Ang. 27, 1896. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. 110 VAY TO BEATBRYAIJ. What Electoral College Figures Show. FIFTEEN STATES CERTAIN. Populists Cannot Fail to Add Four More. J. FAIR FIGHT FOB THE BEST. OknW In Political Sentiment That In anr Damoeimtie Success Aocarat Com putation Baaed en Assured Data Great T Part of Doubtful State Lean Toward Silver Bryan Could Win Without New York, IlllnoU and Indiana. From the New York Journal. It baa been Bald that the political flguren may as well give up their calculations this year, as the election Is one in which the Issues are novel, party lines broken and new deals made In the game of politics. While this Is in a measure true the con clusion reached Is Incorrect Except in a few states the Democracy is as powerful as ever, and in some parts of the country, whore it has formerly for years had barely a standing, its strength has greatly In creased. The marked enthusiasm of the large majority of the Democratic national convention means something. It indicates a Democratic revival In the west and south. The Populist power Is shown by the elec tions of 1809 and 1894. Its union on the Democratic candidate is Just so much solid gain, If the bolting Democrats should put a third candidate into the field, Its oulycf. feet would be to draw to the ballot box the few Democrats who, dissatisfied with the action at Chicago, but not prepared to wallow protection, plutocracy and pater nalism In MoKlnley, might otherwise re main away from the polls. If no third candidate should be in the Held, some disaffected Democrats might vote for McKlnley, but quite as many would vote with their party rather than lose their votes. Hence there is good ground now for an Intelligent judgment on the outlook, based on former votes and the ascertained strength of parties. The questions that present themselves In considering the chances of success are: L Have the Populists lost or gained strength linoe the election of 1893f & Will the Populist support of the Dem ocratic candidate for president, William J. Bryan, be general? 8. Will the defection from the Demo cratic party, caused by the action of the Chicago convention, be great enough to offset the increase of strength gained from the Populist voter ! 1. An the Fopnllst growing-? 1 The total popular vote in 1893 was as follows: Dem 00 ratio.. 5,556,018 Republican 6,176,106 Populist 1.041,038 The Democratic and Populist vote com bined was 6,607,940, or 1,421,888 in excess of the Republican vote. The total Populist vote In 1894 was 1,888,453, or 823,424 larger than in 1893. In view of the large Populist vote, it is significant that the Democratic vote in 1892 showed an increase of 18,685 over the vote of 1888, while the Republican vote de creased 364,108 from the vote at the elec tion of four years previous. In the states whloh will be the battle ground of the election the increase or de crease of the Populist vote in 1894, as com pared with 1892, is as follows; In- De- ' tn 1892. In 1894. crease, crease. California 85,353 61,1)01 25,952 Colorado 63,584 82,111 Idaho 10,520 7,121 Illinois. 22,207 60,703 Indiana 22,808 29.868 Iowa... 20,595 82,118 Kansas (1886).. ..168,111 118,829 Michigan 19,802 80,012 Minnesota 29.818 87.981 Montana......... 7,884 15,240 Nebraska. 83.184 97,816 Nevada 7,264 5.623 Worth Dakota... 17,700 9,854 Ohio (1896) 14,850 62,675 Oregon 26.986 26,038 South Dakota.... 26,644 26,668 Washington 19,165 25.140 West Virginia... 4,166 Fusion Wisconsin 9,900 26,604 Wyoming 7,722 2,176 28,527 87.885 7,180 11,623 10,120 58,618 7,906 14,681 8,895 44,782 1.741 8,346 "'OK 37.825 24 5,976 5,546 These figures do not correctly show in all oases the actual Populistio increase or decrease. In Colorado, for Instance, the Populist vote of 1803 shows the fusion Democratic and Populist vote. In 1894 (the congressional election) the Democrats had no candidate and divided their votes between the Republicans and Populists. In Idaho the Democratic and Populist votes were bunched together in 1893 and sepa rated in 1894. The Kansas vote of 1893 shows the combined Democratic and Popu list vote, while in 1895 they were divided. In Nebraska in 1893 there was a bitter aght among the Democrats over the ques onof fusion on the Populist electoral ticket, the local Democratic leaders fearing they might lose their power in their or ganization if fusion prevailed. The com bination was defeated, but the Democratic vote, whloh had been 80,552 in 1888 and 71.881 In 1890, dwindled down to 24,943. In 1894, on a union with the Populists on governor, It was 97,815, and 6,985 votes were cast for a silver Democratic candidate. The Democratic