The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, November 19, 1896, Image 7

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    Nov. 19, 1896.
In Behalf of Bimetallism to Be
Waged for Four Years is
Now On.
An Era of Education Dawn.
The magnificent outpouring of people
Saturday afternoon and evening to see
and hear Mr. Bryan was indicative to
say the least It demonstrated that the
cause of bimetallism and the belief in its
chief advocate had not been shattered by
the temporary defeat of both on the 3d
day of the present month.
The afternoon meeting was under the
auspices of the Mary Bryan club and
men who sought to gain admission to
the Funke were denied that privilege as
the edict had gone forth that it was
strictly a woman's meeting. Long before
3 o'clock, the hour for the speaking,
every seat in the handsome 'theatre was
occupied and it was found necessary to
Beat between 300 and 400 on the stage.
After a short business session of the
Mary Bryan club, Mr. Bryan appeared
and was presented by Mrs. W. M. Morn
ing, the club's president. Instantly the
vast assemblage gave vent to its admir
ation for the man by cheers, clapping of
hands and the fluttering of handker
chiefs which did not cease for several
moments. Mr. Bryan bowed bis ac
knowledgments of the greeting and then
spoke for about half an hour largely and
almost entirely upon the part which
women had taken in the campaign just
closed, and the important part which
they are destined to take in the future of
the country. At the outset he thanked
the members of the Mary Bryan club, for
himself and Mrs. Bryan, for the work
which they had done for the cause which
he had represented. He referred to the
fact that the admission to the meeting
had been confined to members of the
Mary Bryan club, and said that while he
and Mrs. Bryan felt that they owed a
debt of gratitude which they wanted to
acknowledge by meeting these members
in this way there should be no miscon
ception of the object of that limitation
of admissions. There was no desire to
draw a line of demarkation between those
neighbors who had supported the cause
and Ms candidacy and those who had
opposed both.
The speaker said that the late cam
paign had brought new things to the at
tention of the people. One of these was
the spectacle of presidential candidates
addressing audiences composed entirely
of persons who did not have votes.
He said good humoredly "that some
people might suppose from the results
that most of the audiences which he had
spoken to were composed of such non
voters." He believed in the influence of
women over those with whom they are
brought in contact. Politics he denom
inated a noble science, and said be bad
no use for the citizen who thought him
self too good to engage in politics. He
believed it to be the duty of good men
and women to make politics so clean
that it would be fitting for anyone to
take part in the affairs of government.
He declared that he was happier with
the privilege of advocating those things
which be believed to be right and would
be better satisfied during the next four
years in a private station than any man
could be in office tghich he was ele
vated by the p."Aer of those influences
which were opposed to the interests of
the common people.
He urged the women to continue the
work which they had begun, and said
that if he were asked when success would
come he would say that it is not given
to mortal to know the future. The duty
of each is to fight for what he or she be
lieves to be right and future generations
will get the benefit in the uplifting of
civilization which comes from the work
of those who go before. So as the pres
ent generation is enjoying the benefits
of the work commenced by reformers
1,000 years ago, so later generations
will benefit by what is done now, even if
the present workers do not live to see
the fulfillment of their desires.
After the address Mr. nnd Mrs. Bryan
took their position at the entrance and
shook hands with the ladies as the latter
left the bouse. .
The Evening:.
The evening meeting, under the au
spices of the Lincoln Bimetallic club was
the occasion of a demonstration fully as
enthusiastic as any met by Mr. Bryan
during the closing days of the recent
campaign. As was the case in the after
noon standing room was at a premium,
and an overflow meeting at Bohonan's
hall became necessary. At these meet
ings Mr. Bryan delivered his first formal
address since the election, sounding
what is generally accepted as the key
note of the campaign of 1900.
