The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, September 03, 1896, Image 1

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The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
LINCOLN, NEBR., THURSDAY, Sept. 3. 1896.
NO. 13.
They Were Greeted by an Immense
Crowd at Bohanan's Hall
Both Speakers Battle Manfully for
the Advancement of the
People's Cause.
An Enthtulaatlo Meeting.
A largecrowdasssembled at Bohanan's
hall Saturday nighttto hear Governor
Holcomb and Col. L. C. Pace discuss the
-crime of detnonitization and its conse
quent calamities. Bohanan's hall has
the largest seating capacity of any as
sembly room in . the city and it was
crowded with people eager to be informed
on the great question of the hour. A
t number of ladies were present and
seemed to take as keen an interest in the
speeches as anybody.
Mr. Goodell presided and without any
, ' extended remarks introduced Col. L. C.
Pace as the first speaker.
' Col. Pace said it was the first time he
had been announced to make a political
speech for fifteen years. The last time
was during the campaign when Gover
nor Nauce made his canvass for governor.
"It is an old saying that men are
judged by the company they keep," he
said, "aud I believe that this is no less
true of political parties. Every great
newspaper, every big corporation, every
manufacturer, every banket and capital
ist is a unit in support of William Mc-
, Kinley, and why? We find no corpora
tions, no monied institutions back of the
other man. His backers are the people."
Colonel Pace then made an analysis of
the platforms of the twd parties to find
wherein they differ. In regard to the
tariff the republican platform mentioned
no schedule of tariff rates. The demo
, ratic party said they believed in a tariff
sufficient to meet the expenditures of the
government wisely aud economically ad
ministered Was there any need of a
. higher tariff than that indicated by the
democratic platform?
J The speaker referred to the chaotic
condition of politics. The breaking o
party lines and splitting up of political
parties and compared it to the campaign
of 1860, when men loft party to vote for
principle. Abraham Lincoln was abused,
reviled and ridiculed by the hostile press
ol the country in a far worse manner
than W. J. Bryan. But a wise providence
put it into the hearts of men to elect him.
Today the same divine influence is at
work and will have its culmination in
the election of William Jennings Bryan.
At this point Governor Holcomb en
tered the ball and was greeted with great
The speaker continuing referred to the
. intimidation that was being practiced
by the other side. Every corporation is
whipping its men into line under penalty
of dismissal. The president of the great
Nickel Plate railroad in conversation
with me a short while ago said: Every
man in our empley is going to vote for
McKinley. Why is it that among the
great number of men of all nations in
the employ of this road there should be
such unanimity of opinion? There is
but one explanation for it. Is it not
time we rebuke and effectively check cor
porate influence in legislation before it is
too late?
On the money question the St. Louis
platform says 'we are unalterably op
posed to a debased currency.' Who is
not? On this proposition we all agree.
But mark their conclusions: 'We are
therefore opposed to the free and unlim
ited coinage of silver except by interna
tional agreement, and until such time
the existing gold standard must be
maintained.' -
But do those who wrote that resolu
tion really want bimetallism? Henry
Clews who has charge of the literary bu
reau of the bankers, says.
'If we win this time the gold standard
will have been permanently established.'
That is what Henry Clews thinks about
it. That is what the entire east thinks
about it, and that is the understanding
England has of it Do you wa.t the
gold standard permanently established
in this country? If you do vote for Wm.
The democratic platform declares for a
government issue of paper money in
stead of bank issue. It believes that the
issue of money which is of such vital im
portance to the people, of the whole
country should be a function of the gen
eral government.
The democratic platform declares for
the free coinage of silver without waiting
for the aid or consent of any other na
tion. In answer to those who doubt the abil
ity of the United States to restore silver
by legislation he quoted from Glad
stone's speech in parliament: 'British
capital and influence extends over the
ntire civilized World, $ 0,500,000,000 of
bonds mark the extent of our foreigu
holdings and f 2,000,000.000 of it is
against the United States. Can we then
as the great creditor power, the bankers
of the world, allow bimetallism or the
double standard? There would be no
consolation in the substitution for us as
it would mean the payment of 100 cents
for silver which otherwise we could ob-
I tain ior an cents ana part witu it for
100 cents. But the comfort throughout
J the world would be great.' Gladstone
' was right. It would not be to her ad
I V vantage to give up paying 53 cents for
silver and parting with it for 100 cents.
