The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, September 24, 1896, Image 1

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The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
LINCOLN, NEBR., THURSDAY, Sept 24, 1896.
NO. 16.
Hon. Tom Watson Addresses an
Enormous Nebraska Au
' dience.
A Character Sketch of the Populist
Vice-Presidential Candi-
A Seen with Woman' Eye.
The great populist meeting was ad
vertised to take place at 2 p. m. in the
Lansing theatre in the city of Lincoln,
the capital of Nebraska.
It was not a free silver republican
meeting. It was not a free silver dem
ocratic meeting. It was an out and out
populist meeting and the speaker was
Tom Watson, the vice-presidential nom
inee of the populist convention. There
were men of all parties present, but it
was a populist meeting. Reader, do
vou remember the time only a very few
years ago, when only a dozen or so true
hearted men could be gathered to hear a
populist speaker?
Shortly after 1 o'clock the reporters
took possession of the tables on the
stage. At half past one, the doors were
opened and the audience began, to file in.
The'theatre was packed to the roof, the
stage was rapidly filled and hundreds
were standing unable to get seats and
so stood uutil the close of the meeting.
At 2 o'clock precisely, Tom Watson
walked on the stage preceded by Mr. Ed
misten, the chairman of the state popu
list committee. A burst o applause and
all leaned forward to gaze at the slight,
boyish looking figure and smoothly
shaven face of the southern orator who
is making such a commotion in all the
political parties of the United States at
the present moment. If he gets elected,
he will be the most famous vice president
known in the history of the United States.
He does not look like the popular idea
of the fiery southerner. He looks quiet,
almost insignificant, but there is a hint,
a suggestion of the nature of the man;
in his hair which is dark brown with a
glint of fire in it. Its shortness and
smoothness and well kept look suggest
self control.
He begins to speak, in a quiet conver
sational way, taking the audience into
his confidence at once, as do all true ora
tors. He reads an extract from one of
the little local republican dailies which
purports to give the date of his arrival
in the citv. the words he uttered and
even the sandwiches he ate. He denies
the report sentence by sentence, thus
showing the unreliability of the goldbug
dailies, and when the laughter oi the au
dience has subsided he gets down to the
work in hand by saying, "I am a popu
list." That fact must be thoroughly un
derstood by the audience. He did not
try to curry favor with the free silver
republicans, neither aid he try to curry
favor with the free silver democrats.
He stood on the platform of the prin
ciples of the populist party.
When he scored the railroad corpora
tion senator from this state, John M.
Thurston, the great audience cheered
heartily. When he scored the democrat
ic corporation attorneys in Cleveland's
cabinet at XV ashington, there was a very
feeble attempt at a cheer. He aroused
both laughter and cheers by a pointed
sarcasm at the contrast. He gave a
masterly ' exposition of the principles
and doctrines of the populist party. As
be warmed up to his work be carried his
audience with him. His sentences were
abort and concise, and brilliant with
paradoxes. He was quick and ready
with rtDlv and repartee to his political
opponents, who now ana tnen nung out
- - . - ... n
thorough knowledge and understanding
of the tax question as well as of the
money 'question, and in discussing the
latter be bit the gist of tbe whole sub
ject when he said that the ruling of
(Jrover Cleveland in alt tbe transactions,
was "that gold must be accepted as the
money of final payment, and that the
whole effort of the money power was to
have that ruling enacted into law."
He pledged his support to Bryan and
there was prolonged cheering. When his
speech closed, the audience gave him
three cheers and again three cheers. It
amounted to an ovation.
Throughout the whole of the speech
he never once mentioned the name of
Sewall, his rival for the vice-presidential
Such in brief is the character and per
sonality of one of the most remarkable
, figures brought to the surface by one of
the most remarkable political raael
stroms recorded in our history, a mael-
strom which has split asunder all exist
ing parties except one, and that excep
tion, the one party that stands for re
form the peoples party, whose repre
sentatives are liryan ana Tom Watson
. Bright Eyes.
