The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, November 19, 1896, Image 8

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Nov. ig, 1896.
rr:iiurer-Elect Reserve May Of
fer a Guaranty Company as
Ltislature XXay Conclude to Meet
the Expense Out of Inter
est on Deposit,
And HUH Save Money
State Treasurer Meserve will probablj
'give bond through a guaranty bond
company. Owing to his determination,
; mnoonced during the campaign, to re
quire the outgoing treasurer to count
oat the state Innds in cash, and his ex
pressed intention of accounting to the
-tate for interest on state funds, the im
pression became quite general that the
tanks Had entered into an agreement
tat this would not go upon his boud.
t hether that he true or not. it is stated
It populists that Mr. Meserve wili prob- T.ine ration is mnanaoiy s.rnpie.
illy not ask them to become his bonds- Jh?70t "W both. t0 tb?
cent election came from Hudson, Mich.,
nays the Chicago Tribune The polls
closed at 5 o'clock and two minute
later the result of the ballot for preH-
dent, congressman and governor bad
been telegraphed to . iJetroit Within
five minutes it hud beti writ to all the
prominent cities of the country.
The means by which this was accom
plished was the Abbott voting tnocliiiie,
legalized for use at all electioim in the
state of Michigan at the lust session of
the legislature. It was the first time the
machines bad been used at a general
The machine keeps the record by
means of registering wheel. At the
close of the balloting it is only necessary
for the inspectors to read th number
as tbey appear on the wheels. The
working parts of the apparatus are a
set of slides, each carrying the names of
all the candidates for one office, the re
gister wheels, a set of which is connect
ed with each candidate s name and up
on which the Totes are recorded, and an
operating bar, which carries the UHit
wneel of every candidate whose register
wheels are in the voting space forward
one number, thus adding each vote to
those before received by the candidate,
J he machine keens a correct record of
all votes cast, regardless of and not in
eluding those who may enter the machine
without voting; it keeps a tally of all
votes given to each candidate; and it
keeps a record of all votes wherein the
voters neglected to select a candidate
for any office.
1 he operation is remarkably simple.
men, but will offer to furnish a well
known guaranty bond company as his
it is understood that this company
win demand something like ei.ouo to
right, aud finds before him the names of
all candidates arranged before him as on
the ballot, all candidates for an office in
a row, and all candidates of a party in a
column. Each party has a distinctive
furnish a bond of the magnitude of that ?,l0Kl?!Publ,?a?, democrat, b'u;
prohibition white; and so on. At the
right of the machine are the slides bear
ing the names of candidates, In the mid
dle are two parallel bars in a vertical
position, enclosing what is known as
"their voting space." .? . ;
to vote it is necessary to place the
names of the candidates selected in the
voting space by sliding .them along to
to the left. The partv ticket is first put
in position by means of a lever. To split
the ticket the voter slides the names of
candidates from any other parties into
tne space afterwards, forcing out those
running for the same offices on the reg
ular ticket. After arranging the ticket
before him as desired a single motion
sumces to vote it as a whole.
ii?ery vote as cast is announced bv
the machine, so that failure to vote is at
once detected. How the vote is thrown
is, however, known only to the man
within the booth. It Is claimed that the
chance of mistake through ignorance is
totanjr removed
11. W. Hardy Morslixet on the Eff.ct of GREAT ENGINEERING FEAT.
Election on Nebraska.
required by the state of its treasurer.
1 This would entail an expenditure larger
' than the salary, and it is claimed that
the legislature will come to the treasur
er s relief and appropriate funds with
Which to meet this expense. It will be
urged that the state can well afford to do
this, if the treasurer shall hereafter pay
into tne treasury the interest received on
. deposits of state funds.
It is also claimed that these guaranty
bond companies are better security than
the ordinary list of individuals, and that
republicans are not in a position to ob
ject tor tne reason that one of the repub
lican county officials here has given that
variety of bond and one of the republi
can state senators from this county two
years ago introduced a measure requir
ing public officers to give boud through
guaranty companies.
Editor Post: We have had conflicts;
peat nations have gone to war; blood
aad carriage 'have""drenchedtlie earth!