Populist governor carried the state. In North Dakota the Democratic and Populist votes were counted together as Populists in 1892 and separately in 1894. In Nevada in 1894 the vote of 5,523 was east for Governor Jones, the silver oandi data Seven hundred and eleven votes were cast for a Populist. In arriving at the total Populist vote of 1,863,462, in 1894, some Democratic votes an therefore included in cases where Dem ocrats supported Populist candidates. But this is offset by the fact that in North Caro lina, where the Republicans fused with the Populists in electing a chief justice of the supreme court, and in other states where the Republicans combined with the Populists in electing judges and congress men the votes were counted as Republican and no enumeration was made of the Pop ulist votes. Hence the total of 1,868,453 is as nearly accurate as possible, The extent and enthusiasm of the last Bt Louis convention, as well as the proof given by these figures, show that the Popu- llct strength has not "diminished since its large vote ai 18U3. f. Will the Populist sopport of Bryan be fonerelT It is as ridiculous to suppose that the Populists will not support Uryan as it was to imagine that the Chicago Democratic convention would not avail itself of its ample majority to make good its two-thirds vote, to lay down a platform in accordance with its own views and to select its own standard bearer, or as it was to predict thot the St. Louis Populist convention would throw awoy its chances of success and nominate a candidate who could not be elected In preference to a candidate with a good prospect of success. , From the first the Populist convention was iu favor of Bryan's nomination, but its members desired to act In a manner that would preservetbeir own organization Intact and not merge It in the Democratic organization. The Texans were more ear nest than others on this point, because of their great strength In their state and the much larger strength of the Democracy. But with them, as with all, the talk of a middle of the rood candidate for the presi dency was as nonsensical as the talk of a "side ditch" bolt from the action of the convention is now. The nomination of an independent Pop nlist candidate for vice president accom plishes all the so called middle of the road delegates wanted. It preserves the identity of the party, and Instead of injuriously af fecting the president's vote will serve to Increase it The last vote in Texas for governor was, In round numbers: Democratic, 843,000; Populist, 160,000, and Republican, 65,000. A Populist bolt in Texas would mean the cutting down of the Populist vote 80 per cent and the consequent increase of the Democratic vote. . . With the Democratic vote in the west strengthened and increased by free sliver a straight Populist nominee for president would only lose the Populists the four states they carried with Democratic help In 1892 Colorado, Idaho, Kansas and Ne vada. S. Will the defection of the gold Dem- defeat Bryan? In considering the amount of danger to the Chicago ticket from the disaffection of the gold Democrats, It is important to re member that such disaffection is serious in only a limited number of states and Is scarcely of any account whatever in the west Of the New England and middle states Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Mas sachusetts and Pennsylvania elected the Republican electoral tickets in 1893 and may be conceded to the Republicans now. Any gold Democracy movement in those states is Immaterial If half the Democrats should repudiate the Chicago candidates, they could only swell the Republican ma jorities. Connecticut, New York and New Jersey are, on the other hand, very im portant Democratic states. With Dela ware, Maryland and West Virginia, their electoral votes were east for Cleveland in 1893. It is claimed that the gold Democrats Will turn over Connecticut, New Jersey and New York to the McKlnley Repub licans in this election. In the section most affected by the silver and Populist movements through the mining and agricultural interests, five states ran no Democratic electoral tickets in 1892 Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, North Dakota and Wyoming. In Nevada, al though a Democratic electoral ticket was In the field, the Democrats generally voted with the Populists. Colorado, Idaho, Kansas and Nevada were in consequence carried by the Populists by pluralities in Colorado of 14,964, in Idaho of 1,921, in Kansas of 5,874 and in Nevada of 4,453. In North Dakota the Populists obtained 181 plurality in the state, but the three electoral votes went one to eaoh candi date. In Wyoming