The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 27, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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Aug. 27. 1896.
Ixcept in Southwestern Part of the
CfcB WMk Bn41n( Monitor. AafHt !
Bainfall forth Week.
The psHt week baa been cool and
cloudy. The temperature has averaged
three degrees below normal in tbe eastern
part of tbe state and fire degrees below
normal in tbe western part. The daily
maximum temperatures have been below
80 degrees more than half of the week
and above 90 degrees only one day.
The rainfall baa exceeded an inch along
the southern border of the state and
showers have occurred over the state
generally, the amount in most,sections
being between a quarter and a half of an
The abundant rainfall in the southern
Jortion of the state during the past tea
ays has been very beneficial to tne corn
crop in most of the section. In portions
of the southwestern section the rain
came too late to save most of the crop.
The cool, cloudy weather has kept the
corn growing and in good condition, but
it has not matured as fast as it would
with drier and warmer weather. The
crop, however, is more advanced than
usual at this season of the year and
most of it will be beyond danger of in
jury from frost in about two weeks.
Fall plowing is making good progress
generally, although a few reports indi
cate that the ground is too dry to plow
well. A large acreage of winter wheat
will be sown in the southeastern section
this tall. Pastures continue good. Very
little progress has been made in haying
the past week because of cloudy, damp
Report by Counties.
Butler Corn has matured slowly this
week because of cool, cloudy weather.
Late corn has been benefitted as the
weather has been more suited to grow
ing than maturing. Pastures in fine
ah una and erround in rood condition for
plowing. Most of the corn will be safe
!rom frost by September 10.
Cass Corn in splendid condition and
Bearing maturity. Some of -the early
varieties already safe and with favor
able weather all will be safe by Septem
ber 16.
Clay Corn ripening fast and in splen
did condition, promising an immense
' crop. Sugar beets in fine condition.
Plowing going on slowly, rather hard on
the surface.
Fillmore Very favorable week for the
. 00 rm and prospects were never better
" for a full crop. Pastures are looking
' fine.
Gage Farm work almost suspended
oa account of wet weather. Very little
thrashing done. A great deal of grain
. out in shock and damaged. Some plow-
ing done. Corn will be out of the way of
rost by September 15.
' Hamilton Corn is doing finely and
promises a large yield. Two or three
Greeks will place early corn out of danger
from frost. Pastures good. Rather dry
(Or fall plowing.
1 Jefferson Largest grass crop for
years but not much hay made yet on ac
count of wet weather. Corn is ripening
slowly but it will be out of the way of
y frost unless frost comes unusually early.
Johnson Large amount of wheat still
. in the shock damaged beyond market
able value. Weather too wet for baying
or thrashing. A good week for ripening
corn and the crop will be the heaviest for
Lancaster Corn is filling out very
feet. Pastures are first class. Clear,
dry weather needed for the ripening of
' - corn. Some damage from hail two miles
west of Firth.
Nemaha Damp weather retards
. thrashing of wheat and oats, also keeps
corn green and growing. Apples large
and fine. Peaches abundant. Corn needs
warm dry weather.
nocuous torn not injured as mucn as
thought by tbe dry weather. An un
. . usual amount of fall wheat and rye will
be sown. An extra amount of fall feed
is assured.
Otoe Have been' having wore rain
than is needed. Small grain is rotting
in the fields. Corn looks finely. Hay
crop never looked better.
Pawnee The wet weather has inter
fered with tbe making of hay and dam
aged the bay somewhat, also retarded
the maturing of early corn and caused
late corn to make a large growth. Corn
will make a heavy crop. Apples are do
ing flneiy ana will produce a wonderful
V yield of cider. A large acreage of wheat
will be sown.
Polk Corn is doing well, maturing in
good shape; that stripped of leaves by
hail seems to be filling out well. Much
Dlowinir bemtr done for winter wheat
Potatoes generally not so good as last
year but acreage larger.
Richardson Early planted corn is
thought to be safe from frost while late
planted will not be safe until 1st to 5th
of September. -
Saline Corn has kept growing rather
1 than maturing. Much plowing done.
Some grain about.rumed by wet weather,
Corn needs only fair weather to ripen it
and tne crop will be large.
Saunders A little too much rain for
thrashing and hay making. Corn
growing and maturing to perfection.
. Fall plowing excellent. Heavy crop of
' hay. - - . ., '
; Seward Conditions continue favor
' able for the corn crop and it is maturing
. j ... v. uuf . a u.v, vu V 1 14 ui'U
dry in tbe southwest portion of county,
Thayer Rain has revived most of the
corn and tbe prosprct is good for a full
average crop. Most of the crop will be
beyond danger from frost in two weeks,
lack F-H 11,1111
bnt the late corn will require from three
to four weeks Thrashing and fall plow
ing in progress.