TVs have had contests on forum and in
senates, but the world never witnessed
STlCh ft Contest as We have lust riftaand
Buffalo, N. .Y., Nov. 17. At mid-
ignt last night the turninu
of a switch in the biff
Bouse at' Niagara Falls com
pleted a circuit which caused Niagara
river to flow up hill, so to speak, by re-
Tom , Watson's Letter of Acceptance
Atlanta, ba., Kor. 13 The lettel
of acceptance written by Thomas V'at
son accepting the Populist nomina; n
for Vice President was yesterday mt
public. Seven columns of Watson
People's party paper are devoted to it
Xne letter Is supplemented by four col
limns 01 advice to Populists to "sit
steady In the boat and hold their party
together." The editorial tone of the
paper is one of fulfilled prophecv.
Watson declares that the failure of the
Populists to support Bryan in the close
states brought about McKinley's elec
tion, lie goes Into a long review bf
the circumstances leading to his nomi
nation and acceDts the Vice Presi
aential nomination "because I said I
He declares that if the St.
nlist convention had nominated a
straight Populist ticket it would have
been elected. It would, he said hav
anven the iilUs and Gormans where
they belong into the KeDublican
ranks and the Eryans and Blands
would have loined with the Pomilists.
lie Cf mplains bitterlv of the treatment
ue nas received at the hands of the
Populist leaders, and addresses himself
particularly to Senator Butler in this
way: '..,
Senator, a reform has no richt tn exist If
It has no valid complaint to make. Populists
t-nutn aenounce tne sins of tne two old par
tus and vet aro into nolltical co-nartnershln
mm mem, 1 ne moment we make a treaty,
the war must cease. And when we cease our
war upon the old parties we have no longer
any excuse for living-. When rieht comuro-
mises wun wrong it is the right which
tuners. ,
"The Democratic manasrers seem to ft.
sent as a strange piece of Impertinence the
lAti mat tne f oputists dared to nominate a
ucxet dinerlnjr at the rear end from theirs.
uommgto them with the 2,000,000 votes
they were begging for, and plteously need
ing, I can Sav. With a nerfect assiiranrf. nf
lemng tne unqualified truth, that mv ar
rival on the Held qf battle was not welcomed
as nearuiy as Blucher was received by Well-
lugiuuui water 10a xney want my rein
forcement but thev do not want me tn lea A
them. They need Blucher's troops, but they
draw the line at Blucher. That Is hardly
fair, either to Blucher or his troops, nor Is
i me ocsi way to aeieat Napoleon.
"jror this attitude upon the part of the
uciuucrauc managers. 1 believe von. Ren.
ator, are largely resnonslble. Yon made nn
enortionave me recognized. You publicly
stated that I would not be notified of my
uuiuiuauuu. x on went into tne f union nni.
icy over my written protest, with all the
seal of a man who wanted to elect the Demo
cratic ticket. In this I think you were
wrong. As chairman of the Pomiiist
wiumiuee, me party certainly expected
you to do all you could to elect the Popu
list ticket Had you demanded Mr. Sew-
au s witnarawal from the ticket he would
have withdrawn. I have a letter of
" uivu juu sute mat tne uemocratlc com
mittee expected you to make the demand
Dut that you did not make it From the per-
Tcio.iy ui temper wun wnicn tne Demo
cratic managers have refused to do the
tight thing by the Populists, it would seem
they prefer McKlnleyism to anything which
lunsui Kcm to oe partly a Populist triumph
FMJT'' ).
Watch "Our Windows."
Latest Patterns.
Newest Colorings.
flew Ideas;" Old Experience."
1312, 1314, 1316, O Street.
KAHSAsCrrr, Ma, Nov. 18. Wheat was
again irregularly lower here to-day, the de
cline ranging from 2 to 5 cents. It was less
on soft and spring wheat than on hard
Offerings were fair. Some low grades were
almost unsalable.
Hard Wheat No. 2. 74c: No. 8. lie- Wo. A.
'64c; rejected, 52c; no grade, 4045c Soft
Wheat No. 2, 87c; No. 8, 85c; No. 4, 70c;
rejected, 5565c. Spring Wheat No. 2, 76c;
No. 8,,72V4c; rejected, 65c
Cora-No. 2, 19c; No. 3, 19c; No. 4,
18c; no grade, 1617c; No. 2, white,
20ttc; No. 8, white, 19V4c; No. 4, lBKc.