the Republicans se cured 782 plurality. In the other western and Pacific Btates a combination of the Democratic and Pop ulist votes in 1893 would have made these changes in the results: California, carried by the Democrats by 144 plurality, would have given 25,496 plurality over the Republicans. Illinois, carried by the Democrats by 26,993 plurality, would have given them a plurality of 49,200. v Indiana's Democratic plurality of 7,125 would have been Increased to 29,333. Iowa's Republican plurality of 22,905 would have been reduced to 2,870. Michigan's Republican plurality of 20, 413 would have dwindled to 520. Minnesota's Republican plurality of 21, 903 would have been changed to a plurality of 7,410 against the Republicans. Montana, instead of giving 1,270 plural ity for the Republicans, would have given a plurality of 6,064 for the Democrats. Nebraska's Republican plurality of 4,093 over the Populists would have given a plurality of 20,850 against the Republican ticket '.. Ohio would have reversed the Repub lican plurality of 1,072 to a plurality of 18,778 for the other side. Oregon, which gave a mixed vote, show ing a small plurality for the Republicans, would havo given a plurality of 6,206 against Harrison. South Dakota's plurality of 8,344 for the Republicans would have changed to 737 against them. L Washington's Republican plurality of 6,658 would have been wiped out and a Democratic and Populist plurality of 12, 607 would have turned the state to the other side. West Virginia's Democratic plurality of 4,174 would have been increased to 8,340. Wisconsin's Democratic plurality Of 6, 544 would have swelled to 16,453. Wyoming, which gave Harrison 732 plurality, would have doled out to him only 202. ' Allowing to the Chicago Democratic candidate only the states that are believed to be certain for him, whatever the gold Democrats may do, the following is tho list of DEMOCRATIC STATES. Electoral vote, Alabama 11 Arkansas Florida Georgia........ ... Kentucky 13 Louisiana 8 Maryland 8 Mississippi 9 Missouri ; 17 North Carolina 11 South Carolina... 9 Tennessee'. 12 Texas 15 Utah 8 Virginia 12 Total.... .i 153 Add the Populist states: Colorado 4 Idaho 8 Kansas 10 Nevada 8 Total 170 Conceding to the Republicans the states likely to be affected by a Democratic bolt, although the surrender of New York at least is strongly and vigorously protested against, McKlnley Is given the following states: KEPIBI.ICA 3 STATES. Connecticut 6 Maine... 6 Newanr....'.'..".'.'.'.!!!!!!!!ll!!"!! 4 New Jersey...; 10 New York 83 Ohio 23 Pennsylvania 82 Rhode Inland... 4 Vermont.... 4 Wyoming 8 Total......' 148 This leaves unplaced the following states: UNPLACED STATES California 9 Delaware 8 Illinois 24 Indiana... 15 Iowa .,, 13 Michigan U Minnesota 9 Montana. ,, 8 Nebraska 8 North Dakota vamjMmjm o urwKun ' South Dakota 4 Washington...;...... 4 West Virginia 6 Wisconsin 12 Total.... i ' ."SI Where Will the Unplaced States Oof Of the unplaced states, where ought California to go!1 In 1892 its electoral vote was given to Cleveland by 144 plurality. The combined Democratic and Populist vote was 25,406 over the Republicans. In 1894 the Democratic governor was elected by 1,206 plurality anl the Democratic and Populist votes combined had a plurality of 62,510 over the Republicans. It is a sig nificant fact that much dissatisfaction pre vailed, and while the Democratic governor was elocted the other state officers went to the Republicans. Delaware has gone Democratic seven times since 1876 and Republican once. Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Michigan have In them some Democratic disaffection. Judgment, based on ascertained facts, would be justified in placing Illinois, In diana and Wisconsin In the Bryan column. .There is certainly good ground fof believ ing they will maintain their combined Democratic and Populist pluralities under the Impetus of union and the promise of victory, . The rest of the unplaced states are on the crest of the great western tidal wave of the free silver movement and are believed to be prepared to sweep away all opposition to Bryan. Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North and South Dakota, Oregon, Wash ington and West Virginia are all counted on to give the Chicago candidate their elec toral votes. Thoy are placed In the Democratic col umn for good and convincing reasons. Minnesota, because the Dumocratlo and Populist vote of 1892, with both those parties inharmonious and dissatisfied, was 7,410 larger than the Republican vote. Montana, because without the prestige of union and free silver coinage the Dem ocratic and Populist vote combined was 6,064 larger than the Republican vote in 1892 for president, 2,489 larger in the con gressional election of 1894 and 7,257 larger in the last election for governor. Nebraska, because the combined vote was 20,850 larger than the Republican vote in 1892, 10,187 larger in 1894 for gov ernor and 19,614 larger last year on su preme court judge. North Dakota, because fusion without the prestige of a solid union defeated tho Republicans for governor iu 1893 by 1,729 plurality. j . South Dakota, because the Democrats and Populists together had a plurality over the Republicans iu 1892 under ad verse circumstances that kept Democrats from the polls and reduced their vote more than 60 per cent - Washington, because it has shown large Democratic and Populist pluralities over the Republicans iu 1892 and all subsequent elections. West Virginia, because its straight Democrats gave Cleveland a plurality, be cause all its state officers and judiciary are Democratic and because in eight elections only one has boon Republican in its result. The probablo results, based on the fore going facts, are thus stated: TBI DEMOCRATIC FORECAST. Assured Democratic 153 Populist states of 1892 20 California 0 Delaware 8 Illinois 24 Indiana 15 Minnesota 9 Montana 8 Nebraska 8 North Dakota , 8 Oregon 4 South Dakota 4 Washington 4 West Virginia 4 Total ........"iffi THE REPUBLICAN FORECAST. Conceded Republican 143 Iowa ; 13 Michigan 14 Wisconsin 12 Total 182 Electoral vote for Bryan.. 265 For McKlnley 182 Electoral majority for Bryan 83 Conld Win Without Illinois and Indiana. The concession of Illinois and Indiana to the Republicans would make the follow ing result: Eepublican probable states 182 Illinois 24 Indiana , 15 Total 221 Or, in accordance with other Republican figures and claims, this result might be foretold: Btates probably Republican 183 Delaware Indiana 15 West Virginia 6 Nebraska 8 Oregon ' 4 Total. 218 Other Republican prophets give up the western unplaced states except Indiana, but claim for their ticket Delaware, North Carolina and Louisiana. This would give, with the states assigned to the Republic ans: Assigned votes 182 Delaware , 3 Indiana , 15 North Carolina..... 11 Louisiana 8 Total 219 Still not enough to elect McKlnley. On the other hand, it is seriously ques tioned whother New York, with its deadly Republican local feud and a Democracy growing in enthusiasm for Bryan, whose only crimes appear to be his youth and his eloquence, will bo found In the Republican column. Many Democrats deny that Ohio can be safely counted for McKlnley, while every man with a knowledge of politics can judge whether It will not be more probable that Iowa, Michigan and Wisconsin will be found rolling on to the Democratic shore on the great western tidal wave than that Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Ne braska, North Carolina, Oregon and Louis iana will range themselves in the Republic an column. FIGHT FOR PRINCIPLE Rousing Meeting of the Free Silver Eepublican QhA. ATT'Y BAINBOLTS SEASONS He Defines the Three Classes of Re publicans Very Aptly. They're AH For Bryan. The free silver republican club held a large and enthusiastic meeting ou the west side of the government square last evenine. with Attorney Rainbolt as the principal speaKer. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Laws. , C. Y. Long read the minutes of the previous meeting. A mo tion was then made and carried at the suggestion of Mr. Humphrey that a com mittee of nine be appointed to take com plete charge of the exercises to be held here on the 8th of September, when Bryan and Sewall will be notified of their nomination by the silver party of the United States. The meeting was then opened by a few excellent selections by a free silver glee club, composed of University students. "What you go'in to do Uanna, what vou iro'in to do?" brought down the house. Mr. Rainbolt then discussed free silver from a republican standpoint. He said there were three kinds of republi cans here. First, those who are willing to cast off party prejudice for a time and look only to the good of the country; second, those who were born republicans, rocked in a republican cradle, and who bad come to be a mere bundle of preju dices; third, there were the office seekers, or those who expected to be office seek ers simply because Lancaster county was a republican county. With the last two classes there was little hope of salvation, but he believed the rank and file of re publicans were looking for light. By means of a chart he showed that the United States produced the great bulk of the silver of the world, and added that John M. Thurston was not in favor now of American