THE NEBRASKA INDEPEDENT. Sept. 17. 1896 The Kinking Nhlp. The following letter from the "National Committee on Sound Money" dated at New York was received at this office thi morning. It ia simply another instance of the dire extremity in which the re publican party, which baa the magnifl rant gall to style itself the aound money party, are really in. They are beginning to realize as the day of battle draws niarh that heroic measures must be adopted to stem the free silver tide which is sweeping orer this country, or the party is doomed to ignominious de feat. The Post presumes that some of the gold bug sheets in Lincoln will take advantage of this "splendid oppor tunity" which the "sound money" com mittee offers, as it will enable thera to fill their papers up with gold standard fallacies without the expenditure of a single cent unless it be the expreeaage on the stereoptype plate matter and if "real hard pressed" this great "sound money" party will see that even that ex peuse will be attended to. Behold this glittering, gilt edged gold standard offer: Committee on Sound CqnnENcy Exe cutivb Committee Calvin Tompkins, Chairman: L. Cabholl Root, Kecke tarv 52 William Street, New York, Sept. 10, 1890. Dear Sir: This com mittee is now prepared to oner you sound currency plate matter until No vember. You can have a page of our regular plates every two weeks through either of the following plate associations: American Press association; Interna tional Press association; A. N. Kellogg Newspaper company: Century Tress com pany. Should you order through the American Press association and should there be no other paper in your place using our matter, we can, if deemed ad visable, give you a page every week. Enclosed is sample of our regular pages. J. We can also offer you plates of either of the following speeches: Of Secretary John G. Carlisle, at Chicago; of Judge George N. Aldredge, at Atlanta; of lion. Janips T. McCleary, in congress, and the lion. Carl Schurz in Chicago. Each of these speeches occupies one full page of plates in nonpareil type. They are, we believe, the best speeches yet made to put before the general reader. The enclosed order blanks explain the terms upon which we offer these plates. We make no charge for them, but leave expressage to be paid by yon. Should you desire to use these plates, and yet be unwilling or unable to pay expressage, it is possible that the republican commit tee or other sound money organization in your congressional district, might be willing to help you in this respect. If your paper is a ready-print and is printed bv the Western Newspaper Union, A. N. Kellogg Newspaper Co., Ne braska Newspaper Union, Chicago News paper Union, Sioux City Printing Co.. or the Northwestern Newspaper Union, you can have two or three columns of our matter inserted each week free of charge. All orders for plates should be sent di rect to our office. Orders for ready-print matter can be sent to the office where your paper is printed. Yours truly, Calvin Tompkins. Chairman of the Executive Committee. The question is simply this: If the single gold standard of the republican party is such a splendid thing and the voters of this country are so impatient to get to the polls to vote for it, why is it necessary to buy up the columns of every sheet in the country which has not the courage of its convictions norths honor to come out and declare for what they know to be the best, most substan tial and most logical financial principle the free and unlimited coinage of sil verbefore the people today. The above letter is proof positive that, McKinleyism is doomed and that its ad vocates are grasping at every straw in an effort to save the sinking ship no matter what the cost may be, and it is with no little encouragement that the .supporters of right and principle, after the hard struggle they have been mak ing thus far this campaign observe the vast inroads that are being made in the ranks of the g. o. p. A Little Matter of History. To the Editor: John J. Ingalls in his speech on the Bland-Allison bill in the United States Senate, Feb., 15, 1878, said, "There is strong evidence that the destruction of the legal tender power of silver was the culmination of a scheme long entertained by the holders of the public debt of this country, devised by them for the purpose of appreciating the value of their invest ments, regardless of the ruin and desola tion which it would bring upon the lab oring and productive classes of the na tion. "If we are to have amonometalic stan dard I believe silverto be immeasurably preferred to gold. It is less subject to fluctuation, its production is more steady, its costs more uniform. No en during fabric of national prosperity can be builded on gold. Gold is the money of monarchs. Its tendency is to accu mulate in vast masses in commercial cen ters, and to move from kingdom to king dom in such volumes as to unsettle val. ues and disturb the finances of the world It is the instrument of gamblers and speculators, and