The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, September 17, 1896, Image 8

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Sept. 17, 1896.
(Continued from page 5.)
they do cot attend caucuses, conven
ions, or even the polls to cast their bal
lot on the day of election.
II you will consider that this govern
ment is just what we make it, and that
each man is a sovereign charged not on
ly with the duties of private, but those
of nublic life as well, and that it is as
much incumbent on him to choose com
potent and worthy public servants as to
cultivate the soil and harvest its prod
acts, you will understand that the
American farmer has not performed his
duty who fails to keep abreast of cur
rent events and study thoroughly the
great problems sciential to the public
welfare and who refuses to use all hon
orable means within his power to bring
about a healthier condition of public
morals. It seems idle to argue a self
evident truth like this, and yet it is nec-
ssarv to refer to the fact In my judg
ment hew ho does not devote a portion of
his time to politics has not the slightest
right to complain of the failure of those
who have been chosen to fill public of
fices to fully and perfectly discharge
their duties.
The foundation of private success, the
promotion of public morals and the ad
vancement and security of society are
made certain only by the wise choice of
public officers. Our government cannot
and will not long exist as a republic un
less all classes make a conscientious
study of the science of government as
well as their individual occupations.
The farmer, the artisan, the citizen of
any calling, who turns with indifference
from the affairs of his country, fails to
discharge a public duty; for he has
within his keeping the welfare of those
around him and of posterity. If he
shall start in life illy equipped and with
out education and spurn opportunities
as presented, refusing to gain knowledge
that will elevate his kind, he will fail to
discharge the most sacred trust that can
be imposed upon an American citizen.
Such an individual should, at all
times, distinctly bear in mind that the
right to govern rests in him and not ex
clusively in others, and that to this is
superadded the duties that fall to the
Jot of ordinary human beings.
By so doing, and by wise and judicious
action, he will not only secure a govern
ment that will prove a blessing to all,
but he will enlarge his sphere of useful
ness, advance his interests and obtain
greater profit and pleasure to himself.
He should also bear in mind that a
failure to study the affairs of this coun
try with intelligence and thereby qualify
himself for the duties of citizenship and
the polls, will lead eventually to corrupt
practices by those intrusted with power,
and to an abandonment of the rights
of the people whom they are supposed to
represent. Instead, therefore,, of indul
ging in a spirit of indifference to public
affairs, the farmer should make a study
of politics to the end that public officers
may be wisely and flrtinsrly chosen.
Politics is rightfully defined to be the
science of government. I am in entire
accord with all who are disgusted with
mere partisan politics, that, through
corruption and vicious practices, brings
misery and distress to the people, and
results in the selection of incompetent
and disqualified persons for public du
ties; and I would join with them in
changing this condition, but I have no
sympathy with those who indifferently
refuse to exercise the duties of sover
eignty with which they are clothed in
the highest degree of attainable intelli
gence and fidelity.
I may be permitted to mention an in
stance illustrative of a certain claBSof
farmers. Recently I returned to my
home on the evening of an important
election. I found that on that day a
number of farmers living in the precinct
had not gone to the polls. I spoke to
one of them respecting it, a fairly intel
ligent man, industrious and devoted to
making money, saying to him: "You
were not at the polls yesterday, I am
told," and he replied that he was not.
I said, "In my judgment you should
have been there. There was no sickness
in your family and nothing to prevent
you from beiug there, was there?" He
replied, "There was not." He gave as
his only excuse for failing to cast his
ballot that he was engaged in husking
corn, and he said to me, very sign ill -cently:
"You wouldn't husk corn for
me while I woujd go to the polls and
vote," implying by his manner and lan
guage that he had offered a conclusive
argument against me, and as though his
voting would be more of an accommo
dation to me than the discharge by him
of a public duty. He was under the im
pression that his vote would be an ac
commodation to some individual, and
that he might withhold it without detri
ment to the public interest, if indeed he
gave. that question a thought. It had
not occurred to him that his failure to
vote was a clear neglect of a sacred trust
that could not be overlooked without a
violation of his duty as an American
I speak of this for the purpose of show
ing that there is a class of farmers, and
others, too, for that matter, who look
upon the discharge of public duties very
much in this light, and who have no ad
equate conception of their obligation as
What remedy can be applied to this
diseased condition? This man was fifty
years of age, of fair intelligence, bat one
One Hosest Man.