The opinion that populists had of
Tom Watson is expressed in the follow
ing telegram:
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 16, 1896.
Mabion Butler, Washington, D. C,
Warmley hotel. Tom Watson of Geor
gia made the greatest' speech to 4,000
people in Lincoln this afternoon that
was ever made on Nebraska soil.
J. H. Edmisten,
Mr. neea, 10m xv arson's manager
also sent Marion Uutler a telegram in
which he said that the Nebraska popu
lists were tne salt 01 tbe earth.
' A Nonconformist Fraud.
raul V anaervoot is hot about some
thing and is trying to stir up discord
among the reformers by writing letters
o the Nonconformist. He abuses
Governor Holcomb, J. B. Weaver, Taube
neck and other true patriots, calling
them traitors etc Paul has about as
much sense as a guina-pig and is not
recognised in his own state aa anything
more than a nincompoop and we wonder
at the Noncon granting him space in
which to sling hia vile epithets. Mr.
Paul Vandervoot should be ext!wve!y
advertised as a fraud. The Index. ,
Iowa Safe for Bryan.
The gold bug New Tork World sent a
staff correspondent to Iowa to report on
election prospects in that state. The
first sentences of hi report are as fol
lows: .
'Des Moines, la., Sept. 9. It may
startle people in the east to know that
as Iowa stands today the vote is about
a tie. ,
"The extraordinary strength of the
silver sentiment here has been suddenly
revealed to the republican state commit
tee by the preliminary canvass of the
'The republicans do not attempt to
conceal the facts. They frankly admit
that the state is dangerously close. And
tbe most remarkable thing about it is
that Mr. Hanna has been looking for a
republican majority of fifty or seventy
five thousand in Iowa."
Tbe cause of this state of affairs, the
staff correspondent says, is a letter giv
en by the order of a railroad superin
tendent, to every employe on pay day.
It contained the following sentence:
"If the doctrines of tbe silver party are
true, the products of the farm are to
bring a higher price. Do you wish to
vote to increase the price of a sack of
flour or the meat you buy? If this doc
trine is true, all articles brought from
foreign counties will be doubled in price."
The free silver men printed hundreds
of thousands of the circular and sent one
to nearly every farmer in the state, and
the result drove the gold bugs nearly
wild. .
The chairman of the republican com-
mittee,Cumings,said that there were 30,
000 free silver republicans whose votes
were doubtful. Tbe chairman of the
democratic committee said:
"The republicans class this vote as
doubtful, but I know that it is solid for
free silver. We are gaining converts
every day. Senator Teller will make
eight speeches in Iowa, and Bryan will
make five in October. Bryan win
carry Iowa by 25,000 majority."
Hsnna's Latest Effort to Defeat Bryan.
A statement of Paul VanDervoort to
the effect that Gov. Holcomb had be
trayed the populist party and that the
Nebraska populist electors would vote
for Sewall having appeared in the New
York World, the following telegram was
sent to that paper:
"We desire to emphatically deny the
statement in the Thrice-a-Week World
of September 14, made by Paul Yander
voort, and declare that every assertion
in it is false. The populist electors of Ne
braska are all men of unsullied reputa
tion and every one of them will vote for
Bryan and Tom Watson. There has been
uo "infamous sell out" of populist elec
tors. Tom Watson was invited to the
state by the populist state committee.
He made four speeches to enormous
audieuces; was everywhere met with out
stretched hands of joyous welcome, and
publicly announced that he bad never
been the recipient of a warmer reception
anywhere in the south.
"The chairman of the state populist
commltte sent this telegram to the na
tional herdquarters at the close of Wat
son's speech in Lincoln: 'Tom Watson
made the greatest speech to 4,000 peo
ple in Lincoln this afternoon that was
ever made on Nebraska soil.'