Oats-No. 2, 18c; Na 3, 1516c; Na 4,
14c;- Na 3, white, 23c; new, 2Qc; Na I,
white, 18c; Na 4, white, 15c
Rye Na 2, 82Kc; Na 3, 0c; Na 4, 28c
Bran-rl042c per cwt sacked; bulk, 60
less. ,-.. I
Hay-Choice timothy, I8a60; Na 1, 17ft '
7.50; Na 2, 5,506; clover, mixed, Na 1,
I66.50; Na 2, 155.60; choice prairie, S5Q
5.50; Na 1, -4.505; Na 2, 8404.60; Na a
I23. ':
Chicago Board of Trade.
v u " r . " tnmtn., tt font. u -"..:i ' I u'r. BUDUe purpose is to couple the Bryan
i-rwugq-ioureen minions men, and as "J IT . , 1 election with the complete destruction of
jiu wuuiii nuu cuuuren, auout equal- I o,ivauj sirrpiuii tuo. 1 mc x-upuust party.
V GiTiaea, contending for a time hon- Baies 01 uuttaio, back into the city,?
crsa principle, one that had prevailed
h this country and all over the world
tJl within a few years, was never wit
r m) before. It was for individual
1 .its on one side and Cor the right to
e -slnate on the other,
Ike contest waa the moat Unequal on
i:20rd. The common people, farmers
cad mechanics, on one side; on the oth
sr the money lenders, banks, corpora
tions ot alt kinds, trusts, syndicates and
combines, together with newspapers and
magazines, with few exceptions. There
waa five times more money used than
ever before, and cords of railroad passes
given away to those who would
promise to vote as directed.
There never was as much intimida
tion aud threatening of the laboring
class and it led to deceit, cloaked and
covered by the Australian ballot. More
than 500 here in Lincoln wore the Me
Kinley badges but voted for Bryan, and
, undoubtedly many ol them took Mc
Einley money all this to hold their
jobs. Who will dare say that these de
pendent men were criminals or cowards?
The following confession is from the Ne
brask State journal:
"A large number of Bryanites in Lin
coln evidently took the advice of the
boy orator in wearing the McKinloy
button in public and voting for him in
private. Evil communications corrupt
good manners, and doubtless if tbe ob
ject of this hypocrisy and deception was
to injure the feelings of the good and
true republicans, that object , was ob
" tained. The Journal feels sure that no
republicans wore the Bryan badge and
voted for McKinley. Republicans are
not made of that kind of stuff."
There were no corporations, no city,
state or national governments, to
threaten McKinley men, for the cussed
Bess was all on their side. A strange
freak is now being exhibited a demo
cratic president turning out of office
regular democrats of . his own appoint
twenty-seven miles distant
The harness was buckled that hitches
the factory wheels of Buffalo to the
greatest cataract on earth. This morn
ing the street cars of this city moved
by Falls power. Hereafter the Falls
must work enough to earn their living.
jpUe distance covered by the line be
tween Buffalo and the Falls is twenty
seven miles, and the expert electricians
who have the work in charge, estimate
that the loss of energy will be less
than ten per cent, and may not, much
exceed five. ' .
Careful tests are to be made in this
connection, the tests covering both
night and day,, and clear as well as
rainy weather, The electricians are
paying particular attention to this
test, as on the perfect insulation of the
carrying line depends much of the
future success of the undertaking.
xne line mat nas oeen built to carry
the current-bearinir wires is of a most
substantial nature. Unlike the ordi
nary telegraph line, the poles are
placed very close together and are
braced in such a manner as to be proof
against heavy storms. At curves the
poles are set double, and are guyed to
numerous smaller poles to prevent
The over-head line extends from the
power house at the falls to the city
limits of Buffalo, where the wires
enter cement conduits. On the over
head line glass insulators are found
unequal to the .strain, and porcelain
insulators were made especially to hold
the wires. '
The insulators were subiected to a
current of 30,000 volts before being put
in use. mere are at present on the
poles eight, cables, each with a carry
ing capacity of 5,000 horsa power, or
40,000 horse power in all The poles
are of such a substantial character.
cent just for supporting the regular JSTJT'm a utmb?r 0Lcab,le'
fianjocratic ticket. can doubled without subjecting
uioul w m Krenvor atritia uiaa la con
sidered safe.
The only contract made so far for
the delivery of power in Buffalo by the
power company is mat witn tne JJuf-
We are now told that the whole coun
try is on the high road to confidence and
prosperity excepting in Nebraska and
U&nsas. Tbey having gone into the
01 tbe silver popocrats, and that
f && economical management, death to
t. laves and less taxes, which alone is
saw to rum any state.
Tm half million school money will be
ij&aea out, providing it can be found,
rd the interest applied to the support
tf public schools, the same having stuck
to tbe fingers of the state officers for the
last ten or fifteen years.