the idol of the miser and thief. No people in a great emer 'gency ever found a faithful ally in gold." "But silver is the money of the people. It is the money of wages and retail. Its tendency is towards diffusion and dis semination. It enters into the minute concerns of traffic, and is exchanged day by day lor daily bread. "On noticible feature in all the argu ments of the monometalists, is an elab orate effort to surround capital with some pecular sanctity, to hedge it about with special divinity, to separate accu mulations from wages, to discriminate between the dollar that was earned yes- vto t ino Aornor. orer but not for the capitalist. "The odious cant about repudiation' and dishonor, is a knavish device to in timidate a people who hav always res pected their obligations. The London Times recently said, "It could in no sense be called repudiation if silver were mad the sole standard of the United States to morrow." "The people know that their distress is chiefly due to the efforts of thoce who own the debts and money of the nation to enhance its value. Ihe people are arranging themselves one side or the other of a por ten tious contest. On one side is capital, formidably intrenched in privilege, arrogant from continual triumph, conservative, tenacious of old theories, demanding new concessions, enriched by domestic levy and foreign commerce and struggling to adjust all values to its own standard. On the other is labor asking for employment, striving to develop domestic industries, battling with the forces of nature and subduing the wild crisis. Our demands for relief, for justice, have been met witn indifference or disdain." "The producers of the work want market in wnicn tne value or tueir pro ducts will not be consumed by the cost of transportation over railroads that pool their earnings and combine to keep their old rates at a point where the car rier grows rich and the farmer poor. It is not the east against the west. It is the east against the west and south combined. It is the corn and wheat and beef and cotton of the country against its bonds and gold; its productive in dustry against its monopolies. It is those who own the public debt against those who are to par it. The alliance of the west and south upon all matters affecting their material welfare hereafter is inevitable. Their interests are identi cal. With the removal of the causes of political discussions that have long sep arated them they must coalesce and be united, then they will be invincible. Un friendly legislation has imposed intoler able burdens upon their energies, in vidious discriminations have been made against their products, injurious tariffs have repressed their industries. Then I reflect upon the burdens they have borne, the wrongs they have suffered. I am aston ished at this moderation." All the above is found in volume 7. part 2, page 1052-3-4-5, Congressional iecord. II. C. Palmer. WILL REMAIN AT HOME, McKinley Dares Not Meet Mr, Bryan in Debate. Chicago, 111., Sept 12. Chairman Hanna was asked yesterday what would be done about the petition now circulat ing among organized labor requesting Messrs. McKinley and Bryan to meet in this city in joint debate. Mr. Hanna said: "Mr. McKinley is not going to take the4stump. The democrats would undoubtedly like very much to see him chasing over the country in a wild scramble for votes, as Mr. Bryan has insisted upon doing. Mr. McKinley will continue to conduct himself as a man who appreciates the dignity and im portance of the position he seeks. He will not lend himself to apy catch penny scheme for the sake of satisfying the curious or making himself talked about. I have heard this subject discussed, and I thiuk I know what I am talking about when I say Mr. McKinley will continue to address the people who visit him at Canton." GORMAN TAKES CHARGE Of the Bryan Campaign in the State of Maryland. Baltimore, Md., Sept. 12. United States Senator Gorman yesterday took charge of the Bryan campaign in Mary land and was the central figure at the meeting of the state central committee and the state campaign committee at the Carrollton hotel. Every county and legislative district was represenred and a considerable number of prominent democrats who were not members, were on hand by special invitation of the chairman. The candidates for presiden tial electors were also there. Verbal reports were made from all of the counties and members of the confer ence expressed themselves as particular ly pleased at the prospect for carrying the state. Senator Gorman said he had no doubt whatever but that Maryland would be found in line on November 3 for the regular democratic nominees for president and vice-president. He prom ised to do all in his power to aid in bringing about the desired result. WELCOME AT NEBRASKA CITY. Silyer Candidate for President Speaks for Twenty Minutes. Nebraska City, Neb., Sept. 12. With but twenty-four hours' notice, the Bryan club of this city held the grandest rally ever held in this city, last night. A