4 I The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. VOL. VIII. LINCOLN, NEBR., THURSDAY, Oct. 32, 1896. ! "s r 1 X SURE WITH HON The National Populist Executive Committee Speaks Plainly to Its Voters. T7. J. BEY AN OUE CANDIDATE. Populists are Patriots and are y Against Mark Hannaand Boodle Always. , ' Joist Electoral Ticket Everywhere. The populist national committee held a meeting in Chicago October 13, and leaned the following address: TO THE PEOPLE'S PARTY T0TEB8 OF THIS UNITED STATES. Tour national committee indulged the hope that patriotic action of the peo ple's party in national convention in subordinating . the interests of party to the success of the vital issues involved in this campaign would be met by equally unselfish devotion to a common interest on the part of the democratic party and that all the friends of silver could pre sent a solid front against the minions of greed by supporting one ticket, the truly co-operative ticket, Bryan an Watson. But this was disappointed, and there were but two courses left us, one of ' wf must be adopted. First, to run a fltra.ej.i6 Bryan and Watson electoral ticket in every state, which, on account of the failure of the democratic party to support this ticket would have eilected the same result in this campaign that would have followed the nomination of a straight populist ticket at St. Louis, namely, the election of McKinley and the triumph of the gold standard, It is true that the democratic party would be responsible even to a greater extent than ourselves for such a result, but to permit evils to triumph on such grounds would convict us as well as . them of u lack of patriotism and a nar row partisanship that would deservedly forfeit to us the confidence of the Ameri can people. Remember that two wrongs never make a right. COUNTRY COMES FIRST. When our devotion to the welfare of the people falters because of any failure on the part of the democratic or any other party, then, indeed, will we have lowered our standard and proven our selves false to our own teachings and re pudiated ur own motto, of country first and men and parties second. The brave, enlightened voters who consti tute the rank and file of the people's party art incapable of such base be trayal of their country as would result from a division in the ranks of those op posing the machinations of the confeder ated money power of the two continents against the homes and liberties of the American people and would repudiate any action on the part of their leaders opposed to united effort at this time as they repudiated ' the old parties for treachery to their interests. ' The other course left open for, your -committee that was consistent with the action of the convention in nominating Mr. Bryan was to do everything in its power to unite the voters of the country against McKinley and to overcome the obstacles and embarrassments, which, if the democratic party had put the cause first and party second, we would not have encountered. , : , : ' ; ' DIVIDING THE ELECTORS. This could be accomplished only by arranging for a division of the electoral vote in every state possible, securing so many electors for Bryan and Watson, and conceding so many to 1 Bryan and Sewall. At the opening of the campaign this, under the circumstances, seemed the wisest course for our committee nnd it is clearer today than ever that it was the only safe and wise course if our votes are to be east and made effective for the re lief of an oppressed and outraged people. . Following this line of policy your com mittee has arranged electoral tickets in three-fourths of the states and will do all in Us power to make the same arrange ment in all of the states. By perfecting this arrangement and every sincere op-' ponent of the gold standard giving loyal support to these joint electoral tickets, the people's party will not only secure in the electoral college for Bryan and Wat son several times as many votes as we could have possibly secured by making a straight fight, but we will secure the defeat of McKinley and the gold stand ard, which should now be the greatest desire of every citizen who believes in the principles of true democracy. By this plan we can unite a large ma jority of the voters on our joint elec toral tickets, therefore, the only hope of the money power and trusts is to divide us and conquer. The republican man agers and their democratic allies realize this and are putting forth every effort to ' accomplish this end. WORK OF THE GOLDITES. They have their emissaries on hand everywhere trying to prevent joint elec toral tickets from being arranged fail ing in this they try to find populists and silver democrats who can be induced, on one pretext or another to rebel against the joint electoral tickets. The danger lies in the possibility 01 a certain