"We denounce Paul Vandervoort as a
traitor, whose sole object is to defeat
Bryan. His reputationfor twenty years
has been that of a railroad capper
around the Nebraska legislature. He
has been excluded from all populist con
ventions and is known among populists
as a 'Hannacrat.' He holds an office by
gift of republican McKinleyites and we
warn all friends of Bryan and Tom Wat
son to beware of him."
(Signed) J. H. Edmisten,
B. R. B. Weber, Chairman.
Secretary. ' ,
Mr. Stewart Answered.
To the Editor: John M. Stewart, in
the Journal, yesterday consoles the
farmers of Nebraska for the half price
they are receiving for the product of their
labor, with tbe fact that the machanics
are working at half price too. Not much
consolation as long as the McKinley
party propose no remedy. "Why" says
Mr. Stewart, "look at the prices the
farmers pay for things necessary on the
farm, and compare them with prices
twenty-five years ago:''
1895. 1871.
Farm w apron $66 no Sloo 00
Spring Wftnon 65 Oil 125 00
Corn cultivator 16 01) 85 00
Mowing Machine and Rake... 6 00 100 00
Sewing Machine 35 00 65 00
Barbed Wire per pound
(wholesale) 03 (177) 13
Linseed Oil, per gallon
(wholesale) 33 75
Shingles per thousand! whole
sale) . 2 00 4 00
Does not Mr. Stewart know that me
chanics make those farm implements
and that the Bryan party proposes to
remedy their case as much as that of the
It would make no difference with either
if farmer and mechanic changed work at
half price if everybody would do the
same thing with them, but how is itdo
doctors, lawyers and office holders work
for half price for farmers and mechanics
- . :.
Are taxes ' halved? Are debts
and interest cut in two. Noth
ing of the kind. Now if farmers
and mechanics have a spark of manhood
left they will vote to equalize prices aa
they were before the republicans demone
tized silver. On the other hand if you
like the way things are going you have
only to vote the goldbug ticket and it
will go on and grow worse and worse un
til you are crushed down to pauper labor
prices. If Bryan is elected it willjbe by
the country vote.. The slums and upper
crust of cities are all for McKinley.
. H. W. Hardy.
A Brilliant Success.
Yesterday afternoon's meeting in the
interests of an- organized silver move
ment among the ladies proves conclu
sively that women are fully as active
and wide awake on the questions of the
day as the men. The result of the or
ganizer's unfjagging efforts to unite the
influence of women on the silver issue was
a complete surprise to those who pre
dicted apathy and indifference on the
part of the ladies.
The large parlor in the Lincoln hotetf
was crowded to its utmost seating
capacity, and every lady wore ber most
benignant smile and approving counten
ance. The meeting was called to order
by Mrs. Olmstead, the prime mover in
the matter, who in a few well directed re
marks stated the object for which they
were met, then invited Mrs. M. D. Welch
to the chair temporarily. At this junc
ture the Hon. T. E. Watsou was intro
duced, who paid his addresses to the
ladies in a delightfully complimentary
speech of some ten minutes, after which
they all had the distinguished pleasure
of grasping his hand.
A permanent organization was speedily
effected, with Mrs. W. M. Morning, presi
dent; Mrs. Tiffany, first vice president;
Mrs. Hoxie, secretary; and Mrs. M. E.
Olmstead, treasurer. This auxiliary was
then launched under the name of the
"Mary Bryan Silver Club," in honor of
the woman whom the Hon. W. J. Bryan
everywhere and at all times exalts as an
equal sharer in all the joys and triumphs
of his splendid career. The club starts
out under the most favorable asupices
and with a membership of one hundred
as refined, intelligent and enthusiastic
ladies as can be enlisted in any cause
whatsoever in this city.