par ade headed by the Nebraska City band aud followed by 500 men, all voters, with torches, marched up Central avenue to the court house, and 1000 people crowded into the court room, while over 3,000 were turned away. Hon. George E. Hibner, of Lincoln, and H. M. Boy da ton of this city talked to the crowd. Over 1,000 people stood on the outside of the court house and shouted for a speech. Hon. John V. Morgan and George W. Tompins spoke to them from the court house steps. After the speaking, which lasted until 10:45, the crowd again formed into an immense parade and marched ' to the Missouri Pacific, depot to greet W. J. Bryan on his trip south. Eight thousand were at the depot when the train arrived, which was at 11:30. Mr. Bayan spoko from a stand near the tiepotf for twenty minutes, and .....v;f tht hoari Jhim cheered THIEVISH ARABS. NATURAL BORJf ROBBERS OF THE HOLY LASD. A Carious Custom Which Sometimes Saves the Victim From Their Rapacity An Ameri can's Experience. T-TTKITTNO from Tripoli, Syria, to the Baltimore Y Y Sun, a correspondent says Daring the last month have ridden on horseback more than 400 miles throngh Palestine and Syria on my way to Asia Minor. On this long tour, with the aid of an excellent dragoman, I have not only been enabled to visit the principal cities and towns of these historically inter' esting countries of which I have writ ten, but I have had ocoasion to study the habits and customs of the wild Bedouin tribes that live their un settled lives in these valleys and along these mountain slopes. On the west ern side of the Jordan River there are many of these roving bodies of men, women and children, divided into dif ferent family tribes, bat on the east' ern side of the river there are only a lew tribes, much larger than the others and very much wilder. Lach tribe has a sheik or prince, who is final authority on all questions, and often has the power of life and death. This office is hereditary, as a raie. wnen an election is necessary it is done by vocal declaration, mast in all cases be unanimous, and must be endorsed by the Government at Constantinople. The' head of each tribe is legally re quired to pay to the Sultan one Turk ish pound (nearly five dollars) for each man who is able to go to war. which amount, paid yearly, rids these men from military duty under the Government. Certain districts of country are allowed these tribes where thei tents and herds are usually found, but fiequently they roam in other parts of the land, carrying on their independent raids until they are driven into their own regions bv Turkish guns. Their tents aie gen erally made 01 tne hair of goats, in' geniously woven, and their food eon' sists nearly altogether of bread made into th;n wafers, looking very much ike sheets of sand paper, batter made from the goat and buffalo cow, and fish, which abound in all the streams. The Bedouins are native-born rob bers, and it is always unsafe for any one to pass through their country un guarded. A few months ago a party was visiting the Jordon and Dead Sea with tho usual guard ; bat foar of the number separated from the others. and in less than two hours they were seized, robbed of their horses, money and clothing. A most pitiable set they were, I am told, when they reached their tents after night. Mr. Bolla Floyd, who is the only American dragoman in Palestine and Syria, entertained me for several days by a recital of some of his early experiences during a thirty years' stay in the country. Not long since, while accompanying a number of ladies and gentlemen throngh the desert, in the neighborhood of ancient Shechem, a noise was heard in the hills near by; and on turning, he found they were being surrounded by forty or fifty Bedouins, headed by their sheik. Of course, there was great terror among the party, and for a while Mr. Floyd was" stricken with fear. But a fortunate thought oc curred to the dragoman. It is a cus tom among these wild tribes to be friend any one who is in trouble if he reaches the sheik, and, seizing his belt, exelaims: "I am your, guest." While demands were being made upon Mr. Floyd and those under his protection and the robbers were in the aot of oarrying oat their desires, he rashed forward and, taking a strong grip upon the belt of the sheik1 ex claimed, in Arabic : "These are all your guests." This acted like magic. The robbery was ordered off; the sheik drew his sword and in the most pomp ous manner announced to his men that the party was under his protection and guidance, and, leading the way, he guided them for hours through the desert When I was suddenly approached by a band of these barbarians at 10 o'clock at night, in the wild country east of the Jordan, by the moonlight, I saw there was no belt to seize. As all of them were clothed in single and unadorned gaiments, I resorted to an other device, which proved just as ef fective, though not so dignified, and which put me quite a distance from them in a very short time. Mr. Carey, whose life-long residence