," The able bodied men in the peniten
tiary; with all that shop room and with
the help of all that machinery and steam
rower, will be made to earn their own
living. '
Other state institutions will be run in
tie interest of the inmates.
The legislature can and ought to be
nJ for half what the republicans have
expended in years back.
Any and all of these things will ruin
t t state, let republicans tell it.
Two hundred thousand a ye&r saved,
(1 no more big defalcations, will not tie taxpayers.
H. W. Haupy
voTraa MACHINE. ' tuauft Within Two Minutes
ct Cm Close of the Polls. '
1 " 1 tn sUctioa returns sent out from
7 1 in the country during the rs
falo Street Railway company for 1.000
horse power. Under the contract with
the city, the completion of the under
taking of delivering power in Buffalo
was not obligatory before next June.
It waa in order to secure tbe contract
with the street railway company that
the work was hurried through so far
ahead of time. Contracts with others
desiring to use the electrical power
will now ba made, and it is thought
that by the opening of spring the
power will be well distributed through
out the city. ,
Since the inception of the undertak
ing, and during its Carrying out, the
company has frequently called upon
Messrs. Edison and Tesla for advice,
and these famous masters of electricity
have been frequent visitors to . the
Niagara Falls power house to solve
technical problems. The power wtll
sell in Buffalo for 936 a horse power
per annum, and under its contract
with the city the company must in
crease its capacity 10,000 horse power
per year until the maximum of M.OO
herse power has been reached.
Ship Grain Direct.
In another part of this paper you will
find the ad of Summers Morrison & Co.,
ot Chicago, 111. Write them for terms of
commission price etc., and ship your
grain direct
'The position taken in this lpttor win
bitterly assailed. Would that the natnwa
of duty were always carpeted with flowers.
It rarely la Bv makinsr
great party I represent a mere footmat for
Democratic politicians to wiiie their fet
upon, I could win much atmlause from that
quarter. But If I were now lacklne in the
loyalty which waa expected of me when
chosen I would grieve the men who have
honored me, trusted me, and defended and
loved me.
YNoone regrets more profoundly than I
do that the Democratic managers have so
shaped the campaign that the South has
again been told she must grovel in the dust
and let an Eastern plutocrat put his foot up
on her nefk. Nor does any one regret more
than I do that the Democratic managers,
in shaping their fusion deals, have
considered those Populists only who
are getting loaves and fishes. They have lost
sight of the great army of privates, whose
honest hearts and sincere souls form the
strength of the re-enforcement Mr. Bryan
needs. Those Populists of the rank and file
have the spirit of crusaders, and they would
die for a principle more quickly than they
would sell It These men will not vote for
Sewall, nor for Sewall electors. If Senators
Jones and Gorman really wish to defeat Mc
Kinley, let them lose no time in realizine
this truth." 8
Washington, Nov. 17. In view of
the fact that the letter of Tom Wat
son, accepting ' the Vice Presidential
nomination of the Populi&t party has
been published, Senalor Marion Batler
has made public his reply, written
when Mr. Watson's letter was received,
in which he took exceptions to its
tone. The reply is as follows:
"Washington, Oct 26. Dear Sir: Your
letter of acceptance was received Saturday
night It had been detained in the postofflce
for want of sufficient postage.
"You, in effect advise Populists not to sup
port the Joint electoral tickets that have
been arranged in a large number of states.
Is it possible you fully appreciate tbe effect
of such advice? At least upon reflection.
you must know that if enough Populists
should follow such advice, it would mean
Expsrimoiits, Tableaux VWanta, Shadow Pantomimes, Act-
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LW urivsu, euieruunnwnrh and Avenliifira at tionin-
$t. tiM). Modern Ttinnetin fnr all Clttpa.
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Nr. A3i. The Ready Reference Manual of
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Valuable Information fnr flia ,,.a av.i-v man vnmiti
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Mil. 17. The PracHfal Ptitifrrv Wirm-r
An entirely new book on poultry keeping, Just published,
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The above books in other editions are uaually aold at 25 cents each, but '
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By buying ten books at a time you get them at half price. Please order
Read Our
Great Pre
mium Offer
We will send any FIVE (50c worth)
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postpaid, and the Nebraska Independ
ent for one year upon receipt of $1.25.