Dear Editor: Please inform your read
ers that if written to confidentially, I
will mail in a sealed letter the plan pur
sued by which I was permanently restored
to health and manly vigor, after years
of sufferingfrom Nervous Weakness, Loss
of Manhood, Lack of Confidence, etc. -1
have no scheme to extort money from
any one whomsoever. I was robbed and
swindled by quacks until I nearly lost
faith in mankind, but, thank heaven, I
am now well, vigorous and strong, and
anxious to make this certain means of
cure known to all. Having nothing to
sell or send C.O.D., I want no money.
Address Jas. A. Harris, Box 825,Delray,
on whose mind had never dawned the
irreat truth that he tw a fitetor in so-
cietr. and lhat upon the intelligent and
honest exercise by himself, and other), of
the elective franchise, depends the weal
or woe of the nation. The thought had
crept into bis mind that in some way the
elective franchise was a mere bauble or
plaything that he could take up
throw down at olcasure.
When and how can this condition of
nnhlic sentimentbe cbanired? I know of
noremedvsave by education, unless it
may be found in compulsory voting, -and
I declare to you publicly, and perhaps to
mv own iiersonal detriment, that if I
had the Dower I would compel every cit
izent to cast bis ballot unless prevented
by the sickness of himself or family, or
by some other reasonable cause; and if
one blessed with this Godgiven right of
self government should wilfully refuse to
cast his ballot, I would disfranchise bim
until he came to a realizing sense of his
duty and made application to compe
tent authority to be restored, under a
nledire of subseauent fulfillment.
A perfect education will do away with
much of this indifference, and when the
pople learn that public servants will be
faithful in the discharge of
their duties. or will recklessly
and with an eye single to their own ag
grandizement, discharge them indiffer
ently unless watched, there will be a
higher order of intelligence and greater
patriotism in the administration of our
government. Here, then, education
counts for much education along the
lino of duty to one's country.
I pass now to another sphere of educa
tion; into that sphere, or rather that
atmosphere ot silent influence created by
the conversation, conduct and associa
tion of educated men and women. Ig
norance is the greatest barrier that be
sets the pathway of man. All should
have an ambition to possess useful
knowledge, and to know enough of that
which is essential to avoid its evil conse
quences. What one of us cannot now
recall some highly educated person whose
acquaintance we have enjoyed, and
whose very presence was an inspiration
to do and be better and to learn and
practice virtues. Here the farmer has a
field of great usefulness, saying nothing
of the pleasure that he experiences by
accurate knowledge ot men, science, art
and the affairs of life, and taking no ac
count of the fact that knowledge in itself
is a so'urce of much pleasure and profit.
Viewed in his influence on the famliy, the
community and society at large, a thor
oughly educated man is one who always
stands well, and exercises a good in
fluence, If possessed of tbe other requi
sites ot manhood; but one wbo is ignor
ant, whose language is vulgar and habits
vicious, has a depressing and demoraniz-
Ing influence on those about him.
1 know of no possible condition in life
more delightful to the imagination, orin
realization, than an American home in
which a splendidly educated and ami
able husband and wile, surrounded by
bright, obedient, and intelligent child
ren are found, devoted to making each
other happy, and promoting the pros
perity of all; and where a taste for music,
for books and the works of art is culti
vated, and which a study of the sciences
and the best literature, tempered with
a due regard for spiritual 'affairs, is the
ruling passion of all. If to such a home
happiness does notcome, it will notcome
on earth; if from such a home, from
such persons and surroundings les
sons of peace and good will are
not taught, and the benign and soften
ing influences of refinement do not radi
ate, they will not be experienced this
side of eternity.
IN or will it be an answer to my position
for the farmer to say that I would re
quire too much of him; that to follow
tbe course i suggest would cost more
money than he could make; for he has it
withing his power, by intelligent co
operation with other industrial classes
to usher in an era of unprecedented
prosperity among the masses,
that will spread hapiness
broadcast throughout the lt)sd. It
would be a prosperity, too, which the
world has not experienced and has hith
erto existed in the imagination of
dreamers only; but it would be none the
less a real, humanizing and elevating
What, in your judgment, would be our
condition as a people, if 50.000,000
toilers should unite upon a line of action
that would advance the wages of the
laborer and the returns of tbe farmer, I
thuB promoting general prosperity?
