The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, September 17, 1896, Image 1

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The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
LINCOLN, NEBR., THURSDAY, Sept. 17, 1896.
NO. 15.
The Tremendous Strain Beginning
To Tell On the Silver
Makes Three Speeches Before Un
known Thousands of
The Ovations Continue.
Louisville, Ky., Sept. 15.-Tired al
most to the point of prostration after a
fatiguing journey of fourteen hours from
St. Louis, his voice nearly gone from the
effort expended in a score of speeches,
Hon. W. J. Bryan reached Louisville at
7:50 o'clock last night in a special train
over the Louisville, Henderson & St.
Louis road. The day had been extremely
hot and the wear and tear on the demo
cratic candidate's system began to show
shortly after he crossed the Ohio into
Kentucky. He had intended to not make
many speeches, but the enthusiasm of
the crowds at every station where a stop
was made carried him away, and his op
position went for naught. As a conse
quence, he had hardly voice and strength
enough left on reaching Louisville to
comply with the requirements of his pro
gram of the evening.
An enormouscrowd cheered him on his
arrival at the union depot in company
with Urey Woodson, democratic central
committeeman from this state; Senator
J. S. C. Blackburn, Congressman John
Allen, the MissisBippi humorist, and oth
ers of prominence. A salute of forty-five
guns, fired by battery A of the Louis
ville legion, told the people of Louisville
that the young Xebraskan had reached
their city. It was with difficulty that
the candidate md the members of his
party were pushed through the howling
enthusiasts at the depot and enabled to
enter the carriages in waiting. Chairman
J. H. Headly and the local reception
committee met Mr. Bryan there, and un
der their escort he was taken through
streets crowded with cheering people to
the Willard hotel. Here there was a mo
mentary wait, and then the line of the
procession, consisting of a score of car
riages was taken to Phoenix Hill park,
where the first speech was made.
Phoenix Hill park is a summer garden
Last night it was jammed and packed
with many thousand people, how many
cannot be resasonably estimated. Every
seat in the enclosure had been taken
out to provide for the crowd. With
policemen (forming a solid phalanx
about his person, the wearied nominee
was forced through an eighth of a mile
of wide lunged humanity to the big cov
red stand from which he spoke. It was
ten miuues before the tumult was
quelled. The democratic candidate be
gan to speak at 9 o'clock and his voice
was so hoarse that not a tenth of those
present heard his words.
Another great demonstration took
place at the Haymarket, a spacious
open square, where the second meeting
held. The crowd there numbered at
fast 15,000, made up largely of excur-
rarsiomsts. who had been brought to
Louisville from neighboring points on
the ten railroads centering here.
The last two speeches were very brief
-and contained nothing new. Mr. Bryan
was too tired to say much and acknowl
edged it to the crowds.
8hall the State Again Accept Checks and
Other Truck for Cash
How about that state treasurer's
1 bond? Is it all right? What will be the
result if the republioan candidate is
elected? Will the retiring treasurer be
allowed, as usual, to mix cash with checks
and other truck to fill the figures? We
here give the names of the bondsmen
who are behind the treasurer, with the
amounts each qualified for, or is said to
be worth: N. S. Harwood, $200,000;
F. M. Cook, $100,000; Mrs. A. B. Clark,
$300,000. J. H. Ames, $200,000; C. A.
Hanna, $50,000;' Mary Fitzgerald.
$300,000; Ed. J. Fitzgerald, $200,000;
C. C. McNish, $120,000; E. E. Brown,
$200,000; Thomas Swobe, $100,000;
. W. A. Paxton, $300,000; Cadet Taylor,
25 cents.
This is given to 'the Journal by a man
who claims he knows what he is talking
about. It can do no harm to look into
this matter a little. Where is our school
. x With J. B. Meserve as treasurer we
Vf could easily tell where it would be. , It
would be safely invested according to
f v law. Hastings Journal.
The Missouri Union.
The democrats and populists of Mis
souri have made arrangements for a
division of electors; the democrats tak
ing 13 and the populist 4, which is con
sidered an equitable division. A union
may be perfected later on' several con
gressional candidates.
W. F. 8chwlnd Denies Most Em
phatically a Charge In the
Morning Journal.