If your subscription is in arrear or has
. .f. .n:n,j .. 3 1
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Lincoln, Nebraska.
followed by enough Populists, the People's
party would not have a single elector In the
electoral college. In the states where we
have Joint electoral tickets we will get every
elector that we do get; and, besides, it Is In
those states where we will get the bulk, if
not all, of thi People's party congressmen.
In your own state, and other states which
have followed your advice against electoral
tickets, we will not get a single eleotor, and
I fear not many congressmen, if any.
"You certainly can not mean, however
much you may have favored a mlddle-of-the
road policy in the beginning, to advise your
friends to do that which at this time would
be the most effective agency in placing in
power McKinley and bis backers the trusts
and monopolies.
' "Can any personal or party Injustice, how
ever great, Justify us in being responsible,
either directly or indirectly, for placing in
power the stock Jobbers, monopolists, trusts,
the British gold ring and aU of the com
bined robbers of the people and enemies of
good government?
"In the name of outraged and suffering
humanity, whose prayers to-day go up from
millions of homes for William J. Bryan, in
his heroic and marvelous fight against the
minions of corporate greed and the hellish
gold conspiracy, let ns sink every other
consideration and bold up his hands and do
the full duty of Americans and patriots. Let
us remember that it is a suffering people
and a betrayed republic, and not Demo
cratic politicians, that to-day call for our
help and demand our services. Bryan will
be elected, and the government redeemed,
if every patriot does bis duty. Let us do
OUrS. .- .
"Therefore, x beseech yon to change at
least that part of your letter which gives ad
vice which, if followed, would surely help
the common enemy. If yon do not, then
too, yourself, must assume the responsibil
ity of giving such a document to the publie
at this time. Tours truly.
"Mauo Butlbb,"
! nfl
We have the best lot of Poland China
Pigs you ever saw on one farm. Moat
sell, prices low. Pedigree and in
. dividuality high. Will sell at
pUCApi private sale, b ill an
, uonnce public sale soon.
Catalogues sent on request
': when out. See fashionablestrains
represented. All inquiries promptly
answered. Send Boon and get pick of lot.
BOX8 Lincoln, Neb.
r ao dars In jronr own home and
OtoVn. mtm y m
JSfl r
I 7"i
L,i J J SaO liaiiln far . tiStM
, YYj I jF by ) SS,, SIS
III . W r tnMM. Bar from
IJI ( I 1 factory. Savaaeciits lar profits,
" I I orcr ISO, kt an. Catalotn and
1 1 tl.iliiiii.Mi im, Wri at mf.
W4V1M West Tea arana tfc,B-i,V..i. i-
Thev abe Composed of the Three
' Leading Strains
Address, L, H- BUTEX, Heligh,Heb.
Who eaa shiak
ot some DaiM
December.. ..
I Oats
Shobt Bibs
6 70
7 70
3 60
4 02
3 67V4
3 80
6 60
7 65
3 7S
3 95
3 65
3 75
i 76.
6 65
6 55
3 724
3 724
3 924
3 70
3 70
8 70
Nov. 10
' 24
6 75
6 75
7 75 .
3 90
8 90
3 724
3 724
3 85
Each Book Consists of a Handsome Octavo Volume of 64 Large Double-
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Hrler descrlntions of a seleclMist of iiRefiil anrl nnnnlni tmnlra will t,a fnnnA luW ThM.
cever a wide range of subjects, tha object being to plnase all tastes and requirements. Each is a com-'
plete text-book upon the special theme of which it treats, and they are offered upon such terms as to
place them within the reach of all. Ho man or woman can fail to be profited by the possession of
these books; no home should be without them. Each book consists ot a handsome octavo volnme of
6 large double-column pages, nioely printed and bound In attractive paper covers. Many of them are
No. 7123. Hour tn Trnltt Art I ma la Till a
bKk. WTitten bv an AXIMriAtllVtil AttLmiLl kBln.r talla hnar
to teach horses. dogR, calx, mules, front, hegs and otlior
animals, also birds, to perform the most remarkable tricks
auu macs 01 indulgence. ,
Nu. ft32. Every Roy Dis Own Toy-Maker.
A great book forboja, telling bow to make a Steam Koglue.
Photographic Camera, Windmill, Microscope, Electrical
Machine, Galvanic Battery, Kiactrlc Telegraph, Telephone,
Magic Lantern. Boat, kitftn.. HHllnnna. anil niAiiv nlliMV
things. i
o. nw. The Practical Guide to Floricul
ture, a cnmnlete nracticul ctnii in the ml i nn- nf
flowers and plants, by Eben E. Rexford, one of the leading
authorities upon all matters pertaining to floriculture.