The ballot is placed in your hands
for this specific purpose. Intelligence
would, under such circumstances prompt
its conservative and proper use; but ig
norance, superstition and prejudice, with
meager surroundings and education,
may in the future as in the past, thwart
this great object, and doubtless there
are those who anxiously look and pray
for a continuance of the present condi
tion of the laboring classes.
Let united action be had; let us
labor intelligently to bring about
better conditions and there will
not be a farm home in the United States
where the symphonies of Beethoven,
Wagner, Mozart and Bach, will not
nightly eminate from musical instru
ments whose strings and keys will
be swept by the deft fingers of
skilled and lovely womanhood and
bright and intelligent . manhood, and
on whose walls will not be found re
productions of the splendid paint
ings of Michael Angelo, Rapheal,
Barocci and Burgeois, to sooth,
to soften and to cheer. Let our labor
ing people pursue this course and there
will be money enough, sound scientific
and real money, to furnish every home
with the latest, best and most approved
literature on every subject of science and
art worthy of the investigation of ear
nest men and women.
Alexander the Great asked Diogenes if
he wanted anything, and the old philos
opher promptly replied, "lee, l would
have you stand from between me and
the sun." Diogenes was right. Although
poor, humble and without a home, he
nevertheless well knew that tbe king had
no right to deprive him of the warmth
of the sun, that great luminary whose
rays are essential to all life; and the king
also knew the rights of his subjects. The
earlier Greek philosophers, represented
by Plato, Aristotle, Diogenes and Socra
tes, were not backward in asserting the
right of all, however bumble, to enjoy
the sunlight, the earth,the air, the wator
Insist Upon Hood's Sarsaparilla
when you need a medicine to purify your
blood, strengthen your nerves and give
you an appetite. There can be no sub
stitute for Hood's.
. Hood's Fills are the best after-dinner
pili; assist digestion, prevent constipa
tion. 2c.
fcTATK or Ohio. ( n v rr Toledo, )
Lucas Cocntv. I
Frank J. Cheney rnaken oath that he is
th.'Hwiior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cbein.y i Co., doing business in the ctiy
ot 1 ni iio, county and state aforesaid,
and V.,14 nil (inn will pay the sum of
1 I. ... -
one i! 11 mi rea aoiiurn lor eucti and every
cne of eatnrrb that cannot be cured by
Frank J. Cheney.
n . . .
nworn 10 oeiore me and subscribed in
my prcwnce, this 6th day of December,
A. I. I BUO.
skal ' - A. W. Gleabox,
Notary Public,
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally
ami acts uirectiy on tbe blood and mu
cous Hurfaces of the system. Send for
testimonials, free.
F. J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, O.
and all God had created, as they were
the common inheritance of man.
Life is progress, contentment and hap
piness, ana to succeed we must constant
ly struggle; for if we fail to put forth
every effort retrogression and decay will
be the inevitable result. We can only
attain tue nignest conception of man
hood by the development of all our fac
ulties, and he wbo fails to use tbe means
placed in bis power by nature will fail to
perforin bis duty to himself and to so
ciety, of which he is an inseparable mem
ber. .
I know of no reason why a farmer, or
other laborer, should not make the ad
vanceraeut made by those in other walks
of life, and in fact I know of no reason
why, under a Just government and the
sway of a proper industrial system,
there should be more than one condition
among men.
It my position is right, that the Ameri
can people have it within their power
by united action, to bring about
such a condition as I have indicated, and
as is certainly desirable, it will be found
on investigation that all will have ample
time to penorm tne physical labor in
one-tnira tne number ot hours now re
quired, and with fourfold benefit and
this will afford ample opportunity for
the cultivation of their faculties.