The colonel proved the truthfulness of
( assertion that is frequently made by
- I ; the gold men that silver is redeemable
:, J in gold, by producing a report from Sec
; ' " retary Carlisle which said: 'Government
never issues bonds payable in the
terms (in gold alone,) butineithergoldor
silver coin." There has been no Btatute
y , about the kind of money except that it
be lawful money, a
He then took up the act of 1873 and
showed that there was no demand made
by the people of this country for stop
ping the coinage of silver. No one agi
tated it or discussed it in the newspa
pers. Sixteen ounces of silver was
worth more than one ounce of gold at
that time and had been for centuries
prior to that date. It was merely ex
cluded from the mint because of British
Do you want to continue a policy that
will build up one class of wealthy land
owners and reduce the rest of the people
to a condition of miserable tenantry?
Some one has said: "Give me a na
tion's monetary record and I will write
ber history. Where the taoney was con
tracted distress followed. Where there
was expansion, mines were opened, in
dustries were started and prosperity re
sulted." ,
In 1878 there was a general demand
for free coinage. The gold men got
frightened and gave us the Bland act.
But this being wrong in principle did not
afford a full measure of relief. In 1890
the cry went up again for free coinage.
Every paper west of the Mississippi river
except the St Louis Globe Democrat
was for it. Even the State Journal,
God bless her, was for it. In place of
free coinage we got the Sherman law,
which its author knew would prove to be
impracticable, and would soon be re
pealed. .
The success of a nation depends upon
the prosperity of the common people.
The prosperity of thecommon people de
pends on the volume of money in circu
Mr. Goodell then introduced Gov. Hol
comb. -
The governor was received wjth the
greatest enthusiasm. He announced
that owing to the lateness of the hour
lie would speak but briefly.
He then referred to the movement in
this state for a uuion of all the forces
friendly to silver. This was started by
himself as a member of the populist
party, Mr. H, W. Hardy of the prohibi
tion party, ex-Congressman G. L. Laws
of the republican and Hon. W. J. Bryan
of the democratic party. At the men
tion of Bryan's name the audience weut
wild with cheering. We little thought
at that time into what a gigantic move
ment it would culminate. We little
dreamed that it would lead to the or
ganization of similar forces in every
state in the union. The rapid growth of
public sentiment on this great question
tlmost without a parallel lu history.
Some people have been at . a loss for a
name suited to the individuals of all po
litical parties who are bonded together
in this one great and noble cause. I
would give them a name. I would call
them patriots. A patriot is one who
loves his country better than his party,
and it speaks well for the future that
there are among the American people so
many men willing to place patriotism
above their zeal for party.
I happened to hear a conversation be
tween an enthusiastic McKinley man and
au enthusiastic Bryan man. The Mc
Kinley man, with an outburst of enthu
siasm for his candidate said: "We will
have 1100.000,000 in gold to elect our
candidate." He thought this would be
a stunner for the Bryan man. But the
latter, undaunted, replied none the less
enthusiastically, "While we have not a
$ 100,000,000 in irold we will have mil
lions of votes to elect our candidate.
Reports from the east would indicate
that our friend knew what he was talk
ing about. Wherever Mr. Bryan goes
he is greeted with large and enthusiastic
crowds. Farmers drive for miles to see
this great man of the people from the
west. Mr. Bryan's experience in the east
would indicate that there is nothing sec
tional in this movement It is as popu
lar among the great mass of the people
of the east as it is in the west.
The one great principle involved in this
campaign is the right of the American
people to govern and legislate for them
selves without asking the consent of any
other nation. For the first time in
history a great political party has
said that the American people were in
capable of self government.
