The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, September 24, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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    Sept 24, i8q6,
Mr Crossley's Slander of W. J Bryan
, Refuted.
Bennet, Neb., Sept 14, 1896. Charles
Crossley, Esq., Lincoln, Neb. Dear Sir;
In your letter of recent date to Mr. W. S.
Blackstone of Apple River, 111., and pub
lished in the Gazette September 10, you
ask me if we are not proud of our presi
dential candidate. Well, Billy we all
call him Billy here is a good citizen and
neighbor. We live just three blocks from
him, but we think he would make a poor
president. He will never carry his ward,
' city nor state. He is not even a second
class lawyer. We are going to turn him
, down in November. Then he can come
back to his 7x9 office and practice law
again. A canvass of the old soldiers
hereon Friday showed 2,814 for McKin
ley and 61 for Mr. Bryan, and thus it
will be all over Nebraska when the gong
sounds on November 3, next. Hurrah
for McKinley, sound money and pro
My reply is this: Now Mr. Crossley read
the letter carefully you penned to Mr,
Blackstone, and I think any sane man
will be ashamed of it in print1. Evidently
Mr. Crossly you have been engaged by
the Lincoln boodle gang to shout for
and display your ignorance etc. Yes,
Mr. Crossley, we and the state of Ne
braska are very proud of the Hon. W.
J. Bryan, one of the brainiest men the
state ever produced. He is truly a sec
ond Abraham Lincoln. It seems Mr.
Crossley, you have .cast an insult upon
Mr. Bryan and the state of Nebraska by
having letter published in the Ga
iette. We trust you will hasten to do
justice to Mr. Bryan and the state o
Nebraska to have your statements re
tracted. Yon remember the republican
rally in Lincoln on August 27 when Mr,
Bryan's picture was burned. That act
alone of vandalism secured a large num
ber of votes for Mr. Bryan. The repub
lican gang is thoroughly alarmed as
certain defeat staring them in the face ,
Hence their desperation. Yes Mr. Cross
ley, W. J. Bryan will carry his ward, his
county, and also his state by 25,000 or
over. I think, Mr. Crossley, when I have
your letter published in the Lincoln pa
pers it will gain a number of votes for
Mr. Bryan. Hurrah for Mr. BryanI free
dom and prosperity!. With kind regards
for your welfare, Mr. Crossley, I am,
Yours truly,
Thomas Knox.
' Goldbugs, How Abt This ?
The gold standard people insist that
the free coinage of silver would Mexican,
ize this country. Supposing their pre
dictions to be correct, what say
they to the following letter recently writ
ten to W. B. Price of this city, explana
tory of the conditions in Mexico and
what they would be in the United
States under free coinage: V:
Mexico City, Mexico. Dear Sir: Mr.
D. E. Thompson just left here yesterday
for Lincoln. He bought a large tract of
land very close to my plantation and he
also bough t "a large tract in Tampico,
He told me he would willingly sell
out all of his interest in Nebraska
for one half what it was
worth and come to Mexico if he could,
but that it was not possible to sell any
thing there at present. Mr. Thompson
see.ns to be a very nice man and I was
pleased to have him invest in Mexico. I
think we are going to have the
biggest boom in land here that any
country ever saw. Last winter there
were thousands of investors here and
this coming fall and winter there will be
a great many more. Truly yours.
W. E. Frev.
A Hannaerat.
The populist state committee openly
denounce Paul Vandervort, as a traitor
and a scoundrel, who has been knocked
out of the populist fold, and branded
him "Hannaerffc." South Omaha Sun.
D. P. Sims, dentist rooms 42, 43 Burr
Bl'k., Lincoln, Nebraska. 14
Samples of Men's and Boy's Suits
and Overcoats sent free to your ad
dress. Spend i cent for a postal
and write us today. Greatest bar
gains in clothing the world has ever
Worth of Clothing. Latest
styles, best qualities, and your
money back if goods do not suit.
Send for samples and Catalogue
North Tenth St.
A Noted Corruptlouist.
Paul Vandervoort, the most noted
corruptionist this state has ever known,
is trying to lead a middle of the road
populist break from Bryan. No one
need be afraid of his work. No true pop
ulist will listen to Paul, let alone doing
as he says. Seventy-five thousand pop
ulists would send up a glad "amen
should Vandervoort return to the party
he came from. We have suffered enough
in the past from his kind and the best
thing the Douglas county convention
did last spring was to leave him off the
delegation to the state convention.
Howell's Journal.