In its report of the speech of Bourke
Cochran at the Coliseum in Omaha last
evening, Tuesday's Journal accuses
W. F. Schwind of this city among others
as being a party to a conspiracy to
disturb the meeting. Such a statement
will not be believed by any of that gen
tleman's friends and that it was a de
liberate lie is proven by a number of
Lincoln gentlemen who were present at
the meeting and who saw Air. Schwind
from the moment he entered the audi
torium until the meeting was over. A
reporter interviewed the gentleman
Tuesday afternoon and In the course of
his remarks Mr. Schwind said:
"I wish to deny most emphatically the
published report as to my connection
with the reported disturbance at the
Cochran meeting at Omaha last night.
Any disturbance which may have oc
curred there was entirely without any
previous knowledge on my part and I
was in no way a participant or sympa
thizer therein. I know absolutely noth
ing about the disturbance except what
I have learned from others since it oc
curred, as I did not arrive in Omaha un
til 7:45 p, in., and having taken supper
after my arrival and before going to ths
Coliseum, did not reach the meeting
til about twenty minutes before 9 o'clock
At that time large numbers of people
were leaving the hall and admission
tickets were no longer being taken up
Mr. Manahan and I proceeded to the
front of the hall and secured seats within
forty or fifty feet of the speaker's stand
and remained there until the close of the
meeting. At the time we arrived, Mr.
Mahoney was appealing to the audience
to become quiet, from which we in
ferred that the confusion had
continued for some time. A few
minutes after our arrival, Mr. Cochran
began his address, and aside from several
questions put to him by Bome gentlemen
in the audience, the order which pre
vailed was as good aa could be expected
from so large an audience.
I regret that I should have been given
publicity in such a connection, as the re
port is entirely unwarranted and unjust.
'To my friends and neighbors among
whom I have lived in this city for a num
ber of years, a denial of my reported
connection with a disturbance in any
public gathering is unnecessary, but for
the benefit of those to whom I am not
personally known and who may not con
sider the partisan spirit which prompted
the accusation, I deem it simple justice
to myself and those whose names have
been connected with mine in this matter
to make the above statement."
Veteran of the War Tells the New York
', . , Tribune What He Thinks '
About It.
The following letter needs no explana
tion: Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 15, 1896. Editor
New York Tribune Dear Sir: Discon
tinue sending to my address your paper,
I have not subscribed for it. I do not
intend you shall daub me over with the
untampered mortar of republican vil
liany or goldbug democracy, which you
appear to be advocating.
I knew John M. Palmer as a soldier.
He was my division commander at Stone
River and Chicamauga and part of the
Atlanta campaign. I respect and honor
his record as a soldier, but despise,! his
unpatriotic, un-American efforts to fas
ten upon his countrymen a European
gold standard.
I speak the measured words of truth
and soberness when I declare that I
would many times rather bury my body
on the battlefield than have the gold
standard permanently fastened upon my
country. I will exhaust my last re
source in opposition to it, and if as a
last resort we must go down, we will go
down as did the Cumberland with the
flag of our country all uulurled, waking
the last echoes of life with the tbunder
ings of battle. Respectfully,
I. N. Leonard.
A veteran of more than four years.
The English goldbugs are looking out
for their gold pile. They have a very
effective way of doing it without issuing
bonds. A cablegram dated September
10 says:
"The directors of the Bank of England
have advanced the bank's rate of dis
count from 2 to 2 per cent. This is the
first time that the bank has increased its
discount rate since February 22, 1894."
They will keep on raising the rate of
discount .until they pile up what gold
they want if they break every business
man who has been trading ou money
furnished by the bank. It will also stop
the temporary shipment of gold to
America to pi event a bond, issue uutil
after the election.
Mark Banna's Labor Eecord
Special to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
New York, Sept. 7. The labor record of Mark Hanna,
the manager of the McKinley forces, wag condemned by the
Central Labor Union yesterday. The record was placed on
file for future reference. It was briefly compiled in the fol
lowing letter from the Secretary of the Central .Labor Union
of Cleveland, 0 to the secretary of the New York body, in
response to a request:
"Cleveland, O., Aug. 29. Dear Sir and Bro.: In reply
to yours of the 24th instant, in which your desire to learn the
attitude of M. A. Hanna relating to labor unions, I will say
that previous to the republican convention at St. Louis, the
Central Labor Union of this city propounded a number of
questions to the republican workingmen of this city to ask of
M. A. Hanna. In that manifesto it was charged that Hanna
wrecked the Seaman's Union of the Lower Lake Regions; that
he had. smashed the union of his street railway employes and
refused to allow them to organize now; that he had assisted in
destroying the Mine Workers' unions of Pennsylvania; that he
had attempted to break up the carpenters' unions of this city
by employing scabs on a new mansion at a critical time this
spring when the eight hour day was being put into effect; that
he had a strike of laborers in the shipyard in which he is in
terested this spring,- and told a committee of the men who
demanded the same scale of wages paid in a competing yard,
viz., $1.35 a day, that if they voted for McKinley they might
receive higher wages, and dodged the issue.
