The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, November 19, 1896, Image 1

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    The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
LINCOLN, NEBR., THURSDAY, Nov. 19, 1896.
NO. 23.
. 1
The Boadbeds Should be Owned by
the government.
Says the Lines Should be Made Pub
lic to all Roads.
A Practical Solution of the Problem.
Ai is well known, Senator J. P. Jones
of Nevada is an ardent advocate of'the
ownership of the railroads by the federal
government, though he is not wholly in
sympathy with the schemes for their
actual operation by Uncle Sam. He
has, however, formulated - a plan of bis
own to which he will devote almost his
entire energies during the coming session
of congress, and the details of this plan,
which have not before been made public,
become of interest, therefore, to those
who disagree with his views, as well as
to those who are in sympathy with them.
"I believe that the people of the United
States aro ready to insist on the govern'
ment assuming control of the railroads
of the country," said Senator Jones to
me the other day. "I am myself heartily
, n favor of it on general principles, but I
1o not approve of the plans thus far
presented for bringing it about. Neither
, do I regard as wise the proposition to
V have the roads,, operated by the govern
) ment, as that would be to place in the
nanas 01 a rawmen a dangerous political
wower mac wouia do a menace to me
. "'How would you have the roads oper
ated, it not Dy tnegovernmentr l asReo.
"By the people," replied Senator Jones.
"My plan, which X worked out wnen
the agitation for government ownership
1 the railroads was first advocated, is
have - the government acquire - the
ds by purchase and foreclosure of the
mortgages ao a y jtedness overdue
and tfrow them opv Jo the public as in
the cise of toll-roads.
( '"Infthe early days out West,, when a
to'; rlad was built through a section of
.the fountains the transporter of freight
or pinssengers with his own vehicles could
ipai over the road by the payment of a
certain tee. xuat is precisely toe system
I propose for freight and passenger traf
fic on the railroad after the lines are ac
quired by the government. r .
"The tolls," continued the senator,
"should be fixed at so low a rate as to
produce just enough revenue for the ex
penses of direction and the keeping of
ha trt a rIKoH 4-tonlra efofiAna nnl nrhoi
property pertaining to the roads in a
V perfect state of repair and efficiency. Of
1 course, there "should be a sufficient sur
vplus over operating expenses to main-
tain a fund for new bridges or stations
A on roads already built, and some pro-
K ... I Dt vision miirhfc also he mflda for the con-
Nitruction of new lines.
"The railroad systwn of the entire
: country should be cu t up into zones and
divisions. The best qualified men should
bo employed by the government as man
agers and superintendents, at fixed sal
aries, and their tenure should be during
good behavior. Promotion should be
made in the order of merit and achieve
ment only, and there should be special
rewards in the way of promotions for
those who have succeeded in avoiding
jjfi accidents. The force required to keep
I the roads in order, to collect the tolls,
and to dispatch the trains, would be
IT comparatively small, as the greatest de
j mantfi would be for engineers, firemen,
S 1 brakejjnen, conductors, etc., and i these
" Vmeujvould not be in the government
irHwata!l..:'-r-i-'-t-.';.'".r-' :r:"-,:""- - r
"Tse train service under this system.
f'hemer for passengers-or freight, would
fe efVtirely in the hands of the people,
nD8V first-class engineer, a conductor,
V (and ai brakeman would be at liberty to
F . ; run a train of their own over any line in
y ( the country, under the conditions laid
own oy tue government, ah tney
uld have to do would be to arramre
Vv ..or running tjme with the proper au
thorities, and pay the tolls gxed by law.