It was decided to meet next Saturday
afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Lincoln
hotel, when the committee on constitu
tion and by-laws will report definite
arrangements as to future plans be en
tered into. It was especially gratifying
to the organizer that her appeal was not
made to those who "having ears refuse
to hear, and having understanding put
away wisdom." Enthusiasm for Bryan
and his glorious cause is now uncorked
in the camp of the Mary Bryan Silver
Club, and the public may confidently an
ticipate telling results on November 3d.
a goiu eianaara man was telling an
Atchinson county farmer what he should
do at the approaching election. "How
do you know what I should do for my
best interest?" said the farmer. "You
never did a day's work on the farm in
Iff- f I tt T T .
your we. -no, i never worsea on a
farm," the townsman replied, "but
I worked my head.'l "So does a wood
pecker," quickly replied the farmer, "but
I never heard tell of one savin h
country Atchison tounty (Mo. a
Mail. ' ; Daily
On the last page of this paper is the
advertisement of tbe Hardy Furniture
Company. This is the oldest, most re
liable" and best established furniture
house in the west. They will do exactly
as they advertise.
We should like to have all of onr read
ers write them for their catalogue and
price lists. You can save money by buy
ing your furniture direct from them. Al
ways mention the Independent when
writing to advertisers.
f . . .. .
Chicago Beoord,
What Mar Be Expected ' If Banna's
Millions Defeat the Will of the People.
If unlimited money can settle the
issues now before the country, Bryan
is beaten, the democratic party is
whipped and disorganized, silver will
be permanently demonetized, gold will
become the sole standard of value in
paying debts, corporation notes , with
out legal tender quality will be the
sole money available for borrowers and
for the payment of wages; the usurped
power of the federal courts will
be extended, government by injunction
wfll be established, trial by jury will
be abolished wherever plutocracy has
need of haste In putting down the peo
ple; the national debt will be perpetu-
tted and increased, bond Issues in
J me of peace will be continued to
form a basis for a corporation cur-
eEcy and to prevent the free circula
tion of gold; wages and the products
f our Industries of farm and factory
will be forced steadily downwards;
he wealth of the country will
jontinue to flow into the posses
ion of the few who are already im
mensely wealthy and the "commune
if ' capital" ' will be permanently es
tablished on the ruins of a govern
ment In which Washington and Jef
ferson saw the world's hope for free
iom, for equality, for Justice. St.
Louis Post-Dispatch.
Legislation Alone Glyes Valae to th
Freeloas Metals.
When John Sherman thought lesi
of self and more of his country, an
when he was less subservient to thi
money power, he wrote as follows in
a report made to the United Statei
senate June 9, 1868. All his sophistrj
of today cannot weaken the force oi
cloud the truth, of what he then said
ine goia smgie standard is an
American idea, yielded so reluctantly
by France and other countries where
gold and silver are the standard oi
value. The annual supply of the pre-
clous metals has little or nothing tc
do with their value. What is it, then.
that affects their value chiefly? Ia it
the demand? What is it that consti
tutes the demand for gold? Is it foi
the use in the arts? Very little of il
can be used. Therefore, it is its use
as money that creates a demand for It
and gives it its value. If all the Euro
pean states and our country were to
day to demonetize gold and remonetlze
silver would not these two metale im
mediately change places? Now, if this
be true, what is it that creates the
value or the precious metals? It is
legislation. Legislation gives value to
the precious metals and the commer
clal value simply records the condl
uon or legislation with reference to
the precious metals. Now, if leglsla
tion creates the chief demand for
money, if we legislate so as to utilize
silver, we Increase the demand and
thus Increase the value of silver."
Euclid Martin says that a poll of a
factory down in Indiana showed that the
wage workers in it were 85 per cent for
McKinley. A poll of the directors of the
Bank or England was taken about the
same time, and it showed that 99 per
cent of them were also for McKinley. A
poll of Wall street showed exactly the
same result. A poll of New York asylum
for imbeciles showed 100 per cent for
McKinley. . Hurrah! for the polls.
The republicans now go around Lin
coln saying that there was not a word
of politics in Tom Watson's speech; it
was simply a patriotic oration, the sen
timents of which all men approve. Why
don't they vote for them then?