Upon being presented by Dr. Edwards,
Mr. Bryan said that he doubted if he
could make himself beard, as his voice,
which bad served bim bo long, was to
night in a worse condition than it had
been during the campaign. His object
in consenting to address the ladies this
afternoon and the present assembly to
night was for the purpose of thanking
local clubs for their work for the cause of
He also wanted to encourage them to
keep up the fight. THc as they had
embarked in the car j and believed it to
be right, it was their duty to continue to
advocate it. Mr. Bryan said he thought
it advisable while the bimetallists kept
up their organization, to have all these
clubs outside of Lincoln, to drop his
name nnd become "bimetal
lists." His audience objected with loud
ahouts of 'never." Mr, Bryan insisted
upon his advice, and notified the au
dience by saying that he would be proud
to have the various local clubs retain
bis namo especially the Veterans Bryan
club' as that would show that the old
soldiers of bis home city were not afraid
to trust him.
"We have passed through a contest
and were defeated," he continued, "but
there is not a free silver man who is not
willing to abide by the result. Every
. man who, like a distinguished Npw
Yorker, says that we may not abide by
the result, if defeated at the polls, is a
representative of the corporate power
wnicn, entrenched behind the republican
ty, batted against the people's in
rst. We have not achieved all that
gt expected, out bimetallism was
ronger the day after election than at
any time during tbecampaign. We went
into the fight a disorganized mass. We
came out a splendid fighting force.
Those who fought the battle will con
tinue in the ranks nntil bimetallism is
restored." ,
Mr. Bryan said if the truth were known
the English people were far more inter
ested in the success of the cold standard
than the gold standard advocates of
America. He reforred to Ambassador
Bayard's declaration of pleasure in the
election of McKiuley, "the high priest of
protection," to show that the money
question is of more importance than pro
tection." "If the republicans can bring the coun
try under the gold standard," he said,
"then they must reverse the laws of na
ture. We have said that trusts were
dangerous to the rights of the people.
We will now see if the laws against trusts
are to be executed. ,lf we have confi
dence in the intelligence of the American
people we can depend upon it that if the
party in power does not give the relief
promised, then the people will see it and
they will apply the remedy." .
Mr. Bryan advised the clubs to have
stated times of meeting, and at these
meetings tbe acts and votes of public
officials should be discussed. He advo
cated organization and discussion by' the
opponents of bimetallism as advised by
Mr. Hanna, "because the more they dis
cuss and reason about it, the fewer of
them there will be."
The speaker believed that the safety of
the rights of the people depended upon
there being freedom of discussion and
agitation of public questions. He would
like to have all the clubs of both parties
continued, and discussions between them
carried on. Information on public ques
tions and sound conclusions of each in
dividual are essential in public matters.
Every person should think for himself,
and those who think alike should stand
together and fight together.
The speaker concluded by saying he
rejoiced with his audience over the bi
metallists' success in Nebraska, but
there was one drawback, and this was
that the election of the bimetallist legis
lature will prevent the state from hav
ing a cabinet officer, He predicted that
the newly elected state ticket would
show to the people of the country that
those who are banded together to secure
the restoration of bimetallism are not
only willing, but determined and able to
give better government from top to bot
tom. The success attained in this state
should be used as a stepping stone to
higher things. '
After leaving the Funke Mr. Bryan
was driven to Bohanan's hall where an
other large audience had assembled and
for the period of an hour be spoke along
the same lineB as at tbe previous meet
ing. ' .
Ten Year Old Boy Found Dead Near
Hemingford, Neb.
Hemingfohd, Neb., Nov. 16. During
the fierce snow storm that raged here
last Monday night the ten year old son
of John Kroesing, residing about eight
miles northerst of here, wandered off and
was lost.
It seems that the little fellow started
home from school with two younger
brothers, but after going a short dis
tance concluded to return and go home
with the teacher. No one ever saw him
alive again, and his body was found Sat
urday morning half buried in the snow
about a mile from Dunlap, Dawes coun
ty. He had drifted with the storm some
twelve or fifteen miles and then laid
down and died.
Governor and Mayor Name Men to Go
to Lexington.
Governor Holcomb Las appointed the
following delegates to the fourth annual
convention of the Nebraska state irriga
tion association, which will be held at
Lexington November 20 and 21, 1896:
E. McLernon, Sidney; W. L. Park, North
Platte; Theodore L. Pilger, Loup City;
George P. Beniis, Omaha; George H.
