Nov, 12, J 896. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. Btorr. THE GREAT WALK OUT It Will. Occur on tie First Day of STATE 8ATE FROSi BOODLESS. Republican Oflce Holders will Hare to Join the Ten Cent Corn Baisers. Bowler for Frs Silver, The tremendous effect of the populist tate victory ia just beginning to be realized by the republican office holding gang and some of them already look as if they vera contemplating suicide. That ' $600,000 of school money that has to be shown up January .1st is notonly making many sleepless nights for the state house occupants but many bank era, who nave oeen tnreatenmg every one in debt with foreclosure if they did not vote for McKinley, are also on the anxious bench. There is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth on all sides. The day of judgment has come, Thn following is a partial list of other places that will be filled with honest men and women after the great walk out at the ?ebraska state caoitol and from a number of state institutions that hare been in the control of republicans. This control has been made possible by the fact that the state boards having au thority over various . places have been composed of republican state officials. The state board of education, having the Peru normal school in charge, will be composed of W. R. Jackson, state super intendent, J. B. Meserve, state treasurer and five trustees appointed by the gov ernor. The state board oi transportation will be composed of W. F. Porter, secretary of state; C. J. Smyth, attorney general; John r . Cornell, state' auditor; J. a Meserve, state treasurer; J. V. Wolfe, commissioner public lands and building. This board appoints three secretaries each at a salary of f 2,000 per year, also one stenographer. The state board of educational lands and funds has control over the school funds and is composed of the governor, secretary of state, treasurer, attorney general and commissioner of lands and buildings. The state board of public lands and buildings is composed of the land com missioner, secretary of state, treasurer and attorney general. This board has control over the state institutions, and will have the opportunity of appointing a superintenpent of the reform school at Kearney in place of Mr. Mallalieu, vice chairman of the republican state com mi t tee. This board may also appoint for that institution an assistant super intendent, a matron, physician, chap lain and bookkeeper at the girl's Indus trial home at Geneva. This board may also appoint a superintendent at the in stitute for the feeble minded at Beatrice; also a matron, clerk, bookkeeper and half a dozen teachers. The state board of purchase and sup plies makes all the purchases for the state. It is composed of the governor, secretary of state, treasurer, attorney general and laud commissioner. The state board of equalization is com posed of the governor, auditor aud treas urer. The state board of pharmacy appoints the secretaries by whom the work of the board is practically conducted. The board is composed of the attorney gen eral, secretary of state, auditor, treas urer and land commissioner. The state board of health appoints four secretaries for that board. That board is composed of the governor, at torney general and state superintendent, The secretary of state has one deputy, a bookkeeper, record clerk and such other clerks as the legislature may al low. The state treasurer has one deputy, one bookkeeper, a stenographer and one bond clerk. The state auditor has one general den utv. another deputy to look after the insurance department, a. bookkeeper, bond clerk, recorder, insurance clerk and stenographer. The land commissioner has one deputy, a chief clerk, bookkeeper, sale contract clerk, delinquent contract clerk, assign ment clerk and one draughtsman. 75 COMPLETE STORES By POPULAR AUTHORS. Tun hook contain! tha laraast and moat varied eollM- tlou of entertaining, thrilling and murine storlea srer liuuuiun u huiw uma. It contains no Ism than ltatot stories, aara ona or woicn ia odd- Uahsd complete end una bridged, written by the moat famous authors of M America and Euro inmf whom are M Emmt TV K. N. South. fl worth, the Author of ' 1 HTL.m..llllM Ann & Stephen. Mrs. Mar Agnea Fleming. Miss M. F. HraMnn. " The Duch- j ess,"Sylvanaa Cobb, Jr., Emerson Bennen, douu Alien'! wire, Jiara au irasta. Man Kfle Dallas. Ned Bunttlne, and many other. Tbene atoriea are all extremely intonating, and so varied In character aa to please every taste, embracing Lore Stories, Domestic stories. Detect ventnra. Sea R tones. Border Stories. Humorous Stories. ive stones, scones 01 au Ktories or Hallway Lire, uramaue stones, r etc., etc We hare space to enumerate only es, Fairy Stories, a re rew of the uues, as rouows: - ine aivsteriou tar NIeht." "The Discarded Ba Mvsterlons Robber?." "One Wln- TM Discarded Baby," "The Operator's " "ANlte of Trubbles," "Adventure with a Bor nth a Bur- falo," "The Murder of Aunt Deb," The Wraith's Wed, ding," " The Black Dwarfs of Granite," " The Old Woman g, " " me mack uwans or uranu Jreen." "VanArden's Kerenre. InUreen," "VanArdan's Revenge," "A Terrible Adven- ture," "A Transparent Mystery," ''The Cashier's Story," " Adventure with a Hippopotamus," and M others. Every story-lover will be. delighted with this book, which eon tains more for the money than was ever before given. It is a book of M large double-column pages, neatly bound in attractive paper covert, and will be sent by mall post paid upon receipt of only Tea Cewta. premium above books as a Iffnfr" Prem'um to all who pay J 1 1 U f eir subscription during the MONTH OF NOVEMBER. If you want this premium you must cut this add out and send it with year .remittance- Address NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT, , Lincoln, Nebraska. The attorney general has a deputy an i a stenographer. Xhe state superintendent oi education has a deputy. The state auditor, treasurer and attor ney general comprise the state banking board. AU savings, state and private banks are under the control of this board. This board appoints one secretary, who has had at least two years' actual prac tical experience in general banking busi ness, at a salary of 1,500 per year; also one clerk at f 1,000 per year. The republicans at the last session of the legislature created a branch soldiers' home at Milford and provided for the ap pointment of a commandant at a salary of $900 per year. This commandant will bo appointed by the board - of public lands and buildings. The supreme court under law appoint three supreme court commissioners. It is reported that a bill is now being pre pared which will repeal this law and pro vide for the appointment of three com missioners by the governor. It is not probable that any important changes will be made in the offices at the disposal of the governor. The governor of Nebraska has an ex tensive patronage at his disposal. The governor is entitled to a private secre tary at a salary of $2,000 per annum; a clerk at $1,200; a stenographer at $1, 000, and such other clerks and messen gers as the legislature allows him. The governor's staff comprises: Adju tant general, quartermaster and commi sary general, surgeon general, inspector general, judge advocate and as many aide-de-camps as the governor may deem proper, each with the rank of colonel. In time of peace none of these receive pay except the adjutant general, who re ceives $1,000 per year. x One of the best offices in the gift of the state is state oil inspector, who receives $2,000 per year. There may be five dep uties appointed, each of whom receives $100 per month if the fees amount to that much, and tbey generally do. The governor appoints the directors of the state normal school. He also ap points five persons as visiting and exam ining board of the soldiers' and sailors' home at Grand , Island. Three of these must be honorably discharged union soldiers and two of them must be mem bers of the Woman's Belief corps. The governor appoints the commandant of the home who receives a salary of $1, 500 per year and must be an honorably discharged union soldier. None of the visiting board receive salaries, but are allowed expenses. The governor appoints the fish com missioners, who receive nothing but their expenses. The governor appoints a deputy to officiate as labor commissioner and the place is worth $1,500 per year. The governor also appoints a deputy's clerk who receives $1,000? The governor appoints a superintend ent and two assistant physicians, one of wnom muse oe a woman, at Lincoln Norfolk and Hastings asylums. The principal of the institute for the blind at Nebraska City is named by the governor. The governor names the warden of the penitentiary, wno receives f a.ouu. The governor names the janitor of the state house, who- receives $600 per year. The directors of the Milford home must be women and are named by the govern or. Official bonds are required as follows, Governor, $50,000; lieutenant governor $50,000; secretary of state, $50,000; at torney general, $50,000; auditor, $50, 000; superintendent, $50,000; treasurer not less than f6U0,U00, to be fixed by the governor; deputy auditor and secre tary of state each, $10,000; deputy treasurer, $50,000; deputy commissioner public lands and buildings, $10,000: deputy warden, $5,000; superintendent insane asylum, $10,000: assistant super intendent,, $5,000; steward, $5,000: principal of blind asylum, $10,000; pnn cipal of deaf and dumb asylum, $10,000; superintendent of reform school, $1U, 000. , The state banking board also has the appointment of three bank examiners, who are paid in fees, but which fees are not to exceed for each examiner $2,000 per year. , This Paper from now until the ad' Journment of the Nebraska