Some of our real timid Iriends say that
they are afraid that free coinage will
Mexicanize this country. My friends,
what is Mexico doing under free coinage?
She is building railroads, developing ber
agricultural resources, starting new in.
dustries and opening up new fields of
employment for her labor. Are you
afraid of being Mexicanized? ' ;
Under free coinage we will not be Mex
icanized but we will Americanize the peo
ple and we will Lot stop there but will
Americanize every people in the western
continent. This shall be the grand mis
sion of the United States and we will be
unfaithful to our trust if we do not ful
fill it.
We have been abused by our oppo
nents for arousing what they are pleased
to call class prejudice and in their next
breath they give vent to the most de
nunciatory language in condemnation
of the western silver mine owner. It
need cause no surprise that the people
cherish a feeling of this kind, unfortun
ate though it may be, toward a great
political party where the management
of that party is entrusted to the 11 an
nas, the Yanderbilts and the Kocka
fellers, men whose interests are so an
tagonistic to their own.
But, says the opponent of freecoinage,
why coin any more silver, it wou't circu
late. Then why coin gold? How does
it circulate? Will not the same law that
governs the circulation of gold apply to
silver? Would not business expand if
we had more money? And would not
the expansion of business require more
money? Hence would there not be a de
mand for money and would it not circu
late? We hear the advocates of the gold
st indard appeal to honesty when it is a
false honesty, appeal to a sound dollar
when it is tarnished with dishonor, and
appeal to patriotism when it is a false
The governor's speech was well re
ceived by the audience and he was
urged to go on notwithstanding the
lateness of the hour.
' v
Judge Broady commenced the practice
of law at Brownville, Nebraska, in 1867,
in which practice he continued till he
went on the district bench in January,
1884. The records of the courts in his
home county of Nemaha and all the
counties in southeastern Nebraska and
the state and federal courts of Nebraska
and the supreme court of the United
StateB show an unusually large and suc
cessful practice at the bar.
In the constitutional convention of
1875 he was a representative of Richard
sou and Nemaha counties. In the fall of
1875 he was elected district attorney
over the republican nominee, Gen. Geo.
S. Smith, a brother-in-law of,, Jesse-iB.
Strode, for the district comprising Nema
ha, Otoe, Cass and Lancaster counties,
largely republican, and filled the office
with marked ability. ,
In the spring of 1883 Nemaha county
was changed from the Second to the
First judicial district.
That fall he was elected judge of the
First judicial district over the republi
can nominee Gen. L. W. Colby by a large
majority, carrying every county in the
district which was strongly republican.
In 1885 Judge Broady was re-elected
to the district bench over the republican
nominee, John S. Stull.
At the close of his second term on the
district bench he resolved to retire
and return to his practice, and accord
ingly forbade the use of his name at the
district nominating convention, and
when, without his knowledge or consent,
the state democratic convention nomi
nated him for the supreme bench, he de
clined the nomination.
. At the expiration of his second term
on the district bench, January 1, 1892,
he removed from Beatrice, where he had
resided since September, 1885, to Lin
coln, and commenced the practice of the
law, and where he now resides.
It Fell Flat.
The trial of the political prisoner
Shoenheit took place -in police court this
The court room was crowded with
friends of the accused anxious to hear the
fate of one who had the courage to put a
question to a republican gold bug.
It was to be decide whether such a ser
ious offense was punishable under the
ordinances of the city of Lincoln. The
case was set for 9 o'clock, and Shoen
heit with a great array of counsel ap
peared promptly on time. The crowd
utthe station was curious to see the
man who had proven himself so "danger
ous to the peace of the community."
Those who were so unfortunate as not
to be able to get inside the court room
crowded about the windows and doors
contented if they could get but one look
at him. They expected to see some great
burly offensive specimen of humanity.
Imagine their suprise when the beheld an
individual below the medium, well
dressed, dignified, and a gentleman.
After waiting until about 10:30 the
attorney for the prosecution appeared
and the great trial proceeded.