"The project Opens up boundless pos-
y 1 Biuuiues fcuao are auaoiuieiy uewuuering
V I Hq. a man with a Wain 0f imagination,
IV n- - : f 1 j il. 1 1
Of established cusfcom. As no request to
. run a traiu for lawjful purposes culd be
who are now shut out of the markets dv
iigh freight rates, cjfuld hire or buy a
tew cars and an engine and go themselves
szJkith their cattle1 or grain to the best
ma'.'ket. The manufacturer could do the
I same thing while the pleasure seeker
v might visit every section of the conti
ynt with every luxury, for what it now
lata him to go from New York to San
' J"But would not the people . who now
J 4.U 1 I
j uitu uuucuuuui tui wra uuu louumu-
motives monopolize the traffic as at
"There would be no danger of that,
first, because the skilled men would not
ruiv trains for others when they had the
opportunity to conduct a more profit
able business for themselves and, second
because the great organic change effect
ed ill tne wuoie business of carrying
frew it and passengers would not appeal
njf ,.ose now in control, as the present
,em does, mere would be absolutely
hen you come to think of it. what is
ly known by the men who own the
.ilroads about the actual operation of
fe many tttouaanoa ot miles 01 railroad
Abich they nominally control? What
can they know of the time schedules, the
dispatching and running of trains, the
collection of freight and its delivery at
its Various destinations - '
"All these departments are under the
direct supervision of employes, who do
the actual work of parrying on the busi
ness of the roads.
"If any plan is adopted, the common
carriers of this country will be the men
who actually do the work, and who
would take a personal pride in making
all classes of transportation as safe, as
expedious, as cheap and as comfortable
as possible.
'It would be the duty of the govern
ment to maintain the integrity of the
various roadbeds and bridges, regardless
of the profits paid by any line; as there
would be free and open competition, leg
islation would not be necessary to in
duce the adoption of decent and safe
systems of lighting, heating, and brakes
on trains; and there would be an end to
the working of men beyond their endur
ance. "I believe further, that free competi
tion would bring about the introduction
of Bleeping cars on all night trains, so
that passengers would be no longer
obliged to sit or recline in cramped po
sitions when they ought to be resting as
comfortably as if they were at home.
You see, the various carriers would vie
with' one another in giving the best pos
sible accommodations day and night, to
all their patrons, and thSse who would
not give sleeping accommodations with
out extra charge could not secure night
"Dining cars would be conducted also
in Buch a manner as to enable people of
moderate means to have their meals at
accustomed hours, without being Obliged
to pay prices that only the rich can af
ford, and many other advantages would
be ensured by the patrons of railroads
from which they are now debarred."
Mr. Jones feels sure that by the plans
he has matured for the purchase of the
roads, no injustice will be done to those
now holding stock in the lines, since it
comprehends due compensation to all.
More than that, he believes it will in
sure returns to many who have invested
in roads which are now unprofitable, and
likely under present conditions to con
tinue to be operated at a loss. He ad
mits that what are commonly known as
the "watered stock interests" may suffer
some loss.
"It will take time, of course," he Bays,
to bring about the change I advocate.
The first step will be the appointment of
a commission to inquire into the whole
subject, and report to congress as to the
best method of procedure. I advocate
the policy of making the service of di
recting the railroads under the govern
ment as distinguished as the army or
the navy."
- James Arthur Macnight.
, Future of the Parties.
The peoples party has come out or
this campaign in better shape than any
other party in the contest. Thousands
upon thousands of so-called democrats
of the regularity stripe have voted for
Bryan, or claimed to support him, yet,
wno are evidently glad of his defeat.
These goldbugs and monopolists in dis
guise will, of course, at once go to work,
and try to capture the machinery of the
party. If they fail they will go to the
republican party in the next contest. If
they succeed, a very large element of the
real men in the democratic party will
surely join the peoples party. Besides,
McK.inley s barely won election could
not have been secured, in spite of the
tremendous efforts and money put for
ward by the republican party, had the
patriotic rank and file of the republican
party who are opposed to monopolies
and trusts, and who are in favor of the
free coinage of silver, not made up their
minds to stay just one more time in the
old party to which they have long be
longed, and which they loved because the
name of Lincoln is connected with its
birth. This class of republicans will re
volt against McKinley before 1900. as
the patriotic rank and file of the demo
cratic party have revolted against and
repudiated Clevelandism. These men
will naturally come to the peoples party,
and thousands of them would have done
so in this campaign had the fight against
the gold standard been made under the
peoples party banner. It is very hard
for a republican, however strongly he
may oppose the policy of the republican
party, to fight under the democratic
banner, however much he may favor
what it claims to stand for. The hope
of the country in the future is in the pa
triotic rank and file of the republican
party. It is as certain as anything can
be in politics that these men will line up
solidly with the peoples party in 1900.