por tion of the rank and file of the populist party being misled by so-called leaders who, for reasons best known to them selves, or for want of reason, are advis ing voters to rebel against the joint electoral tickets, or to withhold their support from the joint electoral tickets. Some of the democrats of the revenue stripe, who are not yet weaned from the flesh-pots of Egypt, but are sticklers for regularity and are nominally supporting Mr. Bryan, while secretly and in every underhanded way are trying to accom- filish his defeat, are advising against the oint electoral tickets and failing in this they advise democrats to scratch party electors and already a few so-called pop ulist leaders are advising the rank and file of our party to strike back by refus ing to support the democratic electors on the joint electoral tickets. This is a trap set by the goldbugs, who are re joicing that a few honest men have fallen into it. These reports today are the only thing that buoy up the hopes of the republican managers, and the democrats and populists who are thus engaged are doing just what the gold men most de sire. Therefore, we appeal to every pop ulist, who may have been misled by such mistaken or false pleas of pretended loy alty to the people's party into refusing to support such joint electoral tickets, to stop and consider the results of such conduct and refuse to be influenced by either misguided or corrupt men. THAT CORRUPTION FUND. The one and only hope of the republi can party to win in this campaign and fasten the gold standard upon the coun try is the coirupt use of an unlimited supply of money, for bribery, corruption and intimidation. The patriotic action of the people's party in forming and sup porting the joint electoral tickets has shattered that hope. Already they are alarmed at the irn potency of a boodle campaign, when all of the great moral forces of the people are solidly united in the defense of American institutions. The revulsion of the American people against this boodle campaign, during the last ten days has so united them that victory is now assured. The people's party will be the party of the fnture. The American people will recognize it as the agency which saved the day when their interests were at stake; the American people will rally around its banner as the party to con tend against the enemy of good govern ment in the future. Every man to his post and the victory is won. Marion Bctbeb Chairman. J. It. Sovereign, H. W. Reed, George F. Washburn, John W. Briedenthal, M. C. Rankin, 1 C. F. Taylor, J. A. Edgerton, Secretary. HON. BILL DECK. He Occupied the Whole Road at Hick ' man. Editor Independent: The republican campaign committee punished this town severely last night by sending William Hurricane Deck (Middle of the road pop) down here to make a speech. He arrived at 2 o'clock and went at once to the saloon where he remained nearly all the afternoon until time for the speaking at 8 o'clock, when hts title, "middle of the road pop" was really appropriate to his condition."r However he reached the school house along with the republican men women and children of the town who listened to his harangue of abuse and profanity until they were thorough ly disgusted. Verily he came to his own and they received him but they like him not. Let the good work go on. -W. P. Larsh. Presidential Election. ThohsbueSh, Neb., Oct., 11, 1896. Editor Independent: I would like to ask for a little information through the columns of your paper. There is a good deal of dispute here over the electors. Some claim Bryan and Sewall and some Bryan and Watson. Please answer this through your paper and oblige, lours truly, Melvin Spencer, answer. There are eight presidential electors. Four of them have heretofore been free silver democrats, and four populists. iney win ail vote for Bryan and lour of them will vote for Watson and four for Sewall. That seems to be the only way to down the money power. BRYAN IN NEBRASKA. Will Swing Around the Circle the Day Before Election. Chairman Dahlman of the democratic state central committee has just an nounced the itinerary for JVfr. Bryan's tour through the state on the day pre ceding the election. He wilt make the tour in a special train, comprising an engine and one car., Leaving Lincoln at 6:45 a. iu., he will make brief speeches from the car platform at Seward, Aurora, Grand Island, Hastings, Harvard, Saronville, Sutton, Grafton, Fairmont, Exeter, Friend, Dorchester, Crete, Lin coin and Omaha. The cities will be visited in the order named, and Omaha will be reached at 8;03 p. in., after a ride of 292 miles. ' ' From McKinley Town.' Shelton, Neb., Oct., 18, 1896. Editor Independent Enclosed is an extract from a letter received Sept. 23d from Stark county Ohio. Mrs. John Stebbins. The enclosure was as follows: "We have nothing but politics here. In every part of the state they are dis cussing free silver. I went to Cleveland to see Bryan and tbmk it was the larg est and most enthusiastic crowd I was ever in. There was a procession of 5000 from Canton. They had a Banner upon which were the words "From McKinley Town." The populists and democrats have great hopes of carrying the state." MUTUAL IN8URANCB. Governor Holcoaab Always an Advocate of it. : Executive Chamber, Lincoln, eb October . 