Tom Watson made a speech to about
one hundred women at the Lincoln hotel
after he returned from the Lansing
theatre, who were as enthusiastic as the
crowd he had just left. The ladies had
gathered there to organize a Bryan free
silzer club.
Breeders of fine stock ean find no better
advertising medium than this paper.
A Sample of the Manner in Which
the Bepuhlicans Conduct
Their Offices.
In Just One Year Wholesale Bob
bery in Varioni Other
. A Comparative Statement.
No honest man in the state who knows
the facts in regard to the stealing done
by republican state officials can vote to
continue these pilferers in office. We
use the word stealing in its common,
every-day sense and mean just what we
say to filch, pilfer and purloin.
The official reports taken from the
books at the capitol show this state of
affairs at the insane asylum under re
publican rule. Glance at the following
columns of figures and see how much
coal these republican thieves stole dar
ing the year 1891. The figures show
the number of tons of coal paid for by
the state to run that building under re
publican thieves and also under tbe
honest administration of Governor Hol
comb: Thieves'
Tons. Year.
Tone. Year.
..550 1891
. 94
October.... 751
November 759
December.. .....762
TotaI.......6,839 2,198
The saving in one year was 4,641 tons,
or, in plain, every day English these re
publican thieves stole in one year 4.641
tons of coal from the insane asylum. It
was a pretty big steal it you will con
eider that it would take a bin 12 feet
wide, 8 feet high and 2,848 feet long, or
more than half a mile in length to hold
it. Again, take cars of 40,000 pounds
capacity and it would require 342 cars,
making a train of over two and a third
miles long to transport this coal to the
asylum for the single year of 1891, and
yet one little mule team hauled all that
was taken out there. .
The above is an account of one item
of theft at one state institution. Tbe
same sort of work is shown up by the
books at the state house to have been
carried on at the penitentiary and at
every other place whese , hese- thieves
had control. If you wajitlt to continue
vote tbe republican state ticket and you
will get the same kind of government
that they have always given.
The appropriation for lights and fuel
at the insane asylum for 1891 was f 16,
000. The thieves brought in a deficiency
bill for $11,421.95. The appropriation
for 1897 was f 11,000, and Mr. Bewick
will return to the state treasury over
fl.OOO of that. That is the difference
between an honest management and the
management of a set of thieves. .
Who Seek to Disrupt the Harmony
Which Now Prevails Among
Paul VanDervoort, Bill Dech and the
illustrious C. M. Clark of this city com
prise a riot of former well known pop
ulists whom the members of that politi
cal organization will do well to watch.
That they are soreheads and disgrun
tled politicians is apparent to all and
they are now seeking to disrupt the
party of this state by urging upon the
honest populists Jhe necessity of calling
a middle of the road state convention.
The faucet of Mark Hanna's barrel
has been turned into these gentlemen's
pockets and now by the most contempt
lbleand underhanded methods, they
seek to turn votes from Bryan in favor
o f Major McKinley. We give the popu
lists credit for more sense than to be in
fluenced in any manner by any such un
principled political blacklegs as the
trio above named and can assure them
that small bore shysters of their ilk will
be most effectually squelched in their ef
forts to interfere with the present har
monious condition of affairs which ex
ists between the democrats and popu
lists of the state.
Any man is entitled to change his po!
itical beliefs whea he discovers that be
cannot consistently support a principle
or set of principles which do not co
incide with his ideas of justice
and right, but when be does bo change
his beliefs he should have the courage to
come out and say so. Bat with the trio
of unprincipled ecallawags above re
farred to we do not credit them with any
sincerity in their flop to the side of Mark
Hanna. That it was occasioned by the
offer of boodle goes without saying, and,
like a thief in the night, they will steal
upon their former political associates
and stab them down, metaphorically
speaking, for the sake of a few paltry
dollars and for the sake of that arch
enemy to the welfare of this country.