City Attorney Abbott first asked that
the witnesses for the defense be separated
lest they should enter into some vile con
spiracy with the accused. The request
was granted and the witnesses were es
corted to the barn.
Mr. Abbott then took occasion to re
mark in his most apologetic mood, that
the prosecution had no intention of per
secuting anybody, ajthough there might
be in the minds of a few a slight suspi
cion to that effect, Inasmuch as it ap
peared that there was no intention on the
part of the gentleman in the box to dis
turb the meeting he would ask that the
case be dismissed and the prisoner re
leased. After the prosecution had receded from
its lofty perch and signified a willingness
to drop the case if they would only be
permitted to do so, Mr. Shoenheit
asked permission of the court to say a
word. It having been granted he very
frankly stated that he had no intention
' ' J r
1 ,j
From a photograph 1889,
In Mr. Bryan's congressional campaign
against Judge Field in 1802, Judge
Broady was the chairman of Mr. Bryan's
committee and active in the manage
ment of the campaign for Mr. Bryan.
While on the bench at Beatrice he
made a speech taking strong and radical
grounds for the restoration of silver in
February, 1891, which speech was taken
down in shorthand and published in the
Western Resources and copied by the
Nebraska Independent, the Lincoln Her
ald and various other papers in the
state. This was the most radical free
silver speech from any Nebraska demo
crat that had at that time beeen printed.
In the Bryan campaign of 1892 he
published in the World-Herald over his
signature a plea for free silver entitled
"The Honest Dollar," which attracted
much notice and was copied in the Rocky
Mountain News and various other free
silver papers. , ,
In the Bummer of 1893, during the
panic, he published over his signature an
article in the eveniug Call on the panic
and its causes, which was a plea for the
restoration of silver, which attracted
much attention. ' j
In May, 1894, he was one of the few
democrats who met at the Paxton hotel,
Omaha, to devise a way to wrest from
the administration democracy the dem
ocratic organization of the state. At
that meeting he wrote the call for the
free silver conference. He also wrote the
address in support of that call, which
was adopted and published. He was a
member of the convention under that
call which resulted in taking the demo
cratic organization of the state from the
gold wing of the democracy. Since then
he has written for silver in various ways.
His record on the money question is
Buperb for this campaign.
The memory of it will be revived by
this paper from time to time.
of disturbing a meeting and that all he
had done was to ask a question. City
Attorney Abbott again pleaded with
tears in his eyes that the court drop the
case as he did not want to be a party
to such a ridiculous persecution.
The court then put on his
most judicial air and said that
be was most happy to dismiss the
case, and drop what many believe to be
a political matter. He said that the
first man who had spoken to him about
Mr. Shoenheit was a good republican
friend who had told him what a real
nice man Mr. Shoenheit was and that
he was too much of a gentleman to be
guilty of the gross misconduct with
which some one had seen fit to charge
him. After giving expression to other
strong testimonials of the character of
the prisoner he ordered the case dis
missed without coats to any body. Thus
ended the first attempt to restrain free
dom of speech in Lincoln on the part of
the bulldozing gold bugs.
Rev. Berge of University Place Refutes
a Campaign Bluff,
Rev. Berge of University place was in
the city yesterday. He wishes to resent
through the columns of this paper the
slanderon the citizens of University Place
that recently appenrd in the State
Journal. The Journal published what
purported to be a poll of University
place, which credited the entire vote of
University place to Mr. McKinley with
the exception of fifteen which the Jour
nal informant was generous enough to
give to Mr. Bryan. Mr. Berge reports a
Bryan club in University place of 137
members. Besides these are a number
of republicans who will vote for Bryan
but do not wish to publicly announce
In olubci of ton or more, Cam
paign Subscriptions lOo each. No
commission allowed.
Extensive Preparations Being Made
For the Evening of Sep
tember 8. '
Free Silver Clubs From All Over the
State Will Be Present and
in Line. - . ;'.
Mayor Orahant Kick.