Nil. h2i. Hnmn A fftl fiapniAfi in 11. ulilfltillil rnl.
lotion of Games, Pusrles, Tricks, Diversiona, Pastimes,
1 Live Stock.', v
Kansas City. Ma. Nov. 18. flattie Ra.
I celpts, 14,324; calves, 1,010; shipped yester
day, 420 cattle ; 197 calves. The market was
steady to 10c lower In places.
nogs seceipts, 13,973; shipped yesterday.
none. The top sale was $3.25 and the bulk
of sales from 13.15 to 3.20.
Sheep Receipts. 4.458: shinned vestcrrlav
1.99& The market was alow but arenerallv
Double Harder sit Dance.
Pobt Smith, Ark., Oct. v 20. A nearro
' Aance near Scully ville last night, broke
np in a row. Two negro men whose
names are not known were killed.
Two others are under arrest charged
with doing the shooting. ,
Attend the Chamberlain Commercial
College, room 1 Lansing theatre build
ing. Day and night school. We make a
specialty of shorthand and typewriting
Breeders ol fine stock can find no bVttsr
advertising medium than this paper.
A six months' snholarshiu in a first-
class' business college. Cheap for cash.
Address Scholarship, care of Nebraska
Independent, Lincoln, Nebraska.
This is a good opportunity for any
one desiring to attend a business college.
tKx Cold Plate
lfcV inn Wft watck tuat wUI -c
I w tawnis. Equal In appfaranc to
30.uOtlia (told wakrk.and for
Htor juat as good. Btur than
wmnf watches sold by certaia
Warrra m gold filled and vtarraa
t4 1 ww for SO vrara. We
sHtnthf tWaailfal caw a hlgh
rrads, frenaine American style,
nit Jeweled MftveaMat. na
trala Wvareaeapemrnt.aoUd
oia aickel ptatea, beautifully or
nam 3 ted and highly finished,
patent dual hand, all tateat iin-
f rxyreromU and warraMrXv a per
eet linw keeper. Thta ii a watch
that will last anyone a lifetime,
and to introduce them we offer for
tha naxt 60 davea limited number
atS.95 eachOuftt
CVT THIS OUT and and II to ua
with your name and address and
we will awnd this watch to von by
expren for axamtnatioa. Von ex
ftiBtBe It at the rpreaa office and.
If vow find tl exactly as repreeea
td pay the afrent our iwiil offer
jKiee f.9& and It i youra, Writs
to-dar,ttiUiinRT notanitrar aeTantt
80 Wabash Are,, CUICatiO,
CO It lih &P8ts,
Yh) A
0. D. GRIPIN, Prop'r.
Full shorthand and business courses.
Special aetention given to preparatory,
work for high school and university.
Betore deciding what school to attend
write for full information or call at
Academy. Take elevator at ' P st reet
is ox. te 1 lb.
U. S. Standard
M, WlwrrCini; tmyt M
bmt 8aie si l.wNt prlea.
Bvit he kaaikagn ky ssl.sf
i trvr bnas roo www.
CXuLt Co!7nkn s"t
Hasdndstf SpselaltlM at lsss thaa Vaotasal priest, vis:
Snrlvr MsklM, Btortls, , Oiswn, rttmrn, CMor Mllli.
tarrhifn. Cut, BsmlM, ' HarMM, Ssfta, Han Ilia,
LrtMrPmma, tiAaemt, TrMkl. Imvilt, ll;Ctlm,
PrrofttaMh, FMsMllh, Kim, Drills 8l !.,
Unlnrn, MTMBIIIi, ttnm, llks. Dna,C&rU,
rn (Mi.ll.rv HsWrwta, BaflMS, TmIi VlnVntZ
Pnnnlnv Silk, Crtw H.n, Ballrn, Watrfns, Clvthtnir Aiu
Ibjr, Slmk, BIcntsr, lUllraia, Plstrana ma4 t raitor SCALES.
Sn4 fr rnw ratalMm ssd wm ksw t Sbts Mian,
T51 B. Jaflarsoa It. 0SICAO0 SOAkl 00., CbleafS, I1L
...... Tr
iti Hi it it i in 1 1 tin
FiokGt Lofc3
uds, Cabled j
et Posts, fiteel RalU and steel Oaae
I tower ao
Fenca. H U
s-n. a im, o. IX, tor VMr 14 mm
-41M et w smuWn4 luvanuiNU waw4.