JUrglsla- tnre for 30 cents. Subscribe now and get an honest report of the proceedings of the . populist legislature. SOUTH DAKOTA RALLIES. Senator Pettigrew Opens the Campaign of 1890. Sioux Falls, S. D., Nov. 9, Senator Pettigrew opened the campaign of 1900 tonight by announcement and an ad dress to the largest audience ever gath ered in the city. It was announced as the beginning of the bimetallic fight of four years hence and proved to be the sensation of the fall. 1 be senator stated that he would render McKinley every aid possible for him to demonstrate that the tariff was what ailed the country, but wanted to put bimseli on record by saying tnat he would resist every sec tion of a tariff bill that provided for tariff on any article controlled by a trust. This created a sensation. The Old Llmbtwlater. Office of thk Bloated Plow Holder Piloek, Neb., Nov. 6. Editor Inde pendent: I arise to make the nomina tion of the president and vice president of 1900 of the two greatest men on the American continent, our own W. J. Bry an and the gallant Tom Watson. We don't want a a wart on the east side of our nose or a man to build a ship for ns to sail up salt creek. I affix my seal and sign my name: Horatio Seymour, Peter Cooper, J. B. Weaver, - A. J. Streetek, J. B. Weaver, W.J.Bryan. Demopopocrat for 28 years and let us commence the campaign NOW, by doubl ing the list of subscribers for the old limbtwister the Nebraska Independent. W. B. WklLs. The percentage of illiteracy in Nebras ka is three, and in Iowa is seven. That accounts for the Iowa vote for McKinley ana neorasKa e Dig majority for Bryan. CONSPIRATORS' FLAG. A Farmer s Vision on Seeing Politically Pictured Old Glory. Editor Post: A week ago I saw in Lincoln some United States flags with the pictures of McKinley and Hobart on them. Yesterday I could see a good many of these flags, not only on the streets but in nearly every window of the state Capitol. If a boy of a collem would draw a Eicture on a United States flag and ex ibit it, people would get angry and de mand that the culprit should be pun ished for desecrating and insulting the American flag. Here is a political party which soils the United States flag with two pictures and exhibits them not only in the public streets, but even in the Cap itol, jnst like an auction flag, as a kind of an advertisement for its candidates. Such a disgraceful insult was never be fore performed to any flag. Every thinking man must know that the exhibition of these McKinley flags has a purpose. It is to make the peo ple acquained with its dictators, and with this they follow the example of former foreign usurpers. I remember that a few years after his election as president of the France, Louis Napoleou put his picture on the French coins, and after the people were used to this picture, the political revolution followed, whereby he usurped the crown as emperor. The same was done, I believe, by the Roman Caesar, but never liefore did any usurper dare to put his picture on a flag, and I hardly believe that even an European monarch would dare to do it. It is not a secret any longer that a conspiracy exists in these states for establishing a monarchy, and the des perate measures which the money power used in this campaign and the different declarations that the money power would not peaceably submit if the peo ple should be victorious in this election, must have removed the last doubt about it. The money power knows well enough that it is not possible to suppress and plunder the people very much longer, as they have done until now, but they are determined to maintain their power un der all circumstances, even b.r brutal force, and McKinley's first term as presi dent will be used to make the necessary preparations for this purpose. The new McKinley conspirators' flag is the first step. Others will, be the in creasing of the regular army and police and Pinkertons will follow after the in auguration. Will this eople look peaceably at it? Fekd Schweizer. Woodlawn, Nov. 8, 1896. ONE DISTRICT JUDGESHIP. Report That the Coming Legislature Will Abolish it Here. Judge Tuttle is authority for the as sertion that a bill is likely to be introduc ed at the next session of the legislature to cut down the number of district judges in this county from three to one. He did not intimate where such a meas ure is likely to originate, except that it will come from local business men and pop ulists. When it was suggested to Judge Tuttle that any such law passed at the next session conld not curtail the num ber of judges until the expiration of the term for which the present judges were elected, the judge gave it quite emphati cally as his opinion as a lawyer that either of the judgeships could be obolish ed at once and that either of the judges now Berving could legally have his pay stopped at once. The measure to cur tail the number of judges, if