The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, November 05, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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sNov. si 1896
it Si uii Llit
$U)y of Aenture on And And $
.7 Gwmmum jwvuw.
(Copyright, MD6, by the Anthor.
The village belli at Dudley have just !
Ctvnok the miduiRbt hoar.
It is an English village on the Severn
river, about 30 miles southwest of Bir
mingham, founded, and one night say
owned, by Lord Dudley. It is a quiet
place, with little business and never any
bustle. Many of the wealthy manufac
turers of Birmingham have their homes
here, and in summer time there are
many strangers, although it is far from
the sea.
For an hour or more a skiff has been
lying at anchor in the bend of the river
jast above where the northern wall in
closing Xxtfd Dudley's grounds re acnes
the bank. There are three walls shut
ting in the ten acres of ground, while
tie river itself answers for the fourth.
The castle stands in the center of the
plat, and thu space not covered by it
and the conservatory, stables, eta, is
.riven up - to lawns, walks, flower beds,
fountains and the like. A grand old
place this, though the 10 acres should
have been 80 or 80.
It is a starlight June night, with
something of a mist rising from the wa
ter. Had any boatman been passing up
or down he might have rowed within
90 feet of the rough and unpainted skiff
without noticing it He might have
passed within 5 feet of it without see
ing its occupant, who was lying on the
broad of his back and watching the
faint stars above him in an absent man
ner. He seemed on the point of going
to sleep when the three bells in different
portions of the rambling village began
to slowly and solemnly strike the hour
which marks the death of the old and
the birth of a new day. Then he sat up
and looked about and whispered to him
self: , "That's what I've been waiting for,
and here I got Wish I'd brought along
a partner, though that would have
meant a divide of the swag. "
He lifted the stone by which the boat
had been anohored and let the craft
drift down past the wall. Then by a
careful use of the paddle he worked it
inshore until the bow rested on the
bank. He was now within the grounds,
but quite a distance from the house.
Stepping ashore, he pulled the skiff half
its length out of the water, and for a
minute or two stood peering into the
"Losing your nerve, eh!" he muttered,
as a shiver passed over him. "It's your
first big job, and you are a bit timid.
Eurglary is a bit different from poach
lag, but you'll get used to it, Ben John
son! Take a drink to brace your nerves!"
He pulled a bottle from his pooket,
drained it of its contents and tossed it
sway. A full pint of liquor had gone
down his throat since 10 o'clock, and
but for the adventure he had on hand
be would have been sleeping the stupid
aleep of intoxication. The effect of the
last drink was to make him desperately
reckless the condition he hoped for.
Seeping clear of the graveled paths,
that the sound of his footsteps might
not betray him, he slowly and cautiously
advanced to the house. Not a light was
to be seen, not a sound came to alarm
faim. ;.',-;'
1 "Second storyabove the portico--three
windows," he whispered to him
self. "One window in her ladyship's
bedroom, two in her sitting room. She
has her own safe, and it's in that sitting
room. Key to be found lying' about
somewhere jewels money out again
and nobody the wiser. No need of any
violence unless the old gal has the im
pudence to wake up and discover me.
No, I won't hurt anybody unless I'm
. cornered. Come, now I Up you go!"
He advanced up the steps leading to
a private entrance and kicked off his
shoes and placed his bat and jacket be
tide them. Then lifting himself up to
the railing he grasped a column sup
porting the portico and noiselessly as
cended to its roof. The sills of two win
dows were only two feet above him.
Not the slightest ray of light had been
reflected from either, but from his new
position he made a discovery which was
impossible from the ground.
The curtains at the window of her
ladyship's bedroom were down, but a
glimmer of light escaped from the side
next to, him. She was a woman 80
year of age, in failing health, and per
haps she was ill and a nurse was sitting
up with her. It might be only a night
lamp, however. The man remained
crouched on the roof for ten minutes
without motion. He heard no move
mentno voices and finally decided
'that it was safe to go ahead. He ex
peoted to find the windows looked, and
h lost no time in trying them. Pulling
Liaself carefully up to the north win
daw of the sitting room, he stood up,
fcew long, thin piece of steel from
Lis breast and in 80 seconds had turned
tie catch by inserting the implement
between the sashes. There was a dull
click, and he crouched down and waited
five or six minutes to see if any one
tad been aroused.