The committee of one hundred mem
bers of thejree silver party to make ar
rangements for the Bryan demonstra
tion the 8th, met yesterday afternoon
at the Lincoln hotel. Twenty populists,
twenty democrats and several free silver
prohibitionists were added to the com
mittee. Minor committees were ap
pointed and full arrangements made to
have the greatest political demonstra
tion ever seen in Nebraska. A telegram
was sent to Mr. Bryan asking him if he
could not arrange to arrive in Lincoln
by 12 o'clock, noon, of . the 8th, so that
the parade could take place at 1 o'clock.
Mr. Bryan and perhaps Mr. Teller will
both speak from a. platform on the Cap
ital grounds in the afternoon and the
notification proper will probably take
place in the evening at the Lansing
theatre. Every free silver club in the
state is to be notified and urged , to be
A sort of protracted meeting is to be be
gun at Bohanan's hall Friday night and
continue until Tuesday. Saturday even
ing an effort will be made to have free
silver meetings in every precinct In the
county. General meetings with the best
speakers will be held at Bohanan's hall
Friday, Saturday and Monday evenings,
It was suggested that the city and
state officials be invited to take part in
the parade. It is understood that
Mayor Graham will decline to allow the
fire department to participate but will
furnish an escort of police. '
The different committees appointed
will push arrangements with vigor from
now on and those who think Lincoln has
been Blighted by not having a crowd
heretofore will have no complaint to of
fer after the 8th.
Fred Miller is to be chief marshal and
will lead one of the greatest hosts seen
since Xerxes led his armies across the
plains of Persia.
At a meeting of citizens the the follow
ing resolution was passed:
Resolved, That the 100 silver republi
cans appointed as the committee of ar
rangement or the notification of Will
iam J. Bryan and Arthur W. Sewall of
their nomination for the offices of presi
dent and vice president of the United
States be the national silver party most
respectfully and earnestlj request the
state central committee of the independ
ent party and the state central commit
tee of the democratic party to take such
action in bringing the members of their
parties to Lincoln on the 8th of Septem
ber, when the notification will take
Flace as in their judgment seems best,
t is intended that this demonstration
shall be the largest ever made in this
city. L. C. Pace,
i A. S. Tibbetts.
In accordance with the above resolu
tion committees were appointed as fol
lows: Reception Committee; Members of the
Silver Party Norris Humphrey, chair
man, G. L. Laws, E. E. Brown, L. C.
Pace, A. D. Kitchen, Ports Wilson, A. H.
Gleason, Frank Kimball, C. S. Kainbolt,
O. P, Dais, C. Y. Long, E. S. King, Jas.
R. Harris, O. A. Peters, M. L. Jovce.
F. E. Walker, E. E. Mann, F. A. Korse-
meyer, John laylor, W. J. Johnson, H.
M. Scott, Gust M. Nelson, C. E. Tingley,
Jos. Farmer, William Sweeney, A. O.
Taylor, W. J. Wittner, E. W. Dav, F. C.
Cochran, John Morley, W. D. Mills, J. M.
Thompson, A. 1). Smith; Fred Cross, H.
H. Look, A. G. Hitchcock, C. S. Furr,
J. A. Reedan, T. W. Evans. H. W. Odell,
Wm. H. Vore, E. Fleming, O. N. Hol
comb, J. 0. Smith, H. Yanow, George P.
Morgan, Isaac Frishettz, W. W. Conuer,
Thos. Walton, C. E. Loomis, F. D.
Smith. C. E. Wilson, J. F. Enlow, E. A.
Hebard. M. E. Marsh, G. L. Waters, J.
H. Johnson, L. G. Chevraunt, C. F.
Stiner, A. Benke, A. L. Look, Wm. Peter
son, L. L. W. Brydon, D. E. Houston,
W. H. Bonnell, D. II. Fair, F. G. Haw.
ley, Jacob Vore, Dr. A. P. Tavlor, A. D.
Ricketts, E. A. Lyon, J. M. Webber, W.