Company A, All Yotk Republican!, Join
the Bryan Army
A folder has been received at thisofflce,
the first paragraph of which says:
"We, the undersigned residents of
York, till recently of republican affllia
tion, and believing we still represent the
true princples of republicanism, having
determined to support William J. Itryan
for the presidency, beg leave to appeal
to you to join us in free and indepenent
political action, to the end that our con
victions may be expressed by our votes:
and suggest the following as some of the
reasons for such action."
" Then followed some very cogent rea
sons after which they appeal to their
fellow republicans and say:
"We confidently appeal to your in
telligence and patriotism to join ns in
this battle. This time is ripe, our leader
is trusty and time a man of tbs people
who will not betray us. Let us imitate
him by putting principle above party,
The address is signed by fifty-one re
publicans as follows:
J. M. Bell, A. C. Snyder, George Brown
H. li. JUaggy, Hobert Armstrong, U. O.
Zeigler, C. G. Woods. E. B. Woods. Geo,
Hopkins, N. P. Lundeen, R. V. Hunter,
J. li. Hunter, Uimrles Hill, U. A. Kospii
lof, G. W. Bemis, sr.. S. C. Shipman. E.
A. Gilbert, John Oppfelt, J. W. Purinton,
Charles Baer, Henry Baer, M. L. Myer,
L. F. Richardson, Robert 0. Byrnes, W.
H.. Eagleson, Gustav Luedera, CyruB
Hatching, Urrtn Harnett, A.L.Mckinnis,
N. F. Tilden, J. A. . Diffeubacher, L. J.
Smith, G. W. Wirt, N. Rosenlof, John
Komsdal, f. li. Snyder, E. F. Whitcomb,
R J. Calkins, A. W. Wirt, James Uoble,
W. L. Campbell. M. C. Frank. B. F. Mar
shall, jr., P. W. Romsdale, Arthur Well-
man, J. C. Marshall, E. GobeJ, W. M.
Field, F. hj. t'alkins, W. O'Brien, H. D,
These are not all the republicans at
lork wbo nave left the gold standard
ranks, and it is only one town in this
great state. Is it any wonder the clouds
hang thick and heavy over the republi
can stare Headquarters.
The Pyramid Pile Cure the Only Pile
Our Keoommflnded by Physi
cians as Being Per
fectly Safe-
No Opium, Cocaine, Narcotic or Other
Poison In It.
The Pyramid Pile Cure is probably the
only Pile cure extensively recommeuded
by physicians, because it is so safe, so
prompt in the relief afforded and so far
as known the only positive cure for piles
except a surgical operation.
In ono year the Pyramid Pile Cure has
become the best known, the safest and
the most extensively sold of any pile
cure before the public.
Nearly all druggists sell it at 50 cents
and $1 per packagp.
Address the Pyramid Co.. Albion.
Mich., for book on cause and cure of
piles and also hundreds of testimonials
from all parts of the Unitea States.
Jf Buffering from any form ot piles ask
your druggist for a package of Pyramid
Pile Cure and try it tonight.
TorEKA, Kan.. Sent. 2?. Judo- Tfa.
Een this morninc refused to errant th
injunction asaed by Crane & Co. to
prevent the school superintendent
from entering into a contraot with the
American Book company for supply
lag the schodla of the county with
text books.
T)r. Rims cievl nnMint nttontinn t,n ar
tificial teeth, crown ' and hridce work.
Burr Bl'k. 14.
A Dollar Will Alwaya Buy a Dollar's
To the Editor: In the Constitution
"when it says congress shall have power
to coin money and regulate the value
thereof our goldite friends tell us that
congress cannot do this. The argument
is that if we re-establish free coinage the
dollar will be worth only 53 cents, hence
will only purchase 53 cents worth.
They do not say so, but the final con
clusion is a dollar will not purchase a
dollar's worth, which every man knows
is not so. They stop before they get to
the final conclusion.
When power was delegated by the con
stitution to congress to coin money and
regulate the value thereof, there was no
thought as to how many bushels of corn
or pounds of pork a dollar would buy.
This is not the idea of value as expressed
in the constitution. Congress makes a
coin out of silver, the weight thereof is
412 grains. Congress says the value
of this coin is "one dollar." It don't
say bow many pounds or bushels of any
thing it will buy, but it does tell you the
value, which is one dollar.
Congress Makes a coin of 25.8 grains
of gold. It says the value of this is ten
dollars but it don't tell yon how many
pounds of sugar it will buy nor anything
else it will buy. It simply names the
value of the coin. So with every other
coin congress always fixes the value but
never pretends to tell how much it will
buy. It will always buy a dollars worth
without any reference to the quantity of
the stuff you get. Sometimes you will
get more and sometimes less of any giv
en product but always a dollars worth.