"Co far so good!" he whispered when
ftlzled that no alarm had been created.
"I'd feel better if I had a pal on the
nrzXh below, but I've gone too far to
tz Jti out now. Only that window be
taen iae and 5,000 of swag 1"
rcrrcally did he raise the sash that
t :l try era been sitting in the room
zzlxil awake they would not have
: t - a sound. His entrance into the
c:m c:j fact as cautiously made. It
ttij rtl icU ice bad closed the sash be-
t"l ? 13, rrraiced the curtains to
I ' -j C i Ii"t and then listened in vain
t t C fcuvv br&athina of a oerson in
sierp mat ne toox tne oars tauKxn rrom
the bog in which he carried it aul
threw its light around the room. It was
an apartment perhaps 80 feet Jong by
20 wide, with a door leading into a hall
at the back end, and midway on the
north side a door which the burglar at
once decided communicated with her
ladyship's bedroom. The man had no
eyes for the elegant surroundings, bat
flashed his lantern here and there until
the light fell upon the door of an iron
safe built into the south wall. He had
heard of that safe and its contents.
That was the magnet which had drawn
him to the castle that June night
which had made .him turn burglar
which was to change the current of his
In those days no house safe was pro
tected by a combination. They were
locked or unlocked by a key, and tha
lock could be readily attacked by a
burglar's tools and implements. Kneel
ing before the door, the man took a
lock pick from his bag and began work.
He was a bit nervous, but neverthelesi
he worked with caution and patience.
Inside of ten minutes he bad shot tha
bolt, and be was just pulling the door
open when a hand was laid on his shoul
der. He had placed the dark lantern on
a chair behind him, so that the flood of
light fell full upon the door. It also
fell upon his head and face as be worked.
"My God, Ben Johnson, but havt
yon come to this!"
It was the voice of a .woman. Sha
bad knelt beside him and uttered tha
words before he could obey the impulsa
to spring up. The voice was familiar to
him, and the face of the woman, hall
brought out by the bullseye, was not
strange to him. No, not the face of s
woman, but that of a girl not over 18
years old. . It was very pale as he found
it within two feet of his own, and tha
big blue eyes bad a look of horror in
them as they gazed into his black onea
He had been so suddenly and so com
pletely surprised that he was rendered
stupid for a moment
"Ben! Ben! Do yon know where you
are what you are doing?" whispered
the girl as she laid a hand on the arm
outstretched to pull the door open.
"Aye, you minx It's you, is it?" he
growled as he drew a breath of relief.
"Of course I know what I'm doing. I
could have got along without you had
you been asleep, but as you are here I'll
make use of you. I suppose the old gal
is asleep in her bedroom? If she's got
anything worth taking in there, I want
you to fetch it to me."
"Ben Johnson turned burglar!" gasp
ed the girL "Ben Johnson here in hei
ladyship's private rooms to rob her! Oh,
Ben, I can't be awake and in my senses!
You surely haven't become so desperate
all at once."
"Keep quiet, you fool!" he hissed as
he dropped his arm to take hold of her
wrist with savage grip. "I told you
last Sunday that nobody would give me
a show and that I intended to do for
myself. Because I've been man enough
to take what belonged to me I've been
sent to the jail and outlawed. This
very Lord Dudley, who has no more
right to wealth than I have, has had me
watched and hounded and marked down
for a bad man."
''But you turned poacher, Ben," she
replied, "and you refused, to work like
other young men."
"Poacher! Aye, that's the law of the
country as made by these bigwigs. If
a poor man wants a bit of game now
and then, he must risk the jail to get
it But what are you doing here?"
"Her ladyship is ill tonight, and I
am sitting up with her. She is asleep
just now,' but may awake at any mo
ment Ben, listen to me. Go away. Go
the way yon came, and none but us
shall ever know that you entered the
"Are you a fool, MaryJ" he savagely
exclaimed. "I came for the swag, and
I'll not go without it!"
"And we love each other have passed
our words and are to be married in the
fall!" she moaned as she put out both
hands to seize the arm he had extended
"More'H the reason why I should
make the haul I haven't had enough
money the past three months to pay the
wedding fee. , Hands off, you idiot!"