York Tbe corn crop is maturing well
and unless there is an early frost there
will be a very large crop. A large
acreage oi winter wheat is being sows.
Antelope The prospect is for the
largest crop of corn ever raised in the
county. The frequent rains have made
it later than usual in maturing.
Boyd All crop conditions continue
favorable. Early planted corn out of
danger of frost Plenty of rain for all
farm purposes.
Burt Considerable plowing has been
done, but not much haying or thrashing
on account 01 rain. torn nas grown
well but has been injured some in parte
of the county by bail and high wind.
Prospect for a very large crop.
Cedar Plowing began and ground is
in good condition.. Corn is ripening fast
and though blown down by high winds
will not damage it much. A little too
wet for hay making.
Cuming Damp, cloudy weather is keep
ing corn green and growing. It is mak
ing a big growth but needs dry weather
to mature. Thrashing and hay making
retarded by wet weather.
Dixon Considerable grain in stack and
damaged some tbe past week. Corn fill
ing out in good shape and will be frost
proof after September 10.
Dodge Past week has been damp and
cloudy although slight precipitation
has made nay making and out door
work tedious. Hemp and sugar befits in
fine condition; abundant pasture.
Douglas The week has been too cool
for corn and tbe crop will not be out of
tbe way of frost before the 10th or 20th
of September. Quite a lot of fall plow
ing is being done.
Holt Corn in good condition; the
early is out of the way of frost, late is
maturing fast and well advanced for the
season of tbe year. Some rye sown.
Knox Cloudy, wet weather has put
haying behind, even spoiling some hay.
Corn will not need any more rain; both
ears and stalks are large and well filled
Madison Corn making excellent
growth, but will require two or three
weeks to get out oi tbe way of frost.
Sugar beets are doing well.
Platte A very cool, damp week, un-:
favorable for curing bay or maturing
Stanton Corn continues to mature
nicely and the prospects for a large crop
were never better. Some fall plowing is
being done. -
Sarpy Corn getting along well and
the crop will be a heavy one. Some are
leeding early corn to stock. Quite a lot
of smut in corn. Small grain is still be
ing thrashed out of shock: the grain is
damp and liable to injury. Nursery
stock, trees and grapevines are growing
Wayne Wet, cloudy weather has
greatly interfered with the thrashing
and stacking of small grain, and some
grain in the stack much damaged. The
third crop of alfalfa in bloom. Pastures
are green. Corn continues in fine condi
tion and will be an unusually large crop.
Boone Wck cool, but little rain.
Corn doinf flniv. Thrashing and hav
ing going on; hay crop good. Too dry
for plowing. -
Custer A cool, cloudy week;, benen-
clal to corn and other crops. Corn is
maturing rapidly. Hay abundant and
good quality. Wild fruit plenty.
Dawson Thrashing and stacking de
layed by the rains, but plows have
started. Early corn is safe from frost
and late will be in two or three weeks.
Potatoes not as good as last year. Fruit
as good as ever known here. '
Hall Plenty of rain to make late
corn. Much fall grain is being put in.
torn is well along and a frost would do
little damage even now. It is hardly
possible that frost will get corn in the
Howard Rain is needed to facilitate
fall plowing. Corn has not fired and is
doing finely. Early corn will be a record
breaker if frost holds off until September
10. Late corn will need two weeks more.
IiOnn Enrlv nlanred corn maturintt
fast, and will be safe from frost by the
10th of September, and much of the late
planted will need the whole of tbe month
of September to ripen. " '
Merrick Half of tne corn will be out 01
danger of frost by the end of the month.
Late corn will need a month. Corn crop
very good generally. Ground too dry
to plow.
Sherman torn is maturing well and
the greater portion of the early planted
is now beyond injury from frost. The
late planted will be a short crop.
Valley torn Hardening fast. In some
localities the corn is badly filled and the
corn will not do much, but the large per
cent is good and will soon be out of the
way of frost
Dundy The week has been showery
and cool.
Franklin Plenty of rain and ground
i n fine condition. Large acreage of corn
which promises a heavy yield. Fall plow
ing is being rushed. A large amount of
wheat will be sown this fall.
Frontier The rainfall this week has
revived corn very much all over the
country. Fall plowing is in progress.
Furnas The corn crop is very spotted
in the county, some first-class some very
poor. Rains of tbe past week very bene
ficial to all the corn that lived through
the heat of the preceding week.
