Nov, 5 ; 1896 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. 5iir 1 ii r . f- , l ; 1 ILjilJi"! Ill illllg " Quartered Oak Combinat'n Case, finely polished, French bevel mirror r $33.00 Buys this mahogany Parlor Cabinet, Judge Dundy of Nebraska Dead. Omaha, Neb., Oct 30. Judge Elmer S. Dundy, for thirty-three years federal district judge for Nebraska, died yes terday of neuralgia of vthe stomach He was appointed territorial judge b7 .President Lincoln in 1863, Since that time he has participated in the trial of many famous cases. He recently re turned from a trip around the world. Jjcadvlllo Sloters Indicted. Leadville, Col., Oct. 30. The grand . jury has reported indictments against John Gerry, John Mullen, Evan Cost ley and John Brennau, striking miners, charging them with the murder of Fireman Jerry O'Keefe in the Coronado riot. The court refused to release the four prisoners on bail. , Crisp's Son for Congress. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 30. Telegrams from the various counties of the Third district show that there will be prac tically no opposition to. the suggestion made originally by the Journal, that Charles F. Crisp, yourgest son of the late ex-Speaker Crisp, be named to fill out his father's unexpired term. "Jack the Hugger" Fined. St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. . 30. Henry Gist, known to the police as "Jack the hugger," was fined $200 in' police court on the charge of "disturbing the peace." Nine women, some of them girls not yet out of short dresses, while a few were middle-aged, testified that Gist had forcibly hutrxred them. One Hoiert Man' Dear Editor: Please inform your read ers that if written to confidentially, I will mail in a sealed letter the plan pur sued by which I was permanently restored to health and manly vigor, after yean of sufferingfrom Nervous Weakness, Loss of Manhood, Lack of Confidence, etc. I have no scheme to extort money from ny one whomsoever. I was robbed and swindled by qnacks until I nearly lost faith in mankind, but, thank heaven, I am now well, vigorous and strong, and anxious to make this certain means of cure known to all. Having nothing to sell or send C.O.D., I want no money. Address Jas. A. Harris, Box 825,Delray, Mich. Merer Asked for Gentry. -Philadelphia, Oct. 31. The attOi' &eys for Actor James B. Gentry, who is under sentence of death for the kill ing of Margaret V. Drysdale, or Madge York, the actress, have discontinued the appeal to the Supreme court and have taken the case to the board of pardons, where a commutation of the death sentence to life imprisonment 'will be asked. ' VBBBBBBSBBS)SW Cardinal Hohenlohe Dead. Bomx, Oct 31. Cardinal Gustav Adolf Von Hohenlohe-Schillingsfurst, brother of the chancellor of the Ger man empire and arch priest of the Li be rian basilica, died here to-day of apoplexy. He was born in Germany February 26, 1835. Rlpaai Tabules: at drugrisU. 1 it-. rt A PL I Fine polished mahogany Worth $40, our 01BB8 Door Oak Case, 72 InchMdkn CA high, 80 Inches wide V V Caught While Herding in Colorado. Clung to Him While a Commercial Traveler In the Middle West, Not withstanding all Efforts to Get Bid of it Hot Springs of Ar kansas, of no Avail Cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. From the Chronicle, Chicago, 111. Mr. William Clement, of Freeport, Illi nois, is a well-known commercial travel er, and represents the large Chicago house of Reed, Welsh & Lange. In his early life Mr. Clement migrated to the breezy west and became a cowboy in Col orado. After doing as much at cow punching as he desired, he turned his at tention to mining, the exposure from which and his life on the plains under mined a once strong constitution, and rheumatism, liver and kidney trouble and dropsy made their unwelcome ap pearance. The Hot Springs of Arkansas were vis ited in the hope of relief, but he was dis appointed, and so he took ud his resi dence in Illinois, and obtained employ ment as a drummer for a large house in Chicago that has long since gone out of business. Physicians were consulted both at home and while on the road, with only pecuniary benefit to the doc tors, for Mr. Clement