in Palestine and Syria furnishes him with a fond of information on this sub ject that is possessed by few, gave me an account of a personal episode with the Bedouins which illustrates their exceeding kind-heartedness after they have robbed you of everything that they can lay their hands on. Mr. Carey left his home in Nablous on a missionary tour among the mount ains onoe owned by the tribe of Beu ben, east of the Jordan Biver. After crossing the stream he had not gone many miles when he was surrounded by a score of these men, who, lifting him off his beast, stripped him of his clothing, and, while he sat on a cool rock near by and watched the perform ance, they examined carefully all of the garments, ripping opening the linings of his coat, and after they had taken everything, even his pocket knife, they tossed him his clothing and politely informed him that he could go his way. Aa it wag now late in the evening, he told them that he could not con tinue his journey after dark without losing his way, and requested that they would take care of him until the next morning. They immediately and on his donkey, led the way through the valley to the place of their encamp ment, cooked him food, listened most attentively while be told them Bible stories, tucked him in bed, and started him on his journey next dav with everything that he had when he met them except his money and other things in his traveling bag that they could possibly use. j It seems that the belt trick is not known among the inhabitants of Reu ben s ancient province. I had occa sion to visit one of their encampments, but it is impossible for me to picture adequately their mode of living. Each family of the general tribe occupies a small tent of one room, which is th sleeping, cooking and working apart ment. The floor is the bare ground, which, in a few cases, may be partly covered oy bits of dirty goat ban cloth. The eating is done in front of the tents, where the family sits in a semi-circle, using their palms as plates and fingers as forks. A peculiarly aistastetm butter, churned from the 1 1 At t J JM mint 01 tae goat ana. oaaaio cow. 11 their chief moans of support, and as a rale, they reside in one locality not more than two months. They claim a direct descent from Abraham, who was, they insist, a wealthy sheik of a large tribe. A Petrified Man. Fourteen years ago Dr. Willian Davidson, of Jackson County, died and was buried in the usual way. Last March his wife also died. A grave was prepared by the side of her lamented husband, but it soon sued with water, so much so that it was decided to bury at another place not far off, which was done. On last Tuesday relatives and friends decided to remove the remains of the doctor to the side of his wife. His grave was uncovered, at the bot tom of which a large running stream of water was found passing in at the head and throngh and out at the foot ol the grave. The coffin and all other wooden material which had been used in putting him away, except the bot torn plank of the coffin, had decayed ana turned to earth again, Jt5ut to the astonishment of every one present. Dr. Davidson lay before them ii full life size, in lorm except both arms were gone and his month a little enlarged. On examination it was found that he was petrified and had become solid rock instead of flesh and blood. C. N. Wheeler, of Coskville. and County Surveyor ot Putnam County, was present at Dr. AleCoin s last Fri day, the old homestead of Dr. David son, to which place the petrified body 01 tne doctor had been removed, and made a critical examination of the body. He says the socks on the feet were plainly visible and the cloves which he had worn were crossed upon is breast and had tamed to solid rock. Those present who handled the body informed him that the body wad solid rock. The body had been put into a new coffin and a winding sheet drawn around it. Crowds of people were flookincr to Dr. MoCoin's to view the body, as the doctor was a well known physician of that part of Jaokson County, and is well remembered by many of our citizens. Preparations to re-inter the body ast Saturday had been completed and it was buried. It took nine persons to carry the body, and it was estimated by those who carried it that it would weigh 500 pounds. John whit son, who knew the doctor well in his life time, says he reoognized bis features without any trouble. ihe phenomenon has created a pro found sensation all over this section as no such ooourrenoe has ever been brought to light so far as remembered. Cookeville (Tenn.) Press. The English Breakfast. - The English breakfast, which always figures so attractively in the modern novel, is apt to be trying to American guests. The method followed in one country house is a fair sample. The guests strayed in at wilL Tea and coffee were kept hot over spirit lamps, ana boiled eggs and toast were brought as ordered. On the sideboard were cold beef, ham and game pie ; and the gentlemen served themselves and any lady who asked for meats. Toasts