The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 13, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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Aug. 13, 189b.
First District Holds a Convention
at Tecumseh.
Twenty-three Ballots was Required
Everything Harmonious and all
Pleased with the Result. ;
An all Night Session wu Held to Facili
the Work.
The populists democrats and free
silver republicans iu the first congres
sional district hold their conventions at
Tecumseh on Tuesday of this week. All
want them for the same Duroose. to se
lect a man who could and would defeat
the republican nominee, the present con
gressman from that district, Hon. Jesse
B. Strode.
The several conventions were called to
order at about 4 p. m. and after affect
ing their permanent organteations, each
appointed a committee of seven mem
bers, these three committees to meet awl
decide upon some plan of action whereby
all three conventions might be united in
their action, and report the plan back to
their respective conventions for approval
or rejection. After the appointment of
these committees theseveral conventions
adjourned until 7:30 in the evening.
The three committees met at once and
after much argument and discussion
unanimously agreed upon a plan for one
large mass convention in which the rep
resentation should be 138 populists, 138
democrats and forty free silver republi
cans. All oft the conventions adopted
this plan and adjourned to meet in mass
convention in the opera house to agree
upon a candidate. The chairmen of the
several conventions were elected as
chairman and assistant chairmen of
this united convention and took turns
in presiding.
The balloting for candidates com
menced about 9 o'clock in the evening,
with the following candidates before the
convention: Judge J. H. Broady, Lin
coln; H. M. Boydston, Nebraska City,
and Matt Geriug of Cass county, as
democrats; J. C. McNerney and Q. W.
Berge, Lincoln: C.S. Upton, Cass, coun
ty; George W. Brewster and George A.
Abbott, Richardson county, and J. A.
LaMasterof Johnson county, as popu
lists; and George E. Hebner and Col. L.
C. Pace, Lincoln, as free silver republi
cans. The balloting proceeded with many
change, sometimes one candidate lead-
inir anil than unnr.hnr. The nonulistS
would not vote (or a democratic nominee
and the democrats would not vote for
a populist, while the republicans cast
their 40 votes for George E. Hibner.
On the 21st ballot, at 5 o'clock in the
morning, Mr. Hibner gave up the strug
gle and withdrew his name. Col. L.
C Pace, the other free silver repub
lican, had previously withdrawn.
This left only populist and democrats
before the Convention, and 159 votes
' were required to nominate, On the 23d
ballot all of the democrats voted for
Judge J. H. Broady 138 votes, 117 of
the populists voted for Berge with the
remainder scattering. .. The free silver
republicans cast eighteen votes forjor
(dera.) and twenty votes for Berge (pop)
and two, Hibner and Pace, did not vote.
The populists from Richardson county
and six from Johnson county voted for
Broady giving him 160 votes 'or one
more than the required number to nomi
nate. From the above it will be seen
thaat Broady was nominated by popu
list votes, from those counties where he
hadformarly presided as district judge
and was known and admired by all.
Immediately after the selection of
Judge Broady the mass convention or
caucus adjourned and each of the con
ventions met and formally placed him in
nomination. He is a strong candidate,
and all are well pleased with the result.
Ton Can't Bay Happiness, but if
you are suffering from dyspepsia, scrofu
la, salt rheum, impure blood, you may
be cured and made happy by taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Hood's Pills are the "best family ca
thartic and liver medicine. Harmless,
reliable, sure.
A Silver Club at Normal.
Lincoln, Nebraska, Aug. 12, 1896.
Last week a silver club was formed at
this place with an enrollment of about
100 members. Officers were elected and
arrangements made for the organization
of a flambeau club. Free silver 10 to 1
ie our war cry. We are especially proud
of our club as it contains persons who
were formerly the staunchest republicans
of our town. There are only three re
publican property holders in Normal and
immediate vicinity who refused to add
their names to the list and thereby ex
press their desire and wiUingness to aid
in the freeing of the toiling mass of this
nation. The organisation of these clubs
should be encouraged and every person
who is in favor of free silver honest
money should appoint himself as a com
mittee of one to Bee that an organiza
tion of the kind is formed in every town
and village. See to it also that the
county is polled and well represented.