"Ben, do you love me?"
"HuBh! This is no time for non
sense t Go fetch any stray jewels from
the old gal's room while I clean out
this box."
"You shall not touch it! Ton shall
go away! Go now at once or I will
call for help!"
"D'ye see this?" he Whispered as he
drew a long, keen knife from its sheath
and flashed it before her eyes.
"Aye, I see it, Ben Johnson, and
would to God you had driven it to my
heart before I learned how base and un
worthy and wicked you had become! j
Father and mother were right, and I
have been headstrong and obstinate.
Both of them have always distrusted
you have said that you were bad at
"I don't care a curse what they have
thought nor for your own opinion either.
I am here for the swag, and I'll
have it and your life as well if yon
trouble me further. Hands off! Get
away, wench!"
Had it been another man in the place
of Ben Johnson, the girl would have
creamed out at sight of him. She had
barely restrained herself as it was, and
only because she had instantly recog
nized her lover's face as the light fell
upo. it She had softly opened the door
of the bedroom and entered on tiptoe in
search of a fan. Had another man men-
aced her with a knife, she taight have
j fainted. Ben was savage and desperate
j and might murder her, but she did not
j hesitate. Rising suddenly to her feet,
J she flung her arms around his neck and
pulled hira backward and shouted
j "Robbers!" "Murder!" "Help!" at the
' top of her voice. As she pulled him over
she struck the chair and kicked the Ian
t tern off, and the room was at once in
midnight darkness.
'You've spoiled my game, but I'll
have your life to pay for it!" shouted
tha man as ha tore bar arms loose and
struggiea up.
He moved here and there in search of
the girl and for 15 seconds no alarm
followed her loud cries for help. Then
the door of the bedroom opened to let
in a flood of light, and Lady Dudley
stood on the threshold to look in.
Oh, my lady, it's a robber a mur
derer!" screamed Mary as she dashed
across the room.
"So there you are, and I'll give you
this!" shouted the man as he sprang
after her.
The girl dodged past Lady Dudley.
Ben stopped short within arm's length
of the invalid, who had as yet uttered
no sound. Rendered furiously desperate
by bis defeat, he raised the knife as if
to stab her, and probably meaning to do
it but wiiih he held his arm poised she
uttered a feeble, choking cry and sank
down in a heap on the floor. At the
same instant doors were heard opening
and closing footsteps 'sounded in the
halls and it was evident that the cas
tle was aroused. Standing over the un
conscious form of Lady Dudley, Ben
called to the girl, whom he could not
"I'm going, you hussy. And let me
warn you that if you give me up to the
law I'll have your life and that of every
one of your family. "
He was on the roof of the portico as
Lord Dudley burst into the room. He
was safe on the ground and sheltered
by the trees as the latter arrived at the
window and looked out It was ten
minutes before the servants oould be
roused to search the grounds, and by
that time Ben Johnson was floating
down the Severn in his skiff. Lady
Dudley was dead when lifted up and
placed on the bed dead from the shock
she had received at sight of the burglar
and his knife. Mary was so upset the;
it was some time before she oould give
her account of the affair. At first she
had declared that the man wos un
known to her, actuated by a lingering
spark of love for the man instead of bis
wicked threat, but when, she learned
that Lady Dudley was dead she con
fessed to the master that her own a
knowledged lover was the midnight in-
"If you give me up to the law I'll have
your life."
trader. She had- conversed with him.
She had restrained his baud. She would
have flung herself between him and her
lady, but she did not know that he
menaced the latter. The girl deserved
all praise. She had been more than
"It's this way, my lord," said the
police sergeant who was summoned
from the town station as soon as pos
sible. "The girl is accessory. No doubt
of the pair putting up the job together,
bat they were disturbed by her lady
ship. Then, to save herself, the girl
ories out for help and makes a great
ado, thinking the man can get away
without being recognized. "
"But she has been in my service for
many years ever since she was 10
years old," protested Lord Dudley.