Hence if your note calls for one hundred
"dollars," and you can get hold of 100
dollar coins they will pay your note
and you will be no debt shaver either. A
dollar is a "dollar" now and ever more
will be, until the entire monetary system
of the Duited States changed.
D. J. Poysteii.
Dr- Hathaway Has Done Grand Work for
Suffering Humanity-
Among the additions to science in the
closing of the nineteenth century, which
redound to the benefit of all mankind,
there is nothing for which humanity
should be so grateful as the progress
made by its physicians. Diseases that
have heretofore baffled the skill of physi
cians for hundreds of years, have now,
through the study of onr advanced sci
entists, become almost as simple as trifl
ing acnes.
Among those who are doing grand
work is Dr. Hathaway. His studies have
been for many years solely in the inter
est of the sexes and the promotion of
the health and physical vigor, without
which life has no charm.
It has been Dr. Hathaway's one am
bition to further the happiness of his
fellow beings, and to tiuch proficiency
has he arrived in bis chosen field, that
from bis office he is able to cure diseases
that vbut for him would destroy, not
only everything in life worth having,
but even lite itself.
Should anyone doubt the efficiency of
Dr. Hathaway & Co's cure they will be
furnished with thousands of testimo
nials from people of public reputation,
whose cures have been absolute. The
beauty of the Hathaway treatment is
that it is not neoessary to consult the
eminent specialist in person, he having1
brought his remedy to such perfection
that to any one desiring to consult him
he will mail a blank suitable for either
man or woman. 'On these blanks are
propounded questions which should be
truthfully answered and mailed to Dr.
Hathaway & Co. The replies will tell
the patients what to do.
Thousands upon thousands of test!
monials from the most remote part of
the country testify 4o renewed life and
happiness which his treatment has
brought about. The Dr. Hathaway &
Co's treatment, unlike that of would-be
doctors, cures permanently, and there
fore the dread disease, the moment you
stop your treatment, does not return
This is especially true of the delicate dis
eases which are private in their nature.
Dr. Hathaway & Co. particularly invite
the confidence of those who are suffering
from chronic, nervous, catarrhal, skin
and blood disorders. The eminent spec
ialist himself and the corps of physicians
under him are qualified by their long
experience and study to treat success
fully any'disease in its most chronic
form, and their ability is materially as
sisted by the splendid equipment of the
company, which is not equaled by any
three institutions of its kind in the Unit
ed States. Write them and describe
your case fully. Dr. Hathaway &Co.,
70, Dearborn street, Chicago, 111.
No better equipped man could have
been named for attorney general than
C. J. Smyth of Omaha. An upright,
honorable gentleman, a practioner who
stands high at the bar, a citizen above
reproach, he compa res with the present
legal adviser of the state as a giant to a
pigmy. The duties of the office of attor
ney general have not received much of
the time of the present incumbent,
whose record as a lawyer in Nebraska
dates from the time when he was indicted
in Iowa for appropriating to himself the
wealth of another man. His incompet
ency is notorious, and the next attorney
win be a clean man and acompetent law
yer, C. J. Smyth of Omaha.
California Fusion,
A conference committer of nnnnliata
and democrats in California hnvn nr.
ranged for congressional fusion in all
aistricts in the state. I5y the arrange
ment the following populists are to have
a clear Held: Kin ne, Harlow and Cutler
in the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh d.stricts,
The Hannaerat Work.
The New York Work, a gold standard
paper, makes the statement that the
agents of Mark Hauna are at work in
all the mills and factories in the country,
trying to coerce the workers to support
Mciviniey, and that gold standard ar
guments are attached to the pay en
velopes given to employes. .
Galvanized, lnallvlzes,
rouud.oWonif or
(K) Chicago.
Cot Any Ilralnsf
Albion, Neb., Sept. 21, ltWO.-To the
Editor: I knew, a tnau wbo bought a
farm for 5,000 bushels of corn. He was
to pay 1,000 buxpels per year and had
the privilege of paying it all at any time.
Corn went down, if I remember right,
from 40 cents to 25 cents. He bought
the number of bushels of corn and took
up his obligation the first year. He was
an honorable and honest man, so regard
ed by the entire community, as well as
his creditor.
This government contracted a debt
payable in coin. We are told that the
material out of which the coin is made
has so depreciated that enough can be
bought for 53 cents to make a dollar.
It strikes me that any government
that hasn't got brains enough and busi
ness management enough to use this
material and coin the dollars and pay
off its debts hasn't got brains enough to
exist. D. J. Coynter.