Get out and let people know how you
feel about this allimportant financial
question. You will in that way win
more votes than you think for. We jvill
let you bear from us again.
William L. Kuser,
AffertionstvlT Hedlrateri to the Journal
Fwl bj One Who Love Him.
Too hare Bad as (mil end smilo.
Unci lliiby;
Brightened many an idis wiiite,
Cads Blxby;
Ton hare buttered o'er our woes, ,
Flood and drought and Trompen's toes.
And wa lore yon goodness know.
Uncle Bixby.
Ton bare song Nebrasks't praise.
Uncle Bixby;
Sunny mil and braeiy way.
Unci Bliby.
Bnt ber son who tand today
Where a nation wait bl way
Yon bar greeted wlth'a bray.
Unci Blxby,
Oh w do not marrel much,
L'ncle Bixoy; (
For the world I (nil of snub,
Uncle Blxby;
any fool can jingle rhyme.
Shake hi cap and bell at time,
Bat they ring no lasting chime,'
Uncle Blxby;
It' no wonder that y 00 try,
Uncle Blxby.
Flinging mod ball at the ky,
Uncle Blxby. 1 )
" But It' not the road to fome3 "d2 I
Blackening noble nam.
Hav caution for the same,
Uncle Blxby,
When your bone and mine are dust J.
Uncle Blxby. '
And our pen hare gon to runt
Uncle Blxby
Still Nebraska' star (ball flame
With her chosen leader' fame
And BUI Bryan Is bl name
Uncle Blxby,
$100 Reward $100-
The reader of thla paper will be cleaned to
learn that there I at least one dreaded disease
that science baa been able to rare in all ftaetagee,
and that 1 Catarrh. Hall' Catarrh Cure i the
only positive cure known to the medical f rater.
ouy. uatarrn Deing a constitutional n mease, re
quire a constitutional treatment. Hall' Ca
tarrh Cur Is taken internally, acting directly
npon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
tern, thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and assisting na
ture in doing it work. The proprietor bare so
much faith In it curative power, that they of.
fer One Hundred Dollar tor any rase that it falls
to eure. Bend for list of testimonial.
Address F. J. CHENEY ft Co.. Toledo. O.
Sold by Druggists, 7ftc.
Campaign Son;.
If you want to lift up your voice for
Bryan and free silver, "Sixteen Silver
Songs" is just the thing for you. It is
recommended by the central committee8
of the democrat and populist parties in
Nebraska. Price 10 cents. Address In
dkpnndknt office, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Boston Waking up.
Waveland, Ind., Aug. 9, 1893.
: fcorroB Independent: I met a lady
frpm Indianapolis while in Yeedersburg
and she says it is almost impossible to
get through the streets for the crowds of
men talking: politics. Mrs. Curtis of
Crawfordsville has a sister and her hus
band visiting her from near Boston and
thev sav the east has never been so agi
tated since war times and that Boston
is iust as bad or worse than Indianapo
lis and that police are kept busy all the
time keeping down the excitement.
Saba V. Hank a.
Anarchist or Patriot.
The man who wants the people to des
troy the government is an anarchist, but
the man who wants the government to
destroy the people is a patriot. Wm. J.
Eight Stories.
To be published during the next eight
weeks. These stories are unsurpassed.
There are tales of love and adventure in
all lands, from far off Australia to the
Canadian northwest, romances from the
sunny south and merry England, humor
and pathos, patriotism and piety, love.
jealousy and revenge. Subscribe at once
and get all of tbem. Send ten cents (no
commission allowed) for campaign sub
scription, wnicn will cover all of the
eight stories. Here is the list: "A
Matter of Predestination, Martha Mc-
Culloch Williams; "In Queensland Wilds,"
rercy Kussell; "The Withering of a Hose,
Marie Corelli; "Love and Peril," the Mar
quis of Lome; "A Ghastly Predicament,"
W. IS. ISorria; "Told in Confidence," Celia
Eliza Shute; "Too Ridiculous," S. Baring
Gould; "Some Sinners," Anonymous.
Address your order to
, Independent Publishing Co.,
Lincoln, Neb.
In clubs of ten or more campaign
subscriptions 10c each. No com
mission allowed.