A Union Partv,
The campaign of 1896 will long be re
membered by those who took part in its
stirring events. In future years we shall
lookback upon it as the Concord and
Lexington of the industrial revolution
the struggle of an unorganized and an-
diciplmed militia against compact and
drilled legions of monopoly. The result
ib what might have been expected. The
young leader of the militia, V. J. Bryan,
has won a surprising victory even in de
feat. His wisest enemies know this and
are already preparing for the struggle in
1900. There is just a word to be said as
to that struggle. If we go into it with
rival organizations and divided com
mands we shall be beaten again as this
year. There can he no more onesided en
dorsements with any prospect of victor v.
The aim of every man who desires to see
the people's cause win in 1900 should be
to bring tne anti monopoly forces, in
eluding republicans, democrats, populists
and nationalists together in One Great
Union Pabtt. Chadron Signal-Record
er. rr:- . ;
Mrs. Gosper is selling more cheap and
medium priced hats than any other firm
in Lincoln. She keeps also the higher
grade and will make prices during the
next tniriy a ays. tf
Their Entrance Into Politics Forces
the Issue.
The Old Man of the Mountains Goes
After Them.
A Record of Their Stealing.
Inasmuch as the railroads have con
cluded to own the government and enter
the arena of American politics as active
factors, the Silver Knight Watchman ac
cepts of their challenge and enters the
fight upon the side of the people. A few
examples may be given of which the
country abounds of their manner of do
ing business, which, if carried into poli
tics successfully will place them in the
position of masters of the American peo
ple. One road which we know was built
from the Missouri river to Denver, Colo.
rado, 719 miles in length, at an aggre
gate cost for construction and equip
ment of $11,000 per mile, making the
total cost of that road $7,909,000. As
soon as the road was built and equipped,
the gentlemen who built it issued bonds
of $15,000 a mile and also issued stock
of $15,000 per mile making the aggre
gate indebtedness $21,570,000. This
road Was then turned over to the parent
road of which the constructors were
hired men, cleaning up for their ring the
aggregate sum of $13,661,000. This
was accomplished in a iittle over one
year's time.
The farmers of Nebraska are charged
for the carrying of the freight and pas
sengers on that road a sufficient sum, in
addition to the running expenses to pay
the interest on the $15,000 per mile
stock. In other words they are charged
more than twice as much as is necessary
to pay an honest interest on the cost of
construction and running expenses
This is only one instance of more than
a hundred others known to us, where
these fraudulent fortunes have been ac
cumulated, and is one of the more fruit
ful services from which the millionaire
railroad robbers have amassed their co
lossal fortunes.: ,.:..r-- ;;..-.-
A railroad running into Colorado has
a coal mine. Their vein is about seven
ty-five feet in thickness. Immediately
across the canyon from this vein is one
owned by a private citizen, which has a
surface thickness as shown on the face of
the canyon of nearly three hundred feet.
The gentleman owning this mammoth
vein of coal concluded to mine and ship
it into Kansas and Nebraska. He went
to the railroad authorities and asked
them bow much his freight rate would
be by the ton, in car-load and train-load
lots; they informed him $7.5o per ton.
Seven dollars and fifty cents per ton was
what the railroad was selling its coal tor
in Omaha, Kansas City and all interme
diate points. Even Denver and Pueblo
had to pay the same amount per ton.
Their rate of freight amounted to the
confiscation of the man who owned the
better bed of coal.