mints for American mines and that ' he doubted his other statement that his patriotism was as eternal as the stars. He said: "I have never before taken part in politics. My republican friends now come around and tell me what a nice young man I am and that it is too bad I'm leaving the party just as it was ready to give me something. I have never asked any party for an office. The republican party when it met at St. Louis deserted me without just cause or provo cation and if it doesn't come back and apologize to me and my friends I may seek a divorce. A statesman is one who looks beyond state or local interest, sees a grsat principle, then advocates it without the consent or aid of any party on earth. A politician is one who watches public sentiment and rides on the tides of affairs. In this campaign W. J. Bryan is the statesman. McKin ley was nominated by the people but in order to be president he accepted 4he plank made by the same syndicate that controlled the Cleveland administration. In closing he said: "They tell ue that gold is the honest money. Did it ever pay a soldier or do anything lor trie com mon people? No, it hid like the coward it is. Gold is a deserter and a spy that was never hung." Great applause and enthusiasm greeted the soeeker all through his speech. U. W. Kerge was then called lor and responded in his usual forcible style, after which the meeting adjourned for one week. BRYAN ENTHUSIASM. Voters oi Danbury and Beaver Pcecincts Will Work for William J. Danbury, Neb., Aug. 25. (Special Correspondence.)The voters of Danbury and Beaver precincts met in the city hall in the city of Danburj August 22 for the purpose of organizing a free silver club. The house was called to order by W. A. Winnear. who stated the object of the meeting. J. W. Leisure was cbosen temporary chairman and S. Simonson temporary secretary. The club then proceeded to permanent organization by electing S. W. Stilgebauer president, J. W. Leisure, vice president; ti. vv. vva- den. second vice president; E. B. Lister, third vice president; U. if. uowdown, secretary; Wm. Sandon, assistant secre tary and S. S. Graham treasurer. C. P. Underwood and P. J. Bastian were ap pointed a committee on music. The president ana DOtn secretaries compose trie executive committee, a subscription was tanen up ana $d.o subscribed, $16 of which was spot cash, turned over to the treasurer. The secretary was instructed to send a report of said meeting to The Evening Post, the JNebraska independent, tne Weekly World-Herald and the McCook Courier. The next meeting will be held at the school house in Danbury September 5, 1896. A roll call was read of those who had previously signed the clubbing list, re vealed 95 names which number has been raised to 110 at the present writing. It was decided to have a two days' rally the last of September and another four weeks later and to spend our money on nothing but first-class speakers. W. L. Greene and G. L. Laws are two speakers desired. This clab is composed of noth ing but voters. S. W. Stilgebauer, u. . uodown, Pres. Sec. Yoost de Same. Regular Patron (to proprietor of pawnbroker shop): "Uncle, when did this firm take in a new partner? 1 see it's Goldman &. S lverstein on your sign now." Uncle: "Shi Mein friendt, dot vas for bolitical effect. De firm is yoost the same as pefore. Liver tike biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti pation, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly cured by Hood's Pills. Tbey do their work easily and thoroughly. Best after dinner pills. 25 cents. All ilruecists. Pills Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass. The only Pill to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. DR. S. E.COOK, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat 1215 0 STBEET, LINCOLN. A Obance to Make Money. I have berries, irrapea end peaches a year old fresh as when picked, lneelhe 'elilnrnia Cold proceKH, do not hunt or Heal the fruit, Juet pat It op rold, perfectly fresh, and cost almost nothing; can put np a bushel Inten minutes. I. Hut week I noli! direction to over ISO lamilles; any one will pay a dollar (or directions when they see the beautllol temples of frnlt. As there are many people poor like myself, I consider It my duty to give my eiperience to sncb, and feel confident anyone can make one or two hundred dollars round home In a few days, I will mail sample of frnlt and complete directions to any of yonr readers forelirhteen 2-cent stamps, which Is only the actual cost of the samples, postage, etc , to me. Francis Casey, St. Louis, Mo, U-12t YLL0W STONE PAEE Is more and more impressing itself upon the public, as