grew worse instead of better, and constantly had to lay up for weeks at a time. It was then that from reading the ad vertisement in the papers the sufferer conceived the idea of trying Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and did so. "I thought," Mr. Clement said to the reporter, that fifty cents would not be much expenditure, so I bought a box of the pills and began taking them accord ing to directions. , '- "I had not to wait many days before I found a marked improvement in my con dition, so I kept on with the treatment. First my kidneys began to do their work thoroughly and well, and all bloat left me. Then the rheumatism and pain in the region of the heart went, my liver is cured, and I may say I am as well as ever I was. If I had only known of Pink Pills a few years before, I nhould be a good many thousand dollars richer." As usual, when such testimonials are received at the office of Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., they are sent for verifica tion to the leading druggists of the Vicin ity or other persons in good xtanding. The above was not an exception, not withstanding Mr.- Clement'n excellent reputation, and the returned reports cer tified that all of the foregoing state ments made to the reporter were strictly true. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain in a condensed form, all the elements neces sary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are also a specific for troubles pe culiar to females, such as suppressions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, over work or excess of whatever nature. Pink Pills are sold in boxes (never in loose bulk) at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggiis, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. New style quartern! Buffet at Rudg Tvloriris (Do, 1 18 to 1124 (I St., Lincoln, Nebraska. New stock of Carpets.' Mattings and Draperies, Oil Cloth and Linol eum, Lace and Chenille Curtains. See our goods, gelt our prices before you buy. We will try and save you some money. Sezxd. for ICatalogn- , New Styles in art furniture- 40 different styles of combination to select from $7.50 to $50 each. Just received fancy rockers, chairs and odd pieces for the holiday trade. Make your srlection. . A BIG DAY FOR BRYAN. foured Northern Illinois and Made Nine . Chicago Speeches. Chicago, Oct. 31. After a hard day's campaigning William J Bryan re turned to Chicago last night, arriving at the Northwestern station at 7:15 p. m. The nominee made nine speeches on the north and northwest sides last night. At each meeting he was en thusiastically greeted by large crowds. Mr. Bryan's progress from hall to hall grew more and more difficult. At times it seemed to be a question whether the crowds on the outside would admit him to the inside of the different halls. Finally it became necessary to send for a special detail of police, and keep pa trol wagons filled with bluecoats in close proximity to his carriage. The patrol wagons dashed ahead of his car riage and opened a passageway ap parently regardless of consequences to tie crowds through which it forced its way. During the day Mr. Bryan made speeches at Wheaton, Geneva, May wood, Polo, North Dixon, Rochelle, De Kalb, Freeport, Eockford, Belvidere and Elgin. Spain's Army In Cuba. ' : , Havana, Oct 31. The military status in Cuba has undergone a com plete change within recent days by the heavy augmentation of Spanish troops and the opening of an aggressive fall campaign. The Spanish forces arriv ing at Cuba from March 8, 1895 up to one month ago, are placed at 165,551 men, distributed as follows: Forty-two generals, 628 chiefs, 5,844 officials and 158,987 soldiers,, including infantry, cavalry, artillery and engineers. Three Men Under a Wreck. Wapakoneta, Ohio, Oct. 31. A dis astrous collision happened on the Cin cinnati, Hamilton and Dayton railway last night The through fast freight train ran into three loaded oil car tanks, which were left on the main track by a local freight They were set on fire by the engine, destroying the engine and about twelve loaded freight cars. The engineer, fireman and brakeman cannot be found and are supposed