This illustration of the Rocky moun
tain coal traffic is given simply as an ex
ample, for the railroads absolutely pro
hibit by their iniquitous freight system
the enjoyment Of the proceeds of his mine
by any coal mine owner in any of the
Rocky mountain states. This is also
true of a gold mine or silver mine which
runs low grade ore. Tbey have the metal
assayed and charge a sufficient amount
of freight to take all of the profits, sav
ing and excepting a bare subsistence to
the mine owner.
When in the states of Kansas, Nebras
ka, the Dakotas, Iowa and, Minnesota a
crop is developed so that a reasonable
estimate may be formed of its magnitude,
tne railways send expert men through
out those states to ascertain how much
freight they shall charge for the moving
of that crop and yet leave the farmer a
bare subsistence. We mention these par
ticular, western states, not because tbey
are exceptions to the general rule, but
we cannot give the particulars of all of
the states in this article; but hereafter
we will give particulars in the various
states. ,
The extortions practiced by the rail
ways have on the one hand destroyed
the value of farm realty, beggard the
farmer and filled our land with an im
poverished yeomanry; and on the other
hand built up a class of railway million
aires Who are absorbing largely all of
the fruits and labor of honest industry.
These gentlemen, not satisfied with
wholesale robbery, have become so arro
gant and insolent in their demands and
practices that they now seek to assume
control of the government. It shall be
the pleasure of the Silver Knight Watch
raon to be one of the factors in this con
test, and God permitting, we will be at
the death. Silver Knight.
Victory for the Peoples Party.
xne peoples party in tnis past cam
paign has risen to a height of patriotism
and devotion to the cause of good gov
ernment which has won for it the admH
ration, respect and confidence of all good
citizens. It has not only acted in a pa
triotic manner, but it bas shown the
very shrewdest kind of political manage
ment, because the future of the party de
pends upon now many accessions it can
bring to its ranks. If it had not taken
the patriotic stand in this campaign that
it did, it is clear that it never could have
gained recruits from either the demo
cratic or republican party, but now it
stands in a commanding and enviable
position. has accomplished
no little in the shape of practical results
in the present campaign. It has elected
over twenty congressmen, five governors,
and as partial control of the state gov
ernment in a number of other states. In
addition to this, it would have had the
balaiee of power in the electoral college
in thi event of Bryan's election. Chair
man Butler says that the party will pro
ceed fa push its organization. vigorously
and till keep up a constant and unceas
ing cirapaign for the next four yoars. He
says that headquarters will be kept open
in Washington, and that the national
committee and and state committees
will keep in close touch, and face the
plans of Mark Hanna and the gold men
at evry turn. He says that the peoples
party, will lead the fight in 1900 against
the geld combine and the monopolists.
In an interview he pointed out how the
populists would manage to eliminate me
tariff as aa issue before the next cam-
paiorn. He said that a number of states
tike Iowa were carried by the republicans
thia time not on the money question but
on the tariff issue, and that with this
question eliminated as a party issue that
the gold combine and monopolists can
be easily beaten in a square fight before
the people on these issues.
- Congressional Figure.
The accountants in the office of the
secretary of state have nearly completed
che work of tabulating the complete re
turns of the recent election and casting
up the many long columns of figures
They show that the total vote cast in the
state was 230,692, or nearly 16,000
more than were ever before cast in the
history of the state. The I ombined vote
on the electoral ticket in li 18 was about
201,000. In 1891 the combined vote for
supreme court judge was 158,080. In
1890, the year of the Boyd-Ricbards-
Powers contest, the total vote of 214,'
871, the largest ever east up to the re
cent election. Two years ago when Hoi-
comb was elected over Majors the total
vote was 210,547, and last year on judge
of the supreme court was 197,011.
These figures must be extremely hu
miliating to republicans, who used for
all they were worth the vast facilities
afforded by the corporations for swell
ing the vote of the state. . Men were
brought from every portion of the
United States and some even from Brit
ish Columbia, free of cost, to vote for
McKinley and MacColl. Thousands of
former Nebraskaus were shipped in from
neighboring states to . don the yellow
I , " , . , . 1 1 1 J M 1
oaoges ana aia in tne migaty enurt
made to carry Mr. Bryan's state against
him. Care was exercised to see that
every man who was entitled to
vote anywhere, and some who were
not, were carried freely from wherever
they might be located to the point where
they could vote, if only they could be ex
pected to vote the republican ticket.