Hitchcock Plenty of rain this week.
Fall plowing in progress and some grail
sown. Rain is too late to be of much
benefit to corn but will improve the hay
Harlan Corn was much damaged by
the dry, hot weather before the rain of
the 17th. Corn in parts of the county
is damaged 50 per cent Alfalfa looks
Kearney The wet, cool weather of the
past week has largely eased the damage
of the previous hot, dry week, but the
entire crop is damaged some and a few
fields nearly ruined. The crop as a whole
promises to be a good one.
Phelps A good growing week, corn
not too far gone is filling out in good
Red Willow Some of tb corn will be
benefitted by the rain of the 17tb, but
much of it was too far gone. Tbe corn
crop of the county will be much less than
half a crop.
Webster Corn is earing splendidly.
Early corn is hardening and is mostly
safe. Late corn needs dry weather and
sunshine to get it out of the way of frost,
it will take about three weeks. Condition
favorable for a large corn crop, probably
the largest since 1880. A good deal of
fall plowing has been done and some rye
and wheat has been sown.
Lincoln Corn ie fast maturing. Some
corn has been badly damaged by drouth
and some by hail. Tbe rain of tbe 20th
and 21st wet tbegronnd thoroughly and
there will be plenty of corn.
Tbe potato crop ia about made.
Scott's P.luff Corn maturing rapidly
some fields will be out of tbe way of frost
by September 1, others will require 15
days longer. The rainfall haa been suffi
cient to grow corn in most parte of the
county without irrigation this season.
Cherry Dry week, corn maturing very
fast It ie badly cnrled in some cases.
Keya Paha The rain and cloudy
weather retarded threshing and hayiag.
Corn is maturing fast and the prospect
is for the best crop the county has ever
Bock A good rain which will help late
corn and grass. Cool and cloudy
weather. Hay is good and blue joint ia
still growing. Corn is hardening fast,
but needs two more weeks.
Sheridan Corn has improved during
tbe week except in some localities where
there was no rain the week before, most
of it will be out of the way of frost by
September 1.
Section Director.
He la For Watson,
Violet, Neb., Aug. 16. Editor Inde
pendent: The Hon. Thomas Watson,
in his book, tells how congressmen under
the influence of liquor so forgot their
subject as to be compelled to ask,
"Where am I at?"
Alter twenty years of persecution, by
firmly standing for principle, we have
shown the justness of our cause, forced
the republicans to show their band,
divided the democracy and so enlight
ened the masses on the subject of finance
that old party ties are breaking, while
tbe two parties responsible for our pres
ent condition are reaping the whirlwind
of destruction.
Seeing this, we, the true party of re
form, became intoxicated with tht
thought of victory, and we are waking
just enough to ask, "Where are we at?"
Having nominated W. J. Bryan, we
find on the other end a national banker
for vice president. National banks live
by the nation's obligations. They are
in favor of bonds, on which to base cir
culation, and if they can force the gov
ernment to issue bonds until tbe market
price falls to or below par then it will be
easy for the banks to increase, at a
profit, tbe circulation. Hence the banker
is in favor of a gold basis.
To couple such a standard bearer with
Mr. Bryan is simply to sanction a gold
standard, while to stand firmly for Mr.
Watson is to abolish banks of issue and
place this government in the hands of
the people. W. E. Starkey.
To Cream Ifade in a Minute-
I hftv an lc-e crentn fmir that will (reel
cream perfectly In nn initiate: an It la such a
frontier a crowd will alwujubo around, go any
one ran made from (1e 10 ix dollara a day sell
ing crfum end from ten to twenty dollars a day
gelling freeiprn. an penpla will nlwaya bay an ar
ticle when It In dinoiiHf ratwl that they can
make money by mi doing. The cream In-frozen
Inetantlv and In smooth ami free from lumps. I
hays done so well myself and linve friends succeeding-
so well that, 1 feltlt. div lnty to let others
know if the opportunity, as I feel confident that
any person In nny locality run make money, as
sn.v person enn sell cream and the freeier sella
Itself. J. F. Casey ft Co., 1148 Ht. Charles St..
St, Louis, Mo., wl'l mall you complete Instruc
tion nnd will employ yon on salary if yon can
give them yunr whole time. Wm. Mc.
Jehu Baker.
Jehu Baker, who, as a republican, de
feated William R. Morrison for congress
in the twenty-first Illinois district, has
been nominated this year by the people's
party, with which he has been identified
for several years. The democratic can
didate in tbe district has withdrawn, be
ing personally in favor of Baker, and it
is probable that no one will be put on
the democratic ticket in his place.