"Neither Mr. Hanna nor apy of his satellites have dared
to meet this question, and they are unanswered today. Here
in Cleveland he is so well known as a labor crusher that not a
solitary member of a labor organization, or, in fact, any other
citizen, will attempt to defend theman's maladorous record.
I will add that several weeks ago Mr. Hanna attempted,
through a third party, to have the president of the Central
Labor Union, or myself, wait upon him to have a 'talk,' but
his overtures were treated with the scorn that they deserved.
"If Hanna has anything to say he can come before the
Central Labor Union and say it. He has been challenged to
do so..
Yours fraternally,
M. S. Hayfs,
Cor. Sec'y C. L. U."
Insurance Department.
Conducted by J, Y, M. Swtgari. Correspondence
To the members of all mutual insu
rance companies, we ask that you lay
aside your partisan politics and defeat
two nominees of the republican conven
tion, viz: Churchill for attorney general
and Hedlund for auditor.
In 1892 the legislature passed a law
whereby mutual companies could be in
corporated. Since then forty-five com
panies have been incorporated, with not
less than fifteen thousand members.
From the auditor's statement for 1895
we find that they were carrrying
124,578,682. This means that that
amount of insurance has been taken
from the stock companies that do bus
iness in Nebraska- It also means that
in three years more not less than $100,
000,000 will be in the mutuals and the
saving in money to the farmers will be
annually not less than $100,000.
Hence it stands us in hand to see to it
that our good law is not changed to in
terfere in any way1 with the full working
of the mutuals.
There is a combination of stock insur
ance men who are determined to repeal
our present law and also the "value in
policy law." ' But if they fail to in that
they want men for attorney and
auditor who will abrogate the law
to such an extent that the life of a mu
tual will be a burden.
The attorney general was a candidate
in his own county convention, but he
failed to get a delegation for the state
convention, although the whole of the
stock insurance men stood to his back
from Douglas county, but in the
state convention this same old lobby
that has nearly always bad its own way
in the insurance matters rode overj all
wno lavorea mutual insurance and
nominated the man who will (at least he
has) interpreted the law to mean any
tbipg that the stock companies asked
Now, if they could override a good
majority of the convention that favored
mutual insurance and push on to them
a man whom they did not want for at
torney general, it is entirely presuma
ble that they placed in nomina
tion a man for auditor , whom
they can depend upon to help ' them
at any turn in the road. Therefore every
one of the 15,000 members of mutual
companies should vote for C. J. Smyths
for attorney-general and John F. Cor
nell for auditor. I'll tell you good rea
sons for doing so during the campaign.
That unmitigated scoundrel and
traitor toevery cause he ever advocated,
one of the loudest shouters at the Oma
ha populist national convention four
years ago, who was then for free silver
as the means of bringing relief .to wage
workers, but who has since been repu
diated by his own and every other labor
organization, that bribe-taker whose re
ceipts are in the hands of a United States
senator at Washington on file, that
fawning, cringing beggar at the politi
cal headquarters of every party for the
past fifteen years who was always try
'ing to sell the "labor vote" to any plu
tocrat wbo would buy.that sneaking spy
in the halls of labor organizations, Ter
ranee V. Powderly, is out in the New
York World as the bold advocate of the
single gold standard. Mark Hanua was
the only man in this campaign who had
money to give to this creature. '
' Here are a few sentences from his let
ter to the World:
"Those who make light of what is
termed the silver craze cannot, I imagine,
have given the subject a great deal of
thought. For many years the silver
men have been active in spreading the
gospel of free coinage. By incessant
labor these silversmiths have succeeded
in committing some industrial organiza
tions to the advocacy of free and unlim
ited coinage at the ratio of 16 to 1.