10, 1896. Mr. L. P. Kruse, Beatrice, Nebraska. My Dear Mr. Kruse; I have your favor of the 9th instant and thank you for calling myj ' attention to the report being circulated by our eu- emies in Beatrice to the effect that, dur ing the last session of the legislature, I vetoed a bill extending certain privileges to life insurance orders. I do not know of any such bill having been introduced iu the legislature, and I know that no measure of this description was present ed to me for my approval. It is one of a long series of campaign falsehoods which are being circulated by unscrupu lous politicians in their desperation be cause of the knowledge that Nebraska voters have set their faces toware hon est state government. You will probably, also, oe confronted with the statement that! am opposed to mutual insurance, despite the fact that I have, at all times and under all circumstances, advocated the organisa tion and encouragement of mutual aud fraternal societies and organizations. During the last session of the legislature a bill was introduced providing for the organization of mutual fire companies in cities and villages, The Dill was nrst drafted by Mr. Lichty of Richardson county, author of the farm mutual law, which is now on our statute dookb. This bill, as drafted by Mr, Lichty, con tained all of the provisions of the farm mutual law and provided amply for the protection of policy holders. Astute lawyers examined this bill and, in their wisdom, decided that it was too vol- umnous. Under their direction the bill was cut down until it was only a skel eton of the well proportioned measure drawn up by the friend of mutual insur ance. In this form the bill . was passed by the legislature and presented to me for my approval in the closing hours of the session. I examined it and was at once im pressed with the serious defects existing in the measure. A comparison of our farm mutual law with the vetoed bill, by any one who will take the trouble to ex amine them, will disclose readily the im perfections in the last act. 7 1 was of the opinion, and have no reason to change my belief, that if it became a law it would result in the organization Of ir responsible companies, in serious loss to innocent policy holders, and would bring mutual insurance into disrepute in the state, resulting in irreparable dam age to farm mutual companies already existing under our present law, I felt that it would be better to wait two years more and get a bill passed by a legislature friendly to mutual insurance which would cover all the ground as does the farm mutual law. Had this skeleton bill been presented to me dur in the session of the legislature I would have unhesitatingly vetoed it and at once have had introduced in its stead a bill which would have offered sufficient protection to policy holders and have been a strength to mutual insurance. If I am re-elected, I shall see to it that such a bill is introduced and, if passed by the legislature, 1 will be glad to ap prove of it. 1 make you this full expla nation for your information in case this attack is made on me in Gage county, as it has been elsewhere. In this connection I desire to call your attention to the plank in the populist state platform relating to mutual insur ance and which has my hearty approval; "We hold that the formation of mu tual and fraternal associations for the Erotection of their members against loss y fire, death and accident, is a right of the American citizen that should be fos tered and protected by law aud approve of the present valued policy law and de mand its rigid and honest enforcement." Now, note carefully the covert declara tion of the republican platform: -"We favor state legislation, with proper restrictions for the safety and protection of the people, under which mutual companies may be organized. The valued policy act should not be re pealed or modified in any may that will destroy the equity of its provisions." Our party can be relied upon to cham pion the cause of mutual insurance. The carefully worded declaration of the re publican party is thrown out as a bait for voters, yet its saving clauses leave re publican representatives as free as ever to attack mutual insurance and the present valued policy law, which by practical experience and the test of ju dicial decisions, have been found to an swer every