"She has had charge of her ladyship's
jewels for the past year, and even now
has the key of the safe. "
" Yes, my lord, but those things
don't help her much now, " observed
the seigeant. "She is in love with that
scamp of a Ben Johnson. She! oould not
resist his arguments. They were going
to make a big haul and then skip the
country for America or Australia. It's
all as plain as day to me, sir, and I feel
it my duty to lock her up. "
"Why did she tell me it was her
lover when none of us had seen or sus
pected him?" asked his lordship.
' 'Emotion, sir overcome with sud
den emotion on hearing of her lady
ship's death, and the words came out
before she realized what she was saying.
I've seen it in 20 different cases. By
tonight she'll take a different tack and
declare that the man was a perfect
"Well, I am very sorry, for we have
always looked upon Mary as the most
faithful of servants. She may have been
argued into this by that villain, as you
say, and perhaps it is best to lock her
"It was a great doubt
said the sergeant, "and it may be that
we can find extenuating circumstances,
as they calls 'em. We have the whole
force out after Ben Johnson, and no
doubt we'll have him fast and sure be
fore morning. And now, sir, if you'll
bring the girl down I'll walk her to the
eaee Book, Riving
valuable Informatioa
to any mil er wo
Ban afflicted wits
aay form of private
or spselal d I a .
Address the leading
Phvstclaas and Bps
eiallsta otthle Coaa
trv. BE. HATHA WAT CO., W Dearbora street Cb
Rend to Lewis E. Walker, Beokelmnn.
Neb., 350 tor the newest and catch Uwt
song, last out. entitled "That Cut Lit
tle Black-Eyed Baby." It will drive
away that tired feeling. 37
One Person In Every Four Suffer From
I'j rue,
A bouybne person in every four suffers
from some form of rectal disease. The
tnost common and aauoyiag is itching
pileH, indicated by warmth, slight mois
ture and intense, uncoutrollabje itching
in the parts affected.
The usual treatment has been some
simple ointment or salve which some
times gives temporary relief.but nothing
like a permanent cure can be expected
from such superficial treatment.
The only permanent cure for itching
piles yet discovered is the Pyramid Pile
Cure, not only for itching piles, but for
every other form of piles, blind, bleeding
or protruding. The first application
gives instant relief and the continued
use for a short time causes a permanent
removal of the tumors or the small par
asites which cause the intense itching
and discomfort of itching piles.
Many physicians for a long time sup
posed that the remarkable relief afforded
by the Pyramid Pile Cure, was because it
was supposed to contain cocaine, opium
or similar drugs, but such is not the
case. A recent careful analysis of the
remedy showed it to be absolutely free
from any cocaine, opium, or in fact any
poisonous, injurious drugs whatever,
Sold by druggists at 50 cents per pack
Captain IiOmm of the Dauntless Dare
the Wlndom to Fire on Him.
' Atlanta, Ga., Oct 81. A special to
the Journal from Fernandina, Fla.,
says: "Captain Lomm of the fllibus
terer Dauntless, now lying under the
guns of the revenue cutter Windom,
Captain Hand, says . he is going to
Jacksonville to-morrow. Hand says
he will sink the tug if she moves, and
Lomm replies: 'All right, get ready
your small boats to pick up my men,
for I shall certainly make the at
tempt.'" Many Oklahoma Farmers Robbed.
Pehbt, Okla., Oct 31. Twenty miles
east of here five masked highwaymen
went from farm house to farm house
Wednesday night and forced the peo
ple in eachfc) stand in line under guard
of two of the men while the others
went through each house. Cris Jones
fired on the band as they left his house
and several shots were fired but no
one was known to have been hurt. The
robbers were followed into the Osage
Indians country where they were lost
truck of. - ' '
Fatal Blot at Speechmaklngr.
Ashland, Ky., Oct 31. At Pres
tonburg, Floyd county, silver Demo
crats led by a deputy sheriff, are said
to have tried o howl down Augustus
H. Wilson of Louisville, when a fight
took place, and a young Republican
named Peary was stabbed to death by
a young Democrat named Marrs, and
others on both sides were roughly
handled. Chief Justice W. H. Holt of
the state court of appeals said that a
gold speaker took his life in his hands
when he went into those mountains.
Member of an Unlucky Family a Suicide.