Jehu Baker is one of the remarkakle
men of this nation. He is a most pro
found scholar but modest and retiring,
lie was appointed district judge in the
reconstruction period and administered
justice in Clay, Platte and adjoining
counties in Missouri in the days of the
James Brothers in such a learned and
dignified way that bis person was always
safe even in those perilous times.
No More Taxes.
Glasgow after next January, will levy
no taxes, meeting all expenses from
street railway lines, lighting and water
plants that are municipal property.
From this it would appear thot for a
city to own such things is fully as ad
vantageous as for such things to own
the city. San Francisco Examiner.
A Dyed-ln-the-Wool Democrat.
Buzzards' Bav. Mass., Aug. 25 Presi
dent Cleveland announced last night
that David R. Francis, ex-governor of
Missouri, had been appointed secretary
of tbe interior, vice Hoke Smith resigned,
and he will assume the duties of his
office September 1.
St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 25. David Row
land Francis, the successor of Hon. Hoke
Smith, as secretary of the interior, was
born of Scotch-Irish parents in Rich
mond, Ky., October 1, 1850. Supple
menting his common sehool education in
Kentucky, he was graduated from Wash
ington university in this city in 1870,
with the degree . of bachelor of arts.
After three years apprenticeship in com
mercial life he organized the D. R. Fran
cis & Bro. Commission company, which
is still one of the leading firms operating
at the merchants' exchange. In 1883
he was elected vice president of tbe ex
change and later president. He has
been a life-long democrat, and in 1884
was aandidate to the convention that
nominated Cleveland for president. The
next year he was elected mayor of St.
Louis by a majority of 1,400, overcom
ing a republican majority of 14,000.
Under a long needed reform . the city
flourished uuder his administration. In
1888 he was elected governor by one of
the heaviest majorities ever achieved
by his party in Missouri, And his wise
conduct of the .office is still a criterion.
Prior to the Chicago convention of this
year, be was prominent in the ranks of
the gold democrats and took a leading
part iu the effort to stem the rising tide
of silver. In 1876 Mr. Francis was
wedded to Miss Jennie Perry of St. Louis,
daughter of John D. Perry, president of
the La Clede National bank. Six boys
were boru to this union.
He Will Reach Lincoln on Septem
ber 5th.
W. J. Bryan will arrive in the city the
5th of September and remain several
days before going south. The notifica
tion meeting the 8th promises to be the
greatest political gathering in the his
tory of Nebraska. Henry M. Teller and
Charles Towne will probably be among
tbe speakers on that occasion.
All the free silver organizations of the
state will be notified and expected to at
tend. Congressman Towne of Minnesota, the
brilliant young orator, has often been
requested to pay Lincoln a visit since
his remarkable speech on silver in the
bouse of representatives, .but thus far
his time has all been consumed in mak
ing the canvass for renomination iu the
Sixth congressional district of his home
An Iowa Young Man Snicidea Without
Atlantic Ia., Aug. 25. Charles
Northup, single, aged 24, in a tempo
rary fit of insanity, went to the ceme
tery at the edge of the city and shot
himself in tbe temple. Agnes Hill, a
young lady of his acquaintance, was
out horseback riding with him early last
evening, and when he left, her at her
home he handed ber a note bidding her
goodbye, eeveral times stating he was
going on a long journey. After he was
gone she in haste ordered a horse and
drove to her pastor, a Congregational
minister, and in company with him went
to the cemetery, where they found him
lying across his mother's grave, having
just breathed his last.
Nortbrup's father and stepmother said
that early in the evening be seemed as
bright and happy as ever and did not
even know of bis havfng a pistol, as
none was kept in the house. It issup
posed he purchased it in Omaha when
be attended tbe Young People's Christ
ian union convention last week. He was
a member of the Congregational church
in good standing, an active worker and
most highly respected citizen.
The Nationalists Score a Point and
Prohib Gold Bugs Slumber,
A certificate of the chairmun and sec
retary of the "national party" state Con
vention held in Lincoln, Nebraska, Au
gust 5, has been filed with the secretary
of state, setting out the names of the
nominees of that convention for presi
dential electors and other state officers
to be voted for at the November election.
C. E. Bentley of Lincoln was nominated
by this faction for president.
Under the ballot law of this state it
has been considered that unless the can
didates certified come as nominees of a
party which has polled 1 per cent of the
voles cast at the last election then they
must be designated on the official ballot
as being nominated "by petition" and
a petition must accompany the certifi
Tbe national party is a new party in
Nebraska, unless it is claimed that this
faction represents tbe true prohibition'
party. The form of tbe certificate filed
with the secretary of state is that of
nomiuees of a regular political party
having the standing under the ballot law
entitling its .officers to certify a nomina
tion by a convention.