Lawrence, Columbus; Theodore Deutsch'
Gering; W. N.Babcock, South Omaha; F.
J, Hite, Lincoln; L. F. Ganson, Lodge
Pole: B. G. Hoover, Big Springs; Elias
Baker, Lincoln; Peter Younger, jr., Ge
neva; William Miller, Burwell; H. S. Wil
liams, Gothenburg; Charles Walker,
Ogallala"; Lee Arnott, Lincoln; F. I.
Foes, Crete; C. H. Meeker, McCook; R. J.
Nightengale, Loup City; John Bratt,
North Loup; E. M. Searle, Ogallala.
The governor has added the name of
0. Nelson to tbe list of delegates ap
pointed to attend the beet sugar con
vention at Grand Island.
Mayor Graham has appointed the fol
lowing delgates to the meeting of the
state irrigation association: H. A.
Babcock, James O'Shee, R. O. Philips,
F. M. Tyrrell, Fred Beckmann, V. O. P.
Stout, J. H. Westcott, H. A. Scott, Joe
Burns, J. P. Walton and O. W. Webster.
Doane,, College Foot Ball Player Dies
From Injuries Received.
Lawrence, Kas., Nov. 36. Bert Fv
Serf, the quarter back of the Doane col
lege eleven from Crete, Neb., who was
carried from the foot ball game between
Kansas university and Doane college
after the last scrimmage Saturday died
at 11:20 o'clock that night, not having
recovered consciousness.
In making a tackle Serf fell on his head
and shoulders and theresult was concus
sion of tbe brain. Several physicians
were in attendance on him, and for a
while he rallied, but at 11 o'clock there
was a reaction, and the chances were
against his recovery. Serf was a resi
dent of Hastings, Neb., and his parents
were summoned by telegraph.
Three of Kansas star players have de
cided to forever abandon foot ball, and
tbe Doane team is so broken up that it
may disband. No blame is attached to
anyone. It was purely an accident.
Serf was injured in a game at Hastings
about a week ago quite seriously but
partially recovered and declared that be
was going to take part in tbe Kansas
game or know the reason why.
Tbe Doane team passed through Lin
coln at 10 o'clock this morning en route
home with the remains of their dead
comrade. A number of state university
boys met them at the depot. The mem
bers of the team were very much broken
up over the fatality. Along with the re
mains was a ponderous box of flowers
sent by the Kansas university boys.
Young Serf was the son of a Hastings
If the marvelous little submarine
torpedo boat which the United States
government has nearly finished at Bal
timore does all the astonishing things
the navy experts promise, she will be
In large measure a real fulfilment of
the dreams of Jules Verne in hie mas
terpiece of fiction "Twenty Thousand
Leagues Under tbe Sea."
This is the only new' war vessel ever
built by our government upon which
the longing eyes of ambitious naval
officers were not turned. It Is the
first time the navy department has not
been pestered by requests for assign
ments to duty on a new ship. And the
reason is that the new boat is looked
upon as a very promising submarine
coffin for the first crew that ventures
out in her.
Much of the warfare of the next cen
tury must be conducted by submarine
fighting machines, and this extraordin
ary craft will, it is believed, solve the
whole problem of under water war, to
which inventors and naval experts
have for years given such an incredible
amount of study. This experiment, if
successful, may render the great navies
of the world powerless. t :
The new boat is the object of rapt at
tention from the naval nations of the
world, who have learned in these later
years to look to America for instruc
tion in the science of naval building.
There is much speculation and uncer
tainty, however, even among our own
naval authorities as to whether the new
eraft will, upon practical trial, do all
that her inventor, J. P. Holland, claims
for her. ;3xperiments with submarine
war vessels heretofore have been so
disastrous, and the manipulation of
this etrange craft is so different from
anything hitherto taught in naval in
stitutions, that the question of man
ning her Is causing the navy depart
ment a world of trouble.
The Wonder of the World.