to be in the ruins. Snow Ten Inches Deep In Nebraska. Omaha, Neb., Oct. 31. Western Ne braska was covered with ten inches of snow last night the white mantle thin ning out as it approaches the eastern part of the State. In some sections of the State a high wind accompanied the snow, assuming the proportions of a blizzard. Trains are delayed and on several branches have been stuck in drifts. - Fraudulent Naturalization. . New York, Oct 31. A discovery made in the department of the street cleaning indicates that hundreds of Italians in this city have been fraud nlently naturalized. Dr. Bims gives special attention to ar tificial teeth, crown and bridge work. Burr Bl'k. 14. Oak m7 CZl vDa v2 I O IS IT A TRIFLE? That Common Trouble, Aoid 'Dyspepsia or 8our 8tomaoh. Now Recognized as a Case of Serious Disease. Acid dyspepsia, commonly called heart burn or soar Htnmnnh ia a. fnpm nt in At- gestion resulting from fermntation of the f .1 FTII .... . . iuuu. xuesiomacn Dei ng too weaK to promptly digest it, the food remains un til fermentation begins, filling the stom ach with gas, and a bitter, sour, burning taste in the mouth is often present. This condition vwwiuuu wiuuniv uus ing an every day occurrence is given but uiwe attention. Because dyspepsia is not immediately fntn.l mnnv nan nl a An nothing for the trouble. y unin a recent period a remedy has been discovered prepared solely to cure dyspepsia and stomach troubles. It is known as Stuart's Dyspepsia tablets und it is now becoming rapidly used and prescribed as a radical cure for every form of dyspepsia. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have been placed before the public and are sold by druggists everywhere at 50 cents per package. It is prepared by the Stuart Chemical Ce., Marshall, Mich., and while it promptly and effectually v restores a vigorous digestion, at the same time is perfectly harmless and will not injure the most delicate stomach, but on the COntrarV bv oivino- norfnnf riiiraat.inn strengthens the stomach, improves the uppewie ana maxes me worth living. TORNADO IN OKLAHOMA. five Persons Killed at Mitchell Was a TerrlBe Storm. Guthrie, Okla., Oct 31. Wednesday night a disastrous tornado swept over the little town of Carney, thirty miles east of here, which was recently held up by outlaws. The tornado came from the south west and traversed northeast Its track was about six miles long, and varied from 100 to 150 feet in width. The first house struck was that of a farmer named Miles Tobe. Tobe's house was blown down and Tobe, with his 10-year-old son Millard, was killed in the ruins. The barns and fences were razed, and fourteen head of stock were killed. ' One mile from Tobe's place is the Mitchell postoffice. M. T. Mullin kept the postoffice, which was in his store. Postmaster Mullin's residence was lifted from its foundation and carried seventy-five feet, where it was smashed to smithereens. A bedstead which was in the house was blown over a mile. " Yesterday morning the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Mullin were found in the rain and mud about sixty feet from where the houses were shattered to pieces. The two bodies were locked together, and a stick a yard long and two inches thick was driven through Mullin's head. Rlpans Tabules cur biliousness. New Btle Qnarterad Oak, Finely Air? OKI follehed, at ...j)J. .2DJ a . Antlqne Oak Desk, a Bargain Qrj QQ THE MONEY STRINGENCY. filgh' Bates Beached Again To-Day, but There Is No Alarm. New Yobk, Oct 81. There was a notable absence of excitement in Wall street at the opening to-day, consider ing the extreme stringency of money yesterday. Higher London quotations, scarcity of stocks offering in the local market and rumors of financial relief measures to be taken by the banks caused a confident sentiment The first call loan was 50 per cent. The rate advanced to 100 per cent and then dropped back to 30 before noon. Not much business was done. - Mormons Driven Away by Force. Ashland, Ky., Oct. 31. Reports from Elliott county state that the op position to the advance of the Mormon religion is becoming very violent throughout that entire county, and that all the elders have