such measure is proposed, will be pushed on the ground that there is not enough workvto keep three judges busy. ; LET US BE THANKFUL. Saved the State in Spite of Ingersoll atd Satan. Union, Nov. 8, 1896. To the Editor: Let us thank providence we have saved the state in spite of the devil and Bob, Intrersoll. I have no doubt that had we secured the election of Bryan, hell would have been to pay, but when prosperity came it would have come to stay. Under the present rulings all our present monoy circulation must be redeemed m gold demanded. This exposes the McKinley administration to great danger. This puts the nation in the banking business on a gold basis. Then if the basis is not as large as the circulating currency, bust is inevitable at some time. 1 should be pleased to nave some one inform me who conducts the political department of the state University at Lincoln? - s It seems that the students who go up from Cass and Utoe counties and attend trie institutions, come oacic on a pass with Instructions to vote tor McKinley and protection from their anarchist fathers who vote for Bryan, Holcomb and a state ticket in order to keep state government out of the control of rob bers and thieves. That institution, so far as its agricultural instruction is con cerned is a humbug and a farce from top to bottom. If their religion Is of the kind that sets father against son it is but little or no better. Their ' political theories of a gold standard and tariff protection, are yet disputed, unsettled questions which I hope the taxpayers of the state will not submit to have taught in the public schools. L. U. Todd. A Sad Accident. i Mrs. Patrick O'Donnell, wife of Road- master O'Donnell of the B. & M was killed this morning at 8 o'clock by the accidental discharge of a 32-calibre re volver in the bands of ber 16 year old son, William. When Patrick O'Donnell left his haDnv home at 2435 Q street, shortly before 8 to attend to bis usual duties in the B. & M. yards he little dreamed that in less than half an hour be would return to find bis wife lying Stone dead in a pool of blood upon the floor. Such are the facts, however, and thedetails as related by eye witnesses to the terrible affair are such as would move the stoutest heart. The family comprising husband, wife and nine children had just finished breakfast. Mr. O'Donnell had left for the city and the children were being ore- pared for school by the mother. William, the eldest son recently came into pos session of a revolver and was standing in the kitchen door examining the weap on which he supposed was unloaded. He attracted his mother's attention to its many fine points and in a careless manner commenced to snap it. Twice it made no response but the third time it went off and the ball lodged in his mother's head, entering between the noes and eye on the left side and passing !r ,. rnii nnding lodgment in ma-nun somewhat tack of the right mr. iae poor woman fell to the floor wun wood spirting from the wounds in large quantities. In just ten minutes she was dead. The children became panic stricken, but finally the neighbors were aroused by their screams and Dr. 3reen, a neigh bor, was summoned. When he reached the woman's side she nmt th m,A ni alt human skill. She was nlekarl nn &nrl carried into her bed room and Mr. 0 Donnell was immediately summoned from the B.AM. When the poor man arrived his feelings can better be im agined than described. After ascertain ing the cause he became frantic almost fremied and it was with great difficulty that the neighbors presentcould restrain him. The screams which continued to issue from the houss attracted n. 1 arm crowd, bnt none were allowed to enter. Mrs. O'Donnell was about thirty-seven years of age and was the mother of nine children. She was very devoted and gave up her whole time to their care. The loss which befalls tbem, to say nothing of the husband's grief, cannot be defined in words. William, the son who did thn ahnnrW is nearly beside himself and as the hour of going to press is still in a highly wrought up nervous oondition. . j Mr. and Mrs. O'Donnell were old resi dents of Lincoln and the former baa been in the employ of the B. & M. for a great many yerrs. A peculiar coincidence of the death is the fact that about six years ago Mrs. O'Donnell's mother was killed at tha corner of Twenty-flrst and Q street by Deing over b.v a team. Her father and mother are also said, to have met death by accident. no arrangements have m vat hoan made for the funeral. Governor Holcomb has iaHnnd nnm. missions to the following as delegates to the Nebraska beet sugar convention, whish meets at Grand Island, November 17 and 19. George W. Young, Nehawka; L A. Fort, North Platte; Charles J. Phelps, Schuyler; H. G. Stewart, Craw ford; Charles E. Williamsan, C. S. Hay ward, T. L. Ringwalt and H. 0. Devries, Omaha; John Koenigstein, Norfolk; Charles