the years go by, as being the great park of the land. The strong feature of it is the fact that it is not a man made park, True enough man has built roads and bridges and ho tels in order that he may see the park, but he has not yet tried his hand at con structing new-fangled geysers, or re adorning or resculpturiug the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. These are as God left them. There, too, the elk, bear, deer and other animals are not en closed in wire fences. They wander free and nnfretted whethersoever they will. Man's handiwork is but little seen and the park is the grander forit. Send Chas. S. Fee, Gen. Pass. Agt. Northern Pacific R. U. 6c for Wonderland '90 and read about the park. , The New Hook Spoon Free to All - I read in the Christian Standard that Miss A. II. Frits, station A., Bt. I.onis, Mo., wonld give an elegant plated hook spoon to anyone sending her ten 2-cent stamp. 1 sent for one and found it so useful that I showed it to my friends, and made 918.00 In two hour, taking orders for the spoon. The hook spoon Is a household neces sity. It cannot slip into the dish or cooking ves sel, being held In the place by a book on the back. The spoon Is something that housekeep ers have needed ever since spdons were first In vented. Anyone can get asamp'e spoon by sending- ten 2-cent stamps to MIbs Friti This is a splendid way to make money around home. U-liJt Very truly, Jeanette 8. One Hoaest Van. Dear Editor: Please inform your read ers that if written to confidentially, I will mail in a sealed letter the plan pur sued by which I was permanently restored to health and manly vigor, after years of suffering from Nervous Weakness, Loss of Manhood, Lack of Confidence, etc. I have no scheme to extort money from any one whomsoever. I was robbed and swindled by quacks until I nearly lost faith in mankind, but, thank heaven, I am now well, vigorous and strong, and anxious to make this certain means of cure known to all-t Having nothing to sell or send C.O.D., I want no money. Address Jas. A. Harris, Box 825,Delray, Mich. J. S. KIBKPATRI0K Attorney at Law. Lincoln, Neb. LEGAL NOTICE. To William A. Bangh, Non-resident Defendant: Ton are hereby notified that on the 20th day August. 1896, Llllie I.. Baugh filed a petition against you in the District court of Lancaster County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the grouDd that you have wilfully and maliciously failed to support her, althoogh you are financi ally well able, to do so, and that you bare been guilty of extreme crnelty toward her without any canse, and that yon have committed adnltry with one Nellie Mason in Appleton City, Mis souri, and with other women, whose names are unknown to this plaintiff. In the same city. The plaintiff prays judgment for the custody of the two children and tor a divorce. Ton are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 28th day of September, 1898, JNO. a KIKKPATRICK. Attorney for Plaintiff. Cheap Bates to Denver. For the annual meeting of the national Eisteddfod, Denver, Colo., September 1-5. the Union Pacific will sell tickets at the rate of one fare for the round trip, dIus two dollars from points in Kansas and Nebraska. Tickets on sale August 29th to September 1st, inclusive. For further particulars call at city ticket office 1044 O street. Agent. -12 Is the Shortest. Route to KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS, HOT SPRINGS, ARK. And all Points South. If vou art Koinjr South write us for illustrated and descriptive pamphlets. City Ticket Office, 1201 "O" Street. F. D. Cornell, C. P. & T. A H. C. Townsend, Q. P. & T. A. St Louis Blpant Tabules cur liver troubles. 4 To 8t- Paul, to 8t. Paul, to Bt- Paul Only $ 9.90 to St. Paul, Minn., and re turn by the Northwestern route the Short Line August 30 and 31 account a i a s am iuti iwr n upu a i iih iii-h aa huvA nn y tonriari limit- to S?DtembeC Jll U Oil UUUU1 lUUHJ id i -' v arirn nmnnn' th Itikpfl flll(i BtreaHlfl of anil W isnnn.t'n. tmrnnc- nna UIU Ui-DW VMS ua - a hunting, at a very low cost. Get pam phlet on "Hints to Tourists" at city office 117 South 10 street, and make your arrangements for this delightful trip. 9-4 It is Just Wonderful The time the Union Pacific "Overlaid" FAST mail No. 3 makes to Ogdeh, Salt Lake, Butte, Helena, Portland, euttle Baa Francisco and Los Anfreles. This Daily Meteor has the finest equipment consisting of Pullman Palace and Uphol stered Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclining Chair Cars, and Diner. For full informa tion call on or address E. 11. Slosson, General Agent, 1044 O St., or J. T. Mas tin, C. T. A. WM. LEESE, Attorney at