been driven away. Several serious affrays have re sulted between the opposition and the sympathizers.. "frits" Emmett's Widow Divorced. Dehveb, CoL, Oct 31. The district court to-day granted a divorce to Mrs. Eleanor Mix from Charles Mix of Al bany, N. Y., on the ground of deser tion and non-support The woman was the widow of J. K. Emmett, the famous actor, when she met and married Mix in 1894. To Settle the Leadvllle Strike. Leadvuxx, CoL, Oct 81. W. H. Montgomery, general organizer ef the American Federation of Labor, is here for the purpose of settling the miners' strike, if possible. , A Veteran Democrat Passes Away. Allentown, Pa., Oct 31. Ex-Congressman John D. Stiles, who was tjie oldest member of the Lehigh county bar, died last night from the effects of a paralytic stroke. He was 75 years of age. In 1856 he was a delegate to the convention which nominated James Buchanan for president, and was the same year elected to Congres to fill the unexpired term of Thomas B. Cooper and was re-elected in 1853 and 1863. In 1864 he was a delegate to the Dem ocratic national, convention which nominated General McClellan for president THE WAY TO CURE catarrh is to purify the blood, and the surest, safest, best way to purify the blood is by tak ing Hood's' Saraaparilla, the One True Blood Purifier. HOOD'S PILLS are prompt, efficient, always reliable, easy to take, easy to operate. Drink Id to His Death. Chtllicothe, Mo., Nov. 3. William Brannan, while intoxicated Saturday night, attempted to drive his horse and buggy across the trestle of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul railroad. Da turning around, as it appears, the horse, buggy and driver were precipi tated to the ground beneath, a distance of about thirty feet, and killed -1 jr Oil A Qnartored Oak Library Caoe, It Inchee ftl 17 ft blKh, S laches wide VV. U Oak Book Rack with adJnstableA it Kf ShelTM. cheap at V 'UV ETHEL SPRAGUE nAHHIZ! The Toons; Actress of Noted TmmTj ' Becomes a Physician's Wife. Baltimobe, Md., Oct 31. A San Francisco dispatch announcing the hasty marriage in that city of Dr. Frank Donaldson and Ethel Chasa Sprague, the actress, daughter of Kate Chase Sprague, did not surprise the Maryland friends of Dr. Donaldson. Ue is the son of a Baltimore physician. Upon his graduation from Harvard he practiced his profession for several years in this city with success. In early life he married Miss Nannie B. McDonald, member of an old Virginia family. They spent several years abroad, but upon their return from Europe Mrs. Donaldson procured a di vorce from her husband. One of the sisters of Dr. Donaldson three weeks ago received a letter announcing that he had accepted a professorship in one of the medical colleges of San Fran cisco. Prior to this he lived for some montnsin jsew ior ciiy. 11 e una written several plays and was quite a noted amateur actor, though he was never known to 'aspire to the profes sional stage. It is understood that a' secret mar riage was contracted by the young peo- Cle in July. The opposition of the ride's mother and the fear that It might injure her professional career have been given as the reason why an nouncement was not made at the time of the marriage several months ago. The discovery that the facts were known is said to be responsible for the hurried religious ceremony performed last evening. HNo fits 'after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. Free $2 trial bottle and treatise sent by Dr. Kline 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. tf D. P. Sims, dentist rooms 43, 43 Burr Bl'k., Lincoln. Nebraska, 14 WANTED FAITHFUL MEN OR WOMEN TO travel tor responsible established boose In Nsbraska, Salary f 780 and expenses. Po sition permanent. Rslerene. Enclose self-ad-drasssd stamped envelope. The National, Star Insnrance Bldg Chicago. stee I Oalranli I roumt,ol kl.Ii J unci SteelTanks Oalranlsad, in U ), oblong or .qua re wxBemm, (K) Chlcage. H. D. RHEA, Offle-4IleT,lTewmUllok. Telephone too. UVOOUT, OR. H. W. TLAJZVn ASTHMA GUfiE FREE. A dollar bottle sad prsettosl Tristtsi ea Astt-s, m Hay Fever sent Free to say eetfcauioe wee n.l pr ezpresssfs. Pa-B.W. sUa, Pes. M. ae Ohio.