The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, September 17, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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Sept. 17, 1896.
A Change In rrog-ramin.
Washlncto.n, P. C August 9, 1806.
The national convention of the bolting
democrats, beld at Indianapolis this
week, has excited less interest and com
ment among the political managers than
pas expected. It seems to be settled by
common understanding that the purpose
of the gold democratic convention was
to help the election of McKinley. They
even admit that they will go so far as to
vote for McKinley rather than for the
man that tbey will nominate at Indian
apolis, if thereby they can better insure
McKinley's election. This was so well
understood and not even denied by any,
that there was very little to surmise as
to whether the Indianapolis convention
would put up a ticket or would not, it
being understood that they would da
whatever in their judgment would beet
advance the cause of McKinley and the
gold standard. It must be remembered,
that many of the leading spirits in that
convention have been in the pant a part
of the dominant influence in the councils
of the democratic party.
It is evident to the careful observer of
political "straw" that the goldbugs
have decided that they are already
whipped on the financial question, uu
lew something can be done to switch the
issue to the tariff, or unless the friends
of silver can be divided.
Therefore, McKinley is making desper
ate efforts to reviv the tariff corpse,
not because be is not a goldbug, but be
cause he thinks protection more popular
with the people than gold. But while
McKinley is attempting to talk tariff,
the fact is that not one request in a
thousand at the various political head
quarters asks for tariff literature. Every
body wants literature on the financial
question, and nothing else.
The republicans are also making des
perate efforts to divide the silver forces
by attempting to array the wage earners
against the farmer. Their gold demo
cratic allies are making frantic efforts to
assist Hanna and McKinley on this line.
This is the last hope of the gold men in
this fight, and the outlook is that it is a
hopeless hope. The burden of Bourke
Cochran's speech in New York was try
ing to array the wage earner against the
farmer.. Up to now the gold men have
denied that free silver would help the
farmer, but they are driven to such des
perate straits that they now admit that
free sliver will help the farmer, and tell
the wage earner that it will bleed him
for the farmer's benefit.
DARD. The railroad corporations seem deter
mined to force every friend of silver to
favor and fight for the government own
ership of railroads, no matter what his
opinion on the question may have been
in the past. These corporations are
putting into the hands of every one of
their employes a small circular contain
ing the same fallacious arguments as
were put forward in Bourke Cochran's
speech. They tell their employes who
work for wages and salaries that if they
vote for" free silver that it will mean a
reduction in their wages; that free siiver
wlfl help the farmer, but that it will hurt
them. If fact, the railroad corporations
are today the most- powerful agents of
the gold trust. If the wage earner and
farmer can be divided in this fight the
gold men, if they stand .together, free
silver and Americanism win.
CCLAR. At peoples party headquarters here, a
Bmall folder entitled; "Why Kailroad
Employees and Other Wage Earners
Want Free Coinage of Silver," is being
printed in large quantities for distribu
tion. It is understood that this circular
takes up, and replies specifically to the
statements made in the railroad gold
circular which the companies are distri
buting to their employees.
At peoples headquarters they are very
much pieased with the political outlook.
They say that populist sentimen con
tinues to crystalize in favor of their
ticket of Bryan and Watson, and that
every silver man who, like Bryan, is
ready to put silver above party takes
the position that Brjan and Watson is
the best silver ticket in the field, and is
the co-operative ticket upon which the
trends 'of silver in all parties should
It is understood that a list of litera
ture is being printed at the people's
party headquarters; which will be sent
out and published in the reform press
thia week. ,
The following description and reference
to the people's party headquarters ap
peared in the Washington Star of last
Saturday: "Senator Butler, chairman
of the populist committee, has a suite of
five rooms on the first floor, by theH
street entrance of the building. In these
quarters the work of the populist com
mitteeis done. Senator Buttler occu
pies the corner roo.n, that used to be a
reception room when Wormley's was a
hotel. Here, with his private secretary,
and Mr. J. M. Devine, he handles every
thing pertaining to the management of
bis end of the campaign.
"The room across the hall is occupied
by the sesretarv of the committee. Mr
Edgerton and Mr. Pirtle. The large
tuning room on tne nrst Boor, where
many gjeat oanquetn have been held, is
shared between the populists and the
silver party as a folding room for docu
ments. .....
"Senator Butler has excited the admir
ation of the wise and the shrewd men in
politices. lie is regarded as one of tb
keenest political managers who has ap
wared in the field of politics in
recent years. lie is indescribably
watchful, and his enargy is tireless.