requirement of safe and sound insurance. During the last session of the legisla ture! readily approved an act providing for the organization of mutual benefit associations and life insurance com panies, the same chapter 42 of the ses sion laws of 1895. I have at all times been a friend to mutual insurance and have never hesitated in expressing my approval of laws which will keep the money expended by our people as pre miums within the state. Again thank ing you for calling my attention to the other matter, I am, Very cordially, Silas A. Holcomb. The next national house . of represen tatives will be for free silver and Nebraa kans should vote for the men who will be in harmony with the western' spirit that will dominate congress. -A vote for Judge Broady will be such a vote. Con gressmen who are wedded to tariff agita tion will be of little avail, as no tariff measure can be gotten through the sen ate for the next four years unless con cessions are made for the free coinage of silver. ' . BRYAN TRAVELING MEN Proclaim Their Reasons for Their Advocacy of the Doctrine of Free Coinage. IT WILL STIMULATE TRADE. And Restore the Confidence That is bo Necessary to Business v Prosperity. By Giving Rising- Market. At the last meeting of the Bryan Travelling Men's club of this city the fol lowing resolutions were submitted and adopted: Whereas, The. advocates of the single gold - standard have persistently sought to deceive the public into a conviction that Jhe traveling men of the nation are as a class favorable to the maintenance of that financial policy aud allied to the misnamed "sound money" party; now therefore, be it Resolved, That we, the members of the Bryan Traveling Men's club of Lin coln, Neb., with a membership of 150, all residents of the city of Lincoln, denounce as unwarranted by the facts the claim that the traveling men are as a class fa vorable to the single gold standard, and proclaim our sincere conviction that 75 per cent of the traveling men whose homes are in the west are earnest sup porters of the Hon. W. J. Bryan and advocates of the free coinage of both gold and silver at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1 without waiting for the aid or consent of any foreign nation. We believe that the patriotic people Of thiB country are not yet ready to bow to the dictation of any foreign power or seek the permission of England or any other nation to legislate in the interests of the American people. We resent any denial of the right and the ability of the people of the United States to legislate for their own best interests, which right and ability have never until now been questioned since the surrender of the British sword at the close of America's struggle for independence. We believe the free and unlimited coin age of gold and silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 to be essential to the progress of the republic and the prosperity of its peo ple and its business interests. We feel assured that the demonetization of sil ver, by reducing the supply of primary money to about one-half its former value has made money so dear that it no longer flows through its wonted chan nels of industry, enterprise and trade, as the present owners of the limited supply of money find it more profitable to hoard it and enjoy the unearned profit arising from its appreciation than to employ it in the uses for which money was created. We realize that dear money makes cheap labor and cheap property. Cheap labor paralyses industry, and cheap property and products destroy com merce, upon the life and prosperity of wnicn depends tne prosperity of the traveling men. Falling markets are al ways the inevitable effect of the single gold standard, and when products and merchandise are on the decline, trade cannot prosper, for the merchant de clines to purchase when threatened by decreasing values. When there is more money than there is business the pur chasing power of money decreases, and there is more profit n trading in prop erty and merchandise than there is in hoarding money. The hoarded money of the world, which is growing less valu able, is brought out of its hiding places and poured into the channels of trade in return for property, " which is growing more valuable. When there is more business than money, the purchasing power of money increases and it again seeks the hiding places to profit from its own accretion, while property is grow ing cheaper. The resumption of the free coinage of both gold and silver will increase the currency of the country, cheapen money and appreciate prices of labor and prop erty, increased prices will stimulate in dustry and quicken commerce. Mer chants aud manufacturers will be able to consistently engage in business without the fear that a falling market will pre vent mem selling their merchandise or