And yet in spite of all this great and ex
pensive work the state went against re
publicanism by a majority that is not
tainted with uncertainly.
The complete vote for governor this
year is as follows: Holcoinb, democrat
and populist, 116,415; MacColl, republi
can, 94,723; Bibb, gold standard demo
crat, 3,557; Ha wloy, narional, 930;
aduek, socialist labor, 578; Warner,
rohibition, 1,560. The bolting demo
crats will be entitled to place on the
ticket, as their ticket received 1 per
cent of the total vote.
The plurality for Holcomb over Mac
Coll, shown by the above figures, is 21,
692, and his majority over all is 15,067.
In 1890 Richards, the republican can
didate for governor, received 68,878
votes; Boyd, democrat, 71,331; Powers,
populist, 70,187; 1'ame, prohibition,
3,676- In 1894 Holcomb received 97,
815 and Majors received 94,613. The
fusion vote cast tni s year for Holcomb
exceeds his vote of 1894 by 18,600. Mac
Coll received only 110 votes more than
Majors. -. . t. , ,
Official returns as tabulated by the sec
retary of state show that Congressman
J. B. Strode of the First district was
elected over J. H. Broady, demo-pop, by
a plurality oi ziu. Tbe vote is as fol
lows: J. B. Strode, republican, 17,356;
J. H. Broady, demo-pop, 17,137; H. E.
George, national, 218; Charles . Smith,
prohibition, 429.
ijongressman Uavid Mercer ol the Sec
ond district received a plurality of 1,575.
The rote is as follows: D. H. Mercer, re
publican, 14,861; E. R. Duffle, demo-pop,
13,1286; Unarles Watts, prohibition. 202:
G. W. Woodbey, national, 59. '
Judge Maxwell defeated Ross Ham
mond, republican, in the Third district
by 4,054. Tne vote is as follows: Sam
uel Maxweli.demo-pop, 23,487; Ross L.
Hammond, republican, 18,633; C. M.
Griffith, national, 254; David Brown,
Judge W. L, Stark, demo-pop, defeat
ed Congressman Hainer in the Fourth
district by 1,671. This is tbe way tbe
vote stands: W. L. Stark, demo-pop.
20,515; E. J. Hainer, republican 18,844;
W. H. Dech, by petition, 114; R. E.
Dunphy, democrat, 697; B. Spur
lock, national and prohibition. 425.
Congressman Andrews, repu blican, was
peieated in tne nftn district by K. 1).
Sutherland by 2,711. The vote stands:
R. D. Sutherland, demo-pop, 18,332; W.
E. Andrews republican, 15,621; J. S.
Miller, national, 153; C. W. Preston,
prohibition, 226; R. S. Proudfit, demo
crat, 433.
Judge W. L. 3reene won in the Sixth
district by 4,854. The vote is as fol
lows: W, L. Greene, demo-pop, 19,378;
A. E. Cady, republican, 14,841; A. D.
George, prohibition, 436; A. C. Sloan,
national, ilv.
, The vote on the electoral ticket will
not be canvassed until next Monday and
tbe returns have not been opened.
Sea oar special offer for semi-weekly
dnrlng the legUIatlre seMlon deueribed on
the editorial page. It Is your opportunity ,
Patriotic Address of Marion Butler
Chairman of the Populist Na
tional Committee. "
The Nucleus of the Beform Move
ment in the Future-Silver Eepub-;
. licans to Come to the Rescue.