He thinks and acts at the same
time, and dues not neglect the smallest
detail. It is difficult to tell on what
lines he is moving when he does not want
to disclose his Dlans. but he is not idle
for a minute, and apparently is never in
The Review of Reviews, one of the
brightest and stongest magazines pub
lished in this or any other country, has
this to say, in a carefully prepared ar
tiolft. with reference to the vice-
presidential matter: "The vice-president
should so . far as possible
represent the same views and principles
which have secured the nomination of
the president, and he should be able in
the event of any accident to his chief to
take up the work of the latter just where
it was left. Mr. Sewall would make a
colorless vice-president, and were he at
any time to succeed Mr. Bryan in the
White House would travel Mr. Bryan's
path only with extreme reluctance and
duress. Jonathan Jones.
Have Kesorteri to Forgery.
From Springfield, Ohio: Moored Hua
may, an influential Mexican, connected
with one of the largest commercial
houses in Mexico, was in the city the
other day, and while here showed a
prominent manufacturer a letter received
by him from the director of mints of the
republic of Mexico. The letter is trans
lated by Mr. Uuamay, and was to the
following effect:
"I thank you for the two specimens of
so-called Mexican silver dollars which
you state are being put in general cir
culaton in the United States. You are
right in believing that the dies for the
coins have been recently changed, if the
specimens you send are genuine. With
out hesitation I pronounce them counter
feits and differing from the Bilver dollars
coined by the Mexican government in
many particulars. The genuine coin has
160 mill marks upon the edge, while the
specimens you submit have but 150.
That may appear a tedious way of de
tecting the spurious from the genuine
dollar, but it is unfailing. The execution
and position of the eagle upon the face
of the spurious also differ from the gen
uine. Our government is now engaged
in determining where and by whom these
counterfeits were issued."
Mr. Huamany states that the ma-'
chinery for the production of these
spurious Mexican dollars was procured
in England and that the counterfeits
reached America by vessel and were
landed in Florida. They were then pur
chased by the political managers who
are using them for campaign purposes.
He states that Mexico needs all the gen
uine silver dollars she has for home cir
culation, and that the people of that
country and satisfied, and would not
change their coinage to suit England or
any other nation. The counterfeiting
of the Mexican silver dollar is now the
subject of international inquiry Mr.
Uuamay says.
Mark Hanna Declares That All Skilled
Labor is Pledged to McKinley.
Chicago, 111", Sept. 12. Mr. Hanna
said today he had received several repre
sentatives of the labor unions, who had
said he was right in his assertion that
organized labor of the higher class, out
side of agitators, curbstone orators and
those who lived off the people were for
McKinley. Mr. . Hanna declared his be
lief that Mr. Bryan was going back to
wew lork to stir up the passions of
the most dangerous class of men. Mr.
1 1 anna said bis hopes of success had
been greatly strengthened since Mr. Bry
an's new policy had been outlined in his
letter of acceptance.
Perry Heath said that after October 1
nineteeu out of every twenty speakers
sent out by the national committee
would talk protection and tariff. He
declared the county chairmen of the
party reported the Bryan speakers were
preaching revolution, bald headed, and
nothing else.
He Has No Fears But That Nebraska
Will Be Found in the Right
In Mr. Bryan's speech at the Missouri
Pacific train last evening he declared
that he did not believe there was a
county in the state of Nebraska which
was certain to go republican. Mr. Bryan
based this statement on the highly en
couraging reports that are coming into
this city from all over the state telling
o the marked deflection from the ranks
of the republican party in favor of free
The publication in this paper a few
days ago of the facts concerning
this great landslide has caused
a great many of our gold bug
friends to open their eyes and wonder
whether or not it is bo. To all such as
are skeptical we would urge that they
pay a visit to the state headquarters o
the democratic, populist and free silver
parties and learn the truth. Again if
Chairman Post of the republican state
central committee would not attempt to
cover up facts one "could learn all about
the Bryan wave from him. But it is only
the ones "on the inside" who are permit
ted to know the contents of the re
ports wnicn are daily being sent in.
"erily Mr. Bryan left Nebraska feeling
fectly safe that it would give him a
gqroa round majority.
. Broady'a Big Boom,
Talmage, Neb., Sept 12. Judge
Broady and Hon. Frank Ransom ad
dressed a large and enthusiastic political
assemblage here last night. Judge
Broady made a lucid and clear state
ment of the issues and followed the same
up with strong arguments for the double
standard independent of other nations.