products for less than the prices pre vailing when they were purchased or manufactured. In the proportion that the gold stand ard depreciates the property of the world, it appreciates the purchasing power of the vast sums paid each year by the people of this country to the capital ists of foreign nations to meet in terest charges on our great indebtedness Foreign money, kings are reaping the sole benefits of the gold standard at the expense of the American people, and it is worse tnan folly lor the latter to hope or expect that the money powers of those foreign countries will ever seek or consent to the abolition of a financial system that is pouring into their coffers tbeearnings of the industry of America. We believe that the only way to secure the establishment of international bi metallism is for the United States to at once remonetize silver, when the other nations of the world, which will never do it otherwise, will be forced to return to bimetallism to protect their commercial interests. We recognize that the current cam paign shibboleths of the gold standard advocates, "sound money," 'an honest dollar" and "a policy of dishonesty and repudiation" are designed solely to de ceive the. American people, and we re cognize as the honest dollar that which is subject to the least appreciation or depreciation. The honest dollar is the dollar whose purchasing power does not fluctuate, and we believe that the silver dollar under abimetallio financial sys tem is such a dollar. We believe that it is not repudiation to offer to pay a debt with dollars of equal purchasing power with those received when the debt was incurred, and we believe that it is worse than repudiation for a creditor to de mand dollars' of a greater purchasing power than had those be loaned when the debt was created. We believe that the return to bimetall ism in this country without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation would at once restore the confidence so necessary to the revival of trade and industry, upon which depends the wel fare of the travelling fraternity, as well as that of the nation. Ed M. Friend, Secretary. 8. S. Whitino, President. 8TRAININQ EVERY NERVE. Free Passes Given Democrats to Get Them Where They Cannot Vote. While outwardly the republican na tional committee manifests .the utmost confidence in the result of election, de velopments of each succeding day show that they are straining every nerve to secure every vote possible for McKinley and prevent every vote possible for Bryan. 'vr '.i-.-- . Here in the city they have established agencies for the distribution of transpor tation to democrats or populists who can be induced to leave the city in time to lose their vote. Residents of Lincoln who could not otherwise secure transpor tation under any possible circumstances are furnished tickets for themselves and families to distant parts to visit. This is no' idle rumor. It is known to be a fact. ' ' Employes of corporations in this state suspected to be for free silver are being sent out of the state to work until the election, and men from outside the state who can lay auy possible;cIaim to resi dence here are being brought to the state by the railways aud the republicans to help out the corporation cause. An inmate of the soldiers' home at Leavenworth, Kas., writes a friend in this city that an agent of the republican national committee is now in that city arranging to send home to vote for Mc Kinley such old soldiers as he finds to be afflicted with goldbugism. They are furnished free transportation to auy part of the United States. Quite a num ber of them are to be 'sent to Nebraska to attempt to vote in communities in which they have not resided for from six to eight years. One canuot begin to conceive of the enormous expense that must attend this colonization system. It simply shows the desperate measures to which republi cans feel compelled to resort. ALLEN 18 COMING. He Will Spesk at Bohanan's Hall Bator day Afternoon and Evening. Senator W. V. Allen will speak Satur day afternoon and evening at Bohanan's hall on the silver question. Several efforts have been made of late by tho sil ver forces of this city to secure the sena tor for a speech or two, but up to the present time their efforts have been un satisfactory. There are many in Lincoln who will be glad to hear the ae&Ator as he is one of the most forceful and logical speakers of the campaign. Everyone should bear in mind the date, Saturday afternoon and evening. WILL GIVE A BOND. Norris Humphrey Neils a Campaign Lie ; Effectually. To the voters of Lancaster county who are interested in the coming elec tion I would say that it is reported that 3. W. Beardsley, candidate for county treasurer, could not give the required bond if elected. There is not a man in Lancaster county that I would be