Permit me to urge you as representa
tive farmers of this state, to pursue a
course that will bettr, not only tbe ma
tenai condition 01 tne larmers but one
that will elevate the -intellectual and
moral condition of all industrial classes,
thus producing an upward tendency in
society. - X be people possess the power
to do this, and you, as tbeir represents
tive, can exercise a large influence in this
direction. -
Neither the farmer northe toiler in any
waiK, win meet with permanent financial
prosperity until he can employ the
greater portion of his time devoted to
labor, in profitable industrial pursuits,
aud until the sum of what he earns ex
ceedsin value that which be expends,
and if any believe in the existing order
Of things, in low prices, in low
wages and in partial or total enforced
idleness of a part of the people, they
should be clamorous for its continuance;
but 11 they believe in rising prices and in
tne constant employment 01 all, at re
munerative wages with which the neces
saries and luxuries of life can be pur
chased, they should unite in bringing
about better conditions. Of course it re
quires intelligence, and if they refuse to
use the faculties given them, organized
greed will master the American people
and the many will be mere toiling ma
chines for the few, wbo will use them as
instruments in crushing others by di
vision and dissension; and the old story
story of the Libyan fable will be repeated:
That once an eagle, stricken with a dart,
Said, when be saw the fashion ol the shaft,
"With our own feathers, not by other's hands,
are we now smitten."
What would be thought of an in
dividual who, being in perfect possession
of a sound limb, should refuse to use it
in tbe fulfillment of its functions and per
mit it to become withered and useless?
And yet, there are thousands of men who
are in possession of splendid natural in
tellects, the chief distinction between
the maud the lower order of animals, who
refuse to use their faculties until they be
come withered and useless, and they
seem to rejoice in their weakness. It
ought to be truthfully said of all, as it
was said' of Cassius:
He reads much
He is a great observer, and he looks
Quite through the deeds of men.
There is another highly important and
indispensible feature of the perfect
American farm home of which I think I
ought to speak, and which is a natural
sequence of a knowledge of the arts and
sciences that should not be neglected.
It is the finer sentiment that is produced
by study, by accurate knowledge oi
men, and by knowledge of the world
that leads us to an contemplation of our
relation with God.
I never heard sweeter music than the
sacred songs of my mother, who is at
rest forever. They may not have been
sung with technical accuracy, but no
voice was sweeter, and none more
melodious when offering prayers; and
while her songs and prayers may not
have seemed to produce a visible effect
on those for whom offered, they left an
impression that years will not efface. A
perfect education involves the moral
faculties so that a full realization of
man's relation to his Maker is had; and
although at the time it is imparted it
may not be productive of results,
the mysterious relation between
the mind and the spiritual nature
will be productive of good in the
future conduct of the child.
I must note, in passing, the well estab
lished truth that tbe great men and wo
men of our country are those born and
raised on the farm. Constant contact
with primitive nature.througb early sur
roundings may have been of the poorer
sort deeply instilled in their minds the
necessity of an enlarged field of useful
ness. The morning sun, peeping across
the eastern hilltops and overthe valleys,
shaking from its main the golden spray
of the Atlantic, gave the adequate con
ception of the greatness of the world.
The songs of birds warbling sweet music
from the depths of the wildwood, early
afforded an acquaintance with the fact
that in this world, after all. there is
somethiag of joy; the ceaseless labor of
the bees and ants implanted in their
young mind valuable lessons of industry.
while the rippling of brook and river as
their waters speeded on tbeir journey to
the ocean, gave them an idea of the
tremendous results of ceaseless labor.
Their niggardly surroundings, taught
tnem, in many instances, valuable les
sons of economy, as well as implanted in
their minds an insatiable desire (or bet
ter persoual conditions.
If these valuable lessons could be
learned and acted on, by those who toil,
if they could understand, and. under
standiug. act in unison, tbe condition of
tne American people would be improved,
while the pleasure derived from develop
ment wouia oe greatly enhanced. In my
judgment, it will only be when all who
come to a realizing sense of these truths.
nuu, uuwing ineui, act in sucn a way as
wid advance their intei-eats, that they
will have reached their true place in so
ciety ana oecome tne important factors
tney should, in the affairs of men.
A Gettysburg Survivor-
Miiaua r. sweet SPEAKS OF HIS
Each day, each month, each vr tho
Grand Army of tbeRepublic is growing
Dimmer. jiuuuHieacQ uour Is soma vr.
eran soidier.ot the rebellion resoondinir
10 iuo can 01 tne ureal Commander and
joining the army of the silent majority.