Hon. Frank Ransom showed that true
republicans should vote for Bryan,
Broady and better times. Many votes
were made for free coinage.
Cleveland's Views Unknown.
New Orleans, La., Sept. 12. Senator
Caffrey, before leaving this morning for
Louisville, was asked whether he had re
ceived any word from President Cleve
land as to his relations toward the third
ticket. Senator Caffrey replied in the
negative, and added that he knew noth
ing except what he had seen in the pa-
peia, and it was his opinion that if a let
ter was written it would be addressed to
Chairman Bynum.
That Free Excursion.
The gold standard advocates have
shown more desperation in their street
corner discussions today than any day
since the campaign began. They realize
that the free silver "cfaze" is spreading
with alarming rapidity and they were
almost frantic today in their effort to
stein the tide. John P. Maule was busy
all day trying to explain the unjust dis
crimination of the railroads in favor of
republican rallies. They realize that the
free excursion to Beatrice last evening is
losing them votes.
Broady'a Table Bock Speech.
"One of the best speeches thus far
made in Nebraska was delivered by Hon.
J. 11. Broady at Table Rock last Satur
day. It was logical and argumentative
and cannot be answered by his oppon
nents. Mr. Broady is the silver candi
date for congress in the first district of
Nebraska, Mr. Bryan's old district, which
was gerrimandered in the hope of defeat
ing Bryan, and is looked upon by repub
licans as their stronghold in the state.
The great uprising of the people in this
campaign, however, leads to the hope
that Mr. Broady will be elected by an
ample majority." Rocky Mountain
News, Sept. 10.
Powers at Pender.
Tender, Neb., Sept. 12. Weiser's
opera house was crowded last night to
hear a joint debate on the silver question
between John H. Powers of Lincoln and
Harry Brome of Omaha. The disputants
were cheered at every point and the
friends of free silver are jubilent over the
work of the champion of that cause.
Bob Graham at Inland.
Inland, Neb., Sept. 12. Freesilverites
were out last night to hear Hon. Robert
Graham of Lincoln expound the doc
trines of bimetallism. Mr. Graham gave
a succient history of the United States
coinage laws since 1792, and arraigned
in denuciatory terms the gold standard
party for their attempt to enslave farm
ers and laborers of this country. At the
conclusion of the speech Mr. Townsend,
a former republican, addressed the meet
ing in a few well chosen remarks in favor
of Bryan and free silver.
J. L, Stephens, Pres.
HaIry E. Wilson, Sec.
This school Is giving Its students good work
and Is np-to-date. Instruction given In the fol
lowing; branches:
Short Hand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping.
Mathematics, English, Penmanship,
Business Practice.
Bend ns the names ot 12 young persons who
want to attend a bnsiness college and we will
send yon onr "Bnsiness Student" tor one year.
Lincoln Business College,
I Ith&OSts., Lincoln.
In clubs of ten or more, Cam
paign Subscriptions 10c each. No
commission allowed.
New York News.
Mr. Bryan Leaves.
Fully 2,500 people assembled at the
Missouri Pacific depot last evening to
witness W. J. Bryan's departure and
cheer him on his way. Long before his
arrival at the train the crowd jostled
and pushed one another about in an at
tempt to get the best position for seeing
and hearing Mr. Bryan when he arrived.
The free silver glee club of the univer
sity entertained the crowd with good
campaign songs. Some members of the
club were out of tune but every song
was heartily encored. It was 9:16 when
the Bryan home guards turned the cor
ner of Tenth and S streets headed by the
Nebraska state band. They made an
imposing appearance as they marched
toward the depot, and round after round
of cheers greeted them. Mr. Bryan,
Messrs. Jones, Pace and Norris Humph
rey rode in a carriage between the long
lines of torches. When the carriage
stopped and the free silver champion of
the American people alighted the cheers
and enthusiasm again broke forth. A
space from the carriage to the car was
with some difficulty opened up and Mr.
Bryan took his place on the platform of
the rear coach. "Speech, speech," was
yelled and echoed on every hand
"We are going to have something bet
ter than a speech," replied the candi
date, "we're going to have a song."
'After the song by the glee club Mr.