Pebbt, Ok., Oct- 81. Ross Sowers,
aged 15, was the son of a man who is
in the Kansas penitentiary for an un
usually serious offense. The boy's
mother was burned to death a year
ago, and his sister also had been un
fortunate. On account, it is tnought.
of the family troubles, young Sowers
drank carbolic acid with suicidal in
tent Sunday, and, being saved by doc-,
tors, cut his throat this morning.deatb
Depew Mr. HeKlnley's Gaest.
Canton, Ohio, Oct 31. Chauncey
M. Depew reached Canton about 12:30
o'clock this afternoon, his private car
being attached to the Cleveland, Can
ton and Southern train from Cleveland.
He is here for a social visit with Major
McKinley, and the major met him at
the station in an open carnage.
Aged Ten and a Bride.
Lnrs Creek, Mo. , Oct 31. Nathan
Jackson and Efiie Woods of Nonsuch,
Camden county, were granted a license
to marry by Recorder Laswell yester
day. The bride is a mere child of 10
years and the groom 26. It is the oiily
marriage on record in this county
where the bride was under 14 years of
age and the people of ' the community
are indignant at the parents giving
their consent to the marriage. -
Judge Grosscup at Chicago decided
that postal fraud orders were applica
ble to all frauds, not lotteries alone.
Election Return Blauks Cause Mlsglv
Inge Among Kansas Fnsionlsts.
Topeka, Kan., Nov. 3. The fusion
leaders have learned that Secretary of
State Edwards has furnished election
return blanks to the county clerks,
providing for the tabulation of the
votes cast for . the Bryan and Sewall
electors under separate heads Demo
cratic and People 's and they look
upon it as a scheme to cause confusion,
and thus open the way for the Repub
licans, if not to steal the state, to in
validate the election, should the elec
toral vote of, the state be thrown to
Bryan and the result ia the nation
binge on the Kansas electors.
This forenoon John W. Ureidentnai,
J. Mack Love, (1. C. Clemens, David
Overmver and other Populist and Dem
ocratic leaders held a consultation
lasting three hours. At this it was de
cided to notify the ropunst ana uem-
ocratic county committeemen through
out the state to watch the count
to-morrow night, and if the judges of
election should not tabulate the fusion
votes under one heading, to secure
writs of mandamus in the district
courts fo compel the county commis
sioners to so canvas the result rTiaay.
It was also decided at this meeting to
take a similar step in the Supreme
court to compel the state board 01 can-
vasaerr 0 so canvass the vote on state
and legislative candidates when the
board shall meet on the last Wednesday
of November.
jtn:rr.:y td Scl::it:r.
rhalrmaa Cook Seee a Big Bryan Ma
jority Republicans Hopeful
Sr. Locis, Mo., Nov. J. The officers
of. the State Democratic committee
(five out the following forecast:
In 1892 the Democratic pluraity was
0,00a The most careful and trust
worthy estimates show that outside of
St Louis city the gold standard Demo-
ratic defection will be more than off
set by silver Republicon accessions.
The People's party vote is solid for
Bryan. In 1892 this vote outside of St
Louis was 40,000. This would give
Bryan outside this city a lead of
80,000. Allowing the Republicans
10,000 stay-at-home votes in 1892,
Uryan will still have 70,000 outside of
tiiis city.
Ihe Republican State committee ia
confident that there is a bitr surprise
party in store for the Democrats, and
say that their state and national ticket
will carry the state.
Snow In the Northwest, Clonde In Cen
tral States, Fair Elsewhere.
WASHnrsTOJi, Nov, 2. The weather
bureau to-day issued the following
special election day bulletin:
WASHracTOff, Nov. 3. Election
day weather: The weather bureau fur
nishes the following special bulletin to
the press: Fair and pleasant weather
with about normal temperature pre
vails this morning in all states except
is follows: From two to three inches
af snow have fallen over South Dakota
uid snow is staj.1 falling with a prob
ability that it will continue to-day and
to-night; in North Dakota about two
inches of snow have fallen in the south
ern c central part of the state and
the conditions are 'favorable for
moderate show fall to-day and to
night in the eastern half of the
state; in Nebraska light snow will
probably fall in the north half of
the state tonight; in Minnesota, Wis
sonsin and upper Michigan the wea
ther is cloudy with indications strongly
indicating an unpleasant day Tuesday
with light rain or srtow; in lower Mich
igan clouds are gathering and the con
ditions are favorable for warm weather
on Tuesday . with cloudy and occa
sional showers; in Indiana, Illinois,
Missouri and Iowa the weather is
warm and pleasant to-day, but clouds
are now gathering and the conditions
are uncertain for . Tuesday, with the
weight of evidence in favor of gener
ally fair weather; in Washington; and
Oregon rain has fallen every day dur
ing the past week, making conditions
bad for travel in the country and it is
probable that heavy cloudiness and a
moderate fall of rain will continue in
both states on Tuesday; in all other
states the weather chart this morning
gives strong indications of fair and
pleasant weather for Tuesday. Willis
L. Moore, Chief of Weather Bureau."
More Yellow Ribbons Than Since- the
Ohio River Valley Tour Closed,
Appleton, Wis., Oct. 31. The towns
risited by Mr. Bryan in Wisconsin this
morning were liberally bedecked with
yellow. Not since he left the Ohio
river valley has he encountered crowds
so antagonistic to his views. There
were a large number of white ribbons
worn by his hearers, but the majority
of the people addressed by him at the
first few stops did not hesitate to show
their preference for the yellow metaL
At tireen Uay Mr. .Bryan, addressed a
crowd of several thousand people.
There was not much enthusiasm at the
start, but before he had concluded his
speech, his audience applauded liber
ally. Ex-Governor Peck introduced
him. ' . -t. '
Short stops were made at Depere and
Kaukauna and there was a liberal
number of yellow ribbons displayed.
Mr. Bryan s speeches were along the
same line as those given by him else
where. .;.
5 I
POLAND CHINAS sired by sons of Geo.
Wilker and King Perfection. Warns as
well bred. Corwins, Wilkers and
BERESHIRES as good. Sallies, Duchess,
Romford and Artful Belle.
Mention Independent.
Cripple Creek Sold
We advise the immediate purchase of the fol
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Just South and within
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A Tunnel sight through Bull Hill, running under
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The Mutual Benefit Mining &
1 Has a three years lease on the oldest tunnel site in
Cripple Creek, containing 100 acres, between the
Anchoria Leland and C. O. D. mines, also the
Lelia mine, containing 10 acres; 700,000 shares out
, 1,100,000 still in the treasury. ; $7,000 plant of
. machinery, etc. This stock is now selling at 3c.
Write to us for further information.
Colorado Springo, Colo.
Tot Sale-
A six months scholarship in a first
class business college. Cheap for cash
Address Scholarship, care of Nebraska
Independent, Lincoln, Nebraska,
This is a good opportunity for any
one desiring to attend a business college.
FcBiiisHsa or The Independent.
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Bast Straits f
117 So. 10th St., - US COLS, HEB.
Bath House and Sanitarium
Open at All Honrs Day and Night
All Forma of Baths.
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With Special attention to the applloatloa of
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gSea Bathingtg)
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tested to uniform temperature of SO degrees.
Drs. M. H. & J. O. Everett,
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The Roek Islnnd l foremost In adopting aay
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mxnr.r, siifety unit comfort that the popular
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Pullmnn Sleepers, rhair Cars, all the most ete
gitut and of recently Improved patters.
!t specialties are
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For fall particulars as to Tickets,Maps, Rnres,
tpply to any coupon ticket 'agent In the Baited
States, Canada or Mexico, or address
It Is Jut Wonderful
The time the Union Paciflo "Overland"
past mail No. 3 makes to Ogde, Salt
Lake, Butte, Helena, Portland, Seattle'
San Franciseo and Los Angeles. This
Daily Meteor has the finest equipment
consisting of Pullman Palace and Uphol
stered Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclining
Chair Cars, and Diner. For full informa
tion call on or addrens E. B. Slosson,
General Agent, 1044 O St., or J. T. Mas
tin, 0. T. A.
Berkshire Hoes1 1
100 good Pigs for sale at prices in
touch with the times.
Also Holstein Calves at $20 to $30
each. I have as good blood in my herds
as the best. My prices are right.
S. WILLIAMSON. Beaver City, Neb
300 feet of the world-famous
Now selling at 10c.
Leasing Co. '