The craft is a wonder. It is nothing
more nor less than a huge steel fish,
with lungs capable of holding enorm
ous quantities' of fresh air, and possees-
jpnmKiTCi-mwrnmi )"t 1 1 trr -j if , a
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tag a single great eye for surveying the
surface of the ocean on all sides while
the vessel itself is submerged and in
visible. It has fins for diving and steering,
and its vitality is furnished by steam
and electricity.
The boat is practically the Nautilus
of Jules Verne reduced from dream to
reality. It" is cigar shaped, pointed at
both ends; 80 feet long, 11 feet in di
ameter, and with a displacement of 118
tons when floating. Submerged It dis
places 138 tons. Under ordinary cir
cumstance it runs on the surface like
an ordinary torpedo boat, with a speed
of sixteen knots an hour. At will it
can be lowered Jut enough to be under
water, save for a turret of Harveyized
nickel-steel, which is surmounted by a
chimney. The armour of the turret
is eight inches thick, and proof against
ipld fire guns. The chimney contains
a tube by means of which tbe air inside
of the boat is kept fresh.
Entirely Safe from Attack.
In this half submerged condition the
boat la comiaratlvclj safe from any
sort of attack. It offers o small a
5SIF0R 00R NflUYlr
target that to hit it would be extreme
ly difficult At any time it can sink
entirely out of sight at a moment's no
tice. The chimney and air tube are with
drawn into the interior in a dozen sec
onds.the opening is hermetically closed
and the craft dives. It descends by
taking water into compartments In
tended for that purpose, thus changing
its specific gravity, and also by inclin
ing horizontal rudders so as to cause
the nose of the steel fish to turn down
ward. The depth attained is regulated
automatically, the limit of safety being
about 66 feet At a much lower level
the pressure of water would crush the
boat. ,
This submarine marvel has a double
steel shell, and the space between the
two coats is occupied by water ballast,
coal bunkers and compressed air tanks.
The interior of the craft is almost whol
ly filled with machinery. There is no
space for officers or crew to sleep or eat.
Food must be brought along in cooked
and compact shape, to be consumed in
such fashion as may be. Life on this
ship, if ship she is, will not be a thing
of joy. Much of the interior space is
taken up by electric batteries and ac
cumulators. Electric apparatus re
quires a good deal of room, but it
makes no smoke and needs neither fuel
nor air. There are also steam engines
run by petroleum, and, tubular boilera
consisting of a labyrinth of pipes. The
eteam engines generate the electricity
that is stored in the accumulators.
Traveling on the Water's Surface.
Suppose that the boat is traveling on
the surface of the water, at a sixteen
knot gait, when the pilot, looking out
through a glass window in the turret,
sees a hostile warship coming. The
warship is of such vastly greater size
that he spies it long before the enemy's
lookout can possibly see the diving
craft He touches a button on an elec
tric switchboard at , his side, which
transmits an order to the engine room.
Without half a minute's delay the boat
sinks until her superstructure, la just
Y -
1 i Jth K I-1' I ' 1 IM , " k '
if W i' ft .11.
2, ".iirtl!..
awash, so that only turret and chimney
remain above the surface. The pilot
is stil able to continue his inspection
of the warship through the window
aforesaid. If the vessel comes near,
and he thinks he is in danger from
the big rifled guns, he touches another
button on the switchboard, and in one
minute by the watch the submarine
craft is safe from all danger or pur
suit, eighteen feet below the waves.
The Instant the order is given a bit
of mechanism Is set in operation by
which the chimney and air tube are
telescoplcally withdrawn. Water flows
into the empty compartments, and the
horizontal rudders ate inclined for div
ing. An indicator registers the depth,
which Js so regulated by an automatic
device that the craft cannot descend
below the safety limit The steering
is done by compass when under water,
The Interioj of the submarine vessel is,
lighted by electricity, with incandes
cent lamps. ,
So long as the boat travels on the
surface it is run by its triple expansion
steam engines. hlch, small but power
ful, actuate crews at the stern.
When the craft has been wholly sub
merged these engines are stopped, but
there la enough steam at high pressure
left In the boilers to propel the vessel
for a considerable time longer. When
it is on the point of exhaustion the pro
pellers are connected with the electric
motors, which will run the boat for six
teen hours.