Bryan spoke as follows:
"I don't know whether I shall return
to Nebraska again until just before the
election or not, but I go away from Ne
braska feeling that it is not necessary for
me to stay here. (Cheers). I want to
say to you, my friends, that from the re
ports which I have been receiving I
don't believe there is a single county in
the state that the republicans are sure
of carrying this fall. (Great cheering.)
And more than that, every day finds our
cause stronger throughout the union
than it was' the day before. (Cheers;
voice: 'Hurrah for tomorrow;' great
cheering and laughter). Every day finds
persons who are declaring for free coin
age and I think I am safe in saying that
you will not find among all your ac
quaintances a man who one month ago
was in favor of free coinage at 16 to 1,
and able to give a reason for it, who
has changed his mind. (Cheers). And
you cannot find any man who was for
free coinage who is thinking himself in
to the gold standard idea. (Loud cheer
ing). The reason for that is this, that
the people are studying the money ques
tion as they never studied it before, and
study of the money question leads to an
understanding of it, and when men un
derstand it there are just a few peo
ple who will be for the gold standard.
(Loud cheers). And they will be the
ones who will be pecuniarily interested
in having dollars get bigger all the time
while the masses of the people will be de
termined that no power on earth shall
fasten the gold standard upon the Amer
ican people. (Great cheering.) . A little
over a month ago I went into what I
then called 'the enemy's country,' but I
found down there just as much enthu si
asm as there is in Nebraska. (Great
cheering). Today some parts of the
country are more friendly than others,
but there is no enemy's country." (Loud
Mr. Bryan's first stop after leaving
Lincoln, was at Eagle, where a crowd of
people, a drum corps and a bonfire made
a rousing reception. Elmwood, another
small place, turned out with torches, and
Wabash, home of Tom Allen, added red
fire to smoky flambeaus.
The train arrived in Kansas City at
6:30 this morning. He will take the Wa
bash train out of Kansas City for St.
Louis, where he expects to make four ad
dresses tonight. He will speak at Mob
erly and other points on his way to St.
This paper said The Silver
Knight both for one year for
01. 1 in advance.
la caused bv toruid liver, which prevents diges
tion and permits food to ferment and putrify In
the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache,
insomina, nervousness, and,
if not relieved, bilious fever
or blood poisoning. Hood's
Pills stimulate the stomach,
rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con
stipation, etc. 25 cents. Sold by all druggists.
The only Fills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Business Directory.
Men whose adTertisements appear Id this col
no are thoroughly reliable, and oneiness en
trusted to them will receive prompt and earetnl
CNERNET EAGER. Attorneys-at-law, 10M
O Street, Lincoln, Neb. Telephone bW.
WL. STARK, Attorney-at-Law. Aurora, If
LONG MATHEW, Attooneys-at-Law, Loop
Citv. Nebraska.
DR. H. B. LOWBT, 11T North 11th Street, Lin
coln. Nebraska.
CHARLES A.HDNN, Atoraey-at-Law, Ord, H
M. brsska!ILLS,Alt0,1"L'r 0,col, N"
A. EDWARDS. Attornev-at-Law. Orand Is
land, Neb. Office over First Natl Bank.
WM. LEESE. Lawyer. SU Sooth Eleventh
Street. Lincoln, Neb,, Will personally aura
to all bnsiness with care and promptness.
Booth 11th street, Lincoln, Keb. Ii-Jndge
Fifth District Basinets glvm prompt attention
throughout the state.
SALESMEN WANTED ?100 to $125 per month
and expenses Staple line ; position perman
ent pleasant and desirable. Address, with stamp,
King Mfg. Co. T. 175, Chicago.
R. J. M, LUCAS, Dentist, Brace Block, Us
' coin, Nebraska.
I 8HAHP IMPLEMENT CO.. Bohanan Block,
J . Lincoln. Nsb. Farm Machinery a specialty.
Machines shipped to all parts of the state.
I T. M. SWIOART, Mutoal Fire and Cyclone
' Insurance, Lincoln, Neb. Agents wanted.
QQ OA Realised in one week on a $25 In
77. 3V vestment. Gather yonr portion
while the (to! den harvest is ripe. Write for par
ticulars, Conden A Co., Clinton Bldg., Coving
ton, Kentucky. 1
Wanted An Agent
in every section, to canvass, $4.00 to
$5.00 a day made, sells at sight; also a
man to sell staple goods to dealers, best
aide line,$75.00 a month. Salary or large
commission made, experience unneces
sary. For sealed particulars send stamp.