At such an alarming rate is the death
rate increasing among the army mem
bership that staticians tell ns that it;
will be but a few years before the voter.
ans will be but a memory. It is for this
reason that tbe entire public is interested
to hearlof the recovery from sickness of .
JaraesM. Mc Kel vv Post (V A. n f
St. Cloud, Minnesota, contains one such.
umiuu jr. om. mo man stands signer
in the community than does he and
through bis strict intecritv
of conviction he has won tbe respect of
all who know him. Mr. Sweet has for
many years been a resident of Minnesota
and for the past ten years has resided in
tnis city, wbere be is engaged in the
manufacture of carpets. He is now fiftv-
one years of age. He served in tbe war
three years and seven months, with
Company G, New York, participating in
sixty battles including Gettysburg.
curing me war Mr. jsweet contracted
heart disease, which was accompanied
by excessive nervousness. A o- in
creased his symptoms grew worse and
many were the remedies resorted to by
him without the slighest relief.
We will let Mr. Sweet tell th arnrv in
his own word: -
"Six months ago at the sucrtrestion of
a comrade, who had been benefitted by
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I began their
use, and I very cheerfully state that they
have invigorated and built up mv nerv
ous system in a wonderful way. They
have done me a world of good and I
have been greatly ' benefitted bv their
use, wnere everything else 1 took failed
to give me the relief I sought for. I
have recommended them to a large
number of my old comrades and it i a
pleasure for me to do so, for I feel that
the manufacturers are deservinir of anv
good that I can do them in saying a
good word for their product, in return
for the good they have done me. I will
gladly recommend these pills to any one
writing me n tney aouot the genuine
ness of this statement."
When interviewed. Mr. Sweet felt so
grateful for the good that he had re
ceived through Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
that he did not have the slighest hesi
tancy in going on record. His word is
considered his bond by all who know him
throughout this section. Mr. Sweet is
not the only one iu Stearns county who
is using this celebrated medicine and
with equally good results.
subscribed and sworn to before me
this 12th day of June 1896.
James K. Jerrard, Notary Public,
steams tounty, Minnesota.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain in a
condensed form, all the elements neces
sary to give new life and richness to the
blood and restore shattered nerves.
They are an unfailing specific for 6uch
diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial
paralysis, St. Vitus dance, sciatica, neu
ralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache,
the after eLectof lagrippe, palpitation
FALL of 1
Notwithstanding the Extremely Low Prices which marked the Spring Season of 1896 for
all classes of goods our business shows a most remarkable increase over the corresponding
period of 1895, which fact has encouraged us to make extra preparations for supplying the
wants of our patrons this fall, and looking toward thut end, we availed ourselves of the
opportunities presented by many manufacturers wishing to realize on the product of their
nulls and factories, to secure the Most Complete aud Attractive Lines of
Dress Goods,
Bed Comforts,
Yarns, Gloves;
We have ever shown, and will consequently be prepared to offer you such inducements on
your fall purchases, both as to uniform Low Prices and Desirable Styles, as will prove
profitable and interesting to you. We want your business and hope that you will investi
gate our Immense Stock when you visit the city, before buying elsewhere.
00 00000000000000000000000030300003000000000000000000000000
" -ReliaTole Q-ood-s at Xjosrcst UPrlces."
921 O St. Opposite Postofflce,
of the heirt, pale and sallow complex
ions, all forms of weakness either iu male
or female. I'nk Pilis are sold by all
dealer.-, or will be sent postpaid ou re
ceipt of pnee, 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 (they are never sold in bulk or
by the 100), by addressing Dr. Williams'
Medicine Coin puny, Seheuectady, X. Y.
A dollar bottle and practical Treatise on Asthma and
Hay Ferer sent Free to any asthmatic who will par
eipressage. Db-B.W. lUin, Dept. H, Cincinnati,
Uhio. ,
MIL DUlLnO. PLES for Sale In
IWHMHH thoir Minn flhall
commence picking the taut half of Hrptemeer.
Prefer to sell In wasoa load lot', Prices ten
centaaadnp. .Location elirbt miles south and
sixteen euat of Lincoln. IAJII VflllllO
and one west of Palmyra
ii 1.1. .uunu.
eoastraetad and
simple. Awards
World's Fair Di
ploma and Medal
Oklnal-l c.