Hakes Its Own Electricity.
The vessel makes its own electricity
by means of Its steam engines and
stores it in its accumulators. This
point gives to the Holland boat an im
mense advantage over most of the for
eign submarine vessels, which depend
wholly on electricity for motive power,
and are obliged to go to the shore at
short intervals for the purpose of re
filling their storage batteries.
When the boat dives valves are
opened from the tanks, which contain
air condensed under a pressure of 2,000
pounds to tbe square inch. By this
means the atmosphere inside of the
submarine vessel is kept good for half
dozen hours. In case It gets close
and bad, the foul air may be pumped
out It is not necessary for the craft
to come to the surface even when the
air stored in her reservoirs has been
exhausted. In such a Case a two-inch
hosepipe is unwound from the reel, its
free end being attached ito a float,
which, when released, rises to the sur
face of the water, carrying with it the
hose. ' Through this fresh air is
numneri into the vessel, and the storage
tanks are refilled under pressure. Thus
it will be seen tbr,' the boat is able to
stay under water almost .indefinitely,
not. being obliged to come to the sur
face to take breath, , Three days' pro
visions are carried for the persons on
board, four officers and eight machin
Its Organ of Vision.
The most wonderful thing about this
boat, however, Is the organ of vision
for seeing while submerged. It has
a single huge eye, by means of which
it is able to survey the ocean's sur-
face, though itself sunk some fathoms
deep, and invisible. The vessel does
not need to rise above the waves in
order that the pilot may perceive
"where he is at" It comes up merely
to within a few feet of the surface,, and
a long tube is elevated vertically, out
of the water. The tube contains a sin
gle arrangement of lenses and mirrors.
The lower end of it descends into the
steering room of the boat, where there
is a pivoted circular table covered with
a white cloth. The device is an appli
cation of the familiar camera luclda.
By moving the pivot table this way and
that the pilot can scan the surface of
the ocean for miles around. Every
sail, every ripple, is as clear to his eye
as if he were on the deck of a ship in
the open air above.
In her bow the boat has two torpedo
tubes for the discharge of automatic
torpedoes of the Whitehead or Howell
variety. She carries five of these tsr
pedoes, which are projected by com
pressed air. Such a torpedo is a hol
low, cigar shaped receptacle, much like
a fish, carrying In its front end TOO
pounds of gun cotton. After being dis
it A
charged frm the tube it runs ItscTl. t
ing driven by a screw, with comrre- 3
air for motive power. It may be tlzt
with accuracy at a mark 2CD jcj
away and it will run 1,000 yarij cr
more, exploding on impact.
, Can Doi troy fttmegmt Vattlonalp.
Let one of these fearful prcc-Ici
strike the strongest battie&hlp, ari
the proud vessel of steel and iron,
floating mass of machinery tlxt Izs
cost $4,000,000 to construct, U trzr
formed in a moment Into as irca ctZz,
carrying officers, and crew 'ta tl t:
tom. Having delivered th fzl V.z?,
the submarine boat glides awty, t
come up presently near t&a rarfz:),
and with the aid of her camera Izz'.li
to look around upon the scene cf tia
destruction she has caused herstr at
the same time invisible and tats frcn
pursuit Such a craft as the n&Ilanl
boat would never try to attach a tor
pedo to the bottom of a, ship. Shs picks
out a Teasel for attack and makes isr
her, occasionally coming near the sur
face just long enough to permit ner
commander to make sure of c!x course.
The Holland, boat Is able to keep it
ea in bad weather. Its radius cf ft
tlon, traveling on the surface, If l,c:3
miles; submerged, it can . ct w
miles. Its speed under water la e!;lt
knots and it can be perfectly control: J 1
Special devices provide against every
conceivable accident In ease It 1
sired to check the downward move
ment of the boat quickly, a touch on a
button connects a compartment of wat
er at the bow with a tank of. com
pressed air. The expanding air drives
the water out ot the comparta2ent,tlrj
lightening the boat If the suhsytrlrs
vessel gets stuck in the mud at tl
bottom, or for some other reason U est
able to rise, officers and crew wKl izX
on diving suits and escape throat
The boat Is to cost 150,CCO. If tt
proves a success, two others are tt t
built This one, Mr. Holland t rys, lJ
not as big as it ought to be, but I'j ,
size was limited by the appropriation.