The Union Veterans league of Canton,
Ohio, bolts the republican goldbug party
a vote being polled twith 42 members
present, 88 for Bryan and 4 for McKin
ley. The league decided by unanimous
vote to attend the Cleveland demonstra
tion to head the Bryan marching club.
Colonel Nathan Holloway, an old vet
eran and Republican, will lead the pro
cession, so says the Cincinnati Enquirer.
Democratic Press Bureau Telia What
They Will Be Claims 80 state.
Chicago, Sept 19. The press bu
reau at national Democratic head
quarters last night Issued the follow
ing statement:
Based upon the present outlook, the
following estimate of Bryan majori
ties in November is mue:
Alabama 80.0)J Missouri 8D,000
Arkansas 75 000 Montana 15,000
California 50,000 Nebraska 30.000
Colorado 100,000 Narada..... 4,000
Delaware 10,lMQ North Carolina. 20,000
Florida 1,000 Ohio 23.0M
Georga 7000 Oregon 10,00
Idado.... ....... 10.000 South Carolina. H 00
Illinois a,0J0 South Dakota.. 10,n00
Indiina S0.000 Tennessee 40,000
Iowa 80,000 Texaa 17,0J0
fansas 4.00J Utah 10.000
entuoky aS.uOl Virginia 29,000
Louisiana 40,000 Washington..... 15M)
Maryland I',0i0 West Virginia.. 10.00)
Michigan 80,00:) Wisconsin 10,001
Minnesota 85,000 Wyoming 6,000
Mississippi 60.000
These estimates give Bryan thirty
six out of forty-five states, with 82
electoral votes.
Are the Telegraph System of the body, extending
. from the brain to every part of the system.
Nerves re fed by the blood, and are, there
fore, like It weak and tired If the
blood Is thin, pale, Impure
Nerves are strong and steady, there Is no
neuralgia, brain is unclouded if the
blood Is rich, red and pure.
Nerves find a true friend lnood's Sarsapa
rilla, because It makes rich, ted blood,
gives good appetite and digestion.
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $V
ww r-kMt cnre U Liver Ills and
llOOd S PlllS Sick Headache. 20 cent.
The Tin is
When you want to make your Fall, and Winter Purchases.
We invite you to our store to investigate our immense stock.
We want to make the purchasing power of a dollar greater
than ever belore by giving you Low Prices.
ooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooq00000000000000000 q-q-q
III . '
Dress Flannels
18 pieces Dress Flannels, 8 Inches wide, reg-
nlar pries 25o, this week
12 pieces Bedford Twill, 40 Inches wide, reg-
nlar price 30c, this week
16 pieces Drees Flannel. 50 Inches wide,
cheap at 40c, this week
11 pieces Ladles' Cloth, 62 Inches wide.
worth 60c. this week
Bed Comforts J
75c Bed Comfort, (all else. This week
$1.00 Bed Comforts, (nil else, This week........
$1.25 Bed Comforts, fall site, This week
$1.60 Bed Comforts, fall size. This week
$1.75 Bed Comforts, fall size, Thlsweek. .......
$2.00 Bed Comforts, full size. Thlsweek
$2.60 Bed Comforts, foil size. This week...
$3.00 Bed Comforts, full size. Thlsweek
Underwear J
40 dozen Men's Natural Grey Shirts and Drawers,
worth 40c. Thlsweek
20 dozen Men's medium weight Camel's Half Shirts
and Drawers, regular price 60c. This week
25 dozen Men's Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers,
worth 75c. This week
20 dozen Men's Fancy Wool Shit ta and Drawers,
regular price $1. Thlsweek
50 dozen Children's Natural Ore; Vesta and Pants:
Size 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 80
8e 10c 12Hc 15c 17J4c
4 ISellafble 3
921 O St. Opposite Pogtofflce, Lincoln, Neb.
A money-saving book for farmers, business
men, laboring men and their wives. How
to get it free.
Our Catalogue B is a little book of 48 pages gotten up for the sole ,
and only purpose of showing people how to put more change in
their pockets while putting bettter clothes on thelrTacks. It con
tains samples of the all wool cloth from which we make up and sell
a complete suit of clothes coat; pants and vest for four dollars
and a half. It contains samples of the all wool, heavy weight cas
simere pants which we are selling for one dollar and a half. It
gives samples and descriptions of the boys' all wool suits we are
selling this fall at 1.50, 2.00 and 2.50, and it tells you all about
those wonderful all wool Kersey overcoats for men that we are
selling for 34.50. We send this catalogue free. Every man
should have it, because it gives him a chance to""compare values
and prices with his local store, and every woman should have it,
because it will save her enough on her boys' clothing to buy her
self a new dress or her daughters several pairs of new shoes. We
haven't got many of these catalogues. They are'going fast. If
you want a copy send us your name and address on the back of a
postal card and you will get it by next mail. Sand for it. Don't
wait till next week or next month. Send for it todav.