Will Repudiate MeKlnleylaut,
To the People ot the United States-
In the remarkable campaign just closed
the peoples party was the only party
that supported solidly and unitedly the
great and vital issues represented in tbe
candidacy of Mr. Bryan. This was
natural, for the peoples party eame into
existence to bring to' the front and to
press to victory the principles of Lincoln
and Jefferson, already long discarded by
the two old parties. The money power,
feeling reasonably sure of its control and
domination of the leaders and tne con
trolling influences in the republican party,
in 1892 gave its support to tne canoi
dacy of Grover Cleveland for the especial
purpose of having him, through the use
of patronage and otherwise, to crusn
out tbe silver sentiment in the sonth and
make the leaders in that party as com
pletely subservient aa those in the repub
lican party. To accomplish this purpose
four cabinet ministers were selected irom
the south, . and an unusually large
amount of natronam used on political
leaders to the same end. It will be re
membered that Mr. Cleveland demanded
that the democratic senators and con
pressmen give a decisive vote in the in
terests of the gold standard before be
would even give out the post-offices.
This deep-laid plan might nave suc
ceeded had not the peoples party at this
juncture sprung into existence, exposed
tbe plot, stood in the breach, and ap
pealed to the patriotic hosts of both
parties to check the scheme of the peo
pies despollers and rally to the common
defense Thus the peoples party , forced
the democratic organization to repu
diate Clevelandism and return to correct
fundamental principles. Not only this,
the peoples party then forced tbe repub
lican party to cease hedging and strad
dling for the purpose of deceiving the
people, and Jdrove them to take a stand
on one side'or the other of the vital is
sues at . stake. The i issue now boing
squarely joined, it was evident that
those influences in the democratic party
which had dominated and debauched
the party for a quarter of a century
would be driven to the support of the
partv that took a position on the side of
trusts, monopolies, and money gamblers.
While, on the other band, it is evident
that even larger per cent of the repub
lican party favored the principles now
squarely forced to the front, yet only a
small per cent would in this campaign
support them because they found them
under tbe democratic banner.
Had it not been for the prejudice
against the democratic name as well as
want of confidence in democratic
promises, for wnicn it must be frankly
admitted past experience furnishes am
ple ground, a majority of the voters of
tne country, in spite of tne tremendous
and unparalleled forces put forward by
the republican managers, would have
cast their vote for financial reform and
American independence. The peoples
party 'with a high patriotism and an un-
"su devotion to principle, greater
than ever before exhibited by any other
party, stepped outside of its organiza
tion to throw its two million votes sol
idly for Mr. Bryan. Had not more than
this number of those who called them
selves democrats in 1892 given their sup
port to Mr. McKinley, tbe cause of the
people and American principles ' would
hove triumphed this year- This class of
democrats will surely support the party
of monopolies and trusts in the future.
Besides, were are numDers oi so called
democrats of the "regularity" stripe who
have supported Mr. Uryan, though rad
ically opposed to his principles. These
men will try to take the machinery of tbe
party back to tbe side of trusts and mo
nopolies. If tbey fail, they, too, will go
over to the republican party in the next
fight. Tbeir places in the ranks of the
reform host must be taken by patriotic
republicans. In fact Bryan would have
been elected in this contest bad even 25,'
000 more silver republicans come to tbe
The election of McKinley andthetri
umph of the gold standard does not ex
press the desires and sentiments of the
American people. Tbe majority oppose
the policy for which he stands, and will
so vote whenever an opportunity is pre
sented for a proper alignment. Tbe re
markable and brilliant campaign of Wit
liam J. Bryan would have aligned these
forces and marched them to a trium
phant victory if any candidate or leader
in America could have done so under the
democratic banner.
Tbe administration of McKinley can
not bring prosperity to the American
people. The mills cannot be kept open,
idle labor given employment and gen
eral prosperity restored and maintained
until the wealth producers receive fair
returns for tbeir labor, and are thus en
abled to purchase.
The gold standard and monopoly rule.
to a continuation of which Mr. Mckinley
stands pledged, means four more years
of falling prices, four more years of lock
outs and strikes, four more years of re
duced wages and idle labor.