They have so industrionsly circulated
the story of the "crime of 1873," that
the belief that silver was stealthily and
surreptitiously demonetized has gained
great headway. Had the memwho dis
covered the "crime" not been owners of
silver mines, or did they not wish to un
load stocks in silver properties on the
unwary, no one would have heard more
of the act of 1873."
When the Knights of Labor downed
this traitor and put Sovereign in bis
place they knew what they were doing.
Debbs and Sovereign belong to another
class of human beings from this cringing
WANTED AGENTS in every county for
the oldest association in the world
paying weekly benefits for both sickness
and accidents; "beware of new schemes,
run by experimenters; work for the best
only." Address Universal Protective
Association, 901 Olive street, St.
Louis, Mo. 15.
Breeders of fine stock can find no better
advertising mediant than this paper.
He Talks to the Farmers at Their In
stitute at Omaha Sep
tember 3.
Speaks of the Blessings of Education
Which All May Now
The Farmer' Institute Great Boone to
Those for Whom It Wm Instituted.
Gentlemen of the Institute: I desire
at the outset of my remarks to return to
you my thanks for this opportunity of
addressing the Farmers' Institute of
Nebraska. It is a pleasure to me to ap
pear before you at this time, not to in
struct you in the science of farming
for farming is a science and not merely
an art, as I am incapable of doing that
but for the purpose of submitting some
observations that have been made by
me in a life now extended over nearly
fifty years.
My boyhood was spent on a farm, and
as farming was then conducted I am fa
miliar, and 1 cannot forego the tempta
tion of noting some prominent points of
progress that have been made in the
cultivation of the soil during ray life.
I well recall the wooden mould board
plow that was in general use among the
farmers when I was a boy, the iron
mould board that succeeded it, making
its appearance in the neighborhood
where I was born, when I was quite
young and just enteringing the field as
a laborer; and from that period until
the present great progress has been
made, and now our farmers have the
magnificent gang plows that are drawn
by horses or operated by steam. Plant
ing was done by one person dropping
the corn in a hill on land that had been
marked out by the single shovel plow
and another covering it with a hoe. It
was a common thing for the young wo
men to drop the corn and the young
men to cover it with hoes, and many a
love match, resulting in subsequent mar
riage, owed its inception to the planting
of corn. I recall, also, that corn was
cultivated first with a single shovel
plow drawn by a horse, passing three
times between the rows. This method
was improved by the introduction of the
double shovel plow, and it was a thing
of earnest comment among farmers that
one should be rich enough to own so
complete an implement for farm culti
vation. The ordinary farmer could aot
support such an expensive luxury.
Corn was cut with knives made of
worn out scythes and sickles. It was
shocked and hauled to the barnyard in
winter on low wagons or sleds, and
husked, the ears being thrown into a
crib, the fodder piled in ricks and fed to
cattle and sheep. Wheat was sown by
hand from an open-mouthed sack
thrown loosely over the shoulders of the
sower, and it was dragged or "harrowed
in" by a wooden drag, as the process of
covering it was called. Harvesting was
done, first by the sickle, then by the
cradle and then by the Manny reaper,
the first known horse harvesting ma
chine, and thus progress has been made
to the present, when the improved self
binder is in general use. Many of those
present can certify to the correctness of
my statements. I bear at this time on
my hand a scar made by a sickle when
taking my first lesson in reaping.
Let me recall the process, then in use.
of threshing grain. The poorer class of
farmers, I do not mean the poorer in the
energy or the skill essential to success
ful farming, but the financially poorer,
were compelled to thresh by making a
circle or track on the ground, like the
circle or track of a circus, throwing
down the sheaves and tramDinsr out the
grain with horses or oxen. I have my
self, ridden a horse, many a day, leading
others, in this process of threshing
grain. After that the flail was intro
duced, and finally we have progressed
from the threshing of grain by horses
and oxen to the present steam thresher.
Such means of planting, cultivating
and harvesting were crude, and it is not
surprising to us when we read the his
tory of agriculture to note that in all
the ages it has in its means of prosecu
tion, production and harvesting, and in
its various stages of development, met
with singular growth.