Clifton Soap & Manufacturing Company,
Cincinnati, Ohio. Mention Nebraska
Independent. ' 48-52-t
Attorney and Solicitor.
Boom 28 and 24 Richards Block, Lincoln Neb.
Counsel for Nebraska Law & Collection Company
Attorneys, Lincoln, Nebr.
Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of a
vendl Issued by the clerk of the district court of
the Third Judicial district of Nebraska, within I
and for Lancaster county, In an action wherein I
. 11 1 1 1 1 .1 U1-,N .1 ,L. V" I
AipuvuB v. itv.yuuiuB 10 piaiuuu, rniu Ne
braska Educational Board is defendant. I will
at 2o'clock p. m. on the lath day of October, A.D.
1896, at the east door of the court house, in the
city of Lincoln, Lancaster county,- Nebraska,
offer for sale at public auction the following des
cribed real estate, to-wlt:
Lots 1, !!, 8 and four in block 10, lot 1, block 13,
of S. L., Wright's Addition to Bethany Heights,
lots 4 and 5 in block 10, In Leighton's Addition to
Bethany Heights: all of block 1, lots 1, 2, and 3 In
block 20, lot ten in block 45. the north 403-10 feet
of lot 1 in block 47, lots 12, 13, and 14, in block 52,
lots 13 and 14 in block 83, lots 5, 6, and 7 in block
84, lots 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, In block 90, lots 4 and 13
in block 100, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in Block 101.
lots 4, 5, and In block 29, lots-lO and 11 in block
35, lots 12, 13, and 14 in block 36. lots 6, 7, and 8
in block 101, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, and
14 in block 102: the north 50 feet of the south 100
feet of lot 7, block 79, lot 4, block 53. lots 1 and 2
in block 37, of Bethany Heights, lots 1. 2, 3. 4,
and 5 in block 1, lots 1, 2, 3. 4, and 5 In block 2,
lots 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. 14, 16 and 15 in block 8,
lots 6, 8, and 9, in block 39, iots 1, 2, 3, and 4 In
block 14, In Cotner's Addition to Bethany
Heights, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in block 8, lots
1, 2. 3, 4 and 9 in block 5, in Endowment Place, a
subdivision of lot "B" in Bethany Height, lot 15,
block 4, in Fairlawn: the west halt of block 11,
and the southeast quarter ot block 11 of Lemon's
subdivision of the east halt of the southwest
quarter, of section 16, township 10, range 7, lot 5,
Id block 14, in the Bond and Colby Tract; lot 3
block 8 in Abbott and Irvine's addition to Lin
coln: the east six leet ot lot 9 in block 27, and the
east 6 feet of ot lot 4 block 80, and lots 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15, and 16 in block 28; lots 10, 11 and 12, in
block 27. lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7 and 8 in block 29. in
Mills Second Addition to University Place. The
east halt of lot. 14, Irregular TractB In the south
east quarter of section 3. in township 8. range 8;
lot 15 in block 1, in Cook's Addition to Lincoln,
lot 9, in block 2, Cameron's subdivision ot lot 3 of
Fairview. All in Lancaster county, Nebraska,
Given under my hand this 8th day of Sept., A,
D. 1896. JOHN, J. TKOMPEN,
Bath House and Sanitarium
' Coraer 14th M8t,
Open at.All Hours Day and Night
AH Forms of Baths.
Turkish, Russian, Roman, Electric.
With Special attention to the application ol
Several tlmis stronger than sea water.
Rheumatism, Hkln. Biood and Nervous Dls
asas. Liver and Kidney TroaMes and Chrooie
Ulmenta are treated successfully.
, gSea Bathing.
ay be enloyed at all seasons In onr large SALT
SWIMMING POOL. 60xl4S feet, 6 to 10 test deep,
seated to uniform temperature ol SO degrees.
Drs. M. H. & J. O. Everett,
Managing Physicians,
This Lady
made 1,00 this year working only m
an hour daily for am Tea esa so the m
sssm introducing our lemons owue :
Herb Tea," thereby establishing
lucrative ana permanent duiiwm, w
In Ban M krttDt u. Vliita. iottihjit
Mol. Tor panlealan tmi ulliJiiisji)
....HMd iMbni Write iMtoUT. W
?.1SWl$$ HERB TEA CO., Chicago
land- -l
129 So- 11th St.
Work Guaranteed. Prices Low.
Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an or
der ot sale issued by the clerk of the district
conrt ol tbe Third judicial district of Nebraska,
within and tor Lancaster county, in an action
wherein William Werirer is plaintiff, and Robert
J. Greene et a!., defendants, I will, at 2 o'clock p.
m. on the 13th day of October, A. D. 1896, at the
east door of tbe court bouse, in the city of Lin
coln, Lancaster, county, Nebraska, offer tor sale
at public auction tbe following; described real
estate to-wlt:
Beginning at the northwest corner of the north
half of the northwest quarter of section twenty
eight (28 1, town eight (81 range six (6), east, and
running thence east to the west line of the pro
jected right of way, depot and switching grounds
of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co.,
as tbe same Is now surveyed and staked and laid
out across said north half of the northwest quar
ter of section twenty-eight (28), townehip eight
(8), range six (61. thence southwesterly along said
line to the intersection of said projected Chicago,
Rotk Island & Pacific Railway Co. gronnds with
the south line of said north half of the northwest
quarter of section twenty-eight (28), township
eight (8), range six t6) east, thence west to the
west line of said north half of tbe northwest quar
ter of said section twenty-eight (28), thence
north to the place of beginning, in Lancaster
county, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 22d day of August.
. r. . 1 ....1 tattvt muAunru
a. if, ioo, . ovnn lAvvrAii.
Attorney at Law, Lincoln, Heb.
Sheriff Sale
Notice is hereby zlven, that by virtue of an
order of sale issosd by the clerk of the district
within and for Lancaster county, in an action
wherein the Woonsocket Institution tor saving
is plaintiff, and flora E. Grimes et al., defendants
I will at 3 o'clock p. m. on the 13th day of
October, A, D. 1896, at the east door ot the
eourt house, in tip, city of Lincoln, Lancaster
county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction
tbe following described real eetate to-wlt:
Lots one (1), two (2). three (S) and four (4), in
Lincoln Land Company's subdivision of lota on
(1) and two (2), In block one hundred and four
(104). in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county,
Given under my hand 9th day ot September,
Attnvnava. 1 1 ffi ft fifnot
To John H. Seidell, Non-resident Defendant:
Ton are hereby notified that on the 8th day of
petition against you in the district court ol Lan
caster county, Nebraska, the object and prayer
ot which is to obtain a divorce from you on the
gronnd that you have willfully abandoned the
plaintitt without good cause for the term of two
years last past, and that although a man of
spfflclent ability to provide suitable maintenance
for the plaintitt. have grossly, wantonly, and
cruelly refused and neglected to do do so, ever
since September 15, 1893.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday, the 19th day of October, 1896.
By BANE Sc. ALTSCHTJLER, Her Attorneys.
Ho For Qolorado-
Would you like to own a Fruit Farm,
a Berry Farm, a Vineyard, a Potato
Farm, a Melon Farm, an Alfalfa Farm,
a Stock Farm, a Dairy Farm, a Bee Farm,
a Farm or Country Home, for profit,
health and Independence, with the beat
soil, best climate, best irrigating canal,
best water supply, best railroad facili
ties, best markets, best titles, and the
most rapidly growing country in Ameri
ca' The Colorado Immigration & De
velopment Co., 1621 Curtis St., Denver,
Colo., is a state organization for assist
ing people to just such locations. Writ&
them fully and receive by return mail
handsomely illustrated literature telling
about the climate, irrigation and won
derful profits to be made in Colorado by
growing fruit and other farm products;
Prices on fine irrigated farm and orchard
lands were never so low as today, and
those who take advantage of the oppor
tunities now existing will never regret
their change. 12t52
Tr a
Drop Us
On High Grade Pianos and Or
gans. 1 100.00 new Organs,
$48; $400.00 new pianos,
$185. Beliable Goods,
Easy Terms, from
the only whole
sale music
Gen'l Ag't A., HOSrE,Jr.
1513 Douglas St., Omaha, IVcbr
Sioox City and Return $4 75.
Account Inter-Plata Fnir
to IV, inclusive, the only through Sioux
City line, Elkhorn and Sionx City and
Pacific, will sell tickets to Sioux City and
return at one fare for the round trip
Trains leave at 7:15 a. m. and 1:45 p
m. from depot, comer Eighth and S.
streets. City office, 117 South Tenth,
wvuwiuuui A.VJ
UJL s S f rvi
p Jt MAIL. 1 :'o
i j i re
N C3, A.
a Card