Mark A. Hanna. , Populists, we warn
yon to beware of each traitors as . Tan
dervort, Dech and Clark.
The Old Soldiers In Line.
. At a meeting of the Veteran Soldier's
Bryan Club No. 1 of Lincoln, Neb., last
night held at the Lincoln Hotel Hon.
Wm. Leese was chosen chairman; Ports
Wilson Vice-chairman, Mart Howe
Secretary, and Jerome Shamp, Treaurer.
There are 125 members from this city
and between 55 and 60 from the conn-
try. The membership is expected to be
about 300 before this month ia out.
The regular meetins will be held every
Tuesday evening, to which all old sol
diers in sympathy with . the . 16 to 1
movement are cordially invited. The
old veterans were very enthusiastic and
relieved themselves until after 10:30 p.
m. by speaking and singing. They
were highly incensed to think that
the generals who have been living
on the fat of the land at the people's
expense, should presume on their former
position to come here to dictate to those
who have been tried, and suffered on ac
count of the contracted currency here in
the far west.and the following resolution
was passed unanimously; ,Be it ., .
Resolved by the Veteran Soldiers'
Bryan Club of Lincoln, That while we re
spect our old comrades and commanders, -Generals
Howard, Algers, Sickles and
Seigel for their courage and valor on the
field of battle, we do not recognize their
authority nor wisdom in their attempt
to control or direct the ballots of those
who marched in the ranks whose equal
valor and courage placed the wreaths
of laurels upon their brow.'
We believe that,as citizens we are com
petent to decide for Ourselves our duties
as such; further that we are more loyal
to tbe 'Old Flag' than are those who
consent to the control by foreign na
tions of onr financial policy.
Be Aeenrately Foretells the
Effects of Contraction.
The following is an extract from a
speech made in the United States sen
ate by General John A. Logan on
withdrawal of the treasury notes:
"I, for one, can see no benefit only
to the money holders and those who
receive interest and have fixed in
comes. I can see, as a result of this
legislation, our business operations
crippled and wages for labor reduced
to a mere pittance. I can see the beau
tiful prairies of my own state and
of the great west, which are blooming
as gardens, with towers along the
pathway -of improvement, again sink
ing back to idleness. I can see mort
gage fiends at their hellish work. I
can see the hopes of the industrious
fanners blasted as they burn corn for
fuel "because its price will not pay the
cost of transportation and dividends
on millions of dollars of fictitious rail
way stocks and bonds. I can see our
people of the west groaning "and "bur
dened under taxation to pay debts of
states, counties and citleV incurred
when money was more abundant and
bright hopes of the future were held
out to lead them on. I can see the
people of our western states who are
producers reduced to the condition of
serfs to pay Interest on public and
private debts to the money sharks of
Wall street, New York, and of Thread
needle street in London, England."
If you are in need of clothing, write to
the Hub Clothing store at Liucoln and
the Nebraska Clothing store at Omaha
and get their catalogues giving samples
of cloth and prices. Compare their prices
and buy where you can save money.
They, are both responsible firms, and
ship their goods to all parts of the state.
See their advertisements on page 5.
When writing them mention the Nebras
ka Independent.
Kills All the Women.
Aspen, Cola, Sept. 23. Antonio
Cuazee, a young Swiss, living on a
ranch twelve miles from this city,
shot and killed his wife and her
mother, Mrs. Mary Quinn. Cuazee
war arrested. He says that the in
sults and taunts of tbe womT?n made
him mad and that the shooting was
entirely unpremeditated. He also
claims that his wife was unfaithful.
They were all the women in tbe
Bit's; est Dish Factory Boned.
Tbavkbss City, Mich., Sept 28.
Fire occasioned a loss of about foo.OOO
to tbe Oval Wood Dish company, whose
factory is the largest of the kind in
the world. Two hundred hands art
thrown ovlS of work temporarily.