Tanks, Befulatore and Grind
wood Xemee, fTiteagu
CsUlotM. Cat this Ntud ma with toot hum
sal tddraaa, tn4 w, wul aull yoe F&1K our mw
MuDBMth Catelofu t BbrCri:,UiiiilratiD(
.100 diflmilMylu from, Ctniiiw anto 10
nmtinii. DnTtnauianawnrnrnnti.
l aUKsa
1., n m 12 wppe" almost nnlversally satinAed with the returns. Because we make them
money. We receive and sell :
Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Veal, Game, Fur, Wool,
Hay, Grain, Seed, Beans, Potatoes, Broom
Corn, Hides, Green and Dried Fruit - -
Or any thing yon mar hare to shin.
quick returns. Write ns for prices, tags, sbippluK
References: '
And this Paper.
s Y furnas
)Poland China and t
Berkshire Hogs, Holstein Cattle, at Half Price!
Two Berkshire Boars and three Sows bred. Fall pigs of both breeds, Three
yearling Holstein bulls and two heifers. One two-year old heifer bred. Orders
booked for Spring pigs. : Produce of 20 top sows and 4 first class boars. All
stock guaranteed unrepresented. . H.S.WILLIAMSON,
Mention Nebraska Independent 44-52t Beaver City, Neb.
Second Floor Burr Block.
Teeth on Bnbter, Platlaum, Qold. Aluminum, and
and Grown Work. Oold, Porcelala. and Amalgam
, .VZU 7a,n Sod "lit of clothes at a very low price, send to ns for our oo
pieto Chart of figures for measurements, (so simple a child can take a eorrect meas
ure,) and oor handsome illustrations, and description of suits, each accompanist
-Br o1a g.?Y "c,oy,es are eql n style and finish to best custom
made. We send all of the above by mail free, and if you order a suit and it is not
exactly like sample, and you are not satisfied, you will be out nothing, for we will
pay expressage both ways. Please mention Nebraska Independent when job
write, for it is our reference. PEO PLES' SUPPLY CO.
eo1r Suite 11 Adams Express Bldg. Chicago, Ills.
Ann a
y Ladies , Misses, cm drens
Ovftr30StylThrbftonKrth. Horhlrh
duii ir ri( sart a v uicstrii
tiIH. Yotic&n mfckt from 40
to 60 zxhIi r 4U7 for from
14 to 22c. a Rod.
XJl't-t-tTeU (.'atalofrne Frs)e.
Ridgevfile, - Indiana.
weak r.iEn
Manhood Bestorad, small, weak
organs enlarged. Night emission,
exhausted vitality, nervous and
physical disability, and effects of'
self-abase qaickly and permanen
tly cured. I win send (sealed)
free the recipe of this simple
remedy, which eared me after
everything else had failed,
and will enre yon. Address.
tt. v. oiis, Mtox i7ikaumsoo.
Consumers Purchasing agency, will buy
anything yon want at cheapest possible
price. D. Cleu Dkaveb,
Room 9 Granite blk., Omaha, Neb.
fa. -aw r m iiinv
Picket Lawn-Fence
Btecl Poets, Steel Ralls and Steel Gates; Steel Tree.
Ponce, 24 to 58 In. high, Ponltr
Ajuco: Bteel Wire Fanon Bonn
r lower ana Tomato uuaraa, caoied neld and Hog
'uuo; Bteel WlraFsaoelioardto. Catalogue free. -
Till It, rr 1 1 Aratm m
, uarqen and Kabolt
'teKALQ FENCE CO. i8 High SU OeXalb, IU.
Tod can't obtain It any other way. Because yon
hare been selling your produce at home for yeara
Is no reason you should eontinne to do so if yon
can strike a better market and make more money.
We make a specialty of receiving shipments di
rect from the producers and have the largest
directions or any Information you may want.
174 South Water St., - Chicago, 111.
Vurcelala Plates. Oold and Foroalala 8 rid-,
rulings. "
Outing Flannels,
Window Shades,
Bed Spreads,
Table Linens,
Hats and Caps,
, B u
& BRO.
Lincoln, Neb.