Yon end Tour Grandfather
Consumers Purchasing agency, will buy
anything you want at cheapest possible
price. D. Clem Deaves,
Room 9 Granite blk., Omaha, Neb.
Qi Qi Q i fli fl ff"tli '(! ' 0 ' fT""H fj ' B i )
(When in Lincoln!
T? Be sure to get your meal at f
H 194 CT. XOtlx St.
Xf The largest and best at reasonable price' f
ca Open all night. Heal at all honrs. 1 1
Are removed from each other by a span
of many; years. He traveled in a slow
going stage-coach while you take the
lightsing express or the electric car.
When he was sick he was treated by old
fanuioned methods and given old fash
ioned medicines, but you demand modern
ideas in medicine as well as everything
else. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the medi
cine of today. It is prepared by modern
methods and to its preparation are
brought the skill and knowledge of mod
ern science. , Hood's Sarsaparilla acts
promptly upon the blood and by mak
ing pure rich blood it cures disease and
establishes good health.
steel jrateAjteel posts and rail, also Field and
Hog Fence Wire, single and double farmgates.
For further information, write to the
UNION FENCE CO.. De Kalb, 111.
por Aissiy axd vro:viJ33V.
020.00 Electric Celt:
FOB CKLY $6.66.'
The Best
on Earth.
Free nior cgnni&CE
CaUiofnt). vat tjju oat ud mm wnnjpoo? unw .
ad addrtOT, an4 wt will nU yoa FREK our nw
100 diffwtot vtylea from i.74. CutIsykhmqIcmi 10
iltTiFrMlrtai. Buy direct ted dtaJcrr profit.
Wanted-An Idea
Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth.
Write JOHN WBDDERBURN ft CO., Patent Attor
ney. Washington, D. C, for their l,8uu prise otter
and list of two hundred invention wanted.
Who can think
of some simple
thing to patent?
Manhood Restored, small, weak
organ enlarged. NiKbt emission,
exhausted vitality, nervous and
physical disability, and eflecuof
eu-aause qulotiy and permanen
tly cured, i win ena (sealed)
free the recipe of this simple
remedy, which cured me after
I everything else bad failed,
and will cure you. Address.
i C. OLDS, Box 1471 Kalamaioo. Mica.
The beat on Earth. Horsefclfh,
Bull strong, Fig and Chidkea
tight. You can make from 40
to OO rod. par day for frent
14 to 22c. a Rod.
lllii'titted Catalogue Free.
Ridgevhle, Indiana.
Send year mum fer Souvenir
i Um Works of Bugeas Field,
Cbt Cnscnc Tkl.iaoMB(M SonveRlr
The most beautiful Art Production of the cen
tury. "A small Bunch of tb at fraf rant ef bio.
obi latncrta iron in orosa acres ei sugsm new
ram of uv." contains a selection oi me most
beautiful of the poems of Eugene Field. Hand
somely illustrated by thirty-five of the world's
greatest artists as their contribution to the Mon
ument Fund. Bat for the oobl coatrlbotloB. of th
great artlat this book could not have ba maoofsc
turad for f7.oo. For sale at book stores, or sent
prepaid on receipt of $ The love offering to
the Child's Poet Laureate, published by the Com
mittee to create a fund to build the Monument
and to care for the family of the beloved poet.
Eugene Field Monument souvenir Fund,
ifto Honrs Stmt, Chiog. Ilk
Electric .
Warranted to CUKE
without Sledicinos
the following- Ila
ease! Rheumatism,
Spinal Diseases.
Torpid Liver.
Throat Troubles.
Kidney Complaints
Nervous Debility,
Cold Extremities,
Female Complaints
Pains In the Back
and Limbs,
And all Weakness
es of Ment Women
To quickly introduce and obtain agents in as many new localities as
possible for Dr. Home's New Improved Electric Jielts and Appliances, we
have decided to sell for a period of 00 days onlv our No. 4 Dr. Home's New
Improved Regular 20.00 Electric Belt for only '$t',.W, a price that will make
it possible for every person reading this advertisement to get one of our
best Belts at a nominal price. Never In the history of our business have
we offered to sell this Belt at such a price, but we realize that times are
hard .and we cope with them. Aside from this we want an agentin
your locality, and we believe that if you buy a belt you will be so well
pleased with it that you will either act as our agent or help us to get one.