As soon as. it is finished, It will tU :a
for a trial trip down the Ches;:ils,
All of Vhcm Ware Known ttr rmlt
nrms Indicative of Character
Washington was "Father cf llli
Country," "American Fablus," tli
"Clncinnatus of the West" "The AC: 3
of America," "Lovely GeorJ-u,"
"Flower of the Forest," "Deliverer cJ
America," "Stepfather of Ills Gen
try" -and "Savious of , His Country."
Adams was the "Colossus of Independ
ence," Jefferson waa the "Sage of llzn
tlcello" and "Long Tom" Madison wti
"The Father of the Constitution.; Kon
roe was the "Last Cocked Hat" ami
John Quincy Adams the "Old Man Elo
quent" Jackson was, of course, "Old Hick
ory," "Big Knife and Sharp KntfJ,"
the "Hero of New Orleans," "GIn'rtr
and "Old Hero." Van Buren was G 1
"Little Magician," the "Wizard ot II".
derhook," "Follower In the Footst""
"Whisky Van," "King Martin ; t -First,"
"Sweet Little Fellow." Til
cal Grimalkin" and "Weasel." W. II
Harrison was "Tippecanoe," "Oil T'.
and the "Washington of the Vt-t."
Tyler was "Young Hickory" and "Acci
dental President" Polk also wu
"Young Hickory," the sobriquet belsj
used to resurrect the Jacksenian ele
ment Taylor was "Old Rough and
Ready," "Old Buena Vista" and "01 J
Zach." Fillmore was the "American
Louis Philllppe." Pierce was "Purse."
Buchanan wae "Old Public Function
ary," and "Bachelor President" and
"Old Buck." We have now reached
Lincoln, the "Rail SpUtter," "Honest
Old Abe," "Uncle Abe," "Massa Un
kum," "Father Abraham" and the
"Sectional President," the last name
being given by the southerners who
maintained that he represented tie
north and not the whole people.. Then
somes Johnson "Sir Veto." Grant
was "Unconditional Surrender," "Cll
Three Stars," "Hero of Appomattox"
and the "American Caesar." Haysi
was the "President de Facto," a name
given him by the defeated democrats.
Garfield was the "Martyr President"
Arthur was "Our Chef and the "First
Gentleman in the Land." Cleveland
Is the "Man ot Destiny," "Grover,"
and "Stuffed Prophet" Harrison Is
"Backbone Ben" and "Grandfather!
Louis Affaula.
The early years; of Agassis read
like a fairy tale of Incredible achieve,
ment sHis bent toward natural scleao
showed Itself almost In infancy aci
grew with hjs growth. At fourteen
we' find him sighing for a list of un
attainable books-:P'Ahville, Rltter.
and Italian dictionary, a Strabo la
Greek, Manaert and Thiersch; and
also the works of Malte-Brun and Sey
fert Falling to get these he' copied
whole volumes with the assistance cf
his brother, among others Lamarck's
Animaux sans Vertebres. His parents.
wno una unuueu uiui w a cummercuu
career, were with difficulty Induced to
consent to his studying medicine. At
twenty-three he was not only a doctor
of medicine, but of philosophy as well,
and the author of a work on Brazilian
lahes, which won for him. a name
among the scientists of Europe and the
personal intimacy of Cuvier and Hum
boldt At twenty-live he began his
career as a lecturer and Instructor, and
at once demonstrated that extraordi
nary ability as a teacher and that gifj
of inspiring enthusiasm In his sultixi
which were such marked characterLv
tics'of his later years. In 1848 he ma')
hls: first visit to America, 'and tr
years later accepted that professor!.;;;
at Harvard which determined the tr.
of his remaining life.
Tip-toe walking symbolises surjT"
curiosity, discretion or mystery.