This will cause thepatriotic rank and tit
of tbe republican party to condemn and
repudiate McKinloyism, as the patriotic
rank and file of the democratic party hu
condemned and repudiated Clevelandlara.
l cannot believe otherwise, lor 1 nave
not less confidence in the patriotism c!
thin class of republicans than the rati
and file of the democratic party has al
ready demonstrated. Therefore alar-s
percent, who, though not fooled by t
specious pleas of "honest money'1 and
promised prosperity, who would not in
this campaign tight nnder the democrat
ic banner, will surely join hands with ts
majority of the American voters outaile
of tbe old parties to overthrow a govern
ment of trusts and monopolies ran in tbe
interests of foreign capitalists. The peo
ples party has made this possible; in fact,
inevitable. Tbe position of the peoples
party in this great contest bas convince!
every patriotic American that the party
can be trusted to stand for the princip'... i
ot good government and the interests cl
the people under any and all e'rem
stances. Therefore, the peoples jrirtj
will be the nucleus around which tls F
triotic hosts must and will gather to re
deem a betrayed republic and to restore
prosperity to an oppressed and outrasi
Marion Bvtles, -Chairman
Peoples party National Exec
utive Committee.
Our Candidate.
The management of the Imdpemdext .
presents the name of Mr. T. H. Tibbies
as the populist secretary of the Board cf
1. It would be a just recognition o
the old Alliance and farmers who foes J
ed and built up the populist party. TL
farmers should have a representative on
this board.
C2. Mr. Tibbies is eminently well qua&
fled to perform the duties of the oCee
He is a man of liberal education and
wide experience and has made the sub
jeot of railroads a special study for many
8. For twenty years he has given
freely of his time and means to help es
tablish the cause which is now trims; Sl
ant in this state. He has patiently ea
dnred the sneers and contempt of his in
feriors, giveu np lucrative positions and
with pen and voice fought for the canes
year after year ever since the days . of
Peter Cooper and has never been a can
didate nor asked for an appointment,
and this paper asks it for him now, be
cause he won't ask ft for himself.
4. It is for the interest of the whole
party that the office should go to Mr.
Tibbies. The duties of the office are
such that he can give a good deal of
time to literary work without neglecting
any duty incumbent upon him. During
the next two years the party will need
the work of his trenchant pen.
5. He came from a part of the state
that bas never had any recognition from
the populist party and which must be
recognized if harmony is to prevail.
C. He is one of our old citizens, hav
ing come to the state in 1873, and has,
perhaps, a wider personal acquaintance
with men of national reputation than
any other man in the state. Hfsrit
ings, his lectures and speeches , have
brought him into familiar intercourse
with the leaders in philanthropy, pol
itics and literature, both in this country
and in England. In the latter country
he traveled and lectured for a year to
tbe largest Audiences that any American
ever had, save only Henry Ward Boecher.
His fight against the old Indian ring re
sulted in its overthrow and a saving to
the people of millions. His whole life
has been devoted to uplifting mankind
without a thought of money making.
He is the ideal populist, the very kind of
a man the party wants. If he is ap
pointed, he will do as he always has
done for the last twenty, years, that is,
continue to work night and day and
spend all his money for the populist
cause. The old populists and farmers of
the state ought to send in a petition a
mile long asking tor his appointment.
This paper asks for this one appoint
ment because it is for the interests of the
whole party that it should be made, and
will ask for nothing else. .
The Business Manager.
Alliance Aid,
The Aid Degree of the Farmers Alliance
will hold a meeting in Lincoln on Decem
ber 11 and 12. All farmers who are in
terested In Mutual Life Insurance are re
quested to come and hear of the benefit
to be derived therefrom.
J. Y. M Swioart,
Chicago, Nov., 14. The Union Labor
Silver club has outlined a plan for dis
tricting Chicago and organizing a simi
lar club in each district. The belief is ex
pressed that before many months these
clubs will comprise 20,000 men or more,
no one bnt a man being eligible to
membership. 1. . will be non-partisan,
outside of the silver' issue, and will take
no part in local politics, but will reserve
their efforts for the congressional -cam-paign
two years hence.