KEMEMBEit, the Belt we are offering you for only 8o.(iiJ is our No. 4
Dr. Home's New Improved llegular 20.00 Combination Belt for men or
women. It is adjustable andean be wonr by the whole family. Suspen
sory Free with every Belt. It is the best belt we manufacture; in fact, the
BEST ON EARTH, and we make no exception to this statement. It will
last for years with proper care. We have sold hundreds, yes, thousands of
them up to 10.00." No better belts than this have been sold from $(30.00
to & 100.00. There is not a family but what should have one of these belts,
as it is the best and cheapest doctor, and you do not have to go out of the
house to get it. It will save itself in doctor bills ten times over. These
Electric Belts have cured thousands and will cure you if you will only give
it a trial, as the many testimonials which we publish in our catalogue will
prove. '
We do not ask you to send any money In advance. If you want
one of these Belts we are perfectly willing to 6end it to your nearest "ex
press office, C. O. D.. subject to examination, so that von can see and ex
amine it free of any cost, just the same as if you came into our oftice or
go into any store, and if you are perfectly satisfied with it pay the express
agent the price of the belt and express charges and take it; otherwise it
will be returned to us. Can any fairer offer be made you than this ? We
are the only manufacturers of Electric Belts who send helts 0. O. T). snh-
ject to examination, without asking one cent in advance. If you wish to
send cash with order we will prepay all express charges and guarantee
to ue exacuy as represented or torleit 1UO.0O. : :
We have now offered you an opportunity of your life and if you do not accept it you may be sorry for it, as
we shall never again offer this Belt at such a price. It seems needless to say that we are sustaining a loss on
every Belt we sell at the above price, but it is cheaper to introduce them in new localities in this way than to send
traveling men to do it for us. If you want one of these Belts fill out the blank order below and send it to us at
once. Don t delay. Order to-day if possible, otherwise you may forget it Address plainly,
PR. HORNE ELECTRIC BELT AND TRUSS CO., Dept W 6, 113-114 Dearborn St., Ch,cago,IIls,U.S.A.
Read what the Edi
' tor of this
'The Dr. Home Elec
tric Belt and Truss Co.,
w ho are making such
a liberal otter to the
readers of our paper Is
by no means a new
concern; ,whilo they
may be unknown to
most of our readers,
they are an old reliable
house.havine manufac
tured EleetricBeltsand
Appliances for 20yrs.
You will see upon read
ing the advertisement
that they are offering
for a limited time a $20
lielt for the small sum
of'$ti.(X, for theimnose
of introducing them in
to new localities. Any
of our readers wishing
an Electric licltcannot
do better than to order
from this concern. The
proposition they make
is honest in every sense
of the word, as any of
our readers can, 11 they
wish have the goods
ent to their nearestex
press thatthey
may see and examine
them before paying for
same. They do this
wi thoutasking one cent
in advance, which is
evidence that they
have every confidence
In their goods."
is good for
If sent with the at
tached order for a $20.00
Belt bv any reader of the
Nebrabka independent
not later than 60 days
from date of this paper.
DB. HOBIOS EuccTKIfJ BLT ak Tbttkb fin f!hlcamv Tlla.
Dear Sirs; I enclose $6.jR, which together with the $13.31 'coupon attached,
pays lor one of your No. 4 Dr. Home's New Improved Begular $20.00 Electric Belts,
which you will please send me by express, all express charges prepaid.
. NOTE : If yon wish we will send the Belt C. O. D. subject to examination, In
which case you will have to pay the express charges on Belt and returning money
in addition. If you wish It Bent this way we will understand the order to mean it
when sent without money.
Name .'
TownorCity ." State......
Nearest Express Office
My Waist Measure is Inches
How to Send
' "When possible to do
so, please remit by Ex
press Money Order,
which can be obtained at
any office of the express
If you prefer you can
remit by Postoffice Mon
ey Order, Registered Let
ter or Bank Draf t.Checks
not accepted unless certified.