came in a raok never very hot, and muffins, buttered and toasted in the oven, sometimes ap peared. Orange marmalade completed the menu. Only the most modern English houses have well-made ranges, slow, old-fashioned stoves making all forms of cooking difficult. Hot bread, pancakes and other innu merable forms of crashed wheat and oats are almost unknown except in the vegetarian restaurants, and the Ameri can must reconcile himself to this, as well as to the confusion of each rising to help himself, which John Ball, chooses to consider simplicity and ini formality. The result of this convic tion is often great clumsiness, bat many English fashions are both clum sy and inconvenient. So far as menu is concerned the Amerioan has dis tinctly the advantage, and the advo cates of the light continental breakfast can quarrel equally with both. Mil waukee Journal. The "Tree of Life." The Ouaraunos are to be found all orer the delta of the Orinoco. They eat little and wear less. Many au thorities claim that they subsist on the moriohe palm tree alone. Whether this be true or not, the tree in ques tion is without doubt an indispensable factor in the problem of life. Not only does it furnish a safe eleration for a home, but gives a njntritioui sago, or meal, from which bread ii made, a tree fifteen years old yielding six hundred pounds of this meal Is addition, the juice furnishes a kind oi wine, and out of the fiber is made cord, rope, hammocks and a rude Rpeciea of cloth. - This tree, owing to t many and jrariotu purposes it W called by the aarlr mia- tM P( Otary. e c -lis H r A For Sale Cheap A scholarship in a good business College in Lincoln. A bargain for a young lady or gentleman who wishes to get a good business education. Address Box 920, LINCOLN. NEB. ' A' UXJ' CgMWfUSINESS Sixteenth and Douglas streets, Omaha, Nebraska. The oldest, largest and best College of its kind today, west of Chicago. It provides instruction in the following branches: Bookkeeping, Commercial Law, Commercial Arithmethic, Short hand, Typewriting, Telegraphy and Pen Art. Fall Term Pens September 1. Students should begin then Board For three hours work each day. Write at once if you want a place. Catalog Free t0 ay address; also specimens of penman ship. Address, Rohrbough Bros, Omaha, Neb. 0. F. LftMBeRTSON, D.D.S. lgQg O STREET, 1L.IIVC01L.1V. Rooms gl -to 84, Inclusive. Artificial teeth on gold and rubber plates. Gold and porcelain crowns. Satisfaction THE CLEVELAND We don't care to come before the nublic with the sr.erfinr,vTKrl "hoat o..a proposition. We wish to state briefly that we are making and selling a wheel that s right, and although the Drice is J!100. remember this point. We would like to send you a catalogue. Its'to be had for the asking. Z e CLEVELAND BICYCLE, n. A. -LiUZlER & BRANCH HOUSES 337 Broadway, New - .w...u. ourai, uaa nauunw, vol., xo .uuiuurn viaaucc, LiOnuon Place de la Madelaine. Paris. ' FACTORIES Toledo, 0.; ThomDsonville. Ct. & Toronto. Jnnntfnn. (Mention this paper.) H. D. RHEA. Offios 3d Floor, Browntll Block, Tlphoaal08. lUTOOZ.. look Rene The readers of this ad will findit x to their advantage to take their meas at 133 South 12th St H.C. HOLADAY, Proprietor. Free Hot Lunch Every Morning AND HOT SOCPS FROM 12 M. TO 1P.M. 146 So. Mth, Lincoln. F. TINGIEHOFF, Propr. ' GJ-uieiraxiteed. ! CO., Cleveland, Ohio, York City; 330 Arch St.. Philadelohia , ' ' w The New Hook Spoon Free to All I read in the Christian Standard that Miss A M. Frlti, atation A., St. I-onis, Mo., would scire an elegant plated book epoon to anyone aendinn hep ten 2-cent stamps. 1 sent (or on and ionnd it ao nsetul that I showed It to my friends, and made fix 00 in two hours, taking orders for the epoon. The hook epoon Is a household neces sity. It cannot slip Into the dish or cooking ves sel, being held In the place by a book on the back. The spoon Is something that housekeep. ere have needed ever since spoons were first in Tented. Anyone can get a sample spoon by sending ten 2-cent stamps to Miss Frits. This is a splendid way to make money around home. U"13 Very truly, Jeanette 8. J. 8. KIEKPATEIOK Attorney at Law. Lincoln, Heb. LEGAL NOTICE. To William A. Bangh, Non-resident Defendant: Ton are hereby notified that on the Mth dar Angust, 1886. Lillle L. Bangh tiled a petition against you In the District conrt of Lancaster County, Nebraska, the object and prayer ot which are to obtain a divorce from yon on ths ground that yon have wilfully and mallclonalv failed to support her, although yoo are flaanct ally well able to do so, and that yon have been guilty ot extreme ornelty toward her without any cause, and that you have committed adultrv rii ne4 Nfil!e a,on in PP'tn City, Mis souri, and with other women, whose names an unknown to this plaintiff. In the same eity. The plaintiff prays Judgment lor ths custody of the two children and for a divorce. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 28th day of September. 18M. JNO. 8. KIHKPATKICK, aiioraey tor Plaintiff.