Law, Lincoln, Neb. Sheriff Sale Notice Is hereby .riven, that by virtue of an 1 order of sole issued by the clerk of the district court ol the Third Judicial district of Nebraska, vituin and for Lancaster county, man action wherein the Woonsocket Institution tor saving Is plaintiff, and Flora E. Grimes et al., defendants I will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the eighth day of September A. D. 1896 at the east door of the court house. In the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the following described rent estate to-wlt: Lots one (1), two (2), three (8) and four (4), Id Lincoln Land Company's subdivision of lots one (I) and two 12), in block one nundred ana lour (104). In the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county. Nebraska. Oiven under my hand this 80th day of July A. 0,189. JOHN J. TROMFEN. 9-6t ti&erin. rflivMmsS i FOE SALE CHEAP Soo Railway, on line of the RfllRIE LANDS 'SS:1 TIMBERED LANDS Ss: You can obtain Talnable information by answer- 1- Which STATE do you prefor? 2- Do you wEnt TIMfiKKKD or TRAIEIE landT J-How MAN Y ACRES do you dosiret 4 What TEAMS anrt '1.WLS nave you7 5 Have you NEKtHBOKS who will join you iu forming a SMALL. CU-LOaX, U the right . location is foundt ... . W 1.A.TA Inmla m.hti.1. Will Clllf "CfWI Rltlin. IID uavc jie.i...o ..i.i.. v . . in the RICH HARDWOOD country or on the FERTILE PRAIRIES. TT:mArrl T .on, 'a of frrtvri $1 Ift $11) nflT acre depending upQ- QUALITY tud. LOCA- Homesteads in North Dakota. C for Home Seekers aud Soticrs, REDUCED RATES cit Household Goods, Tools, Teams, Catl!etSheep, and Hods. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to any one who will bring a colony. ArMrpaa. T. T. HURT). Land and Colonization Agent, Soo Railway, Minneapolis. Minnesota. FIVE FACTS. Great Rock Island Routs! Cheap Outing Excursions. First For the National Educational Heetlna . Bt Denver, openlns Jnly 6th. the rate will be on fare plus $2.00 for round trip. Tickets good to- return ana time np to ana including aep. ist. Second The regular Tourist Car to California) via Kansas City runs once a week, and leave Chicago every Thursday at t p.m., Kansas City at 10.00 a.m. every Friday. Tickets based on second class rate, and car runs on fastest trains. and known as the Hbilllps-Kock Island Tourist Excursions. Car arrive at Colorado Spring Saturday, 7:M a.m. Third Home-Seeker' Excursion to Texas and New Mexico. Next one June lltfc. Rate, a fare for round trip. Tickets good twenty days. Keurtn for Mexico city tne iiocn isiaaa runs a through sleeper from Kansas City daily at 8:40 p.m. via Toprka, McFarland, Wichita and Fort Worth and Austin to San Antonio, iwo routes from there ar International B. H. to Laredo, aud Mexican National to the City or Mexico: Honthern Pacific and Mexican Interna tional via Spotford and Eagle Pass to City of Mexico. Connection ar also mad at Fort worth via th Texas Pacific to El Paso, and over th Mexi can Central to City of Mexico. Fifth Send to addres below for a Sourenlr sailed the "Tourist Teacher," that -iTe much. Information to tourist. Sent free. JOHN 8EBASTAIN, G. F. A., Chicago. Notice the Cheap Bates and tt Number of Excursions tt be Bun This Year by The Burlington. To Denver. Colorado Sprinjrs and Pu eblo, only $24.15 round trip. To Hot Springs, . v., f round To leliowstone national rare, special rates. To California and to Europe; besides these, many personally conducted excur sions to points of interest. On Aujrust 31st and September 1st will cell tickets to St. Paul and return. for $9.90, account annual encampment Grand Army of the Kepubiic. If you contemplate a trip anywhere, before purchasing your ticket please al low us to quote you rates. Full infor mation at B. & M. depot, 7th street, be tween P and Q streets, or city office, cor ner Tenth and O streets. G. W. Bonnell, C. P. & T. A., 69-8 Lincoln, Nebraska. National Encampment Q. A- E. Et- Paul,. Minn. The N. E. G. A. R. to be held this year at St. Paul September 1 to 4, will at tract an unusually large attendance of old soldiers, as well as all classes of peo ple, from this territory, as the oppor- tunity to attend such a reunion at a low a cost as only $9.90 for the rouu trip from Lincoln, will not soon be pr sented again. People who have nj w"ii inmr Buiuiiivr vacation can (JO at this time at a very low cost and TtVT 1 ff H 1 iBnan - A.! xl u hiMinHo in T.ilVn, J . i. i with fine game, fish, and a country that affords splendid bunting for those who like that sport. As most of these re sorts are ou the Northwestern-' line, the direct line from Lincoln, no doubt that great railroad will do the business. 9-4t vjv