Another complication comes in. The
certificate was filed with the secretary of
state on August 17. The law gives only
five days for filing a protest against the
form of a certificate of nomination and
no protest has b en filed by the represen
tative of the old prohibition party if
there be any in this state. N
under the previous rnlings of the
courts it is understood that the secre
tary of state will not attempt to decide
the question of the, right of a body of
men to the use ot tbe name oi a political
party. It looks like the national party
in Nebranka had made a move towards
getting around some bard places in the
ballot law.
Down on Wall Street.
Mr. T. J. McDonnell of Denver recently
spent several days in New York city.
He reports that:
"Everywhere in New York city is heard
the sentiment, 'Wall street can't control
us any longer.' Tbe feeling is even more
intense in New York against Wall street
than it is among the farmers of the west.
On the street corners knots of men may
be seen, and it will be found in every in
stance that they are discussing Bryan
and the financial issue. 'New York is all
right when you get above the city hall,'
is heard in hundreds of mouths. Tbe
speakers mean that silver will reign out
side of the banking districts. It is a
common thing to see a workman in his
shirt sleeves warmly arguing political
questions with an individual wearing a
silk hat and polished shoes.
"There is difference between the feeling
in New York and in the west. In New
York the talk is largely about Bryan,
while in the west it turns upon silver. In
the east silver is, in many communities,
taken as incidental to Bryan and in the
west Bryan is an incident to silver.
'When Bryan told them at Chicago that
every man who performs honest work is
a business man, he was good enough for
me,' was a remark which I heard from
an intelligent looking workman on the
streets of New York city. The remark
met with an enthusiastic response and
shows the character of the man who is
entrusted with the national standard.
I looked over many letters received at
silver headquarters in New York. I was
especially interested in letters from
farmers of New York. Many of the
writers stated that they had voted with
the republican party, but their neigh
borhood was turning over en masse to
free silver this year. V .
Campaign of Song- -Prof.
A. B. Huckins the great cam
fmign singer, who has for so many years
abored in the prohibition cause, has
come'out for free silver and Bryan. He
is now open for dates in Nebraska dur
ing the compaign. For terms, etc., ad
dress the state central committee at
Lincoln. tf
The Colombia you want is ready for you. Not a clay's delay,
if you choose regular equipment. We have been preparing for
months to meet the present great demand.
Tandcns, I50
Suck quality at such prices is unheard of. But Hartfords are lead
ers im both price and goodness. Regular models ready for delivery.
POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn.
Branch Stores and Agencies in almost every city and town. If Columbia tl sot properly
. represented in your vicinity, let us Know.
ma minimi Ants
S. LICHTY, President.
Falls City, Neb,
lifT??r' f ' V".
U'irf. Jwwu.- v
r. t
". i .-
Che Nebraska Mutual, Fire and Cyclone Ins. Co.
. Is four years old. Has nearly a million at risk. Has sus
tained nearly in losses. Insurance has cost the
Members only $4.50 for $1,000. Who can afford to lay
awake worrying when $1. 12 j has been the cost for
carrying i. 000 for one year against a Nebraska blizzard.
' Remember our fees are but $3.00 tor $1,000 and 10c for
, each additional $100.
Agents Wanted.
We don't care to come before the public with the stereotyped "best on earth"
proposition. We wish to state briefly that we are making and selling a wheel
that's right, and although the price is $100, we put honest value in it; don't fail to
remember this point. We would like to send you a catalogue. Its to be had for
the asking.
H. A. LOZIER & CO., Cleveland, Ohio, '
BRANCH HODSES-337 Broadway, New York City; 330 Arch St., Philadelnhi
Pa.; 304 McAllister street. San Francisco, Cal.; 18 Holburn Viaduct LoniW
- Place de la Madelaine, Paris. '"uuu,, London,
FACTORIES Toledo, O.; Thompson ville, Ct. & Toronto, Junction Ontario
(Mention this paper.) 1 '
Thon Rnmp anrl Takp
parallel) Prices Before it is Too Late.
Per Dozen: Little Queens 50c; Cabinets $1 ; Very Best Cah ts. $2.
The Zenith Studio, 938 P St., Lincoln.
Tin's Cc!:i;!2S
mm. i
I. N. LEONARD, Vice-President
. . Lincoln, Neb
Lincoln, Neb
We will take your pho
tos at greatly reduced
prices. Read and see,
Ariuantaoro nf Thnnn nn
nuiuiilUQU VII IIICOC Ull"