Wooster, Central City; F. S. Thompson, Albion; H. W Wolverton, Pierce; George D. Meiklejohn, Fullorton, Thomas W. Hanna. Lexinirton: Riir,lr Buchanan, North Platte; Samuel A. Bryant. Chadron: J. P. nnninn Joe H. Hajs, Central City; Dr. R. Gil' more, Umaha, and J. V. Wolfe, Lincoln. Blood Is absolutely essential to health. It Is impos- stole to get It from so-called " nerve tonics " and opiate compounds. They have tempo rary, sleeping effects, but do not CURE. To have pure blood and good health, take Hood's Sarsaparilla, which has first, last, and all the time, been advertised as Just what It Is the best medicine for the blood ever produced. ' In fact, Lrd Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. AU druggists. SL U.A1 r:n assist uigesti HOOd S FlIlS Constipation. assist Digestion and cure 26 cents. ELECTION NOW for BUSINESS Our FALL and WINTER STOCK is complete in every department Come to our Store and secure some of the bargains. PRICES FOR THIS WEEK : oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOBOOOO gg Dress Goods 10 pes. Bedford Fwills, 40-in. wide, in all the leading shades; worth : 30c, this week peryard 12 pes. Electric City Sacking, 50-in wide: cheap at 40c, this week per yard 1 0 pes. Penzance Sacking, extra fine, 52-in. wide; regular price 50c, this " week peryard Bonita Boucle, black and navy blue; regular orice 50c, this weak per yard..... Underwear 30 doz. Men's Fine Jaeger Fleeced Lined Shirts and Drawers; worth 60c, this week each 20 doz. . Ladies' Egyptian Ribbed Tests and Pants, extra heavy; regular price 50c, this week EIDERDOWN 25c. 29c, 38c and 49c, Regular price 80c, 35c, 45c and 60c. Shoes. Shoes. A full line of Ladies' Lined Shoes and Slippers, Ladies', Misses', Gents' and Boys' Arties at lowest prices. 100000000000003000000000 FRED SCHMIDT & BRO.. 921 0 Street. Opposite Postoffice; Lincoln, deb. Here is the story in a nutshell: Either we can save you mon ey or we can't Either we misrepresent things or we don't. Either we are deserving of your trade or we are not, and how are you going to know unless you find out? One way is w send for our catalogue B, which will cost you a cent for a pc tsl card, and another way is to ask somebody who knows cs, which won't cost you anything at all. For eleven yean we have been doing business right here in Omaha on the time principles, by the same methods and in the same place and selling goods to the same people year after year. There isn't a township in Nebraska where you can't find a dozen customers of ours. There isn't a state west of the Missouri river where we don't ship goods. During all the years we have been in business, and of all the thousands we have done business with we have yet to hear of one single solitary instance where a customer , was dissatisfied with our dealings in any way or shape. That alone gives us a claim on your consideration. But we aren't doing business on our reputation alone. People want values before they want history, and values are what bind the people to this store. Why not? We give as good an Ulster for $y 75 as you can buy at home for $y cash. Other articles the same way. Catalogue B tells. to SHIP YOUR PRODUCE DIRECT TO MARKET. r. wt raoalva aad sail : ww Muuuvn mrw wiiim uairvraaiiu Emr, Efts, Poultry, Veil, G:"3, rr, U;:!, nay, urain, aesa, tssns, rct:.::s, izzs Cera, Kifss, Green and Cried Frcit - - - Or aai tklas voa may hava to abln. Wa make jalek ttraa.write as lor prlets, tags, skipping RxrixiNcxs: METROPOLITAN BANK, CHICAGO. NATIONAL Am ran Paraa. 08.60 Attend the Cbanilxriain Commercial College, room 1 Lansing theatre build ing. Day and night school. We make a specialty of shorthand and typewriting tf IS OVER 25c 36c 46c 30c 47c 43c OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOQOoe'ooooo AND OBTAIN ITS TlIC: Ton cun't obtals It air otto wsv. r bava inaa sailing yoir prodsea at ke - tr la u ramaoa yon abosll aoatiaM to A i-h a strlks a bnttar mark sad make W maka apadalt ot !Matvtf a. 4 ract from tba prodaeara aad aaf w i. tFMiia frrkm t h 1m .a. j ... .oaM h i . . awianaa wim ina nana. prompt salsa at tha kljrkast mark ft prlaa directions or aar lufornatlos yoa may vaat. sic;Ens, i ooMMieaien 174 Soata Hater 03.50 ana And dressmaking very cheap. We have a large stock of fine millinery; prices lowest. Sadie Pockett, 19390 street, UpStairs. twnd to Lewis E. Walker, Benkelman, Nfb., 25c for the newest and catchiest f one, Just out, entitled "That Cute Lit. tie Black-Eyed Baby." It will drive away that tired feeling. 37 ajajajaaBaawaaaaaaafjaaai aj i .r.r.isc. & u.,j MIROMANTt. Ti aaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBU r" A A FULL LINE OF Duck Goats Cardigan Jackets Flannel Shirts Working Shirts Overall & Jumpers Gloves and Hittens Flannel Skirts . Shawls Fascinators, Hoods Ice Wool Shawls Hosiery. Mufflers Hats and Caps Groceries Crockery, Lamps Lanterns, Etc.