more willing to go his bond than Mr. Beards ley. I have known him for the last fif teen years. He is honest, capable and responsible and would make an efficient and trustworthy official. Nonius Humphrey. ' All of the populists who signed Bill Dech's petition as a populist candidate for congress have withdrawn their names, so that Bill now stands as a populist candidate on the petition solely of republicans. But Bill Dech and his manager I continue to live high around the festal board of the republican state committee. He hasn't had so much fun since he swallowed a dose of poison in his room on Tenth street several years since, and bis friends trotted blm around and spanked him for twenty-four hours to keep him frm fielding up his troubled ghost UlUIliJ i Hen on Els Petitiaa LCxUi draw Their X?tr;i Tttzi V Ptltica. " six PELSora toll rr: Leaving tie nirxtriru ZZ1 7 ontttt&tahr.? . Bad tor mil. 1 Another question involvi t o structlon or interpretation ct V : ' law has been presented to tt t of state. When W. II. DecVO of the road populist, beeacw c for congress in the FourO T bad his name placed la c:: ' petition. Under the law of e; . , only entitled to hare tie r: petition" follow his name, wid . '. other whioh will explain his rzr ation. It was necessary tl.it i fifty names to his petition, 3 ? bis bad fifty-five. Yestsri'y 1 a letter was filed with the t :: ... state signod by six of thocs prr: : had signed Dech's petition cf 1 tion. The letter reads as toUorx Wahoo Neb., Oct. 14, 18CJ. Hon, Secretary of State, J. A. . Lincoln, Neb. Dear Sin We, tiit t signed, who ha,ve previously ' petition of Wm, Dech to m1 t for congress in the Fourth ( 1. ) of Nebraska, do hereby moctr ask and request that our K""-' celled or withdrawn from si.'. J j which Is now in your porc:: greatly oblige, yours very recjrc L. T. Eur: J. P. Milli II. W. Bar:: A. Lef3, . John M. Lr F.J.Cholli . The question before the seer; ' can these signers have tbeirrtr off the petition it the appUci '1 ji , before the certification Is t:;, county clerks. The popc'.!:tJ 1 " neys for the six men say Va.. f a right to have their narc-t 1 this is true Dech will not Lit J petition because it will f haiing1themin5toMre5..i k . ute. As yesterday was the L j which nominations by pe'.l' K made the nomination of Ei good only in case be is allowed 1 plete his petition after thc .1: stricken on. . . THEY GOT IN TII3 DITCT Not Half as Good a Place as the L" of-the Road. j Editor Independent: As the I lecturer of the Farmers Alliance an duBtrial nnion, I am asked many tions as to how I stand on the qt: ; of the middle-of-the-road popuILI j and being too busy to answer et ' arately, I beg the use of your cc' to reply to all at once, f irst, 1 w.. I have bten an Alliance man ever the first organization of the Alllix; am aa old time worker in the t. Second, I was one of the very rot 1 , cates of independent political actc: , have been a radical expounder middle-of-the-road idea and am yt ! I have always maintained tl'tl Omaha platform is too much fc , inch fc : d all at i i yet VA average voter to comprehend 1 I have always thought, and ; hefc to adopt part at --a tis stance, if w r wait,at the bottom 1 mountain until we get sufficient st to go up all the way at one leap, '. we will never get up at all. Neitnei want to sit at a table and starve cause I can not swallow the whole ! at one mouthful. 1 Now I see that we have had suC strength to compel the democratic f at Chicago to adopt most of our! form. In other words we have ea;i the body of that party and cut rl head of gold and thrown the head the republican camp where it belt If we have had brains enough to eaf the body we surely have brains ea to control the same in the future i. interest of the people. Therefore ! ' for Bryan and Watson and the state ticket from top to bottom e the road supervisor. I hear some of the so-called mid the roaders say they have a good to stay at home and not vote. say they think they will vote the hi tion and the like, flow mv good r ren of the middle of the road, you I got so far from the middle of thej you are in the ditch instead. I republicans are much interested h pops running an independent middj , the-road ticket and I see One Wii Dech is making an independent rtf congress. Now all this is to help, tl publican gold bugs into power. I e did the Nazarine of old, "He that i for us is against us." The fight year is between the gold bugs of bard and Wall streets and the fre of the American laborer and wt wa! votes we can get and every voe 1 ; half a vote for the plutocrats. The my friends and fellow workers i Alliance, let us stand by our t through the fight of November 3, ' and not give aid and comfort t enemy. A vote for Bryan and the populist state ticket is a vote for I. . J. M. Santo State Lecturer F. A. i v rr-