P. 8. If von have no use for an Electrlo Belt Dlease hand or mail this RdveHiRnmnnt In snmn nna thnfr vnn v nKt , j , ...
krinlmrthiB vrai will fnvnr thnm find us. W want a o-nnn ai'antln rnrv limalltv tn nhnn, mo ran atourlir tt..i..' . Y"J.i5rUUBH.IUJ: '
rusedbSltJand cinsuSS their merite from MronareiDertSnce: 0uv Bmp.oy mose wno nave
tuLrtKisixjisM: as k our renamiiiy we reier to American juipress uo., unicago, ana tne many thousands all over the United States who ha
Furnas County
Poland China and
" ii nm win s tff
Berkshire Hogs, Holstein Cattle, at Half Price!
Two Berkshire Boars and three Sows bred. Fall piss of both breeda, Three
yearling Holstein balls and two heifers. One two-year old heifer bred. Orders
booked for Spring pigs. Produce of 20 top sows and 4 first class boars. All
stock guaranteed as'represented. H. 8. WILLIAMSON,
Mention Nebraska. Independent 4l-52t Ueaver uty, Neb.
Send to Lewis E. Walker, Benkelman,
Neb., 25 cents for the newest and catch
iest song, just out, entitled "That cute
little black-eyed baby." It will drive
away that tired feeling.
Do Ton Want to Sare Hooey and
Then take the new flier leaving Lincoln
daily at 3:20 p. ni. via the Missouri Pa
cific when yon go east. Several hours
saved to St. Louis, Washington, Cincin
nati, New York and all eastern points
and southern. Close connections made
with all lines in New St Louis Union Sta
tion, the most costly and magnificent
depot in the world. For further infor
mation call at city ticket office 120 0
street. F. D. Cornell,
C. P.&T. A.
19 Years Experience
Just think of the wealth of wisdom and experience,
'accumulated during 19 years of building good
bicycles, that comes to you for the $100 you pay for
The buyer of a Columbia has no uncertainty. He knows its
quality and workmanship are right the Columbia scientific
method's make them so h ?
BesutUol Art Catalogue of Columbia and Hartford Bicycles is free If you call upon any
Columbia agent ; by mail from us for two 2-cent stamps.
' POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn.
Branch Stores and Agencies in almost every city and town. If Columbias are not
properly represented in your vicinity, let us know.
MM & DUCHIM). Agts.
If yon want a good suit of clothes at a rery low pries, seed to os for our en
plete Ckart of flgnres 'or measurements, (so simple a child can take a correct met
nre,) and onr handsome illustrations, and description of suits, each accompanied
by samples of goods. Our clothes are equal in style and finish to best custom
made. We send all of the above by mail free, and if yon order a suit and it is not
exactly liks sample, and yon are not satisfied, you will be oat nothing, for we will
pay expressage both ways. Please mention Nebraska Indepeitdent when yos,
wnie, ior n is our reierenee. JiiOPUfiS' SUPFIix CO.
eow Suite 11 Adams Express Bide. Chicago. Ilia.
S. LICHTT, President,
Falls City, Neb.
I. N. LEONARD, tice- President v
Lincoln, Neb.
,f,.s! a, i , ; t ; v -.'
. . '-Or ,.
fhe Nebraska Mutual, Fire and Cyclone Ins. Co.
Is four years old. Has nearly a million at risk. Has sus
tained nearly $i, ooo in losses. Insurance has cost the
x Members only 14.50 for $i,ooo. Who can afford to lay
awake 'worrying when i.i2j4 has been the cost for
carrying I1.000 for one year against a Nebraska blizzard.
Remember our fees are but $3.00 for $1,000 and 10c for
each additional $100. ' '
Agents Wanted.
Lincoln, Neb.
Second Floor Burr Block. '
Testa oa Bsbser. Platlaaa, Ootd, Alamlaaia. aad tsretlala Plates,
sad Crown Work. Oold, Poroslala, aad Amalcasi Fill lags.
sad Poroslala ys
Ground Rock Salt for Stock ROCK SALT
Hides, Pickles, Meats, Ice Cream,
lee Making, Fertilizing, dec., &c.
Western Rock Salt Co., SL Louis, Mo.
Sols Agents for Lyons Bock Bait Co., and Royal Salt Co. apr23-13t
Hints and Works
Lyoas an! EaoopoUs, Eaa,