I remember when the gauge of the
average farm wagon was wider than the
present, and when a hoe that weighed
less than six pounds was not thought fit
for use. I recollect when the present
field hoe was introduced among farm
ers and when it was the subject of se
rious discussion, it being finally agreed
that it might do to cultivate a flower
garden, but that it was not fit for field
use owing to its lightness end flexibili
ty. One of the most animated discus
sions I ever heard was respecting the
present farm wagon. It was the gener
al sentiment in the community that it
was too light and too narrow for practi
cal purposes: that it was not strong
enough to hold as much as an ordinary
team was capable of drawing, and it wai
looked upon with suspicion by the most
radical and its practicability absolutely
repudiated by the most conservative, -t
was finally thought that it could
used to convey persona to church, social
gatherings and like purposes, and I dis
tinctly remember when it was ued ex
clusively as a carriage.
But I am not here to give you an ex
tended history of my connection with
farming or my recollections of it I
have mentioned these things for the
purpose of noting that the means of
farming have greatly improved daring
my life, and that the farmer is now pro
vided with machinery of a very high or
der. My friends, the farmer is an indispen
sable factor In American society, aa
well as a specialist in his particular call
ing. He is not merely a mechanic, not
merely an artist, not merely one of many
millions of aggregated individuals strug
gling for a livelihood, not a mere au
tomaton, but he is an indispensable fac
tor in the material, scientific, political,
religious and intellectual world. He has
very great duties to perform beyond
those to be rendered in the field, or that
are to be found in the mere marts of
trade, for in a nation such as ours where
every individual is a sovereign and owe
his country duties which he cannot
rightfully abandon, and which in the
interest of his God and his family, he
should discharge with intelligence and
fidelity, the farmer is one whose duties
are as weighty and responsible as any
other member of society.
The world of commerce, of industry,
of science, of finance; the world of poli
tics and progress, rest primarily upon
the agricultural classes. The great cities,
where commerce is the ruling occupa
tion, the great fleets that plow the ocean
carrying articles of exchange for foreign
countries, the great transcontinental
railways that speed across the moun
tains, the woodlands, the plains and the
valleys, would not be possible were it
not for the agriculturists of this and
other nations, and I have little faith in
the judgment, and no patience with the
practice, of those who look upon agri
culture as an inferior occupation or on
agriculturists as inferior beings, or who
would place upon the latter an undue
proportion of the burdens of life. Nor
have I the slightest respect for thought
less persons who speak disparagingly of
the occupation of the agriculturist. I
have the most profound consideration
for all who engage in this necessary, re
spectable and highly honorable occupa
tion, not merely from choice, but from a
sense of duty, and who perform their
part as members of society with intelli
gence and fidelity.
Your progressive and praiseworthy eo
ciety was organized to advance the
science and profitableness of farming.
You are engaged in studying the techni
cal means of producing the best quality
and the greatest quantity of farm prod
ucts that can be grown in our soil and
climate with profit, and your investiga
tion, if limited to this point must, of
necessity, to be of permanent value to
you and those who are to profit by your
researches, take into consideration the
markets in which you are to sell. For
of what value will it be to produce crops
that are to be marketed at the mere
cost of production, or at a point nom
inally above it? .
I beg, therefore, to express the hope
that in your interesting, and possibly
absorbing, studies, you will not over
look the important fact that the farmer
cannot meet with the highest degree of
material prosperity unless he shall learn
that inseparably wedded to his calling
is the necessity of discharging with as
much intelligence his political and so
cial obligations as is required in the
study and execution of the mere me
chanical duties of hist vocation. He can
not fully discharge his duty to himself
or his family until his products have
been sold in a profitable market, and an
intelligent performance of the obliga
tions -of citizenship has largely to do
with the creation of a market in which
he may sell advantageously.
I come to speak to you, however, more
particularly of the farmer's place in so
ciety. I do not mean that light form of
society of which we hear so much in
our journals and which sometimes be
comes offensive to us, if not positively
nauseating, but that other and graver
kind that makes every individual an in
separable portion of the nation, and
fixes his relations with others that must
be reckoned with as indispensable fac
tors in the affairs of a people.
The true farmer lives a life beyond
that of a mere machine. He has an in
tellectual, moral and religious life, the
constant cultivation of which must not
be abandoned, for he cannot be a suc
cessful farmer who does not possess a
high order of intellectual force, and who
does not bring to the discharge of his'
duties the same ceaseless study, thought-
fulness and aptitude required in other -
Ordinary observation teaches us that
men are social beings. They are found
(Continued on page 5.),