POLAND CHINAS sired by hour of Geo.
Wilker and King Perfection. Dams as
well bred. Corwina, Wilkera and
Tecumeeha. .
BERKSHIRESaBKOod. Sallies, Duchess,
Romford and Artful Belle.
Mention Independent.
H. S.
kat, Aad oar ahlppsni are almost universally satisfied wlta tba Mtaraa. Baeaaat wa make tham
easy. Wa rsestTs and sell : w mm wssan
Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Veal, Gaa, Fur, 17c:l,
Hay, Grain, Seed, Beans, Potato, Erra-
Corn, Hides, Green and Dried Fruit - - -
5 "'V11.11" ?2B. "lajr ?'T h'P- mak Prompt sales at ths hlghsst marks pries aad Ml
qvlek rsturns.Writs as for prices, tags, shipping directions or anr Information on mar vast.
And this Paper.
0L0TIIIM0 8F .
piete Chart of flgnrea for measurement, (so simple a child can take a correct mtj
nra.) aad onr handsome illustrations, and description of suits, each ecompaoiai
by samples of goods. Onr clothes are equal in style and finish to best sastotl
.mTt,W"d u,0,?e ove by niail free, nd ifyon order a.niSaad hffSR
exactly like sample, and yon are not satisfied, yon will be out nothing, for ws wU
?J!? P"fbo ta ways. Please mention Nebraska Independent when 70s)
writs, for it is onr reference. PEOPLES' SUPPLY CO
eow Suite 11 Adttma Express Bldg. Chioo-o. hl.
to it Cki
.cur Prices tin-Is ISTeefc :
aOO JTll
COrx -rrA
iiOU JfU
Q P7 j
A Qn -rrri
Dp yd
Dress Goods t
40 pieces Vicugna Dress Goods, regular pries
12V4c, this week
15 pieces Henriettas, 81 Inches wide, regular
price 16c, this wsek
13 pivces 86 Inch Henriettas, black aad col
ored, regular price 20c, this week
12 pieces Henriettas, 86 Inches wide, extra
fine, worth 76c, this week
10 pieces German Silk Finished Henrietta, 40
laches wide, regular price 65c, this week...
66c 10-4 Cotton Blankets.
This week
75c 11-4 Cotton Blankets.
This week
$1.00 11-4 Cotton Blankets.
This week
On All Wool Blankets 10 per cent discount.
Bargains in
86 pairs Misses' and Children's Shoes, sized 6H
to Wt. regular price $1.16 to $1.50; closing
out price............ .
48 pairs Children's School Shoes. Kangaroo
Calf. 13 to 2s, regular price $1.75 a pair; clos
ing out price
48 pairs Gent's Shoes, sizes 6, 7. 7V6. 10, 10H
and 11, former price, $2.50; closing out
88 pairs Gent's Dongola and Calf, lacs and con
gress, sizes 6. 61-2. 7. 71-2, 10 and 101-2.
former priee$3.00 and $3.50. closing out price
23 pairs Gent's Kangaroo Lace and Congress,
sizes 6, 6 1-2, 7. 7 1-2. 1-2, 10 and 10 1-2, form
erly $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00; closing price
47 pslrs Ladles' Kid Button, patent tip, pointed
ami square toes, 2Mi to 6s, former price $3.00
and $3.60; closing price
60 pairs Ladles' Kid Button, parent tip, point
ed and square toes, 2Mi to 6s, former price
$2 60; cloning price
82 34 .
22tfc 25e S'Hc 30c
- ood.s at Xjcrszreat
I ,, 111 ;
100 good Pif(B for sale at prices la
touch with the times.
Also Holstein Calves at $20 to fSO
each. I have as good blood in my herds
as the best. My prices are right
WIUUMSOH. Eiarer City, t.':b.
Ton can't obtain it an atkar war. Baaaaaa raa
bars been aslltng jronr prodae at boms forsat)
Is do reason j on should oontlnus to do to fi jam
n sinsaaDPtMrn
W-t niaksasptclalt
it a struts a bnt ur marks and maks mora astir,
tj of nasmaa snlBmrata
met from ttas prodoesrs and aava ths la
t..Ha I-.. .!.. . k.
summers, r.;oRRison & CO.,
174 South Water St., - Cblcago, IIL
lie yd
12,c yd
1 7c yd
21c yd
47c yd
Per Pair
Per Pair