S. Lenord, Newman Alb, J. D. Hare, C.
E. Sanderson, J. L. Sullivan,
George E. Hibnor, W. C. Miller,
C. C. Grimm, Georste R. Martin,
R. W. Barton, S. R. Mann, C. J. Wil
son, Willis G. Clark, L. H. Freetor, W.
M. Morning, Wm. Griffiths, H. H.
Blodgett, W. C. Harry, Fred Eiche,
John H. Parson, Wm. Patterson, Isaac
Whited, C. E. Worthington, C. M.
Linhton, J. H. McLaughlin, Clyde Davis,
Geo. Wait, Alex Webber, H. C, Palmer,
W. R. Kimball, Eb Mockett, J. L. Wood
worth, G. B. Chapman, J, A. May, C. L.
Lewis, W. C Fleury, J. H. Gleason. A.
Behnote.C. W. Fleming, W. G. McFall,
J. Grant, R. T. Bootman, P. W. Mar
cellus, W. E. Hardy, C. W. Waters.
The following are members of the
different political parties appointed on
reception committee. Gov. Silas Hoi.
comb, Judge J. U. Broady, Hon. J. H.
Ed mis ton, Hon. James Mannahan,
Jerome Shamp, Judsre A. 8. Tibbetts,
Geo. W. Berge, F. W Brown, J. C. Mc
Nerney A. U. Weir, G. E. Goodell, Jas.
O'Shee, C. W. Hoxie, Dr. Leonhardt,
EliaM Baker, S. D. Mayer, F. L. Mary, B.
O. Kotska. W. C. Schaeffer, Thos. C
Connelly, J. P. Cosgrave, L. S. Gillick,
Mart Howe, H. H. Gaffev, O. H. Nek
branch, J. W, Snowden, R W. Whited,
L. W. Edwards. M. D. Welch, P, H
Cooper, John McManigal, H. M.
Leavitt, W. B. Morrinon C. 8.
Jones,S. S. Wbitimr J. J. Imhoff.
J. E. Miller, R. 8. Mockett, P. 8. Barton,
. jtummons, m r itzgrald, A. C. Bhar
rick. Friend, E. M. Matthews, H. W.
Hardy, A. E. Harirraves. Dr. 8. H. Kimr.
J. M. Thompson, J. II. Mockett, Sr.. G.
w. make, Deputron, U. O. Bul
lock. R. H. Mockett F. C. Brown.
Fred Schmidt, Ed. M. Lamb. M. G. Bo-
hanan, Will Love, W. T. Hathaway,
Robt. Wheeler, T. D. Moulton, E. C.
Re wick, Frank Quinn. T. H. Tibbies,
Schwab, Dr. Mitchell.
Committee to notify the various or
ganizations of the state and request
them to be present G. L. Love, chair
man; Mannahan, Edmiston, N, Sum
mons. Parade Committee Fred Miller, mar
shal of the day. Aids L. C. Pace, O.
W. Palm, W. C. Flenry, Chas. Mayer,
Will Barton, J. A. O'Shee, Frank Rawl
Ings, C. W. Hoxie, E. Baker, P. J. Coe
gravet H. H. Gaffey, John Bauer, F. L.
Rose, A. C. Showers, Judge Tibbetts, O.
P. Newbranoh, J. W. Snowden, Ed. Fitt
gerald, P. H. Cooper, M. D. Welsh, Jno.
McManiwal, F. W. Brown, H. M. Leavitt,
W. B. Morrison, C. 8. Jones, 8. S. Whit
ing, J. J. Imhoff, Fred Schmidt, Ed. 11.
Lamb. James O'Shee, M. G. Bohanan,
Will Love, W. T. Hathaway. L.W.Ed
wards, T. L. Mary, Jerome Sen amp, R.
8. Mockett, N. Rummons, A. C. Sberrick, .
E. M. Mathews, J. M. Thompson, C. W.
Blake. C. G. Bullock, F. C. Brown, Ly
man Seller, W. C. Schaeffer, Thos. C. Con
ley, L. 8. Gillick, Mart Howe, A. II.
