh Arm TOY IT FUZE for 90 days In yonr own home and save tistoe&k. IU Mimt In minmm. KkMm BMklM Ibr. rsSM AritarteaBxIilMfM. SIS.M mm (Hade by usl , ll ., SIS and it other style. AU attMkaml PkM. W. fj frrtskb Buy from factory, save aircnts large proum 0w loa,nso la aas. Catalogue and testimonials rra. Writ at onre. Uaa lim hilt. (' 14 Wart Vaa Bum Sfc.B-WlAmc, lua. Hen 1 V.. Mi f mm SaSe. ip Dissolution Owing to the fact, that we have purchased the interest of our former partner. Mr. Bumstead, we have decided r to inaugurate a special sale commencing to lay, Tuesday, December 15th. at 8 a. m. In it prices on all fall and winter Suits and Ovei coats. Underwear, Hats and Caps for men and boy's will be REDUCED FROM It to p per cent Boy's and Children's Suits and Overcoats will be sold at and below cost. OUT OF FROM $3.00 to $10.00 Will be given on every Suit and Overcoat in our mer chant tailoring department. Remember we have no old shopworn stock or new trash. Nothing but clean stuff, such as is turned out by the bst manufacturers in America. Sale begins Tuesday morning. We want hard cash and expect to make this the Largest sale of Clothing ever kn own in any city. A CUT SALE at our store is a CUT SALE. 1136 O Street. V I I r ! r I. 1 0 n V i V 1 J.1 I AA