Weir, J. C. McNerney, A. C. Hwiok, O.
E. Goodell, Robert Wheeler, T. D. Moul
ton, E. C. Rewick, Frank Qninn, H. W.
Hardy, D.E. Putron,Dr.S. H. King, J
H. Mocket,8r., Mitchell. i
Committee on Railroads Norris Ham
phrey, chairman.
Committee on Carriages Ports Wil
son, chairman; O. W. Palm, Paul Holm.
Committee on Printing Ports Wilson
A. D. Kitchen, A. H. Gleason, Fred Mil
ler, C. Y, Long.
Committee on Music E. A. Rosters.
chairman; Abbott Bros., J. B. Barnuby,
H. J. Seamark.
Committee on Decorations James
O'Shee, chairman; 0. P. Davis, W. M.
Morning, Dr. Leonhardt, J. J. Imhoff,
Dr. Edwards, C. G. Bullock.
Committee on hall and grounds Nor
ris Humphrey, chairman; J. E. Miller, A.
S. Tibbetts, Ports Wilson, Mart Howe,
A. H. Weir.
Committee on speakers A. 8. Tibbetts,
chairman; J. E. Miller, G. L. Laws, Nor
ris Humphrey, W. S. Schwind.
Committee on fireworks Jno. H. Glea
son, chairman; B. O. Koska, R. R. Boys,
Fred Mockett.
Committee on float Fred Miller,
chairman; J. 8. Teeters, G. W. nibner,
O. E. Goodell, W. C. Fieury, Frank Raw
lingo, E. Baker.
Committee on torches Alex Webber,
chairman; F. L. Rose.C. 8. Rain bolt, R.
W. Whited.
The members of committees will call at
silver headquarters, Lincoln hotel, for
Besides the speakers named above,
Ignatius Donnelly, Congressman Town,
of Minnesota and others of national re
putation have telegraphed that they
will be here.
The railroads have let every fanner
within fifty miles come with h is team,
aud farther away engaged special trains.
One from Stromsburg has already been
engaged and will bring 1000 passengers.
American Tin,
To the Editor: Few people in the
United StateB are aware of the extent of
the great American tin industry. I mean
the mining, reflnlug, manufacturing and
exporting of tin, the product of Ameri
can mines. The mineral resources of the
United States are wonderful and valu
able, consisting of nearly every mineral
that has been found useful to mankind.
But the mining of tin in this country has
never passed its experimental stage. An
ansucc)sful attempt was made to mine
tin at King's Mountain in North Caro
lina. Also in Rockbridge county. Vir
ginia, and considerable work was done
in South Dakota to try to obtain tin in
quantity sufficient and of quality fine
enough to pay for mining. But so far
all attempts in that direction have been
unsuccessful. My attention was called
to this matter during the iarapaign of
1892 and again in the present campaign
by republican rallies and public speakers
who would make it appear that the tin
industry of this country is of great pro
portions. Never having heard anything,
about this tin business ex
cept during presidential campaigns,
I thought I would look the
matter up for myself. I therefore obtain
ed the United State-eport ot 1893 con
taining official information regarding'
the mineral resources of the country,
and I find that the tin industry so far as
regards the product of American mines
is something we do not possess. Now
while we have no tin mines that we can
develop at present, we have sil ver mines
that we can and ought to develop. The
value of the output of silver in the
United States in 1893 was 177,575,757,
thereby exceeding in value any other
mineral except coal and iron. Should
not our laws be favorable to such a
source of wealth in this country?
An interesting ioint debate has
arranged on the money question
tween J. II. Mockett, jr., and VV
Fleurv. The former to sneak for
cold standard and the latter for silver
and gold. The debate will take place
Friday night at 8 o'clock at Mosley's
bail, north Lincoln. An intereatinir nm.
gram is promised to all who attend.
Take street car at Burr block eoins;
north. ' , v' ,.